<template> <div class="page-data"> <!--搜素框--> <div class="page-filter"> <page-filter :query.sync="projectFilterInfo.query" :filter-list="projectFilterInfo.list" @handleClick="handleClick" /> </div> <div class="page-content"> <!--表格--> <div class="h-100"> <page-table tabIndex pagination :api-url="projectTableInfo.url" :refresh="projectTableInfo.refresh" :data.sync="projectTableInfo.data" :query="projectFilterInfo.query" :page-query="projectTableInfo.pageQuery" :list-type-info="listTypeInfo" :init-curpage="projectTableInfo.initCurpage" :field-list="projectTableInfo.fieldList" :handle="projectTableInfo.handle" @handleClick="handleClick" > <template v-slot:col-status="scope"> <el-button type="text" size="small" :class="[scope.row.status === 1 ? '' : 'red']" > {{ scope.row.status === 1 ? "管理中" : "未管理" }} </el-button> </template> </page-table> </div> </div> <!--弹窗--> <el-dialog class="page-data-dialog" :width="dialogInfo.width" append-to-body :title="dialogInfo.title[dialogInfo.type]" :visible.sync="dialogInfo.visible" :before-close="handleClose" > <!--项目关联站点--> <template v-if="dialogInfo.type === 'relate'"> <div class="page-filter"> <el-form :inline="true" :model="siteQuery" ref="siteQuery" size="medium" > <el-form-item label=""> <el-input v-model="siteQuery.searchStr" placeholder="请输入站点编号/名称" ></el-input> </el-form-item> <el-form-item> <el-button type="primary" icon="el-icon-search" size="medium" @click="handleClick('siteSearch')" >查询</el-button > </el-form-item> </el-form> </div> <div class="page-content"> <el-row :gutter="20" class="h-100"> <el-col :span="10" class="h-100 flex flex-d"> <div class="table-title">未关联站点列表</div> <page-table class="flex-1" checkBox pagination type="unRelate" :api-url="siteTableInfo.url" :refresh="siteTableInfo.refresh" :data.sync="UnRelateSiteTableInfo.data" :query="UnRelateSiteTableInfo.query" :init-curpage="siteTableInfo.initCurpage" :field-list="siteTableInfo.fieldList" @handleClick="handleClick" @handleEvent="handleEvent" /> </el-col> <el-col :span="4" class="h-100"> <div class="btn-group"> <el-button type="primary" size="small" icon="el-icon-d-arrow-right" :disabled="isCanInsertSite" @click="handleClick('insert')" >添加</el-button > <el-button type="primary" size="small" icon="el-icon-d-arrow-left" :disabled="isCanRemoveSite" @click="handleClick('remove')" >移除</el-button > </div> </el-col> <el-col :span="10" class="h-100 flex flex-d"> <div class="table-title">已关联站点列表</div> <page-table class="flex-1" checkBox pagination type="isRelate" :api-url="siteTableInfo.url" :refresh="siteTableInfo.refresh" :data.sync="RelatedSiteTableInfo.data" :query="RelatedSiteTableInfo.query" :init-curpage="siteTableInfo.initCurpage" :field-list="siteTableInfo.fieldList" @handleClick="handleClick" @handleEvent="handleEvent" /> </el-col> </el-row> </div> </template> <!--修改/添加项目--> <template v-if="dialogInfo.type === 'update' || dialogInfo.type === 'create'" > <div class="page-form"> <page-form :ref-obj.sync="projectFormInfo.ref" :data="projectFormInfo.data" :field-list="projectFormInfo.fieldList" :rules="projectFormInfo.rules" :list-type-info="listTypeInfo" :limit-time="projectFormInfo.limitTime" :label-width="projectFormInfo.labelWidth" :need-clear-nodes="projectFormInfo.needClearNodes" :cascader-options="projectFormInfo.cascaderOptions" @currentAreaJwd="currentAreaJwd" @handleClick="handleClick" /> </div> </template> <!--分配权限--> <template v-if="dialogInfo.type === 'permission'"> <div class="page-filter"> <page-filter :query.sync="permissionFilterInfo.query" :filter-list="permissionFilterInfo.list" @handleClick="handleClick" /> </div> <div class="page-content"> <page-table tabIndex pagination :api-url="permissionTableInfo.url" :refresh="permissionTableInfo.refresh" :data.sync="permissionTableInfo.data" :query="permissionFilterInfo.query" :init-curpage="permissionTableInfo.initCurpage" :field-list="permissionTableInfo.fieldList" :handle="permissionTableInfo.handle" @handleClick="handleClick" @handleEvent="handleEvent" /> </div> </template> <div class="dialot-footer" slot="footer"> <template v-if=" dialogInfo.type !