- function lamejs() {
- function new_byte(count) {
- return new Int8Array(count);
- }
- function new_short(count) {
- return new Int16Array(count);
- }
- function new_int(count) {
- return new Int32Array(count);
- }
- function new_float(count) {
- return new Float32Array(count);
- }
- function new_double(count) {
- return new Float64Array(count);
- }
- function new_float_n(args) {
- if (args.length == 1) {
- return new_float(args[0]);
- }
- var sz = args[0];
- args = args.slice(1);
- var A = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
- A.push(new_float_n(args));
- }
- return A;
- }
- function new_int_n(args) {
- if (args.length == 1) {
- return new_int(args[0]);
- }
- var sz = args[0];
- args = args.slice(1);
- var A = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
- A.push(new_int_n(args));
- }
- return A;
- }
- function new_short_n(args) {
- if (args.length == 1) {
- return new_short(args[0]);
- }
- var sz = args[0];
- args = args.slice(1);
- var A = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
- A.push(new_short_n(args));
- }
- return A;
- }
- function new_array_n(args) {
- if (args.length == 1) {
- return new Array(args[0]);
- }
- var sz = args[0];
- args = args.slice(1);
- var A = [];
- for (var i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
- A.push(new_array_n(args));
- }
- return A;
- }
- var Arrays = {};
- Arrays.fill = function (a, fromIndex, toIndex, val) {
- if (arguments.length == 2) {
- for (var i = 0; i < a.length; i++) {
- a[i] = arguments[1];
- }
- } else {
- for (var i = fromIndex; i < toIndex; i++) {
- a[i] = val;
- }
- }
- };
- var System = {};
- System.arraycopy = function (src, srcPos, dest, destPos, length) {
- var srcEnd = srcPos + length;
- while (srcPos < srcEnd)
- dest[destPos++] = src[srcPos++];
- };
- var Util = {};
- Util.SQRT2 = 1.41421356237309504880;
- Util.FAST_LOG10 = function (x) {
- return Math.log10(x);
- };
- Util.FAST_LOG10_X = function (x, y) {
- return Math.log10(x) * y;
- };
- function ShortBlock(ordinal) {
- this.ordinal = ordinal;
- }
- /**
- * LAME may use them, even different block types for L/R.
- */
- ShortBlock.short_block_allowed = new ShortBlock(0);
- /**
- * LAME may use them, but always same block types in L/R.
- */
- ShortBlock.short_block_coupled = new ShortBlock(1);
- /**
- * LAME will not use short blocks, long blocks only.
- */
- ShortBlock.short_block_dispensed = new ShortBlock(2);
- /**
- * LAME will not use long blocks, short blocks only.
- */
- ShortBlock.short_block_forced = new ShortBlock(3);
- var Float = {};
- Float.MAX_VALUE = 3.4028235e+38;
- function VbrMode(ordinal) {
- this.ordinal = ordinal;
- }
- VbrMode.vbr_off = new VbrMode(0);
- VbrMode.vbr_mt = new VbrMode(1);
- VbrMode.vbr_rh = new VbrMode(2);
- VbrMode.vbr_abr = new VbrMode(3);
- VbrMode.vbr_mtrh = new VbrMode(4);
- VbrMode.vbr_default = VbrMode.vbr_mtrh;
- var assert = function (x) {
- //console.assert(x);
- };
- var module_exports = {
- "System": System,
- "VbrMode": VbrMode,
- "Float": Float,
- "ShortBlock": ShortBlock,
- "Util": Util,
- "Arrays": Arrays,
- "new_array_n": new_array_n,
- "new_byte": new_byte,
- "new_double": new_double,
- "new_float": new_float,
- "new_float_n": new_float_n,
- "new_int": new_int,
- "new_int_n": new_int_n,
- "new_short": new_short,
- "new_short_n": new_short_n,
- "assert": assert
- };
- //package mp3;
- /* MPEG modes */
- function MPEGMode(ordinal) {
- var _ordinal = ordinal;
- this.ordinal = function () {
- return _ordinal;
- }
- }
- MPEGMode.STEREO = new MPEGMode(0);
- MPEGMode.JOINT_STEREO = new MPEGMode(1);
- MPEGMode.DUAL_CHANNEL = new MPEGMode(2);
- MPEGMode.MONO = new MPEGMode(3);
- MPEGMode.NOT_SET = new MPEGMode(4);
- function Version() {
- /**
- * URL for the LAME website.
- */
- var LAME_URL = "http://www.mp3dev.org/";
- /**
- * Major version number.
- */
- /**
- * Minor version number.
- */
- /**
- * Patch level.
- */
- /**
- * Major version number.
- */
- /**
- * Minor version number.
- */
- /**
- * A string which describes the version of LAME.
- *
- * @return string which describes the version of LAME
- */
- this.getLameVersion = function () {
- // primary to write screen reports
- }
- /**
- * The short version of the LAME version string.
- *
- * @return short version of the LAME version string
- */
- this.getLameShortVersion = function () {
- // Adding date and time to version string makes it harder for output
- // validation
- }
- /**
- * The shortest version of the LAME version string.
- *
- * @return shortest version of the LAME version string
- */
- this.getLameVeryShortVersion = function () {
- // Adding date and time to version string makes it harder for output
- return ("LAME" + LAME_MAJOR_VERSION + "." + LAME_MINOR_VERSION + "r");
- }
- /**
- * String which describes the version of GPSYCHO
- *
- * @return string which describes the version of GPSYCHO
- */
- this.getPsyVersion = function () {
- }
- /**
- * String which is a URL for the LAME website.
- *
- * @return string which is a URL for the LAME website
- */
- this.getLameUrl = function () {
- return LAME_URL;
- }
- /**
- * Quite useless for a java version, however we are compatible ;-)
- *
- * @return "32bits"
- */
- this.getLameOsBitness = function () {
- return "32bits";
- }
- }
- /*
- * ReplayGainAnalysis - analyzes input samples and give the recommended dB change
- * Copyright (C) 2001 David Robinson and Glen Sawyer
- * Improvements and optimizations added by Frank Klemm, and by Marcel Muller
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Lesser General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
- * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- *
- * concept and filter values by David Robinson (David@Robinson.org)
- * -- blame him if you think the idea is flawed
- * original coding by Glen Sawyer (mp3gain@hotmail.com)
- * -- blame him if you think this runs too slowly, or the coding is otherwise flawed
- *
- * lots of code improvements by Frank Klemm ( http://www.uni-jena.de/~pfk/mpp/ )
- * -- credit him for all the _good_ programming ;)
- *
- *
- * For an explanation of the concepts and the basic algorithms involved, go to:
- * http://www.replaygain.org/
- */
- /*
- * Here's the deal. Call
- *
- * InitGainAnalysis ( long samplefreq );
- *
- * to initialize everything. Call
- *
- * AnalyzeSamples ( var Float_t* left_samples,
- * var Float_t* right_samples,
- * size_t num_samples,
- * int num_channels );
- *
- * as many times as you want, with as many or as few samples as you want.
- * If mono, pass the sample buffer in through left_samples, leave
- * right_samples NULL, and make sure num_channels = 1.
- *
- * GetTitleGain()
- *
- * will return the recommended dB level change for all samples analyzed
- * SINCE THE LAST TIME you called GetTitleGain() OR InitGainAnalysis().
- *
- * GetAlbumGain()
- *
- * will return the recommended dB level change for all samples analyzed
- * since InitGainAnalysis() was called and finalized with GetTitleGain().
- *
- * Pseudo-code to process an album:
- *
- * Float_t l_samples [4096];
- * Float_t r_samples [4096];
- * size_t num_samples;
- * unsigned int num_songs;
- * unsigned int i;
- *
- * InitGainAnalysis ( 44100 );
- * for ( i = 1; i <= num_songs; i++ ) {
- * while ( ( num_samples = getSongSamples ( song[i], left_samples, right_samples ) ) > 0 )
- * AnalyzeSamples ( left_samples, right_samples, num_samples, 2 );
- * fprintf ("Recommended dB change for song %2d: %+6.2 dB\n", i, GetTitleGain() );
- * }
- * fprintf ("Recommended dB change for whole album: %+6.2 dB\n", GetAlbumGain() );
- */
- /*
- * So here's the main source of potential code confusion:
- *
- * The filters applied to the incoming samples are IIR filters,
- * meaning they rely on up to <filter order> number of previous samples
- * AND up to <filter order> number of previous filtered samples.
- *
- * I set up the AnalyzeSamples routine to minimize memory usage and interface
- * complexity. The speed isn't compromised too much (I don't think), but the
- * internal complexity is higher than it should be for such a relatively
- * simple routine.
- *
- * Optimization/clarity suggestions are welcome.
- */
- /**
- * Table entries per dB
- */
- GainAnalysis.STEPS_per_dB = 100.;
- /**
- * Table entries for 0...MAX_dB (normal max. values are 70...80 dB)
- */
- GainAnalysis.MAX_dB = 120.;
- GainAnalysis.GAIN_NOT_ENOUGH_SAMPLES = -24601;
- GainAnalysis.GAIN_ANALYSIS_ERROR = 0;
- GainAnalysis.GAIN_ANALYSIS_OK = 1;
- GainAnalysis.INIT_GAIN_ANALYSIS_OK = 1;
- GainAnalysis.YULE_ORDER = 10;
- GainAnalysis.MAX_ORDER = GainAnalysis.YULE_ORDER;
- GainAnalysis.MAX_SAMP_FREQ = 48000;
- function GainAnalysis() {
- /**
- * calibration value for 89dB
- */
- var PINK_REF = 64.82;
- var YULE_ORDER = GainAnalysis.YULE_ORDER;
- /**
- * percentile which is louder than the proposed level
- */
- var RMS_PERCENTILE = 0.95;
- /**
- * maximum allowed sample frequency [Hz]
- */
- var MAX_SAMP_FREQ = GainAnalysis.MAX_SAMP_FREQ;
- /**
- * numerator / denominator = time slice size [s]
- */
- /**
- * max. Samples per Time slice
- */
- var ABYule = [
- [0.03857599435200, -3.84664617118067, -0.02160367184185,
- 7.81501653005538, -0.00123395316851, -11.34170355132042,
- -0.00009291677959, 13.05504219327545, -0.01655260341619,
- -12.28759895145294, 0.02161526843274, 9.48293806319790,
- -0.02074045215285, -5.87257861775999, 0.00594298065125,
- 2.75465861874613, 0.00306428023191, -0.86984376593551,
- 0.00012025322027, 0.13919314567432, 0.00288463683916],
- [0.05418656406430, -3.47845948550071, -0.02911007808948,
- 6.36317777566148, -0.00848709379851, -8.54751527471874,
- -0.00851165645469, 9.47693607801280, -0.00834990904936,
- -8.81498681370155, 0.02245293253339, 6.85401540936998,
- -0.02596338512915, -4.39470996079559, 0.01624864962975,
- 2.19611684890774, -0.00240879051584, -0.75104302451432,
- 0.00674613682247, 0.13149317958808, -0.00187763777362],
- [0.15457299681924, -2.37898834973084, -0.09331049056315,
- 2.84868151156327, -0.06247880153653, -2.64577170229825,
- 0.02163541888798, 2.23697657451713, -0.05588393329856,
- -1.67148153367602, 0.04781476674921, 1.00595954808547,
- 0.00222312597743, -0.45953458054983, 0.03174092540049,
- 0.16378164858596, -0.01390589421898, -0.05032077717131,
- 0.00651420667831, 0.02347897407020, -0.00881362733839],
- [0.30296907319327, -1.61273165137247, -0.22613988682123,
- 1.07977492259970, -0.08587323730772, -0.25656257754070,
- 0.03282930172664, -0.16276719120440, -0.00915702933434,
- -0.22638893773906, -0.02364141202522, 0.39120800788284,
- -0.00584456039913, -0.22138138954925, 0.06276101321749,
- 0.04500235387352, -0.00000828086748, 0.02005851806501,
- 0.00205861885564, 0.00302439095741, -0.02950134983287],
- [0.33642304856132, -1.49858979367799, -0.25572241425570,
- 0.87350271418188, -0.11828570177555, 0.12205022308084,
- 0.11921148675203, -0.80774944671438, -0.07834489609479,
- 0.47854794562326, -0.00469977914380, -0.12453458140019,
- -0.00589500224440, -0.04067510197014, 0.05724228140351,
- 0.08333755284107, 0.00832043980773, -0.04237348025746,
- -0.01635381384540, 0.02977207319925, -0.01760176568150],
- [0.44915256608450, -0.62820619233671, -0.14351757464547,
- 0.29661783706366, -0.22784394429749, -0.37256372942400,
- -0.01419140100551, 0.00213767857124, 0.04078262797139,
- -0.42029820170918, -0.12398163381748, 0.22199650564824,
- 0.04097565135648, 0.00613424350682, 0.10478503600251,
- 0.06747620744683, -0.01863887810927, 0.05784820375801,
- -0.03193428438915, 0.03222754072173, 0.00541907748707],
- [0.56619470757641, -1.04800335126349, -0.75464456939302,
- 0.29156311971249, 0.16242137742230, -0.26806001042947,
- 0.16744243493672, 0.00819999645858, -0.18901604199609,
- 0.45054734505008, 0.30931782841830, -0.33032403314006,
- -0.27562961986224, 0.06739368333110, 0.00647310677246,
- -0.04784254229033, 0.08647503780351, 0.01639907836189,
- -0.03788984554840, 0.01807364323573, -0.00588215443421],
- [0.58100494960553, -0.51035327095184, -0.53174909058578,
- -0.31863563325245, -0.14289799034253, -0.20256413484477,
- 0.17520704835522, 0.14728154134330, 0.02377945217615,
- 0.38952639978999, 0.15558449135573, -0.23313271880868,
- -0.25344790059353, -0.05246019024463, 0.01628462406333,
- -0.02505961724053, 0.06920467763959, 0.02442357316099,
- -0.03721611395801, 0.01818801111503, -0.00749618797172],
- [0.53648789255105, -0.25049871956020, -0.42163034350696,
- -0.43193942311114, -0.00275953611929, -0.03424681017675,
- 0.04267842219415, -0.04678328784242, -0.10214864179676,
- 0.26408300200955, 0.14590772289388, 0.15113130533216,
- -0.02459864859345, -0.17556493366449, -0.11202315195388,
- -0.18823009262115, -0.04060034127000, 0.05477720428674,
- 0.04788665548180, 0.04704409688120, -0.02217936801134]];
- var ABButter = [
- [0.98621192462708, -1.97223372919527, -1.97242384925416,
- 0.97261396931306, 0.98621192462708],
- [0.98500175787242, -1.96977855582618, -1.97000351574484,
- 0.97022847566350, 0.98500175787242],
- [0.97938932735214, -1.95835380975398, -1.95877865470428,
- 0.95920349965459, 0.97938932735214],
- [0.97531843204928, -1.95002759149878, -1.95063686409857,
- 0.95124613669835, 0.97531843204928],
- [0.97316523498161, -1.94561023566527, -1.94633046996323,
- 0.94705070426118, 0.97316523498161],
- [0.96454515552826, -1.92783286977036, -1.92909031105652,
- 0.93034775234268, 0.96454515552826],
- [0.96009142950541, -1.91858953033784, -1.92018285901082,
- 0.92177618768381, 0.96009142950541],
- [0.95856916599601, -1.91542108074780, -1.91713833199203,
- 0.91885558323625, 0.95856916599601],
- [0.94597685600279, -1.88903307939452, -1.89195371200558,
- 0.89487434461664, 0.94597685600279]];
- /**
- * When calling this procedure, make sure that ip[-order] and op[-order]
- * point to real data
- */
- //private void filterYule(final float[] input, int inputPos, float[] output,
- //int outputPos, int nSamples, final float[] kernel) {
- function filterYule(input, inputPos, output, outputPos, nSamples, kernel) {
- while ((nSamples--) != 0) {
- /* 1e-10 is a hack to avoid slowdown because of denormals */
- output[outputPos] = 1e-10 + input[inputPos + 0] * kernel[0]
- - output[outputPos - 1] * kernel[1] + input[inputPos - 1]
- * kernel[2] - output[outputPos - 2] * kernel[3]
- + input[inputPos - 2] * kernel[4] - output[outputPos - 3]
- * kernel[5] + input[inputPos - 3] * kernel[6]
- - output[outputPos - 4] * kernel[7] + input[inputPos - 4]
- * kernel[8] - output[outputPos - 5] * kernel[9]
- + input[inputPos - 5] * kernel[10] - output[outputPos - 6]
- * kernel[11] + input[inputPos - 6] * kernel[12]
- - output[outputPos - 7] * kernel[13] + input[inputPos - 7]
- * kernel[14] - output[outputPos - 8] * kernel[15]
- + input[inputPos - 8] * kernel[16] - output[outputPos - 9]
- * kernel[17] + input[inputPos - 9] * kernel[18]
- - output[outputPos - 10] * kernel[19]
- + input[inputPos - 10] * kernel[20];
- ++outputPos;
- ++inputPos;
- }
- }
- //private void filterButter(final float[] input, int inputPos,
- // float[] output, int outputPos, int nSamples, final float[] kernel) {
- function filterButter(input, inputPos, output, outputPos, nSamples, kernel) {
- while ((nSamples--) != 0) {
- output[outputPos] = input[inputPos + 0] * kernel[0]
- - output[outputPos - 1] * kernel[1] + input[inputPos - 1]
- * kernel[2] - output[outputPos - 2] * kernel[3]
- + input[inputPos - 2] * kernel[4];
- ++outputPos;
- ++inputPos;
- }
- }
- /**
- * not
- */
- function ResetSampleFrequency(rgData, samplefreq) {
- /* zero out initial values */
- for (var i = 0; i < MAX_ORDER; i++)
- rgData.linprebuf[i] = rgData.lstepbuf[i] = rgData.loutbuf[i] = rgData.rinprebuf[i] = rgData.rstepbuf[i] = rgData.routbuf[i] = 0.;
- switch (0 | (samplefreq)) {
- case 48000:
- rgData.reqindex = 0;
- break;
- case 44100:
- rgData.reqindex = 1;
- break;
- case 32000:
- rgData.reqindex = 2;
- break;
- case 24000:
- rgData.reqindex = 3;
- break;
- case 22050:
- rgData.reqindex = 4;
- break;
- case 16000:
- rgData.reqindex = 5;
- break;
- case 12000:
- rgData.reqindex = 6;
- break;
- case 11025:
- rgData.reqindex = 7;
- break;
- case 8000:
- rgData.reqindex = 8;
- break;
- default:
- }
- rgData.sampleWindow = 0 | ((samplefreq * RMS_WINDOW_TIME_NUMERATOR
- rgData.lsum = 0.;
- rgData.rsum = 0.;
- rgData.totsamp = 0;
- Arrays.ill(rgData.A, 0);
- }
- this.InitGainAnalysis = function (rgData, samplefreq) {
- if (ResetSampleFrequency(rgData, samplefreq) != INIT_GAIN_ANALYSIS_OK) {
- }
- rgData.linpre = MAX_ORDER;
- rgData.rinpre = MAX_ORDER;
- rgData.lstep = MAX_ORDER;
- rgData.rstep = MAX_ORDER;
- rgData.lout = MAX_ORDER;
- rgData.rout = MAX_ORDER;
- Arrays.fill(rgData.B, 0);
- };
- /**
- * square
- */
- function fsqr(d) {
- return d * d;
- }
- this.AnalyzeSamples = function (rgData, left_samples, left_samplesPos, right_samples, right_samplesPos, num_samples,
- num_channels) {
- var curleft;
- var curleftBase;
- var curright;
- var currightBase;
- var batchsamples;
- var cursamples;
- var cursamplepos;
- if (num_samples == 0)
- cursamplepos = 0;
- batchsamples = num_samples;
- switch (num_channels) {
- case 1:
- right_samples = left_samples;
- right_samplesPos = left_samplesPos;
- break;
- case 2:
- break;
- default:
- }
- if (num_samples < MAX_ORDER) {
- System.arraycopy(left_samples, left_samplesPos, rgData.linprebuf,
- MAX_ORDER, num_samples);
- System.arraycopy(right_samples, right_samplesPos, rgData.rinprebuf,
- MAX_ORDER, num_samples);
- } else {
- System.arraycopy(left_samples, left_samplesPos, rgData.linprebuf,
- System.arraycopy(right_samples, right_samplesPos, rgData.rinprebuf,
- }
- while (batchsamples > 0) {
- cursamples = batchsamples > rgData.sampleWindow - rgData.totsamp ? rgData.sampleWindow
- - rgData.totsamp
- : batchsamples;
- if (cursamplepos < MAX_ORDER) {
- curleft = rgData.linpre + cursamplepos;
- curleftBase = rgData.linprebuf;
- curright = rgData.rinpre + cursamplepos;
- currightBase = rgData.rinprebuf;
- if (cursamples > MAX_ORDER - cursamplepos)
- cursamples = MAX_ORDER - cursamplepos;
- } else {
- curleft = left_samplesPos + cursamplepos;
- curleftBase = left_samples;
- curright = right_samplesPos + cursamplepos;
- currightBase = right_samples;
- }
- filterYule(curleftBase, curleft, rgData.lstepbuf, rgData.lstep
- + rgData.totsamp, cursamples, ABYule[rgData.reqindex]);
- filterYule(currightBase, curright, rgData.rstepbuf, rgData.rstep
- + rgData.totsamp, cursamples, ABYule[rgData.reqindex]);
- filterButter(rgData.lstepbuf, rgData.lstep + rgData.totsamp,
- rgData.loutbuf, rgData.lout + rgData.totsamp, cursamples,
- ABButter[rgData.reqindex]);
- filterButter(rgData.rstepbuf, rgData.rstep + rgData.totsamp,
- rgData.routbuf, rgData.rout + rgData.totsamp, cursamples,
- ABButter[rgData.reqindex]);
- curleft = rgData.lout + rgData.totsamp;
- /* Get the squared values */
- curleftBase = rgData.loutbuf;
- curright = rgData.rout + rgData.totsamp;
- currightBase = rgData.routbuf;
- var i = cursamples % 8;
- while ((i--) != 0) {
- rgData.lsum += fsqr(curleftBase[curleft++]);
- rgData.rsum += fsqr(currightBase[curright++]);
- }
- i = cursamples / 8;
- while ((i--) != 0) {
- rgData.lsum += fsqr(curleftBase[curleft + 0])
- + fsqr(curleftBase[curleft + 1])
- + fsqr(curleftBase[curleft + 2])
- + fsqr(curleftBase[curleft + 3])
- + fsqr(curleftBase[curleft + 4])
- + fsqr(curleftBase[curleft + 5])
- + fsqr(curleftBase[curleft + 6])
- + fsqr(curleftBase[curleft + 7]);
- curleft += 8;
- rgData.rsum += fsqr(currightBase[curright + 0])
- + fsqr(currightBase[curright + 1])
- + fsqr(currightBase[curright + 2])
- + fsqr(currightBase[curright + 3])
- + fsqr(currightBase[curright + 4])
- + fsqr(currightBase[curright + 5])
- + fsqr(currightBase[curright + 6])
- + fsqr(currightBase[curright + 7]);
- curright += 8;
- }
- batchsamples -= cursamples;
- cursamplepos += cursamples;
- rgData.totsamp += cursamples;
- if (rgData.totsamp == rgData.sampleWindow) {
- /* Get the Root Mean Square (RMS) for this set of samples */
- var val = GainAnalysis.STEPS_per_dB
- * 10.
- * Math.log10((rgData.lsum + rgData.rsum)
- / rgData.totsamp * 0.5 + 1.e-37);
- var ival = (val <= 0) ? 0 : 0 | val;
- if (ival >= rgData.A.length)
- ival = rgData.A.length - 1;
- rgData.A[ival]++;
- rgData.lsum = rgData.rsum = 0.;
- System.arraycopy(rgData.loutbuf, rgData.totsamp,
- rgData.loutbuf, 0, MAX_ORDER);
- System.arraycopy(rgData.routbuf, rgData.totsamp,
- rgData.routbuf, 0, MAX_ORDER);
- System.arraycopy(rgData.lstepbuf, rgData.totsamp,
- rgData.lstepbuf, 0, MAX_ORDER);
- System.arraycopy(rgData.rstepbuf, rgData.totsamp,
- rgData.rstepbuf, 0, MAX_ORDER);
- rgData.totsamp = 0;
- }
- if (rgData.totsamp > rgData.sampleWindow) {
- /*
- * somehow I really screwed up: Error in programming! Contact
- * author about totsamp > sampleWindow
- */
- }
- }
- if (num_samples < MAX_ORDER) {
- System.arraycopy(rgData.linprebuf, num_samples, rgData.linprebuf,
- 0, MAX_ORDER - num_samples);
- System.arraycopy(rgData.rinprebuf, num_samples, rgData.rinprebuf,
- 0, MAX_ORDER - num_samples);
- System.arraycopy(left_samples, left_samplesPos, rgData.linprebuf,
- MAX_ORDER - num_samples, num_samples);
- System.arraycopy(right_samples, right_samplesPos, rgData.rinprebuf,
- MAX_ORDER - num_samples, num_samples);
- } else {
- System.arraycopy(left_samples, left_samplesPos + num_samples
- - MAX_ORDER, rgData.linprebuf, 0, MAX_ORDER);
- System.arraycopy(right_samples, right_samplesPos + num_samples
- - MAX_ORDER, rgData.rinprebuf, 0, MAX_ORDER);
- }
- };
- function analyzeResult(Array, len) {
- var i;
- var elems = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < len; i++)
- elems += Array[i];
- if (elems == 0)
- var upper = 0 | Math.ceil(elems * (1. - RMS_PERCENTILE));
- for (i = len; i-- > 0;) {
- if ((upper -= Array[i]) <= 0)
- break;
- }
- //return (float) ((float) PINK_REF - (float) i / (float) STEPS_per_dB);
- return (PINK_REF - i / GainAnalysis.STEPS_per_dB);
- }
- this.GetTitleGain = function (rgData) {
- var retval = analyzeResult(rgData.A, rgData.A.length);
- for (var i = 0; i < rgData.A.length; i++) {
- rgData.B[i] += rgData.A[i];
- rgData.A[i] = 0;
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < MAX_ORDER; i++)
- rgData.linprebuf[i] = rgData.lstepbuf[i] = rgData.loutbuf[i] = rgData.rinprebuf[i] = rgData.rstepbuf[i] = rgData.routbuf[i] = 0.;
- rgData.totsamp = 0;
- rgData.lsum = rgData.rsum = 0.;
- return retval;
- }
- }
- function Presets() {
- function VBRPresets(qual, comp, compS,
- y, shThreshold, shThresholdS,
- adj, adjShort, lower,
- curve, sens, inter,
- joint, mod, fix) {
- this.vbr_q = qual;
- this.quant_comp = comp;
- this.quant_comp_s = compS;
- this.expY = y;
- this.st_lrm = shThreshold;
- this.st_s = shThresholdS;
- this.masking_adj = adj;
- this.masking_adj_short = adjShort;
- this.ath_lower = lower;
- this.ath_curve = curve;
- this.ath_sensitivity = sens;
- this.interch = inter;
- this.safejoint = joint;
- this.sfb21mod = mod;
- this.msfix = fix;
- }
- function ABRPresets(kbps, comp, compS,
- joint, fix, shThreshold,
- shThresholdS, bass, sc,
- mask, lower, curve,
- interCh, sfScale) {
- this.quant_comp = comp;
- this.quant_comp_s = compS;
- this.safejoint = joint;
- this.nsmsfix = fix;
- this.st_lrm = shThreshold;
- this.st_s = shThresholdS;
- this.nsbass = bass;
- this.scale = sc;
- this.masking_adj = mask;
- this.ath_lower = lower;
- this.ath_curve = curve;
- this.interch = interCh;
- this.sfscale = sfScale;
- }
- var lame;
- this.setModules = function (_lame) {
- lame = _lame;
- };
- /**
- * <PRE>
- * Switch mappings for VBR mode VBR_RH
- * vbr_q qcomp_l qcomp_s expY st_lrm st_s mask adj_l adj_s ath_lower ath_curve ath_sens interChR safejoint sfb21mod msfix
- * </PRE>
- */
- var vbr_old_switch_map = [
- new VBRPresets(0, 9, 9, 0, 5.20, 125.0, -4.2, -6.3, 4.8, 1, 0, 0, 2, 21, 0.97),
- new VBRPresets(1, 9, 9, 0, 5.30, 125.0, -3.6, -5.6, 4.5, 1.5, 0, 0, 2, 21, 1.35),
- new VBRPresets(2, 9, 9, 0, 5.60, 125.0, -2.2, -3.5, 2.8, 2, 0, 0, 2, 21, 1.49),
- new VBRPresets(3, 9, 9, 1, 5.80, 130.0, -1.8, -2.8, 2.6, 3, -4, 0, 2, 20, 1.64),
- new VBRPresets(4, 9, 9, 1, 6.00, 135.0, -0.7, -1.1, 1.1, 3.5, -8, 0, 2, 0, 1.79),
- new VBRPresets(5, 9, 9, 1, 6.40, 140.0, 0.5, 0.4, -7.5, 4, -12, 0.0002, 0, 0, 1.95),
- new VBRPresets(6, 9, 9, 1, 6.60, 145.0, 0.67, 0.65, -14.7, 6.5, -19, 0.0004, 0, 0, 2.30),
- new VBRPresets(7, 9, 9, 1, 6.60, 145.0, 0.8, 0.75, -19.7, 8, -22, 0.0006, 0, 0, 2.70),
- new VBRPresets(8, 9, 9, 1, 6.60, 145.0, 1.2, 1.15, -27.5, 10, -23, 0.0007, 0, 0, 0),
- new VBRPresets(9, 9, 9, 1, 6.60, 145.0, 1.6, 1.6, -36, 11, -25, 0.0008, 0, 0, 0),
- new VBRPresets(10, 9, 9, 1, 6.60, 145.0, 2.0, 2.0, -36, 12, -25, 0.0008, 0, 0, 0)
- ];
- /**
- * <PRE>
- * vbr_q qcomp_l qcomp_s expY st_lrm st_s mask adj_l adj_s ath_lower ath_curve ath_sens interChR safejoint sfb21mod msfix
- * </PRE>
- */
- var vbr_psy_switch_map = [
- new VBRPresets(0, 9, 9, 0, 4.20, 25.0, -7.0, -4.0, 7.5, 1, 0, 0, 2, 26, 0.97),
- new VBRPresets(1, 9, 9, 0, 4.20, 25.0, -5.6, -3.6, 4.5, 1.5, 0, 0, 2, 21, 1.35),
- new VBRPresets(2, 9, 9, 0, 4.20, 25.0, -4.4, -1.8, 2, 2, 0, 0, 2, 18, 1.49),
- new VBRPresets(3, 9, 9, 1, 4.20, 25.0, -3.4, -1.25, 1.1, 3, -4, 0, 2, 15, 1.64),
- new VBRPresets(4, 9, 9, 1, 4.20, 25.0, -2.2, 0.1, 0, 3.5, -8, 0, 2, 0, 1.79),
- new VBRPresets(5, 9, 9, 1, 4.20, 25.0, -1.0, 1.65, -7.7, 4, -12, 0.0002, 0, 0, 1.95),
- new VBRPresets(6, 9, 9, 1, 4.20, 25.0, -0.0, 2.47, -7.7, 6.5, -19, 0.0004, 0, 0, 2),
- new VBRPresets(7, 9, 9, 1, 4.20, 25.0, 0.5, 2.0, -14.5, 8, -22, 0.0006, 0, 0, 2),
- new VBRPresets(8, 9, 9, 1, 4.20, 25.0, 1.0, 2.4, -22.0, 10, -23, 0.0007, 0, 0, 2),
- new VBRPresets(9, 9, 9, 1, 4.20, 25.0, 1.5, 2.95, -30.0, 11, -25, 0.0008, 0, 0, 2),
- new VBRPresets(10, 9, 9, 1, 4.20, 25.0, 2.0, 2.95, -36.0, 12, -30, 0.0008, 0, 0, 2)
- ];
- function apply_vbr_preset(gfp, a, enforce) {
- var vbr_preset = gfp.VBR == VbrMode.vbr_rh ? vbr_old_switch_map
- : vbr_psy_switch_map;
- var x = gfp.VBR_q_frac;
- var p = vbr_preset[a];
- var q = vbr_preset[a + 1];
- var set = p;
- // NOOP(vbr_q);
- // NOOP(quant_comp);
- // NOOP(quant_comp_s);
- // NOOP(expY);
- p.st_lrm = p.st_lrm + x * (q.st_lrm - p.st_lrm);
- // LERP(st_lrm);
- p.st_s = p.st_s + x * (q.st_s - p.st_s);
- // LERP(st_s);
- p.masking_adj = p.masking_adj + x * (q.masking_adj - p.masking_adj);
- // LERP(masking_adj);
- p.masking_adj_short = p.masking_adj_short + x
- * (q.masking_adj_short - p.masking_adj_short);
- // LERP(masking_adj_short);
- p.ath_lower = p.ath_lower + x * (q.ath_lower - p.ath_lower);
- // LERP(ath_lower);
- p.ath_curve = p.ath_curve + x * (q.ath_curve - p.ath_curve);
- // LERP(ath_curve);
- p.ath_sensitivity = p.ath_sensitivity + x
- * (q.ath_sensitivity - p.ath_sensitivity);
- // LERP(ath_sensitivity);
- p.interch = p.interch + x * (q.interch - p.interch);
- // LERP(interch);
- // NOOP(safejoint);
- // NOOP(sfb21mod);
- p.msfix = p.msfix + x * (q.msfix - p.msfix);
- // LERP(msfix);
- lame_set_VBR_q(gfp, set.vbr_q);
- if (enforce != 0)
- gfp.quant_comp = set.quant_comp;
- else if (!(Math.abs(gfp.quant_comp - -1) > 0))
- gfp.quant_comp = set.quant_comp;
- // SET_OPTION(quant_comp, set.quant_comp, -1);
- if (enforce != 0)
- gfp.quant_comp_short = set.quant_comp_s;
- else if (!(Math.abs(gfp.quant_comp_short - -1) > 0))
- gfp.quant_comp_short = set.quant_comp_s;
- // SET_OPTION(quant_comp_short, set.quant_comp_s, -1);
- if (set.expY != 0) {
- gfp.experimentalY = set.expY != 0;
- }
- if (enforce != 0)
- gfp.internal_flags.nsPsy.attackthre = set.st_lrm;
- else if (!(Math.abs(gfp.internal_flags.nsPsy.attackthre - -1) > 0))
- gfp.internal_flags.nsPsy.attackthre = set.st_lrm;
- // SET_OPTION(short_threshold_lrm, set.st_lrm, -1);
- if (enforce != 0)
- gfp.internal_flags.nsPsy.attackthre_s = set.st_s;
- else if (!(Math.abs(gfp.internal_flags.nsPsy.attackthre_s - -1) > 0))
- gfp.internal_flags.nsPsy.attackthre_s = set.st_s;
- // SET_OPTION(short_threshold_s, set.st_s, -1);
- if (enforce != 0)
- gfp.maskingadjust = set.masking_adj;
- else if (!(Math.abs(gfp.maskingadjust - 0) > 0))
- gfp.maskingadjust = set.masking_adj;
- // SET_OPTION(maskingadjust, set.masking_adj, 0);
- if (enforce != 0)
- gfp.maskingadjust_short = set.masking_adj_short;
- else if (!(Math.abs(gfp.maskingadjust_short - 0) > 0))
- gfp.maskingadjust_short = set.masking_adj_short;
- // SET_OPTION(maskingadjust_short, set.masking_adj_short, 0);
- if (enforce != 0)
- gfp.ATHlower = -set.ath_lower / 10.0;
- else if (!(Math.abs((-gfp.ATHlower * 10.0) - 0) > 0))
- gfp.ATHlower = -set.ath_lower / 10.0;
- // SET_OPTION(ATHlower, set.ath_lower, 0);
- if (enforce != 0)
- gfp.ATHcurve = set.ath_curve;
- else if (!(Math.abs(gfp.ATHcurve - -1) > 0))
- gfp.ATHcurve = set.ath_curve;
- // SET_OPTION(ATHcurve, set.ath_curve, -1);
- if (enforce != 0)
- gfp.athaa_sensitivity = set.ath_sensitivity;
- else if (!(Math.abs(gfp.athaa_sensitivity - -1) > 0))
- gfp.athaa_sensitivity = set.ath_sensitivity;
- // SET_OPTION(athaa_sensitivity, set.ath_sensitivity, 0);
- if (set.interch > 0) {
- if (enforce != 0)
- gfp.interChRatio = set.interch;
- else if (!(Math.abs(gfp.interChRatio - -1) > 0))
- gfp.interChRatio = set.interch;
- // SET_OPTION(interChRatio, set.interch, -1);
- }
- /* parameters for which there is no proper set/get interface */
- if (set.safejoint > 0) {
- gfp.exp_nspsytune = gfp.exp_nspsytune | set.safejoint;
- }
- if (set.sfb21mod > 0) {
- gfp.exp_nspsytune = gfp.exp_nspsytune | (set.sfb21mod << 20);
- }
- if (enforce != 0)
- gfp.msfix = set.msfix;
- else if (!(Math.abs(gfp.msfix - -1) > 0))
- gfp.msfix = set.msfix;
- // SET_OPTION(msfix, set.msfix, -1);
- if (enforce == 0) {
- gfp.VBR_q = a;
- gfp.VBR_q_frac = x;
- }
- }
- /**
- * <PRE>
- * Switch mappings for ABR mode
- *
- * kbps quant q_s safejoint nsmsfix st_lrm st_s ns-bass scale msk ath_lwr ath_curve interch , sfscale
- * </PRE>
- */
- var abr_switch_map = [
- new ABRPresets(8, 9, 9, 0, 0, 6.60, 145, 0, 0.95, 0, -30.0, 11, 0.0012, 1), /* 8, impossible to use in stereo */
- new ABRPresets(16, 9, 9, 0, 0, 6.60, 145, 0, 0.95, 0, -25.0, 11, 0.0010, 1), /* 16 */
- new ABRPresets(24, 9, 9, 0, 0, 6.60, 145, 0, 0.95, 0, -20.0, 11, 0.0010, 1), /* 24 */
- new ABRPresets(32, 9, 9, 0, 0, 6.60, 145, 0, 0.95, 0, -15.0, 11, 0.0010, 1), /* 32 */
- new ABRPresets(40, 9, 9, 0, 0, 6.60, 145, 0, 0.95, 0, -10.0, 11, 0.0009, 1), /* 40 */
- new ABRPresets(48, 9, 9, 0, 0, 6.60, 145, 0, 0.95, 0, -10.0, 11, 0.0009, 1), /* 48 */
- new ABRPresets(56, 9, 9, 0, 0, 6.60, 145, 0, 0.95, 0, -6.0, 11, 0.0008, 1), /* 56 */
- new ABRPresets(64, 9, 9, 0, 0, 6.60, 145, 0, 0.95, 0, -2.0, 11, 0.0008, 1), /* 64 */
- new ABRPresets(80, 9, 9, 0, 0, 6.60, 145, 0, 0.95, 0, .0, 8, 0.0007, 1), /* 80 */
- new ABRPresets(96, 9, 9, 0, 2.50, 6.60, 145, 0, 0.95, 0, 1.0, 5.5, 0.0006, 1), /* 96 */
- new ABRPresets(112, 9, 9, 0, 2.25, 6.60, 145, 0, 0.95, 0, 2.0, 4.5, 0.0005, 1), /* 112 */
- new ABRPresets(128, 9, 9, 0, 1.95, 6.40, 140, 0, 0.95, 0, 3.0, 4, 0.0002, 1), /* 128 */
- new ABRPresets(160, 9, 9, 1, 1.79, 6.00, 135, 0, 0.95, -2, 5.0, 3.5, 0, 1), /* 160 */
- new ABRPresets(192, 9, 9, 1, 1.49, 5.60, 125, 0, 0.97, -4, 7.0, 3, 0, 0), /* 192 */
- new ABRPresets(224, 9, 9, 1, 1.25, 5.20, 125, 0, 0.98, -6, 9.0, 2, 0, 0), /* 224 */
- new ABRPresets(256, 9, 9, 1, 0.97, 5.20, 125, 0, 1.00, -8, 10.0, 1, 0, 0), /* 256 */
- new ABRPresets(320, 9, 9, 1, 0.90, 5.20, 125, 0, 1.00, -10, 12.0, 0, 0, 0) /* 320 */
- ];
- function apply_abr_preset(gfp, preset, enforce) {
- /* Variables for the ABR stuff */
- var actual_bitrate = preset;
- var r = lame.nearestBitrateFullIndex(preset);
- gfp.VBR = VbrMode.vbr_abr;
- gfp.VBR_mean_bitrate_kbps = actual_bitrate;
- gfp.VBR_mean_bitrate_kbps = Math.min(gfp.VBR_mean_bitrate_kbps, 320);
- gfp.VBR_mean_bitrate_kbps = Math.max(gfp.VBR_mean_bitrate_kbps, 8);
- gfp.brate = gfp.VBR_mean_bitrate_kbps;
- if (gfp.VBR_mean_bitrate_kbps > 320) {
- gfp.disable_reservoir = true;
- }
- /* parameters for which there is no proper set/get interface */
- if (abr_switch_map[r].safejoint > 0)
- gfp.exp_nspsytune = gfp.exp_nspsytune | 2;
- /* safejoint */
- if (abr_switch_map[r].sfscale > 0) {
- gfp.internal_flags.noise_shaping = 2;
- }
- /* ns-bass tweaks */
- if (Math.abs(abr_switch_map[r].nsbass) > 0) {
- var k = (int)(abr_switch_map[r].nsbass * 4);
- if (k < 0)
- k += 64;
- gfp.exp_nspsytune = gfp.exp_nspsytune | (k << 2);
- }
- if (enforce != 0)
- gfp.quant_comp = abr_switch_map[r].quant_comp;
- else if (!(Math.abs(gfp.quant_comp - -1) > 0))
- gfp.quant_comp = abr_switch_map[r].quant_comp;
- // SET_OPTION(quant_comp, abr_switch_map[r].quant_comp, -1);
- if (enforce != 0)
- gfp.quant_comp_short = abr_switch_map[r].quant_comp_s;
- else if (!(Math.abs(gfp.quant_comp_short - -1) > 0))
- gfp.quant_comp_short = abr_switch_map[r].quant_comp_s;
- // SET_OPTION(quant_comp_short, abr_switch_map[r].quant_comp_s, -1);
- if (enforce != 0)
- gfp.msfix = abr_switch_map[r].nsmsfix;
- else if (!(Math.abs(gfp.msfix - -1) > 0))
- gfp.msfix = abr_switch_map[r].nsmsfix;
- // SET_OPTION(msfix, abr_switch_map[r].nsmsfix, -1);
- if (enforce != 0)
- gfp.internal_flags.nsPsy.attackthre = abr_switch_map[r].st_lrm;
- else if (!(Math.abs(gfp.internal_flags.nsPsy.attackthre - -1) > 0))
- gfp.internal_flags.nsPsy.attackthre = abr_switch_map[r].st_lrm;
- // SET_OPTION(short_threshold_lrm, abr_switch_map[r].st_lrm, -1);
- if (enforce != 0)
- gfp.internal_flags.nsPsy.attackthre_s = abr_switch_map[r].st_s;
- else if (!(Math.abs(gfp.internal_flags.nsPsy.attackthre_s - -1) > 0))
- gfp.internal_flags.nsPsy.attackthre_s = abr_switch_map[r].st_s;
- // SET_OPTION(short_threshold_s, abr_switch_map[r].st_s, -1);
- /*
- * ABR seems to have big problems with clipping, especially at low
- * bitrates
- */
- /*
- * so we compensate for that here by using a scale value depending on
- * bitrate
- */
- if (enforce != 0)
- gfp.scale = abr_switch_map[r].scale;
- else if (!(Math.abs(gfp.scale - -1) > 0))
- gfp.scale = abr_switch_map[r].scale;
- // SET_OPTION(scale, abr_switch_map[r].scale, -1);
- if (enforce != 0)
- gfp.maskingadjust = abr_switch_map[r].masking_adj;
- else if (!(Math.abs(gfp.maskingadjust - 0) > 0))
- gfp.maskingadjust = abr_switch_map[r].masking_adj;
- // SET_OPTION(maskingadjust, abr_switch_map[r].masking_adj, 0);
- if (abr_switch_map[r].masking_adj > 0) {
- if (enforce != 0)
- gfp.maskingadjust_short = (abr_switch_map[r].masking_adj * .9);
- else if (!(Math.abs(gfp.maskingadjust_short - 0) > 0))
- gfp.maskingadjust_short = (abr_switch_map[r].masking_adj * .9);
- // SET_OPTION(maskingadjust_short, abr_switch_map[r].masking_adj *
- // .9, 0);
- } else {
- if (enforce != 0)
- gfp.maskingadjust_short = (abr_switch_map[r].masking_adj * 1.1);
- else if (!(Math.abs(gfp.maskingadjust_short - 0) > 0))
- gfp.maskingadjust_short = (abr_switch_map[r].masking_adj * 1.1);
- // SET_OPTION(maskingadjust_short, abr_switch_map[r].masking_adj *
- // 1.1, 0);
- }
- if (enforce != 0)
- gfp.ATHlower = -abr_switch_map[r].ath_lower / 10.;
- else if (!(Math.abs((-gfp.ATHlower * 10.) - 0) > 0))
- gfp.ATHlower = -abr_switch_map[r].ath_lower / 10.;
- // SET_OPTION(ATHlower, abr_switch_map[r].ath_lower, 0);
- if (enforce != 0)
- gfp.ATHcurve = abr_switch_map[r].ath_curve;
- else if (!(Math.abs(gfp.ATHcurve - -1) > 0))
- gfp.ATHcurve = abr_switch_map[r].ath_curve;
- // SET_OPTION(ATHcurve, abr_switch_map[r].ath_curve, -1);
- if (enforce != 0)
- gfp.interChRatio = abr_switch_map[r].interch;
- else if (!(Math.abs(gfp.interChRatio - -1) > 0))
- gfp.interChRatio = abr_switch_map[r].interch;
- // SET_OPTION(interChRatio, abr_switch_map[r].interch, -1);
- return preset;
- }
- this.apply_preset = function(gfp, preset, enforce) {
- /* translate legacy presets */
- switch (preset) {
- case Lame.R3MIX:
- {
- preset = Lame.V3;
- gfp.VBR = VbrMode.vbr_mtrh;
- break;
- }
- case Lame.MEDIUM:
- {
- preset = Lame.V4;
- gfp.VBR = VbrMode.vbr_rh;
- break;
- }
- case Lame.MEDIUM_FAST:
- {
- preset = Lame.V4;
- gfp.VBR = VbrMode.vbr_mtrh;
- break;
- }
- case Lame.STANDARD:
- {
- preset = Lame.V2;
- gfp.VBR = VbrMode.vbr_rh;
- break;
- }
- case Lame.STANDARD_FAST:
- {
- preset = Lame.V2;
- gfp.VBR = VbrMode.vbr_mtrh;
- break;
- }
- case Lame.EXTREME:
- {
- preset = Lame.V0;
- gfp.VBR = VbrMode.vbr_rh;
- break;
- }
- case Lame.EXTREME_FAST:
- {
- preset = Lame.V0;
- gfp.VBR = VbrMode.vbr_mtrh;
- break;
- }
- case Lame.INSANE:
- {
- preset = 320;
- gfp.preset = preset;
- apply_abr_preset(gfp, preset, enforce);
- gfp.VBR = VbrMode.vbr_off;
- return preset;
- }
- }
- gfp.preset = preset;
- {
- switch (preset) {
- case Lame.V9:
- apply_vbr_preset(gfp, 9, enforce);
- return preset;
- case Lame.V8:
- apply_vbr_preset(gfp, 8, enforce);
- return preset;
- case Lame.V7:
- apply_vbr_preset(gfp, 7, enforce);
- return preset;
- case Lame.V6:
- apply_vbr_preset(gfp, 6, enforce);
- return preset;
- case Lame.V5:
- apply_vbr_preset(gfp, 5, enforce);
- return preset;
- case Lame.V4:
- apply_vbr_preset(gfp, 4, enforce);
- return preset;
- case Lame.V3:
- apply_vbr_preset(gfp, 3, enforce);
- return preset;
- case Lame.V2:
- apply_vbr_preset(gfp, 2, enforce);
- return preset;
- case Lame.V1:
- apply_vbr_preset(gfp, 1, enforce);
- return preset;
- case Lame.V0:
- apply_vbr_preset(gfp, 0, enforce);
- return preset;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- if (8 <= preset && preset <= 320) {
- return apply_abr_preset(gfp, preset, enforce);
- }
- /* no corresponding preset found */
- gfp.preset = 0;
- return preset;
- }
- // Rest from getset.c:
- /**
- * VBR quality level.<BR>
- * 0 = highest<BR>
- * 9 = lowest
- */
- function lame_set_VBR_q(gfp, VBR_q) {
- var ret = 0;
- if (0 > VBR_q) {
- /* Unknown VBR quality level! */
- ret = -1;
- VBR_q = 0;
- }
- if (9 < VBR_q) {
- ret = -1;
- VBR_q = 9;
- }
- gfp.VBR_q = VBR_q;
- gfp.VBR_q_frac = 0;
- return ret;
- }
- }
- /*
- * MP3 huffman table selecting and bit counting
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1999-2005 Takehiro TOMINAGA
- * Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Gabriel Bouvigne
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Library General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the
- * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
- * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- */
- /* $Id: Takehiro.java,v 1.26 2011/05/24 20:48:06 kenchis Exp $ */
- //package mp3;
- //import java.util.Arrays;
- function Takehiro() {
- var qupvt = null;
- this.qupvt = null;
- this.setModules = function (_qupvt) {
- this.qupvt = _qupvt;
- qupvt = _qupvt;
- }
- function Bits(b) {
- this.bits = 0 | b;
- }
- var subdv_table = [[0, 0], /* 0 bands */
- [0, 0], /* 1 bands */
- [0, 0], /* 2 bands */
- [0, 0], /* 3 bands */
- [0, 0], /* 4 bands */
- [0, 1], /* 5 bands */
- [1, 1], /* 6 bands */
- [1, 1], /* 7 bands */
- [1, 2], /* 8 bands */
- [2, 2], /* 9 bands */
- [2, 3], /* 10 bands */
- [2, 3], /* 11 bands */
- [3, 4], /* 12 bands */
- [3, 4], /* 13 bands */
- [3, 4], /* 14 bands */
- [4, 5], /* 15 bands */
- [4, 5], /* 16 bands */
- [4, 6], /* 17 bands */
- [5, 6], /* 18 bands */
- [5, 6], /* 19 bands */
- [5, 7], /* 20 bands */
- [6, 7], /* 21 bands */
- [6, 7], /* 22 bands */
- ];
- /**
- * nonlinear quantization of xr More accurate formula than the ISO formula.
- * Takes into account the fact that we are quantizing xr . ix, but we want
- * ix^4/3 to be as close as possible to x^4/3. (taking the nearest int would
- * mean ix is as close as possible to xr, which is different.)
- *
- * From Segher Boessenkool <segher@eastsite.nl> 11/1999
- *
- * 09/2000: ASM code removed in favor of IEEE754 hack by Takehiro Tominaga.
- * If you need the ASM code, check CVS circa Aug 2000.
- *
- * 01/2004: Optimizations by Gabriel Bouvigne
- */
- function quantize_lines_xrpow_01(l, istep, xr, xrPos, ix, ixPos) {
- var compareval0 = (1.0 - 0.4054) / istep;
- l = l >> 1;
- while ((l--) != 0) {
- ix[ixPos++] = (compareval0 > xr[xrPos++]) ? 0 : 1;
- ix[ixPos++] = (compareval0 > xr[xrPos++]) ? 0 : 1;
- }
- }
- /**
- * XRPOW_FTOI is a macro to convert floats to ints.<BR>
- * if XRPOW_FTOI(x) = nearest_int(x), then QUANTFAC(x)=adj43asm[x]<BR>
- * ROUNDFAC= -0.0946<BR>
- *
- * if XRPOW_FTOI(x) = floor(x), then QUANTFAC(x)=asj43[x]<BR>
- * ROUNDFAC=0.4054<BR>
- *
- * Note: using floor() or 0| is extremely slow. On machines where the
- * TAKEHIRO_IEEE754_HACK code above does not work, it is worthwile to write
- * some ASM for XRPOW_FTOI().
- */
- function quantize_lines_xrpow(l, istep, xr, xrPos, ix, ixPos) {
- l = l >> 1;
- var remaining = l % 2;
- l = l >> 1;
- while (l-- != 0) {
- var x0, x1, x2, x3;
- var rx0, rx1, rx2, rx3;
- x0 = xr[xrPos++] * istep;
- x1 = xr[xrPos++] * istep;
- rx0 = 0 | x0;
- x2 = xr[xrPos++] * istep;
- rx1 = 0 | x1;
- x3 = xr[xrPos++] * istep;
- rx2 = 0 | x2;
- x0 += qupvt.adj43[rx0];
- rx3 = 0 | x3;
- x1 += qupvt.adj43[rx1];
- ix[ixPos++] = 0 | x0;
- x2 += qupvt.adj43[rx2];
- ix[ixPos++] = 0 | x1;
- x3 += qupvt.adj43[rx3];
- ix[ixPos++] = 0 | x2;
- ix[ixPos++] = 0 | x3;
- }
- if (remaining != 0) {
- var x0, x1;
- var rx0, rx1;
- x0 = xr[xrPos++] * istep;
- x1 = xr[xrPos++] * istep;
- rx0 = 0 | x0;
- rx1 = 0 | x1;
- x0 += qupvt.adj43[rx0];
- x1 += qupvt.adj43[rx1];
- ix[ixPos++] = 0 | x0;
- ix[ixPos++] = 0 | x1;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Quantization function This function will select which lines to quantize
- * and call the proper quantization function
- */
- function quantize_xrpow(xp, pi, istep, codInfo, prevNoise) {
- /* quantize on xr^(3/4) instead of xr */
- var sfb;
- var sfbmax;
- var j = 0;
- var prev_data_use;
- var accumulate = 0;
- var accumulate01 = 0;
- var xpPos = 0;
- var iData = pi;
- var iDataPos = 0;
- var acc_iData = iData;
- var acc_iDataPos = 0;
- var acc_xp = xp;
- var acc_xpPos = 0;
- /*
- * Reusing previously computed data does not seems to work if global
- * gain is changed. Finding why it behaves this way would allow to use a
- * cache of previously computed values (let's 10 cached values per sfb)
- * that would probably provide a noticeable speedup
- */
- prev_data_use = (prevNoise != null && (codInfo.global_gain == prevNoise.global_gain));
- if (codInfo.block_type == Encoder.SHORT_TYPE)
- sfbmax = 38;
- else
- sfbmax = 21;
- for (sfb = 0; sfb <= sfbmax; sfb++) {
- var step = -1;
- if (prev_data_use || codInfo.block_type == Encoder.NORM_TYPE) {
- step = codInfo.global_gain
- - ((codInfo.scalefac[sfb] + (codInfo.preflag != 0 ? qupvt.pretab[sfb]
- : 0)) << (codInfo.scalefac_scale + 1))
- - codInfo.subblock_gain[codInfo.window[sfb]] * 8;
- }
- if (prev_data_use && (prevNoise.step[sfb] == step)) {
- /*
- * do not recompute this part, but compute accumulated lines
- */
- if (accumulate != 0) {
- quantize_lines_xrpow(accumulate, istep, acc_xp, acc_xpPos,
- acc_iData, acc_iDataPos);
- accumulate = 0;
- }
- if (accumulate01 != 0) {
- quantize_lines_xrpow_01(accumulate01, istep, acc_xp,
- acc_xpPos, acc_iData, acc_iDataPos);
- accumulate01 = 0;
- }
- } else { /* should compute this part */
- var l = codInfo.width[sfb];
- if ((j + codInfo.width[sfb]) > codInfo.max_nonzero_coeff) {
- /* do not compute upper zero part */
- var usefullsize;
- usefullsize = codInfo.max_nonzero_coeff - j + 1;
- Arrays.fill(pi, codInfo.max_nonzero_coeff, 576, 0);
- l = usefullsize;
- if (l < 0) {
- l = 0;
- }
- /* no need to compute higher sfb values */
- sfb = sfbmax + 1;
- }
- /* accumulate lines to quantize */
- if (0 == accumulate && 0 == accumulate01) {
- acc_iData = iData;
- acc_iDataPos = iDataPos;
- acc_xp = xp;
- acc_xpPos = xpPos;
- }
- if (prevNoise != null && prevNoise.sfb_count1 > 0
- && sfb >= prevNoise.sfb_count1
- && prevNoise.step[sfb] > 0
- && step >= prevNoise.step[sfb]) {
- if (accumulate != 0) {
- quantize_lines_xrpow(accumulate, istep, acc_xp,
- acc_xpPos, acc_iData, acc_iDataPos);
- accumulate = 0;
- acc_iData = iData;
- acc_iDataPos = iDataPos;
- acc_xp = xp;
- acc_xpPos = xpPos;
- }
- accumulate01 += l;
- } else {
- if (accumulate01 != 0) {
- quantize_lines_xrpow_01(accumulate01, istep, acc_xp,
- acc_xpPos, acc_iData, acc_iDataPos);
- accumulate01 = 0;
- acc_iData = iData;
- acc_iDataPos = iDataPos;
- acc_xp = xp;
- acc_xpPos = xpPos;
- }
- accumulate += l;
- }
- if (l <= 0) {
- /*
- * rh: 20040215 may happen due to "prev_data_use"
- * optimization
- */
- if (accumulate01 != 0) {
- quantize_lines_xrpow_01(accumulate01, istep, acc_xp,
- acc_xpPos, acc_iData, acc_iDataPos);
- accumulate01 = 0;
- }
- if (accumulate != 0) {
- quantize_lines_xrpow(accumulate, istep, acc_xp,
- acc_xpPos, acc_iData, acc_iDataPos);
- accumulate = 0;
- }
- break;
- /* ends for-loop */
- }
- }
- if (sfb <= sfbmax) {
- iDataPos += codInfo.width[sfb];
- xpPos += codInfo.width[sfb];
- j += codInfo.width[sfb];
- }
- }
- if (accumulate != 0) { /* last data part */
- quantize_lines_xrpow(accumulate, istep, acc_xp, acc_xpPos,
- acc_iData, acc_iDataPos);
- accumulate = 0;
- }
- if (accumulate01 != 0) { /* last data part */
- quantize_lines_xrpow_01(accumulate01, istep, acc_xp, acc_xpPos,
- acc_iData, acc_iDataPos);
- accumulate01 = 0;
- }
- }
- /**
- * ix_max
- */
- function ix_max(ix, ixPos, endPos) {
- var max1 = 0, max2 = 0;
- do {
- var x1 = ix[ixPos++];
- var x2 = ix[ixPos++];
- if (max1 < x1)
- max1 = x1;
- if (max2 < x2)
- max2 = x2;
- } while (ixPos < endPos);
- if (max1 < max2)
- max1 = max2;
- return max1;
- }
- function count_bit_ESC(ix, ixPos, end, t1, t2, s) {
- /* ESC-table is used */
- var linbits = Tables.ht[t1].xlen * 65536 + Tables.ht[t2].xlen;
- var sum = 0, sum2;
- do {
- var x = ix[ixPos++];
- var y = ix[ixPos++];
- if (x != 0) {
- if (x > 14) {
- x = 15;
- sum += linbits;
- }
- x *= 16;
- }
- if (y != 0) {
- if (y > 14) {
- y = 15;
- sum += linbits;
- }
- x += y;
- }
- sum += Tables.largetbl[x];
- } while (ixPos < end);
- sum2 = sum & 0xffff;
- sum >>= 16;
- if (sum > sum2) {
- sum = sum2;
- t1 = t2;
- }
- s.bits += sum;
- return t1;
- }
- function count_bit_noESC(ix, ixPos, end, s) {
- /* No ESC-words */
- var sum1 = 0;
- var hlen1 = Tables.ht[1].hlen;
- do {
- var x = ix[ixPos + 0] * 2 + ix[ixPos + 1];
- ixPos += 2;
- sum1 += hlen1[x];
- } while (ixPos < end);
- s.bits += sum1;
- return 1;
- }
- function count_bit_noESC_from2(ix, ixPos, end, t1, s) {
- /* No ESC-words */
- var sum = 0, sum2;
- var xlen = Tables.ht[t1].xlen;
- var hlen;
- if (t1 == 2)
- hlen = Tables.table23;
- else
- hlen = Tables.table56;
- do {
- var x = ix[ixPos + 0] * xlen + ix[ixPos + 1];
- ixPos += 2;
- sum += hlen[x];
- } while (ixPos < end);
- sum2 = sum & 0xffff;
- sum >>= 16;
- if (sum > sum2) {
- sum = sum2;
- t1++;
- }
- s.bits += sum;
- return t1;
- }
- function count_bit_noESC_from3(ix, ixPos, end, t1, s) {
- /* No ESC-words */
- var sum1 = 0;
- var sum2 = 0;
- var sum3 = 0;
- var xlen = Tables.ht[t1].xlen;
- var hlen1 = Tables.ht[t1].hlen;
- var hlen2 = Tables.ht[t1 + 1].hlen;
- var hlen3 = Tables.ht[t1 + 2].hlen;
- do {
- var x = ix[ixPos + 0] * xlen + ix[ixPos + 1];
- ixPos += 2;
- sum1 += hlen1[x];
- sum2 += hlen2[x];
- sum3 += hlen3[x];
- } while (ixPos < end);
- var t = t1;
- if (sum1 > sum2) {
- sum1 = sum2;
- t++;
- }
- if (sum1 > sum3) {
- sum1 = sum3;
- t = t1 + 2;
- }
- s.bits += sum1;
- return t;
- }
- /*************************************************************************/
- /* choose table */
- /*************************************************************************/
- var huf_tbl_noESC = [1, 2, 5, 7, 7, 10, 10, 13, 13,
- 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13];
- /**
- * Choose the Huffman table that will encode ix[begin..end] with the fewest
- * bits.
- *
- * Note: This code contains knowledge about the sizes and characteristics of
- * the Huffman tables as defined in the IS (Table B.7), and will not work
- * with any arbitrary tables.
- */
- function choose_table(ix, ixPos, endPos, s) {
- var max = ix_max(ix, ixPos, endPos);
- switch (max) {
- case 0:
- return max;
- case 1:
- return count_bit_noESC(ix, ixPos, endPos, s);
- case 2:
- case 3:
- return count_bit_noESC_from2(ix, ixPos, endPos,
- huf_tbl_noESC[max - 1], s);
- case 4:
- case 5:
- case 6:
- case 7:
- case 8:
- case 9:
- case 10:
- case 11:
- case 12:
- case 13:
- case 14:
- case 15:
- return count_bit_noESC_from3(ix, ixPos, endPos,
- huf_tbl_noESC[max - 1], s);
- default:
- /* try tables with linbits */
- if (max > QuantizePVT.IXMAX_VAL) {
- s.bits = QuantizePVT.LARGE_BITS;
- return -1;
- }
- max -= 15;
- var choice2;
- for (choice2 = 24; choice2 < 32; choice2++) {
- if (Tables.ht[choice2].linmax >= max) {
- break;
- }
- }
- var choice;
- for (choice = choice2 - 8; choice < 24; choice++) {
- if (Tables.ht[choice].linmax >= max) {
- break;
- }
- }
- return count_bit_ESC(ix, ixPos, endPos, choice, choice2, s);
- }
- }
- /**
- * count_bit
- */
- this.noquant_count_bits = function (gfc, gi, prev_noise) {
- var ix = gi.l3_enc;
- var i = Math.min(576, ((gi.max_nonzero_coeff + 2) >> 1) << 1);
- if (prev_noise != null)
- prev_noise.sfb_count1 = 0;
- /* Determine count1 region */
- for (; i > 1; i -= 2)
- if ((ix[i - 1] | ix[i - 2]) != 0)
- break;
- gi.count1 = i;
- /* Determines the number of bits to encode the quadruples. */
- var a1 = 0;
- var a2 = 0;
- for (; i > 3; i -= 4) {
- var p;
- /* hack to check if all values <= 1 */
- //throw "TODO: HACK if ((((long) ix[i - 1] | (long) ix[i - 2] | (long) ix[i - 3] | (long) ix[i - 4]) & 0xffffffffL) > 1L "
- //if (true) {
- if (((ix[i - 1] | ix[i - 2] | ix[i - 3] | ix[i - 4]) & 0x7fffffff) > 1) {
- break;
- }
- p = ((ix[i - 4] * 2 + ix[i - 3]) * 2 + ix[i - 2]) * 2 + ix[i - 1];
- a1 += Tables.t32l[p];
- a2 += Tables.t33l[p];
- }
- var bits = a1;
- gi.count1table_select = 0;
- if (a1 > a2) {
- bits = a2;
- gi.count1table_select = 1;
- }
- gi.count1bits = bits;
- gi.big_values = i;
- if (i == 0)
- return bits;
- if (gi.block_type == Encoder.SHORT_TYPE) {
- a1 = 3 * gfc.scalefac_band.s[3];
- if (a1 > gi.big_values)
- a1 = gi.big_values;
- a2 = gi.big_values;
- } else if (gi.block_type == Encoder.NORM_TYPE) {
- /* bv_scf has 576 entries (0..575) */
- a1 = gi.region0_count = gfc.bv_scf[i - 2];
- a2 = gi.region1_count = gfc.bv_scf[i - 1];
- a2 = gfc.scalefac_band.l[a1 + a2 + 2];
- a1 = gfc.scalefac_band.l[a1 + 1];
- if (a2 < i) {
- var bi = new Bits(bits);
- gi.table_select[2] = choose_table(ix, a2, i, bi);
- bits = bi.bits;
- }
- } else {
- gi.region0_count = 7;
- /* gi.region1_count = SBPSY_l - 7 - 1; */
- gi.region1_count = Encoder.SBMAX_l - 1 - 7 - 1;
- a1 = gfc.scalefac_band.l[7 + 1];
- a2 = i;
- if (a1 > a2) {
- a1 = a2;
- }
- }
- /* have to allow for the case when bigvalues < region0 < region1 */
- /* (and region0, region1 are ignored) */
- a1 = Math.min(a1, i);
- a2 = Math.min(a2, i);
- /* Count the number of bits necessary to code the bigvalues region. */
- if (0 < a1) {
- var bi = new Bits(bits);
- gi.table_select[0] = choose_table(ix, 0, a1, bi);
- bits = bi.bits;
- }
- if (a1 < a2) {
- var bi = new Bits(bits);
- gi.table_select[1] = choose_table(ix, a1, a2, bi);
- bits = bi.bits;
- }
- if (gfc.use_best_huffman == 2) {
- gi.part2_3_length = bits;
- best_huffman_divide(gfc, gi);
- bits = gi.part2_3_length;
- }
- if (prev_noise != null) {
- if (gi.block_type == Encoder.NORM_TYPE) {
- var sfb = 0;
- while (gfc.scalefac_band.l[sfb] < gi.big_values) {
- sfb++;
- }
- prev_noise.sfb_count1 = sfb;
- }
- }
- return bits;
- }
- this.count_bits = function (gfc, xr, gi, prev_noise) {
- var ix = gi.l3_enc;
- /* since quantize_xrpow uses table lookup, we need to check this first: */
- var w = (QuantizePVT.IXMAX_VAL) / qupvt.IPOW20(gi.global_gain);
- if (gi.xrpow_max > w)
- return QuantizePVT.LARGE_BITS;
- quantize_xrpow(xr, ix, qupvt.IPOW20(gi.global_gain), gi, prev_noise);
- if ((gfc.substep_shaping & 2) != 0) {
- var j = 0;
- /* 0.634521682242439 = 0.5946*2**(.5*0.1875) */
- var gain = gi.global_gain + gi.scalefac_scale;
- var roundfac = 0.634521682242439 / qupvt.IPOW20(gain);
- for (var sfb = 0; sfb < gi.sfbmax; sfb++) {
- var width = gi.width[sfb];
- if (0 == gfc.pseudohalf[sfb]) {
- j += width;
- } else {
- var k;
- for (k = j, j += width; k < j; ++k) {
- ix[k] = (xr[k] >= roundfac) ? ix[k] : 0;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return this.noquant_count_bits(gfc, gi, prev_noise);
- }
- /**
- * re-calculate the best scalefac_compress using scfsi the saved bits are
- * kept in the bit reservoir.
- */
- function recalc_divide_init(gfc, cod_info, ix, r01_bits, r01_div, r0_tbl, r1_tbl) {
- var bigv = cod_info.big_values;
- for (var r0 = 0; r0 <= 7 + 15; r0++) {
- r01_bits[r0] = QuantizePVT.LARGE_BITS;
- }
- for (var r0 = 0; r0 < 16; r0++) {
- var a1 = gfc.scalefac_band.l[r0 + 1];
- if (a1 >= bigv)
- break;
- var r0bits = 0;
- var bi = new Bits(r0bits);
- var r0t = choose_table(ix, 0, a1, bi);
- r0bits = bi.bits;
- for (var r1 = 0; r1 < 8; r1++) {
- var a2 = gfc.scalefac_band.l[r0 + r1 + 2];
- if (a2 >= bigv)
- break;
- var bits = r0bits;
- bi = new Bits(bits);
- var r1t = choose_table(ix, a1, a2, bi);
- bits = bi.bits;
- if (r01_bits[r0 + r1] > bits) {
- r01_bits[r0 + r1] = bits;
- r01_div[r0 + r1] = r0;
- r0_tbl[r0 + r1] = r0t;
- r1_tbl[r0 + r1] = r1t;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- function recalc_divide_sub(gfc, cod_info2, gi, ix, r01_bits, r01_div, r0_tbl, r1_tbl) {
- var bigv = cod_info2.big_values;
- for (var r2 = 2; r2 < Encoder.SBMAX_l + 1; r2++) {
- var a2 = gfc.scalefac_band.l[r2];
- if (a2 >= bigv)
- break;
- var bits = r01_bits[r2 - 2] + cod_info2.count1bits;
- if (gi.part2_3_length <= bits)
- break;
- var bi = new Bits(bits);
- var r2t = choose_table(ix, a2, bigv, bi);
- bits = bi.bits;
- if (gi.part2_3_length <= bits)
- continue;
- gi.assign(cod_info2);
- gi.part2_3_length = bits;
- gi.region0_count = r01_div[r2 - 2];
- gi.region1_count = r2 - 2 - r01_div[r2 - 2];
- gi.table_select[0] = r0_tbl[r2 - 2];
- gi.table_select[1] = r1_tbl[r2 - 2];
- gi.table_select[2] = r2t;
- }
- }
- this.best_huffman_divide = function (gfc, gi) {
- var cod_info2 = new GrInfo();
- var ix = gi.l3_enc;
- var r01_bits = new_int(7 + 15 + 1);
- var r01_div = new_int(7 + 15 + 1);
- var r0_tbl = new_int(7 + 15 + 1);
- var r1_tbl = new_int(7 + 15 + 1);
- /* SHORT BLOCK stuff fails for MPEG2 */
- if (gi.block_type == Encoder.SHORT_TYPE && gfc.mode_gr == 1)
- return;
- cod_info2.assign(gi);
- if (gi.block_type == Encoder.NORM_TYPE) {
- recalc_divide_init(gfc, gi, ix, r01_bits, r01_div, r0_tbl, r1_tbl);
- recalc_divide_sub(gfc, cod_info2, gi, ix, r01_bits, r01_div,
- r0_tbl, r1_tbl);
- }
- var i = cod_info2.big_values;
- if (i == 0 || (ix[i - 2] | ix[i - 1]) > 1)
- return;
- i = gi.count1 + 2;
- if (i > 576)
- return;
- /* Determines the number of bits to encode the quadruples. */
- cod_info2.assign(gi);
- cod_info2.count1 = i;
- var a1 = 0;
- var a2 = 0;
- for (; i > cod_info2.big_values; i -= 4) {
- var p = ((ix[i - 4] * 2 + ix[i - 3]) * 2 + ix[i - 2]) * 2
- + ix[i - 1];
- a1 += Tables.t32l[p];
- a2 += Tables.t33l[p];
- }
- cod_info2.big_values = i;
- cod_info2.count1table_select = 0;
- if (a1 > a2) {
- a1 = a2;
- cod_info2.count1table_select = 1;
- }
- cod_info2.count1bits = a1;
- if (cod_info2.block_type == Encoder.NORM_TYPE)
- recalc_divide_sub(gfc, cod_info2, gi, ix, r01_bits, r01_div,
- r0_tbl, r1_tbl);
- else {
- /* Count the number of bits necessary to code the bigvalues region. */
- cod_info2.part2_3_length = a1;
- a1 = gfc.scalefac_band.l[7 + 1];
- if (a1 > i) {
- a1 = i;
- }
- if (a1 > 0) {
- var bi = new Bits(cod_info2.part2_3_length);
- cod_info2.table_select[0] = choose_table(ix, 0, a1, bi);
- cod_info2.part2_3_length = bi.bits;
- }
- if (i > a1) {
- var bi = new Bits(cod_info2.part2_3_length);
- cod_info2.table_select[1] = choose_table(ix, a1, i, bi);
- cod_info2.part2_3_length = bi.bits;
- }
- if (gi.part2_3_length > cod_info2.part2_3_length)
- gi.assign(cod_info2);
- }
- }
- var slen1_n = [1, 1, 1, 1, 8, 2, 2, 2, 4, 4, 4, 8, 8, 8, 16, 16];
- var slen2_n = [1, 2, 4, 8, 1, 2, 4, 8, 2, 4, 8, 2, 4, 8, 4, 8];
- var slen1_tab = [0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4];
- var slen2_tab = [0, 1, 2, 3, 0, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 3, 2, 3];
- Takehiro.slen1_tab = slen1_tab;
- Takehiro.slen2_tab = slen2_tab;
- function scfsi_calc(ch, l3_side) {
- var sfb;
- var gi = l3_side.tt[1][ch];
- var g0 = l3_side.tt[0][ch];
- for (var i = 0; i < Tables.scfsi_band.length - 1; i++) {
- for (sfb = Tables.scfsi_band[i]; sfb < Tables.scfsi_band[i + 1]; sfb++) {
- if (g0.scalefac[sfb] != gi.scalefac[sfb]
- && gi.scalefac[sfb] >= 0)
- break;
- }
- if (sfb == Tables.scfsi_band[i + 1]) {
- for (sfb = Tables.scfsi_band[i]; sfb < Tables.scfsi_band[i + 1]; sfb++) {
- gi.scalefac[sfb] = -1;
- }
- l3_side.scfsi[ch][i] = 1;
- }
- }
- var s1 = 0;
- var c1 = 0;
- for (sfb = 0; sfb < 11; sfb++) {
- if (gi.scalefac[sfb] == -1)
- continue;
- c1++;
- if (s1 < gi.scalefac[sfb])
- s1 = gi.scalefac[sfb];
- }
- var s2 = 0;
- var c2 = 0;
- for (; sfb < Encoder.SBPSY_l; sfb++) {
- if (gi.scalefac[sfb] == -1)
- continue;
- c2++;
- if (s2 < gi.scalefac[sfb])
- s2 = gi.scalefac[sfb];
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
- if (s1 < slen1_n[i] && s2 < slen2_n[i]) {
- var c = slen1_tab[i] * c1 + slen2_tab[i] * c2;
- if (gi.part2_length > c) {
- gi.part2_length = c;
- gi.scalefac_compress = i;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Find the optimal way to store the scalefactors. Only call this routine
- * after final scalefactors have been chosen and the channel/granule will
- * not be re-encoded.
- */
- this.best_scalefac_store = function (gfc, gr, ch, l3_side) {
- /* use scalefac_scale if we can */
- var gi = l3_side.tt[gr][ch];
- var sfb, i, j, l;
- var recalc = 0;
- /*
- * remove scalefacs from bands with ix=0. This idea comes from the AAC
- * ISO docs. added mt 3/00
- */
- /* check if l3_enc=0 */
- j = 0;
- for (sfb = 0; sfb < gi.sfbmax; sfb++) {
- var width = gi.width[sfb];
- j += width;
- for (l = -width; l < 0; l++) {
- if (gi.l3_enc[l + j] != 0)
- break;
- }
- if (l == 0)
- gi.scalefac[sfb] = recalc = -2;
- /* anything goes. */
- /*
- * only best_scalefac_store and calc_scfsi know--and only they
- * should know--about the magic number -2.
- */
- }
- if (0 == gi.scalefac_scale && 0 == gi.preflag) {
- var s = 0;
- for (sfb = 0; sfb < gi.sfbmax; sfb++)
- if (gi.scalefac[sfb] > 0)
- s |= gi.scalefac[sfb];
- if (0 == (s & 1) && s != 0) {
- for (sfb = 0; sfb < gi.sfbmax; sfb++)
- if (gi.scalefac[sfb] > 0)
- gi.scalefac[sfb] >>= 1;
- gi.scalefac_scale = recalc = 1;
- }
- }
- if (0 == gi.preflag && gi.block_type != Encoder.SHORT_TYPE
- && gfc.mode_gr == 2) {
- for (sfb = 11; sfb < Encoder.SBPSY_l; sfb++)
- if (gi.scalefac[sfb] < qupvt.pretab[sfb]
- && gi.scalefac[sfb] != -2)
- break;
- if (sfb == Encoder.SBPSY_l) {
- for (sfb = 11; sfb < Encoder.SBPSY_l; sfb++)
- if (gi.scalefac[sfb] > 0)
- gi.scalefac[sfb] -= qupvt.pretab[sfb];
- gi.preflag = recalc = 1;
- }
- }
- for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
- l3_side.scfsi[ch][i] = 0;
- if (gfc.mode_gr == 2 && gr == 1
- && l3_side.tt[0][ch].block_type != Encoder.SHORT_TYPE
- && l3_side.tt[1][ch].block_type != Encoder.SHORT_TYPE) {
- scfsi_calc(ch, l3_side);
- recalc = 0;
- }
- for (sfb = 0; sfb < gi.sfbmax; sfb++) {
- if (gi.scalefac[sfb] == -2) {
- gi.scalefac[sfb] = 0;
- /* if anything goes, then 0 is a good choice */
- }
- }
- if (recalc != 0) {
- if (gfc.mode_gr == 2) {
- this.scale_bitcount(gi);
- } else {
- this.scale_bitcount_lsf(gfc, gi);
- }
- }
- }
- function all_scalefactors_not_negative(scalefac, n) {
- for (var i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
- if (scalefac[i] < 0)
- return false;
- }
- return true;
- }
- /**
- * number of bits used to encode scalefacs.
- *
- * 18*slen1_tab[i] + 18*slen2_tab[i]
- */
- var scale_short = [0, 18, 36, 54, 54, 36, 54, 72,
- 54, 72, 90, 72, 90, 108, 108, 126];
- /**
- * number of bits used to encode scalefacs.
- *
- * 17*slen1_tab[i] + 18*slen2_tab[i]
- */
- var scale_mixed = [0, 18, 36, 54, 51, 35, 53, 71,
- 52, 70, 88, 69, 87, 105, 104, 122];
- /**
- * number of bits used to encode scalefacs.
- *
- * 11*slen1_tab[i] + 10*slen2_tab[i]
- */
- var scale_long = [0, 10, 20, 30, 33, 21, 31, 41, 32, 42,
- 52, 43, 53, 63, 64, 74];
- /**
- * Also calculates the number of bits necessary to code the scalefactors.
- */
- this.scale_bitcount = function (cod_info) {
- var k, sfb, max_slen1 = 0, max_slen2 = 0;
- /* maximum values */
- var tab;
- var scalefac = cod_info.scalefac;
- if (cod_info.block_type == Encoder.SHORT_TYPE) {
- tab = scale_short;
- if (cod_info.mixed_block_flag != 0)
- tab = scale_mixed;
- } else { /* block_type == 1,2,or 3 */
- tab = scale_long;
- if (0 == cod_info.preflag) {
- for (sfb = 11; sfb < Encoder.SBPSY_l; sfb++)
- if (scalefac[sfb] < qupvt.pretab[sfb])
- break;
- if (sfb == Encoder.SBPSY_l) {
- cod_info.preflag = 1;
- for (sfb = 11; sfb < Encoder.SBPSY_l; sfb++)
- scalefac[sfb] -= qupvt.pretab[sfb];
- }
- }
- }
- for (sfb = 0; sfb < cod_info.sfbdivide; sfb++)
- if (max_slen1 < scalefac[sfb])
- max_slen1 = scalefac[sfb];
- for (; sfb < cod_info.sfbmax; sfb++)
- if (max_slen2 < scalefac[sfb])
- max_slen2 = scalefac[sfb];
- /*
- * from Takehiro TOMINAGA <tominaga@isoternet.org> 10/99 loop over *all*
- * posible values of scalefac_compress to find the one which uses the
- * smallest number of bits. ISO would stop at first valid index
- */
- cod_info.part2_length = QuantizePVT.LARGE_BITS;
- for (k = 0; k < 16; k++) {
- if (max_slen1 < slen1_n[k] && max_slen2 < slen2_n[k]
- && cod_info.part2_length > tab[k]) {
- cod_info.part2_length = tab[k];
- cod_info.scalefac_compress = k;
- }
- }
- return cod_info.part2_length == QuantizePVT.LARGE_BITS;
- }
- /**
- * table of largest scalefactor values for MPEG2
- */
- var max_range_sfac_tab = [[15, 15, 7, 7],
- [15, 15, 7, 0], [7, 3, 0, 0], [15, 31, 31, 0],
- [7, 7, 7, 0], [3, 3, 0, 0]];
- /**
- * Also counts the number of bits to encode the scalefacs but for MPEG 2
- * Lower sampling frequencies (24, 22.05 and 16 kHz.)
- *
- * This is reverse-engineered from section of the MPEG2 IS,
- * "Audio Decoding Layer III"
- */
- this.scale_bitcount_lsf = function (gfc, cod_info) {
- var table_number, row_in_table, partition, nr_sfb, window;
- var over;
- var i, sfb;
- var max_sfac = new_int(4);
- //var partition_table;
- var scalefac = cod_info.scalefac;
- /*
- * Set partition table. Note that should try to use table one, but do
- * not yet...
- */
- if (cod_info.preflag != 0)
- table_number = 2;
- else
- table_number = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
- max_sfac[i] = 0;
- if (cod_info.block_type == Encoder.SHORT_TYPE) {
- row_in_table = 1;
- var partition_table = qupvt.nr_of_sfb_block[table_number][row_in_table];
- for (sfb = 0, partition = 0; partition < 4; partition++) {
- nr_sfb = partition_table[partition] / 3;
- for (i = 0; i < nr_sfb; i++, sfb++)
- for (window = 0; window < 3; window++)
- if (scalefac[sfb * 3 + window] > max_sfac[partition])
- max_sfac[partition] = scalefac[sfb * 3 + window];
- }
- } else {
- row_in_table = 0;
- var partition_table = qupvt.nr_of_sfb_block[table_number][row_in_table];
- for (sfb = 0, partition = 0; partition < 4; partition++) {
- nr_sfb = partition_table[partition];
- for (i = 0; i < nr_sfb; i++, sfb++)
- if (scalefac[sfb] > max_sfac[partition])
- max_sfac[partition] = scalefac[sfb];
- }
- }
- for (over = false, partition = 0; partition < 4; partition++) {
- if (max_sfac[partition] > max_range_sfac_tab[table_number][partition])
- over = true;
- }
- if (!over) {
- var slen1, slen2, slen3, slen4;
- cod_info.sfb_partition_table = qupvt.nr_of_sfb_block[table_number][row_in_table];
- for (partition = 0; partition < 4; partition++)
- cod_info.slen[partition] = log2tab[max_sfac[partition]];
- /* set scalefac_compress */
- slen1 = cod_info.slen[0];
- slen2 = cod_info.slen[1];
- slen3 = cod_info.slen[2];
- slen4 = cod_info.slen[3];
- switch (table_number) {
- case 0:
- cod_info.scalefac_compress = (((slen1 * 5) + slen2) << 4)
- + (slen3 << 2) + slen4;
- break;
- case 1:
- cod_info.scalefac_compress = 400 + (((slen1 * 5) + slen2) << 2)
- + slen3;
- break;
- case 2:
- cod_info.scalefac_compress = 500 + (slen1 * 3) + slen2;
- break;
- default:
- System.err.printf("intensity stereo not implemented yet\n");
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!over) {
- cod_info.part2_length = 0;
- for (partition = 0; partition < 4; partition++)
- cod_info.part2_length += cod_info.slen[partition]
- * cod_info.sfb_partition_table[partition];
- }
- return over;
- }
- /*
- * Since no bands have been over-amplified, we can set scalefac_compress and
- * slen[] for the formatter
- */
- var log2tab = [0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4,
- 4, 4, 4, 4];
- this.huffman_init = function (gfc) {
- for (var i = 2; i <= 576; i += 2) {
- var scfb_anz = 0, bv_index;
- while (gfc.scalefac_band.l[++scfb_anz] < i)
- ;
- bv_index = subdv_table[scfb_anz][0]; // .region0_count
- while (gfc.scalefac_band.l[bv_index + 1] > i)
- bv_index--;
- if (bv_index < 0) {
- /*
- * this is an indication that everything is going to be encoded
- * as region0: bigvalues < region0 < region1 so lets set
- * region0, region1 to some value larger than bigvalues
- */
- bv_index = subdv_table[scfb_anz][0]; // .region0_count
- }
- gfc.bv_scf[i - 2] = bv_index;
- bv_index = subdv_table[scfb_anz][1]; // .region1_count
- while (gfc.scalefac_band.l[bv_index + gfc.bv_scf[i - 2] + 2] > i)
- bv_index--;
- if (bv_index < 0) {
- bv_index = subdv_table[scfb_anz][1]; // .region1_count
- }
- gfc.bv_scf[i - 1] = bv_index;
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * bit reservoir source file
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Mark Taylor
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Library General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the
- * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
- * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- */
- /* $Id: Reservoir.java,v 1.9 2011/05/24 20:48:06 kenchis Exp $ */
- //package mp3;
- /**
- * ResvFrameBegin:<BR>
- * Called (repeatedly) at the beginning of a frame. Updates the maximum size of
- * the reservoir, and checks to make sure main_data_begin was set properly by
- * the formatter<BR>
- * Background information:
- *
- * This is the original text from the ISO standard. Because of sooo many bugs
- * and irritations correcting comments are added in brackets []. A '^W' means
- * you should remove the last word.
- *
- * <PRE>
- * 1. The following rule can be used to calculate the maximum
- * number of bits used for one granule [^W frame]:<BR>
- * At the highest possible bitrate of Layer III (320 kbps
- * per stereo signal [^W^W^W], 48 kHz) the frames must be of
- * [^W^W^W are designed to have] constant length, i.e.
- * one buffer [^W^W the frame] length is:<BR>
- *
- * 320 kbps * 1152/48 kHz = 7680 bit = 960 byte
- *
- * This value is used as the maximum buffer per channel [^W^W] at
- * lower bitrates [than 320 kbps]. At 64 kbps mono or 128 kbps
- * stereo the main granule length is 64 kbps * 576/48 kHz = 768 bit
- * [per granule and channel] at 48 kHz sampling frequency.
- * This means that there is a maximum deviation (short time buffer
- * [= reservoir]) of 7680 - 2*2*768 = 4608 bits is allowed at 64 kbps.
- * The actual deviation is equal to the number of bytes [with the
- * meaning of octets] denoted by the main_data_end offset pointer.
- * The actual maximum deviation is (2^9-1)*8 bit = 4088 bits
- * [for MPEG-1 and (2^8-1)*8 bit for MPEG-2, both are hard limits].
- * ... The xchange of buffer bits between the left and right channel
- * is allowed without restrictions [exception: dual channel].
- * Because of the [constructed] constraint on the buffer size
- * main_data_end is always set to 0 in the case of bit_rate_index==14,
- * i.e. data rate 320 kbps per stereo signal [^W^W^W]. In this case
- * all data are allocated between adjacent header [^W sync] words
- * [, i.e. there is no buffering at all].
- * </PRE>
- */
- function Reservoir() {
- var bs;
- this.setModules = function(_bs) {
- bs = _bs;
- }
- this.ResvFrameBegin = function(gfp, mean_bits) {
- var gfc = gfp.internal_flags;
- var maxmp3buf;
- var l3_side = gfc.l3_side;
- var frameLength = bs.getframebits(gfp);
- mean_bits.bits = (frameLength - gfc.sideinfo_len * 8) / gfc.mode_gr;
- /**
- * <PRE>
- * Meaning of the variables:
- * resvLimit: (0, 8, ..., 8*255 (MPEG-2), 8*511 (MPEG-1))
- * Number of bits can be stored in previous frame(s) due to
- * counter size constaints
- * maxmp3buf: ( ??? ... 8*1951 (MPEG-1 and 2), 8*2047 (MPEG-2.5))
- * Number of bits allowed to encode one frame (you can take 8*511 bit
- * from the bit reservoir and at most 8*1440 bit from the current
- * frame (320 kbps, 32 kHz), so 8*1951 bit is the largest possible
- * value for MPEG-1 and -2)
- *
- * maximum allowed granule/channel size times 4 = 8*2047 bits.,
- * so this is the absolute maximum supported by the format.
- *
- *
- * fullFrameBits: maximum number of bits available for encoding
- * the current frame.
- *
- * mean_bits: target number of bits per granule.
- *
- * frameLength:
- *
- * gfc.ResvMax: maximum allowed reservoir
- *
- * gfc.ResvSize: current reservoir size
- *
- * l3_side.resvDrain_pre:
- * ancillary data to be added to previous frame:
- * (only usefull in VBR modes if it is possible to have
- * maxmp3buf < fullFrameBits)). Currently disabled,
- * see #define NEW_DRAIN
- * 2010-02-13: RH now enabled, it seems to be needed for CBR too,
- * as there exists one example, where the FhG decoder
- * can't decode a -b320 CBR file anymore.
- *
- * l3_side.resvDrain_post:
- * ancillary data to be added to this frame:
- *
- * </PRE>
- */
- /* main_data_begin has 9 bits in MPEG-1, 8 bits MPEG-2 */
- var resvLimit = (8 * 256) * gfc.mode_gr - 8;
- /*
- * maximum allowed frame size. dont use more than this number of bits,
- * even if the frame has the space for them:
- */
- if (gfp.brate > 320) {
- /* in freeformat the buffer is constant */
- maxmp3buf = 8 * ((int) ((gfp.brate * 1000)
- / (gfp.out_samplerate / 1152) / 8 + .5));
- } else {
- /*
- * all mp3 decoders should have enough buffer to handle this value:
- * size of a 320kbps 32kHz frame
- */
- maxmp3buf = 8 * 1440;
- /*
- * Bouvigne suggests this more lax interpretation of the ISO doc
- * instead of using 8*960.
- */
- if (gfp.strict_ISO) {
- maxmp3buf = 8 * ((int) (320000 / (gfp.out_samplerate / 1152) / 8 + .5));
- }
- }
- gfc.ResvMax = maxmp3buf - frameLength;
- if (gfc.ResvMax > resvLimit)
- gfc.ResvMax = resvLimit;
- if (gfc.ResvMax < 0 || gfp.disable_reservoir)
- gfc.ResvMax = 0;
- var fullFrameBits = mean_bits.bits * gfc.mode_gr
- + Math.min(gfc.ResvSize, gfc.ResvMax);
- if (fullFrameBits > maxmp3buf)
- fullFrameBits = maxmp3buf;
- l3_side.resvDrain_pre = 0;
- // frame analyzer code
- if (gfc.pinfo != null) {
- /*
- * expected bits per channel per granule [is this also right for
- * mono/stereo, MPEG-1/2 ?]
- */
- gfc.pinfo.mean_bits = mean_bits.bits / 2;
- gfc.pinfo.resvsize = gfc.ResvSize;
- }
- return fullFrameBits;
- }
- /**
- * returns targ_bits: target number of bits to use for 1 granule<BR>
- * extra_bits: amount extra available from reservoir<BR>
- * Mark Taylor 4/99
- */
- this.ResvMaxBits = function(gfp, mean_bits, targ_bits, cbr) {
- var gfc = gfp.internal_flags;
- var add_bits;
- var ResvSize = gfc.ResvSize, ResvMax = gfc.ResvMax;
- /* compensate the saved bits used in the 1st granule */
- if (cbr != 0)
- ResvSize += mean_bits;
- if ((gfc.substep_shaping & 1) != 0)
- ResvMax *= 0.9;
- targ_bits.bits = mean_bits;
- /* extra bits if the reservoir is almost full */
- if (ResvSize * 10 > ResvMax * 9) {
- add_bits = ResvSize - (ResvMax * 9) / 10;
- targ_bits.bits += add_bits;
- gfc.substep_shaping |= 0x80;
- } else {
- add_bits = 0;
- gfc.substep_shaping &= 0x7f;
- /*
- * build up reservoir. this builds the reservoir a little slower
- * than FhG. It could simple be mean_bits/15, but this was rigged to
- * always produce 100 (the old value) at 128kbs
- */
- if (!gfp.disable_reservoir && 0 == (gfc.substep_shaping & 1))
- targ_bits.bits -= .1 * mean_bits;
- }
- /* amount from the reservoir we are allowed to use. ISO says 6/10 */
- var extra_bits = (ResvSize < (gfc.ResvMax * 6) / 10 ? ResvSize
- : (gfc.ResvMax * 6) / 10);
- extra_bits -= add_bits;
- if (extra_bits < 0)
- extra_bits = 0;
- return extra_bits;
- }
- /**
- * Called after a granule's bit allocation. Readjusts the size of the
- * reservoir to reflect the granule's usage.
- */
- this.ResvAdjust = function(gfc, gi) {
- gfc.ResvSize -= gi.part2_3_length + gi.part2_length;
- }
- /**
- * Called after all granules in a frame have been allocated. Makes sure that
- * the reservoir size is within limits, possibly by adding stuffing bits.
- */
- this.ResvFrameEnd = function(gfc, mean_bits) {
- var over_bits;
- var l3_side = gfc.l3_side;
- gfc.ResvSize += mean_bits * gfc.mode_gr;
- var stuffingBits = 0;
- l3_side.resvDrain_post = 0;
- l3_side.resvDrain_pre = 0;
- /* we must be byte aligned */
- if ((over_bits = gfc.ResvSize % 8) != 0)
- stuffingBits += over_bits;
- over_bits = (gfc.ResvSize - stuffingBits) - gfc.ResvMax;
- if (over_bits > 0) {
- stuffingBits += over_bits;
- }
- /*
- * NOTE: enabling the NEW_DRAIN code fixes some problems with FhG
- * decoder shipped with MS Windows operating systems. Using this, it is
- * even possible to use Gabriel's lax buffer consideration again, which
- * assumes, any decoder should have a buffer large enough for a 320 kbps
- * frame at 32 kHz sample rate.
- *
- * old drain code: lame -b320 BlackBird.wav --. does not play with
- * GraphEdit.exe using FhG decoder V1.5 Build 50
- *
- * new drain code: lame -b320 BlackBird.wav --. plays fine with
- * GraphEdit.exe using FhG decoder V1.5 Build 50
- *
- * Robert Hegemann, 2010-02-13.
- */
- /*
- * drain as many bits as possible into previous frame ancillary data In
- * particular, in VBR mode ResvMax may have changed, and we have to make
- * sure main_data_begin does not create a reservoir bigger than ResvMax
- * mt 4/00
- */
- {
- var mdb_bytes = Math.min(l3_side.main_data_begin * 8, stuffingBits) / 8;
- l3_side.resvDrain_pre += 8 * mdb_bytes;
- stuffingBits -= 8 * mdb_bytes;
- gfc.ResvSize -= 8 * mdb_bytes;
- l3_side.main_data_begin -= mdb_bytes;
- }
- /* drain the rest into this frames ancillary data */
- l3_side.resvDrain_post += stuffingBits;
- gfc.ResvSize -= stuffingBits;
- }
- }
- BitStream.EQ = function (a, b) {
- return (Math.abs(a) > Math.abs(b)) ? (Math.abs((a) - (b)) <= (Math
- .abs(a) * 1e-6))
- : (Math.abs((a) - (b)) <= (Math.abs(b) * 1e-6));
- };
- BitStream.NEQ = function (a, b) {
- return !BitStream.EQ(a, b);
- };
- function BitStream() {
- var self = this;
- var CRC16_POLYNOMIAL = 0x8005;
- /*
- * we work with ints, so when doing bit manipulation, we limit ourselves to
- * MAX_LENGTH-2 just to be on the safe side
- */
- var MAX_LENGTH = 32;
- //GainAnalysis ga;
- //MPGLib mpg;
- //Version ver;
- //VBRTag vbr;
- var ga = null;
- var mpg = null;
- var ver = null;
- var vbr = null;
- //public final void setModules(GainAnalysis ga, MPGLib mpg, Version ver,
- // VBRTag vbr) {
- this.setModules = function (_ga, _mpg, _ver, _vbr) {
- ga = _ga;
- mpg = _mpg;
- ver = _ver;
- vbr = _vbr;
- };
- /**
- * Bit stream buffer.
- */
- //private byte[] buf;
- var buf = null;
- /**
- * Bit counter of bit stream.
- */
- var totbit = 0;
- /**
- * Pointer to top byte in buffer.
- */
- var bufByteIdx = 0;
- /**
- * Pointer to top bit of top byte in buffer.
- */
- var bufBitIdx = 0;
- /**
- * compute bitsperframe and mean_bits for a layer III frame
- */
- this.getframebits = function (gfp) {
- var gfc = gfp.internal_flags;
- var bit_rate;
- /* get bitrate in kbps [?] */
- if (gfc.bitrate_index != 0)
- bit_rate = Tables.bitrate_table[gfp.version][gfc.bitrate_index];
- else
- bit_rate = gfp.brate;
- /* main encoding routine toggles padding on and off */
- /* one Layer3 Slot consists of 8 bits */
- var bytes = 0 | (gfp.version + 1) * 72000 * bit_rate / gfp.out_samplerate + gfc.padding;
- return 8 * bytes;
- };
- function putheader_bits(gfc) {
- System.arraycopy(gfc.header[gfc.w_ptr].buf, 0, buf, bufByteIdx, gfc.sideinfo_len);
- bufByteIdx += gfc.sideinfo_len;
- totbit += gfc.sideinfo_len * 8;
- gfc.w_ptr = (gfc.w_ptr + 1) & (LameInternalFlags.MAX_HEADER_BUF - 1);
- }
- /**
- * write j bits into the bit stream
- */
- function putbits2(gfc, val, j) {
- while (j > 0) {
- var k;
- if (bufBitIdx == 0) {
- bufBitIdx = 8;
- bufByteIdx++;
- if (gfc.header[gfc.w_ptr].write_timing == totbit) {
- putheader_bits(gfc);
- }
- buf[bufByteIdx] = 0;
- }
- k = Math.min(j, bufBitIdx);
- j -= k;
- bufBitIdx -= k;
- /* 32 too large on 32 bit machines */
- buf[bufByteIdx] |= ((val >> j) << bufBitIdx);
- totbit += k;
- }
- }
- /**
- * write j bits into the bit stream, ignoring frame headers
- */
- function putbits_noheaders(gfc, val, j) {
- while (j > 0) {
- var k;
- if (bufBitIdx == 0) {
- bufBitIdx = 8;
- bufByteIdx++;
- buf[bufByteIdx] = 0;
- }
- k = Math.min(j, bufBitIdx);
- j -= k;
- bufBitIdx -= k;
- /* 32 too large on 32 bit machines */
- buf[bufByteIdx] |= ((val >> j) << bufBitIdx);
- totbit += k;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Some combinations of bitrate, Fs, and stereo make it impossible to stuff
- * out a frame using just main_data, due to the limited number of bits to
- * indicate main_data_length. In these situations, we put stuffing bits into
- * the ancillary data...
- */
- function drain_into_ancillary(gfp, remainingBits) {
- var gfc = gfp.internal_flags;
- var i;
- if (remainingBits >= 8) {
- putbits2(gfc, 0x4c, 8);
- remainingBits -= 8;
- }
- if (remainingBits >= 8) {
- putbits2(gfc, 0x41, 8);
- remainingBits -= 8;
- }
- if (remainingBits >= 8) {
- putbits2(gfc, 0x4d, 8);
- remainingBits -= 8;
- }
- if (remainingBits >= 8) {
- putbits2(gfc, 0x45, 8);
- remainingBits -= 8;
- }
- if (remainingBits >= 32) {
- var version = ver.getLameShortVersion();
- if (remainingBits >= 32)
- for (i = 0; i < version.length && remainingBits >= 8; ++i) {
- remainingBits -= 8;
- putbits2(gfc, version.charAt(i), 8);
- }
- }
- for (; remainingBits >= 1; remainingBits -= 1) {
- putbits2(gfc, gfc.ancillary_flag, 1);
- gfc.ancillary_flag ^= (!gfp.disable_reservoir ? 1 : 0);
- }
- }
- /**
- * write N bits into the header
- */
- function writeheader(gfc, val, j) {
- var ptr = gfc.header[gfc.h_ptr].ptr;
- while (j > 0) {
- var k = Math.min(j, 8 - (ptr & 7));
- j -= k;
- /* >> 32 too large for 32 bit machines */
- gfc.header[gfc.h_ptr].buf[ptr >> 3] |= ((val >> j)) << (8 - (ptr & 7) - k);
- ptr += k;
- }
- gfc.header[gfc.h_ptr].ptr = ptr;
- }
- function CRC_update(value, crc) {
- value <<= 8;
- for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
- value <<= 1;
- crc <<= 1;
- if ((((crc ^ value) & 0x10000) != 0))
- crc ^= CRC16_POLYNOMIAL;
- }
- return crc;
- }
- this.CRC_writeheader = function (gfc, header) {
- var crc = 0xffff;
- /* (jo) init crc16 for error_protection */
- crc = CRC_update(header[2] & 0xff, crc);
- crc = CRC_update(header[3] & 0xff, crc);
- for (var i = 6; i < gfc.sideinfo_len; i++) {
- crc = CRC_update(header[i] & 0xff, crc);
- }
- header[4] = (byte)(crc >> 8);
- header[5] = (byte)(crc & 255);
- };
- function encodeSideInfo2(gfp, bitsPerFrame) {
- var gfc = gfp.internal_flags;
- var l3_side;
- var gr, ch;
- l3_side = gfc.l3_side;
- gfc.header[gfc.h_ptr].ptr = 0;
- Arrays.fill(gfc.header[gfc.h_ptr].buf, 0, gfc.sideinfo_len, 0);
- if (gfp.out_samplerate < 16000)
- writeheader(gfc, 0xffe, 12);
- else
- writeheader(gfc, 0xfff, 12);
- writeheader(gfc, (gfp.version), 1);
- writeheader(gfc, 4 - 3, 2);
- writeheader(gfc, (!gfp.error_protection ? 1 : 0), 1);
- writeheader(gfc, (gfc.bitrate_index), 4);
- writeheader(gfc, (gfc.samplerate_index), 2);
- writeheader(gfc, (gfc.padding), 1);
- writeheader(gfc, (gfp.extension), 1);
- writeheader(gfc, (gfp.mode.ordinal()), 2);
- writeheader(gfc, (gfc.mode_ext), 2);
- writeheader(gfc, (gfp.copyright), 1);
- writeheader(gfc, (gfp.original), 1);
- writeheader(gfc, (gfp.emphasis), 2);
- if (gfp.error_protection) {
- writeheader(gfc, 0, 16);
- /* dummy */
- }
- if (gfp.version == 1) {
- /* MPEG1 */
- writeheader(gfc, (l3_side.main_data_begin), 9);
- if (gfc.channels_out == 2)
- writeheader(gfc, l3_side.private_bits, 3);
- else
- writeheader(gfc, l3_side.private_bits, 5);
- for (ch = 0; ch < gfc.channels_out; ch++) {
- var band;
- for (band = 0; band < 4; band++) {
- writeheader(gfc, l3_side.scfsi[ch][band], 1);
- }
- }
- for (gr = 0; gr < 2; gr++) {
- for (ch = 0; ch < gfc.channels_out; ch++) {
- var gi = l3_side.tt[gr][ch];
- writeheader(gfc, gi.part2_3_length + gi.part2_length, 12);
- writeheader(gfc, gi.big_values / 2, 9);
- writeheader(gfc, gi.global_gain, 8);
- writeheader(gfc, gi.scalefac_compress, 4);
- if (gi.block_type != Encoder.NORM_TYPE) {
- writeheader(gfc, 1, 1);
- /* window_switching_flag */
- writeheader(gfc, gi.block_type, 2);
- writeheader(gfc, gi.mixed_block_flag, 1);
- if (gi.table_select[0] == 14)
- gi.table_select[0] = 16;
- writeheader(gfc, gi.table_select[0], 5);
- if (gi.table_select[1] == 14)
- gi.table_select[1] = 16;
- writeheader(gfc, gi.table_select[1], 5);
- writeheader(gfc, gi.subblock_gain[0], 3);
- writeheader(gfc, gi.subblock_gain[1], 3);
- writeheader(gfc, gi.subblock_gain[2], 3);
- } else {
- writeheader(gfc, 0, 1);
- /* window_switching_flag */
- if (gi.table_select[0] == 14)
- gi.table_select[0] = 16;
- writeheader(gfc, gi.table_select[0], 5);
- if (gi.table_select[1] == 14)
- gi.table_select[1] = 16;
- writeheader(gfc, gi.table_select[1], 5);
- if (gi.table_select[2] == 14)
- gi.table_select[2] = 16;
- writeheader(gfc, gi.table_select[2], 5);
- writeheader(gfc, gi.region0_count, 4);
- writeheader(gfc, gi.region1_count, 3);
- }
- writeheader(gfc, gi.preflag, 1);
- writeheader(gfc, gi.scalefac_scale, 1);
- writeheader(gfc, gi.count1table_select, 1);
- }
- }
- } else {
- /* MPEG2 */
- writeheader(gfc, (l3_side.main_data_begin), 8);
- writeheader(gfc, l3_side.private_bits, gfc.channels_out);
- gr = 0;
- for (ch = 0; ch < gfc.channels_out; ch++) {
- var gi = l3_side.tt[gr][ch];
- writeheader(gfc, gi.part2_3_length + gi.part2_length, 12);
- writeheader(gfc, gi.big_values / 2, 9);
- writeheader(gfc, gi.global_gain, 8);
- writeheader(gfc, gi.scalefac_compress, 9);
- if (gi.block_type != Encoder.NORM_TYPE) {
- writeheader(gfc, 1, 1);
- /* window_switching_flag */
- writeheader(gfc, gi.block_type, 2);
- writeheader(gfc, gi.mixed_block_flag, 1);
- if (gi.table_select[0] == 14)
- gi.table_select[0] = 16;
- writeheader(gfc, gi.table_select[0], 5);
- if (gi.table_select[1] == 14)
- gi.table_select[1] = 16;
- writeheader(gfc, gi.table_select[1], 5);
- writeheader(gfc, gi.subblock_gain[0], 3);
- writeheader(gfc, gi.subblock_gain[1], 3);
- writeheader(gfc, gi.subblock_gain[2], 3);
- } else {
- writeheader(gfc, 0, 1);
- /* window_switching_flag */
- if (gi.table_select[0] == 14)
- gi.table_select[0] = 16;
- writeheader(gfc, gi.table_select[0], 5);
- if (gi.table_select[1] == 14)
- gi.table_select[1] = 16;
- writeheader(gfc, gi.table_select[1], 5);
- if (gi.table_select[2] == 14)
- gi.table_select[2] = 16;
- writeheader(gfc, gi.table_select[2], 5);
- writeheader(gfc, gi.region0_count, 4);
- writeheader(gfc, gi.region1_count, 3);
- }
- writeheader(gfc, gi.scalefac_scale, 1);
- writeheader(gfc, gi.count1table_select, 1);
- }
- }
- if (gfp.error_protection) {
- /* (jo) error_protection: add crc16 information to header */
- CRC_writeheader(gfc, gfc.header[gfc.h_ptr].buf);
- }
- {
- var old = gfc.h_ptr;
- gfc.h_ptr = (old + 1) & (LameInternalFlags.MAX_HEADER_BUF - 1);
- gfc.header[gfc.h_ptr].write_timing = gfc.header[old].write_timing
- + bitsPerFrame;
- if (gfc.h_ptr == gfc.w_ptr) {
- /* yikes! we are out of header buffer space */
- System.err
- .println("Error: MAX_HEADER_BUF too small in bitstream.c \n");
- }
- }
- }
- function huffman_coder_count1(gfc, gi) {
- /* Write count1 area */
- var h = Tables.ht[gi.count1table_select + 32];
- var i, bits = 0;
- var ix = gi.big_values;
- var xr = gi.big_values;
- for (i = (gi.count1 - gi.big_values) / 4; i > 0; --i) {
- var huffbits = 0;
- var p = 0, v;
- v = gi.l3_enc[ix + 0];
- if (v != 0) {
- p += 8;
- if (gi.xr[xr + 0] < 0)
- huffbits++;
- }
- v = gi.l3_enc[ix + 1];
- if (v != 0) {
- p += 4;
- huffbits *= 2;
- if (gi.xr[xr + 1] < 0)
- huffbits++;
- }
- v = gi.l3_enc[ix + 2];
- if (v != 0) {
- p += 2;
- huffbits *= 2;
- if (gi.xr[xr + 2] < 0)
- huffbits++;
- }
- v = gi.l3_enc[ix + 3];
- if (v != 0) {
- p++;
- huffbits *= 2;
- if (gi.xr[xr + 3] < 0)
- huffbits++;
- }
- ix += 4;
- xr += 4;
- putbits2(gfc, huffbits + h.table[p], h.hlen[p]);
- bits += h.hlen[p];
- }
- return bits;
- }
- /**
- * Implements the pseudocode of page 98 of the IS
- */
- function Huffmancode(gfc, tableindex, start, end, gi) {
- var h = Tables.ht[tableindex];
- var bits = 0;
- if (0 == tableindex)
- return bits;
- for (var i = start; i < end; i += 2) {
- var cbits = 0;
- var xbits = 0;
- var linbits = h.xlen;
- var xlen = h.xlen;
- var ext = 0;
- var x1 = gi.l3_enc[i];
- var x2 = gi.l3_enc[i + 1];
- if (x1 != 0) {
- if (gi.xr[i] < 0)
- ext++;
- cbits--;
- }
- if (tableindex > 15) {
- /* use ESC-words */
- if (x1 > 14) {
- var linbits_x1 = x1 - 15;
- ext |= linbits_x1 << 1;
- xbits = linbits;
- x1 = 15;
- }
- if (x2 > 14) {
- var linbits_x2 = x2 - 15;
- ext <<= linbits;
- ext |= linbits_x2;
- xbits += linbits;
- x2 = 15;
- }
- xlen = 16;
- }
- if (x2 != 0) {
- ext <<= 1;
- if (gi.xr[i + 1] < 0)
- ext++;
- cbits--;
- }
- x1 = x1 * xlen + x2;
- xbits -= cbits;
- cbits += h.hlen[x1];
- putbits2(gfc, h.table[x1], cbits);
- putbits2(gfc, ext, xbits);
- bits += cbits + xbits;
- }
- return bits;
- }
- /**
- * Note the discussion of huffmancodebits() on pages 28 and 29 of the IS, as
- * well as the definitions of the side information on pages 26 and 27.