== 'relate' && dialogInfo.type !== 'permission' " > <el-button type="primary" size="small" @click="handleClick('submit')" :loading="btnLoading" >保存</el-button > </template> <el-button size="small" @click="handleClick('close')">关闭</el-button> </div> </el-dialog> <el-dialog class="userDialog" append-to-body :width="userDialogInfo.width" :title="userDialogInfo.title[userDialogInfo.type]" :visible.sync="userDialogInfo.visible" :before-close="handleUserClose" > <!--添加用户--> <template v-if="userDialogInfo.type === 'addUser'"> <div class="page-form"> <page-form :ref-obj.sync="userFormInfo.ref" size="medium" :data="userFormInfo.data" :field-list="userFormInfo.fieldList" :rules="userFormInfo.rules" :list-type-info="listTypeInfo" @handleClick="handleClick" /> </div> </template> <!--添加用户组--> <template v-else-if="userDialogInfo.type === 'addGroup'"> <div class="page-form"> <page-form :ref-obj.sync="groupFormInfo.ref" :data="groupFormInfo.data" :field-list="groupFormInfo.fieldList" :rules="groupFormInfo.rules" @handleClick="handleClick" /> </div> </template> <!--查看用户--> <template v-else> <!-- <div class="h-100"> <page-table tabIndex pagination :api-url="groupUserTableInfo.url" :refresh="groupUserTableInfo.refresh" :data.sync="groupUserTableInfo.data" :query="groupUserFilterInfo.query" :init-curpage="groupUserTableInfo.initCurpage" :field-list="groupUserTableInfo.fieldList" :handle="groupUserTableInfo.handle" @handleClick="handleClick" @handleEvent="handleEvent" /> </div> --> <div class="page-filter"> <el-form :inline="true" :model="userQuery" ref="userQuery" size="medium" > <el-form-item label=""> <el-input v-model="userQuery.searchStr" placeholder="请输入用户名" ></el-input> </el-form-item> <el-form-item> <el-button type="primary" icon="el-icon-search" size="medium" @click="handleClick('userSearch')" >查询</el-button > </el-form-item> </el-form> </div> <div class="page-content"> <el-row :gutter="20" class="h-100"> <el-col :span="10" class="h-100 flex flex-d"> <div class="table-title">未关联用户列表</div> <page-table class="flex-1" checkBox pagination type="unUserRelate" :api-url="userTableInfo.url" :refresh="userTableInfo.refresh" :data.sync="UnRelateUserTableInfo.data" :query="UnRelateUserTableInfo.query" :init-curpage="userTableInfo.initCurpage" :field-list="userTableInfo.fieldList" @handleClick="handleClick" @handleEvent="handleEvent" /> </el-col> <el-col :span="4" class="h-100"> <div class="btn-group"> <el-button type="primary" size="small" icon="el-icon-d-arrow-right" :disabled="isCanInsertUser" @click="handleClick('insertUser')" >添加</el-button > <el-button type="primary" size="small" icon="el-icon-d-arrow-left" :disabled="isCanRemoveUser" @click="handleClick('removeUser')" >移除</el-button > </div> </el-col> <el-col :span="10" class="h-100 flex flex-d"> <div class="table-title">已关联用户列表</div> <page-table class="flex-1" checkBox pagination type="isUserRelate" :api-url="userTableInfo.url" :refresh="userTableInfo.refresh" :data.sync="RelatedUserTableInfo.data" :query="RelatedUserTableInfo.query" :init-curpage="userTableInfo.initCurpage" :field-list="userTableInfo.fieldList" @handleClick="handleClick" @handleEvent="handleEvent" /> </el-col> </el-row> </div> </template> <div slot="footer"> <el-button size="small" type="primary" v-if="userDialogInfo.type !