- */
- function ShortHuffmancodebits(gfc, gi) {
- var region1Start = 3 * gfc.scalefac_band.s[3];
- if (region1Start > gi.big_values)
- region1Start = gi.big_values;
- /* short blocks do not have a region2 */
- var bits = Huffmancode(gfc, gi.table_select[0], 0, region1Start, gi);
- bits += Huffmancode(gfc, gi.table_select[1], region1Start,
- gi.big_values, gi);
- return bits;
- }
- function LongHuffmancodebits(gfc, gi) {
- var bigvalues, bits;
- var region1Start, region2Start;
- bigvalues = gi.big_values;
- var i = gi.region0_count + 1;
- region1Start = gfc.scalefac_band.l[i];
- i += gi.region1_count + 1;
- region2Start = gfc.scalefac_band.l[i];
- if (region1Start > bigvalues)
- region1Start = bigvalues;
- if (region2Start > bigvalues)
- region2Start = bigvalues;
- bits = Huffmancode(gfc, gi.table_select[0], 0, region1Start, gi);
- bits += Huffmancode(gfc, gi.table_select[1], region1Start,
- region2Start, gi);
- bits += Huffmancode(gfc, gi.table_select[2], region2Start, bigvalues,
- gi);
- return bits;
- }
- function writeMainData(gfp) {
- var gr, ch, sfb, data_bits, tot_bits = 0;
- var gfc = gfp.internal_flags;
- var l3_side = gfc.l3_side;
- if (gfp.version == 1) {
- /* MPEG 1 */
- for (gr = 0; gr < 2; gr++) {
- for (ch = 0; ch < gfc.channels_out; ch++) {
- var gi = l3_side.tt[gr][ch];
- var slen1 = Takehiro.slen1_tab[gi.scalefac_compress];
- var slen2 = Takehiro.slen2_tab[gi.scalefac_compress];
- data_bits = 0;
- for (sfb = 0; sfb < gi.sfbdivide; sfb++) {
- if (gi.scalefac[sfb] == -1)
- continue;
- /* scfsi is used */
- putbits2(gfc, gi.scalefac[sfb], slen1);
- data_bits += slen1;
- }
- for (; sfb < gi.sfbmax; sfb++) {
- if (gi.scalefac[sfb] == -1)
- continue;
- /* scfsi is used */
- putbits2(gfc, gi.scalefac[sfb], slen2);
- data_bits += slen2;
- }
- if (gi.block_type == Encoder.SHORT_TYPE) {
- data_bits += ShortHuffmancodebits(gfc, gi);
- } else {
- data_bits += LongHuffmancodebits(gfc, gi);
- }
- data_bits += huffman_coder_count1(gfc, gi);
- /* does bitcount in quantize.c agree with actual bit count? */
- tot_bits += data_bits;
- }
- /* for ch */
- }
- /* for gr */
- } else {
- /* MPEG 2 */
- gr = 0;
- for (ch = 0; ch < gfc.channels_out; ch++) {
- var gi = l3_side.tt[gr][ch];
- var i, sfb_partition, scale_bits = 0;
- data_bits = 0;
- sfb = 0;
- sfb_partition = 0;
- if (gi.block_type == Encoder.SHORT_TYPE) {
- for (; sfb_partition < 4; sfb_partition++) {
- var sfbs = gi.sfb_partition_table[sfb_partition] / 3;
- var slen = gi.slen[sfb_partition];
- for (i = 0; i < sfbs; i++, sfb++) {
- putbits2(gfc,
- Math.max(gi.scalefac[sfb * 3 + 0], 0), slen);
- putbits2(gfc,
- Math.max(gi.scalefac[sfb * 3 + 1], 0), slen);
- putbits2(gfc,
- Math.max(gi.scalefac[sfb * 3 + 2], 0), slen);
- scale_bits += 3 * slen;
- }
- }
- data_bits += ShortHuffmancodebits(gfc, gi);
- } else {
- for (; sfb_partition < 4; sfb_partition++) {
- var sfbs = gi.sfb_partition_table[sfb_partition];
- var slen = gi.slen[sfb_partition];
- for (i = 0; i < sfbs; i++, sfb++) {
- putbits2(gfc, Math.max(gi.scalefac[sfb], 0), slen);
- scale_bits += slen;
- }
- }
- data_bits += LongHuffmancodebits(gfc, gi);
- }
- data_bits += huffman_coder_count1(gfc, gi);
- /* does bitcount in quantize.c agree with actual bit count? */
- tot_bits += scale_bits + data_bits;
- }
- /* for ch */
- }
- /* for gf */
- return tot_bits;
- }
- /* main_data */
- function TotalBytes() {
- this.total = 0;
- }
- /*
- * compute the number of bits required to flush all mp3 frames currently in
- * the buffer. This should be the same as the reservoir size. Only call this
- * routine between frames - i.e. only after all headers and data have been
- * added to the buffer by format_bitstream().
- *
- * Also compute total_bits_output = size of mp3 buffer (including frame
- * headers which may not have yet been send to the mp3 buffer) + number of
- * bits needed to flush all mp3 frames.
- *
- * total_bytes_output is the size of the mp3 output buffer if
- * lame_encode_flush_nogap() was called right now.
- */
- function compute_flushbits(gfp, total_bytes_output) {
- var gfc = gfp.internal_flags;
- var flushbits, remaining_headers;
- var bitsPerFrame;
- var last_ptr, first_ptr;
- first_ptr = gfc.w_ptr;
- /* first header to add to bitstream */
- last_ptr = gfc.h_ptr - 1;
- /* last header to add to bitstream */
- if (last_ptr == -1)
- last_ptr = LameInternalFlags.MAX_HEADER_BUF - 1;
- /* add this many bits to bitstream so we can flush all headers */
- flushbits = gfc.header[last_ptr].write_timing - totbit;
- total_bytes_output.total = flushbits;
- if (flushbits >= 0) {
- /* if flushbits >= 0, some headers have not yet been written */
- /* reduce flushbits by the size of the headers */
- remaining_headers = 1 + last_ptr - first_ptr;
- if (last_ptr < first_ptr)
- remaining_headers = 1 + last_ptr - first_ptr
- + LameInternalFlags.MAX_HEADER_BUF;
- flushbits -= remaining_headers * 8 * gfc.sideinfo_len;
- }
- /*
- * finally, add some bits so that the last frame is complete these bits
- * are not necessary to decode the last frame, but some decoders will
- * ignore last frame if these bits are missing
- */
- bitsPerFrame = self.getframebits(gfp);
- flushbits += bitsPerFrame;
- total_bytes_output.total += bitsPerFrame;
- /* round up: */
- if ((total_bytes_output.total % 8) != 0)
- total_bytes_output.total = 1 + (total_bytes_output.total / 8);
- else
- total_bytes_output.total = (total_bytes_output.total / 8);
- total_bytes_output.total += bufByteIdx + 1;
- if (flushbits < 0) {
- System.err.println("strange error flushing buffer ... \n");
- }
- return flushbits;
- }
- this.flush_bitstream = function (gfp) {
- var gfc = gfp.internal_flags;
- var l3_side;
- var flushbits;
- var last_ptr = gfc.h_ptr - 1;
- /* last header to add to bitstream */
- if (last_ptr == -1)
- last_ptr = LameInternalFlags.MAX_HEADER_BUF - 1;
- l3_side = gfc.l3_side;
- if ((flushbits = compute_flushbits(gfp, new TotalBytes())) < 0)
- return;
- drain_into_ancillary(gfp, flushbits);
- /* check that the 100% of the last frame has been written to bitstream */
- /*
- * we have padded out all frames with ancillary data, which is the same
- * as filling the bitreservoir with ancillary data, so :
- */
- gfc.ResvSize = 0;
- l3_side.main_data_begin = 0;
- /* save the ReplayGain value */
- if (gfc.findReplayGain) {
- var RadioGain = ga.GetTitleGain(gfc.rgdata);
- gfc.RadioGain = Math.floor(RadioGain * 10.0 + 0.5) | 0;
- /* round to nearest */
- }
- /* find the gain and scale change required for no clipping */
- if (gfc.findPeakSample) {
- gfc.noclipGainChange = Math.ceil(Math
- .log10(gfc.PeakSample / 32767.0) * 20.0 * 10.0) | 0;
- /* round up */
- if (gfc.noclipGainChange > 0) {
- /* clipping occurs */
- if (EQ(gfp.scale, 1.0) || EQ(gfp.scale, 0.0))
- gfc.noclipScale = (Math
- .floor((32767.0 / gfc.PeakSample) * 100.0) / 100.0);
- /* round down */
- else {
- /*
- * the user specified his own scaling factor. We could
- * suggest the scaling factor of
- * (32767.0/gfp.PeakSample)*(gfp.scale) but it's usually
- * very inaccurate. So we'd rather not advice him on the
- * scaling factor.
- */
- gfc.noclipScale = -1;
- }
- } else
- /* no clipping */
- gfc.noclipScale = -1;
- }
- };
- this.add_dummy_byte = function (gfp, val, n) {
- var gfc = gfp.internal_flags;
- var i;
- while (n-- > 0) {
- putbits_noheaders(gfc, val, 8);
- for (i = 0; i < LameInternalFlags.MAX_HEADER_BUF; ++i)
- gfc.header[i].write_timing += 8;
- }
- };
- /**
- * This is called after a frame of audio has been quantized and coded. It
- * will write the encoded audio to the bitstream. Note that from a layer3
- * encoder's perspective the bit stream is primarily a series of main_data()
- * blocks, with header and side information inserted at the proper locations
- * to maintain framing. (See Figure A.7 in the IS).
- */
- this.format_bitstream = function (gfp) {
- var gfc = gfp.internal_flags;
- var l3_side;
- l3_side = gfc.l3_side;
- var bitsPerFrame = this.getframebits(gfp);
- drain_into_ancillary(gfp, l3_side.resvDrain_pre);
- encodeSideInfo2(gfp, bitsPerFrame);
- var bits = 8 * gfc.sideinfo_len;
- bits += writeMainData(gfp);
- drain_into_ancillary(gfp, l3_side.resvDrain_post);
- bits += l3_side.resvDrain_post;
- l3_side.main_data_begin += (bitsPerFrame - bits) / 8;
- /*
- * compare number of bits needed to clear all buffered mp3 frames with
- * what we think the resvsize is:
- */
- if (compute_flushbits(gfp, new TotalBytes()) != gfc.ResvSize) {
- System.err.println("Internal buffer inconsistency. flushbits <> ResvSize");
- }
- /*
- * compare main_data_begin for the next frame with what we think the
- * resvsize is:
- */
- if ((l3_side.main_data_begin * 8) != gfc.ResvSize) {
- System.err.printf("bit reservoir error: \n"
- + "l3_side.main_data_begin: %d \n"
- + "Resvoir size: %d \n"
- + "resv drain (post) %d \n"
- + "resv drain (pre) %d \n"
- + "header and sideinfo: %d \n"
- + "data bits: %d \n"
- + "total bits: %d (remainder: %d) \n"
- + "bitsperframe: %d \n",
- 8 * l3_side.main_data_begin, gfc.ResvSize,
- l3_side.resvDrain_post, l3_side.resvDrain_pre,
- 8 * gfc.sideinfo_len, bits - l3_side.resvDrain_post - 8
- * gfc.sideinfo_len, bits, bits % 8, bitsPerFrame);
- System.err.println("This is a fatal error. It has several possible causes:");
- System.err.println("90%% LAME compiled with buggy version of gcc using advanced optimizations");
- System.err.println(" 9%% Your system is overclocked");
- System.err.println(" 1%% bug in LAME encoding library");
- gfc.ResvSize = l3_side.main_data_begin * 8;
- }
- //;
- if (totbit > 1000000000) {
- /*
- * to avoid totbit overflow, (at 8h encoding at 128kbs) lets reset
- * bit counter
- */
- var i;
- for (i = 0; i < LameInternalFlags.MAX_HEADER_BUF; ++i)
- gfc.header[i].write_timing -= totbit;
- totbit = 0;
- }
- return 0;
- };
- /**
- * <PRE>
- * copy data out of the internal MP3 bit buffer into a user supplied
- * unsigned char buffer.
- *
- * mp3data=0 indicates data in buffer is an id3tags and VBR tags
- * mp3data=1 data is real mp3 frame data.
- * </PRE>
- */
- this.copy_buffer = function (gfc, buffer, bufferPos, size, mp3data) {
- var minimum = bufByteIdx + 1;
- if (minimum <= 0)
- return 0;
- if (size != 0 && minimum > size) {
- /* buffer is too small */
- return -1;
- }
- System.arraycopy(buf, 0, buffer, bufferPos, minimum);
- bufByteIdx = -1;
- bufBitIdx = 0;
- if (mp3data != 0) {
- var crc = new_int(1);
- crc[0] = gfc.nMusicCRC;
- vbr.updateMusicCRC(crc, buffer, bufferPos, minimum);
- gfc.nMusicCRC = crc[0];
- /**
- * sum number of bytes belonging to the mp3 stream this info will be
- * written into the Xing/LAME header for seeking
- */
- if (minimum > 0) {
- gfc.VBR_seek_table.nBytesWritten += minimum;
- }
- if (gfc.decode_on_the_fly) { /* decode the frame */
- var pcm_buf = new_float_n([2, 1152]);
- var mp3_in = minimum;
- var samples_out = -1;
- var i;
- /* re-synthesis to pcm. Repeat until we get a samples_out=0 */
- while (samples_out != 0) {
- samples_out = mpg.hip_decode1_unclipped(gfc.hip, buffer,
- bufferPos, mp3_in, pcm_buf[0], pcm_buf[1]);
- /*
- * samples_out = 0: need more data to decode samples_out =
- * -1: error. Lets assume 0 pcm output samples_out = number
- * of samples output
- */
- /*
- * set the lenght of the mp3 input buffer to zero, so that
- * in the next iteration of the loop we will be querying
- * mpglib about buffered data
- */
- mp3_in = 0;
- if (samples_out == -1) {
- /*
- * error decoding. Not fatal, but might screw up the
- * ReplayGain tag. What should we do? Ignore for now
- */
- samples_out = 0;
- }
- if (samples_out > 0) {
- /* process the PCM data */
- /*
- * this should not be possible, and indicates we have
- * overflown the pcm_buf buffer
- */
- if (gfc.findPeakSample) {
- for (i = 0; i < samples_out; i++) {
- if (pcm_buf[0][i] > gfc.PeakSample)
- gfc.PeakSample = pcm_buf[0][i];
- else if (-pcm_buf[0][i] > gfc.PeakSample)
- gfc.PeakSample = -pcm_buf[0][i];
- }
- if (gfc.channels_out > 1)
- for (i = 0; i < samples_out; i++) {
- if (pcm_buf[1][i] > gfc.PeakSample)
- gfc.PeakSample = pcm_buf[1][i];
- else if (-pcm_buf[1][i] > gfc.PeakSample)
- gfc.PeakSample = -pcm_buf[1][i];
- }
- }
- if (gfc.findReplayGain)
- if (ga.AnalyzeSamples(gfc.rgdata, pcm_buf[0], 0,
- pcm_buf[1], 0, samples_out,
- gfc.channels_out) == GainAnalysis.GAIN_ANALYSIS_ERROR)
- return -6;
- }
- /* if (samples_out>0) */
- }
- /* while (samples_out!=0) */
- }
- /* if (gfc.decode_on_the_fly) */
- }
- /* if (mp3data) */
- return minimum;
- };
- this.init_bit_stream_w = function (gfc) {
- buf = new_byte(Lame.LAME_MAXMP3BUFFER);
- gfc.h_ptr = gfc.w_ptr = 0;
- gfc.header[gfc.h_ptr].write_timing = 0;
- bufByteIdx = -1;
- bufBitIdx = 0;
- totbit = 0;
- };
- // From machine.h
- }
- /**
- * A Vbr header may be present in the ancillary data field of the first frame of
- * an mp3 bitstream<BR>
- * The Vbr header (optionally) contains
- * <UL>
- * <LI>frames total number of audio frames in the bitstream
- * <LI>bytes total number of bytes in the bitstream
- * <LI>toc table of contents
- * </UL>
- *
- * toc (table of contents) gives seek points for random access.<BR>
- * The ith entry determines the seek point for i-percent duration.<BR>
- * seek point in bytes = (toc[i]/256.0) * total_bitstream_bytes<BR>
- * e.g. half duration seek point = (toc[50]/256.0) * total_bitstream_bytes
- */
- function VBRTag() {
- var lame;
- var bs;
- var v;
- this.setModules = function (_lame, _bs, _v) {
- lame = _lame;
- bs = _bs;
- v = _v;
- };
- var FRAMES_FLAG = 0x0001;
- var BYTES_FLAG = 0x0002;
- var TOC_FLAG = 0x0004;
- var VBR_SCALE_FLAG = 0x0008;
- /**
- * (0xB40) the max freeformat 640 32kHz framesize.
- */
- /**
- * <PRE>
- * 4 bytes for Header Tag
- * 4 bytes for Header Flags
- * 100 bytes for entry (toc)
- * 4 bytes for frame size
- * 4 bytes for stream size
- * 4 bytes for VBR scale. a VBR quality indicator: 0=best 100=worst
- * 20 bytes for LAME tag. for example, "LAME3.12 (beta 6)"
- * ___________
- * 140 bytes
- * </PRE>
- */
- var VBRHEADERSIZE = (NUMTOCENTRIES + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4 + 4);
- + 1 + 1 + 3 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 4 + 2 + 2);
- /**
- * The size of the Xing header MPEG-1, bit rate in kbps.
- */
- var XING_BITRATE1 = 128;
- /**
- * The size of the Xing header MPEG-2, bit rate in kbps.
- */
- var XING_BITRATE2 = 64;
- /**
- * The size of the Xing header MPEG-2.5, bit rate in kbps.
- */
- var XING_BITRATE25 = 32;
- /**
- * ISO-8859-1 charset for byte to string operations.
- */
- var ISO_8859_1 = null; //Charset.forName("ISO-8859-1");
- /**
- * VBR header magic string.
- */
- var VBRTag0 = "Xing";
- /**
- * VBR header magic string (VBR == VBRMode.vbr_off).
- */
- var VBRTag1 = "Info";
- /**
- * Lookup table for fast CRC-16 computation. Uses the polynomial
- * x^16+x^15+x^2+1
- */
- var crc16Lookup = [0x0000, 0xC0C1, 0xC181, 0x0140,
- 0xC301, 0x03C0, 0x0280, 0xC241, 0xC601, 0x06C0, 0x0780, 0xC741,
- 0x0500, 0xC5C1, 0xC481, 0x0440, 0xCC01, 0x0CC0, 0x0D80, 0xCD41,
- 0x0F00, 0xCFC1, 0xCE81, 0x0E40, 0x0A00, 0xCAC1, 0xCB81, 0x0B40,
- 0xC901, 0x09C0, 0x0880, 0xC841, 0xD801, 0x18C0, 0x1980, 0xD941,
- 0x1B00, 0xDBC1, 0xDA81, 0x1A40, 0x1E00, 0xDEC1, 0xDF81, 0x1F40,
- 0xDD01, 0x1DC0, 0x1C80, 0xDC41, 0x1400, 0xD4C1, 0xD581, 0x1540,
- 0xD701, 0x17C0, 0x1680, 0xD641, 0xD201, 0x12C0, 0x1380, 0xD341,
- 0x1100, 0xD1C1, 0xD081, 0x1040, 0xF001, 0x30C0, 0x3180, 0xF141,
- 0x3300, 0xF3C1, 0xF281, 0x3240, 0x3600, 0xF6C1, 0xF781, 0x3740,
- 0xF501, 0x35C0, 0x3480, 0xF441, 0x3C00, 0xFCC1, 0xFD81, 0x3D40,
- 0xFF01, 0x3FC0, 0x3E80, 0xFE41, 0xFA01, 0x3AC0, 0x3B80, 0xFB41,
- 0x3900, 0xF9C1, 0xF881, 0x3840, 0x2800, 0xE8C1, 0xE981, 0x2940,
- 0xEB01, 0x2BC0, 0x2A80, 0xEA41, 0xEE01, 0x2EC0, 0x2F80, 0xEF41,
- 0x2D00, 0xEDC1, 0xEC81, 0x2C40, 0xE401, 0x24C0, 0x2580, 0xE541,
- 0x2700, 0xE7C1, 0xE681, 0x2640, 0x2200, 0xE2C1, 0xE381, 0x2340,
- 0xE101, 0x21C0, 0x2080, 0xE041, 0xA001, 0x60C0, 0x6180, 0xA141,
- 0x6300, 0xA3C1, 0xA281, 0x6240, 0x6600, 0xA6C1, 0xA781, 0x6740,
- 0xA501, 0x65C0, 0x6480, 0xA441, 0x6C00, 0xACC1, 0xAD81, 0x6D40,
- 0xAF01, 0x6FC0, 0x6E80, 0xAE41, 0xAA01, 0x6AC0, 0x6B80, 0xAB41,
- 0x6900, 0xA9C1, 0xA881, 0x6840, 0x7800, 0xB8C1, 0xB981, 0x7940,
- 0xBB01, 0x7BC0, 0x7A80, 0xBA41, 0xBE01, 0x7EC0, 0x7F80, 0xBF41,
- 0x7D00, 0xBDC1, 0xBC81, 0x7C40, 0xB401, 0x74C0, 0x7580, 0xB541,
- 0x7700, 0xB7C1, 0xB681, 0x7640, 0x7200, 0xB2C1, 0xB381, 0x7340,
- 0xB101, 0x71C0, 0x7080, 0xB041, 0x5000, 0x90C1, 0x9181, 0x5140,
- 0x9301, 0x53C0, 0x5280, 0x9241, 0x9601, 0x56C0, 0x5780, 0x9741,
- 0x5500, 0x95C1, 0x9481, 0x5440, 0x9C01, 0x5CC0, 0x5D80, 0x9D41,
- 0x5F00, 0x9FC1, 0x9E81, 0x5E40, 0x5A00, 0x9AC1, 0x9B81, 0x5B40,
- 0x9901, 0x59C0, 0x5880, 0x9841, 0x8801, 0x48C0, 0x4980, 0x8941,
- 0x4B00, 0x8BC1, 0x8A81, 0x4A40, 0x4E00, 0x8EC1, 0x8F81, 0x4F40,
- 0x8D01, 0x4DC0, 0x4C80, 0x8C41, 0x4400, 0x84C1, 0x8581, 0x4540,
- 0x8701, 0x47C0, 0x4680, 0x8641, 0x8201, 0x42C0, 0x4380, 0x8341,
- 0x4100, 0x81C1, 0x8081, 0x4040];
- /***********************************************************************
- * Robert Hegemann 2001-01-17
- ***********************************************************************/
- function addVbr(v, bitrate) {
- v.nVbrNumFrames++;
- v.sum += bitrate;
- v.seen++;
- if (v.seen < v.want) {
- return;
- }
- if (v.pos < v.size) {
- v.bag[v.pos] = v.sum;
- v.pos++;
- v.seen = 0;
- }
- if (v.pos == v.size) {
- for (var i = 1; i < v.size; i += 2) {
- v.bag[i / 2] = v.bag[i];
- }
- v.want *= 2;
- v.pos /= 2;
- }
- }
- function xingSeekTable(v, t) {
- if (v.pos <= 0)
- return;
- for (var i = 1; i < NUMTOCENTRIES; ++i) {
- var j = i / NUMTOCENTRIES, act, sum;
- var indx = 0 | (Math.floor(j * v.pos));
- if (indx > v.pos - 1)
- indx = v.pos - 1;
- act = v.bag[indx];
- sum = v.sum;
- var seek_point = 0 | (256. * act / sum);
- if (seek_point > 255)
- seek_point = 255;
- t[i] = 0xff & seek_point;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Add VBR entry, used to fill the VBR TOC entries.
- *
- * @param gfp
- * global flags
- */
- this.addVbrFrame = function (gfp) {
- var gfc = gfp.internal_flags;
- var kbps = Tables.bitrate_table[gfp.version][gfc.bitrate_index];
- addVbr(gfc.VBR_seek_table, kbps);
- }
- /**
- * Read big endian integer (4-bytes) from header.
- *
- * @param buf
- * header containing the integer
- * @param bufPos
- * offset into the header
- * @return extracted integer
- */
- function extractInteger(buf, bufPos) {
- var x = buf[bufPos + 0] & 0xff;
- x <<= 8;
- x |= buf[bufPos + 1] & 0xff;
- x <<= 8;
- x |= buf[bufPos + 2] & 0xff;
- x <<= 8;
- x |= buf[bufPos + 3] & 0xff;
- return x;
- }
- /**
- * Write big endian integer (4-bytes) in the header.
- *
- * @param buf
- * header to write the integer into
- * @param bufPos
- * offset into the header
- * @param value
- * integer value to write
- */
- function createInteger(buf, bufPos, value) {
- buf[bufPos + 0] = 0xff & ((value >> 24) & 0xff);
- buf[bufPos + 1] = 0xff & ((value >> 16) & 0xff);
- buf[bufPos + 2] = 0xff & ((value >> 8) & 0xff);
- buf[bufPos + 3] = 0xff & (value & 0xff);
- }
- /**
- * Write big endian short (2-bytes) in the header.
- *
- * @param buf
- * header to write the integer into
- * @param bufPos
- * offset into the header
- * @param value
- * integer value to write
- */
- function createShort(buf, bufPos, value) {
- buf[bufPos + 0] = 0xff & ((value >> 8) & 0xff);
- buf[bufPos + 1] = 0xff & (value & 0xff);
- }
- /**
- * Check for magic strings (Xing/Info).
- *
- * @param buf
- * header to check
- * @param bufPos
- * header offset to check
- * @return magic string found
- */
- function isVbrTag(buf, bufPos) {
- return new String(buf, bufPos, VBRTag0.length(), ISO_8859_1)
- .equals(VBRTag0)
- || new String(buf, bufPos, VBRTag1.length(), ISO_8859_1)
- .equals(VBRTag1);
- }
- function shiftInBitsValue(x, n, v) {
- return 0xff & ((x << n) | (v & ~(-1 << n)));
- }
- /**
- * Construct the MP3 header using the settings of the global flags.
- *
- * <img src="1000px-Mp3filestructure.svg.png">
- *
- * @param gfp
- * global flags
- * @param buffer
- * header
- */
- function setLameTagFrameHeader(gfp, buffer) {
- var gfc = gfp.internal_flags;
- // MP3 Sync Word
- buffer[0] = shiftInBitsValue(buffer[0], 8, 0xff);
- buffer[1] = shiftInBitsValue(buffer[1], 3, 7);
- buffer[1] = shiftInBitsValue(buffer[1], 1,
- (gfp.out_samplerate < 16000) ? 0 : 1);
- // Version
- buffer[1] = shiftInBitsValue(buffer[1], 1, gfp.version);
- // 01 == Layer 3
- buffer[1] = shiftInBitsValue(buffer[1], 2, 4 - 3);
- // Error protection
- buffer[1] = shiftInBitsValue(buffer[1], 1, (!gfp.error_protection) ? 1
- : 0);
- // Bit rate
- buffer[2] = shiftInBitsValue(buffer[2], 4, gfc.bitrate_index);
- // Frequency
- buffer[2] = shiftInBitsValue(buffer[2], 2, gfc.samplerate_index);
- // Pad. Bit
- buffer[2] = shiftInBitsValue(buffer[2], 1, 0);
- // Priv. Bit
- buffer[2] = shiftInBitsValue(buffer[2], 1, gfp.extension);
- // Mode
- buffer[3] = shiftInBitsValue(buffer[3], 2, gfp.mode.ordinal());
- // Mode extension (Used with Joint Stereo)
- buffer[3] = shiftInBitsValue(buffer[3], 2, gfc.mode_ext);
- // Copy
- buffer[3] = shiftInBitsValue(buffer[3], 1, gfp.copyright);
- // Original
- buffer[3] = shiftInBitsValue(buffer[3], 1, gfp.original);
- // Emphasis
- buffer[3] = shiftInBitsValue(buffer[3], 2, gfp.emphasis);
- /* the default VBR header. 48 kbps layer III, no padding, no crc */
- /* but sampling freq, mode and copyright/copy protection taken */
- /* from first valid frame */
- buffer[0] = 0xff;
- var abyte = 0xff & (buffer[1] & 0xf1);
- var bitrate;
- if (1 == gfp.version) {
- bitrate = XING_BITRATE1;
- } else {
- if (gfp.out_samplerate < 16000)
- bitrate = XING_BITRATE25;
- else
- bitrate = XING_BITRATE2;
- }
- if (gfp.VBR == VbrMode.vbr_off)
- bitrate = gfp.brate;
- var bbyte;
- if (gfp.free_format)
- bbyte = 0x00;
- else
- bbyte = 0xff & (16 * lame.BitrateIndex(bitrate, gfp.version,
- gfp.out_samplerate));
- /*
- * Use as much of the info from the real frames in the Xing header:
- * samplerate, channels, crc, etc...
- */
- if (gfp.version == 1) {
- /* MPEG1 */
- buffer[1] = 0xff & (abyte | 0x0a);
- /* was 0x0b; */
- abyte = 0xff & (buffer[2] & 0x0d);
- /* AF keep also private bit */
- buffer[2] = 0xff & (bbyte | abyte);
- /* 64kbs MPEG1 frame */
- } else {
- /* MPEG2 */
- buffer[1] = 0xff & (abyte | 0x02);
- /* was 0x03; */
- abyte = 0xff & (buffer[2] & 0x0d);
- /* AF keep also private bit */
- buffer[2] = 0xff & (bbyte | abyte);
- /* 64kbs MPEG2 frame */
- }
- }
- /**
- * Get VBR tag information
- *
- * @param buf
- * header to analyze
- * @param bufPos
- * offset into the header
- * @return VBR tag data
- */
- this.getVbrTag = function (buf) {
- var pTagData = new VBRTagData();
- var bufPos = 0;
- /* get Vbr header data */
- pTagData.flags = 0;
- /* get selected MPEG header data */
- var hId = (buf[bufPos + 1] >> 3) & 1;
- var hSrIndex = (buf[bufPos + 2] >> 2) & 3;
- var hMode = (buf[bufPos + 3] >> 6) & 3;
- var hBitrate = ((buf[bufPos + 2] >> 4) & 0xf);
- hBitrate = Tables.bitrate_table[hId][hBitrate];
- /* check for FFE syncword */
- if ((buf[bufPos + 1] >> 4) == 0xE)
- pTagData.samprate = Tables.samplerate_table[2][hSrIndex];
- else
- pTagData.samprate = Tables.samplerate_table[hId][hSrIndex];
- /* determine offset of header */
- if (hId != 0) {
- /* mpeg1 */
- if (hMode != 3)
- bufPos += (32 + 4);
- else
- bufPos += (17 + 4);
- } else {
- /* mpeg2 */
- if (hMode != 3)
- bufPos += (17 + 4);
- else
- bufPos += (9 + 4);
- }
- if (!isVbrTag(buf, bufPos))
- return null;
- bufPos += 4;
- pTagData.hId = hId;
- /* get flags */
- var head_flags = pTagData.flags = extractInteger(buf, bufPos);
- bufPos += 4;
- if ((head_flags & FRAMES_FLAG) != 0) {
- pTagData.frames = extractInteger(buf, bufPos);
- bufPos += 4;
- }
- if ((head_flags & BYTES_FLAG) != 0) {
- pTagData.bytes = extractInteger(buf, bufPos);
- bufPos += 4;
- }
- if ((head_flags & TOC_FLAG) != 0) {
- if (pTagData.toc != null) {
- for (var i = 0; i < NUMTOCENTRIES; i++)
- pTagData.toc[i] = buf[bufPos + i];
- }
- }
- pTagData.vbrScale = -1;
- if ((head_flags & VBR_SCALE_FLAG) != 0) {
- pTagData.vbrScale = extractInteger(buf, bufPos);
- bufPos += 4;
- }
- pTagData.headersize = ((hId + 1) * 72000 * hBitrate)
- / pTagData.samprate;
- bufPos += 21;
- var encDelay = buf[bufPos + 0] << 4;
- encDelay += buf[bufPos + 1] >> 4;
- var encPadding = (buf[bufPos + 1] & 0x0F) << 8;
- encPadding += buf[bufPos + 2] & 0xff;
- /* check for reasonable values (this may be an old Xing header, */
- /* not a INFO tag) */
- if (encDelay < 0 || encDelay > 3000)
- encDelay = -1;
- if (encPadding < 0 || encPadding > 3000)
- encPadding = -1;
- pTagData.encDelay = encDelay;
- pTagData.encPadding = encPadding;
- /* success */
- return pTagData;
- }
- /**
- * Initializes the header
- *
- * @param gfp
- * global flags
- */
- this.InitVbrTag = function (gfp) {
- var gfc = gfp.internal_flags;
- /**
- * <PRE>
- * Xing VBR pretends to be a 48kbs layer III frame. (at 44.1kHz).
- * (at 48kHz they use 56kbs since 48kbs frame not big enough for
- * table of contents)
- * let's always embed Xing header inside a 64kbs layer III frame.
- * this gives us enough room for a LAME version string too.
- * size determined by sampling frequency (MPEG1)
- * 32kHz: 216 bytes@48kbs 288bytes@ 64kbs
- * 44.1kHz: 156 bytes 208bytes@64kbs (+1 if padding = 1)
- * 48kHz: 144 bytes 192
- *
- * MPEG 2 values are the same since the framesize and samplerate
- * are each reduced by a factor of 2.
- * </PRE>
- */
- var kbps_header;
- if (1 == gfp.version) {
- kbps_header = XING_BITRATE1;
- } else {
- if (gfp.out_samplerate < 16000)
- kbps_header = XING_BITRATE25;
- else
- kbps_header = XING_BITRATE2;
- }
- if (gfp.VBR == VbrMode.vbr_off)
- kbps_header = gfp.brate;
- // make sure LAME Header fits into Frame
- var totalFrameSize = ((gfp.version + 1) * 72000 * kbps_header)
- / gfp.out_samplerate;
- var headerSize = (gfc.sideinfo_len + LAMEHEADERSIZE);
- gfc.VBR_seek_table.TotalFrameSize = totalFrameSize;
- if (totalFrameSize < headerSize || totalFrameSize > MAXFRAMESIZE) {
- /* disable tag, it wont fit */
- gfp.bWriteVbrTag = false;
- return;
- }
- gfc.VBR_seek_table.nVbrNumFrames = 0;
- gfc.VBR_seek_table.nBytesWritten = 0;
- gfc.VBR_seek_table.sum = 0;
- gfc.VBR_seek_table.seen = 0;
- gfc.VBR_seek_table.want = 1;
- gfc.VBR_seek_table.pos = 0;
- if (gfc.VBR_seek_table.bag == null) {
- gfc.VBR_seek_table.bag = new int[400];
- gfc.VBR_seek_table.size = 400;
- }
- // write dummy VBR tag of all 0's into bitstream
- var buffer = new_byte(MAXFRAMESIZE);
- setLameTagFrameHeader(gfp, buffer);
- var n = gfc.VBR_seek_table.TotalFrameSize;
- for (var i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
- bs.add_dummy_byte(gfp, buffer[i] & 0xff, 1);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Fast CRC-16 computation (uses table crc16Lookup).
- *
- * @param value
- * @param crc
- * @return
- */
- function crcUpdateLookup(value, crc) {
- var tmp = crc ^ value;
- crc = (crc >> 8) ^ crc16Lookup[tmp & 0xff];
- return crc;
- }
- this.updateMusicCRC = function (crc, buffer, bufferPos, size) {
- for (var i = 0; i < size; ++i)
- crc[0] = crcUpdateLookup(buffer[bufferPos + i], crc[0]);
- }
- /**
- * Write LAME info: mini version + info on various switches used (Jonathan
- * Dee 2001/08/31).
- *
- * @param gfp
- * global flags
- * @param musicLength
- * music length
- * @param streamBuffer
- * pointer to output buffer
- * @param streamBufferPos
- * offset into the output buffer
- * @param crc
- * computation of CRC-16 of Lame Tag so far (starting at frame
- * sync)
- * @return number of bytes written to the stream
- */
- function putLameVBR(gfp, musicLength, streamBuffer, streamBufferPos, crc) {
- var gfc = gfp.internal_flags;
- var bytesWritten = 0;
- /* encoder delay */
- var encDelay = gfp.encoder_delay;
- /* encoder padding */
- var encPadding = gfp.encoder_padding;
- /* recall: gfp.VBR_q is for example set by the switch -V */
- /* gfp.quality by -q, -h, -f, etc */
- var quality = (100 - 10 * gfp.VBR_q - gfp.quality);
- var version = v.getLameVeryShortVersion();
- var vbr;
- var revision = 0x00;
- var revMethod;
- // numbering different in vbr_mode vs. Lame tag
- var vbrTypeTranslator = [1, 5, 3, 2, 4, 0, 3];
- var lowpass = 0 | (((gfp.lowpassfreq / 100.0) + .5) > 255 ? 255
- : (gfp.lowpassfreq / 100.0) + .5);
- var peakSignalAmplitude = 0;
- var radioReplayGain = 0;
- var audiophileReplayGain = 0;
- var noiseShaping = gfp.internal_flags.noise_shaping;
- var stereoMode = 0;
- var nonOptimal = 0;
- var sourceFreq = 0;
- var misc = 0;
- var musicCRC = 0;
- // psy model type: Gpsycho or NsPsytune
- var expNPsyTune = (gfp.exp_nspsytune & 1) != 0;
- var safeJoint = (gfp.exp_nspsytune & 2) != 0;
- var noGapMore = false;
- var noGapPrevious = false;
- var noGapCount = gfp.internal_flags.nogap_total;
- var noGapCurr = gfp.internal_flags.nogap_current;
- // 4 bits
- var athType = gfp.ATHtype;
- var flags = 0;
- // vbr modes
- var abrBitrate;
- switch (gfp.VBR) {
- case vbr_abr:
- abrBitrate = gfp.VBR_mean_bitrate_kbps;
- break;
- case vbr_off:
- abrBitrate = gfp.brate;
- break;
- default:
- abrBitrate = gfp.VBR_min_bitrate_kbps;
- }
- // revision and vbr method
- if (gfp.VBR.ordinal() < vbrTypeTranslator.length)
- vbr = vbrTypeTranslator[gfp.VBR.ordinal()];
- else
- vbr = 0x00; // unknown
- revMethod = 0x10 * revision + vbr;
- // ReplayGain
- if (gfc.findReplayGain) {
- if (gfc.RadioGain > 0x1FE)
- gfc.RadioGain = 0x1FE;
- if (gfc.RadioGain < -0x1FE)
- gfc.RadioGain = -0x1FE;
- // set name code
- radioReplayGain = 0x2000;
- // set originator code to `determined automatically'
- radioReplayGain |= 0xC00;
- if (gfc.RadioGain >= 0) {
- // set gain adjustment
- radioReplayGain |= gfc.RadioGain;
- } else {
- // set the sign bit
- radioReplayGain |= 0x200;
- // set gain adjustment
- radioReplayGain |= -gfc.RadioGain;
- }
- }
- // peak sample
- if (gfc.findPeakSample)
- peakSignalAmplitude = Math
- .abs(0 | ((( gfc.PeakSample) / 32767.0) * Math.pow(2, 23) + .5));
- // nogap
- if (noGapCount != -1) {
- if (noGapCurr > 0)
- noGapPrevious = true;
- if (noGapCurr < noGapCount - 1)
- noGapMore = true;
- }
- // flags
- flags = athType + ((expNPsyTune ? 1 : 0) << 4)
- + ((safeJoint ? 1 : 0) << 5) + ((noGapMore ? 1 : 0) << 6)
- + ((noGapPrevious ? 1 : 0) << 7);
- if (quality < 0)
- quality = 0;
- // stereo mode field (Intensity stereo is not implemented)
- switch (gfp.mode) {
- case MONO:
- stereoMode = 0;
- break;
- case STEREO:
- stereoMode = 1;
- break;
- stereoMode = 2;
- break;
- if (gfp.force_ms)
- stereoMode = 4;
- else
- stereoMode = 3;
- break;
- case NOT_SET:
- default:
- stereoMode = 7;
- break;
- }
- if (gfp.in_samplerate <= 32000)
- sourceFreq = 0x00;
- else if (gfp.in_samplerate == 48000)
- sourceFreq = 0x02;
- else if (gfp.in_samplerate > 48000)
- sourceFreq = 0x03;
- else {
- // default is 44100Hz
- sourceFreq = 0x01;
- }
- // Check if the user overrided the default LAME behavior with some
- // nasty options
- if (gfp.short_blocks == ShortBlock.short_block_forced
- || gfp.short_blocks == ShortBlock.short_block_dispensed
- || ((gfp.lowpassfreq == -1) && (gfp.highpassfreq == -1)) || /* "-k" */
- (gfp.scale_left < gfp.scale_right)
- || (gfp.scale_left > gfp.scale_right)
- || (gfp.disable_reservoir && gfp.brate < 320) || gfp.noATH
- || gfp.ATHonly || (athType == 0) || gfp.in_samplerate <= 32000)
- nonOptimal = 1;
- misc = noiseShaping + (stereoMode << 2) + (nonOptimal << 5)
- + (sourceFreq << 6);
- musicCRC = gfc.nMusicCRC;
- // Write all this information into the stream
- createInteger(streamBuffer, streamBufferPos + bytesWritten, quality);
- bytesWritten += 4;
- for (var j = 0; j < 9; j++) {
- streamBuffer[streamBufferPos + bytesWritten + j] = 0xff & version .charAt(j);
- }
- bytesWritten += 9;
- streamBuffer[streamBufferPos + bytesWritten] = 0xff & revMethod;
- bytesWritten++;
- streamBuffer[streamBufferPos + bytesWritten] = 0xff & lowpass;
- bytesWritten++;
- createInteger(streamBuffer, streamBufferPos + bytesWritten,
- peakSignalAmplitude);
- bytesWritten += 4;
- createShort(streamBuffer, streamBufferPos + bytesWritten,
- radioReplayGain);
- bytesWritten += 2;
- createShort(streamBuffer, streamBufferPos + bytesWritten,
- audiophileReplayGain);
- bytesWritten += 2;
- streamBuffer[streamBufferPos + bytesWritten] = 0xff & flags;
- bytesWritten++;
- if (abrBitrate >= 255)
- streamBuffer[streamBufferPos + bytesWritten] = 0xFF;
- else
- streamBuffer[streamBufferPos + bytesWritten] = 0xff & abrBitrate;
- bytesWritten++;
- streamBuffer[streamBufferPos + bytesWritten] = 0xff & (encDelay >> 4);
- streamBuffer[streamBufferPos + bytesWritten + 1] = 0xff & ((encDelay << 4) + (encPadding >> 8));
- streamBuffer[streamBufferPos + bytesWritten + 2] = 0xff & encPadding;
- bytesWritten += 3;
- streamBuffer[streamBufferPos + bytesWritten] = 0xff & misc;
- bytesWritten++;
- // unused in rev0
- streamBuffer[streamBufferPos + bytesWritten++] = 0;
- createShort(streamBuffer, streamBufferPos + bytesWritten, gfp.preset);
- bytesWritten += 2;
- createInteger(streamBuffer, streamBufferPos + bytesWritten, musicLength);
- bytesWritten += 4;
- createShort(streamBuffer, streamBufferPos + bytesWritten, musicCRC);
- bytesWritten += 2;
- // Calculate tag CRC.... must be done here, since it includes previous
- // information
- for (var i = 0; i < bytesWritten; i++)
- crc = crcUpdateLookup(streamBuffer[streamBufferPos + i], crc);
- createShort(streamBuffer, streamBufferPos + bytesWritten, crc);
- bytesWritten += 2;
- return bytesWritten;
- }
- function skipId3v2(fpStream) {
- // seek to the beginning of the stream
- fpStream.seek(0);
- // read 10 bytes in case there's an ID3 version 2 header here
- var id3v2Header = new_byte(10);
- fpStream.readFully(id3v2Header);
- /* does the stream begin with the ID3 version 2 file identifier? */
- var id3v2TagSize;
- if (!new String(id3v2Header, "ISO-8859-1").startsWith("ID3")) {
- /*
- * the tag size (minus the 10-byte header) is encoded into four
- * bytes where the most significant bit is clear in each byte
- */
- id3v2TagSize = (((id3v2Header[6] & 0x7f) << 21)
- | ((id3v2Header[7] & 0x7f) << 14)
- | ((id3v2Header[8] & 0x7f) << 7) | (id3v2Header[9] & 0x7f))
- + id3v2Header.length;
- } else {
- /* no ID3 version 2 tag in this stream */
- id3v2TagSize = 0;
- }
- return id3v2TagSize;
- }
- this.getLameTagFrame = function (gfp, buffer) {
- var gfc = gfp.internal_flags;
- if (!gfp.bWriteVbrTag) {
- return 0;
- }
- if (gfc.Class_ID != Lame.LAME_ID) {
- return 0;
- }
- if (gfc.VBR_seek_table.pos <= 0) {
- return 0;
- }
- if (buffer.length < gfc.VBR_seek_table.TotalFrameSize) {
- return gfc.VBR_seek_table.TotalFrameSize;
- }
- Arrays.fill(buffer, 0, gfc.VBR_seek_table.TotalFrameSize, 0);
- // 4 bytes frame header
- setLameTagFrameHeader(gfp, buffer);
- // Create TOC entries
- var toc = new_byte(NUMTOCENTRIES);
- if (gfp.free_format) {
- for (var i = 1; i < NUMTOCENTRIES; ++i)
- toc[i] = 0xff & (255 * i / 100);
- } else {
- xingSeekTable(gfc.VBR_seek_table, toc);
- }
- // Start writing the tag after the zero frame
- var streamIndex = gfc.sideinfo_len;
- /**
- * Note: Xing header specifies that Xing data goes in the ancillary data
- * with NO ERROR PROTECTION. If error protecton in enabled, the Xing
- * data still starts at the same offset, and now it is in sideinfo data
- * block, and thus will not decode correctly by non-Xing tag aware
- * players
- */
- if (gfp.error_protection)
- streamIndex -= 2;
- // Put Vbr tag
- if (gfp.VBR == VbrMode.vbr_off) {
- buffer[streamIndex++] = 0xff & VBRTag1.charAt(0);
- buffer[streamIndex++] = 0xff & VBRTag1.charAt(1);
- buffer[streamIndex++] = 0xff & VBRTag1.charAt(2);
- buffer[streamIndex++] = 0xff & VBRTag1.charAt(3);
- } else {
- buffer[streamIndex++] = 0xff & VBRTag0.charAt(0);
- buffer[streamIndex++] = 0xff & VBRTag0.charAt(1);
- buffer[streamIndex++] = 0xff & VBRTag0.charAt(2);
- buffer[streamIndex++] = 0xff & VBRTag0.charAt(3);
- }
- // Put header flags
- createInteger(buffer, streamIndex, FRAMES_FLAG + BYTES_FLAG + TOC_FLAG
- streamIndex += 4;
- // Put Total Number of frames
- createInteger(buffer, streamIndex, gfc.VBR_seek_table.nVbrNumFrames);
- streamIndex += 4;
- // Put total audio stream size, including Xing/LAME Header
- var streamSize = (gfc.VBR_seek_table.nBytesWritten + gfc.VBR_seek_table.TotalFrameSize);
- createInteger(buffer, streamIndex, 0 | streamSize);
- streamIndex += 4;
- /* Put TOC */
- System.arraycopy(toc, 0, buffer, streamIndex, toc.length);
- streamIndex += toc.length;
- if (gfp.error_protection) {
- // (jo) error_protection: add crc16 information to header
- bs.CRC_writeheader(gfc, buffer);
- }
- // work out CRC so far: initially crc = 0
- var crc = 0x00;
- for (var i = 0; i < streamIndex; i++)
- crc = crcUpdateLookup(buffer[i], crc);
- // Put LAME VBR info
- streamIndex += putLameVBR(gfp, streamSize, buffer, streamIndex, crc);
- return gfc.VBR_seek_table.TotalFrameSize;
- }
- /**
- * Write final VBR tag to the file.
- *
- * @param gfp
- * global flags
- * @param stream
- * stream to add the VBR tag to
- * @return 0 (OK), -1 else
- * @throws IOException
- * I/O error
- */
- this.putVbrTag = function (gfp, stream) {
- var gfc = gfp.internal_flags;
- if (gfc.VBR_seek_table.pos <= 0)
- return -1;
- // Seek to end of file
- stream.seek(stream.length());
- // Get file size, abort if file has zero length.
- if (stream.length() == 0)
- return -1;
- // The VBR tag may NOT be located at the beginning of the stream. If an
- // ID3 version 2 tag was added, then it must be skipped to write the VBR
- // tag data.
- var id3v2TagSize = skipId3v2(stream);
- // Seek to the beginning of the stream
- stream.seek(id3v2TagSize);
- var buffer = new_byte(MAXFRAMESIZE);
- var bytes = getLameTagFrame(gfp, buffer);
- if (bytes > buffer.length) {
- return -1;
- }
- if (bytes < 1) {
- return 0;
- }
- // Put it all to disk again
- stream.write(buffer, 0, bytes);
- // success
- return 0;
- }
- }
- function HuffCodeTab(len, max, tab, hl) {
- this.xlen = len;
- this.linmax = max;
- this.table = tab;
- this.hlen = hl;
- }
- var Tables = {};
- Tables.t1HB = [
- 1, 1,
- 1, 0
- ];
- Tables.t2HB = [
- 1, 2, 1,
- 3, 1, 1,
- 3, 2, 0
- ];
- Tables.t3HB = [
- 3, 2, 1,
- 1, 1, 1,
- 3, 2, 0
- ];
- Tables.t5HB = [
- 1, 2, 6, 5,
- 3, 1, 4, 4,
- 7, 5, 7, 1,
- 6, 1, 1, 0
- ];
- Tables.t6HB = [
- 7, 3, 5, 1,
- 6, 2, 3, 2,
- 5, 4, 4, 1,
- 3, 3, 2, 0
- ];
- Tables.t7HB = [
- 1, 2, 10, 19, 16, 10,
- 3, 3, 7, 10, 5, 3,
- 11, 4, 13, 17, 8, 4,
- 12, 11, 18, 15, 11, 2,
- 7, 6, 9, 14, 3, 1,
- 6, 4, 5, 3, 2, 0
- ];
- Tables.t8HB = [
- 3, 4, 6, 18, 12, 5,
- 5, 1, 2, 16, 9, 3,
- 7, 3, 5, 14, 7, 3,
- 19, 17, 15, 13, 10, 4,
- 13, 5, 8, 11, 5, 1,
- 12, 4, 4, 1, 1, 0
- ];
- Tables.t9HB = [
- 7, 5, 9, 14, 15, 7,
- 6, 4, 5, 5, 6, 7,
- 7, 6, 8, 8, 8, 5,
- 15, 6, 9, 10, 5, 1,
- 11, 7, 9, 6, 4, 1,
- 14, 4, 6, 2, 6, 0
- ];
- Tables.t10HB = [
- 1, 2, 10, 23, 35, 30, 12, 17,
- 3, 3, 8, 12, 18, 21, 12, 7,
- 11, 9, 15, 21, 32, 40, 19, 6,
- 14, 13, 22, 34, 46, 23, 18, 7,
- 20, 19, 33, 47, 27, 22, 9, 3,
- 31, 22, 41, 26, 21, 20, 5, 3,
- 14, 13, 10, 11, 16, 6, 5, 1,
- 9, 8, 7, 8, 4, 4, 2, 0
- ];
- Tables.t11HB = [
- 3, 4, 10, 24, 34, 33, 21, 15,
- 5, 3, 4, 10, 32, 17, 11, 10,
- 11, 7, 13, 18, 30, 31, 20, 5,
- 25, 11, 19, 59, 27, 18, 12, 5,
- 35, 33, 31, 58, 30, 16, 7, 5,
- 28, 26, 32, 19, 17, 15, 8, 14,
- 14, 12, 9, 13, 14, 9, 4, 1,
- 11, 4, 6, 6, 6, 3, 2, 0
- ];
- Tables.t12HB = [
- 9, 6, 16, 33, 41, 39, 38, 26,
- 7, 5, 6, 9, 23, 16, 26, 11,
- 17, 7, 11, 14, 21, 30, 10, 7,
- 17, 10, 15, 12, 18, 28, 14, 5,
- 32, 13, 22, 19, 18, 16, 9, 5,
- 40, 17, 31, 29, 17, 13, 4, 2,
- 27, 12, 11, 15, 10, 7, 4, 1,
- 27, 12, 8, 12, 6, 3, 1, 0
- ];
- Tables.t13HB = [
- 1, 5, 14, 21, 34, 51, 46, 71, 42, 52, 68, 52, 67, 44, 43, 19,
- 3, 4, 12, 19, 31, 26, 44, 33, 31, 24, 32, 24, 31, 35, 22, 14,
- 15, 13, 23, 36, 59, 49, 77, 65, 29, 40, 30, 40, 27, 33, 42, 16,
- 22, 20, 37, 61, 56, 79, 73, 64, 43, 76, 56, 37, 26, 31, 25, 14,
- 35, 16, 60, 57, 97, 75, 114, 91, 54, 73, 55, 41, 48, 53, 23, 24,
- 58, 27, 50, 96, 76, 70, 93, 84, 77, 58, 79, 29, 74, 49, 41, 17,
- 47, 45, 78, 74, 115, 94, 90, 79, 69, 83, 71, 50, 59, 38, 36, 15,
- 72, 34, 56, 95, 92, 85, 91, 90, 86, 73, 77, 65, 51, 44, 43, 42,
- 43, 20, 30, 44, 55, 78, 72, 87, 78, 61, 46, 54, 37, 30, 20, 16,
- 53, 25, 41, 37, 44, 59, 54, 81, 66, 76, 57, 54, 37, 18, 39, 11,
- 35, 33, 31, 57, 42, 82, 72, 80, 47, 58, 55, 21, 22, 26, 38, 22,
- 53, 25, 23, 38, 70, 60, 51, 36, 55, 26, 34, 23, 27, 14, 9, 7,
- 34, 32, 28, 39, 49, 75, 30, 52, 48, 40, 52, 28, 18, 17, 9, 5,
- 45, 21, 34, 64, 56, 50, 49, 45, 31, 19, 12, 15, 10, 7, 6, 3,
- 48, 23, 20, 39, 36, 35, 53, 21, 16, 23, 13, 10, 6, 1, 4, 2,
- 16, 15, 17, 27, 25, 20, 29, 11, 17, 12, 16, 8, 1, 1, 0, 1
- ];
- Tables.t15HB = [
- 7, 12, 18, 53, 47, 76, 124, 108, 89, 123, 108, 119, 107, 81, 122, 63,
- 13, 5, 16, 27, 46, 36, 61, 51, 42, 70, 52, 83, 65, 41, 59, 36,
- 19, 17, 15, 24, 41, 34, 59, 48, 40, 64, 50, 78, 62, 80, 56, 33,
- 29, 28, 25, 43, 39, 63, 55, 93, 76, 59, 93, 72, 54, 75, 50, 29,
- 52, 22, 42, 40, 67, 57, 95, 79, 72, 57, 89, 69, 49, 66, 46, 27,
- 77, 37, 35, 66, 58, 52, 91, 74, 62, 48, 79, 63, 90, 62, 40, 38,
- 125, 32, 60, 56, 50, 92, 78, 65, 55, 87, 71, 51, 73, 51, 70, 30,
- 109, 53, 49, 94, 88, 75, 66, 122, 91, 73, 56, 42, 64, 44, 21, 25,
- 90, 43, 41, 77, 73, 63, 56, 92, 77, 66, 47, 67, 48, 53, 36, 20,
- 71, 34, 67, 60, 58, 49, 88, 76, 67, 106, 71, 54, 38, 39, 23, 15,
- 109, 53, 51, 47, 90, 82, 58, 57, 48, 72, 57, 41, 23, 27, 62, 9,
- 86, 42, 40, 37, 70, 64, 52, 43, 70, 55, 42, 25, 29, 18, 11, 11,
- 118, 68, 30, 55, 50, 46, 74, 65, 49, 39, 24, 16, 22, 13, 14, 7,
- 91, 44, 39, 38, 34, 63, 52, 45, 31, 52, 28, 19, 14, 8, 9, 3,
- 123, 60, 58, 53, 47, 43, 32, 22, 37, 24, 17, 12, 15, 10, 2, 1,
- 71, 37, 34, 30, 28, 20, 17, 26, 21, 16, 10, 6, 8, 6, 2, 0
- ];
- Tables.t16HB = [
- 1, 5, 14, 44, 74, 63, 110, 93, 172, 149, 138, 242, 225, 195, 376, 17,
- 3, 4, 12, 20, 35, 62, 53, 47, 83, 75, 68, 119, 201, 107, 207, 9,
- 15, 13, 23, 38, 67, 58, 103, 90, 161, 72, 127, 117, 110, 209, 206, 16,
- 45, 21, 39, 69, 64, 114, 99, 87, 158, 140, 252, 212, 199, 387, 365, 26,
- 75, 36, 68, 65, 115, 101, 179, 164, 155, 264, 246, 226, 395, 382, 362, 9,
- 66, 30, 59, 56, 102, 185, 173, 265, 142, 253, 232, 400, 388, 378, 445, 16,
- 111, 54, 52, 100, 184, 178, 160, 133, 257, 244, 228, 217, 385, 366, 715, 10,
- 98, 48, 91, 88, 165, 157, 148, 261, 248, 407, 397, 372, 380, 889, 884, 8,
- 85, 84, 81, 159, 156, 143, 260, 249, 427, 401, 392, 383, 727, 713, 708, 7,
- 154, 76, 73, 141, 131, 256, 245, 426, 406, 394, 384, 735, 359, 710, 352, 11,
- 139, 129, 67, 125, 247, 233, 229, 219, 393, 743, 737, 720, 885, 882, 439, 4,
- 243, 120, 118, 115, 227, 223, 396, 746, 742, 736, 721, 712, 706, 223, 436, 6,
- 202, 224, 222, 218, 216, 389, 386, 381, 364, 888, 443, 707, 440, 437, 1728, 4,
- 747, 211, 210, 208, 370, 379, 734, 723, 714, 1735, 883, 877, 876, 3459, 865, 2,
- 377, 369, 102, 187, 726, 722, 358, 711, 709, 866, 1734, 871, 3458, 870, 434, 0,
- 12, 10, 7, 11, 10, 17, 11, 9, 13, 12, 10, 7, 5, 3, 1, 3
- ];
- Tables.t24HB = [
- 15, 13, 46, 80, 146, 262, 248, 434, 426, 669, 653, 649, 621, 517, 1032, 88,
- 14, 12, 21, 38, 71, 130, 122, 216, 209, 198, 327, 345, 319, 297, 279, 42,
- 47, 22, 41, 74, 68, 128, 120, 221, 207, 194, 182, 340, 315, 295, 541, 18,
- 81, 39, 75, 70, 134, 125, 116, 220, 204, 190, 178, 325, 311, 293, 271, 16,
- 147, 72, 69, 135, 127, 118, 112, 210, 200, 188, 352, 323, 306, 285, 540, 14,
- 263, 66, 129, 126, 119, 114, 214, 202, 192, 180, 341, 317, 301, 281, 262, 12,
- 249, 123, 121, 117, 113, 215, 206, 195, 185, 347, 330, 308, 291, 272, 520, 10,
- 435, 115, 111, 109, 211, 203, 196, 187, 353, 332, 313, 298, 283, 531, 381, 17,
- 427, 212, 208, 205, 201, 193, 186, 177, 169, 320, 303, 286, 268, 514, 377, 16,
- 335, 199, 197, 191, 189, 181, 174, 333, 321, 305, 289, 275, 521, 379, 371, 11,
- 668, 184, 183, 179, 175, 344, 331, 314, 304, 290, 277, 530, 383, 373, 366, 10,
- 652, 346, 171, 168, 164, 318, 309, 299, 287, 276, 263, 513, 375, 368, 362, 6,
- 648, 322, 316, 312, 307, 302, 292, 284, 269, 261, 512, 376, 370, 364, 359, 4,
- 620, 300, 296, 294, 288, 282, 273, 266, 515, 380, 374, 369, 365, 361, 357, 2,
- 1033, 280, 278, 274, 267, 264, 259, 382, 378, 372, 367, 363, 360, 358, 356, 0,
- 43, 20, 19, 17, 15, 13, 11, 9, 7, 6, 4, 7, 5, 3, 1, 3
- ];
- Tables.t32HB = [
- 1 << 0, 5 << 1, 4 << 1, 5 << 2, 6 << 1, 5 << 2, 4 << 2, 4 << 3,
- 7 << 1, 3 << 2, 6 << 2, 0 << 3, 7 << 2, 2 << 3, 3 << 3, 1 << 4
- ];
- Tables.t33HB = [
- 15 << 0, 14 << 1, 13 << 1, 12 << 2, 11 << 1, 10 << 2, 9 << 2, 8 << 3,
- 7 << 1, 6 << 2, 5 << 2, 4 << 3, 3 << 2, 2 << 3, 1 << 3, 0 << 4
- ];
- Tables.t1l = [
- 1, 4,
- 3, 5
- ];
- Tables.t2l = [
- 1, 4, 7,
- 4, 5, 7,
- 6, 7, 8
- ];
- Tables.t3l = [
- 2, 3, 7,
- 4, 4, 7,
- 6, 7, 8
- ];
- Tables.t5l = [
- 1, 4, 7, 8,
- 4, 5, 8, 9,
- 7, 8, 9, 10,
- 8, 8, 9, 10
- ];
- Tables.t6l = [
- 3, 4, 6, 8,
- 4, 4, 6, 7,
- 5, 6, 7, 8,
- 7, 7, 8, 9
- ];
- Tables.t7l = [
- 1, 4, 7, 9, 9, 10,
- 4, 6, 8, 9, 9, 10,
- 7, 7, 9, 10, 10, 11,
- 8, 9, 10, 11, 11, 11,
- 8, 9, 10, 11, 11, 12,
- 9, 10, 11, 12, 12, 12
- ];
- Tables.t8l = [
- 2, 4, 7, 9, 9, 10,
- 4, 4, 6, 10, 10, 10,
- 7, 6, 8, 10, 10, 11,
- 9, 10, 10, 11, 11, 12,
- 9, 9, 10, 11, 12, 12,
- 10, 10, 11, 11, 13, 13
- ];
- Tables.t9l = [
- 3, 4, 6, 7, 9, 10,
- 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10,
- 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
- 7, 7, 8, 9, 9, 10,
- 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 11,
- 9, 9, 10, 10, 11, 11
- ];
- Tables.t10l = [
- 1, 4, 7, 9, 10, 10, 10, 11,
- 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 10, 10,
- 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 11, 11,
- 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 12, 11, 12,
- 9, 10, 11, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12,
- 10, 11, 12, 12, 13, 13, 12, 13,
- 9, 10, 11, 12, 12, 12, 13, 13,
- 10, 10, 11, 12, 12, 13, 13, 13
- ];
- Tables.t11l = [
- 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 9, 10,
- 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 10, 9, 10,
- 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 10, 10,
- 8, 8, 9, 11, 10, 12, 10, 11,
- 9, 10, 10, 11, 11, 12, 11, 12,
- 9, 10, 11, 12, 12, 13, 12, 13,
- 9, 9, 9, 10, 11, 12, 12, 12,
- 9, 9, 10, 11, 12, 12, 12, 12
- ];
- Tables.t12l = [
- 4, 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 10, 10,
- 4, 5, 6, 7, 9, 9, 10, 10,
- 6, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 9, 10,
- 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 10, 10, 10,
- 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10, 10, 11,
- 9, 9, 10, 10, 10, 11, 10, 11,
- 9, 9, 9, 10, 10, 11, 11, 12,
- 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11, 11, 12
- ];
- Tables.t13l = [
- 1, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10, 11, 10, 11, 12, 12, 13, 13, 14, 14,
- 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11, 11, 12, 12, 13, 14, 14, 14,
- 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 11, 12, 12, 11, 12, 12, 13, 13, 14, 15, 15,
- 8, 9, 10, 11, 11, 12, 12, 12, 12, 13, 13, 13, 13, 14, 15, 15,
- 9, 9, 11, 11, 12, 12, 13, 13, 12, 13, 13, 14, 14, 15, 15, 16,
- 10, 10, 11, 12, 12, 12, 13, 13, 13, 13, 14, 13, 15, 15, 16, 16,
- 10, 11, 12, 12, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 14, 14, 14, 15, 15, 16, 16,
- 11, 11, 12, 13, 13, 13, 14, 14, 14, 14, 15, 15, 15, 16, 18, 18,
- 10, 10, 11, 12, 12, 13, 13, 14, 14, 14, 14, 15, 15, 16, 17, 17,
- 11, 11, 12, 12, 13, 13, 13, 15, 14, 15, 15, 16, 16, 16, 18, 17,
- 11, 12, 12, 13, 13, 14, 14, 15, 14, 15, 16, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19,
- 12, 12, 12, 13, 14, 14, 14, 14, 15, 15, 15, 16, 17, 17, 17, 18,
- 12, 13, 13, 14, 14, 15, 14, 15, 16, 16, 17, 17, 17, 18, 18, 18,
- 13, 13, 14, 15, 15, 15, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 17, 18, 17, 18, 18,
- 14, 14, 14, 15, 15, 15, 17, 16, 16, 19, 17, 17, 17, 19, 18, 18,
- 13, 14, 15, 16, 16, 16, 17, 16, 17, 17, 18, 18, 21, 20, 21, 18
- ];
- Tables.t15l = [
- 3, 5, 6, 8, 8, 9, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 12, 12, 12, 13, 14,
- 5, 5, 7, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 12, 12, 12, 13, 13,
- 6, 7, 7, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 12, 12, 13, 13, 13,
- 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11, 12, 12, 12, 13, 13, 13,
- 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11, 11, 12, 12, 12, 13, 13, 13,
- 9, 9, 9, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11, 11, 12, 12, 13, 13, 13, 14,
- 10, 9, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11, 11, 12, 12, 12, 13, 13, 14, 14,
- 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11, 11, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 13, 13, 13, 14,
- 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11, 11, 12, 12, 12, 12, 13, 13, 14, 14, 14,
- 10, 10, 11, 11, 11, 11, 12, 12, 12, 13, 13, 13, 13, 14, 14, 14,
- 11, 11, 11, 11, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 13, 13, 13, 13, 14, 15, 14,
- 11, 11, 11, 11, 12, 12, 12, 12, 13, 13, 13, 13, 14, 14, 14, 15,
- 12, 12, 11, 12, 12, 12, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 14, 14, 15, 15,
- 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 13, 13, 13, 13, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 15, 15,
- 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 14, 14, 14, 14, 15, 15, 14, 15,
- 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 15, 15, 15, 15
- ];
- Tables.t16_5l = [
- 1, 5, 7, 9, 10, 10, 11, 11, 12, 12, 12, 13, 13, 13, 14, 11,
- 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 11, 11, 12, 12, 12, 13, 14, 13, 14, 11,
- 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 11, 12, 12, 13, 12, 13, 13, 13, 14, 14, 12,
- 9, 9, 10, 11, 11, 12, 12, 12, 13, 13, 14, 14, 14, 15, 15, 13,
- 10, 10, 11, 11, 12, 12, 13, 13, 13, 14, 14, 14, 15, 15, 15, 12,
- 10, 10, 11, 11, 12, 13, 13, 14, 13, 14, 14, 15, 15, 15, 16, 13,
- 11, 11, 11, 12, 13, 13, 13, 13, 14, 14, 14, 14, 15, 15, 16, 13,
- 11, 11, 12, 12, 13, 13, 13, 14, 14, 15, 15, 15, 15, 17, 17, 13,
- 11, 12, 12, 13, 13, 13, 14, 14, 15, 15, 15, 15, 16, 16, 16, 13,
- 12, 12, 12, 13, 13, 14, 14, 15, 15, 15, 15, 16, 15, 16, 15, 14,
- 12, 13, 12, 13, 14, 14, 14, 14, 15, 16, 16, 16, 17, 17, 16, 13,
- 13, 13, 13, 13, 14, 14, 15, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 15, 16, 14,
- 13, 14, 14, 14, 14, 15, 15, 15, 15, 17, 16, 16, 16, 16, 18, 14,
- 15, 14, 14, 14, 15, 15, 16, 16, 16, 18, 17, 17, 17, 19, 17, 14,
- 14, 15, 13, 14, 16, 16, 15, 16, 16, 17, 18, 17, 19, 17, 16, 14,
- 11, 11, 11, 12, 12, 13, 13, 13, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 14, 12
- ];
- Tables.t16l = [
- 1, 5, 7, 9, 10, 10, 11, 11, 12, 12, 12, 13, 13, 13, 14, 10,
- 4, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 11, 11, 12, 12, 12, 13, 14, 13, 14, 10,
- 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 11, 12, 12, 13, 12, 13, 13, 13, 14, 14, 11,
- 9, 9, 10, 11, 11, 12, 12, 12, 13, 13, 14, 14, 14, 15, 15, 12,
- 10, 10, 11, 11, 12, 12, 13, 13, 13, 14, 14, 14, 15, 15, 15, 11,
- 10, 10, 11, 11, 12, 13, 13, 14, 13, 14, 14, 15, 15, 15, 16, 12,
- 11, 11, 11, 12, 13, 13, 13, 13, 14, 14, 14, 14, 15, 15, 16, 12,
- 11, 11, 12, 12, 13, 13, 13, 14, 14, 15, 15, 15, 15, 17, 17, 12,
- 11, 12, 12, 13, 13, 13, 14, 14, 15, 15, 15, 15, 16, 16, 16, 12,
- 12, 12, 12, 13, 13, 14, 14, 15, 15, 15, 15, 16, 15, 16, 15, 13,
- 12, 13, 12, 13, 14, 14, 14, 14, 15, 16, 16, 16, 17, 17, 16, 12,
- 13, 13, 13, 13, 14, 14, 15, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 15, 16, 13,
- 13, 14, 14, 14, 14, 15, 15, 15, 15, 17, 16, 16, 16, 16, 18, 13,
- 15, 14, 14, 14, 15, 15, 16, 16, 16, 18, 17, 17, 17, 19, 17, 13,
- 14, 15, 13, 14, 16, 16, 15, 16, 16, 17, 18, 17, 19, 17, 16, 13,
- 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 12, 12, 12, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 10
- ];
- Tables.t24l = [
- 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10, 11, 11, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 13, 10,
- 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 10,
- 7, 7, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11, 11, 12, 12, 12, 13, 9,
- 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11, 11, 12, 12, 12, 12, 9,
- 9, 9, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11, 12, 12, 12, 12, 13, 9,
- 10, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11, 11, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 9,
- 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11, 11, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 13, 9,
- 11, 10, 10, 10, 11, 11, 11, 11, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 13, 13, 10,
- 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 12, 12, 12, 12, 13, 13, 10,
- 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 11, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 13, 13, 13, 10,
- 12, 11, 11, 11, 11, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 13, 13, 13, 13, 10,
- 12, 12, 11, 11, 11, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 13, 13, 13, 13, 10,
- 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 10,
- 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 10,
- 13, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 10,
- 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 9, 10, 10, 10, 10, 6
- ];
- Tables.t32l = [
- 1 + 0, 4 + 1, 4 + 1, 5 + 2, 4 + 1, 6 + 2, 5 + 2, 6 + 3,
- 4 + 1, 5 + 2, 5 + 2, 6 + 3, 5 + 2, 6 + 3, 6 + 3, 6 + 4
- ];
- Tables.t33l = [
- 4 + 0, 4 + 1, 4 + 1, 4 + 2, 4 + 1, 4 + 2, 4 + 2, 4 + 3,
- 4 + 1, 4 + 2, 4 + 2, 4 + 3, 4 + 2, 4 + 3, 4 + 3, 4 + 4
- ];
- Tables.ht = [
- /* xlen, linmax, table, hlen */
- new HuffCodeTab(0, 0, null, null),
- new HuffCodeTab(2, 0, Tables.t1HB, Tables.t1l),
- new HuffCodeTab(3, 0, Tables.t2HB, Tables.t2l),
- new HuffCodeTab(3, 0, Tables.t3HB, Tables.t3l),
- new HuffCodeTab(0, 0, null, null), /* Apparently not used */
- new HuffCodeTab(4, 0, Tables.t5HB, Tables.t5l),
- new HuffCodeTab(4, 0, Tables.t6HB, Tables.t6l),
- new HuffCodeTab(6, 0, Tables.t7HB, Tables.t7l),
- new HuffCodeTab(6, 0, Tables.t8HB, Tables.t8l),
- new HuffCodeTab(6, 0, Tables.t9HB, Tables.t9l),
- new HuffCodeTab(8, 0, Tables.t10HB, Tables.t10l),
- new HuffCodeTab(8, 0, Tables.t11HB, Tables.t11l),
- new HuffCodeTab(8, 0, Tables.t12HB, Tables.t12l),
- new HuffCodeTab(16, 0, Tables.t13HB, Tables.t13l),
- new HuffCodeTab(0, 0, null, Tables.t16_5l), /* Apparently not used */
- new HuffCodeTab(16, 0, Tables.t15HB, Tables.t15l),
- new HuffCodeTab(1, 1, Tables.t16HB, Tables.t16l),
- new HuffCodeTab(2, 3, Tables.t16HB, Tables.t16l),
- new HuffCodeTab(3, 7, Tables.t16HB, Tables.t16l),
- new HuffCodeTab(4, 15, Tables.t16HB, Tables.t16l),
- new HuffCodeTab(6, 63, Tables.t16HB, Tables.t16l),
- new HuffCodeTab(8, 255, Tables.t16HB, Tables.t16l),
- new HuffCodeTab(10, 1023, Tables.t16HB, Tables.t16l),
- new HuffCodeTab(13, 8191, Tables.t16HB, Tables.t16l),
- new HuffCodeTab(4, 15, Tables.t24HB, Tables.t24l),
- new HuffCodeTab(5, 31, Tables.t24HB, Tables.t24l),
- new HuffCodeTab(6, 63, Tables.t24HB, Tables.t24l),
- new HuffCodeTab(7, 127, Tables.t24HB, Tables.t24l),
- new HuffCodeTab(8, 255, Tables.t24HB, Tables.t24l),
- new HuffCodeTab(9, 511, Tables.t24HB, Tables.t24l),
- new HuffCodeTab(11, 2047, Tables.t24HB, Tables.t24l),
- new HuffCodeTab(13, 8191, Tables.t24HB, Tables.t24l),
- new HuffCodeTab(0, 0, Tables.t32HB, Tables.t32l),
- new HuffCodeTab(0, 0, Tables.t33HB, Tables.t33l),
- ];
- /**
- * <CODE>
- * for (i = 0; i < 16*16; i++) [
- * largetbl[i] = ((ht[16].hlen[i]) << 16) + ht[24].hlen[i];
- * ]
- * </CODE>
- *
- */
- Tables.largetbl = [
- 0x010004, 0x050005, 0x070007, 0x090008, 0x0a0009, 0x0a000a, 0x0b000a, 0x0b000b,
- 0x0c000b, 0x0c000c, 0x0c000c, 0x0d000c, 0x0d000c, 0x0d000c, 0x0e000d, 0x0a000a,
- 0x040005, 0x060006, 0x080007, 0x090008, 0x0a0009, 0x0b000a, 0x0b000a, 0x0b000b,
- 0x0c000b, 0x0c000b, 0x0c000c, 0x0d000c, 0x0e000c, 0x0d000c, 0x0e000c, 0x0a000a,
- 0x070007, 0x080007, 0x090008, 0x0a0009, 0x0b0009, 0x0b000a, 0x0c000a, 0x0c000b,
- 0x0d000b, 0x0c000b, 0x0d000b, 0x0d000c, 0x0d000c, 0x0e000c, 0x0e000d, 0x0b0009,
- 0x090008, 0x090008, 0x0a0009, 0x0b0009, 0x0b000a, 0x0c000a, 0x0c000a, 0x0c000b,
- 0x0d000b, 0x0d000b, 0x0e000b, 0x0e000c, 0x0e000c, 0x0f000c, 0x0f000c, 0x0c0009,
- 0x0a0009, 0x0a0009, 0x0b0009, 0x0b000a, 0x0c000a, 0x0c000a, 0x0d000a, 0x0d000b,
- 0x0d000b, 0x0e000b, 0x0e000c, 0x0e000c, 0x0f000c, 0x0f000c, 0x0f000d, 0x0b0009,
- 0x0a000a, 0x0a0009, 0x0b000a, 0x0b000a, 0x0c000a, 0x0d000a, 0x0d000b, 0x0e000b,
- 0x0d000b, 0x0e000b, 0x0e000c, 0x0f000c, 0x0f000c, 0x0f000c, 0x10000c, 0x0c0009,
- 0x0b000a, 0x0b000a, 0x0b000a, 0x0c000a, 0x0d000a, 0x0d000b, 0x0d000b, 0x0d000b,
- 0x0e000b, 0x0e000c, 0x0e000c, 0x0e000c, 0x0f000c, 0x0f000c, 0x10000d, 0x0c0009,
- 0x0b000b, 0x0b000a, 0x0c000a, 0x0c000a, 0x0d000b, 0x0d000b, 0x0d000b, 0x0e000b,
- 0x0e000c, 0x0f000c, 0x0f000c, 0x0f000c, 0x0f000c, 0x11000d, 0x11000d, 0x0c000a,
- 0x0b000b, 0x0c000b, 0x0c000b, 0x0d000b, 0x0d000b, 0x0d000b, 0x0e000b, 0x0e000b,
- 0x0f000b, 0x0f000c, 0x0f000c, 0x0f000c, 0x10000c, 0x10000d, 0x10000d, 0x0c000a,
- 0x0c000b, 0x0c000b, 0x0c000b, 0x0d000b, 0x0d000b, 0x0e000b, 0x0e000b, 0x0f000c,
- 0x0f000c, 0x0f000c, 0x0f000c, 0x10000c, 0x0f000d, 0x10000d, 0x0f000d, 0x0d000a,
- 0x0c000c, 0x0d000b, 0x0c000b, 0x0d000b, 0x0e000b, 0x0e000c, 0x0e000c, 0x0e000c,
- 0x0f000c, 0x10000c, 0x10000c, 0x10000d, 0x11000d, 0x11000d, 0x10000d, 0x0c000a,
- 0x0d000c, 0x0d000c, 0x0d000b, 0x0d000b, 0x0e000b, 0x0e000c, 0x0f000c, 0x10000c,
- 0x10000c, 0x10000c, 0x10000c, 0x10000d, 0x10000d, 0x0f000d, 0x10000d, 0x0d000a,
- 0x0d000c, 0x0e000c, 0x0e000c, 0x0e000c, 0x0e000c, 0x0f000c, 0x0f000c, 0x0f000c,
- 0x0f000c, 0x11000c, 0x10000d, 0x10000d, 0x10000d, 0x10000d, 0x12000d, 0x0d000a,
- 0x0f000c, 0x0e000c, 0x0e000c, 0x0e000c, 0x0f000c, 0x0f000c, 0x10000c, 0x10000c,
- 0x10000d, 0x12000d, 0x11000d, 0x11000d, 0x11000d, 0x13000d, 0x11000d, 0x0d000a,
- 0x0e000d, 0x0f000c, 0x0d000c, 0x0e000c, 0x10000c, 0x10000c, 0x0f000c, 0x10000d,
- 0x10000d, 0x11000d, 0x12000d, 0x11000d, 0x13000d, 0x11000d, 0x10000d, 0x0d000a,
- 0x0a0009, 0x0a0009, 0x0a0009, 0x0b0009, 0x0b0009, 0x0c0009, 0x0c0009, 0x0c0009,
- 0x0d0009, 0x0d0009, 0x0d0009, 0x0d000a, 0x0d000a, 0x0d000a, 0x0d000a, 0x0a0006
- ];
- /**
- * <CODE>
- * for (i = 0; i < 3*3; i++) [
- * table23[i] = ((ht[2].hlen[i]) << 16) + ht[3].hlen[i];
- * ]
- * </CODE>
- *
- */
- Tables.table23 = [
- 0x010002, 0x040003, 0x070007,
- 0x040004, 0x050004, 0x070007,
- 0x060006, 0x070007, 0x080008
- ];
- /**
- * <CODE>
- * for (i = 0; i < 4*4; i++) [
- * table56[i] = ((ht[5].hlen[i]) << 16) + ht[6].hlen[i];
- * ]
- * </CODE>
- *
- */
- Tables.table56 = [
- 0x010003, 0x040004, 0x070006, 0x080008, 0x040004, 0x050004, 0x080006, 0x090007,
- 0x070005, 0x080006, 0x090007, 0x0a0008, 0x080007, 0x080007, 0x090008, 0x0a0009
- ];
- Tables.bitrate_table = [
- [0, 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 144, 160, -1], /* MPEG 2 */
- [0, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256, 320, -1], /* MPEG 1 */
- [0, 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1], /* MPEG 2.5 */
- ];
- /**
- * MPEG 2, MPEG 1, MPEG 2.5.
- */
- Tables.samplerate_table = [
- [22050, 24000, 16000, -1],
- [44100, 48000, 32000, -1],
- [11025, 12000, 8000, -1],
- ];
- /**
- * This is the scfsi_band table from of the IS.
- */
- Tables.scfsi_band = [0, 6, 11, 16, 21];
- function MeanBits(meanBits) {
- this.bits = meanBits;
- }
- function VBRQuantize() {
- var qupvt;
- var tak;
- this.setModules = function (_qupvt, _tk) {
- qupvt = _qupvt;
- tak = _tk;
- }
- //TODO
- }
- //package mp3;
- function CalcNoiseResult() {
- /**
- * sum of quantization noise > masking
- */
- this.over_noise = 0.;
- /**
- * sum of all quantization noise
- */
- this.tot_noise = 0.;
- /**
- * max quantization noise
- */
- this.max_noise = 0.;
- /**
- * number of quantization noise > masking
- */
- this.over_count = 0;
- /**
- * SSD-like cost of distorted bands
- */
- this.over_SSD = 0;
- this.bits = 0;
- }
- function LameGlobalFlags() {
- this.class_id = 0;
- /* input description */
- /**
- * number of samples. default=-1
- */
- this.num_samples = 0;
- /**
- * input number of channels. default=2
- */
- this.num_channels = 0;
- /**
- * input_samp_rate in Hz. default=44.1 kHz
- */
- this.in_samplerate = 0;
- /**
- * output_samp_rate. default: LAME picks best value at least not used for
- * MP3 decoding: Remember 44.1 kHz MP3s and AC97
- */
- this.out_samplerate = 0;
- /**
- * scale input by this amount before encoding at least not used for MP3
- * decoding
- */
- this.scale = 0.;
- /**
- * scale input of channel 0 (left) by this amount before encoding
- */
- this.scale_left = 0.;
- /**
- * scale input of channel 1 (right) by this amount before encoding
- */
- this.scale_right = 0.;
- /* general control params */
- /**
- * collect data for a MP3 frame analyzer?
- */
- this.analysis = false;
- /**
- * add Xing VBR tag?
- */
- this.bWriteVbrTag = false;
- /**
- * use lame/mpglib to convert mp3 to wav
- */
- this.decode_only = false;
- /**
- * quality setting 0=best, 9=worst default=5
- */
- this.quality = 0;
- /**
- * see enum default = LAME picks best value
- */
- this.mode = MPEGMode.STEREO;
- /**
- * force M/S mode. requires mode=1
- */
- this.force_ms = false;
- /**
- * use free format? default=0
- */
- this.free_format = false;
- /**
- * find the RG value? default=0
- */
- this.findReplayGain = false;
- /**
- * decode on the fly? default=0
- */
- this.decode_on_the_fly = false;
- /**
- * 1 (default) writes ID3 tags, 0 not
- */
- this.write_id3tag_automatic = false;
- /*
- * set either brate>0 or compression_ratio>0, LAME will compute the value of
- * the variable not set. Default is compression_ratio = 11.025
- */
- /**
- * bitrate
- */
- this.brate = 0;
- /**
- * sizeof(wav file)/sizeof(mp3 file)
- */
- this.compression_ratio = 0.;
- /* frame params */
- /**
- * mark as copyright. default=0
- */
- this.copyright = 0;
- /**
- * mark as original. default=1
- */
- this.original = 0;
- /**
- * the MP3 'private extension' bit. Meaningless
- */
- this.extension = 0;
- /**
- * Input PCM is emphased PCM (for instance from one of the rarely emphased
- * CDs), it is STRONGLY not recommended to use this, because psycho does not
- * take it into account, and last but not least many decoders don't care
- * about these bits
- */
- this.emphasis = 0;
- /**
- * use 2 bytes per frame for a CRC checksum. default=0
- */
- this.error_protection = 0;
- /**
- * enforce ISO spec as much as possible
- */
- this.strict_ISO = false;
- /**
- * use bit reservoir?
- */
- this.disable_reservoir = false;
- /* quantization/noise shaping */
- this.quant_comp = 0;
- this.quant_comp_short = 0;
- this.experimentalY = false;
- this.experimentalZ = 0;
- this.exp_nspsytune = 0;
- this.preset = 0;
- /* VBR control */
- this.VBR = null;
- /**
- * Range [0,...,1[
- */
- this.VBR_q_frac = 0.;
- /**
- * Range [0,...,9]
- */
- this.VBR_q = 0;
- this.VBR_mean_bitrate_kbps = 0;
- this.VBR_min_bitrate_kbps = 0;
- this.VBR_max_bitrate_kbps = 0;
- /**
- * strictly enforce VBR_min_bitrate normaly, it will be violated for analog
- * silence
- */
- this.VBR_hard_min = 0;
- /* resampling and filtering */
- /**
- * freq in Hz. 0=lame choses. -1=no filter
- */
- this.lowpassfreq = 0;
- /**
- * freq in Hz. 0=lame choses. -1=no filter
- */
- this.highpassfreq = 0;
- /**
- * freq width of filter, in Hz (default=15%)
- */
- this.lowpasswidth = 0;
- /**
- * freq width of filter, in Hz (default=15%)
- */
- this.highpasswidth = 0;
- /*
- * psycho acoustics and other arguments which you should not change unless
- * you know what you are doing
- */
- this.maskingadjust = 0.;
- this.maskingadjust_short = 0.;
- /**
- * only use ATH
- */
- this.ATHonly = false;
- /**
- * only use ATH for short blocks
- */
- this.ATHshort = false;
- /**
- * disable ATH
- */
- this.noATH = false;
- /**
- * select ATH formula
- */
- this.ATHtype = 0;
- /**
- * change ATH formula 4 shape
- */
- this.ATHcurve = 0.;
- /**
- * lower ATH by this many db
- */
- this.ATHlower = 0.;
- /**
- * select ATH auto-adjust scheme
- */
- this.athaa_type = 0;
- /**
- * select ATH auto-adjust loudness calc
- */
- this.athaa_loudapprox = 0;
- /**
- * dB, tune active region of auto-level
- */
- this.athaa_sensitivity = 0.;
- this.short_blocks = null;
- /**
- * use temporal masking effect
- */
- this.useTemporal = false;
- this.interChRatio = 0.;
- /**
- * Naoki's adjustment of Mid/Side maskings
- */
- this.msfix = 0.;
- /**
- * 0 off, 1 on
- */
- this.tune = false;
- /**
- * used to pass values for debugging and stuff
- */
- this.tune_value_a = 0.;
- /************************************************************************/
- /* internal variables, do not set... */
- /* provided because they may be of use to calling application */
- /************************************************************************/
- /**
- * 0=MPEG-2/2.5 1=MPEG-1
- */
- this.version = 0;
- this.encoder_delay = 0;
- /**
- * number of samples of padding appended to input
- */
- this.encoder_padding = 0;
- this.framesize = 0;
- /**
- * number of frames encoded
- */
- this.frameNum = 0;
- /**
- * is this struct owned by calling program or lame?
- */
- this.lame_allocated_gfp = 0;
- /**************************************************************************/
- /* more internal variables are stored in this structure: */
- /**************************************************************************/
- this.internal_flags = null;
- }
- function ReplayGain() {
- this.linprebuf = new_float(GainAnalysis.MAX_ORDER * 2);
- /**
- * left input samples, with pre-buffer
- */
- this.linpre = 0;
- this.lstepbuf = new_float(GainAnalysis.MAX_SAMPLES_PER_WINDOW + GainAnalysis.MAX_ORDER);
- /**
- * left "first step" (i.e. post first filter) samples
- */
- this.lstep = 0;
- this.loutbuf = new_float(GainAnalysis.MAX_SAMPLES_PER_WINDOW + GainAnalysis.MAX_ORDER);
- /**
- * left "out" (i.e. post second filter) samples
- */
- this.lout = 0;
- this.rinprebuf = new_float(GainAnalysis.MAX_ORDER * 2);
- /**
- * right input samples ...
- */
- this.rinpre = 0;
- this.rstepbuf = new_float(GainAnalysis.MAX_SAMPLES_PER_WINDOW + GainAnalysis.MAX_ORDER);
- this.rstep = 0;
- this.routbuf = new_float(GainAnalysis.MAX_SAMPLES_PER_WINDOW + GainAnalysis.MAX_ORDER);
- this.rout = 0;
- /**
- * number of samples required to reach number of milliseconds required
- * for RMS window
- */
- this.sampleWindow = 0;
- this.totsamp = 0;
- this.lsum = 0.;
- this.rsum = 0.;
- this.freqindex = 0;
- this.first = 0;
- this.A = new_int(0 | (GainAnalysis.STEPS_per_dB * GainAnalysis.MAX_dB));
- this.B = new_int(0 | (GainAnalysis.STEPS_per_dB * GainAnalysis.MAX_dB));
- }
- function CBRNewIterationLoop(_quantize) {
- var quantize = _quantize;
- this.quantize = quantize;
- this.iteration_loop = function(gfp, pe, ms_ener_ratio, ratio) {
- var gfc = gfp.internal_flags;
- var l3_xmin = new_float(L3Side.SFBMAX);
- var xrpow = new_float(576);
- var targ_bits = new_int(2);
- var mean_bits = 0, max_bits;
- var l3_side = gfc.l3_side;
- var mb = new MeanBits(mean_bits);
- this.quantize.rv.ResvFrameBegin(gfp, mb);
- mean_bits = mb.bits;
- /* quantize! */
- for (var gr = 0; gr < gfc.mode_gr; gr++) {
- /*
- * calculate needed bits
- */
- max_bits = this.quantize.qupvt.on_pe(gfp, pe, targ_bits, mean_bits,
- gr, gr);
- if (gfc.mode_ext == Encoder.MPG_MD_MS_LR) {
- this.quantize.ms_convert(gfc.l3_side, gr);
- this.quantize.qupvt.reduce_side(targ_bits, ms_ener_ratio[gr],
- mean_bits, max_bits);
- }
- for (var ch = 0; ch < gfc.channels_out; ch++) {
- var adjust, masking_lower_db;
- var cod_info = l3_side.tt[gr][ch];
- if (cod_info.block_type != Encoder.SHORT_TYPE) {
- // NORM, START or STOP type
- adjust = 0;
- masking_lower_db = gfc.PSY.mask_adjust - adjust;
- } else {
- adjust = 0;
- masking_lower_db = gfc.PSY.mask_adjust_short - adjust;
- }
- gfc.masking_lower = Math.pow(10.0,
- masking_lower_db * 0.1);
- /*
- * init_outer_loop sets up cod_info, scalefac and xrpow
- */
- this.quantize.init_outer_loop(gfc, cod_info);
- if (this.quantize.init_xrpow(gfc, cod_info, xrpow)) {
- /*
- * xr contains energy we will have to encode calculate the
- * masking abilities find some good quantization in
- * outer_loop
- */
- this.quantize.qupvt.calc_xmin(gfp, ratio[gr][ch], cod_info,
- l3_xmin);
- this.quantize.outer_loop(gfp, cod_info, l3_xmin, xrpow, ch,
- targ_bits[ch]);
- }
- this.quantize.iteration_finish_one(gfc, gr, ch);
- } /* for ch */
- } /* for gr */
- this.quantize.rv.ResvFrameEnd(gfc, mean_bits);
- }
- }
- /**
- * ATH related stuff, if something new ATH related has to be added, please plug
- * it here into the ATH.
- */
- function ATH() {
- /**
- * Method for the auto adjustment.
- */
- this.useAdjust = 0;
- /**
- * factor for tuning the (sample power) point below which adaptive threshold
- * of hearing adjustment occurs
- */
- this.aaSensitivityP = 0.;
- /**
- * Lowering based on peak volume, 1 = no lowering.
- */
- this.adjust = 0.;
- /**
- * Limit for dynamic ATH adjust.
- */
- this.adjustLimit = 0.;
- /**
- * Determined to lower x dB each second.
- */
- this.decay = 0.;
- /**
- * Lowest ATH value.
- */
- this.floor = 0.;
- /**
- * ATH for sfbs in long blocks.
- */
- this.l = new_float(Encoder.SBMAX_l);
- /**
- * ATH for sfbs in short blocks.
- */
- this.s = new_float(Encoder.SBMAX_s);
- /**
- * ATH for partitioned sfb21 in long blocks.
- */
- this.psfb21 = new_float(Encoder.PSFB21);
- /**
- * ATH for partitioned sfb12 in short blocks.
- */
- this.psfb12 = new_float(Encoder.PSFB12);
- /**
- * ATH for long block convolution bands.
- */
- this.cb_l = new_float(Encoder.CBANDS);
- /**
- * ATH for short block convolution bands.
- */
- this.cb_s = new_float(Encoder.CBANDS);
- /**
- * Equal loudness weights (based on ATH).
- */
- this.eql_w = new_float(Encoder.BLKSIZE / 2);
- }
- //package mp3;
- /**
- * Layer III side information.
- *
- * @author Ken
- *
- */
- function ScaleFac(arrL, arrS, arr21, arr12) {
- this.l = new_int(1 + Encoder.SBMAX_l);
- this.s = new_int(1 + Encoder.SBMAX_s);
- this.psfb21 = new_int(1 + Encoder.PSFB21);
- this.psfb12 = new_int(1 + Encoder.PSFB12);
- var l = this.l;
- var s = this.s;
- if (arguments.length == 4) {
- //public ScaleFac(final int[] arrL, final int[] arrS, final int[] arr21,
- // final int[] arr12) {
- this.arrL = arguments[0];
- this.arrS = arguments[1];
- this.arr21 = arguments[2];
- this.arr12 = arguments[3];
- System.arraycopy(this.arrL, 0, l, 0, Math.min(this.arrL.length, this.l.length));
- System.arraycopy(this.arrS, 0, s, 0, Math.min(this.arrS.length, this.s.length));
- System.arraycopy(this.arr21, 0, this.psfb21, 0, Math.min(this.arr21.length, this.psfb21.length));
- System.arraycopy(this.arr12, 0, this.psfb12, 0, Math.min(this.arr12.length, this.psfb12.length));
- }
- }
- /*
- * quantize_pvt source file
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1999-2002 Takehiro Tominaga
- * Copyright (c) 2000-2002 Robert Hegemann
- * Copyright (c) 2001 Naoki Shibata
- * Copyright (c) 2002-2005 Gabriel Bouvigne
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Library General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the
- * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
- * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- */
- /* $Id: QuantizePVT.java,v 1.24 2011/05/24 20:48:06 kenchis Exp $ */
- QuantizePVT.Q_MAX = (256 + 1);
- QuantizePVT.Q_MAX2 = 116;
- QuantizePVT.LARGE_BITS = 100000;
- QuantizePVT.IXMAX_VAL = 8206;
- function QuantizePVT() {
- var tak = null;
- var rv = null;
- var psy = null;
- this.setModules = function (_tk, _rv, _psy) {
- tak = _tk;
- rv = _rv;
- psy = _psy;
- };
- function POW20(x) {
- return pow20[x + QuantizePVT.Q_MAX2];
- }
- this.IPOW20 = function (x) {
- return ipow20[x];
- }
- /**
- * smallest such that 1.0+DBL_EPSILON != 1.0
- */
- var DBL_EPSILON = 2.2204460492503131e-016;
- /**
- * ix always <= 8191+15. see count_bits()
- */
- var IXMAX_VAL = QuantizePVT.IXMAX_VAL;
- var Q_MAX = QuantizePVT.Q_MAX;
- /**
- * <CODE>
- * minimum possible number of
- * -cod_info.global_gain + ((scalefac[] + (cod_info.preflag ? pretab[sfb] : 0))
- * << (cod_info.scalefac_scale + 1)) + cod_info.subblock_gain[cod_info.window[sfb]] * 8;
- *
- * for long block, 0+((15+3)<<2) = 18*4 = 72
- * for short block, 0+(15<<2)+7*8 = 15*4+56 = 116
- * </CODE>
- */
- var Q_MAX2 = QuantizePVT.Q_MAX2;
- /**
- * Assuming dynamic range=96dB, this value should be 92
- */
- var NSATHSCALE = 100;
- /**
- * The following table is used to implement the scalefactor partitioning for
- * MPEG2 as described in section of the IS. The indexing corresponds
- * to the way the tables are presented in the IS:
- *
- * [table_number][row_in_table][column of nr_of_sfb]
- */
- this.nr_of_sfb_block = [
- [[6, 5, 5, 5], [9, 9, 9, 9], [6, 9, 9, 9]],
- [[6, 5, 7, 3], [9, 9, 12, 6], [6, 9, 12, 6]],
- [[11, 10, 0, 0], [18, 18, 0, 0], [15, 18, 0, 0]],
- [[7, 7, 7, 0], [12, 12, 12, 0], [6, 15, 12, 0]],
- [[6, 6, 6, 3], [12, 9, 9, 6], [6, 12, 9, 6]],
- [[8, 8, 5, 0], [15, 12, 9, 0], [6, 18, 9, 0]]];
- /**
- * Table B.6: layer3 preemphasis
- */
- var pretab = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1,
- 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 2, 0];
- this.pretab = pretab;
- /**
- * Here are MPEG1 Table B.8 and MPEG2 Table B.1 -- Layer III scalefactor
- * bands. <BR>
- * Index into this using a method such as:<BR>
- * idx = fr_ps.header.sampling_frequency + (fr_ps.header.version * 3)
- */
- this.sfBandIndex = [
- // Table B.2.b: 22.05 kHz
- new ScaleFac([0, 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 44, 54, 66, 80, 96, 116, 140, 168, 200, 238, 284, 336, 396, 464,
- 522, 576],
- [0, 4, 8, 12, 18, 24, 32, 42, 56, 74, 100, 132, 174, 192]
- , [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] // sfb21 pseudo sub bands
- , [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] // sfb12 pseudo sub bands
- ),
- /* Table B.2.c: 24 kHz */ /* docs: 332. mpg123(broken): 330 */
- new ScaleFac([0, 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 44, 54, 66, 80, 96, 114, 136, 162, 194, 232, 278, 332, 394, 464,
- 540, 576],
- [0, 4, 8, 12, 18, 26, 36, 48, 62, 80, 104, 136, 180, 192]
- , [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] /* sfb21 pseudo sub bands */
- , [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] /* sfb12 pseudo sub bands */
- ),
- /* Table B.2.a: 16 kHz */
- new ScaleFac([0, 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 44, 54, 66, 80, 96, 116, 140, 168, 200, 238, 284, 336, 396, 464,
- 522, 576],
- [0, 4, 8, 12, 18, 26, 36, 48, 62, 80, 104, 134, 174, 192]
- , [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] /* sfb21 pseudo sub bands */
- , [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] /* sfb12 pseudo sub bands */
- ),
- /* Table B.8.b: 44.1 kHz */
- new ScaleFac([0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 30, 36, 44, 52, 62, 74, 90, 110, 134, 162, 196, 238, 288, 342, 418,
- 576],
- [0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 22, 30, 40, 52, 66, 84, 106, 136, 192]
- , [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] /* sfb21 pseudo sub bands */
- , [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] /* sfb12 pseudo sub bands */
- ),
- /* Table B.8.c: 48 kHz */
- new ScaleFac([0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 30, 36, 42, 50, 60, 72, 88, 106, 128, 156, 190, 230, 276, 330, 384,
- 576],
- [0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 22, 28, 38, 50, 64, 80, 100, 126, 192]
- , [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] /* sfb21 pseudo sub bands */
- , [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] /* sfb12 pseudo sub bands */
- ),
- /* Table B.8.a: 32 kHz */
- new ScaleFac([0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 30, 36, 44, 54, 66, 82, 102, 126, 156, 194, 240, 296, 364, 448, 550,
- 576],
- [0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 22, 30, 42, 58, 78, 104, 138, 180, 192]
- , [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] /* sfb21 pseudo sub bands */
- , [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] /* sfb12 pseudo sub bands */
- ),
- /* MPEG-2.5 11.025 kHz */
- new ScaleFac([0, 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 44, 54, 66, 80, 96, 116, 140, 168, 200, 238, 284, 336, 396, 464,
- 522, 576],
- [0 / 3, 12 / 3, 24 / 3, 36 / 3, 54 / 3, 78 / 3, 108 / 3, 144 / 3, 186 / 3, 240 / 3, 312 / 3,
- 402 / 3, 522 / 3, 576 / 3]
- , [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] /* sfb21 pseudo sub bands */
- , [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] /* sfb12 pseudo sub bands */
- ),
- /* MPEG-2.5 12 kHz */
- new ScaleFac([0, 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 44, 54, 66, 80, 96, 116, 140, 168, 200, 238, 284, 336, 396, 464,
- 522, 576],
- [0 / 3, 12 / 3, 24 / 3, 36 / 3, 54 / 3, 78 / 3, 108 / 3, 144 / 3, 186 / 3, 240 / 3, 312 / 3,
- 402 / 3, 522 / 3, 576 / 3]
- , [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] /* sfb21 pseudo sub bands */
- , [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] /* sfb12 pseudo sub bands */
- ),
- /* MPEG-2.5 8 kHz */
- new ScaleFac([0, 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 88, 108, 132, 160, 192, 232, 280, 336, 400, 476, 566, 568, 570,
- 572, 574, 576],
- [0 / 3, 24 / 3, 48 / 3, 72 / 3, 108 / 3, 156 / 3, 216 / 3, 288 / 3, 372 / 3, 480 / 3, 486 / 3,
- 492 / 3, 498 / 3, 576 / 3]
- , [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] /* sfb21 pseudo sub bands */
- , [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0] /* sfb12 pseudo sub bands */
- )
- ];
- var pow20 = new_float(Q_MAX + Q_MAX2 + 1);
- var ipow20 = new_float(Q_MAX);
- var pow43 = new_float(PRECALC_SIZE);
- var adj43 = new_float(PRECALC_SIZE);
- this.adj43 = adj43;
- /**
- * <PRE>
- * compute the ATH for each scalefactor band cd range: 0..96db
- *
- * Input: 3.3kHz signal 32767 amplitude (3.3kHz is where ATH is smallest =
- * -5db) longblocks: sfb=12 en0/bw=-11db max_en0 = 1.3db shortblocks: sfb=5
- * -9db 0db
- *
- * Input: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 (repeated) longblocks: amp=1
- * sfb=12 en0/bw=-103 db max_en0 = -92db amp=32767 sfb=12 -12 db -1.4db
- *
- * Input: 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 (repeated) shortblocks: amp=1
- * sfb=5 en0/bw= -99 -86 amp=32767 sfb=5 -9 db 4db
- *
- *
- * MAX energy of largest wave at 3.3kHz = 1db AVE energy of largest wave at
- * 3.3kHz = -11db Let's take AVE: -11db = maximum signal in sfb=12. Dynamic
- * range of CD: 96db. Therefor energy of smallest audible wave in sfb=12 =
- * -11 - 96 = -107db = ATH at 3.3kHz.