== 'detail'" @click="handleClick('save')" :loading="btnLoading" >提交</el-button > <el-button size="small" @click="handleClick('closeUserDialog')" >关闭</el-button > </div> </el-dialog> </div> </template> <script> import { mapGetters } from "vuex"; import { message } from "./../../util/item"; export default { data() { // 验证电话 let checkPhone = (rule, value, callback) => { let check = this.$validate({ label: "手机号", value, rules: ["phone"] }); if (!check.result) { callback(new Error(check.message)); } else { callback(); } }; return { //项目搜索相关 projectFilterInfo: { query: { searchStr: "", startDate: "", endDate: "" }, list: [ { type: "input", label: "项目名称/编号", value: "searchStr", hideLabel: true }, { type: "date", label: "开始时间", value: "startDate", dateType: "date", datePickerOptions: "pickerOptionsStart", hideLabel: true }, { type: "date", label: "结束时间", value: "endDate", dateType: "date", datePickerOptions: "pickerOptionsEnd", hideLabel: true }, { type: "button", label: "查询", btType: "primary", icon: "el-icon-search", event: "searchProject", show: true }, { type: "button", label: "添加项目", btType: "primary", icon: "el-icon-circle-plus-outline", event: "create", show: true, has: "m11-1-4" } ] }, //项目表格相关 projectTableInfo: { url: this.nozzle.sysPlatformList, //接口地址 refresh: 1, initCurpage: 1, data: [], fieldList: [ { label: "项目编号", value: "platformCode", width: 100 }, { label: "项目名称", value: "name", minWidth: 150, tooltip: true }, { label: "项目添加时间", value: "createTime", minWidth: 150, tooltip: true }, { label: "项目上线时间", value: "onlineTime", minWidth: 150, tooltip: true }, { label: "操作人", value: "realName", width: 120 }, { label: "状态", value: "status", width: 100, type: "slot" }, { label: "项目类型", value: "sysGroup", minWidth: 100, tooltip: true, list: "xmlxList" } ], handle: { fixed: "right", label: "操作", width: "240", btList: [ { label: "分配权限", size: "small", type: "text", event: "permission", show: true, has: "m11-1-1" }, { label: "关联站点", size: "small", type: "text", event: "relate", show: true, has: "m11-1-2" }, { label: "修改", size: "small", type: "text", event: "update", show: true, has: "m11-1-3" }, { label: "删除", size: "small", type: "text", event: "delete", show: true, has: "m11-1-5" } ] } }, //分配权限表格相关 permissionTableInfo: { url: this.nozzle.userGroupList, //接口地址 refresh: 1, initCurpage: 1, data: [], fieldList: [ { label: "分组名称", value: "groupName", minWidth: 120, tooltip: true }, { label: "分组描述", value: "description", minWidth: 120, tooltip: true } ], handle: { fixed: "right", label: "操作", width: "240", btList: [ { label: "添加用户", size: "small", type: "text", event: "addUser", show: true }, { label: "关联用户", size: "small", type: "text", event: "detail", show: true }, { label: "删除用户组", size: "small", type: "text", event: "delGroup", show: true } ] } }, //分配权限过滤相关 permissionFilterInfo: { query: { searchStr: "", platformCode: "" }, list: [ { type: "input", label: "分组名称", value: "searchStr", hideLabel: true }, { type: "button", label: "查询", btType: "primary", icon: "el-icon-search", event: "searchPermission", show: true }, { type: "button", label: "添加用户组", btType: "primary", icon: "el-icon-plus", event: "addGroup", show: true } ] }, //需要进行绑定操作的项目ID needHandleProjectId: "", //按钮loading btnLoading: false, //弹窗相关 dialogInfo: { title: { update: "编辑项目", create: "添加项目" }, type: "", visible: false, width: "80%" }, //列表相关 listTypeInfo: { xmlxList: [ { key: "合同项目", value: "0" }, { key: "临测项目", value: "1" } ], groupList: [], deptTree: [], userType: [ { key: "普通用户", value: 0 }, { key: "超级管理员", value: 1 } ], statusList: [{ key: "未管理", value: 0 }, { key: "管理中", value: 1 }], roleList: [] }, //用户弹窗相关 userDialogInfo: { title: { addUser: "添加用户", addGroup: "添加用户组", detail: "" }, width: "80%", type: "", visible: false }, //用户表单相关 userFormInfo: { ref: null, data: { id: undefined, login: "", realName: "", userType: 0, orgId: undefined, groupId: undefined, groupName: "", roleId: undefined, mobile: "", roleType: 0 }, fieldList: [ { label: "用户名", value: "login", type: "input", required: true }, { label: "姓名", value: "realName", type: "input", required: true }, { label: "手机号", value: "mobile", type: "input", required: true, validator: checkPhone }, { label: "用户类型", value: "userType", type: "select", list: "userType", disabled: true }, { label: "所属部门", value: "orgId", type: "treeselect", list: "deptTree", required: true }, { label: "所属分组", value: "groupName", type: "input", disabled: true }, { label: "所属角色", value: "roleId", type: "select", list: "roleList", required: true } ], rules: {}, treeOptions: [] }, //用户组表单相关 groupFormInfo: { ref: null, data: { id: undefined, groupName: "", description: "" }, fieldList: [ { label: "用户组名称", value: "groupName", type: "input", required: true }, { label: "用户组描述", value: "description", type: "textarea", limit: true } ], rules: {} }, //用户组下用户过滤相关 // groupUserFilterInfo: { // query: { // id: undefined // }, // }, //用户组下用户表格相关 // groupUserTableInfo: { // url: this.nozzle.userGroupUserList, //接口地址 // refresh: 1, // initCurpage: 1, // data: [], // fieldList: [ // { label: "用户名", value: "login", minWidth: 120, tooltip: true }, // { label: "姓名", value: "realName", minWidth: 100, tooltip: true }, // { label: "电话", value: "mobile", minWidth: 120, tooltip: true }, // ], // handle: { // fixed: "right", // label: "操作", // width: "80", // btList: [ // { label: "删除", size: "small", type: "text", event: "delUser", show: true } // ] // } // }, //用户表格通用相关 userTableInfo: { url: this.nozzle.userGroupUserList, //接口地址 refresh: 1, initCurpage: 1, fieldList: [ { label: "用户名", value: "login", minWidth: 120, tooltip: true }, { label: "姓名", value: "realName", minWidth: 100, tooltip: true }, { label: "电话", value: "mobile", minWidth: 120, tooltip: true } ] }, //已关联用户表格相关 RelatedUserTableInfo: { data: [], query: { sign: "" }, selectList: [] }, //未关联用户表格相关 UnRelateUserTableInfo: { data: [], query: { sign: "unbound" }, selectList: [] }, //用户表格搜索相关 userQuery: { searchStr: "", groupId: "" }, //站点表格通用相关 siteTableInfo: { url: this.nozzle.sysStationBaseList, //接口地址 refresh: 1, initCurpage: 1, fieldList: [ { label: "站点编号", value: "stCode", minWidth: 150, tooltip: true }, { label: "站点名称", value: "stName", minWidth: 150, tooltip: true } ] }, //已关联站点表格相关 RelatedSiteTableInfo: { data: [], query: { sign: "" }, selectList: [] }, //未关联站点表格相关 UnRelateSiteTableInfo: { data: [], query: { sign: "unbound" }, selectList: [] }, //站点过滤相关 siteQuery: { searchStr: "", platformCode: "" }, //项目表单相关 projectFormInfo: { ref: null, data: { id: undefined, name: "", sysGroup: "", operator: "", realName: "", area: "", platformCode: "", status: undefined, startTime: "", endTime: "", onlineTime: "" }, fieldList: [ { label: "项目名称", value: "name", type: "input", required: true }, { label: "项目类型", value: "sysGroup", type: "select", list: "xmlxList", required: true }, { label: "临测开始时间", value: "startTime", type: "date", dateType: "date", datePickerOptions: "pickerOptionsStart", required: true, show: false }, { label: "临测结束时间", value: "endTime", type: "date", dateType: "date", datePickerOptions: "pickerOptionsEnd", required: true, show: false }, { label: "上线时间", value: "onlineTime", type: "date", dateType: "date", required: true }, { label: "项目编号", value: "platformCode", type: "input", disabled: true }, { label: "项目状态", value: "status", type: "select", list: "statusList", required: true }, { label: "用户名称", value: "realName", type: "input", disabled: true }, { label: "所属区域", value: "area", type: "cascader", required: true } ], rules: {}, labelWidth: "110px", cascaderOptions: [], //区域级联数据源 needClearNodes: false, //是否清除级联上次数据高亮 limitTime: true //是否开启选择时间区段限制 }, //保存当前选中城市信息以便获取经纬度 currentCity: {} }; }, watch: { "dialogInfo.visible"(val) { if (!val) { this.permissionTableInfo.data = []; this.RelatedSiteTableInfo.data = []; this.UnRelateSiteTableInfo.data = []; this.siteQuery = { searchStr: "" }; if (this.projectFormInfo.ref) { this.projectFormInfo.ref.resetFields(); this.projectFormInfo.ref.clearValidate(); } const type = this.dialogInfo.type; this.projectFormInfo.needClearNodes = true; this.resetForm(type); } }, "dialogInfo.type"(val) { const projectFormInfo = this.projectFormInfo; switch (val) { case "update": for (let item of projectFormInfo.fieldList) { if (item.value === "platformCode") { item.show = true; } } this.dialogInfo.width = "500px"; break; case "create": for (let item of projectFormInfo.fieldList) { if (item.value === "platformCode") { item.show = false; } } this.dialogInfo.width = "500px"; break; default: this.dialogInfo.width = "60%"; break; } }, "userDialogInfo.visible"(val) { if (!val) { if (this.groupFormInfo.ref) { this.groupFormInfo.ref.resetFields(); } if (this.userFormInfo.ref) { this.userFormInfo.ref.resetFields(); } this.RelatedUserTableInfo.data = []; this.UnRelateUserTableInfo.data = []; this.userQuery = { searchStr: "" }; const type = this.userDialogInfo.type; this.resetForm(type); } }, "userDialogInfo.type"(val) { if (val === "addUser" || val === "addGroup") { this.userDialogInfo.width = "500px"; } else { this.userDialogInfo.width = "80%"; } }, "siteQuery.searchStr"(val) { Object.assign(this.RelatedSiteTableInfo.query, this.siteQuery); Object.assign(this.UnRelateSiteTableInfo.query, this.siteQuery); }, "userQuery.searchStr"(val) { Object.assign(this.RelatedUserTableInfo.query, this.userQuery); Object.assign(this.UnRelateUserTableInfo.query, this.userQuery); }, "projectFormInfo.data.sysGroup"(val) { if (val) { if (val === "1") { //临测项目 for (let item of this.projectFormInfo.fieldList) { if (item.value === "endTime" || item.value === "startTime") { item.show = true; } } } else { //合同项目 for (let item of this.projectFormInfo.fieldList) { if (item.value === "endTime" || item.value === "startTime") { item.show = false; } } } this.projectFormInfo.rules = this.$initRules( this.projectFormInfo.fieldList ); setTimeout(() => { this.projectFormInfo.ref.clearValidate(); }, 0); } else { this.resetForm(this.dialogInfo.type); if (this.projectFormInfo.ref) { this.projectFormInfo.ref.resetFields(); } for (let item of this.projectFormInfo.fieldList) { if (item.value === "endTime" || item.value === "startTime") { item.show = false; } } } } }, computed: { //移除按钮是否可点击 isCanRemoveSite() { return this.RelatedSiteTableInfo.selectList.length ? false : true; }, //添加按钮是否可点击 isCanInsertSite() { return this.UnRelateSiteTableInfo.selectList.length ? false : true; }, //移除按钮是否可点击 isCanRemoveUser() { return this.RelatedUserTableInfo.selectList.length ? false : true; }, //添加按钮是否可点击 isCanInsertUser() { return this.UnRelateUserTableInfo.selectList.length ? false : true; }, ...mapGetters(["allDept", "allRole", "allCity"]) }, mounted() { this.initRules(); this.projectTableInfo.refresh = Math.random(); this.initRoles(); }, methods: { // 初始化验证 initRules() { const userFormInfo = this.userFormInfo; const groupFormInfo = this.groupFormInfo; const projectFormInfo = this.projectFormInfo; userFormInfo.rules = this.$initRules(userFormInfo.fieldList); groupFormInfo.rules = this.$initRules(groupFormInfo.fieldList); projectFormInfo.rules = this.$initRules(projectFormInfo.fieldList); }, // 初始化角色 initRoles() { this.