- *
- * ATH formula for this wave: -5db. To adjust to LAME scaling, we need ATH =
- * ATH_formula - 103 (db) ATH = ATH * 2.5e-10 (ener)
- * </PRE>
- */
- function ATHmdct(gfp, f) {
- var ath = psy.ATHformula(f, gfp);
- ath -= NSATHSCALE;
- /* modify the MDCT scaling for the ATH and convert to energy */
- ath = Math.pow(10.0, ath / 10.0 + gfp.ATHlower);
- return ath;
- }
- function compute_ath(gfp) {
- var ATH_l = gfp.internal_flags.ATH.l;
- var ATH_psfb21 = gfp.internal_flags.ATH.psfb21;
- var ATH_s = gfp.internal_flags.ATH.s;
- var ATH_psfb12 = gfp.internal_flags.ATH.psfb12;
- var gfc = gfp.internal_flags;
- var samp_freq = gfp.out_samplerate;
- for (var sfb = 0; sfb < Encoder.SBMAX_l; sfb++) {
- var start = gfc.scalefac_band.l[sfb];
- var end = gfc.scalefac_band.l[sfb + 1];
- ATH_l[sfb] = Float.MAX_VALUE;
- for (var i = start; i < end; i++) {
- var freq = i * samp_freq / (2 * 576);
- var ATH_f = ATHmdct(gfp, freq);
- /* freq in kHz */
- ATH_l[sfb] = Math.min(ATH_l[sfb], ATH_f);
- }
- }
- for (var sfb = 0; sfb < Encoder.PSFB21; sfb++) {
- var start = gfc.scalefac_band.psfb21[sfb];
- var end = gfc.scalefac_band.psfb21[sfb + 1];
- ATH_psfb21[sfb] = Float.MAX_VALUE;
- for (var i = start; i < end; i++) {
- var freq = i * samp_freq / (2 * 576);
- var ATH_f = ATHmdct(gfp, freq);
- /* freq in kHz */
- ATH_psfb21[sfb] = Math.min(ATH_psfb21[sfb], ATH_f);
- }
- }
- for (var sfb = 0; sfb < Encoder.SBMAX_s; sfb++) {
- var start = gfc.scalefac_band.s[sfb];
- var end = gfc.scalefac_band.s[sfb + 1];
- ATH_s[sfb] = Float.MAX_VALUE;
- for (var i = start; i < end; i++) {
- var freq = i * samp_freq / (2 * 192);
- var ATH_f = ATHmdct(gfp, freq);
- /* freq in kHz */
- ATH_s[sfb] = Math.min(ATH_s[sfb], ATH_f);
- }
- ATH_s[sfb] *= (gfc.scalefac_band.s[sfb + 1] - gfc.scalefac_band.s[sfb]);
- }
- for (var sfb = 0; sfb < Encoder.PSFB12; sfb++) {
- var start = gfc.scalefac_band.psfb12[sfb];
- var end = gfc.scalefac_band.psfb12[sfb + 1];
- ATH_psfb12[sfb] = Float.MAX_VALUE;
- for (var i = start; i < end; i++) {
- var freq = i * samp_freq / (2 * 192);
- var ATH_f = ATHmdct(gfp, freq);
- /* freq in kHz */
- ATH_psfb12[sfb] = Math.min(ATH_psfb12[sfb], ATH_f);
- }
- /* not sure about the following */
- ATH_psfb12[sfb] *= (gfc.scalefac_band.s[13] - gfc.scalefac_band.s[12]);
- }
- /*
- * no-ATH mode: reduce ATH to -200 dB
- */
- if (gfp.noATH) {
- for (var sfb = 0; sfb < Encoder.SBMAX_l; sfb++) {
- ATH_l[sfb] = 1E-20;
- }
- for (var sfb = 0; sfb < Encoder.PSFB21; sfb++) {
- ATH_psfb21[sfb] = 1E-20;
- }
- for (var sfb = 0; sfb < Encoder.SBMAX_s; sfb++) {
- ATH_s[sfb] = 1E-20;
- }
- for (var sfb = 0; sfb < Encoder.PSFB12; sfb++) {
- ATH_psfb12[sfb] = 1E-20;
- }
- }
- /*
- * work in progress, don't rely on it too much
- */
- gfc.ATH.floor = 10. * Math.log10(ATHmdct(gfp, -1.));
- }
- /**
- * initialization for iteration_loop
- */
- this.iteration_init = function (gfp) {
- var gfc = gfp.internal_flags;
- var l3_side = gfc.l3_side;
- var i;
- if (gfc.iteration_init_init == 0) {
- gfc.iteration_init_init = 1;
- l3_side.main_data_begin = 0;
- compute_ath(gfp);
- pow43[0] = 0.0;
- for (i = 1; i < PRECALC_SIZE; i++)
- pow43[i] = Math.pow(i, 4.0 / 3.0);
- for (i = 0; i < PRECALC_SIZE - 1; i++)
- adj43[i] = ((i + 1) - Math.pow(
- 0.5 * (pow43[i] + pow43[i + 1]), 0.75));
- adj43[i] = 0.5;
- for (i = 0; i < Q_MAX; i++)
- ipow20[i] = Math.pow(2.0, (i - 210) * -0.1875);
- for (i = 0; i <= Q_MAX + Q_MAX2; i++)
- pow20[i] = Math.pow(2.0, (i - 210 - Q_MAX2) * 0.25);
- tak.huffman_init(gfc);
- {
- var bass, alto, treble, sfb21;
- i = (gfp.exp_nspsytune >> 2) & 63;
- if (i >= 32)
- i -= 64;
- bass = Math.pow(10, i / 4.0 / 10.0);
- i = (gfp.exp_nspsytune >> 8) & 63;
- if (i >= 32)
- i -= 64;
- alto = Math.pow(10, i / 4.0 / 10.0);
- i = (gfp.exp_nspsytune >> 14) & 63;
- if (i >= 32)
- i -= 64;
- treble = Math.pow(10, i / 4.0 / 10.0);
- /*
- * to be compatible with Naoki's original code, the next 6 bits
- * define only the amount of changing treble for sfb21
- */
- i = (gfp.exp_nspsytune >> 20) & 63;
- if (i >= 32)
- i -= 64;
- sfb21 = treble * Math.pow(10, i / 4.0 / 10.0);
- for (i = 0; i < Encoder.SBMAX_l; i++) {
- var f;
- if (i <= 6)
- f = bass;
- else if (i <= 13)
- f = alto;
- else if (i <= 20)
- f = treble;
- else
- f = sfb21;
- gfc.nsPsy.longfact[i] = f;
- }
- for (i = 0; i < Encoder.SBMAX_s; i++) {
- var f;
- if (i <= 5)
- f = bass;
- else if (i <= 10)
- f = alto;
- else if (i <= 11)
- f = treble;
- else
- f = sfb21;
- gfc.nsPsy.shortfact[i] = f;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * allocate bits among 2 channels based on PE<BR>
- * mt 6/99<BR>
- * bugfixes rh 8/01: often allocated more than the allowed 4095 bits
- */
- this.on_pe = function (gfp, pe,
- targ_bits, mean_bits, gr, cbr) {
- var gfc = gfp.internal_flags;
- var tbits = 0, bits;
- var add_bits = new_int(2);
- var ch;
- /* allocate targ_bits for granule */
- var mb = new MeanBits(tbits);
- var extra_bits = rv.ResvMaxBits(gfp, mean_bits, mb, cbr);
- tbits = mb.bits;
- /* maximum allowed bits for this granule */
- var max_bits = tbits + extra_bits;
- if (max_bits > LameInternalFlags.MAX_BITS_PER_GRANULE) {
- // hard limit per granule
- max_bits = LameInternalFlags.MAX_BITS_PER_GRANULE;
- }
- for (bits = 0, ch = 0; ch < gfc.channels_out; ++ch) {
- /******************************************************************
- * allocate bits for each channel
- ******************************************************************/
- targ_bits[ch] = Math.min(LameInternalFlags.MAX_BITS_PER_CHANNEL,
- tbits / gfc.channels_out);
- add_bits[ch] = 0 | (targ_bits[ch] * pe[gr][ch] / 700.0 - targ_bits[ch]);
- /* at most increase bits by 1.5*average */
- if (add_bits[ch] > mean_bits * 3 / 4)
- add_bits[ch] = mean_bits * 3 / 4;
- if (add_bits[ch] < 0)
- add_bits[ch] = 0;
- if (add_bits[ch] + targ_bits[ch] > LameInternalFlags.MAX_BITS_PER_CHANNEL)
- add_bits[ch] = Math.max(0,
- LameInternalFlags.MAX_BITS_PER_CHANNEL - targ_bits[ch]);
- bits += add_bits[ch];
- }
- if (bits > extra_bits) {
- for (ch = 0; ch < gfc.channels_out; ++ch) {
- add_bits[ch] = extra_bits * add_bits[ch] / bits;
- }
- }
- for (ch = 0; ch < gfc.channels_out; ++ch) {
- targ_bits[ch] += add_bits[ch];
- extra_bits -= add_bits[ch];
- }
- for (bits = 0, ch = 0; ch < gfc.channels_out; ++ch) {
- bits += targ_bits[ch];
- }
- if (bits > LameInternalFlags.MAX_BITS_PER_GRANULE) {
- var sum = 0;
- for (ch = 0; ch < gfc.channels_out; ++ch) {
- targ_bits[ch] *= LameInternalFlags.MAX_BITS_PER_GRANULE;
- targ_bits[ch] /= bits;
- sum += targ_bits[ch];
- }
- }
- return max_bits;
- }
- this.reduce_side = function (targ_bits, ms_ener_ratio, mean_bits, max_bits) {
- /*
- * ms_ener_ratio = 0: allocate 66/33 mid/side fac=.33 ms_ener_ratio =.5:
- * allocate 50/50 mid/side fac= 0
- */
- /* 75/25 split is fac=.5 */
- var fac = .33 * (.5 - ms_ener_ratio) / .5;
- if (fac < 0)
- fac = 0;
- if (fac > .5)
- fac = .5;
- /* number of bits to move from side channel to mid channel */
- /* move_bits = fac*targ_bits[1]; */
- var move_bits = 0 | (fac * .5 * (targ_bits[0] + targ_bits[1]));
- if (move_bits > LameInternalFlags.MAX_BITS_PER_CHANNEL - targ_bits[0]) {
- move_bits = LameInternalFlags.MAX_BITS_PER_CHANNEL - targ_bits[0];
- }
- if (move_bits < 0)
- move_bits = 0;
- if (targ_bits[1] >= 125) {
- /* dont reduce side channel below 125 bits */
- if (targ_bits[1] - move_bits > 125) {
- /* if mid channel already has 2x more than average, dont bother */
- /* mean_bits = bits per granule (for both channels) */
- if (targ_bits[0] < mean_bits)
- targ_bits[0] += move_bits;
- targ_bits[1] -= move_bits;
- } else {
- targ_bits[0] += targ_bits[1] - 125;
- targ_bits[1] = 125;
- }
- }
- move_bits = targ_bits[0] + targ_bits[1];
- if (move_bits > max_bits) {
- targ_bits[0] = (max_bits * targ_bits[0]) / move_bits;
- targ_bits[1] = (max_bits * targ_bits[1]) / move_bits;
- }
- };
- /**
- * Robert Hegemann 2001-04-27:
- * this adjusts the ATH, keeping the original noise floor
- * affects the higher frequencies more than the lower ones
- */
- this.athAdjust = function (a, x, athFloor) {
- /*
- * work in progress
- */
- var o = 90.30873362;
- var p = 94.82444863;
- var u = Util.FAST_LOG10_X(x, 10.0);
- var v = a * a;
- var w = 0.0;
- u -= athFloor;
- /* undo scaling */
- if (v > 1E-20)
- w = 1. + Util.FAST_LOG10_X(v, 10.0 / o);
- if (w < 0)
- w = 0.;
- u *= w;
- u += athFloor + o - p;
- /* redo scaling */
- return Math.pow(10., 0.1 * u);
- };
- /**
- * Calculate the allowed distortion for each scalefactor band, as determined
- * by the psychoacoustic model. xmin(sb) = ratio(sb) * en(sb) / bw(sb)
- *
- * returns number of sfb's with energy > ATH
- */
- this.calc_xmin = function (gfp, ratio, cod_info, pxmin) {
- var pxminPos = 0;
- var gfc = gfp.internal_flags;
- var gsfb, j = 0, ath_over = 0;
- var ATH = gfc.ATH;
- var xr = cod_info.xr;
- var enable_athaa_fix = (gfp.VBR == VbrMode.vbr_mtrh) ? 1 : 0;
- var masking_lower = gfc.masking_lower;
- if (gfp.VBR == VbrMode.vbr_mtrh || gfp.VBR == VbrMode.vbr_mt) {
- /* was already done in PSY-Model */
- masking_lower = 1.0;
- }
- for (gsfb = 0; gsfb < cod_info.psy_lmax; gsfb++) {
- var en0, xmin;
- var rh1, rh2;
- var width, l;
- if (gfp.VBR == VbrMode.vbr_rh || gfp.VBR == VbrMode.vbr_mtrh)
- xmin = athAdjust(ATH.adjust, ATH.l[gsfb], ATH.floor);
- else
- xmin = ATH.adjust * ATH.l[gsfb];
- width = cod_info.width[gsfb];
- rh1 = xmin / width;
- rh2 = DBL_EPSILON;
- l = width >> 1;
- en0 = 0.0;
- do {
- var xa, xb;
- xa = xr[j] * xr[j];
- en0 += xa;
- rh2 += (xa < rh1) ? xa : rh1;
- j++;
- xb = xr[j] * xr[j];
- en0 += xb;
- rh2 += (xb < rh1) ? xb : rh1;
- j++;
- } while (--l > 0);
- if (en0 > xmin)
- ath_over++;
- if (gsfb == Encoder.SBPSY_l) {
- var x = xmin * gfc.nsPsy.longfact[gsfb];
- if (rh2 < x) {
- rh2 = x;
- }
- }
- if (enable_athaa_fix != 0) {
- xmin = rh2;
- }
- if (!gfp.ATHonly) {
- var e = ratio.en.l[gsfb];
- if (e > 0.0) {
- var x;
- x = en0 * ratio.thm.l[gsfb] * masking_lower / e;
- if (enable_athaa_fix != 0)
- x *= gfc.nsPsy.longfact[gsfb];
- if (xmin < x)
- xmin = x;
- }
- }
- if (enable_athaa_fix != 0)
- pxmin[pxminPos++] = xmin;
- else
- pxmin[pxminPos++] = xmin * gfc.nsPsy.longfact[gsfb];
- }
- /* end of long block loop */
- /* use this function to determine the highest non-zero coeff */
- var max_nonzero = 575;
- if (cod_info.block_type != Encoder.SHORT_TYPE) {
- // NORM, START or STOP type, but not SHORT
- var k = 576;
- while (k-- != 0 && BitStream.EQ(xr[k], 0)) {
- max_nonzero = k;
- }
- }
- cod_info.max_nonzero_coeff = max_nonzero;
- for (var sfb = cod_info.sfb_smin; gsfb < cod_info.psymax; sfb++, gsfb += 3) {
- var width, b;
- var tmpATH;
- if (gfp.VBR == VbrMode.vbr_rh || gfp.VBR == VbrMode.vbr_mtrh)
- tmpATH = athAdjust(ATH.adjust, ATH.s[sfb], ATH.floor);
- else
- tmpATH = ATH.adjust * ATH.s[sfb];
- width = cod_info.width[gsfb];
- for (b = 0; b < 3; b++) {
- var en0 = 0.0, xmin;
- var rh1, rh2;
- var l = width >> 1;
- rh1 = tmpATH / width;
- rh2 = DBL_EPSILON;
- do {
- var xa, xb;
- xa = xr[j] * xr[j];
- en0 += xa;
- rh2 += (xa < rh1) ? xa : rh1;
- j++;
- xb = xr[j] * xr[j];
- en0 += xb;
- rh2 += (xb < rh1) ? xb : rh1;
- j++;
- } while (--l > 0);
- if (en0 > tmpATH)
- ath_over++;
- if (sfb == Encoder.SBPSY_s) {
- var x = tmpATH * gfc.nsPsy.shortfact[sfb];
- if (rh2 < x) {
- rh2 = x;
- }
- }
- if (enable_athaa_fix != 0)
- xmin = rh2;
- else
- xmin = tmpATH;
- if (!gfp.ATHonly && !gfp.ATHshort) {
- var e = ratio.en.s[sfb][b];
- if (e > 0.0) {
- var x;
- x = en0 * ratio.thm.s[sfb][b] * masking_lower / e;
- if (enable_athaa_fix != 0)
- x *= gfc.nsPsy.shortfact[sfb];
- if (xmin < x)
- xmin = x;
- }
- }
- if (enable_athaa_fix != 0)
- pxmin[pxminPos++] = xmin;
- else
- pxmin[pxminPos++] = xmin * gfc.nsPsy.shortfact[sfb];
- }
- /* b */
- if (gfp.useTemporal) {
- if (pxmin[pxminPos - 3] > pxmin[pxminPos - 3 + 1])
- pxmin[pxminPos - 3 + 1] += (pxmin[pxminPos - 3] - pxmin[pxminPos - 3 + 1])
- * gfc.decay;
- if (pxmin[pxminPos - 3 + 1] > pxmin[pxminPos - 3 + 2])
- pxmin[pxminPos - 3 + 2] += (pxmin[pxminPos - 3 + 1] - pxmin[pxminPos - 3 + 2])
- * gfc.decay;
- }
- }
- /* end of short block sfb loop */
- return ath_over;
- };
- function StartLine(j) {
- this.s = j;
- }
- this.calc_noise_core = function (cod_info, startline, l, step) {
- var noise = 0;
- var j = startline.s;
- var ix = cod_info.l3_enc;
- if (j > cod_info.count1) {
- while ((l--) != 0) {
- var temp;
- temp = cod_info.xr[j];
- j++;
- noise += temp * temp;
- temp = cod_info.xr[j];
- j++;
- noise += temp * temp;
- }
- } else if (j > cod_info.big_values) {
- var ix01 = new_float(2);
- ix01[0] = 0;
- ix01[1] = step;
- while ((l--) != 0) {
- var temp;
- temp = Math.abs(cod_info.xr[j]) - ix01[ix[j]];
- j++;
- noise += temp * temp;
- temp = Math.abs(cod_info.xr[j]) - ix01[ix[j]];
- j++;
- noise += temp * temp;
- }
- } else {
- while ((l--) != 0) {
- var temp;
- temp = Math.abs(cod_info.xr[j]) - pow43[ix[j]] * step;
- j++;
- noise += temp * temp;
- temp = Math.abs(cod_info.xr[j]) - pow43[ix[j]] * step;
- j++;
- noise += temp * temp;
- }
- }
- startline.s = j;
- return noise;
- }
- /**
- * <PRE>
- * -oo dB => -1.00
- * - 6 dB => -0.97
- * - 3 dB => -0.80
- * - 2 dB => -0.64
- * - 1 dB => -0.38
- * 0 dB => 0.00
- * + 1 dB => +0.49
- * + 2 dB => +1.06
- * + 3 dB => +1.68
- * + 6 dB => +3.69
- * +10 dB => +6.45
- * </PRE>
- */
- this.calc_noise = function (cod_info, l3_xmin, distort, res, prev_noise) {
- var distortPos = 0;
- var l3_xminPos = 0;
- var sfb, l, over = 0;
- var over_noise_db = 0;
- /* 0 dB relative to masking */
- var tot_noise_db = 0;
- /* -200 dB relative to masking */
- var max_noise = -20.0;
- var j = 0;
- var scalefac = cod_info.scalefac;
- var scalefacPos = 0;
- res.over_SSD = 0;
- for (sfb = 0; sfb < cod_info.psymax; sfb++) {
- var s = cod_info.global_gain
- - (((scalefac[scalefacPos++]) + (cod_info.preflag != 0 ? pretab[sfb]
- : 0)) << (cod_info.scalefac_scale + 1))
- - cod_info.subblock_gain[cod_info.window[sfb]] * 8;
- var noise = 0.0;
- if (prev_noise != null && (prev_noise.step[sfb] == s)) {
- /* use previously computed values */
- noise = prev_noise.noise[sfb];
- j += cod_info.width[sfb];
- distort[distortPos++] = noise / l3_xmin[l3_xminPos++];
- noise = prev_noise.noise_log[sfb];
- } else {
- var step = POW20(s);
- l = cod_info.width[sfb] >> 1;
- if ((j + cod_info.width[sfb]) > cod_info.max_nonzero_coeff) {
- var usefullsize;
- usefullsize = cod_info.max_nonzero_coeff - j + 1;
- if (usefullsize > 0)
- l = usefullsize >> 1;
- else
- l = 0;
- }
- var sl = new StartLine(j);
- noise = this.calc_noise_core(cod_info, sl, l, step);
- j = sl.s;
- if (prev_noise != null) {
- /* save noise values */
- prev_noise.step[sfb] = s;
- prev_noise.noise[sfb] = noise;
- }
- noise = distort[distortPos++] = noise / l3_xmin[l3_xminPos++];
- /* multiplying here is adding in dB, but can overflow */
- noise = Util.FAST_LOG10(Math.max(noise, 1E-20));
- if (prev_noise != null) {
- /* save noise values */
- prev_noise.noise_log[sfb] = noise;
- }
- }
- if (prev_noise != null) {
- /* save noise values */
- prev_noise.global_gain = cod_info.global_gain;
- }
- tot_noise_db += noise;
- if (noise > 0.0) {
- var tmp;
- tmp = Math.max(0 | (noise * 10 + .5), 1);
- res.over_SSD += tmp * tmp;
- over++;
- /* multiplying here is adding in dB -but can overflow */
- /* over_noise *= noise; */
- over_noise_db += noise;
- }
- max_noise = Math.max(max_noise, noise);
- }
- res.over_count = over;
- res.tot_noise = tot_noise_db;
- res.over_noise = over_noise_db;
- res.max_noise = max_noise;
- return over;
- }
- /**
- * updates plotting data
- *
- * Mark Taylor 2000-??-??
- *
- * Robert Hegemann: moved noise/distortion calc into it
- */
- this.set_pinfo = function (gfp, cod_info, ratio, gr, ch) {
- var gfc = gfp.internal_flags;
- var sfb, sfb2;
- var l;
- var en0, en1;
- var ifqstep = (cod_info.scalefac_scale == 0) ? .5 : 1.0;
- var scalefac = cod_info.scalefac;
- var l3_xmin = new_float(L3Side.SFBMAX);
- var xfsf = new_float(L3Side.SFBMAX);
- var noise = new CalcNoiseResult();
- calc_xmin(gfp, ratio, cod_info, l3_xmin);
- calc_noise(cod_info, l3_xmin, xfsf, noise, null);
- var j = 0;
- sfb2 = cod_info.sfb_lmax;
- if (cod_info.block_type != Encoder.SHORT_TYPE
- && 0 == cod_info.mixed_block_flag)
- sfb2 = 22;
- for (sfb = 0; sfb < sfb2; sfb++) {
- var start = gfc.scalefac_band.l[sfb];
- var end = gfc.scalefac_band.l[sfb + 1];
- var bw = end - start;
- for (en0 = 0.0; j < end; j++)
- en0 += cod_info.xr[j] * cod_info.xr[j];
- en0 /= bw;
- /* convert to MDCT units */
- /* scaling so it shows up on FFT plot */
- en1 = 1e15;
- gfc.pinfo.en[gr][ch][sfb] = en1 * en0;
- gfc.pinfo.xfsf[gr][ch][sfb] = en1 * l3_xmin[sfb] * xfsf[sfb] / bw;
- if (ratio.en.l[sfb] > 0 && !gfp.ATHonly)
- en0 = en0 / ratio.en.l[sfb];
- else
- en0 = 0.0;
- gfc.pinfo.thr[gr][ch][sfb] = en1
- * Math.max(en0 * ratio.thm.l[sfb], gfc.ATH.l[sfb]);
- /* there is no scalefactor bands >= SBPSY_l */
- gfc.pinfo.LAMEsfb[gr][ch][sfb] = 0;
- if (cod_info.preflag != 0 && sfb >= 11)
- gfc.pinfo.LAMEsfb[gr][ch][sfb] = -ifqstep * pretab[sfb];
- if (sfb < Encoder.SBPSY_l) {
- /* scfsi should be decoded by caller side */
- gfc.pinfo.LAMEsfb[gr][ch][sfb] -= ifqstep * scalefac[sfb];
- }
- }
- /* for sfb */
- if (cod_info.block_type == Encoder.SHORT_TYPE) {
- sfb2 = sfb;
- for (sfb = cod_info.sfb_smin; sfb < Encoder.SBMAX_s; sfb++) {
- var start = gfc.scalefac_band.s[sfb];
- var end = gfc.scalefac_band.s[sfb + 1];
- var bw = end - start;
- for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
- for (en0 = 0.0, l = start; l < end; l++) {
- en0 += cod_info.xr[j] * cod_info.xr[j];
- j++;
- }
- en0 = Math.max(en0 / bw, 1e-20);
- /* convert to MDCT units */
- /* scaling so it shows up on FFT plot */
- en1 = 1e15;
- gfc.pinfo.en_s[gr][ch][3 * sfb + i] = en1 * en0;
- gfc.pinfo.xfsf_s[gr][ch][3 * sfb + i] = en1 * l3_xmin[sfb2]
- * xfsf[sfb2] / bw;
- if (ratio.en.s[sfb][i] > 0)
- en0 = en0 / ratio.en.s[sfb][i];
- else
- en0 = 0.0;
- if (gfp.ATHonly || gfp.ATHshort)
- en0 = 0;
- gfc.pinfo.thr_s[gr][ch][3 * sfb + i] = en1
- * Math.max(en0 * ratio.thm.s[sfb][i],
- gfc.ATH.s[sfb]);
- /* there is no scalefactor bands >= SBPSY_s */
- gfc.pinfo.LAMEsfb_s[gr][ch][3 * sfb + i] = -2.0
- * cod_info.subblock_gain[i];
- if (sfb < Encoder.SBPSY_s) {
- gfc.pinfo.LAMEsfb_s[gr][ch][3 * sfb + i] -= ifqstep
- * scalefac[sfb2];
- }
- sfb2++;
- }
- }
- }
- /* block type short */
- gfc.pinfo.LAMEqss[gr][ch] = cod_info.global_gain;
- gfc.pinfo.LAMEmainbits[gr][ch] = cod_info.part2_3_length
- + cod_info.part2_length;
- gfc.pinfo.LAMEsfbits[gr][ch] = cod_info.part2_length;
- gfc.pinfo.over[gr][ch] = noise.over_count;
- gfc.pinfo.max_noise[gr][ch] = noise.max_noise * 10.0;
- gfc.pinfo.over_noise[gr][ch] = noise.over_noise * 10.0;
- gfc.pinfo.tot_noise[gr][ch] = noise.tot_noise * 10.0;
- gfc.pinfo.over_SSD[gr][ch] = noise.over_SSD;
- }
- /**
- * updates plotting data for a whole frame
- *
- * Robert Hegemann 2000-10-21
- */
- function set_frame_pinfo(gfp, ratio) {
- var gfc = gfp.internal_flags;
- gfc.masking_lower = 1.0;
- /*
- * for every granule and channel patch l3_enc and set info
- */
- for (var gr = 0; gr < gfc.mode_gr; gr++) {
- for (var ch = 0; ch < gfc.channels_out; ch++) {
- var cod_info = gfc.l3_side.tt[gr][ch];
- var scalefac_sav = new_int(L3Side.SFBMAX);
- System.arraycopy(cod_info.scalefac, 0, scalefac_sav, 0,
- scalefac_sav.length);
- /*
- * reconstruct the scalefactors in case SCFSI was used
- */
- if (gr == 1) {
- var sfb;
- for (sfb = 0; sfb < cod_info.sfb_lmax; sfb++) {
- if (cod_info.scalefac[sfb] < 0) /* scfsi */
- cod_info.scalefac[sfb] = gfc.l3_side.tt[0][ch].scalefac[sfb];
- }
- }
- set_pinfo(gfp, cod_info, ratio[gr][ch], gr, ch);
- System.arraycopy(scalefac_sav, 0, cod_info.scalefac, 0,
- scalefac_sav.length);
- }
- /* for ch */
- }
- /* for gr */
- }
- }
- function CalcNoiseData() {
- this.global_gain = 0;
- this.sfb_count1 = 0;
- this.step = new_int(39);
- this.noise = new_float(39);
- this.noise_log = new_float(39);
- }
- //package mp3;
- function GrInfo() {
- //float xr[] = new float[576];
- this.xr = new_float(576);
- //int l3_enc[] = new int[576];
- this.l3_enc = new_int(576);
- //int scalefac[] = new int[L3Side.SFBMAX];
- this.scalefac = new_int(L3Side.SFBMAX);
- this.xrpow_max = 0.;
- this.part2_3_length = 0;
- this.big_values = 0;
- this.count1 = 0;
- this.global_gain = 0;
- this.scalefac_compress = 0;
- this.block_type = 0;
- this.mixed_block_flag = 0;
- this.table_select = new_int(3);
- this.subblock_gain = new_int(3 + 1);
- this.region0_count = 0;
- this.region1_count = 0;
- this.preflag = 0;
- this.scalefac_scale = 0;
- this.count1table_select = 0;
- this.part2_length = 0;
- this.sfb_lmax = 0;
- this.sfb_smin = 0;
- this.psy_lmax = 0;
- this.sfbmax = 0;
- this.psymax = 0;
- this.sfbdivide = 0;
- this.width = new_int(L3Side.SFBMAX);
- this.window = new_int(L3Side.SFBMAX);
- this.count1bits = 0;
- /**
- * added for LSF
- */
- this.sfb_partition_table = null;
- this.slen = new_int(4);
- this.max_nonzero_coeff = 0;
- var self = this;
- function clone_int(array) {
- return new Int32Array(array);
- }
- function clone_float(array) {
- return new Float32Array(array);
- }
- this.assign = function (other) {
- self.xr = clone_float(other.xr); //.slice(0); //clone();
- self.l3_enc = clone_int(other.l3_enc); //.slice(0); //clone();
- self.scalefac = clone_int(other.scalefac);//.slice(0); //clone();
- self.xrpow_max = other.xrpow_max;
- self.part2_3_length = other.part2_3_length;
- self.big_values = other.big_values;
- self.count1 = other.count1;
- self.global_gain = other.global_gain;
- self.scalefac_compress = other.scalefac_compress;
- self.block_type = other.block_type;
- self.mixed_block_flag = other.mixed_block_flag;
- self.table_select = clone_int(other.table_select);//.slice(0); //clone();
- self.subblock_gain = clone_int(other.subblock_gain); //.slice(0); //.clone();
- self.region0_count = other.region0_count;
- self.region1_count = other.region1_count;
- self.preflag = other.preflag;
- self.scalefac_scale = other.scalefac_scale;
- self.count1table_select = other.count1table_select;
- self.part2_length = other.part2_length;
- self.sfb_lmax = other.sfb_lmax;
- self.sfb_smin = other.sfb_smin;
- self.psy_lmax = other.psy_lmax;
- self.sfbmax = other.sfbmax;
- self.psymax = other.psymax;
- self.sfbdivide = other.sfbdivide;
- self.width = clone_int(other.width); //.slice(0); //.clone();
- self.window = clone_int(other.window); //.slice(0); //.clone();
- self.count1bits = other.count1bits;
- self.sfb_partition_table = other.sfb_partition_table.slice(0); //.clone();
- self.slen = clone_int(other.slen); //.slice(0); //.clone();
- self.max_nonzero_coeff = other.max_nonzero_coeff;
- }
- }
- var L3Side = {};
- /**
- * max scalefactor band, max(SBMAX_l, SBMAX_s*3, (SBMAX_s-3)*3+8)
- */
- L3Side.SFBMAX = (Encoder.SBMAX_s * 3);
- /*
- * MP3 quantization
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Mark Taylor
- * Copyright (c) 1999-2003 Takehiro Tominaga
- * Copyright (c) 2000-2007 Robert Hegemann
- * Copyright (c) 2001-2005 Gabriel Bouvigne
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Library General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the
- * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
- * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- */
- /* $Id: Quantize.java,v 1.24 2011/05/24 20:48:06 kenchis Exp $ */
- //package mp3;
- //import java.util.Arrays;
- function Quantize() {
- var bs;
- this.rv = null;
- var rv;
- this.qupvt = null;
- var qupvt;
- var vbr = new VBRQuantize();
- var tk;
- this.setModules = function (_bs, _rv, _qupvt, _tk) {
- bs = _bs;
- rv = _rv;
- this.rv = _rv;
- qupvt = _qupvt;
- this.qupvt = _qupvt;
- tk = _tk;
- vbr.setModules(qupvt, tk);
- }
- /**
- * convert from L/R <. Mid/Side
- */
- this.ms_convert = function (l3_side, gr) {
- for (var i = 0; i < 576; ++i) {
- var l = l3_side.tt[gr][0].xr[i];
- var r = l3_side.tt[gr][1].xr[i];
- l3_side.tt[gr][0].xr[i] = (l + r) * (Util.SQRT2 * 0.5);
- l3_side.tt[gr][1].xr[i] = (l - r) * (Util.SQRT2 * 0.5);
- }
- };
- /**
- * mt 6/99
- *
- * initializes cod_info, scalefac and xrpow
- *
- * returns 0 if all energies in xr are zero, else 1
- */
- function init_xrpow_core(cod_info, xrpow, upper, sum) {
- sum = 0;
- for (var i = 0; i <= upper; ++i) {
- var tmp = Math.abs(cod_info.xr[i]);
- sum += tmp;
- xrpow[i] = Math.sqrt(tmp * Math.sqrt(tmp));
- if (xrpow[i] > cod_info.xrpow_max)
- cod_info.xrpow_max = xrpow[i];
- }
- return sum;
- }
- this.init_xrpow = function (gfc, cod_info, xrpow) {
- var sum = 0;
- var upper = 0 | cod_info.max_nonzero_coeff;
- cod_info.xrpow_max = 0;
- /*
- * check if there is some energy we have to quantize and calculate xrpow
- * matching our fresh scalefactors
- */
- Arrays.fill(xrpow, upper, 576, 0);
- sum = init_xrpow_core(cod_info, xrpow, upper, sum);
- /*
- * return 1 if we have something to quantize, else 0
- */
- if (sum > 1E-20) {
- var j = 0;
- if ((gfc.substep_shaping & 2) != 0)
- j = 1;
- for (var i = 0; i < cod_info.psymax; i++)
- gfc.pseudohalf[i] = j;
- return true;
- }
- Arrays.fill(cod_info.l3_enc, 0, 576, 0);
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * Gabriel Bouvigne feb/apr 2003<BR>
- * Analog silence detection in partitionned sfb21 or sfb12 for short blocks
- *
- * From top to bottom of sfb, changes to 0 coeffs which are below ath. It
- * stops on the first coeff higher than ath.
- */
- function psfb21_analogsilence(gfc, cod_info) {
- var ath = gfc.ATH;
- var xr = cod_info.xr;
- if (cod_info.block_type != Encoder.SHORT_TYPE) {
- /* NORM, START or STOP type, but not SHORT blocks */
- var stop = false;
- for (var gsfb = Encoder.PSFB21 - 1; gsfb >= 0 && !stop; gsfb--) {
- var start = gfc.scalefac_band.psfb21[gsfb];
- var end = gfc.scalefac_band.psfb21[gsfb + 1];
- var ath21 = qupvt.athAdjust(ath.adjust, ath.psfb21[gsfb],
- ath.floor);
- if (gfc.nsPsy.longfact[21] > 1e-12)
- ath21 *= gfc.nsPsy.longfact[21];
- for (var j = end - 1; j >= start; j--) {
- if (Math.abs(xr[j]) < ath21)
- xr[j] = 0;
- else {
- stop = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- /* note: short blocks coeffs are reordered */
- for (var block = 0; block < 3; block++) {
- var stop = false;
- for (var gsfb = Encoder.PSFB12 - 1; gsfb >= 0 && !stop; gsfb--) {
- var start = gfc.scalefac_band.s[12]
- * 3
- + (gfc.scalefac_band.s[13] - gfc.scalefac_band.s[12])
- * block
- + (gfc.scalefac_band.psfb12[gsfb] - gfc.scalefac_band.psfb12[0]);
- var end = start
- + (gfc.scalefac_band.psfb12[gsfb + 1] - gfc.scalefac_band.psfb12[gsfb]);
- var ath12 = qupvt.athAdjust(ath.adjust, ath.psfb12[gsfb],
- ath.floor);
- if (gfc.nsPsy.shortfact[12] > 1e-12)
- ath12 *= gfc.nsPsy.shortfact[12];
- for (var j = end - 1; j >= start; j--) {
- if (Math.abs(xr[j]) < ath12)
- xr[j] = 0;
- else {
- stop = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- this.init_outer_loop = function (gfc, cod_info) {
- /*
- * initialize fresh cod_info
- */
- cod_info.part2_3_length = 0;
- cod_info.big_values = 0;
- cod_info.count1 = 0;
- cod_info.global_gain = 210;
- cod_info.scalefac_compress = 0;
- /* mixed_block_flag, block_type was set in psymodel.c */
- cod_info.table_select[0] = 0;
- cod_info.table_select[1] = 0;
- cod_info.table_select[2] = 0;
- cod_info.subblock_gain[0] = 0;
- cod_info.subblock_gain[1] = 0;
- cod_info.subblock_gain[2] = 0;
- cod_info.subblock_gain[3] = 0;
- /* this one is always 0 */
- cod_info.region0_count = 0;
- cod_info.region1_count = 0;
- cod_info.preflag = 0;
- cod_info.scalefac_scale = 0;
- cod_info.count1table_select = 0;
- cod_info.part2_length = 0;
- cod_info.sfb_lmax = Encoder.SBPSY_l;
- cod_info.sfb_smin = Encoder.SBPSY_s;
- cod_info.psy_lmax = gfc.sfb21_extra ? Encoder.SBMAX_l : Encoder.SBPSY_l;
- cod_info.psymax = cod_info.psy_lmax;
- cod_info.sfbmax = cod_info.sfb_lmax;
- cod_info.sfbdivide = 11;
- for (var sfb = 0; sfb < Encoder.SBMAX_l; sfb++) {
- cod_info.width[sfb] = gfc.scalefac_band.l[sfb + 1]
- - gfc.scalefac_band.l[sfb];
- /* which is always 0. */
- cod_info.window[sfb] = 3;
- }
- if (cod_info.block_type == Encoder.SHORT_TYPE) {
- var ixwork = new_float(576);
- cod_info.sfb_smin = 0;
- cod_info.sfb_lmax = 0;
- if (cod_info.mixed_block_flag != 0) {
- /*
- * MPEG-1: sfbs 0-7 long block, 3-12 short blocks MPEG-2(.5):
- * sfbs 0-5 long block, 3-12 short blocks
- */
- cod_info.sfb_smin = 3;
- cod_info.sfb_lmax = gfc.mode_gr * 2 + 4;
- }
- cod_info.psymax = cod_info.sfb_lmax
- + 3
- * ((gfc.sfb21_extra ? Encoder.SBMAX_s : Encoder.SBPSY_s) - cod_info.sfb_smin);
- cod_info.sfbmax = cod_info.sfb_lmax + 3
- * (Encoder.SBPSY_s - cod_info.sfb_smin);
- cod_info.sfbdivide = cod_info.sfbmax - 18;
- cod_info.psy_lmax = cod_info.sfb_lmax;
- /* re-order the short blocks, for more efficient encoding below */
- /* By Takehiro TOMINAGA */
- /*
- * Within each scalefactor band, data is given for successive time
- * windows, beginning with window 0 and ending with window 2. Within
- * each window, the quantized values are then arranged in order of
- * increasing frequency...
- */
- var ix = gfc.scalefac_band.l[cod_info.sfb_lmax];
- System.arraycopy(cod_info.xr, 0, ixwork, 0, 576);
- for (var sfb = cod_info.sfb_smin; sfb < Encoder.SBMAX_s; sfb++) {
- var start = gfc.scalefac_band.s[sfb];
- var end = gfc.scalefac_band.s[sfb + 1];
- for (var window = 0; window < 3; window++) {
- for (var l = start; l < end; l++) {
- cod_info.xr[ix++] = ixwork[3 * l + window];
- }
- }
- }
- var j = cod_info.sfb_lmax;
- for (var sfb = cod_info.sfb_smin; sfb < Encoder.SBMAX_s; sfb++) {
- cod_info.width[j] = cod_info.width[j + 1] = cod_info.width[j + 2] = gfc.scalefac_band.s[sfb + 1]
- - gfc.scalefac_band.s[sfb];
- cod_info.window[j] = 0;
- cod_info.window[j + 1] = 1;
- cod_info.window[j + 2] = 2;
- j += 3;
- }
- }
- cod_info.count1bits = 0;
- cod_info.sfb_partition_table = qupvt.nr_of_sfb_block[0][0];
- cod_info.slen[0] = 0;
- cod_info.slen[1] = 0;
- cod_info.slen[2] = 0;
- cod_info.slen[3] = 0;
- cod_info.max_nonzero_coeff = 575;
- /*
- * fresh scalefactors are all zero
- */
- Arrays.fill(cod_info.scalefac, 0);
- psfb21_analogsilence(gfc, cod_info);
- };
- function BinSearchDirection(ordinal) {
- this.ordinal = ordinal;
- }
- BinSearchDirection.BINSEARCH_NONE = new BinSearchDirection(0);
- BinSearchDirection.BINSEARCH_UP = new BinSearchDirection(1);
- BinSearchDirection.BINSEARCH_DOWN = new BinSearchDirection(2);
- /**
- * author/date??
- *
- * binary step size search used by outer_loop to get a quantizer step size
- * to start with
- */
- function bin_search_StepSize(gfc, cod_info, desired_rate, ch, xrpow) {
- var nBits;
- var CurrentStep = gfc.CurrentStep[ch];
- var flagGoneOver = false;
- var start = gfc.OldValue[ch];
- var Direction = BinSearchDirection.BINSEARCH_NONE;
- cod_info.global_gain = start;
- desired_rate -= cod_info.part2_length;
- for (; ;) {
- var step;
- nBits = tk.count_bits(gfc, xrpow, cod_info, null);
- if (CurrentStep == 1 || nBits == desired_rate)
- break;
- /* nothing to adjust anymore */
- if (nBits > desired_rate) {
- /* increase Quantize_StepSize */
- if (Direction == BinSearchDirection.BINSEARCH_DOWN)
- flagGoneOver = true;
- if (flagGoneOver)
- CurrentStep /= 2;
- Direction = BinSearchDirection.BINSEARCH_UP;
- step = CurrentStep;
- } else {
- /* decrease Quantize_StepSize */
- if (Direction == BinSearchDirection.BINSEARCH_UP)
- flagGoneOver = true;
- if (flagGoneOver)
- CurrentStep /= 2;
- Direction = BinSearchDirection.BINSEARCH_DOWN;
- step = -CurrentStep;
- }
- cod_info.global_gain += step;
- if (cod_info.global_gain < 0) {
- cod_info.global_gain = 0;
- flagGoneOver = true;
- }
- if (cod_info.global_gain > 255) {
- cod_info.global_gain = 255;
- flagGoneOver = true;
- }
- }
- while (nBits > desired_rate && cod_info.global_gain < 255) {
- cod_info.global_gain++;
- nBits = tk.count_bits(gfc, xrpow, cod_info, null);
- }
- gfc.CurrentStep[ch] = (start - cod_info.global_gain >= 4) ? 4 : 2;
- gfc.OldValue[ch] = cod_info.global_gain;
- cod_info.part2_3_length = nBits;
- return nBits;
- }
- this.trancate_smallspectrums = function (gfc, gi, l3_xmin, work) {
- var distort = new_float(L3Side.SFBMAX);
- if ((0 == (gfc.substep_shaping & 4) && gi.block_type == Encoder.SHORT_TYPE)
- || (gfc.substep_shaping & 0x80) != 0)
- return;
- qupvt.calc_noise(gi, l3_xmin, distort, new CalcNoiseResult(), null);
- for (var j = 0; j < 576; j++) {
- var xr = 0.0;
- if (gi.l3_enc[j] != 0)
- xr = Math.abs(gi.xr[j]);
- work[j] = xr;
- }
- var j = 0;
- var sfb = 8;
- if (gi.block_type == Encoder.SHORT_TYPE)
- sfb = 6;
- do {
- var allowedNoise, trancateThreshold;
- var nsame, start;
- var width = gi.width[sfb];
- j += width;
- if (distort[sfb] >= 1.0)
- continue;
- Arrays.sort(work, j - width, width);
- if (BitStream.EQ(work[j - 1], 0.0))
- continue;
- /* all zero sfb */
- allowedNoise = (1.0 - distort[sfb]) * l3_xmin[sfb];
- trancateThreshold = 0.0;
- start = 0;
- do {
- var noise;
- for (nsame = 1; start + nsame < width; nsame++)
- if (BitStream.NEQ(work[start + j - width], work[start + j
- + nsame - width]))
- break;
- noise = work[start + j - width] * work[start + j - width]
- * nsame;
- if (allowedNoise < noise) {
- if (start != 0)
- trancateThreshold = work[start + j - width - 1];
- break;
- }
- allowedNoise -= noise;
- start += nsame;
- } while (start < width);
- if (BitStream.EQ(trancateThreshold, 0.0))
- continue;
- do {
- if (Math.abs(gi.xr[j - width]) <= trancateThreshold)
- gi.l3_enc[j - width] = 0;
- } while (--width > 0);
- } while (++sfb < gi.psymax);
- gi.part2_3_length = tk.noquant_count_bits(gfc, gi, null);
- };
- /**
- * author/date??
- *
- * Function: Returns zero if there is a scalefac which has not been
- * amplified. Otherwise it returns one.
- */
- function loop_break(cod_info) {
- for (var sfb = 0; sfb < cod_info.sfbmax; sfb++)
- if (cod_info.scalefac[sfb]
- + cod_info.subblock_gain[cod_info.window[sfb]] == 0)
- return false;
- return true;
- }
- /* mt 5/99: Function: Improved calc_noise for a single channel */
- function penalties(noise) {
- return Util.FAST_LOG10((0.368 + 0.632 * noise * noise * noise));
- }
- /**
- * author/date??
- *
- * several different codes to decide which quantization is better
- */
- function get_klemm_noise(distort, gi) {
- var klemm_noise = 1E-37;
- for (var sfb = 0; sfb < gi.psymax; sfb++)
- klemm_noise += penalties(distort[sfb]);
- return Math.max(1e-20, klemm_noise);
- }
- function quant_compare(quant_comp, best, calc, gi, distort) {
- /**
- * noise is given in decibels (dB) relative to masking thesholds.<BR>
- *
- * over_noise: ??? (the previous comment is fully wrong)<BR>
- * tot_noise: ??? (the previous comment is fully wrong)<BR>
- * max_noise: max quantization noise
- */
- var better;
- switch (quant_comp) {
- default:
- case 9:
- {
- if (best.over_count > 0) {
- /* there are distorted sfb */
- better = calc.over_SSD <= best.over_SSD;
- if (calc.over_SSD == best.over_SSD)
- better = calc.bits < best.bits;
- } else {
- /* no distorted sfb */
- better = ((calc.max_noise < 0) && ((calc.max_noise * 10 + calc.bits) <= (best.max_noise * 10 + best.bits)));
- }
- break;
- }
- case 0:
- better = calc.over_count < best.over_count
- || (calc.over_count == best.over_count && calc.over_noise < best.over_noise)
- || (calc.over_count == best.over_count
- && BitStream.EQ(calc.over_noise, best.over_noise) && calc.tot_noise < best.tot_noise);
- break;
- case 8:
- calc.max_noise = get_klemm_noise(distort, gi);
- case 1:
- better = calc.max_noise < best.max_noise;
- break;
- case 2:
- better = calc.tot_noise < best.tot_noise;
- break;
- case 3:
- better = (calc.tot_noise < best.tot_noise)
- && (calc.max_noise < best.max_noise);
- break;
- case 4:
- better = (calc.max_noise <= 0.0 && best.max_noise > 0.2)
- || (calc.max_noise <= 0.0 && best.max_noise < 0.0
- && best.max_noise > calc.max_noise - 0.2 && calc.tot_noise < best.tot_noise)
- || (calc.max_noise <= 0.0 && best.max_noise > 0.0
- && best.max_noise > calc.max_noise - 0.2 && calc.tot_noise < best.tot_noise
- + best.over_noise)
- || (calc.max_noise > 0.0 && best.max_noise > -0.05
- && best.max_noise > calc.max_noise - 0.1 && calc.tot_noise
- + calc.over_noise < best.tot_noise
- + best.over_noise)
- || (calc.max_noise > 0.0 && best.max_noise > -0.1
- && best.max_noise > calc.max_noise - 0.15 && calc.tot_noise
- + calc.over_noise + calc.over_noise < best.tot_noise
- + best.over_noise + best.over_noise);
- break;
- case 5:
- better = calc.over_noise < best.over_noise
- || (BitStream.EQ(calc.over_noise, best.over_noise) && calc.tot_noise < best.tot_noise);
- break;
- case 6:
- better = calc.over_noise < best.over_noise
- || (BitStream.EQ(calc.over_noise, best.over_noise) && (calc.max_noise < best.max_noise || (BitStream
- .EQ(calc.max_noise, best.max_noise) && calc.tot_noise <= best.tot_noise)));
- break;
- case 7:
- better = calc.over_count < best.over_count
- || calc.over_noise < best.over_noise;
- break;
- }
- if (best.over_count == 0) {
- /*
- * If no distorted bands, only use this quantization if it is
- * better, and if it uses less bits. Unfortunately, part2_3_length
- * is sometimes a poor estimator of the final size at low bitrates.
- */
- better = better && calc.bits < best.bits;
- }
- return better;
- }
- /**
- * author/date??
- *
- * <PRE>
- * Amplify the scalefactor bands that violate the masking threshold.
- * See ISO 11172-3 Section C.
- *
- * distort[] = noise/masking
- * distort[] > 1 ==> noise is not masked
- * distort[] < 1 ==> noise is masked
- * max_dist = maximum value of distort[]
- *
- * Three algorithms:
- * noise_shaping_amp
- * 0 Amplify all bands with distort[]>1.
- *
- * 1 Amplify all bands with distort[] >= max_dist^(.5);
- * ( 50% in the db scale)
- *
- * 2 Amplify first band with distort[] >= max_dist;
- *
- *
- * For algorithms 0 and 1, if max_dist < 1, then amplify all bands
- * with distort[] >= .95*max_dist. This is to make sure we always
- * amplify at least one band.
- * </PRE>
- */
- function amp_scalefac_bands(gfp, cod_info, distort, xrpow, bRefine) {
- var gfc = gfp.internal_flags;
- var ifqstep34;
- if (cod_info.scalefac_scale == 0) {
- ifqstep34 = 1.29683955465100964055;
- /* 2**(.75*.5) */
- } else {
- ifqstep34 = 1.68179283050742922612;
- /* 2**(.75*1) */
- }
- /* compute maximum value of distort[] */
- var trigger = 0;
- for (var sfb = 0; sfb < cod_info.sfbmax; sfb++) {
- if (trigger < distort[sfb])
- trigger = distort[sfb];
- }
- var noise_shaping_amp = gfc.noise_shaping_amp;
- if (noise_shaping_amp == 3) {
- if (bRefine)
- noise_shaping_amp = 2;
- else
- noise_shaping_amp = 1;
- }
- switch (noise_shaping_amp) {
- case 2:
- /* amplify exactly 1 band */
- break;
- case 1:
- /* amplify bands within 50% of max (on db scale) */
- if (trigger > 1.0)
- trigger = Math.pow(trigger, .5);
- else
- trigger *= .95;
- break;
- case 0:
- default:
- /* ISO algorithm. amplify all bands with distort>1 */
- if (trigger > 1.0)
- trigger = 1.0;
- else
- trigger *= .95;
- break;
- }
- var j = 0;
- for (var sfb = 0; sfb < cod_info.sfbmax; sfb++) {
- var width = cod_info.width[sfb];
- var l;
- j += width;
- if (distort[sfb] < trigger)
- continue;
- if ((gfc.substep_shaping & 2) != 0) {
- gfc.pseudohalf[sfb] = (0 == gfc.pseudohalf[sfb]) ? 1 : 0;
- if (0 == gfc.pseudohalf[sfb] && gfc.noise_shaping_amp == 2)
- return;
- }
- cod_info.scalefac[sfb]++;
- for (l = -width; l < 0; l++) {
- xrpow[j + l] *= ifqstep34;
- if (xrpow[j + l] > cod_info.xrpow_max)
- cod_info.xrpow_max = xrpow[j + l];
- }
- if (gfc.noise_shaping_amp == 2)
- return;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Takehiro Tominaga 2000-xx-xx
- *
- * turns on scalefac scale and adjusts scalefactors
- */
- function inc_scalefac_scale(cod_info, xrpow) {
- var ifqstep34 = 1.29683955465100964055;
- var j = 0;
- for (var sfb = 0; sfb < cod_info.sfbmax; sfb++) {
- var width = cod_info.width[sfb];
- var s = cod_info.scalefac[sfb];
- if (cod_info.preflag != 0)
- s += qupvt.pretab[sfb];
- j += width;
- if ((s & 1) != 0) {
- s++;
- for (var l = -width; l < 0; l++) {
- xrpow[j + l] *= ifqstep34;
- if (xrpow[j + l] > cod_info.xrpow_max)
- cod_info.xrpow_max = xrpow[j + l];
- }
- }
- cod_info.scalefac[sfb] = s >> 1;
- }
- cod_info.preflag = 0;
- cod_info.scalefac_scale = 1;
- }
- /**
- * Takehiro Tominaga 2000-xx-xx
- *
- * increases the subblock gain and adjusts scalefactors
- */
- function inc_subblock_gain(gfc, cod_info, xrpow) {
- var sfb;
- var scalefac = cod_info.scalefac;
- /* subbloc_gain can't do anything in the long block region */
- for (sfb = 0; sfb < cod_info.sfb_lmax; sfb++) {
- if (scalefac[sfb] >= 16)
- return true;
- }
- for (var window = 0; window < 3; window++) {
- var s1 = 0;
- var s2 = 0;
- for (sfb = cod_info.sfb_lmax + window; sfb < cod_info.sfbdivide; sfb += 3) {
- if (s1 < scalefac[sfb])
- s1 = scalefac[sfb];
- }
- for (; sfb < cod_info.sfbmax; sfb += 3) {
- if (s2 < scalefac[sfb])
- s2 = scalefac[sfb];
- }
- if (s1 < 16 && s2 < 8)
- continue;
- if (cod_info.subblock_gain[window] >= 7)
- return true;
- /*
- * even though there is no scalefactor for sfb12 subblock gain
- * affects upper frequencies too, that's why we have to go up to
- * SBMAX_s
- */
- cod_info.subblock_gain[window]++;
- var j = gfc.scalefac_band.l[cod_info.sfb_lmax];
- for (sfb = cod_info.sfb_lmax + window; sfb < cod_info.sfbmax; sfb += 3) {
- var amp;
- var width = cod_info.width[sfb];
- var s = scalefac[sfb];
- s = s - (4 >> cod_info.scalefac_scale);
- if (s >= 0) {
- scalefac[sfb] = s;
- j += width * 3;
- continue;
- }
- scalefac[sfb] = 0;
- {
- var gain = 210 + (s << (cod_info.scalefac_scale + 1));
- amp = qupvt.IPOW20(gain);
- }
- j += width * (window + 1);
- for (var l = -width; l < 0; l++) {
- xrpow[j + l] *= amp;
- if (xrpow[j + l] > cod_info.xrpow_max)
- cod_info.xrpow_max = xrpow[j + l];
- }
- j += width * (3 - window - 1);
- }
- {
- var amp = qupvt.IPOW20(202);
- j += cod_info.width[sfb] * (window + 1);
- for (var l = -cod_info.width[sfb]; l < 0; l++) {
- xrpow[j + l] *= amp;
- if (xrpow[j + l] > cod_info.xrpow_max)
- cod_info.xrpow_max = xrpow[j + l];
- }
- }
- }
- return false;
- }
- /**
- * <PRE>
- * Takehiro Tominaga /date??
- * Robert Hegemann 2000-09-06: made a function of it
- *
- * amplifies scalefactor bands,
- * - if all are already amplified returns 0
- * - if some bands are amplified too much:
- * * try to increase scalefac_scale
- * * if already scalefac_scale was set
- * try on short blocks to increase subblock gain
- * </PRE>
- */
- function balance_noise(gfp, cod_info, distort, xrpow, bRefine) {
- var gfc = gfp.internal_flags;
- amp_scalefac_bands(gfp, cod_info, distort, xrpow, bRefine);
- /*
- * check to make sure we have not amplified too much loop_break returns
- * 0 if there is an unamplified scalefac scale_bitcount returns 0 if no
- * scalefactors are too large
- */
- var status = loop_break(cod_info);
- if (status)
- return false;
- /* all bands amplified */
- /*
- * not all scalefactors have been amplified. so these scalefacs are
- * possibly valid. encode them:
- */
- if (gfc.mode_gr == 2)
- status = tk.scale_bitcount(cod_info);
- else
- status = tk.scale_bitcount_lsf(gfc, cod_info);
- if (!status)
- return true;
- /* amplified some bands not exceeding limits */
- /*
- * some scalefactors are too large. lets try setting scalefac_scale=1
- */
- if (gfc.noise_shaping > 1) {
- Arrays.fill(gfc.pseudohalf, 0);
- if (0 == cod_info.scalefac_scale) {
- inc_scalefac_scale(cod_info, xrpow);
- status = false;
- } else {
- if (cod_info.block_type == Encoder.SHORT_TYPE
- && gfc.subblock_gain > 0) {
- status = (inc_subblock_gain(gfc, cod_info, xrpow) || loop_break(cod_info));
- }
- }
- }
- if (!status) {
- if (gfc.mode_gr == 2)
- status = tk.scale_bitcount(cod_info);
- else
- status = tk.scale_bitcount_lsf(gfc, cod_info);
- }
- return !status;
- }
- /**
- * <PRE>
- * Function: The outer iteration loop controls the masking conditions
- * of all scalefactorbands. It computes the best scalefac and
- * global gain. This module calls the inner iteration loop
- *
- * mt 5/99 completely rewritten to allow for bit reservoir control,
- * mid/side channels with L/R or mid/side masking thresholds,
- * and chooses best quantization instead of last quantization when
- * no distortion free quantization can be found.
- *
- * added VBR support mt 5/99
- *
- * some code shuffle rh 9/00
- * </PRE>
- *
- * @param l3_xmin
- * allowed distortion
- * @param xrpow
- * coloured magnitudes of spectral
- * @param targ_bits
- * maximum allowed bits
- */
- this.outer_loop = function (gfp, cod_info, l3_xmin, xrpow, ch, targ_bits) {
- var gfc = gfp.internal_flags;
- var cod_info_w = new GrInfo();
- var save_xrpow = new_float(576);
- var distort = new_float(L3Side.SFBMAX);
- var best_noise_info = new CalcNoiseResult();
- var better;
- var prev_noise = new CalcNoiseData();
- var best_part2_3_length = 9999999;
- var bEndOfSearch = false;
- var bRefine = false;
- var best_ggain_pass1 = 0;
- bin_search_StepSize(gfc, cod_info, targ_bits, ch, xrpow);
- if (0 == gfc.noise_shaping)
- /* fast mode, no noise shaping, we are ready */
- return 100;
- /* default noise_info.over_count */
- /* compute the distortion in this quantization */
- /* coefficients and thresholds both l/r (or both mid/side) */
- qupvt.calc_noise(cod_info, l3_xmin, distort, best_noise_info,
- prev_noise);
- best_noise_info.bits = cod_info.part2_3_length;
- cod_info_w.assign(cod_info);
- var age = 0;
- System.arraycopy(xrpow, 0, save_xrpow, 0, 576);
- while (!bEndOfSearch) {
- do {
- var noise_info = new CalcNoiseResult();
- var search_limit;
- var maxggain = 255;
- /*
- * When quantization with no distorted bands is found, allow up
- * to X new unsuccesful tries in serial. This gives us more
- * possibilities for different quant_compare modes. Much more
- * than 3 makes not a big difference, it is only slower.
- */
- if ((gfc.substep_shaping & 2) != 0) {
- search_limit = 20;
- } else {
- search_limit = 3;
- }
- /*
- * Check if the last scalefactor band is distorted. in VBR mode
- * we can't get rid of the distortion, so quit now and VBR mode
- * will try again with more bits. (makes a 10% speed increase,
- * the files I tested were binary identical, 2000/05/20 Robert
- * Hegemann) distort[] > 1 means noise > allowed noise
- */
- if (gfc.sfb21_extra) {
- if (distort[cod_info_w.sfbmax] > 1.0)
- break;
- if (cod_info_w.block_type == Encoder.SHORT_TYPE
- && (distort[cod_info_w.sfbmax + 1] > 1.0 || distort[cod_info_w.sfbmax + 2] > 1.0))
- break;
- }
- /* try a new scalefactor conbination on cod_info_w */
- if (!balance_noise(gfp, cod_info_w, distort, xrpow, bRefine))
- break;
- if (cod_info_w.scalefac_scale != 0)
- maxggain = 254;
- /*
- * inner_loop starts with the initial quantization step computed
- * above and slowly increases until the bits < huff_bits. Thus
- * it is important not to start with too large of an inital
- * quantization step. Too small is ok, but inner_loop will take
- * longer
- */
- var huff_bits = targ_bits - cod_info_w.part2_length;
- if (huff_bits <= 0)
- break;
- /*
- * increase quantizer stepsize until needed bits are below
- * maximum
- */
- while ((cod_info_w.part2_3_length = tk.count_bits(gfc, xrpow,
- cod_info_w, prev_noise)) > huff_bits
- && cod_info_w.global_gain <= maxggain)
- cod_info_w.global_gain++;
- if (cod_info_w.global_gain > maxggain)
- break;
- if (best_noise_info.over_count == 0) {
- while ((cod_info_w.part2_3_length = tk.count_bits(gfc,
- xrpow, cod_info_w, prev_noise)) > best_part2_3_length
- && cod_info_w.global_gain <= maxggain)
- cod_info_w.global_gain++;
- if (cod_info_w.global_gain > maxggain)
- break;
- }
- /* compute the distortion in this quantization */
- qupvt.calc_noise(cod_info_w, l3_xmin, distort, noise_info,
- prev_noise);
- noise_info.bits = cod_info_w.part2_3_length;
- /*
- * check if this quantization is better than our saved
- * quantization
- */
- if (cod_info.block_type != Encoder.SHORT_TYPE) {
- // NORM, START or STOP type
- better = gfp.quant_comp;
- } else
- better = gfp.quant_comp_short;
- better = quant_compare(better, best_noise_info, noise_info,
- cod_info_w, distort) ? 1 : 0;
- /* save data so we can restore this quantization later */
- if (better != 0) {
- best_part2_3_length = cod_info.part2_3_length;
- best_noise_info = noise_info;
- cod_info.assign(cod_info_w);
- age = 0;
- /* save data so we can restore this quantization later */
- /* store for later reuse */
- System.arraycopy(xrpow, 0, save_xrpow, 0, 576);
- } else {
- /* early stop? */
- if (gfc.full_outer_loop == 0) {
- if (++age > search_limit
- && best_noise_info.over_count == 0)
- break;
- if ((gfc.noise_shaping_amp == 3) && bRefine && age > 30)
- break;
- if ((gfc.noise_shaping_amp == 3)
- && bRefine
- && (cod_info_w.global_gain - best_ggain_pass1) > 15)
- break;
- }
- }
- } while ((cod_info_w.global_gain + cod_info_w.scalefac_scale) < 255);
- if (gfc.noise_shaping_amp == 3) {
- if (!bRefine) {
- /* refine search */
- cod_info_w.assign(cod_info);
- System.arraycopy(save_xrpow, 0, xrpow, 0, 576);
- age = 0;
- best_ggain_pass1 = cod_info_w.global_gain;
- bRefine = true;
- } else {
- /* search already refined, stop */
- bEndOfSearch = true;
- }
- } else {
- bEndOfSearch = true;
- }
- }
- /*
- * finish up
- */
- if (gfp.VBR == VbrMode.vbr_rh || gfp.VBR == VbrMode.vbr_mtrh)
- /* restore for reuse on next try */
- System.arraycopy(save_xrpow, 0, xrpow, 0, 576);
- /*
- * do the 'substep shaping'
- */
- else if ((gfc.substep_shaping & 1) != 0)
- trancate_smallspectrums(gfc, cod_info, l3_xmin, xrpow);
- return best_noise_info.over_count;
- }
- /**
- * Robert Hegemann 2000-09-06
- *
- * update reservoir status after FINAL quantization/bitrate
- */
- this.iteration_finish_one = function (gfc, gr, ch) {
- var l3_side = gfc.l3_side;
- var cod_info = l3_side.tt[gr][ch];
- /*
- * try some better scalefac storage
- */
- tk.best_scalefac_store(gfc, gr, ch, l3_side);
- /*
- * best huffman_divide may save some bits too
- */
- if (gfc.use_best_huffman == 1)
- tk.best_huffman_divide(gfc, cod_info);
- /*
- * update reservoir status after FINAL quantization/bitrate
- */
- rv.ResvAdjust(gfc, cod_info);
- };
- /**
- *
- * 2000-09-04 Robert Hegemann
- *
- * @param l3_xmin
- * allowed distortion of the scalefactor
- * @param xrpow
- * coloured magnitudes of spectral values
- */
- this.VBR_encode_granule = function (gfp, cod_info, l3_xmin, xrpow, ch, min_bits, max_bits) {
- var gfc = gfp.internal_flags;
- var bst_cod_info = new GrInfo();
- var bst_xrpow = new_float(576);
- var Max_bits = max_bits;
- var real_bits = max_bits + 1;
- var this_bits = (max_bits + min_bits) / 2;
- var dbits, over, found = 0;
- var sfb21_extra = gfc.sfb21_extra;
- Arrays.fill(bst_cod_info.l3_enc, 0);
- /*
- * search within round about 40 bits of optimal
- */
- do {
- if (this_bits > Max_bits - 42)
- gfc.sfb21_extra = false;
- else
- gfc.sfb21_extra = sfb21_extra;
- over = outer_loop(gfp, cod_info, l3_xmin, xrpow, ch, this_bits);
- /*
- * is quantization as good as we are looking for ? in this case: is
- * no scalefactor band distorted?
- */
- if (over <= 0) {
- found = 1;
- /*
- * now we know it can be done with "real_bits" and maybe we can
- * skip some iterations
- */
- real_bits = cod_info.part2_3_length;
- /*
- * store best quantization so far
- */
- bst_cod_info.assign(cod_info);
- System.arraycopy(xrpow, 0, bst_xrpow, 0, 576);
- /*
- * try with fewer bits
- */
- max_bits = real_bits - 32;
- dbits = max_bits - min_bits;
- this_bits = (max_bits + min_bits) / 2;
- } else {
- /*
- * try with more bits
- */
- min_bits = this_bits + 32;
- dbits = max_bits - min_bits;
- this_bits = (max_bits + min_bits) / 2;
- if (found != 0) {
- found = 2;
- /*
- * start again with best quantization so far
- */
- cod_info.assign(bst_cod_info);
- System.arraycopy(bst_xrpow, 0, xrpow, 0, 576);
- }
- }
- } while (dbits > 12);
- gfc.sfb21_extra = sfb21_extra;
- /*
- * found=0 => nothing found, use last one found=1 => we just found the
- * best and left the loop found=2 => we restored a good one and have now
- * l3_enc to restore too
- */
- if (found == 2) {
- System.arraycopy(bst_cod_info.l3_enc, 0, cod_info.l3_enc, 0, 576);
- }
- }
- /**
- * Robert Hegemann 2000-09-05
- *
- * calculates * how many bits are available for analog silent granules * how
- * many bits to use for the lowest allowed bitrate * how many bits each
- * bitrate would provide
- */
- this.get_framebits = function (gfp, frameBits) {
- var gfc = gfp.internal_flags;
- /*
- * always use at least this many bits per granule per channel unless we
- * detect analog silence, see below
- */
- gfc.bitrate_index = gfc.VBR_min_bitrate;
- var bitsPerFrame = bs.getframebits(gfp);
- /*
- * bits for analog silence
- */
- gfc.bitrate_index = 1;
- bitsPerFrame = bs.getframebits(gfp);
- for (var i = 1; i <= gfc.VBR_max_bitrate; i++) {
- gfc.bitrate_index = i;
- var mb = new MeanBits(bitsPerFrame);
- frameBits[i] = rv.ResvFrameBegin(gfp, mb);
- bitsPerFrame = mb.bits;
- }
- };
- /* RH: this one needs to be overhauled sometime */
- /**
- * <PRE>
- * 2000-09-04 Robert Hegemann
- *
- * * converts LR to MS coding when necessary
- * * calculates allowed/adjusted quantization noise amounts
- * * detects analog silent frames
- *
- * some remarks:
- * - lower masking depending on Quality setting
- * - quality control together with adjusted ATH MDCT scaling
- * on lower quality setting allocate more noise from
- * ATH masking, and on higher quality setting allocate
- * less noise from ATH masking.
- * - experiments show that going more than 2dB over GPSYCHO's
- * limits ends up in very annoying artefacts
- * </PRE>
- */
- this.VBR_old_prepare = function (gfp, pe, ms_ener_ratio, ratio, l3_xmin, frameBits, min_bits,
- max_bits, bands) {
- var gfc = gfp.internal_flags;
- var masking_lower_db, adjust = 0.0;
- var analog_silence = 1;
- var bits = 0;
- gfc.bitrate_index = gfc.VBR_max_bitrate;
- var avg = rv.ResvFrameBegin(gfp, new MeanBits(0)) / gfc.mode_gr;
- get_framebits(gfp, frameBits);
- for (var gr = 0; gr < gfc.mode_gr; gr++) {
- var mxb = qupvt.on_pe(gfp, pe, max_bits[gr], avg, gr, 0);
- if (gfc.mode_ext == Encoder.MPG_MD_MS_LR) {
- ms_convert(gfc.l3_side, gr);
- qupvt.reduce_side(max_bits[gr], ms_ener_ratio[gr], avg, mxb);
- }
- for (var ch = 0; ch < gfc.channels_out; ++ch) {
- var cod_info = gfc.l3_side.tt[gr][ch];
- if (cod_info.block_type != Encoder.SHORT_TYPE) {
- // NORM, START or STOP type
- adjust = 1.28 / (1 + Math
- .exp(3.5 - pe[gr][ch] / 300.)) - 0.05;
- masking_lower_db = gfc.PSY.mask_adjust - adjust;
- } else {
- adjust = 2.56 / (1 + Math
- .exp(3.5 - pe[gr][ch] / 300.)) - 0.14;
- masking_lower_db = gfc.PSY.mask_adjust_short - adjust;
- }
- gfc.masking_lower = Math.pow(10.0,
- masking_lower_db * 0.1);
- init_outer_loop(gfc, cod_info);
- bands[gr][ch] = qupvt.calc_xmin(gfp, ratio[gr][ch], cod_info,
- l3_xmin[gr][ch]);
- if (bands[gr][ch] != 0)
- analog_silence = 0;
- min_bits[gr][ch] = 126;
- bits += max_bits[gr][ch];
- }
- }
- for (var gr = 0; gr < gfc.mode_gr; gr++) {
- for (var ch = 0; ch < gfc.channels_out; ch++) {
- if (bits > frameBits[gfc.VBR_max_bitrate]) {
- max_bits[gr][ch] *= frameBits[gfc.VBR_max_bitrate];
- max_bits[gr][ch] /= bits;
- }
- if (min_bits[gr][ch] > max_bits[gr][ch])
- min_bits[gr][ch] = max_bits[gr][ch];
- }
- /* for ch */
- }
- /* for gr */
- return analog_silence;
- };
- this.bitpressure_strategy = function (gfc, l3_xmin, min_bits, max_bits) {
- for (var gr = 0; gr < gfc.mode_gr; gr++) {
- for (var ch = 0; ch < gfc.channels_out; ch++) {
- var gi = gfc.l3_side.tt[gr][ch];
- var pxmin = l3_xmin[gr][ch];
- var pxminPos = 0;
- for (var sfb = 0; sfb < gi.psy_lmax; sfb++)
- pxmin[pxminPos++] *= 1. + .029 * sfb * sfb
- / Encoder.SBMAX_l / Encoder.SBMAX_l;
- if (gi.block_type == Encoder.SHORT_TYPE) {
- for (var sfb = gi.sfb_smin; sfb < Encoder.SBMAX_s; sfb++) {
- pxmin[pxminPos++] *= 1. + .029 * sfb * sfb
- / Encoder.SBMAX_s / Encoder.SBMAX_s;
- pxmin[pxminPos++] *= 1. + .029 * sfb * sfb
- / Encoder.SBMAX_s / Encoder.SBMAX_s;
- pxmin[pxminPos++] *= 1. + .029 * sfb * sfb
- / Encoder.SBMAX_s / Encoder.SBMAX_s;
- }
- }
- max_bits[gr][ch] = 0 | Math.max(min_bits[gr][ch],
- 0.9 * max_bits[gr][ch]);
- }
- }
- };
- this.VBR_new_prepare = function (gfp, pe, ratio, l3_xmin, frameBits, max_bits) {
- var gfc = gfp.internal_flags;
- var analog_silence = 1;
- var avg = 0, bits = 0;
- var maximum_framebits;
- if (!gfp.free_format) {
- gfc.bitrate_index = gfc.VBR_max_bitrate;
- var mb = new MeanBits(avg);
- rv.ResvFrameBegin(gfp, mb);
- avg = mb.bits;
- get_framebits(gfp, frameBits);
- maximum_framebits = frameBits[gfc.VBR_max_bitrate];
- } else {
- gfc.bitrate_index = 0;
- var mb = new MeanBits(avg);
- maximum_framebits = rv.ResvFrameBegin(gfp, mb);
- avg = mb.bits;
- frameBits[0] = maximum_framebits;
- }
- for (var gr = 0; gr < gfc.mode_gr; gr++) {
- qupvt.on_pe(gfp, pe, max_bits[gr], avg, gr, 0);
- if (gfc.mode_ext == Encoder.MPG_MD_MS_LR) {
- ms_convert(gfc.l3_side, gr);
- }
- for (var ch = 0; ch < gfc.channels_out; ++ch) {
- var cod_info = gfc.l3_side.tt[gr][ch];
- gfc.masking_lower = Math.pow(10.0,
- gfc.PSY.mask_adjust * 0.1);
- init_outer_loop(gfc, cod_info);
- if (0 != qupvt.calc_xmin(gfp, ratio[gr][ch], cod_info,
- l3_xmin[gr][ch]))
- analog_silence = 0;
- bits += max_bits[gr][ch];
- }
- }
- for (var gr = 0; gr < gfc.mode_gr; gr++) {
- for (var ch = 0; ch < gfc.channels_out; ch++) {
- if (bits > maximum_framebits) {
- max_bits[gr][ch] *= maximum_framebits;
- max_bits[gr][ch] /= bits;
- }
- }
- /* for ch */
- }
- /* for gr */
- return analog_silence;
- };
- /**
- * calculates target bits for ABR encoding
- *
- * mt 2000/05/31
- */
- this.calc_target_bits = function (gfp, pe, ms_ener_ratio, targ_bits, analog_silence_bits, max_frame_bits) {
- var gfc = gfp.internal_flags;
- var l3_side = gfc.l3_side;
- var res_factor;
- var gr, ch, totbits, mean_bits = 0;
- gfc.bitrate_index = gfc.VBR_max_bitrate;
- var mb = new MeanBits(mean_bits);
- max_frame_bits[0] = rv.ResvFrameBegin(gfp, mb);
- mean_bits = mb.bits;
- gfc.bitrate_index = 1;
- mean_bits = bs.getframebits(gfp) - gfc.sideinfo_len * 8;
- analog_silence_bits[0] = mean_bits / (gfc.mode_gr * gfc.channels_out);
- mean_bits = gfp.VBR_mean_bitrate_kbps * gfp.framesize * 1000;
- if ((gfc.substep_shaping & 1) != 0)
- mean_bits *= 1.09;
- mean_bits /= gfp.out_samplerate;
- mean_bits -= gfc.sideinfo_len * 8;
- mean_bits /= (gfc.mode_gr * gfc.channels_out);
- /**
- * <PRE>
- * res_factor is the percentage of the target bitrate that should
- * be used on average. the remaining bits are added to the
- * bitreservoir and used for difficult to encode frames.
- *
- * Since we are tracking the average bitrate, we should adjust
- * res_factor "on the fly", increasing it if the average bitrate
- * is greater than the requested bitrate, and decreasing it
- * otherwise. Reasonable ranges are from .9 to 1.0
- *
- * Until we get the above suggestion working, we use the following
- * tuning:
- * compression ratio res_factor
- * 5.5 (256kbps) 1.0 no need for bitreservoir
- * 11 (128kbps) .93 7% held for reservoir
- *
- * with linear interpolation for other values.
- * </PRE>
- */
- res_factor = .93 + .07 * (11.0 - gfp.compression_ratio)
- / (11.0 - 5.5);
- if (res_factor < .90)
- res_factor = .90;
- if (res_factor > 1.00)
- res_factor = 1.00;
- for (gr = 0; gr < gfc.mode_gr; gr++) {
- var sum = 0;
- for (ch = 0; ch < gfc.channels_out; ch++) {
- targ_bits[gr][ch] = (int)(res_factor * mean_bits);
- if (pe[gr][ch] > 700) {
- var add_bits = (int)((pe[gr][ch] - 700) / 1.4);
- var cod_info = l3_side.tt[gr][ch];
- targ_bits[gr][ch] = (int)(res_factor * mean_bits);
- /* short blocks use a little extra, no matter what the pe */
- if (cod_info.block_type == Encoder.SHORT_TYPE) {
- if (add_bits < mean_bits / 2)
- add_bits = mean_bits / 2;
- }
- /* at most increase bits by 1.5*average */
- if (add_bits > mean_bits * 3 / 2)
- add_bits = mean_bits * 3 / 2;
- else if (add_bits < 0)
- add_bits = 0;
- targ_bits[gr][ch] += add_bits;
- }
- if (targ_bits[gr][ch] > LameInternalFlags.MAX_BITS_PER_CHANNEL) {
- targ_bits[gr][ch] = LameInternalFlags.MAX_BITS_PER_CHANNEL;
- }
- sum += targ_bits[gr][ch];
- }
- /* for ch */
- if (sum > LameInternalFlags.MAX_BITS_PER_GRANULE) {
- for (ch = 0; ch < gfc.channels_out; ++ch) {
- targ_bits[gr][ch] *= LameInternalFlags.MAX_BITS_PER_GRANULE;
- targ_bits[gr][ch] /= sum;
- }
- }
- }
- /* for gr */
- if (gfc.mode_ext == Encoder.MPG_MD_MS_LR)
- for (gr = 0; gr < gfc.mode_gr; gr++) {
- qupvt.reduce_side(targ_bits[gr], ms_ener_ratio[gr], mean_bits
- * gfc.channels_out,
- LameInternalFlags.MAX_BITS_PER_GRANULE);
- }
- /*
- * sum target bits
- */
- totbits = 0;
- for (gr = 0; gr < gfc.mode_gr; gr++) {
- for (ch = 0; ch < gfc.channels_out; ch++) {
- if (targ_bits[gr][ch] > LameInternalFlags.MAX_BITS_PER_CHANNEL)
- targ_bits[gr][ch] = LameInternalFlags.MAX_BITS_PER_CHANNEL;
- totbits += targ_bits[gr][ch];
- }
- }
- /*
- * repartion target bits if needed
- */
- if (totbits > max_frame_bits[0]) {
- for (gr = 0; gr < gfc.mode_gr; gr++) {
- for (ch = 0; ch < gfc.channels_out; ch++) {
- targ_bits[gr][ch] *= max_frame_bits[0];
- targ_bits[gr][ch] /= totbits;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /*
- * MP3 window subband -> subband filtering -> mdct routine
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Takehiro Tominaga
- *
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Library General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the
- * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
- * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- */
- /*
- * Special Thanks to Patrick De Smet for your advices.
- */
- /* $Id: NewMDCT.java,v 1.11 2011/05/24 20:48:06 kenchis Exp $ */
- //package mp3;
- //import java.util.Arrays;
- function NewMDCT() {
- var enwindow = [
- -4.77e-07 * 0.740951125354959 / 2.384e-06,
- 1.03951e-04 * 0.740951125354959 / 2.384e-06,
- 9.53674e-04 * 0.740951125354959 / 2.384e-06,
- 2.841473e-03 * 0.740951125354959 / 2.384e-06,
- 3.5758972e-02 * 0.740951125354959 / 2.384e-06,
- 3.401756e-03 * 0.740951125354959 / 2.384e-06,
- 9.83715e-04 * 0.740951125354959 / 2.384e-06,
- 9.9182e-05 * 0.740951125354959 / 2.384e-06, /* 15 */
- 1.2398e-05 * 0.740951125354959 / 2.384e-06,
- 1.91212e-04 * 0.740951125354959 / 2.384e-06,
- 2.283096e-03 * 0.740951125354959 / 2.384e-06,
- 1.6994476e-02 * 0.740951125354959 / 2.384e-06,
- -1.8756866e-02 * 0.740951125354959 / 2.384e-06,
- -2.630711e-03 * 0.740951125354959 / 2.384e-06,
- -2.47478e-04 * 0.740951125354959 / 2.384e-06,
- -1.4782e-05 * 0.740951125354959 / 2.384e-06,
- 9.063471690191471e-01, 1.960342806591213e-01,
- -4.77e-07 * 0.773010453362737 / 2.384e-06,
- 1.05858e-04 * 0.773010453362737 / 2.384e-06,
- 9.30786e-04 * 0.773010453362737 / 2.384e-06,
- 2.521515e-03 * 0.773010453362737 / 2.384e-06,
- 3.5694122e-02 * 0.773010453362737 / 2.384e-06,
- 3.643036e-03 * 0.773010453362737 / 2.384e-06,
- 9.91821e-04 * 0.773010453362737 / 2.384e-06,
- 9.6321e-05 * 0.773010453362737 / 2.384e-06, /* 14 */
- 1.1444e-05 * 0.773010453362737 / 2.384e-06,
- 1.65462e-04 * 0.773010453362737 / 2.384e-06,
- 2.110004e-03 * 0.773010453362737 / 2.384e-06,
- 1.6112804e-02 * 0.773010453362737 / 2.384e-06,
- -1.9634247e-02 * 0.773010453362737 / 2.384e-06,
- -2.803326e-03 * 0.773010453362737 / 2.384e-06,
- -2.77042e-04 * 0.773010453362737 / 2.384e-06,
- -1.6689e-05 * 0.773010453362737 / 2.384e-06,
- 8.206787908286602e-01, 3.901806440322567e-01,
- -4.77e-07 * 0.803207531480645 / 2.384e-06,
- 1.07288e-04 * 0.803207531480645 / 2.384e-06,
- 9.02653e-04 * 0.803207531480645 / 2.384e-06,
- 2.174854e-03 * 0.803207531480645 / 2.384e-06,
- 3.5586357e-02 * 0.803207531480645 / 2.384e-06,
- 3.858566e-03 * 0.803207531480645 / 2.384e-06,
- 9.95159e-04 * 0.803207531480645 / 2.384e-06,
- 9.3460e-05 * 0.803207531480645 / 2.384e-06, /* 13 */
- 1.0014e-05 * 0.803207531480645 / 2.384e-06,
- 1.40190e-04 * 0.803207531480645 / 2.384e-06,
- 1.937389e-03 * 0.803207531480645 / 2.384e-06,
- 1.5233517e-02 * 0.803207531480645 / 2.384e-06,
- -2.0506859e-02 * 0.803207531480645 / 2.384e-06,
- -2.974033e-03 * 0.803207531480645 / 2.384e-06,
- -3.07560e-04 * 0.803207531480645 / 2.384e-06,
- -1.8120e-05 * 0.803207531480645 / 2.384e-06,
- 7.416505462720353e-01, 5.805693545089249e-01,
- -4.77e-07 * 0.831469612302545 / 2.384e-06,
- 1.08242e-04 * 0.831469612302545 / 2.384e-06,
- 8.68797e-04 * 0.831469612302545 / 2.384e-06,
- 1.800537e-03 * 0.831469612302545 / 2.384e-06,
- 3.5435200e-02 * 0.831469612302545 / 2.384e-06,
- 4.049301e-03 * 0.831469612302545 / 2.384e-06,
- 9.94205e-04 * 0.831469612302545 / 2.384e-06,
- 9.0599e-05 * 0.831469612302545 / 2.384e-06, /* 12 */
- 9.060e-06 * 0.831469612302545 / 2.384e-06,
- 1.16348e-04 * 0.831469612302545 / 2.384e-06,
- 1.766682e-03 * 0.831469612302545 / 2.384e-06,
- 1.4358521e-02 * 0.831469612302545 / 2.384e-06,
- -2.1372318e-02 * 0.831469612302545 / 2.384e-06,
- -3.14188e-03 * 0.831469612302545 / 2.384e-06,
- -3.39031e-04 * 0.831469612302545 / 2.384e-06,
- -1.9550e-05 * 0.831469612302545 / 2.384e-06,
- 6.681786379192989e-01, 7.653668647301797e-01,
- -4.77e-07 * 0.857728610000272 / 2.384e-06,
- 1.08719e-04 * 0.857728610000272 / 2.384e-06,
- 8.29220e-04 * 0.857728610000272 / 2.384e-06,
- 1.399517e-03 * 0.857728610000272 / 2.384e-06,
- 3.5242081e-02 * 0.857728610000272 / 2.384e-06,
- 4.215240e-03 * 0.857728610000272 / 2.384e-06,
- 9.89437e-04 * 0.857728610000272 / 2.384e-06,
- 8.7261e-05 * 0.857728610000272 / 2.384e-06, /* 11 */
- 8.106e-06 * 0.857728610000272 / 2.384e-06,
- 9.3937e-05 * 0.857728610000272 / 2.384e-06,
- 1.597881e-03 * 0.857728610000272 / 2.384e-06,
- 1.3489246e-02 * 0.857728610000272 / 2.384e-06,
- -2.2228718e-02 * 0.857728610000272 / 2.384e-06,
- -3.306866e-03 * 0.857728610000272 / 2.384e-06,
- -3.71456e-04 * 0.857728610000272 / 2.384e-06,
- -2.1458e-05 * 0.857728610000272 / 2.384e-06,
- 5.993769336819237e-01, 9.427934736519954e-01,
- -4.77e-07 * 0.881921264348355 / 2.384e-06,
- 1.08719e-04 * 0.881921264348355 / 2.384e-06,
- 7.8392e-04 * 0.881921264348355 / 2.384e-06,
- 9.71317e-04 * 0.881921264348355 / 2.384e-06,
- 3.5007000e-02 * 0.881921264348355 / 2.384e-06,
- 4.357815e-03 * 0.881921264348355 / 2.384e-06,
- 9.80854e-04 * 0.881921264348355 / 2.384e-06,
- 8.3923e-05 * 0.881921264348355 / 2.384e-06, /* 10 */
- 7.629e-06 * 0.881921264348355 / 2.384e-06,
- 7.2956e-05 * 0.881921264348355 / 2.384e-06,
- 1.432419e-03 * 0.881921264348355 / 2.384e-06,
- 1.2627602e-02 * 0.881921264348355 / 2.384e-06,
- -2.3074150e-02 * 0.881921264348355 / 2.384e-06,
- -3.467083e-03 * 0.881921264348355 / 2.384e-06,
- -4.04358e-04 * 0.881921264348355 / 2.384e-06,
- -2.3365e-05 * 0.881921264348355 / 2.384e-06,
- 5.345111359507916e-01, 1.111140466039205e+00,
- -9.54e-07 * 0.903989293123443 / 2.384e-06,
- 1.08242e-04 * 0.903989293123443 / 2.384e-06,
- 7.31945e-04 * 0.903989293123443 / 2.384e-06,
- 5.15938e-04 * 0.903989293123443 / 2.384e-06,
- 3.4730434e-02 * 0.903989293123443 / 2.384e-06,
- 4.477024e-03 * 0.903989293123443 / 2.384e-06,
- 9.68933e-04 * 0.903989293123443 / 2.384e-06,
- 8.0585e-05 * 0.903989293123443 / 2.384e-06, /* 9 */
- 6.676e-06 * 0.903989293123443 / 2.384e-06,
- 5.2929e-05 * 0.903989293123443 / 2.384e-06,
- 1.269817e-03 * 0.903989293123443 / 2.384e-06,
- 1.1775017e-02 * 0.903989293123443 / 2.384e-06,
- -2.3907185e-02 * 0.903989293123443 / 2.384e-06,
- -3.622532e-03 * 0.903989293123443 / 2.384e-06,
- -4.38213e-04 * 0.903989293123443 / 2.384e-06,
- -2.5272e-05 * 0.903989293123443 / 2.384e-06,
- 4.729647758913199e-01, 1.268786568327291e+00,
- -9.54e-07 * 0.92387953251128675613 / 2.384e-06,
- 1.06812e-04 * 0.92387953251128675613 / 2.384e-06,
- 6.74248e-04 * 0.92387953251128675613 / 2.384e-06,
- 3.3379e-05 * 0.92387953251128675613 / 2.384e-06,
- 3.4412861e-02 * 0.92387953251128675613 / 2.384e-06,
- 4.573822e-03 * 0.92387953251128675613 / 2.384e-06,
- 9.54151e-04 * 0.92387953251128675613 / 2.384e-06,
- 7.6771e-05 * 0.92387953251128675613 / 2.384e-06,
- 6.199e-06 * 0.92387953251128675613 / 2.384e-06,
- 3.4332e-05 * 0.92387953251128675613 / 2.384e-06,
- 1.111031e-03 * 0.92387953251128675613 / 2.384e-06,
- 1.0933399e-02 * 0.92387953251128675613 / 2.384e-06,
- -2.4725437e-02 * 0.92387953251128675613 / 2.384e-06,
- -3.771782e-03 * 0.92387953251128675613 / 2.384e-06,
- -4.72546e-04 * 0.92387953251128675613 / 2.384e-06,
- -2.7657e-05 * 0.92387953251128675613 / 2.384e-06,
- 4.1421356237309504879e-01, /* tan(PI/8) */
- 1.414213562373095e+00,
- -9.54e-07 * 0.941544065183021 / 2.384e-06,
- 1.05381e-04 * 0.941544065183021 / 2.384e-06,
- 6.10352e-04 * 0.941544065183021 / 2.384e-06,
- -4.75883e-04 * 0.941544065183021 / 2.384e-06,
- 3.4055710e-02 * 0.941544065183021 / 2.384e-06,
- 4.649162e-03 * 0.941544065183021 / 2.384e-06,
- 9.35555e-04 * 0.941544065183021 / 2.384e-06,
- 7.3433e-05 * 0.941544065183021 / 2.384e-06, /* 7 */
- 5.245e-06 * 0.941544065183021 / 2.384e-06,
- 1.7166e-05 * 0.941544065183021 / 2.384e-06,
- 9.56535e-04 * 0.941544065183021 / 2.384e-06,
- 1.0103703e-02 * 0.941544065183021 / 2.384e-06,
- -2.5527000e-02 * 0.941544065183021 / 2.384e-06,
- -3.914356e-03 * 0.941544065183021 / 2.384e-06,
- -5.07355e-04 * 0.941544065183021 / 2.384e-06,
- -3.0041e-05 * 0.941544065183021 / 2.384e-06,
- 3.578057213145241e-01, 1.546020906725474e+00,
- -9.54e-07 * 0.956940335732209 / 2.384e-06,
- 1.02520e-04 * 0.956940335732209 / 2.384e-06,
- 5.39303e-04 * 0.956940335732209 / 2.384e-06,
- -1.011848e-03 * 0.956940335732209 / 2.384e-06,
- 3.3659935e-02 * 0.956940335732209 / 2.384e-06,
- 4.703045e-03 * 0.956940335732209 / 2.384e-06,
- 9.15051e-04 * 0.956940335732209 / 2.384e-06,
- 7.0095e-05 * 0.956940335732209 / 2.384e-06, /* 6 */
- 4.768e-06 * 0.956940335732209 / 2.384e-06,
- 9.54e-07 * 0.956940335732209 / 2.384e-06,
- 8.06808e-04 * 0.956940335732209 / 2.384e-06,
- 9.287834e-03 * 0.956940335732209 / 2.384e-06,
- -2.6310921e-02 * 0.956940335732209 / 2.384e-06,
- -4.048824e-03 * 0.956940335732209 / 2.384e-06,
- -5.42164e-04 * 0.956940335732209 / 2.384e-06,
- -3.2425e-05 * 0.956940335732209 / 2.384e-06,
- 3.033466836073424e-01, 1.662939224605090e+00,
- -1.431e-06 * 0.970031253194544 / 2.384e-06,
- 9.9182e-05 * 0.970031253194544 / 2.384e-06,
- 4.62532e-04 * 0.970031253194544 / 2.384e-06,
- -1.573563e-03 * 0.970031253194544 / 2.384e-06,
- 3.3225536e-02 * 0.970031253194544 / 2.384e-06,
- 4.737377e-03 * 0.970031253194544 / 2.384e-06,
- 8.91685e-04 * 0.970031253194544 / 2.384e-06,
- 6.6280e-05 * 0.970031253194544 / 2.384e-06, /* 5 */
- 4.292e-06 * 0.970031253194544 / 2.384e-06,
- -1.3828e-05 * 0.970031253194544 / 2.384e-06,
- 6.61850e-04 * 0.970031253194544 / 2.384e-06,
- 8.487225e-03 * 0.970031253194544 / 2.384e-06,
- -2.7073860e-02 * 0.970031253194544 / 2.384e-06,
- -4.174709e-03 * 0.970031253194544 / 2.384e-06,
- -5.76973e-04 * 0.970031253194544 / 2.384e-06,
- -3.4809e-05 * 0.970031253194544 / 2.384e-06,
- 2.504869601913055e-01, 1.763842528696710e+00,
- -1.431e-06 * 0.98078528040323 / 2.384e-06,
- 9.5367e-05 * 0.98078528040323 / 2.384e-06,
- 3.78609e-04 * 0.98078528040323 / 2.384e-06,
- -2.161503e-03 * 0.98078528040323 / 2.384e-06,
- 3.2754898e-02 * 0.98078528040323 / 2.384e-06,
- 4.752159e-03 * 0.98078528040323 / 2.384e-06,
- 8.66413e-04 * 0.98078528040323 / 2.384e-06,
- 6.2943e-05 * 0.98078528040323 / 2.384e-06, /* 4 */
- 3.815e-06 * 0.98078528040323 / 2.384e-06,
- -2.718e-05 * 0.98078528040323 / 2.384e-06,
- 5.22137e-04 * 0.98078528040323 / 2.384e-06,
- 7.703304e-03 * 0.98078528040323 / 2.384e-06,
- -2.7815342e-02 * 0.98078528040323 / 2.384e-06,
- -4.290581e-03 * 0.98078528040323 / 2.384e-06,
- -6.11782e-04 * 0.98078528040323 / 2.384e-06,
- -3.7670e-05 * 0.98078528040323 / 2.384e-06,
- 1.989123673796580e-01, 1.847759065022573e+00,
- -1.907e-06 * 0.989176509964781 / 2.384e-06,
- 9.0122e-05 * 0.989176509964781 / 2.384e-06,
- 2.88486e-04 * 0.989176509964781 / 2.384e-06,
- -2.774239e-03 * 0.989176509964781 / 2.384e-06,
- 3.2248020e-02 * 0.989176509964781 / 2.384e-06,
- 4.748821e-03 * 0.989176509964781 / 2.384e-06,
- 8.38757e-04 * 0.989176509964781 / 2.384e-06,
- 5.9605e-05 * 0.989176509964781 / 2.384e-06, /* 3 */
- 3.338e-06 * 0.989176509964781 / 2.384e-06,
- -3.9577e-05 * 0.989176509964781 / 2.384e-06,
- 3.88145e-04 * 0.989176509964781 / 2.384e-06,
- 6.937027e-03 * 0.989176509964781 / 2.384e-06,
- -2.8532982e-02 * 0.989176509964781 / 2.384e-06,
- -4.395962e-03 * 0.989176509964781 / 2.384e-06,
- -6.46591e-04 * 0.989176509964781 / 2.384e-06,
- -4.0531e-05 * 0.989176509964781 / 2.384e-06,
- 1.483359875383474e-01, 1.913880671464418e+00,
- -1.907e-06 * 0.995184726672197 / 2.384e-06,
- 8.4400e-05 * 0.995184726672197 / 2.384e-06,
- 1.91689e-04 * 0.995184726672197 / 2.384e-06,
- -3.411293e-03 * 0.995184726672197 / 2.384e-06,
- 3.1706810e-02 * 0.995184726672197 / 2.384e-06,
- 4.728317e-03 * 0.995184726672197 / 2.384e-06,
- 8.09669e-04 * 0.995184726672197 / 2.384e-06,
- 5.579e-05 * 0.995184726672197 / 2.384e-06,
- 3.338e-06 * 0.995184726672197 / 2.384e-06,
- -5.0545e-05 * 0.995184726672197 / 2.384e-06,
- 2.59876e-04 * 0.995184726672197 / 2.384e-06,
- 6.189346e-03 * 0.995184726672197 / 2.384e-06,
- -2.9224873e-02 * 0.995184726672197 / 2.384e-06,
- -4.489899e-03 * 0.995184726672197 / 2.384e-06,
- -6.80923e-04 * 0.995184726672197 / 2.384e-06,
- -4.3392e-05 * 0.995184726672197 / 2.384e-06,
- 9.849140335716425e-02, 1.961570560806461e+00,
- -2.384e-06 * 0.998795456205172 / 2.384e-06,
- 7.7724e-05 * 0.998795456205172 / 2.384e-06,
- 8.8215e-05 * 0.998795456205172 / 2.384e-06,
- -4.072189e-03 * 0.998795456205172 / 2.384e-06,
- 3.1132698e-02 * 0.998795456205172 / 2.384e-06,
- 4.691124e-03 * 0.998795456205172 / 2.384e-06,
- 7.79152e-04 * 0.998795456205172 / 2.384e-06,
- 5.2929e-05 * 0.998795456205172 / 2.384e-06,
- 2.861e-06 * 0.998795456205172 / 2.384e-06,
- -6.0558e-05 * 0.998795456205172 / 2.384e-06,
- 1.37329e-04 * 0.998795456205172 / 2.384e-06,
- 5.462170e-03 * 0.998795456205172 / 2.384e-06,
- -2.9890060e-02 * 0.998795456205172 / 2.384e-06,
- -4.570484e-03 * 0.998795456205172 / 2.384e-06,
- -7.14302e-04 * 0.998795456205172 / 2.384e-06,
- -4.6253e-05 * 0.998795456205172 / 2.384e-06,
- 4.912684976946725e-02, 1.990369453344394e+00,
- 3.5780907e-02 * Util.SQRT2 * 0.5 / 2.384e-06,
- 1.7876148e-02 * Util.SQRT2 * 0.5 / 2.384e-06,
- 3.134727e-03 * Util.SQRT2 * 0.5 / 2.384e-06,
- 2.457142e-03 * Util.SQRT2 * 0.5 / 2.384e-06,
- 9.71317e-04 * Util.SQRT2 * 0.5 / 2.384e-06,
- 2.18868e-04 * Util.SQRT2 * 0.5 / 2.384e-06,
- 1.01566e-04 * Util.SQRT2 * 0.5 / 2.384e-06,
- 1.3828e-05 * Util.SQRT2 * 0.5 / 2.384e-06,
- 3.0526638e-02 / 2.384e-06, 4.638195e-03 / 2.384e-06,
- 7.47204e-04 / 2.384e-06, 4.9591e-05 / 2.384e-06,
- 4.756451e-03 / 2.384e-06, 2.1458e-05 / 2.384e-06,
- -6.9618e-05 / 2.384e-06, /* 2.384e-06/2.384e-06 */
- ];
- var NS = 12;
- var NL = 36;
- var win = [
- [
- 2.382191739347913e-13,
- 6.423305872147834e-13,
- 9.400849094049688e-13,
- 1.122435026096556e-12,
- 1.183840321267481e-12,
- 1.122435026096556e-12,
- 9.400849094049690e-13,
- 6.423305872147839e-13,
- 2.382191739347918e-13,
- 5.456116108943412e-12,
- 4.878985199565852e-12,
- 4.240448995017367e-12,
- 3.559909094758252e-12,
- 2.858043359288075e-12,
- 2.156177623817898e-12,
- 1.475637723558783e-12,
- 8.371015190102974e-13,
- 2.599706096327376e-13,
- -5.456116108943412e-12,
- -4.878985199565852e-12,
- -4.240448995017367e-12,
- -3.559909094758252e-12,
- -2.858043359288076e-12,
- -2.156177623817898e-12,
- -1.475637723558783e-12,
- -8.371015190102975e-13,
- -2.599706096327376e-13,
- -2.382191739347923e-13,
- -6.423305872147843e-13,
- -9.400849094049696e-13,
- -1.122435026096556e-12,
- -1.183840321267481e-12,
- -1.122435026096556e-12,
- -9.400849094049694e-13,
- -6.423305872147840e-13,
- -2.382191739347918e-13,
- ],
- [
- 2.382191739347913e-13,
- 6.423305872147834e-13,
- 9.400849094049688e-13,
- 1.122435026096556e-12,
- 1.183840321267481e-12,
- 1.122435026096556e-12,
- 9.400849094049688e-13,
- 6.423305872147841e-13,
- 2.382191739347918e-13,
- 5.456116108943413e-12,
- 4.878985199565852e-12,
- 4.240448995017367e-12,
- 3.559909094758253e-12,
- 2.858043359288075e-12,
- 2.156177623817898e-12,
- 1.475637723558782e-12,
- 8.371015190102975e-13,
- 2.599706096327376e-13,
- -5.461314069809755e-12,
- -4.921085770524055e-12,
- -4.343405037091838e-12,
- -3.732668368707687e-12,
- -3.093523840190885e-12,
- -2.430835727329465e-12,
- -1.734679010007751e-12,
- -9.748253656609281e-13,
- -2.797435120168326e-13,
- 0.000000000000000e+00,
- 0.000000000000000e+00,
- 0.000000000000000e+00,
- 0.000000000000000e+00,
- 0.000000000000000e+00,
- 0.000000000000000e+00,
- -2.283748241799531e-13,
- -4.037858874020686e-13,
- -2.146547464825323e-13,
- ],
- [
- 1.316524975873958e-01, /* win[SHORT_TYPE] */
- 4.142135623730950e-01,
- 7.673269879789602e-01,
- 1.091308501069271e+00, /* tantab_l */
- 1.303225372841206e+00,
- 1.569685577117490e+00,
- 1.920982126971166e+00,
- 2.414213562373094e+00,
- 3.171594802363212e+00,
- 4.510708503662055e+00,
- 7.595754112725146e+00,
- 2.290376554843115e+01,
- 0.98480775301220802032, /* cx */
- 0.64278760968653936292,
- 0.34202014332566882393,
- 0.93969262078590842791,
- -0.17364817766693030343,
- -0.76604444311897790243,
- 0.86602540378443870761,
- 0.500000000000000e+00,
- -5.144957554275265e-01, /* ca */
- -4.717319685649723e-01,
- -3.133774542039019e-01,
- -1.819131996109812e-01,
- -9.457419252642064e-02,
- -4.096558288530405e-02,
- -1.419856857247115e-02,
- -3.699974673760037e-03,
- 8.574929257125442e-01, /* cs */
- 8.817419973177052e-01,
- 9.496286491027329e-01,
- 9.833145924917901e-01,
- 9.955178160675857e-01,
- 9.991605581781475e-01,
- 9.998991952444470e-01,
- 9.999931550702802e-01,
- ],
- [
- 0.000000000000000e+00,
- 0.000000000000000e+00,
- 0.000000000000000e+00,
- 0.000000000000000e+00,
- 0.000000000000000e+00,
- 0.000000000000000e+00,
- 2.283748241799531e-13,
- 4.037858874020686e-13,
- 2.146547464825323e-13,
- 5.461314069809755e-12,
- 4.921085770524055e-12,
- 4.343405037091838e-12,
- 3.732668368707687e-12,
- 3.093523840190885e-12,
- 2.430835727329466e-12,
- 1.734679010007751e-12,
- 9.748253656609281e-13,
- 2.797435120168326e-13,
- -5.456116108943413e-12,
- -4.878985199565852e-12,
- -4.240448995017367e-12,
- -3.559909094758253e-12,
- -2.858043359288075e-12,
- -2.156177623817898e-12,
- -1.475637723558782e-12,
- -8.371015190102975e-13,
- -2.599706096327376e-13,
- -2.382191739347913e-13,
- -6.423305872147834e-13,
- -9.400849094049688e-13,
- -1.122435026096556e-12,
- -1.183840321267481e-12,
- -1.122435026096556e-12,
- -9.400849094049688e-13,
- -6.423305872147841e-13,
- -2.382191739347918e-13,
- ]
- ];
- var tantab_l = win[Encoder.SHORT_TYPE];
- var cx = win[Encoder.SHORT_TYPE];
- var ca = win[Encoder.SHORT_TYPE];
- var cs = win[Encoder.SHORT_TYPE];
- /**
- * new IDCT routine written by Takehiro TOMINAGA
- *
- * PURPOSE: Overlapping window on PCM samples<BR>
- *
- * 32 16-bit pcm samples are scaled to fractional 2's complement and
- * concatenated to the end of the window buffer #x#. The updated window
- * buffer #x# is then windowed by the analysis window #c# to produce the
- * windowed sample #z#
- */
- var order = [
- 0, 1, 16, 17, 8, 9, 24, 25, 4, 5, 20, 21, 12, 13, 28, 29,
- 2, 3, 18, 19, 10, 11, 26, 27, 6, 7, 22, 23, 14, 15, 30, 31
- ];
- /**
- * returns sum_j=0^31 a[j]*cos(PI*j*(k+1/2)/32), 0<=k<32
- */
- function window_subband(x1, x1Pos, a) {
- var wp = 10;
- var x2 = x1Pos + 238 - 14 - 286;
- for (var i = -15; i < 0; i++) {
- var w, s, t;
- w = enwindow[wp + -10];
- s = x1[x2 + -224] * w;
- t = x1[x1Pos + 224] * w;
- w = enwindow[wp + -9];
- s += x1[x2 + -160] * w;
- t += x1[x1Pos + 160] * w;
- w = enwindow[wp + -8];
- s += x1[x2 + -96] * w;
- t += x1[x1Pos + 96] * w;
- w = enwindow[wp + -7];
- s += x1[x2 + -32] * w;
- t += x1[x1Pos + 32] * w;
- w = enwindow[wp + -6];
- s += x1[x2 + 32] * w;
- t += x1[x1Pos + -32] * w;
- w = enwindow[wp + -5];
- s += x1[x2 + 96] * w;
- t += x1[x1Pos + -96] * w;
- w = enwindow[wp + -4];
- s += x1[x2 + 160] * w;
- t += x1[x1Pos + -160] * w;
- w = enwindow[wp + -3];
- s += x1[x2 + 224] * w;
- t += x1[x1Pos + -224] * w;
- w = enwindow[wp + -2];
- s += x1[x1Pos + -256] * w;
- t -= x1[x2 + 256] * w;
- w = enwindow[wp + -1];
- s += x1[x1Pos + -192] * w;
- t -= x1[x2 + 192] * w;
- w = enwindow[wp + 0];
- s += x1[x1Pos + -128] * w;
- t -= x1[x2 + 128] * w;
- w = enwindow[wp + 1];
- s += x1[x1Pos + -64] * w;
- t -= x1[x2 + 64] * w;
- w = enwindow[wp + 2];
- s += x1[x1Pos + 0] * w;
- t -= x1[x2 + 0] * w;
- w = enwindow[wp + 3];
- s += x1[x1Pos + 64] * w;
- t -= x1[x2 + -64] * w;
- w = enwindow[wp + 4];
- s += x1[x1Pos + 128] * w;
- t -= x1[x2 + -128] * w;
- w = enwindow[wp + 5];
- s += x1[x1Pos + 192] * w;
- t -= x1[x2 + -192] * w;
- /*
- * this multiplyer could be removed, but it needs more 256 FLOAT
- * data. thinking about the data cache performance, I think we
- * should not use such a huge table. tt 2000/Oct/25
- */
- s *= enwindow[wp + 6];
- w = t - s;
- a[30 + i * 2] = t + s;
- a[31 + i * 2] = enwindow[wp + 7] * w;
- wp += 18;
- x1Pos--;
- x2++;
- }
- {
- var s, t, u, v;
- t = x1[x1Pos + -16] * enwindow[wp + -10];
- s = x1[x1Pos + -32] * enwindow[wp + -2];
- t += (x1[x1Pos + -48] - x1[x1Pos + 16]) * enwindow[wp + -9];
- s += x1[x1Pos + -96] * enwindow[wp + -1];
- t += (x1[x1Pos + -80] + x1[x1Pos + 48]) * enwindow[wp + -8];
- s += x1[x1Pos + -160] * enwindow[wp + 0];
- t += (x1[x1Pos + -112] - x1[x1Pos + 80]) * enwindow[wp + -7];
- s += x1[x1Pos + -224] * enwindow[wp + 1];
- t += (x1[x1Pos + -144] + x1[x1Pos + 112]) * enwindow[wp + -6];
- s -= x1[x1Pos + 32] * enwindow[wp + 2];
- t += (x1[x1Pos + -176] - x1[x1Pos + 144]) * enwindow[wp + -5];
- s -= x1[x1Pos + 96] * enwindow[wp + 3];
- t += (x1[x1Pos + -208] + x1[x1Pos + 176]) * enwindow[wp + -4];
- s -= x1[x1Pos + 160] * enwindow[wp + 4];
- t += (x1[x1Pos + -240] - x1[x1Pos + 208]) * enwindow[wp + -3];
- s -= x1[x1Pos + 224];
- u = s - t;
- v = s + t;
- t = a[14];
- s = a[15] - t;
- a[31] = v + t; /* A0 */
- a[30] = u + s; /* A1 */
- a[15] = u - s; /* A2 */
- a[14] = v - t; /* A3 */
- }
- {
- var xr;
- xr = a[28] - a[0];
- a[0] += a[28];
- a[28] = xr * enwindow[wp + -2 * 18 + 7];
- xr = a[29] - a[1];
- a[1] += a[29];
- a[29] = xr * enwindow[wp + -2 * 18 + 7];
- xr = a[26] - a[2];
- a[2] += a[26];
- a[26] = xr * enwindow[wp + -4 * 18 + 7];
- xr = a[27] - a[3];
- a[3] += a[27];
- a[27] = xr * enwindow[wp + -4 * 18 + 7];
- xr = a[24] - a[4];
- a[4] += a[24];
- a[24] = xr * enwindow[wp + -6 * 18 + 7];
- xr = a[25] - a[5];
- a[5] += a[25];
- a[25] = xr * enwindow[wp + -6 * 18 + 7];
- xr = a[22] - a[6];
- a[6] += a[22];
- a[22] = xr * Util.SQRT2;
- xr = a[23] - a[7];
- a[7] += a[23];
- a[23] = xr * Util.SQRT2 - a[7];
- a[7] -= a[6];
- a[22] -= a[7];
- a[23] -= a[22];
- xr = a[6];
- a[6] = a[31] - xr;
- a[31] = a[31] + xr;
- xr = a[7];
- a[7] = a[30] - xr;
- a[30] = a[30] + xr;
- xr = a[22];
- a[22] = a[15] - xr;
- a[15] = a[15] + xr;
- xr = a[23];
- a[23] = a[14] - xr;
- a[14] = a[14] + xr;
- xr = a[20] - a[8];
- a[8] += a[20];
- a[20] = xr * enwindow[wp + -10 * 18 + 7];
- xr = a[21] - a[9];
- a[9] += a[21];
- a[21] = xr * enwindow[wp + -10 * 18 + 7];
- xr = a[18] - a[10];
- a[10] += a[18];
- a[18] = xr * enwindow[wp + -12 * 18 + 7];
- xr = a[19] - a[11];
- a[11] += a[19];
- a[19] = xr * enwindow[wp + -12 * 18 + 7];
- xr = a[16] - a[12];
- a[12] += a[16];
- a[16] = xr * enwindow[wp + -14 * 18 + 7];
- xr = a[17] - a[13];
- a[13] += a[17];
- a[17] = xr * enwindow[wp + -14 * 18 + 7];
- xr = -a[20] + a[24];
- a[20] += a[24];
- a[24] = xr * enwindow[wp + -12 * 18 + 7];
- xr = -a[21] + a[25];
- a[21] += a[25];
- a[25] = xr * enwindow[wp + -12 * 18 + 7];
- xr = a[4] - a[8];
- a[4] += a[8];
- a[8] = xr * enwindow[wp + -12 * 18 + 7];
- xr = a[5] - a[9];
- a[5] += a[9];
- a[9] = xr * enwindow[wp + -12 * 18 + 7];
- xr = a[0] - a[12];
- a[0] += a[12];
- a[12] = xr * enwindow[wp + -4 * 18 + 7];
- xr = a[1] - a[13];
- a[1] += a[13];
- a[13] = xr * enwindow[wp + -4 * 18 + 7];
- xr = a[16] - a[28];
- a[16] += a[28];
- a[28] = xr * enwindow[wp + -4 * 18 + 7];
- xr = -a[17] + a[29];
- a[17] += a[29];
- a[29] = xr * enwindow[wp + -4 * 18 + 7];
- xr = Util.SQRT2 * (a[2] - a[10]);
- a[2] += a[10];
- a[10] = xr;
- xr = Util.SQRT2 * (a[3] - a[11]);
- a[3] += a[11];
- a[11] = xr;
- xr = Util.SQRT2 * (-a[18] + a[26]);
- a[18] += a[26];
- a[26] = xr - a[18];
- xr = Util.SQRT2 * (-a[19] + a[27]);
- a[19] += a[27];
- a[27] = xr - a[19];
- xr = a[2];
- a[19] -= a[3];
- a[3] -= xr;
- a[2] = a[31] - xr;
- a[31] += xr;
- xr = a[3];
- a[11] -= a[19];
- a[18] -= xr;
- a[3] = a[30] - xr;
- a[30] += xr;
- xr = a[18];
- a[27] -= a[11];
- a[19] -= xr;
- a[18] = a[15] - xr;
- a[15] += xr;
- xr = a[19];
- a[10] -= xr;
- a[19] = a[14] - xr;
- a[14] += xr;
- xr = a[10];
- a[11] -= xr;
- a[10] = a[23] - xr;
- a[23] += xr;
- xr = a[11];
- a[26] -= xr;
- a[11] = a[22] - xr;
- a[22] += xr;
- xr = a[26];
- a[27] -= xr;
- a[26] = a[7] - xr;
- a[7] += xr;
- xr = a[27];
- a[27] = a[6] - xr;
- a[6] += xr;
- xr = Util.SQRT2 * (a[0] - a[4]);
- a[0] += a[4];
- a[4] = xr;
- xr = Util.SQRT2 * (a[1] - a[5]);
- a[1] += a[5];
- a[5] = xr;
- xr = Util.SQRT2 * (a[16] - a[20]);
- a[16] += a[20];
- a[20] = xr;
- xr = Util.SQRT2 * (a[17] - a[21]);
- a[17] += a[21];
- a[21] = xr;
- xr = -Util.SQRT2 * (a[8] - a[12]);
- a[8] += a[12];
- a[12] = xr - a[8];
- xr = -Util.SQRT2 * (a[9] - a[13]);
- a[9] += a[13];
- a[13] = xr - a[9];
- xr = -Util.SQRT2 * (a[25] - a[29]);
- a[25] += a[29];
- a[29] = xr - a[25];
- xr = -Util.SQRT2 * (a[24] + a[28]);
- a[24] -= a[28];
- a[28] = xr - a[24];
- xr = a[24] - a[16];
- a[24] = xr;
- xr = a[20] - xr;
- a[20] = xr;
- xr = a[28] - xr;
- a[28] = xr;
- xr = a[25] - a[17];
- a[25] = xr;
- xr = a[21] - xr;
- a[21] = xr;
- xr = a[29] - xr;
- a[29] = xr;
- xr = a[17] - a[1];
- a[17] = xr;
- xr = a[9] - xr;
- a[9] = xr;
- xr = a[25] - xr;
- a[25] = xr;
- xr = a[5] - xr;
- a[5] = xr;
- xr = a[21] - xr;
- a[21] = xr;
- xr = a[13] - xr;
- a[13] = xr;
- xr = a[29] - xr;
- a[29] = xr;
- xr = a[1] - a[0];
- a[1] = xr;
- xr = a[16] - xr;
- a[16] = xr;
- xr = a[17] - xr;
- a[17] = xr;
- xr = a[8] - xr;
- a[8] = xr;
- xr = a[9] - xr;
- a[9] = xr;
- xr = a[24] - xr;
- a[24] = xr;
- xr = a[25] - xr;
- a[25] = xr;
- xr = a[4] - xr;
- a[4] = xr;
- xr = a[5] - xr;
- a[5] = xr;
- xr = a[20] - xr;
- a[20] = xr;
- xr = a[21] - xr;
- a[21] = xr;
- xr = a[12] - xr;
- a[12] = xr;
- xr = a[13] - xr;
- a[13] = xr;
- xr = a[28] - xr;
- a[28] = xr;
- xr = a[29] - xr;
- a[29] = xr;
- xr = a[0];
- a[0] += a[31];
- a[31] -= xr;
- xr = a[1];
- a[1] += a[30];
- a[30] -= xr;
- xr = a[16];
- a[16] += a[15];
- a[15] -= xr;
- xr = a[17];
- a[17] += a[14];
- a[14] -= xr;
- xr = a[8];
- a[8] += a[23];
- a[23] -= xr;
- xr = a[9];
- a[9] += a[22];
- a[22] -= xr;
- xr = a[24];
- a[24] += a[7];
- a[7] -= xr;
- xr = a[25];
- a[25] += a[6];
- a[6] -= xr;
- xr = a[4];
- a[4] += a[27];
- a[27] -= xr;
- xr = a[5];
- a[5] += a[26];
- a[26] -= xr;
- xr = a[20];
- a[20] += a[11];
- a[11] -= xr;
- xr = a[21];
- a[21] += a[10];
- a[10] -= xr;
- xr = a[12];
- a[12] += a[19];
- a[19] -= xr;
- xr = a[13];
- a[13] += a[18];
- a[18] -= xr;
- xr = a[28];
- a[28] += a[3];
- a[3] -= xr;
- xr = a[29];
- a[29] += a[2];
- a[2] -= xr;
- }
- }
- /**
- * Function: Calculation of the MDCT In the case of long blocks (type 0,1,3)
- * there are 36 coefficents in the time domain and 18 in the frequency
- * domain.<BR>
- * In the case of short blocks (type 2) there are 3 transformations with
- * short length. This leads to 12 coefficents in the time and 6 in the
- * frequency domain. In this case the results are stored side by side in the
- * vector out[].