$http .post(this.nozzle.roleGetRoles, { current: 0, size: 0, data: { searchStr: "", type: 0 } }) .then(res => { if (res.data.code === 1) { this.listTypeInfo.roleList = res.data.data.map(item => { return { key: item.roleName, value: item.roleId }; }); } }); }, //点击事件 handleClick(event, data) { switch (event) { //项目搜索 case "searchProject": this.projectTableInfo.initCurpage = Math.random(); this.projectTableInfo.refresh = Math.random(); break; //项目添加按钮 case "create": this.dialogInfo.type = event; this.dialogInfo.visible = true; this.projectFormInfo.needClearNodes = false; this.projectFormInfo.cascaderOptions = this.removeEmptyChild( this.allCity ); this.projectFormInfo.data["operator"] = this.$fn.getLocalStore( "USERNO" ); this.projectFormInfo.data["realName"] = this.$fn.getLocalStore( "USERName" ); break; //编辑项目按钮 case "update": this.dialogInfo.type = event; this.dialogInfo.visible = true; this.projectFormInfo.needClearNodes = false; this.projectFormInfo.cascaderOptions = this.removeEmptyChild( this.allCity ); for (let key in data) { if (key in this.projectFormInfo.data) { this.projectFormInfo.data[key] = data[key]; this.projectFormInfo.rules = this.$initRules( this.projectFormInfo.fieldList ); } } setTimeout(() => { this.initRules(); }, 0); break; //提交数据 case "submit": let submitType = this.dialogInfo.type; let submitApi, submitParams; const { lat, lon } = this.currentCity; this.projectFormInfo.data.longitude = lon; this.projectFormInfo.data.latitude = lat; if (submitType === "update" || submitType === "create") { this.projectFormInfo.rules = this.$initRules( this.projectFormInfo.fieldList ); this.projectFormInfo.ref.validate(valid => { if (valid) { this.btnLoading = true; submitApi = this.nozzle.sysPlatformAddOrUpdate; submitParams = { data: this.projectFormInfo.data }; this.handleAjax(submitApi, submitParams); } else { return false; } }); } break; //项目删除按钮 case "delete": this.$confirm("此操作将永久删除该数据, 是否继续?", "提示", { confirmButtonText: "确定", cancelButtonText: "取消", type: "warning" }) .then(res => { this.$http .post(this.nozzle.sysPlatformDelete, { data: { platformCode: data.platformCode } }) .then(res => { if (res.data.code === 1 || res.data.code === 200) { this.projectTableInfo.refresh = Math.random(); this.projectTableInfo.initCurpage = Math.random(); } this.$message({ message: res.data.msg, type: res.data.code === 1 ? "success" : "error", showClose: true }); }) .catch(e => { message(e); }); }) .catch(() => {}); break; //项目关联站点按钮 case "relate": this.dialogInfo.type = event; this.siteQuery.platformCode = data.platformCode; this.dialogInfo.visible = true; setTimeout(() => { Object.assign(this.RelatedSiteTableInfo.query, this.siteQuery); Object.assign(this.UnRelateSiteTableInfo.query, this.siteQuery); this.siteTableInfo.refresh = Math.random(); }, 0); break; //分配权限按钮 case "permission": this.dialogInfo.visible = true; this.dialogInfo.type = event; this.listTypeInfo.deptTree = this.allDept; this.needHandleProjectId = data.platformCode; this.permissionFilterInfo.query.platformCode = data.platformCode; setTimeout(() => { this.permissionTableInfo.refresh = Math.random(); }, 0); break; //站点搜索 case "siteSearch": this.siteTableInfo.initCurpage = Math.random(); this.siteTableInfo.refresh = Math.random(); break; //分配权限搜索 case "searchPermission": this.permissionTableInfo.initCurpage = Math.random(); this.permissionTableInfo.refresh = Math.random(); break; //添加用户按钮 case "addUser": this.userDialogInfo.type = event; this.userFormInfo.data["groupName"] = data.groupName; this.userFormInfo.data["groupId"] = data.id; this.userDialogInfo.visible = true; break; //添加用户组按钮 case "addGroup": this.userDialogInfo.type = event; this.userDialogInfo.visible = true; break; //查看用户按钮 case "detail": this.userDialogInfo.type = event; this.userDialogInfo.visible = true; this.userQuery.groupId = data.id; setTimeout(() => { Object.assign(this.RelatedUserTableInfo.query, this.userQuery); Object.assign(this.UnRelateUserTableInfo.query, this.userQuery); this.userTableInfo.refresh = Math.random(); }, 0); break; //用户搜索 case "userSearch": this.userTableInfo.initCurpage = Math.random(); this.userTableInfo.refresh = Math.random(); break; //绑定用户到用户组 case "insertUser": const userIdInsertArr = this.UnRelateUserTableInfo.selectList.map( item => item.id ); const insertUserData = { groupId: this.UnRelateUserTableInfo.query.groupId, userIds: userIdInsertArr }; this.