- *
- * New layer3
- */
- function mdct_short(inout, inoutPos) {
- for (var l = 0; l < 3; l++) {
- var tc0, tc1, tc2, ts0, ts1, ts2;
- ts0 = inout[inoutPos + 2 * 3] * win[Encoder.SHORT_TYPE][0]
- - inout[inoutPos + 5 * 3];
- tc0 = inout[inoutPos + 0 * 3] * win[Encoder.SHORT_TYPE][2]
- - inout[inoutPos + 3 * 3];
- tc1 = ts0 + tc0;
- tc2 = ts0 - tc0;
- ts0 = inout[inoutPos + 5 * 3] * win[Encoder.SHORT_TYPE][0]
- + inout[inoutPos + 2 * 3];
- tc0 = inout[inoutPos + 3 * 3] * win[Encoder.SHORT_TYPE][2]
- + inout[inoutPos + 0 * 3];
- ts1 = ts0 + tc0;
- ts2 = -ts0 + tc0;
- tc0 = (inout[inoutPos + 1 * 3] * win[Encoder.SHORT_TYPE][1] - inout[inoutPos + 4 * 3]) * 2.069978111953089e-11;
- /*
- * tritab_s [ 1 ]
- */
- ts0 = (inout[inoutPos + 4 * 3] * win[Encoder.SHORT_TYPE][1] + inout[inoutPos + 1 * 3]) * 2.069978111953089e-11;
- /*
- * tritab_s [ 1 ]
- */
- inout[inoutPos + 3 * 0] = tc1 * 1.907525191737280e-11 + tc0;
- /*
- * tritab_s[ 2 ]
- */
- inout[inoutPos + 3 * 5] = -ts1 * 1.907525191737280e-11 + ts0;
- /*
- * tritab_s[0 ]
- */
- tc2 = tc2 * 0.86602540378443870761 * 1.907525191737281e-11;
- /*
- * tritab_s[ 2]
- */
- ts1 = ts1 * 0.5 * 1.907525191737281e-11 + ts0;
- inout[inoutPos + 3 * 1] = tc2 - ts1;
- inout[inoutPos + 3 * 2] = tc2 + ts1;
- tc1 = tc1 * 0.5 * 1.907525191737281e-11 - tc0;
- ts2 = ts2 * 0.86602540378443870761 * 1.907525191737281e-11;
- /*
- * tritab_s[ 0]
- */
- inout[inoutPos + 3 * 3] = tc1 + ts2;
- inout[inoutPos + 3 * 4] = tc1 - ts2;
- inoutPos++;
- }
- }
- function mdct_long(out, outPos, _in) {
- var ct, st;
- {
- var tc1, tc2, tc3, tc4, ts5, ts6, ts7, ts8;
- /* 1,2, 5,6, 9,10, 13,14, 17 */
- tc1 = _in[17] - _in[9];
- tc3 = _in[15] - _in[11];
- tc4 = _in[14] - _in[12];
- ts5 = _in[0] + _in[8];
- ts6 = _in[1] + _in[7];
- ts7 = _in[2] + _in[6];
- ts8 = _in[3] + _in[5];
- out[outPos + 17] = (ts5 + ts7 - ts8) - (ts6 - _in[4]);
- st = (ts5 + ts7 - ts8) * cx[12 + 7] + (ts6 - _in[4]);
- ct = (tc1 - tc3 - tc4) * cx[12 + 6];
- out[outPos + 5] = ct + st;
- out[outPos + 6] = ct - st;
- tc2 = (_in[16] - _in[10]) * cx[12 + 6];
- ts6 = ts6 * cx[12 + 7] + _in[4];
- ct = tc1 * cx[12 + 0] + tc2 + tc3 * cx[12 + 1] + tc4 * cx[12 + 2];
- st = -ts5 * cx[12 + 4] + ts6 - ts7 * cx[12 + 5] + ts8 * cx[12 + 3];
- out[outPos + 1] = ct + st;
- out[outPos + 2] = ct - st;
- ct = tc1 * cx[12 + 1] - tc2 - tc3 * cx[12 + 2] + tc4 * cx[12 + 0];
- st = -ts5 * cx[12 + 5] + ts6 - ts7 * cx[12 + 3] + ts8 * cx[12 + 4];
- out[outPos + 9] = ct + st;
- out[outPos + 10] = ct - st;
- ct = tc1 * cx[12 + 2] - tc2 + tc3 * cx[12 + 0] - tc4 * cx[12 + 1];
- st = ts5 * cx[12 + 3] - ts6 + ts7 * cx[12 + 4] - ts8 * cx[12 + 5];
- out[outPos + 13] = ct + st;
- out[outPos + 14] = ct - st;
- }
- {
- var ts1, ts2, ts3, ts4, tc5, tc6, tc7, tc8;
- ts1 = _in[8] - _in[0];
- ts3 = _in[6] - _in[2];
- ts4 = _in[5] - _in[3];
- tc5 = _in[17] + _in[9];
- tc6 = _in[16] + _in[10];
- tc7 = _in[15] + _in[11];
- tc8 = _in[14] + _in[12];
- out[outPos + 0] = (tc5 + tc7 + tc8) + (tc6 + _in[13]);
- ct = (tc5 + tc7 + tc8) * cx[12 + 7] - (tc6 + _in[13]);
- st = (ts1 - ts3 + ts4) * cx[12 + 6];
- out[outPos + 11] = ct + st;
- out[outPos + 12] = ct - st;
- ts2 = (_in[7] - _in[1]) * cx[12 + 6];
- tc6 = _in[13] - tc6 * cx[12 + 7];
- ct = tc5 * cx[12 + 3] - tc6 + tc7 * cx[12 + 4] + tc8 * cx[12 + 5];
- st = ts1 * cx[12 + 2] + ts2 + ts3 * cx[12 + 0] + ts4 * cx[12 + 1];
- out[outPos + 3] = ct + st;
- out[outPos + 4] = ct - st;
- ct = -tc5 * cx[12 + 5] + tc6 - tc7 * cx[12 + 3] - tc8 * cx[12 + 4];
- st = ts1 * cx[12 + 1] + ts2 - ts3 * cx[12 + 2] - ts4 * cx[12 + 0];
- out[outPos + 7] = ct + st;
- out[outPos + 8] = ct - st;
- ct = -tc5 * cx[12 + 4] + tc6 - tc7 * cx[12 + 5] - tc8 * cx[12 + 3];
- st = ts1 * cx[12 + 0] - ts2 + ts3 * cx[12 + 1] - ts4 * cx[12 + 2];
- out[outPos + 15] = ct + st;
- out[outPos + 16] = ct - st;
- }
- }
- this.mdct_sub48 = function(gfc, w0, w1) {
- var wk = w0;
- var wkPos = 286;
- /* thinking cache performance, ch->gr loop is better than gr->ch loop */
- for (var ch = 0; ch < gfc.channels_out; ch++) {
- for (var gr = 0; gr < gfc.mode_gr; gr++) {
- var band;
- var gi = (gfc.l3_side.tt[gr][ch]);
- var mdct_enc = gi.xr;
- var mdct_encPos = 0;
- var samp = gfc.sb_sample[ch][1 - gr];
- var sampPos = 0;
- for (var k = 0; k < 18 / 2; k++) {
- window_subband(wk, wkPos, samp[sampPos]);
- window_subband(wk, wkPos + 32, samp[sampPos + 1]);
- sampPos += 2;
- wkPos += 64;
- /*
- * Compensate for inversion in the analysis filter
- */
- for (band = 1; band < 32; band += 2) {
- samp[sampPos - 1][band] *= -1;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Perform imdct of 18 previous subband samples + 18 current
- * subband samples
- */
- for (band = 0; band < 32; band++, mdct_encPos += 18) {
- var type = gi.block_type;
- var band0 = gfc.sb_sample[ch][gr];
- var band1 = gfc.sb_sample[ch][1 - gr];
- if (gi.mixed_block_flag != 0 && band < 2)
- type = 0;
- if (gfc.amp_filter[band] < 1e-12) {
- Arrays.fill(mdct_enc, mdct_encPos + 0,
- mdct_encPos + 18, 0);
- } else {
- if (gfc.amp_filter[band] < 1.0) {
- for (var k = 0; k < 18; k++)
- band1[k][order[band]] *= gfc.amp_filter[band];
- }
- if (type == Encoder.SHORT_TYPE) {
- for (var k = -NS / 4; k < 0; k++) {
- var w = win[Encoder.SHORT_TYPE][k + 3];
- mdct_enc[mdct_encPos + k * 3 + 9] = band0[9 + k][order[band]]
- * w - band0[8 - k][order[band]];
- mdct_enc[mdct_encPos + k * 3 + 18] = band0[14 - k][order[band]]
- * w + band0[15 + k][order[band]];
- mdct_enc[mdct_encPos + k * 3 + 10] = band0[15 + k][order[band]]
- * w - band0[14 - k][order[band]];
- mdct_enc[mdct_encPos + k * 3 + 19] = band1[2 - k][order[band]]
- * w + band1[3 + k][order[band]];
- mdct_enc[mdct_encPos + k * 3 + 11] = band1[3 + k][order[band]]
- * w - band1[2 - k][order[band]];
- mdct_enc[mdct_encPos + k * 3 + 20] = band1[8 - k][order[band]]
- * w + band1[9 + k][order[band]];
- }
- mdct_short(mdct_enc, mdct_encPos);
- } else {
- var work = new_float(18);
- for (var k = -NL / 4; k < 0; k++) {
- var a, b;
- a = win[type][k + 27]
- * band1[k + 9][order[band]]
- + win[type][k + 36]
- * band1[8 - k][order[band]];
- b = win[type][k + 9]
- * band0[k + 9][order[band]]
- - win[type][k + 18]
- * band0[8 - k][order[band]];
- work[k + 9] = a - b * tantab_l[3 + k + 9];
- work[k + 18] = a * tantab_l[3 + k + 9] + b;
- }
- mdct_long(mdct_enc, mdct_encPos, work);
- }
- }
- /*
- * Perform aliasing reduction butterfly
- */
- if (type != Encoder.SHORT_TYPE && band != 0) {
- for (var k = 7; k >= 0; --k) {
- var bu, bd;
- bu = mdct_enc[mdct_encPos + k] * ca[20 + k]
- + mdct_enc[mdct_encPos + -1 - k]
- * cs[28 + k];
- bd = mdct_enc[mdct_encPos + k] * cs[28 + k]
- - mdct_enc[mdct_encPos + -1 - k]
- * ca[20 + k];
- mdct_enc[mdct_encPos + -1 - k] = bu;
- mdct_enc[mdct_encPos + k] = bd;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- wk = w1;
- wkPos = 286;
- if (gfc.mode_gr == 1) {
- for (var i = 0; i < 18; i++) {
- System.arraycopy(gfc.sb_sample[ch][1][i], 0,
- gfc.sb_sample[ch][0][i], 0, 32);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- //package mp3;
- function III_psy_ratio() {
- this.thm = new III_psy_xmin();
- this.en = new III_psy_xmin();
- }
- /**
- * ENCDELAY The encoder delay.
- *
- * Minimum allowed is MDCTDELAY (see below)
- *
- * The first 96 samples will be attenuated, so using a value less than 96
- * will result in corrupt data for the first 96-ENCDELAY samples.
- *
- * suggested: 576 set to 1160 to sync with FhG.
- */
- Encoder.ENCDELAY = 576;
- /**
- * make sure there is at least one complete frame after the last frame
- * containing real data
- *
- * Using a value of 288 would be sufficient for a a very sophisticated
- * decoder that can decode granule-by-granule instead of frame by frame. But
- * lets not assume this, and assume the decoder will not decode frame N
- * unless it also has data for frame N+1
- */
- Encoder.POSTDELAY = 1152;
- /**
- * delay of the MDCT used in mdct.c original ISO routines had a delay of
- * 528! Takehiro's routines:
- */
- Encoder.MDCTDELAY = 48;
- Encoder.FFTOFFSET = (224 + Encoder.MDCTDELAY);
- /**
- * Most decoders, including the one we use, have a delay of 528 samples.
- */
- Encoder.DECDELAY = 528;
- /**
- * number of subbands
- */
- Encoder.SBLIMIT = 32;
- /**
- * parition bands bands
- */
- Encoder.CBANDS = 64;
- /**
- * number of critical bands/scale factor bands where masking is computed
- */
- Encoder.SBPSY_l = 21;
- Encoder.SBPSY_s = 12;
- /**
- * total number of scalefactor bands encoded
- */
- Encoder.SBMAX_l = 22;
- Encoder.SBMAX_s = 13;
- Encoder.PSFB21 = 6;
- Encoder.PSFB12 = 6;
- /**
- * FFT sizes
- */
- Encoder.BLKSIZE = 1024;
- Encoder.HBLKSIZE = (Encoder.BLKSIZE / 2 + 1);
- Encoder.BLKSIZE_s = 256;
- Encoder.HBLKSIZE_s = (Encoder.BLKSIZE_s / 2 + 1);
- Encoder.NORM_TYPE = 0;
- Encoder.START_TYPE = 1;
- Encoder.SHORT_TYPE = 2;
- Encoder.STOP_TYPE = 3;
- /**
- * <PRE>
- * Mode Extention:
- * When we are in stereo mode, there are 4 possible methods to store these
- * two channels. The stereo modes -m? are using a subset of them.
- *
- * -ms: MPG_MD_LR_LR
- * -mj: MPG_MD_LR_LR and MPG_MD_MS_LR
- * -mf: MPG_MD_MS_LR
- * -mi: all
- * </PRE>
- */
- Encoder.MPG_MD_LR_LR = 0;
- Encoder.MPG_MD_LR_I = 1;
- Encoder.MPG_MD_MS_LR = 2;
- Encoder.MPG_MD_MS_I = 3;
- Encoder.fircoef = [-0.0207887 * 5, -0.0378413 * 5,
- -0.0432472 * 5, -0.031183 * 5, 7.79609e-18 * 5, 0.0467745 * 5,
- 0.10091 * 5, 0.151365 * 5, 0.187098 * 5];
- function Encoder() {
- var MPG_MD_MS_LR = Encoder.MPG_MD_MS_LR;
- //BitStream bs;
- //PsyModel psy;
- //VBRTag vbr;
- //QuantizePVT qupvt;
- var bs = null;
- this.psy = null;
- var psy = null;
- var vbr = null;
- var qupvt = null;
- //public final void setModules(BitStream bs, PsyModel psy, QuantizePVT qupvt,
- // VBRTag vbr) {
- this.setModules = function (_bs, _psy, _qupvt, _vbr) {
- bs = _bs;
- this.psy = _psy;
- psy = _psy;
- vbr = _vbr;
- qupvt = _qupvt;
- };
- var newMDCT = new NewMDCT();
- /***********************************************************************
- *
- * encoder and decoder delays
- *
- ***********************************************************************/
- /**
- * <PRE>
- * layer III enc->dec delay: 1056 (1057?) (observed)
- * layer II enc->dec delay: 480 (481?) (observed)
- *
- * polyphase 256-16 (dec or enc) = 240
- * mdct 256+32 (9*32) (dec or enc) = 288
- * total: 512+16
- *
- * My guess is that delay of polyphase filterbank is actualy 240.5
- * (there are technical reasons for this, see postings in mp3encoder).
- * So total Encode+Decode delay = ENCDELAY + 528 + 1
- * </PRE>
- */
- /**
- * auto-adjust of ATH, useful for low volume Gabriel Bouvigne 3 feb 2001
- *
- * modifies some values in gfp.internal_flags.ATH (gfc.ATH)
- */
- //private void adjust_ATH(final LameInternalFlags gfc) {
- function adjust_ATH(gfc) {
- var gr2_max, max_pow;
- if (gfc.ATH.useAdjust == 0) {
- gfc.ATH.adjust = 1.0;
- /* no adjustment */
- return;
- }
- /* jd - 2001 mar 12, 27, jun 30 */
- /* loudness based on equal loudness curve; */
- /* use granule with maximum combined loudness */
- max_pow = gfc.loudness_sq[0][0];
- gr2_max = gfc.loudness_sq[1][0];
- if (gfc.channels_out == 2) {
- max_pow += gfc.loudness_sq[0][1];
- gr2_max += gfc.loudness_sq[1][1];
- } else {
- max_pow += max_pow;
- gr2_max += gr2_max;
- }
- if (gfc.mode_gr == 2) {
- max_pow = Math.max(max_pow, gr2_max);
- }
- max_pow *= 0.5;
- /* max_pow approaches 1.0 for full band noise */
- /* jd - 2001 mar 31, jun 30 */
- /* user tuning of ATH adjustment region */
- max_pow *= gfc.ATH.aaSensitivityP;
- /*
- * adjust ATH depending on range of maximum value
- */
- /* jd - 2001 feb27, mar12,20, jun30, jul22 */
- /* continuous curves based on approximation */
- /* to GB's original values. */
- /* For an increase in approximate loudness, */
- /* set ATH adjust to adjust_limit immediately */
- /* after a delay of one frame. */
- /* For a loudness decrease, reduce ATH adjust */
- /* towards adjust_limit gradually. */
- /* max_pow is a loudness squared or a power. */
- if (max_pow > 0.03125) { /* ((1 - 0.000625)/ 31.98) from curve below */
- if (gfc.ATH.adjust >= 1.0) {
- gfc.ATH.adjust = 1.0;
- } else {
- /* preceding frame has lower ATH adjust; */
- /* ascend only to the preceding adjust_limit */
- /* in case there is leading low volume */
- if (gfc.ATH.adjust < gfc.ATH.adjustLimit) {
- gfc.ATH.adjust = gfc.ATH.adjustLimit;
- }
- }
- gfc.ATH.adjustLimit = 1.0;
- } else { /* adjustment curve */
- /* about 32 dB maximum adjust (0.000625) */
- var adj_lim_new = 31.98 * max_pow + 0.000625;
- if (gfc.ATH.adjust >= adj_lim_new) { /* descend gradually */
- gfc.ATH.adjust *= adj_lim_new * 0.075 + 0.925;
- if (gfc.ATH.adjust < adj_lim_new) { /* stop descent */
- gfc.ATH.adjust = adj_lim_new;
- }
- } else { /* ascend */
- if (gfc.ATH.adjustLimit >= adj_lim_new) {
- gfc.ATH.adjust = adj_lim_new;
- } else {
- /* preceding frame has lower ATH adjust; */
- /* ascend only to the preceding adjust_limit */
- if (gfc.ATH.adjust < gfc.ATH.adjustLimit) {
- gfc.ATH.adjust = gfc.ATH.adjustLimit;
- }
- }
- }
- gfc.ATH.adjustLimit = adj_lim_new;
- }
- }
- /**
- * <PRE>
- * some simple statistics
- *
- * bitrate index 0: free bitrate . not allowed in VBR mode
- * : bitrates, kbps depending on MPEG version
- * bitrate index 15: forbidden
- *
- * mode_ext:
- * 0: LR
- * 1: LR-i
- * 2: MS
- * 3: MS-i
- * </PRE>
- */
- function updateStats(gfc) {
- var gr, ch;
- /* count bitrate indices */
- gfc.bitrate_stereoMode_Hist[gfc.bitrate_index][4]++;
- gfc.bitrate_stereoMode_Hist[15][4]++;
- /* count 'em for every mode extension in case of 2 channel encoding */
- if (gfc.channels_out == 2) {
- gfc.bitrate_stereoMode_Hist[gfc.bitrate_index][gfc.mode_ext]++;
- gfc.bitrate_stereoMode_Hist[15][gfc.mode_ext]++;
- }
- for (gr = 0; gr < gfc.mode_gr; ++gr) {
- for (ch = 0; ch < gfc.channels_out; ++ch) {
- var bt = gfc.l3_side.tt[gr][ch].block_type | 0;
- if (gfc.l3_side.tt[gr][ch].mixed_block_flag != 0)
- bt = 4;
- gfc.bitrate_blockType_Hist[gfc.bitrate_index][bt]++;
- gfc.bitrate_blockType_Hist[gfc.bitrate_index][5]++;
- gfc.bitrate_blockType_Hist[15][bt]++;
- gfc.bitrate_blockType_Hist[15][5]++;
- }
- }
- }
- function lame_encode_frame_init(gfp, inbuf) {
- var gfc = gfp.internal_flags;
- var ch, gr;
- if (gfc.lame_encode_frame_init == 0) {
- /* prime the MDCT/polyphase filterbank with a short block */
- var i, j;
- var primebuff0 = new_float(286 + 1152 + 576);
- var primebuff1 = new_float(286 + 1152 + 576);
- gfc.lame_encode_frame_init = 1;
- for (i = 0, j = 0; i < 286 + 576 * (1 + gfc.mode_gr); ++i) {
- if (i < 576 * gfc.mode_gr) {
- primebuff0[i] = 0;
- if (gfc.channels_out == 2)
- primebuff1[i] = 0;
- } else {
- primebuff0[i] = inbuf[0][j];
- if (gfc.channels_out == 2)
- primebuff1[i] = inbuf[1][j];
- ++j;
- }
- }
- /* polyphase filtering / mdct */
- for (gr = 0; gr < gfc.mode_gr; gr++) {
- for (ch = 0; ch < gfc.channels_out; ch++) {
- gfc.l3_side.tt[gr][ch].block_type = Encoder.SHORT_TYPE;
- }
- }
- newMDCT.mdct_sub48(gfc, primebuff0, primebuff1);
- /* check FFT will not use a negative starting offset */
- /* check if we have enough data for FFT */
- /* check if we have enough data for polyphase filterbank */
- }
- }
- /**
- * <PRE>
- * encodeframe() Layer 3
- *
- * encode a single frame
- *
- *
- * lame_encode_frame()
- *
- *
- * gr 0 gr 1
- * inbuf: |--------------|--------------|--------------|
- *
- *
- * Polyphase (18 windows, each shifted 32)
- * gr 0:
- * window1 <----512---.
- * window18 <----512---.
- *
- * gr 1:
- * window1 <----512---.
- * window18 <----512---.
- *
- *
- *
- * MDCT output: |--------------|--------------|--------------|
- *
- * FFT's <---------1024---------.
- * <---------1024-------.
- *
- *
- *
- * inbuf = buffer of PCM data size=MP3 framesize
- * encoder acts on inbuf[ch][0], but output is delayed by MDCTDELAY
- * so the MDCT coefficints are from inbuf[ch][-MDCTDELAY]
- *
- * psy-model FFT has a 1 granule delay, so we feed it data for the
- * next granule.
- * FFT is centered over granule: 224+576+224
- * So FFT starts at: 576-224-MDCTDELAY
- *
- * MPEG2: FFT ends at: BLKSIZE+576-224-MDCTDELAY (1328)
- * MPEG1: FFT ends at: BLKSIZE+2*576-224-MDCTDELAY (1904)
- *
- * MPEG2: polyphase first window: [0..511]
- * 18th window: [544..1055] (1056)
- * MPEG1: 36th window: [1120..1631] (1632)
- * data needed: 512+framesize-32
- *
- * A close look newmdct.c shows that the polyphase filterbank
- * only uses data from [0..510] for each window. Perhaps because the window
- * used by the filterbank is zero for the last point, so Takehiro's
- * code doesn't bother to compute with it.
- *
- * FFT starts at 576-224-MDCTDELAY (304) = 576-FFTOFFSET
- *
- * </PRE>
- */
- this.lame_encode_mp3_frame = function (gfp, inbuf_l, inbuf_r, mp3buf, mp3bufPos, mp3buf_size) {
- var mp3count;
- var masking_LR = new_array_n([2, 2]);
- /*
- * LR masking &
- * energy
- */
- masking_LR[0][0] = new III_psy_ratio();
- masking_LR[0][1] = new III_psy_ratio();
- masking_LR[1][0] = new III_psy_ratio();
- masking_LR[1][1] = new III_psy_ratio();
- var masking_MS = new_array_n([2, 2]);
- /* MS masking & energy */
- masking_MS[0][0] = new III_psy_ratio();
- masking_MS[0][1] = new III_psy_ratio();
- masking_MS[1][0] = new III_psy_ratio();
- masking_MS[1][1] = new III_psy_ratio();
- //III_psy_ratio masking[][];
- var masking;
- /* pointer to selected maskings */
- var inbuf = [null, null];
- var gfc = gfp.internal_flags;
- var tot_ener = new_float_n([2, 4]);
- var ms_ener_ratio = [.5, .5];
- var pe = [[0., 0.], [0., 0.]];
- var pe_MS = [[0., 0.], [0., 0.]];
- //float[][] pe_use;
- var pe_use;
- var ch, gr;
- inbuf[0] = inbuf_l;
- inbuf[1] = inbuf_r;
- if (gfc.lame_encode_frame_init == 0) {
- /* first run? */
- lame_encode_frame_init(gfp, inbuf);
- }
- /********************** padding *****************************/
- /**
- * <PRE>
- * padding method as described in
- * "MPEG-Layer3 / Bitstream Syntax and Decoding"
- * by Martin Sieler, Ralph Sperschneider
- *
- * note: there is no padding for the very first frame
- *
- * Robert Hegemann 2000-06-22
- * </PRE>
- */
- gfc.padding = 0;
- if ((gfc.slot_lag -= gfc.frac_SpF) < 0) {
- gfc.slot_lag += gfp.out_samplerate;
- gfc.padding = 1;
- }
- /****************************************
- * Stage 1: psychoacoustic model *
- ****************************************/
- if (gfc.psymodel != 0) {
- /*
- * psychoacoustic model psy model has a 1 granule (576) delay that
- * we must compensate for (mt 6/99).
- */
- var ret;
- var bufp = [null, null];
- /* address of beginning of left & right granule */
- var bufpPos = 0;
- /* address of beginning of left & right granule */
- var blocktype = new_int(2);
- for (gr = 0; gr < gfc.mode_gr; gr++) {
- for (ch = 0; ch < gfc.channels_out; ch++) {
- bufp[ch] = inbuf[ch];
- bufpPos = 576 + gr * 576 - Encoder.FFTOFFSET;
- }
- if (gfp.VBR == VbrMode.vbr_mtrh || gfp.VBR == VbrMode.vbr_mt) {
- ret = psy.L3psycho_anal_vbr(gfp, bufp, bufpPos, gr,
- masking_LR, masking_MS, pe[gr], pe_MS[gr],
- tot_ener[gr], blocktype);
- } else {
- ret = psy.L3psycho_anal_ns(gfp, bufp, bufpPos, gr,
- masking_LR, masking_MS, pe[gr], pe_MS[gr],
- tot_ener[gr], blocktype);
- }
- if (ret != 0)
- return -4;
- if (gfp.mode == MPEGMode.JOINT_STEREO) {
- ms_ener_ratio[gr] = tot_ener[gr][2] + tot_ener[gr][3];
- if (ms_ener_ratio[gr] > 0)
- ms_ener_ratio[gr] = tot_ener[gr][3] / ms_ener_ratio[gr];
- }
- /* block type flags */
- for (ch = 0; ch < gfc.channels_out; ch++) {
- var cod_info = gfc.l3_side.tt[gr][ch];
- cod_info.block_type = blocktype[ch];
- cod_info.mixed_block_flag = 0;
- }
- }
- } else {
- /* no psy model */
- for (gr = 0; gr < gfc.mode_gr; gr++)
- for (ch = 0; ch < gfc.channels_out; ch++) {
- gfc.l3_side.tt[gr][ch].block_type = Encoder.NORM_TYPE;
- gfc.l3_side.tt[gr][ch].mixed_block_flag = 0;
- pe_MS[gr][ch] = pe[gr][ch] = 700;
- }
- }
- /* auto-adjust of ATH, useful for low volume */
- adjust_ATH(gfc);
- /****************************************
- * Stage 2: MDCT *
- ****************************************/
- /* polyphase filtering / mdct */
- newMDCT.mdct_sub48(gfc, inbuf[0], inbuf[1]);
- /****************************************
- * Stage 3: MS/LR decision *
- ****************************************/
- /* Here will be selected MS or LR coding of the 2 stereo channels */
- gfc.mode_ext = Encoder.MPG_MD_LR_LR;
- if (gfp.force_ms) {
- gfc.mode_ext = Encoder.MPG_MD_MS_LR;
- } else if (gfp.mode == MPEGMode.JOINT_STEREO) {
- /*
- * ms_ratio = is scaled, for historical reasons, to look like a
- * ratio of side_channel / total. 0 = signal is 100% mono .5 = L & R
- * uncorrelated
- */
- /**
- * <PRE>
- * [0] and [1] are the results for the two granules in MPEG-1,
- * in MPEG-2 it's only a faked averaging of the same value
- * _prev is the value of the last granule of the previous frame
- * _next is the value of the first granule of the next frame
- * </PRE>
- */
- var sum_pe_MS = 0.;
- var sum_pe_LR = 0.;
- for (gr = 0; gr < gfc.mode_gr; gr++) {
- for (ch = 0; ch < gfc.channels_out; ch++) {
- sum_pe_MS += pe_MS[gr][ch];
- sum_pe_LR += pe[gr][ch];
- }
- }
- /* based on PE: M/S coding would not use much more bits than L/R */
- if (sum_pe_MS <= 1.00 * sum_pe_LR) {
- var gi0 = gfc.l3_side.tt[0];
- var gi1 = gfc.l3_side.tt[gfc.mode_gr - 1];
- if (gi0[0].block_type == gi0[1].block_type
- && gi1[0].block_type == gi1[1].block_type) {
- gfc.mode_ext = Encoder.MPG_MD_MS_LR;
- }
- }
- }
- /* bit and noise allocation */
- if (gfc.mode_ext == MPG_MD_MS_LR) {
- masking = masking_MS;
- /* use MS masking */
- pe_use = pe_MS;
- } else {
- masking = masking_LR;
- /* use LR masking */
- pe_use = pe;
- }
- /* copy data for MP3 frame analyzer */
- if (gfp.analysis && gfc.pinfo != null) {
- for (gr = 0; gr < gfc.mode_gr; gr++) {
- for (ch = 0; ch < gfc.channels_out; ch++) {
- gfc.pinfo.ms_ratio[gr] = gfc.ms_ratio[gr];
- gfc.pinfo.ms_ener_ratio[gr] = ms_ener_ratio[gr];
- gfc.pinfo.blocktype[gr][ch] = gfc.l3_side.tt[gr][ch].block_type;
- gfc.pinfo.pe[gr][ch] = pe_use[gr][ch];
- System.arraycopy(gfc.l3_side.tt[gr][ch].xr, 0,
- gfc.pinfo.xr[gr][ch], 0, 576);
- /*
- * in psymodel, LR and MS data was stored in pinfo. switch
- * to MS data:
- */
- if (gfc.mode_ext == MPG_MD_MS_LR) {
- gfc.pinfo.ers[gr][ch] = gfc.pinfo.ers[gr][ch + 2];
- System.arraycopy(gfc.pinfo.energy[gr][ch + 2], 0,
- gfc.pinfo.energy[gr][ch], 0,
- gfc.pinfo.energy[gr][ch].length);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /****************************************
- * Stage 4: quantization loop *
- ****************************************/
- if (gfp.VBR == VbrMode.vbr_off || gfp.VBR == VbrMode.vbr_abr) {
- var i;
- var f;
- for (i = 0; i < 18; i++)
- gfc.nsPsy.pefirbuf[i] = gfc.nsPsy.pefirbuf[i + 1];
- f = 0.0;
- for (gr = 0; gr < gfc.mode_gr; gr++)
- for (ch = 0; ch < gfc.channels_out; ch++)
- f += pe_use[gr][ch];
- gfc.nsPsy.pefirbuf[18] = f;
- f = gfc.nsPsy.pefirbuf[9];
- for (i = 0; i < 9; i++)
- f += (gfc.nsPsy.pefirbuf[i] + gfc.nsPsy.pefirbuf[18 - i])
- * Encoder.fircoef[i];
- f = (670 * 5 * gfc.mode_gr * gfc.channels_out) / f;
- for (gr = 0; gr < gfc.mode_gr; gr++) {
- for (ch = 0; ch < gfc.channels_out; ch++) {
- pe_use[gr][ch] *= f;
- }
- }
- }
- gfc.iteration_loop.iteration_loop(gfp, pe_use, ms_ener_ratio, masking);
- /****************************************
- * Stage 5: bitstream formatting *
- ****************************************/
- /* write the frame to the bitstream */
- bs.format_bitstream(gfp);
- /* copy mp3 bit buffer into array */
- mp3count = bs.copy_buffer(gfc, mp3buf, mp3bufPos, mp3buf_size, 1);
- if (gfp.bWriteVbrTag)
- vbr.addVbrFrame(gfp);
- if (gfp.analysis && gfc.pinfo != null) {
- for (ch = 0; ch < gfc.channels_out; ch++) {
- var j;
- for (j = 0; j < FFTOFFSET; j++)
- gfc.pinfo.pcmdata[ch][j] = gfc.pinfo.pcmdata[ch][j
- + gfp.framesize];
- for (j = FFTOFFSET; j < 1600; j++) {
- gfc.pinfo.pcmdata[ch][j] = inbuf[ch][j - FFTOFFSET];
- }
- }
- qupvt.set_frame_pinfo(gfp, masking);
- }
- updateStats(gfc);
- return mp3count;
- }
- }
- //package mp3;
- function VBRSeekInfo() {
- /**
- * What we have seen so far.
- */
- this.sum = 0;
- /**
- * How many frames we have seen in this chunk.
- */
- this.seen = 0;
- /**
- * How many frames we want to collect into one chunk.
- */
- this.want = 0;
- /**
- * Actual position in our bag.
- */
- this.pos = 0;
- /**
- * Size of our bag.
- */
- this.size = 0;
- /**
- * Pointer to our bag.
- */
- this.bag = null;
- this.nVbrNumFrames = 0;
- this.nBytesWritten = 0;
- /* VBR tag data */
- this.TotalFrameSize = 0;
- }
- function IIISideInfo() {
- this.tt = [[null, null], [null, null]];
- this.main_data_begin = 0;
- this.private_bits = 0;
- this.resvDrain_pre = 0;
- this.resvDrain_post = 0;
- this.scfsi = [new_int(4), new_int(4)];
- for (var gr = 0; gr < 2; gr++) {
- for (var ch = 0; ch < 2; ch++) {
- this.tt[gr][ch] = new GrInfo();
- }
- }
- }
- //package mp3;
- /**
- * Variables used for --nspsytune
- *
- * @author Ken
- *
- */
- function NsPsy() {
- this.last_en_subshort = new_float_n([4, 9]);
- this.lastAttacks = new_int(4);
- this.pefirbuf = new_float(19);
- this.longfact = new_float(Encoder.SBMAX_l);
- this.shortfact = new_float(Encoder.SBMAX_s);
- /**
- * short block tuning
- */
- this.attackthre = 0.;
- this.attackthre_s = 0.;
- }
- function III_psy_xmin() {
- this.l = new_float(Encoder.SBMAX_l);
- this.s = new_float_n([Encoder.SBMAX_s, 3]);
- var self = this;
- this.assign = function (iii_psy_xmin) {
- System.arraycopy(iii_psy_xmin.l, 0, self.l, 0, Encoder.SBMAX_l);
- for (var i = 0; i < Encoder.SBMAX_s; i++) {
- for (var j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
- self.s[i][j] = iii_psy_xmin.s[i][j];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- LameInternalFlags.MFSIZE = (3 * 1152 + Encoder.ENCDELAY - Encoder.MDCTDELAY);
- LameInternalFlags.MAX_HEADER_BUF = 256;
- LameInternalFlags.MAX_BITS_PER_CHANNEL = 4095;
- LameInternalFlags.MAX_BITS_PER_GRANULE = 7680;
- LameInternalFlags.BPC = 320;
- function LameInternalFlags() {
- var MAX_HEADER_LEN = 40;
- /********************************************************************
- * internal variables NOT set by calling program, and should not be *
- * modified by the calling program *
- ********************************************************************/
- /**
- * Some remarks to the Class_ID field: The Class ID is an Identifier for a
- * pointer to this struct. It is very unlikely that a pointer to
- * lame_global_flags has the same 32 bits in it's structure (large and other
- * special properties, for instance prime).
- *
- * To test that the structure is right and initialized, use: if ( gfc .
- * Class_ID == LAME_ID ) ... Other remark: If you set a flag to 0 for uninit
- * data and 1 for init data, the right test should be "if (flag == 1)" and
- * NOT "if (flag)". Unintended modification of this element will be
- * otherwise misinterpreted as an init.
- */
- this.Class_ID = 0;
- this.lame_encode_frame_init = 0;
- this.iteration_init_init = 0;
- this.fill_buffer_resample_init = 0;
- //public float mfbuf[][] = new float[2][MFSIZE];
- this.mfbuf = new_float_n([2, LameInternalFlags.MFSIZE]);
- /**
- * granules per frame
- */
- this.mode_gr = 0;
- /**
- * number of channels in the input data stream (PCM or decoded PCM)
- */
- this.channels_in = 0;
- /**
- * number of channels in the output data stream (not used for decoding)
- */
- this.channels_out = 0;
- /**
- * input_samp_rate/output_samp_rate
- */
- //public double resample_ratio;
- this.resample_ratio = 0.;
- this.mf_samples_to_encode = 0;
- this.mf_size = 0;
- /**
- * min bitrate index
- */
- this.VBR_min_bitrate = 0;
- /**
- * max bitrate index
- */
- this.VBR_max_bitrate = 0;
- this.bitrate_index = 0;
- this.samplerate_index = 0;
- this.mode_ext = 0;
- /* lowpass and highpass filter control */
- /**
- * normalized frequency bounds of passband
- */
- this.lowpass1 = 0.;
- this.lowpass2 = 0.;
- /**
- * normalized frequency bounds of passband
- */
- this.highpass1 = 0.;
- this.highpass2 = 0.;
- /**
- * 0 = none 1 = ISO AAC model 2 = allow scalefac_select=1
- */
- this.noise_shaping = 0;
- /**
- * 0 = ISO model: amplify all distorted bands<BR>
- * 1 = amplify within 50% of max (on db scale)<BR>
- * 2 = amplify only most distorted band<BR>
- * 3 = method 1 and refine with method 2<BR>
- */
- this.noise_shaping_amp = 0;
- /**
- * 0 = no substep<BR>
- * 1 = use substep shaping at last step(VBR only)<BR>
- * (not implemented yet)<BR>
- * 2 = use substep inside loop<BR>
- * 3 = use substep inside loop and last step<BR>
- */
- this.substep_shaping = 0;
- /**
- * 1 = gpsycho. 0 = none
- */
- this.psymodel = 0;
- /**
- * 0 = stop at over=0, all scalefacs amplified or<BR>
- * a scalefac has reached max value<BR>
- * 1 = stop when all scalefacs amplified or a scalefac has reached max value<BR>
- * 2 = stop when all scalefacs amplified
- */
- this.noise_shaping_stop = 0;
- /**
- * 0 = no, 1 = yes
- */
- this.subblock_gain = 0;
- /**
- * 0 = no. 1=outside loop 2=inside loop(slow)
- */
- this.use_best_huffman = 0;
- /**
- * 0 = stop early after 0 distortion found. 1 = full search
- */
- this.full_outer_loop = 0;
- //public IIISideInfo l3_side = new IIISideInfo();
- this.l3_side = new IIISideInfo();
- this.ms_ratio = new_float(2);
- /* used for padding */
- /**
- * padding for the current frame?
- */
- this.padding = 0;
- this.frac_SpF = 0;
- this.slot_lag = 0;
- /**
- * optional ID3 tags
- */
- //public ID3TagSpec tag_spec;
- this.tag_spec = null;
- this.nMusicCRC = 0;
- /* variables used by Quantize */
- //public int OldValue[] = new int[2];
- this.OldValue = new_int(2);
- //public int CurrentStep[] = new int[2];
- this.CurrentStep = new_int(2);
- this.masking_lower = 0.;
- //public int bv_scf[] = new int[576];
- this.bv_scf = new_int(576);
- //public int pseudohalf[] = new int[L3Side.SFBMAX];
- this.pseudohalf = new_int(L3Side.SFBMAX);
- /**
- * will be set in lame_init_params
- */
- this.sfb21_extra = false;
- /* BPC = maximum number of filter convolution windows to precompute */
- //public float[][] inbuf_old = new float[2][];
- this.inbuf_old = new Array(2);
- //public float[][] blackfilt = new float[2 * BPC + 1][];
- this.blackfilt = new Array(2 * LameInternalFlags.BPC + 1);
- //public double itime[] = new double[2];
- this.itime = new_double(2);
- this.sideinfo_len = 0;
- /* variables for newmdct.c */
- //public float sb_sample[][][][] = new float[2][2][18][Encoder.SBLIMIT];
- this.sb_sample = new_float_n([2, 2, 18, Encoder.SBLIMIT]);
- this.amp_filter = new_float(32);
- /* variables for BitStream */
- /**
- * <PRE>
- * mpeg1: buffer=511 bytes smallest frame: 96-38(sideinfo)=58
- * max number of frames in reservoir: 8
- * mpeg2: buffer=255 bytes. smallest frame: 24-23bytes=1
- * with VBR, if you are encoding all silence, it is possible to
- * have 8kbs/24khz frames with 1byte of data each, which means we need
- * to buffer up to 255 headers!
- * </PRE>
- */
- /**
- * also, max_header_buf has to be a power of two
- */
- /**
- * max size of header is 38
- */
- function Header() {
- this.write_timing = 0;
- this.ptr = 0;
- //public byte buf[] = new byte[MAX_HEADER_LEN];
- this.buf = new_byte(MAX_HEADER_LEN);
- }
- this.header = new Array(LameInternalFlags.MAX_HEADER_BUF);
- this.h_ptr = 0;
- this.w_ptr = 0;
- this.ancillary_flag = 0;
- /* variables for Reservoir */
- /**
- * in bits
- */
- this.ResvSize = 0;
- /**
- * in bits
- */
- this.ResvMax = 0;
- //public ScaleFac scalefac_band = new ScaleFac();
- this.scalefac_band = new ScaleFac();
- /* daa from PsyModel */
- /* The static variables "r", "phi_sav", "new", "old" and "oldest" have */
- /* to be remembered for the unpredictability measure. For "r" and */
- /* "phi_sav", the first index from the left is the channel select and */
- /* the second index is the "age" of the data. */
- this.minval_l = new_float(Encoder.CBANDS);
- this.minval_s = new_float(Encoder.CBANDS);
- this.nb_1 = new_float_n([4, Encoder.CBANDS]);
- this.nb_2 = new_float_n([4, Encoder.CBANDS]);
- this.nb_s1 = new_float_n([4, Encoder.CBANDS]);
- this.nb_s2 = new_float_n([4, Encoder.CBANDS]);
- this.s3_ss = null;
- this.s3_ll = null;
- this.decay = 0.;
- //public III_psy_xmin[] thm = new III_psy_xmin[4];
- //public III_psy_xmin[] en = new III_psy_xmin[4];
- this.thm = new Array(4);
- this.en = new Array(4);
- /**
- * fft and energy calculation
- */
- this.tot_ener = new_float(4);
- /* loudness calculation (for adaptive threshold of hearing) */
- /**
- * loudness^2 approx. per granule and channel
- */
- this.loudness_sq = new_float_n([2, 2]);
- /**
- * account for granule delay of L3psycho_anal
- */
- this.loudness_sq_save = new_float(2);
- /**
- * Scale Factor Bands
- */
- this.mld_l = new_float(Encoder.SBMAX_l);
- this.mld_s = new_float(Encoder.SBMAX_s);
- this.bm_l = new_int(Encoder.SBMAX_l);
- this.bo_l = new_int(Encoder.SBMAX_l);
- this.bm_s = new_int(Encoder.SBMAX_s);
- this.bo_s = new_int(Encoder.SBMAX_s);
- this.npart_l = 0;
- this.npart_s = 0;
- this.s3ind = new_int_n([Encoder.CBANDS, 2]);
- this.s3ind_s = new_int_n([Encoder.CBANDS, 2]);
- this.numlines_s = new_int(Encoder.CBANDS);
- this.numlines_l = new_int(Encoder.CBANDS);
- this.rnumlines_l = new_float(Encoder.CBANDS);
- this.mld_cb_l = new_float(Encoder.CBANDS);
- this.mld_cb_s = new_float(Encoder.CBANDS);
- this.numlines_s_num1 = 0;
- this.numlines_l_num1 = 0;
- /* ratios */
- this.pe = new_float(4);
- this.ms_ratio_s_old = 0.;
- this.ms_ratio_l_old = 0.;
- this.ms_ener_ratio_old = 0.;
- /**
- * block type
- */
- this.blocktype_old = new_int(2);
- /**
- * variables used for --nspsytune
- */
- this.nsPsy = new NsPsy();
- /**
- * used for Xing VBR header
- */
- this.VBR_seek_table = new VBRSeekInfo();
- /**
- * all ATH related stuff
- */
- //public ATH ATH;
- this.ATH = null;
- this.PSY = null;
- this.nogap_total = 0;
- this.nogap_current = 0;
- /* ReplayGain */
- this.decode_on_the_fly = true;
- this.findReplayGain = true;
- this.findPeakSample = true;
- this.PeakSample = 0.;
- this.RadioGain = 0;
- this.AudiophileGain = 0;
- //public ReplayGain rgdata;
- this.rgdata = null;
- /**
- * gain change required for preventing clipping
- */
- this.noclipGainChange = 0;
- /**
- * user-specified scale factor required for preventing clipping
- */
- this.noclipScale = 0.;
- /* simple statistics */
- this.bitrate_stereoMode_Hist = new_int_n([16, 4 + 1]);
- /**
- * norm/start/short/stop/mixed(short)/sum
- */
- this.bitrate_blockType_Hist = new_int_n([16, 4 + 1 + 1]);
- //public PlottingData pinfo;
- //public MPGLib.mpstr_tag hip;
- this.pinfo = null;
- this.hip = null;
- this.in_buffer_nsamples = 0;
- //public float[] in_buffer_0;
- //public float[] in_buffer_1;
- this.in_buffer_0 = null;
- this.in_buffer_1 = null;
- //public IIterationLoop iteration_loop;
- this.iteration_loop = null;
- for (var i = 0; i < this.en.length; i++) {
- this.en[i] = new III_psy_xmin();
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < this.thm.length; i++) {
- this.thm[i] = new III_psy_xmin();
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < this.header.length; i++) {
- this.header[i] = new Header();
- }
- }
- function FFT() {
- var window = new_float(Encoder.BLKSIZE);
- var window_s = new_float(Encoder.BLKSIZE_s / 2);
- var costab = [
- 9.238795325112867e-01, 3.826834323650898e-01,
- 9.951847266721969e-01, 9.801714032956060e-02,
- 9.996988186962042e-01, 2.454122852291229e-02,
- 9.999811752826011e-01, 6.135884649154475e-03
- ];
- function fht(fz, fzPos, n) {
- var tri = 0;
- var k4;
- var fi;
- var gi;
- n <<= 1;
- /* to get BLKSIZE, because of 3DNow! ASM routine */
- var fn = fzPos + n;
- k4 = 4;
- do {
- var s1, c1;
- var i, k1, k2, k3, kx;
- kx = k4 >> 1;
- k1 = k4;
- k2 = k4 << 1;
- k3 = k2 + k1;
- k4 = k2 << 1;
- fi = fzPos;
- gi = fi + kx;
- do {
- var f0, f1, f2, f3;
- f1 = fz[fi + 0] - fz[fi + k1];
- f0 = fz[fi + 0] + fz[fi + k1];
- f3 = fz[fi + k2] - fz[fi + k3];
- f2 = fz[fi + k2] + fz[fi + k3];
- fz[fi + k2] = f0 - f2;
- fz[fi + 0] = f0 + f2;
- fz[fi + k3] = f1 - f3;
- fz[fi + k1] = f1 + f3;
- f1 = fz[gi + 0] - fz[gi + k1];
- f0 = fz[gi + 0] + fz[gi + k1];
- f3 = (Util.SQRT2 * fz[gi + k3]);
- f2 = (Util.SQRT2 * fz[gi + k2]);
- fz[gi + k2] = f0 - f2;
- fz[gi + 0] = f0 + f2;
- fz[gi + k3] = f1 - f3;
- fz[gi + k1] = f1 + f3;
- gi += k4;
- fi += k4;
- } while (fi < fn);
- c1 = costab[tri + 0];
- s1 = costab[tri + 1];
- for (i = 1; i < kx; i++) {
- var c2, s2;
- c2 = 1 - (2 * s1) * s1;
- s2 = (2 * s1) * c1;
- fi = fzPos + i;
- gi = fzPos + k1 - i;
- do {
- var a, b, g0, f0, f1, g1, f2, g2, f3, g3;
- b = s2 * fz[fi + k1] - c2 * fz[gi + k1];
- a = c2 * fz[fi + k1] + s2 * fz[gi + k1];
- f1 = fz[fi + 0] - a;
- f0 = fz[fi + 0] + a;
- g1 = fz[gi + 0] - b;
- g0 = fz[gi + 0] + b;
- b = s2 * fz[fi + k3] - c2 * fz[gi + k3];
- a = c2 * fz[fi + k3] + s2 * fz[gi + k3];
- f3 = fz[fi + k2] - a;
- f2 = fz[fi + k2] + a;
- g3 = fz[gi + k2] - b;
- g2 = fz[gi + k2] + b;
- b = s1 * f2 - c1 * g3;
- a = c1 * f2 + s1 * g3;
- fz[fi + k2] = f0 - a;
- fz[fi + 0] = f0 + a;
- fz[gi + k3] = g1 - b;
- fz[gi + k1] = g1 + b;
- b = c1 * g2 - s1 * f3;
- a = s1 * g2 + c1 * f3;
- fz[gi + k2] = g0 - a;
- fz[gi + 0] = g0 + a;
- fz[fi + k3] = f1 - b;
- fz[fi + k1] = f1 + b;
- gi += k4;
- fi += k4;
- } while (fi < fn);
- c2 = c1;
- c1 = c2 * costab[tri + 0] - s1 * costab[tri + 1];
- s1 = c2 * costab[tri + 1] + s1 * costab[tri + 0];
- }
- tri += 2;
- } while (k4 < n);
- }
- var rv_tbl = [0x00, 0x80, 0x40,
- 0xc0, 0x20, 0xa0, 0x60, 0xe0, 0x10,
- 0x90, 0x50, 0xd0, 0x30, 0xb0, 0x70,
- 0xf0, 0x08, 0x88, 0x48, 0xc8, 0x28,
- 0xa8, 0x68, 0xe8, 0x18, 0x98, 0x58,
- 0xd8, 0x38, 0xb8, 0x78, 0xf8, 0x04,
- 0x84, 0x44, 0xc4, 0x24, 0xa4, 0x64,
- 0xe4, 0x14, 0x94, 0x54, 0xd4, 0x34,
- 0xb4, 0x74, 0xf4, 0x0c, 0x8c, 0x4c,
- 0xcc, 0x2c, 0xac, 0x6c, 0xec, 0x1c,
- 0x9c, 0x5c, 0xdc, 0x3c, 0xbc, 0x7c,
- 0xfc, 0x02, 0x82, 0x42, 0xc2, 0x22,
- 0xa2, 0x62, 0xe2, 0x12, 0x92, 0x52,
- 0xd2, 0x32, 0xb2, 0x72, 0xf2, 0x0a,
- 0x8a, 0x4a, 0xca, 0x2a, 0xaa, 0x6a,
- 0xea, 0x1a, 0x9a, 0x5a, 0xda, 0x3a,
- 0xba, 0x7a, 0xfa, 0x06, 0x86, 0x46,
- 0xc6, 0x26, 0xa6, 0x66, 0xe6, 0x16,
- 0x96, 0x56, 0xd6, 0x36, 0xb6, 0x76,
- 0xf6, 0x0e, 0x8e, 0x4e, 0xce, 0x2e,
- 0xae, 0x6e, 0xee, 0x1e, 0x9e, 0x5e,
- 0xde, 0x3e, 0xbe, 0x7e, 0xfe];
- this.fft_short = function (gfc, x_real, chn, buffer, bufPos) {
- for (var b = 0; b < 3; b++) {
- var x = Encoder.BLKSIZE_s / 2;
- var k = 0xffff & ((576 / 3) * (b + 1));
- var j = Encoder.BLKSIZE_s / 8 - 1;
- do {
- var f0, f1, f2, f3, w;
- var i = rv_tbl[j << 2] & 0xff;
- f0 = window_s[i] * buffer[chn][bufPos + i + k];
- w = window_s[0x7f - i] * buffer[chn][bufPos + i + k + 0x80];
- f1 = f0 - w;
- f0 = f0 + w;
- f2 = window_s[i + 0x40] * buffer[chn][bufPos + i + k + 0x40];
- w = window_s[0x3f - i] * buffer[chn][bufPos + i + k + 0xc0];
- f3 = f2 - w;
- f2 = f2 + w;
- x -= 4;
- x_real[b][x + 0] = f0 + f2;
- x_real[b][x + 2] = f0 - f2;
- x_real[b][x + 1] = f1 + f3;
- x_real[b][x + 3] = f1 - f3;
- f0 = window_s[i + 0x01] * buffer[chn][bufPos + i + k + 0x01];
- w = window_s[0x7e - i] * buffer[chn][bufPos + i + k + 0x81];
- f1 = f0 - w;
- f0 = f0 + w;
- f2 = window_s[i + 0x41] * buffer[chn][bufPos + i + k + 0x41];
- w = window_s[0x3e - i] * buffer[chn][bufPos + i + k + 0xc1];
- f3 = f2 - w;
- f2 = f2 + w;
- x_real[b][x + Encoder.BLKSIZE_s / 2 + 0] = f0 + f2;
- x_real[b][x + Encoder.BLKSIZE_s / 2 + 2] = f0 - f2;
- x_real[b][x + Encoder.BLKSIZE_s / 2 + 1] = f1 + f3;
- x_real[b][x + Encoder.BLKSIZE_s / 2 + 3] = f1 - f3;
- } while (--j >= 0);
- fht(x_real[b], x, Encoder.BLKSIZE_s / 2);
- /* BLKSIZE_s/2 because of 3DNow! ASM routine */
- /* BLKSIZE/2 because of 3DNow! ASM routine */
- }
- }
- this.fft_long = function (gfc, y, chn, buffer, bufPos) {
- var jj = Encoder.BLKSIZE / 8 - 1;
- var x = Encoder.BLKSIZE / 2;
- do {
- var f0, f1, f2, f3, w;
- var i = rv_tbl[jj] & 0xff;
- f0 = window[i] * buffer[chn][bufPos + i];
- w = window[i + 0x200] * buffer[chn][bufPos + i + 0x200];
- f1 = f0 - w;
- f0 = f0 + w;
- f2 = window[i + 0x100] * buffer[chn][bufPos + i + 0x100];
- w = window[i + 0x300] * buffer[chn][bufPos + i + 0x300];
- f3 = f2 - w;
- f2 = f2 + w;
- x -= 4;
- y[x + 0] = f0 + f2;
- y[x + 2] = f0 - f2;
- y[x + 1] = f1 + f3;
- y[x + 3] = f1 - f3;
- f0 = window[i + 0x001] * buffer[chn][bufPos + i + 0x001];
- w = window[i + 0x201] * buffer[chn][bufPos + i + 0x201];
- f1 = f0 - w;
- f0 = f0 + w;
- f2 = window[i + 0x101] * buffer[chn][bufPos + i + 0x101];
- w = window[i + 0x301] * buffer[chn][bufPos + i + 0x301];
- f3 = f2 - w;
- f2 = f2 + w;
- y[x + Encoder.BLKSIZE / 2 + 0] = f0 + f2;
- y[x + Encoder.BLKSIZE / 2 + 2] = f0 - f2;
- y[x + Encoder.BLKSIZE / 2 + 1] = f1 + f3;
- y[x + Encoder.BLKSIZE / 2 + 3] = f1 - f3;
- } while (--jj >= 0);
- fht(y, x, Encoder.BLKSIZE / 2);
- /* BLKSIZE/2 because of 3DNow! ASM routine */
- }
- this.init_fft = function (gfc) {
- /* The type of window used here will make no real difference, but */
- /*
- * in the interest of merging nspsytune stuff - switch to blackman
- * window
- */
- for (var i = 0; i < Encoder.BLKSIZE; i++)
- /* blackman window */
- window[i] = (0.42 - 0.5 * Math.cos(2 * Math.PI * (i + .5)
- / Encoder.BLKSIZE) + 0.08 * Math.cos(4 * Math.PI * (i + .5)
- / Encoder.BLKSIZE));
- for (var i = 0; i < Encoder.BLKSIZE_s / 2; i++)
- window_s[i] = (0.5 * (1.0 - Math.cos(2.0 * Math.PI
- * (i + 0.5) / Encoder.BLKSIZE_s)));
- }
- }
- /*
- * psymodel.c
- *
- * Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Mark Taylor
- * Copyright (c) 2001-2002 Naoki Shibata
- * Copyright (c) 2000-2003 Takehiro Tominaga
- * Copyright (c) 2000-2008 Robert Hegemann
- * Copyright (c) 2000-2005 Gabriel Bouvigne
- * Copyright (c) 2000-2005 Alexander Leidinger
- *
- * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
- * version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
- *
- * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * Library General Public License for more details.