$http .post(this.nozzle.bindUserToGroup, { data: insertUserData }) .then(res => { if (res.data.code === 1) { this.userQuery.searchStr = ""; this.userTableInfo.refresh = Math.random(); this.userTableInfo.initCurpage = Math.random(); } this.$message({ message: res.data.msg, type: res.data.code === 1 ? "success" : "error", showClose: true }); }); break; //从用户组中解绑用户 case "removeUser": const userIdRemoveArr = this.RelatedUserTableInfo.selectList.map( item => item.id ); const removeUserData = { groupId: this.RelatedUserTableInfo.query.groupId, userIds: userIdRemoveArr }; this.$http .post(this.nozzle.removeUserFromGroup, { data: removeUserData }) .then(res => { if (res.data.code === 1) { this.userQuery.searchStr = ""; this.userTableInfo.refresh = Math.random(); this.userTableInfo.initCurpage = Math.random(); } this.$message({ message: res.data.msg, type: res.data.code === 1 ? "success" : "error", showClose: true }); }); break; //删除用户组按钮 case "delGroup": this.$confirm("此操作将永久删除该数据, 是否继续?", "提示", { confirmButtonText: "确定", cancelButtonText: "取消", type: "warning" }) .then(res => { this.$http .post(this.nozzle.userGroupDelete, { data: { id: data.id } }) .then(res => { if (res.data.code === 1 || res.data.code === 200) { this.permissionTableInfo.refresh = Math.random(); this.permissionTableInfo.initCurpage = Math.random(); } this.$message({ message: res.data.msg, type: res.data.code === 1 ? "success" : "error", showClose: true }); }) .catch(e => { message(e); }); }) .catch(() => {}); break; //从用户组中删除用户 // case "delUser": // this.$confirm("此操作将永久删除该数据, 是否继续?", "提示", { // confirmButtonText: "确定", // cancelButtonText: "取消", // type: "warning" // }).then(res =>{ // this.$http.post(this.nozzle.userGroupRemoveUser,{data:{userIds:[data.id]}}).then(res =>{ // if(res.data.code === 1 || res.data.code === 200) { // this.groupUserTableInfo.refresh = Math.random(); // this.groupUserTableInfo.initCurpage = Math.random(); // } // this.$message({ // message: res.data.msg, // type: res.data.code === 1 ? 'success' : 'error', // showClose: true, // }) // }).catch(e =>{ // message(e); // }) // }).catch(() =>{}) // break; //添加站点到项目 case "insert": if (this.UnRelateSiteTableInfo.selectList.length) { const siteIdArr = this.UnRelateSiteTableInfo.selectList.map( item => item.id ); const insertData = { platCode: this.RelatedSiteTableInfo.query.platformCode, siteList: siteIdArr }; this.$http .post(this.nozzle.sysStationBaseUpdate, { data: insertData }) .then(res => { if (res.data.code === 1) { this.siteQuery.searchStr = ""; this.siteTableInfo.refresh = Math.random(); this.siteTableInfo.initCurpage = Math.random(); } this.$message({ message: res.data.msg, type: res.data.code === 1 ? "success" : "error", showClose: true }); }); } else { this.$message({ message: "请选择需要绑定的站点", type: "warning", showClose: true }); } break; //从项目中移除站点 case "remove": if (this.RelatedSiteTableInfo.selectList.length) { const siteIdArr = this.RelatedSiteTableInfo.selectList.map( item => item.id ); const removeData = { platCode: this.RelatedSiteTableInfo.query.platformCode, siteList: siteIdArr }; this.$http .post(this.nozzle.sysStationBaseRemove, { data: removeData }) .then(res => { if (res.data.code === 1) { this.siteQuery.searchStr = ""; this.siteTableInfo.refresh = Math.random(); this.siteTableInfo.initCurpage = Math.random(); } this.$message({ message: res.data.msg, type: res.data.code === 1 ? "success" : "error", showClose: true }); }); } else { this.$message({ message: "请选择需要移除的站点", type: "warning", showClose: true }); } break; //关闭 case "close": this.resetForm(this.dialogInfo.type); if (this.projectFormInfo.ref) { this.projectFormInfo.ref.resetFields(); this.projectFormInfo.ref.clearValidate(); } setTimeout(() => { this.dialogInfo.visible = false; }, 0); break; case "closeUserDialog": this.userDialogInfo.visible = false; break; //保存用户组/用户 case "save": const type = this.userDialogInfo.type; const formName = type === "addUser" ? this.userFormInfo : this.groupFormInfo; let params, api; formName.ref.validate(valid => { if (valid) { this.btnLoading = true; if (type === "addUser") { //添加用户绑定到用户组 api = this.nozzle.addUserToGroup; const data = { ...this.userFormInfo.data, ...{ platformCode: this.needHandleProjectId } }; params = data; } if (type === "addGroup") { //添加保存用户组 api = this.nozzle.userGroupAdd; const data = { ...this.groupFormInfo.data, ...{ platformCode: this.needHandleProjectId } }; params = { data: data }; } this.$http .post(api, params) .then(res => { if (res.data.code === 1 || res.data.code === 200) { this.userDialogInfo.visible = false; this.permissionTableInfo.refresh = Math.random(); } this.$message({ message: res.data.msg, type: res.data.code === 1 ? "success" : "error", showClose: true }); this.btnLoading = false; }) .catch(e => { console.log(e); this.btnLoading = false; }); } }); break; } }, //关闭弹窗 handleClose() { this.dialogInfo.visible = false; }, handleUserClose() { this.userDialogInfo.visible = false; }, //表格checkbox选择事件 handleEvent(event, data) { switch (event) { //站点关联 case "isRelate": this.RelatedSiteTableInfo.selectList = data; break; //站点未关联 case "unRelate": this.UnRelateSiteTableInfo.selectList = data; break; //用户关联 case "isUserRelate": this.RelatedUserTableInfo.selectList = data; break; //用户未关联 case "unUserRelate": this.UnRelateUserTableInfo.selectList = data; break; } }, //重置表单 resetForm(type) { switch (type) { case "addUser": this.userFormInfo.data = { id: undefined, login: "", realName: "", userType: 0, orgId: undefined, groupId: undefined, groupName: "", roleId: undefined, mobile: "" }; break; case "addGroup": this.groupFormInfo.data = { id: undefined, groupName: "", description: "" }; break; case "update": case "create": this.projectFormInfo.data = { id: undefined, name: "", sysGroup: "", operator: "", realName: "", area: "", platformCode: "", status: undefined, startTime: "", endTime: "", onlineTime: "" }; break; } }, //请求接口处理结果 handleAjax(url, params) { this.$http .post(url, params) .then(res => { if (res.data.code === 1 || res.data.code === 200) { this.dialogInfo.visible = false; this.projectTableInfo.refresh = Math.random(); this.$store.dispatch("common/getAllPlatSite").then(() => {}); } this.$message({ message: res.data.msg, type: res.data.code === 1 ? "success" : "error", showClose: true }); this.btnLoading = false; }) .catch(e => { console.log(e); this.btnLoading = false; }); }, //将空的children置为undefined,避免在没有下一级数据的情况下显示暂无数据 removeEmptyChild(arr) { arr.forEach(item => { if (!item.children || item.children.length < 1) { item.children = undefined; } else { this.removeEmptyChild(item.children); } }); return arr; }, //获取子组件传来的所选城市节点 currentAreaJwd(data) { this.currentCity = data.data; } } }; </script> <style lang="scss" scoped> .btn-group { height: 100%; @include fdaj(center, center); /deep/ .el-button + .el-button { margin-left: 0; margin-top: 10px; } } /deep/ .el-dialog { @include fd(); @include wh(80%, 60%); max-height: 60%; margin-top: 10vh !important; .el-dialog__body { @include fd(); flex: 1; padding-bottom: 0; overflow-y: auto; } } .table-title { @include hl(30px, 30px); color: #409eff; text-align: center; font-size: 16px; margin-bottom: 10px; } .userDialog { /deep/ .el-form-item { .el-form-item__label { width: 120px; padding-right: 15px; } } } </style>