- *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
- * License along with this library; if not, write to the
- * Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
- * Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- */
- /* $Id: PsyModel.java,v 1.27 2011/05/24 20:48:06 kenchis Exp $ */
- /*
- This routine computes the psycho acoustics, delayed by one granule.
- Input: buffer of PCM data (1024 samples).
- This window should be centered over the 576 sample granule window.
- The routine will compute the psycho acoustics for
- this granule, but return the psycho acoustics computed
- for the *previous* granule. This is because the block
- type of the previous granule can only be determined
- after we have computed the psycho acoustics for the following
- granule.
- Output: maskings and energies for each scalefactor band.
- block type, PE, and some correlation measures.
- The PE is used by CBR modes to determine if extra bits
- from the bit reservoir should be used. The correlation
- measures are used to determine mid/side or regular stereo.
- */
- /*
- Notation:
- barks: a non-linear frequency scale. Mapping from frequency to
- barks is given by freq2bark()
- scalefactor bands: The spectrum (frequencies) are broken into
- SBMAX "scalefactor bands". Thes bands
- are determined by the MPEG ISO spec. In
- the noise shaping/quantization code, we allocate
- bits among the partition bands to achieve the
- best possible quality
- partition bands: The spectrum is also broken into about
- 64 "partition bands". Each partition
- band is about .34 barks wide. There are about 2-5
- partition bands for each scalefactor band.
- LAME computes all psycho acoustic information for each partition
- band. Then at the end of the computations, this information
- is mapped to scalefactor bands. The energy in each scalefactor
- band is taken as the sum of the energy in all partition bands
- which overlap the scalefactor band. The maskings can be computed
- in the same way (and thus represent the average masking in that band)
- or by taking the minmum value multiplied by the number of
- partition bands used (which represents a minimum masking in that band).
- */
- /*
- The general outline is as follows:
- 1. compute the energy in each partition band
- 2. compute the tonality in each partition band
- 3. compute the strength of each partion band "masker"
- 4. compute the masking (via the spreading function applied to each masker)
- 5. Modifications for mid/side masking.
- Each partition band is considiered a "masker". The strength
- of the i'th masker in band j is given by:
- s3(bark(i)-bark(j))*strength(i)
- The strength of the masker is a function of the energy and tonality.
- The more tonal, the less masking. LAME uses a simple linear formula
- (controlled by NMT and TMN) which says the strength is given by the
- energy divided by a linear function of the tonality.
- */
- /*
- s3() is the "spreading function". It is given by a formula
- determined via listening tests.
- The total masking in the j'th partition band is the sum over
- all maskings i. It is thus given by the convolution of
- the strength with s3(), the "spreading function."
- masking(j) = sum_over_i s3(i-j)*strength(i) = s3 o strength
- where "o" = convolution operator. s3 is given by a formula determined
- via listening tests. It is normalized so that s3 o 1 = 1.
- Note: instead of a simple convolution, LAME also has the
- option of using "additive masking"
- The most critical part is step 2, computing the tonality of each
- partition band. LAME has two tonality estimators. The first
- is based on the ISO spec, and measures how predictiable the
- signal is over time. The more predictable, the more tonal.
- The second measure is based on looking at the spectrum of
- a single granule. The more peaky the spectrum, the more
- tonal. By most indications, the latter approach is better.
- Finally, in step 5, the maskings for the mid and side
- channel are possibly increased. Under certain circumstances,
- noise in the mid & side channels is assumed to also
- be masked by strong maskers in the L or R channels.
- Other data computed by the psy-model:
- ms_ratio side-channel / mid-channel masking ratio (for previous granule)
- ms_ratio_next side-channel / mid-channel masking ratio for this granule
- percep_entropy[2] L and R values (prev granule) of PE - A measure of how
- much pre-echo is in the previous granule
- percep_entropy_MS[2] mid and side channel values (prev granule) of percep_entropy
- energy[4] L,R,M,S energy in each channel, prev granule
- blocktype_d[2] block type to use for previous granule
- */
- //package mp3;
- //import java.util.Arrays;
- function PsyModel() {
- var fft = new FFT();
- var LOG10 = 2.30258509299404568402;
- var rpelev = 2;
- var rpelev2 = 16;
- var rpelev_s = 2;
- var rpelev2_s = 16;
- /* size of each partition band, in barks: */
- var DELBARK = .34;
- /* tuned for output level (sensitive to energy scale) */
- var VO_SCALE = (1. / (14752 * 14752) / (Encoder.BLKSIZE / 2));
- var temporalmask_sustain_sec = 0.01;
- var NS_PREECHO_ATT0 = 0.8;
- var NS_PREECHO_ATT1 = 0.6;
- var NS_PREECHO_ATT2 = 0.3;
- var NS_MSFIX = 3.5;
- var NSATTACKTHRE = 4.4;
- var NSATTACKTHRE_S = 25;
- var NSFIRLEN = 21;
- /* size of each partition band, in barks: */
- var LN_TO_LOG10 = 0.2302585093;
- return x;
- }
- /**
- * <PRE>
- * L3psycho_anal. Compute psycho acoustics.
- *
- * Data returned to the calling program must be delayed by one
- * granule.
- *
- * This is done in two places.
- * If we do not need to know the blocktype, the copying
- * can be done here at the top of the program: we copy the data for
- * the last granule (computed during the last call) before it is
- * overwritten with the new data. It looks like this:
- *
- * 0. static psymodel_data
- * 1. calling_program_data = psymodel_data
- * 2. compute psymodel_data
- *
- * For data which needs to know the blocktype, the copying must be
- * done at the end of this loop, and the old values must be saved:
- *
- * 0. static psymodel_data_old
- * 1. compute psymodel_data
- * 2. compute possible block type of this granule
- * 3. compute final block type of previous granule based on #2.
- * 4. calling_program_data = psymodel_data_old
- * 5. psymodel_data_old = psymodel_data
- * psycho_loudness_approx
- * jd - 2001 mar 12
- * in: energy - BLKSIZE/2 elements of frequency magnitudes ^ 2
- * gfp - uses out_samplerate, ATHtype (also needed for ATHformula)
- * returns: loudness^2 approximation, a positive value roughly tuned for a value
- * of 1.0 for signals near clipping.
- * notes: When calibrated, feeding this function binary white noise at sample
- * values +32767 or -32768 should return values that approach 3.
- * ATHformula is used to approximate an equal loudness curve.
- * future: Data indicates that the shape of the equal loudness curve varies
- * with intensity. This function might be improved by using an equal
- * loudness curve shaped for typical playback levels (instead of the
- * ATH, that is shaped for the threshold). A flexible realization might
- * simply bend the existing ATH curve to achieve the desired shape.
- * However, the potential gain may not be enough to justify an effort.
- * </PRE>
- */
- function psycho_loudness_approx(energy, gfc) {
- var loudness_power = 0.0;
- /* apply weights to power in freq. bands */
- for (var i = 0; i < Encoder.BLKSIZE / 2; ++i)
- loudness_power += energy[i] * gfc.ATH.eql_w[i];
- loudness_power *= VO_SCALE;
- return loudness_power;
- }
- function compute_ffts(gfp, fftenergy, fftenergy_s, wsamp_l, wsamp_lPos, wsamp_s, wsamp_sPos, gr_out, chn, buffer, bufPos) {
- var gfc = gfp.internal_flags;
- if (chn < 2) {
- fft.fft_long(gfc, wsamp_l[wsamp_lPos], chn, buffer, bufPos);
- fft.fft_short(gfc, wsamp_s[wsamp_sPos], chn, buffer, bufPos);
- }
- /* FFT data for mid and side channel is derived from L & R */
- else if (chn == 2) {
- for (var j = Encoder.BLKSIZE - 1; j >= 0; --j) {
- var l = wsamp_l[wsamp_lPos + 0][j];
- var r = wsamp_l[wsamp_lPos + 1][j];
- wsamp_l[wsamp_lPos + 0][j] = (l + r) * Util.SQRT2 * 0.5;
- wsamp_l[wsamp_lPos + 1][j] = (l - r) * Util.SQRT2 * 0.5;
- }
- for (var b = 2; b >= 0; --b) {
- for (var j = Encoder.BLKSIZE_s - 1; j >= 0; --j) {
- var l = wsamp_s[wsamp_sPos + 0][b][j];
- var r = wsamp_s[wsamp_sPos + 1][b][j];
- wsamp_s[wsamp_sPos + 0][b][j] = (l + r) * Util.SQRT2 * 0.5;
- wsamp_s[wsamp_sPos + 1][b][j] = (l - r) * Util.SQRT2 * 0.5;
- }
- }
- }
- /*********************************************************************
- * compute energies
- *********************************************************************/
- fftenergy[0] = NON_LINEAR_SCALE_ENERGY(wsamp_l[wsamp_lPos + 0][0]);
- fftenergy[0] *= fftenergy[0];
- for (var j = Encoder.BLKSIZE / 2 - 1; j >= 0; --j) {
- var re = (wsamp_l[wsamp_lPos + 0])[Encoder.BLKSIZE / 2 - j];
- var im = (wsamp_l[wsamp_lPos + 0])[Encoder.BLKSIZE / 2 + j];
- fftenergy[Encoder.BLKSIZE / 2 - j] = NON_LINEAR_SCALE_ENERGY((re
- * re + im * im) * 0.5);
- }
- for (var b = 2; b >= 0; --b) {
- fftenergy_s[b][0] = (wsamp_s[wsamp_sPos + 0])[b][0];
- fftenergy_s[b][0] *= fftenergy_s[b][0];
- for (var j = Encoder.BLKSIZE_s / 2 - 1; j >= 0; --j) {
- var re = (wsamp_s[wsamp_sPos + 0])[b][Encoder.BLKSIZE_s
- / 2 - j];
- var im = (wsamp_s[wsamp_sPos + 0])[b][Encoder.BLKSIZE_s
- / 2 + j];
- fftenergy_s[b][Encoder.BLKSIZE_s / 2 - j] = NON_LINEAR_SCALE_ENERGY((re
- * re + im * im) * 0.5);
- }
- }
- /* total energy */
- {
- var totalenergy = 0.0;
- for (var j = 11; j < Encoder.HBLKSIZE; j++)
- totalenergy += fftenergy[j];
- gfc.tot_ener[chn] = totalenergy;
- }
- if (gfp.analysis) {
- for (var j = 0; j < Encoder.HBLKSIZE; j++) {
- gfc.pinfo.energy[gr_out][chn][j] = gfc.pinfo.energy_save[chn][j];
- gfc.pinfo.energy_save[chn][j] = fftenergy[j];
- }
- gfc.pinfo.pe[gr_out][chn] = gfc.pe[chn];
- }
- /*********************************************************************
- * compute loudness approximation (used for ATH auto-level adjustment)
- *********************************************************************/
- if (gfp.athaa_loudapprox == 2 && chn < 2) {
- // no loudness for mid/side ch
- gfc.loudness_sq[gr_out][chn] = gfc.loudness_sq_save[chn];
- gfc.loudness_sq_save[chn] = psycho_loudness_approx(fftenergy, gfc);
- }
- }
- /* mask_add optimization */
- /* init the limit values used to avoid computing log in mask_add when it is not necessary */
- /**
- * <PRE>
- * For example, with i = 10*log10(m2/m1)/10*16 (= log10(m2/m1)*16)
- *
- * abs(i)>8 is equivalent (as i is an integer) to
- * abs(i)>=9
- * i>=9 || i<=-9
- * equivalent to (as i is the biggest integer smaller than log10(m2/m1)*16
- * or the smallest integer bigger than log10(m2/m1)*16 depending on the sign of log10(m2/m1)*16)
- * log10(m2/m1)>=9/16 || log10(m2/m1)<=-9/16
- * exp10 is strictly increasing thus this is equivalent to
- * m2/m1 >= 10^(9/16) || m2/m1<=10^(-9/16) which are comparisons to constants
- * </PRE>
- */
- /**
- * as in if(i>8)
- */
- var I1LIMIT = 8;
- /**
- * as in if(i>24) . changed 23
- */
- var I2LIMIT = 23;
- /**
- * as in if(m<15)
- */
- var MLIMIT = 15;
- var ma_max_i1;
- var ma_max_i2;
- var ma_max_m;
- /**
- * This is the masking table:<BR>
- * According to tonality, values are going from 0dB (TMN) to 9.3dB (NMT).<BR>
- * After additive masking computation, 8dB are added, so final values are
- * going from 8dB to 17.3dB
- *
- * pow(10, -0.0..-0.6)
- */
- var tab = [1.0, 0.79433, 0.63096, 0.63096,
- 0.63096, 0.63096, 0.63096, 0.25119, 0.11749];
- function init_mask_add_max_values() {
- ma_max_i1 = Math.pow(10, (I1LIMIT + 1) / 16.0);
- ma_max_i2 = Math.pow(10, (I2LIMIT + 1) / 16.0);
- ma_max_m = Math.pow(10, (MLIMIT) / 10.0);
- }
- var table1 = [3.3246 * 3.3246,
- 3.23837 * 3.23837, 3.15437 * 3.15437, 3.00412 * 3.00412,
- 2.86103 * 2.86103, 2.65407 * 2.65407, 2.46209 * 2.46209,
- 2.284 * 2.284, 2.11879 * 2.11879, 1.96552 * 1.96552,
- 1.82335 * 1.82335, 1.69146 * 1.69146, 1.56911 * 1.56911,
- 1.46658 * 1.46658, 1.37074 * 1.37074, 1.31036 * 1.31036,
- 1.25264 * 1.25264, 1.20648 * 1.20648, 1.16203 * 1.16203,
- 1.12765 * 1.12765, 1.09428 * 1.09428, 1.0659 * 1.0659,
- 1.03826 * 1.03826, 1.01895 * 1.01895, 1];
- var table2 = [1.33352 * 1.33352,
- 1.35879 * 1.35879, 1.38454 * 1.38454, 1.39497 * 1.39497,
- 1.40548 * 1.40548, 1.3537 * 1.3537, 1.30382 * 1.30382,
- 1.22321 * 1.22321, 1.14758 * 1.14758, 1];
- var table3 = [2.35364 * 2.35364,
- 2.29259 * 2.29259, 2.23313 * 2.23313, 2.12675 * 2.12675,
- 2.02545 * 2.02545, 1.87894 * 1.87894, 1.74303 * 1.74303,
- 1.61695 * 1.61695, 1.49999 * 1.49999, 1.39148 * 1.39148,
- 1.29083 * 1.29083, 1.19746 * 1.19746, 1.11084 * 1.11084,
- 1.03826 * 1.03826];
- /**
- * addition of simultaneous masking Naoki Shibata 2000/7
- */
- function mask_add(m1, m2, kk, b, gfc, shortblock) {
- var ratio;
- if (m2 > m1) {
- if (m2 < (m1 * ma_max_i2))
- ratio = m2 / m1;
- else
- return (m1 + m2);
- } else {
- if (m1 >= (m2 * ma_max_i2))
- return (m1 + m2);
- ratio = m1 / m2;
- }
- /* Should always be true, just checking */
- m1 += m2;
- //if (((long)(b + 3) & 0xffffffff) <= 3 + 3) {
- if ((b + 3) <= 3 + 3) {
- /* approximately, 1 bark = 3 partitions */
- /* 65% of the cases */
- /* originally 'if(i > 8)' */
- if (ratio >= ma_max_i1) {
- /* 43% of the total */
- return m1;
- }
- /* 22% of the total */
- var i = 0 | (Util.FAST_LOG10_X(ratio, 16.0));
- return m1 * table2[i];
- }
- /**
- * <PRE>
- * m<15 equ log10((m1+m2)/gfc.ATH.cb[k])<1.5
- * equ (m1+m2)/gfc.ATH.cb[k]<10^1.5
- * equ (m1+m2)<10^1.5 * gfc.ATH.cb[k]
- * </PRE>
- */
- var i = 0 | Util.FAST_LOG10_X(ratio, 16.0);
- if (shortblock != 0) {
- m2 = gfc.ATH.cb_s[kk] * gfc.ATH.adjust;
- } else {
- m2 = gfc.ATH.cb_l[kk] * gfc.ATH.adjust;
- }
- if (m1 < ma_max_m * m2) {
- /* 3% of the total */
- /* Originally if (m > 0) { */
- if (m1 > m2) {
- var f, r;
- f = 1.0;
- if (i <= 13)
- f = table3[i];
- r = Util.FAST_LOG10_X(m1 / m2, 10.0 / 15.0);
- return m1 * ((table1[i] - f) * r + f);
- }
- if (i > 13)
- return m1;
- return m1 * table3[i];
- }
- /* 10% of total */
- return m1 * table1[i];
- }
- var table2_ = [1.33352 * 1.33352,
- 1.35879 * 1.35879, 1.38454 * 1.38454, 1.39497 * 1.39497,
- 1.40548 * 1.40548, 1.3537 * 1.3537, 1.30382 * 1.30382,
- 1.22321 * 1.22321, 1.14758 * 1.14758, 1];
- /**
- * addition of simultaneous masking Naoki Shibata 2000/7
- */
- function vbrpsy_mask_add(m1, m2, b) {
- var ratio;
- if (m1 < 0) {
- m1 = 0;
- }
- if (m2 < 0) {
- m2 = 0;
- }
- if (m1 <= 0) {
- return m2;
- }
- if (m2 <= 0) {
- return m1;
- }
- if (m2 > m1) {
- ratio = m2 / m1;
- } else {
- ratio = m1 / m2;
- }
- if (-2 <= b && b <= 2) {
- /* approximately, 1 bark = 3 partitions */
- /* originally 'if(i > 8)' */
- if (ratio >= ma_max_i1) {
- return m1 + m2;
- } else {
- var i = 0 | (Util.FAST_LOG10_X(ratio, 16.0));
- return (m1 + m2) * table2_[i];
- }
- }
- if (ratio < ma_max_i2) {
- return m1 + m2;
- }
- if (m1 < m2) {
- m1 = m2;
- }
- return m1;
- }
- /**
- * compute interchannel masking effects
- */
- function calc_interchannel_masking(gfp, ratio) {
- var gfc = gfp.internal_flags;
- if (gfc.channels_out > 1) {
- for (var sb = 0; sb < Encoder.SBMAX_l; sb++) {
- var l = gfc.thm[0].l[sb];
- var r = gfc.thm[1].l[sb];
- gfc.thm[0].l[sb] += r * ratio;
- gfc.thm[1].l[sb] += l * ratio;
- }
- for (var sb = 0; sb < Encoder.SBMAX_s; sb++) {
- for (var sblock = 0; sblock < 3; sblock++) {
- var l = gfc.thm[0].s[sb][sblock];
- var r = gfc.thm[1].s[sb][sblock];
- gfc.thm[0].s[sb][sblock] += r * ratio;
- gfc.thm[1].s[sb][sblock] += l * ratio;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * compute M/S thresholds from Johnston & Ferreira 1992 ICASSP paper
- */
- function msfix1(gfc) {
- for (var sb = 0; sb < Encoder.SBMAX_l; sb++) {
- /* use this fix if L & R masking differs by 2db or less */
- /* if db = 10*log10(x2/x1) < 2 */
- /* if (x2 < 1.58*x1) { */
- if (gfc.thm[0].l[sb] > 1.58 * gfc.thm[1].l[sb]
- || gfc.thm[1].l[sb] > 1.58 * gfc.thm[0].l[sb])
- continue;
- var mld = gfc.mld_l[sb] * gfc.en[3].l[sb];
- var rmid = Math.max(gfc.thm[2].l[sb],
- Math.min(gfc.thm[3].l[sb], mld));
- mld = gfc.mld_l[sb] * gfc.en[2].l[sb];
- var rside = Math.max(gfc.thm[3].l[sb],
- Math.min(gfc.thm[2].l[sb], mld));
- gfc.thm[2].l[sb] = rmid;
- gfc.thm[3].l[sb] = rside;
- }
- for (var sb = 0; sb < Encoder.SBMAX_s; sb++) {
- for (var sblock = 0; sblock < 3; sblock++) {
- if (gfc.thm[0].s[sb][sblock] > 1.58 * gfc.thm[1].s[sb][sblock]
- || gfc.thm[1].s[sb][sblock] > 1.58 * gfc.thm[0].s[sb][sblock])
- continue;
- var mld = gfc.mld_s[sb] * gfc.en[3].s[sb][sblock];
- var rmid = Math.max(gfc.thm[2].s[sb][sblock],
- Math.min(gfc.thm[3].s[sb][sblock], mld));
- mld = gfc.mld_s[sb] * gfc.en[2].s[sb][sblock];
- var rside = Math.max(gfc.thm[3].s[sb][sblock],
- Math.min(gfc.thm[2].s[sb][sblock], mld));
- gfc.thm[2].s[sb][sblock] = rmid;
- gfc.thm[3].s[sb][sblock] = rside;
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * Adjust M/S maskings if user set "msfix"
- *
- * Naoki Shibata 2000
- */
- function ns_msfix(gfc, msfix, athadjust) {
- var msfix2 = msfix;
- var athlower = Math.pow(10, athadjust);
- msfix *= 2.0;
- msfix2 *= 2.0;
- for (var sb = 0; sb < Encoder.SBMAX_l; sb++) {
- var thmLR, thmM, thmS, ath;
- ath = (gfc.ATH.cb_l[gfc.bm_l[sb]]) * athlower;
- thmLR = Math.min(Math.max(gfc.thm[0].l[sb], ath),
- Math.max(gfc.thm[1].l[sb], ath));
- thmM = Math.max(gfc.thm[2].l[sb], ath);
- thmS = Math.max(gfc.thm[3].l[sb], ath);
- if (thmLR * msfix < thmM + thmS) {
- var f = thmLR * msfix2 / (thmM + thmS);
- thmM *= f;
- thmS *= f;
- }
- gfc.thm[2].l[sb] = Math.min(thmM, gfc.thm[2].l[sb]);
- gfc.thm[3].l[sb] = Math.min(thmS, gfc.thm[3].l[sb]);
- }
- athlower *= ( Encoder.BLKSIZE_s / Encoder.BLKSIZE);
- for (var sb = 0; sb < Encoder.SBMAX_s; sb++) {
- for (var sblock = 0; sblock < 3; sblock++) {
- var thmLR, thmM, thmS, ath;
- ath = (gfc.ATH.cb_s[gfc.bm_s[sb]]) * athlower;
- thmLR = Math.min(Math.max(gfc.thm[0].s[sb][sblock], ath),
- Math.max(gfc.thm[1].s[sb][sblock], ath));
- thmM = Math.max(gfc.thm[2].s[sb][sblock], ath);
- thmS = Math.max(gfc.thm[3].s[sb][sblock], ath);
- if (thmLR * msfix < thmM + thmS) {
- var f = thmLR * msfix / (thmM + thmS);
- thmM *= f;
- thmS *= f;
- }
- gfc.thm[2].s[sb][sblock] = Math.min(gfc.thm[2].s[sb][sblock],
- thmM);
- gfc.thm[3].s[sb][sblock] = Math.min(gfc.thm[3].s[sb][sblock],
- thmS);
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * short block threshold calculation (part 2)
- *
- * partition band bo_s[sfb] is at the transition from scalefactor band sfb
- * to the next one sfb+1; enn and thmm have to be split between them
- */
- function convert_partition2scalefac_s(gfc, eb, thr, chn, sblock) {
- var sb, b;
- var enn = 0.0;
- var thmm = 0.0;
- for (sb = b = 0; sb < Encoder.SBMAX_s; ++b, ++sb) {
- var bo_s_sb = gfc.bo_s[sb];
- var npart_s = gfc.npart_s;
- var b_lim = bo_s_sb < npart_s ? bo_s_sb : npart_s;
- while (b < b_lim) {
- // iff failed, it may indicate some index error elsewhere
- enn += eb[b];
- thmm += thr[b];
- b++;
- }
- gfc.en[chn].s[sb][sblock] = enn;
- gfc.thm[chn].s[sb][sblock] = thmm;
- if (b >= npart_s) {
- ++sb;
- break;
- }
- // iff failed, it may indicate some index error elsewhere
- {
- /* at transition sfb . sfb+1 */
- var w_curr = gfc.PSY.bo_s_weight[sb];
- var w_next = 1.0 - w_curr;
- enn = w_curr * eb[b];
- thmm = w_curr * thr[b];
- gfc.en[chn].s[sb][sblock] += enn;
- gfc.thm[chn].s[sb][sblock] += thmm;
- enn = w_next * eb[b];
- thmm = w_next * thr[b];
- }
- }
- /* zero initialize the rest */
- for (; sb < Encoder.SBMAX_s; ++sb) {
- gfc.en[chn].s[sb][sblock] = 0;
- gfc.thm[chn].s[sb][sblock] = 0;
- }
- }
- /**
- * longblock threshold calculation (part 2)
- */
- function convert_partition2scalefac_l(gfc, eb, thr, chn) {
- var sb, b;
- var enn = 0.0;
- var thmm = 0.0;
- for (sb = b = 0; sb < Encoder.SBMAX_l; ++b, ++sb) {
- var bo_l_sb = gfc.bo_l[sb];
- var npart_l = gfc.npart_l;
- var b_lim = bo_l_sb < npart_l ? bo_l_sb : npart_l;
- while (b < b_lim) {
- // iff failed, it may indicate some index error elsewhere
- enn += eb[b];
- thmm += thr[b];
- b++;
- }
- gfc.en[chn].l[sb] = enn;
- gfc.thm[chn].l[sb] = thmm;
- if (b >= npart_l) {
- ++sb;
- break;
- }
- {
- /* at transition sfb . sfb+1 */
- var w_curr = gfc.PSY.bo_l_weight[sb];
- var w_next = 1.0 - w_curr;
- enn = w_curr * eb[b];
- thmm = w_curr * thr[b];
- gfc.en[chn].l[sb] += enn;
- gfc.thm[chn].l[sb] += thmm;
- enn = w_next * eb[b];
- thmm = w_next * thr[b];
- }
- }
- /* zero initialize the rest */
- for (; sb < Encoder.SBMAX_l; ++sb) {
- gfc.en[chn].l[sb] = 0;
- gfc.thm[chn].l[sb] = 0;
- }
- }
- function compute_masking_s(gfp, fftenergy_s, eb, thr, chn, sblock) {
- var gfc = gfp.internal_flags;
- var j, b;
- for (b = j = 0; b < gfc.npart_s; ++b) {
- var ebb = 0, m = 0;
- var n = gfc.numlines_s[b];
- for (var i = 0; i < n; ++i, ++j) {
- var el = fftenergy_s[sblock][j];
- ebb += el;
- if (m < el)
- m = el;
- }
- eb[b] = ebb;
- }
- for (j = b = 0; b < gfc.npart_s; b++) {
- var kk = gfc.s3ind_s[b][0];
- var ecb = gfc.s3_ss[j++] * eb[kk];
- ++kk;
- while (kk <= gfc.s3ind_s[b][1]) {
- ecb += gfc.s3_ss[j] * eb[kk];
- ++j;
- ++kk;
- }
- { /* limit calculated threshold by previous granule */
- var x = rpelev_s * gfc.nb_s1[chn][b];
- thr[b] = Math.min(ecb, x);
- }
- if (gfc.blocktype_old[chn & 1] == Encoder.SHORT_TYPE) {
- /* limit calculated threshold by even older granule */
- var x = rpelev2_s * gfc.nb_s2[chn][b];
- var y = thr[b];
- thr[b] = Math.min(x, y);
- }
- gfc.nb_s2[chn][b] = gfc.nb_s1[chn][b];
- gfc.nb_s1[chn][b] = ecb;
- }
- for (; b <= Encoder.CBANDS; ++b) {
- eb[b] = 0;
- thr[b] = 0;
- }
- }
- function block_type_set(gfp, uselongblock, blocktype_d, blocktype) {
- var gfc = gfp.internal_flags;
- if (gfp.short_blocks == ShortBlock.short_block_coupled
- /* force both channels to use the same block type */
- /* this is necessary if the frame is to be encoded in ms_stereo. */
- /* But even without ms_stereo, FhG does this */
- && !(uselongblock[0] != 0 && uselongblock[1] != 0))
- uselongblock[0] = uselongblock[1] = 0;
- /*
- * update the blocktype of the previous granule, since it depends on
- * what happend in this granule
- */
- for (var chn = 0; chn < gfc.channels_out; chn++) {
- blocktype[chn] = Encoder.NORM_TYPE;
- /* disable short blocks */
- if (gfp.short_blocks == ShortBlock.short_block_dispensed)
- uselongblock[chn] = 1;
- if (gfp.short_blocks == ShortBlock.short_block_forced)
- uselongblock[chn] = 0;
- if (uselongblock[chn] != 0) {
- /* no attack : use long blocks */
- if (gfc.blocktype_old[chn] == Encoder.SHORT_TYPE)
- blocktype[chn] = Encoder.STOP_TYPE;
- } else {
- /* attack : use short blocks */
- blocktype[chn] = Encoder.SHORT_TYPE;
- if (gfc.blocktype_old[chn] == Encoder.NORM_TYPE) {
- gfc.blocktype_old[chn] = Encoder.START_TYPE;
- }
- if (gfc.blocktype_old[chn] == Encoder.STOP_TYPE)
- gfc.blocktype_old[chn] = Encoder.SHORT_TYPE;
- }
- blocktype_d[chn] = gfc.blocktype_old[chn];
- // value returned to calling program
- gfc.blocktype_old[chn] = blocktype[chn];
- // save for next call to l3psy_anal
- }
- }
- function NS_INTERP(x, y, r) {
- /* was pow((x),(r))*pow((y),1-(r)) */
- if (r >= 1.0) {
- /* 99.7% of the time */
- return x;
- }
- if (r <= 0.0)
- return y;
- if (y > 0.0) {
- /* rest of the time */
- return (Math.pow(x / y, r) * y);
- }
- /* never happens */
- return 0.0;
- }
- /**
- * these values are tuned only for 44.1kHz...
- */
- var regcoef_s = [11.8, 13.6, 17.2, 32, 46.5,
- 51.3, 57.5, 67.1, 71.5, 84.6, 97.6, 130,
- /* 255.8 */
- ];
- function pecalc_s(mr, masking_lower) {
- var pe_s = 1236.28 / 4;
- for (var sb = 0; sb < Encoder.SBMAX_s - 1; sb++) {
- for (var sblock = 0; sblock < 3; sblock++) {
- var thm = mr.thm.s[sb][sblock];
- if (thm > 0.0) {
- var x = thm * masking_lower;
- var en = mr.en.s[sb][sblock];
- if (en > x) {
- if (en > x * 1e10) {
- pe_s += regcoef_s[sb] * (10.0 * LOG10);
- } else {
- pe_s += regcoef_s[sb] * Util.FAST_LOG10(en / x);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return pe_s;
- }
- /**
- * these values are tuned only for 44.1kHz...
- */
- var regcoef_l = [6.8, 5.8, 5.8, 6.4, 6.5, 9.9,
- 12.1, 14.4, 15, 18.9, 21.6, 26.9, 34.2, 40.2, 46.8, 56.5,
- 60.7, 73.9, 85.7, 93.4, 126.1,
- /* 241.3 */
- ];
- function pecalc_l(mr, masking_lower) {
- var pe_l = 1124.23 / 4;
- for (var sb = 0; sb < Encoder.SBMAX_l - 1; sb++) {
- var thm = mr.thm.l[sb];
- if (thm > 0.0) {
- var x = thm * masking_lower;
- var en = mr.en.l[sb];
- if (en > x) {
- if (en > x * 1e10) {
- pe_l += regcoef_l[sb] * (10.0 * LOG10);
- } else {
- pe_l += regcoef_l[sb] * Util.FAST_LOG10(en / x);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return pe_l;
- }
- function calc_energy(gfc, fftenergy, eb, max, avg) {
- var b, j;
- for (b = j = 0; b < gfc.npart_l; ++b) {
- var ebb = 0, m = 0;
- var i;
- for (i = 0; i < gfc.numlines_l[b]; ++i, ++j) {
- var el = fftenergy[j];
- ebb += el;
- if (m < el)
- m = el;
- }
- eb[b] = ebb;
- max[b] = m;
- avg[b] = ebb * gfc.rnumlines_l[b];
- }
- }
- function calc_mask_index_l(gfc, max, avg, mask_idx) {
- var last_tab_entry = tab.length - 1;
- var b = 0;
- var a = avg[b] + avg[b + 1];
- if (a > 0.0) {
- var m = max[b];
- if (m < max[b + 1])
- m = max[b + 1];
- a = 20.0 * (m * 2.0 - a)
- / (a * (gfc.numlines_l[b] + gfc.numlines_l[b + 1] - 1));
- var k = 0 | a;
- if (k > last_tab_entry)
- k = last_tab_entry;
- mask_idx[b] = k;
- } else {
- mask_idx[b] = 0;
- }
- for (b = 1; b < gfc.npart_l - 1; b++) {
- a = avg[b - 1] + avg[b] + avg[b + 1];
- if (a > 0.0) {
- var m = max[b - 1];
- if (m < max[b])
- m = max[b];
- if (m < max[b + 1])
- m = max[b + 1];
- a = 20.0
- * (m * 3.0 - a)
- / (a * (gfc.numlines_l[b - 1] + gfc.numlines_l[b]
- + gfc.numlines_l[b + 1] - 1));
- var k = 0 | a;
- if (k > last_tab_entry)
- k = last_tab_entry;
- mask_idx[b] = k;
- } else {
- mask_idx[b] = 0;
- }
- }
- a = avg[b - 1] + avg[b];
- if (a > 0.0) {
- var m = max[b - 1];
- if (m < max[b])
- m = max[b];
- a = 20.0 * (m * 2.0 - a)
- / (a * (gfc.numlines_l[b - 1] + gfc.numlines_l[b] - 1));
- var k = 0 | a;
- if (k > last_tab_entry)
- k = last_tab_entry;
- mask_idx[b] = k;
- } else {
- mask_idx[b] = 0;
- }
- }
- var fircoef = [
- -8.65163e-18 * 2, -0.00851586 * 2, -6.74764e-18 * 2, 0.0209036 * 2,
- -3.36639e-17 * 2, -0.0438162 * 2, -1.54175e-17 * 2, 0.0931738 * 2,
- -5.52212e-17 * 2, -0.313819 * 2
- ];
- this.L3psycho_anal_ns = function (gfp, buffer, bufPos, gr_out, masking_ratio, masking_MS_ratio, percep_entropy, percep_MS_entropy, energy, blocktype_d) {
- /*
- * to get a good cache performance, one has to think about the sequence,
- * in which the variables are used.
- */
- var gfc = gfp.internal_flags;
- /* fft and energy calculation */
- var wsamp_L = new_float_n([2, Encoder.BLKSIZE]);
- var wsamp_S = new_float_n([2, 3, Encoder.BLKSIZE_s]);
- /* convolution */
- var eb_l = new_float(Encoder.CBANDS + 1);
- var eb_s = new_float(Encoder.CBANDS + 1);
- var thr = new_float(Encoder.CBANDS + 2);
- /* block type */
- var blocktype = new_int(2), uselongblock = new_int(2);
- /* usual variables like loop indices, etc.. */
- var numchn, chn;
- var b, i, j, k;
- var sb, sblock;
- /* variables used for --nspsytune */
- var ns_hpfsmpl = new_float_n([2, 576]);
- var pcfact;
- var mask_idx_l = new_int(Encoder.CBANDS + 2), mask_idx_s = new_int(Encoder.CBANDS + 2);
- Arrays.fill(mask_idx_s, 0);
- numchn = gfc.channels_out;
- /* chn=2 and 3 = Mid and Side channels */
- if (gfp.mode == MPEGMode.JOINT_STEREO)
- numchn = 4;
- if (gfp.VBR == VbrMode.vbr_off)
- pcfact = gfc.ResvMax == 0 ? 0 : ( gfc.ResvSize)
- / gfc.ResvMax * 0.5;
- else if (gfp.VBR == VbrMode.vbr_rh || gfp.VBR == VbrMode.vbr_mtrh
- || gfp.VBR == VbrMode.vbr_mt) {
- pcfact = 0.6;
- } else
- pcfact = 1.0;
- /**********************************************************************
- * Apply HPF of fs/4 to the input signal. This is used for attack
- * detection / handling.
- **********************************************************************/
- /* Don't copy the input buffer into a temporary buffer */
- /* unroll the loop 2 times */
- for (chn = 0; chn < gfc.channels_out; chn++) {
- /* apply high pass filter of fs/4 */
- var firbuf = buffer[chn];
- var firbufPos = bufPos + 576 - 350 - NSFIRLEN + 192;
- for (i = 0; i < 576; i++) {
- var sum1, sum2;
- sum1 = firbuf[firbufPos + i + 10];
- sum2 = 0.0;
- for (j = 0; j < ((NSFIRLEN - 1) / 2) - 1; j += 2) {
- sum1 += fircoef[j]
- * (firbuf[firbufPos + i + j] + firbuf[firbufPos + i
- + NSFIRLEN - j]);
- sum2 += fircoef[j + 1]
- * (firbuf[firbufPos + i + j + 1] + firbuf[firbufPos
- + i + NSFIRLEN - j - 1]);
- }
- ns_hpfsmpl[chn][i] = sum1 + sum2;
- }
- masking_ratio[gr_out][chn].en.assign(gfc.en[chn]);
- masking_ratio[gr_out][chn].thm.assign(gfc.thm[chn]);
- if (numchn > 2) {
- /* MS maskings */
- /* percep_MS_entropy [chn-2] = gfc . pe [chn]; */
- masking_MS_ratio[gr_out][chn].en.assign(gfc.en[chn + 2]);
- masking_MS_ratio[gr_out][chn].thm.assign(gfc.thm[chn + 2]);
- }
- }
- for (chn = 0; chn < numchn; chn++) {
- var wsamp_l;
- var wsamp_s;
- var en_subshort = new_float(12);
- var en_short = [0, 0, 0, 0];
- var attack_intensity = new_float(12);
- var ns_uselongblock = 1;
- var attackThreshold;
- var max = new_float(Encoder.CBANDS), avg = new_float(Encoder.CBANDS);
- var ns_attacks = [0, 0, 0, 0];
- var fftenergy = new_float(Encoder.HBLKSIZE);
- var fftenergy_s = new_float_n([3, Encoder.HBLKSIZE_s]);
- /*
- * rh 20040301: the following loops do access one off the limits so
- * I increase the array dimensions by one and initialize the
- * accessed values to zero
- */
- /***************************************************************
- * determine the block type (window type)
- ***************************************************************/
- /* calculate energies of each sub-shortblocks */
- for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
- en_subshort[i] = gfc.nsPsy.last_en_subshort[chn][i + 6];
- attack_intensity[i] = en_subshort[i]
- / gfc.nsPsy.last_en_subshort[chn][i + 4];
- en_short[0] += en_subshort[i];
- }
- if (chn == 2) {
- for (i = 0; i < 576; i++) {
- var l, r;
- l = ns_hpfsmpl[0][i];
- r = ns_hpfsmpl[1][i];
- ns_hpfsmpl[0][i] = l + r;
- ns_hpfsmpl[1][i] = l - r;
- }
- }
- {
- var pf = ns_hpfsmpl[chn & 1];
- var pfPos = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
- var pfe = pfPos + 576 / 9;
- var p = 1.;
- for (; pfPos < pfe; pfPos++)
- if (p < Math.abs(pf[pfPos]))
- p = Math.abs(pf[pfPos]);
- gfc.nsPsy.last_en_subshort[chn][i] = en_subshort[i + 3] = p;
- en_short[1 + i / 3] += p;
- if (p > en_subshort[i + 3 - 2]) {
- p = p / en_subshort[i + 3 - 2];
- } else if (en_subshort[i + 3 - 2] > p * 10.0) {
- p = en_subshort[i + 3 - 2] / (p * 10.0);
- } else
- p = 0.0;
- attack_intensity[i + 3] = p;
- }
- }
- if (gfp.analysis) {
- var x = attack_intensity[0];
- for (i = 1; i < 12; i++)
- if (x < attack_intensity[i])
- x = attack_intensity[i];
- gfc.pinfo.ers[gr_out][chn] = gfc.pinfo.ers_save[chn];
- gfc.pinfo.ers_save[chn] = x;
- }
- /* compare energies between sub-shortblocks */
- attackThreshold = (chn == 3) ? gfc.nsPsy.attackthre_s
- : gfc.nsPsy.attackthre;
- for (i = 0; i < 12; i++)
- if (0 == ns_attacks[i / 3]
- && attack_intensity[i] > attackThreshold)
- ns_attacks[i / 3] = (i % 3) + 1;
- /*
- * should have energy change between short blocks, in order to avoid
- * periodic signals
- */
- for (i = 1; i < 4; i++) {
- var ratio;
- if (en_short[i - 1] > en_short[i]) {
- ratio = en_short[i - 1] / en_short[i];
- } else {
- ratio = en_short[i] / en_short[i - 1];
- }
- if (ratio < 1.7) {
- ns_attacks[i] = 0;
- if (i == 1)
- ns_attacks[0] = 0;
- }
- }
- if (ns_attacks[0] != 0 && gfc.nsPsy.lastAttacks[chn] != 0)
- ns_attacks[0] = 0;
- if (gfc.nsPsy.lastAttacks[chn] == 3
- || (ns_attacks[0] + ns_attacks[1] + ns_attacks[2] + ns_attacks[3]) != 0) {
- ns_uselongblock = 0;
- if (ns_attacks[1] != 0 && ns_attacks[0] != 0)
- ns_attacks[1] = 0;
- if (ns_attacks[2] != 0 && ns_attacks[1] != 0)
- ns_attacks[2] = 0;
- if (ns_attacks[3] != 0 && ns_attacks[2] != 0)
- ns_attacks[3] = 0;
- }
- if (chn < 2) {
- uselongblock[chn] = ns_uselongblock;
- } else {
- if (ns_uselongblock == 0) {
- uselongblock[0] = uselongblock[1] = 0;
- }
- }
- /*
- * there is a one granule delay. Copy maskings computed last call
- * into masking_ratio to return to calling program.
- */
- energy[chn] = gfc.tot_ener[chn];
- /*********************************************************************
- * compute FFTs
- *********************************************************************/
- wsamp_s = wsamp_S;
- wsamp_l = wsamp_L;
- compute_ffts(gfp, fftenergy, fftenergy_s, wsamp_l, (chn & 1),
- wsamp_s, (chn & 1), gr_out, chn, buffer, bufPos);
- /*********************************************************************
- * Calculate the energy and the tonality of each partition.
- *********************************************************************/
- calc_energy(gfc, fftenergy, eb_l, max, avg);
- calc_mask_index_l(gfc, max, avg, mask_idx_l);
- /* compute masking thresholds for short blocks */
- for (sblock = 0; sblock < 3; sblock++) {
- var enn, thmm;
- compute_masking_s(gfp, fftenergy_s, eb_s, thr, chn, sblock);
- convert_partition2scalefac_s(gfc, eb_s, thr, chn, sblock);
- /**** short block pre-echo control ****/
- for (sb = 0; sb < Encoder.SBMAX_s; sb++) {
- thmm = gfc.thm[chn].s[sb][sblock];
- thmm *= NS_PREECHO_ATT0;
- if (ns_attacks[sblock] >= 2 || ns_attacks[sblock + 1] == 1) {
- var idx = (sblock != 0) ? sblock - 1 : 2;
- var p = NS_INTERP(gfc.thm[chn].s[sb][idx], thmm,
- NS_PREECHO_ATT1 * pcfact);
- thmm = Math.min(thmm, p);
- }
- if (ns_attacks[sblock] == 1) {
- var idx = (sblock != 0) ? sblock - 1 : 2;
- var p = NS_INTERP(gfc.thm[chn].s[sb][idx], thmm,
- NS_PREECHO_ATT2 * pcfact);
- thmm = Math.min(thmm, p);
- } else if ((sblock != 0 && ns_attacks[sblock - 1] == 3)
- || (sblock == 0 && gfc.nsPsy.lastAttacks[chn] == 3)) {
- var idx = (sblock != 2) ? sblock + 1 : 0;
- var p = NS_INTERP(gfc.thm[chn].s[sb][idx], thmm,
- NS_PREECHO_ATT2 * pcfact);
- thmm = Math.min(thmm, p);
- }
- /* pulse like signal detection for fatboy.wav and so on */
- enn = en_subshort[sblock * 3 + 3]
- + en_subshort[sblock * 3 + 4]
- + en_subshort[sblock * 3 + 5];
- if (en_subshort[sblock * 3 + 5] * 6 < enn) {
- thmm *= 0.5;
- if (en_subshort[sblock * 3 + 4] * 6 < enn)
- thmm *= 0.5;
- }
- gfc.thm[chn].s[sb][sblock] = thmm;
- }
- }
- gfc.nsPsy.lastAttacks[chn] = ns_attacks[2];
- /*********************************************************************
- * convolve the partitioned energy and unpredictability with the
- * spreading function, s3_l[b][k]
- ********************************************************************/
- k = 0;
- {
- for (b = 0; b < gfc.npart_l; b++) {
- /*
- * convolve the partitioned energy with the spreading
- * function
- */
- var kk = gfc.s3ind[b][0];
- var eb2 = eb_l[kk] * tab[mask_idx_l[kk]];
- var ecb = gfc.s3_ll[k++] * eb2;
- while (++kk <= gfc.s3ind[b][1]) {
- eb2 = eb_l[kk] * tab[mask_idx_l[kk]];
- ecb = mask_add(ecb, gfc.s3_ll[k++] * eb2, kk, kk - b,
- gfc, 0);
- }
- ecb *= 0.158489319246111;
- /* pow(10,-0.8) */
- /**** long block pre-echo control ****/
- /**
- * <PRE>
- * dont use long block pre-echo control if previous granule was
- * a short block. This is to avoid the situation:
- * frame0: quiet (very low masking)
- * frame1: surge (triggers short blocks)
- * frame2: regular frame. looks like pre-echo when compared to
- * frame0, but all pre-echo was in frame1.
- * </PRE>
- */
- /*
- * chn=0,1 L and R channels
- *
- * chn=2,3 S and M channels.
- */
- if (gfc.blocktype_old[chn & 1] == Encoder.SHORT_TYPE)
- thr[b] = ecb;
- else
- thr[b] = NS_INTERP(
- Math.min(ecb, Math.min(rpelev
- * gfc.nb_1[chn][b], rpelev2
- * gfc.nb_2[chn][b])), ecb, pcfact);
- gfc.nb_2[chn][b] = gfc.nb_1[chn][b];
- gfc.nb_1[chn][b] = ecb;
- }
- }
- for (; b <= Encoder.CBANDS; ++b) {
- eb_l[b] = 0;
- thr[b] = 0;
- }
- /* compute masking thresholds for long blocks */
- convert_partition2scalefac_l(gfc, eb_l, thr, chn);
- }
- /* end loop over chn */
- if (gfp.mode == MPEGMode.STEREO || gfp.mode == MPEGMode.JOINT_STEREO) {
- if (gfp.interChRatio > 0.0) {
- calc_interchannel_masking(gfp, gfp.interChRatio);
- }
- }
- if (gfp.mode == MPEGMode.JOINT_STEREO) {
- var msfix;
- msfix1(gfc);
- msfix = gfp.msfix;
- if (Math.abs(msfix) > 0.0)
- ns_msfix(gfc, msfix, gfp.ATHlower * gfc.ATH.adjust);
- }
- /***************************************************************
- * determine final block type
- ***************************************************************/
- block_type_set(gfp, uselongblock, blocktype_d, blocktype);
- /*********************************************************************
- * compute the value of PE to return ... no delay and advance
- *********************************************************************/
- for (chn = 0; chn < numchn; chn++) {
- var ppe;
- var ppePos = 0;
- var type;
- var mr;
- if (chn > 1) {
- ppe = percep_MS_entropy;
- ppePos = -2;
- type = Encoder.NORM_TYPE;
- if (blocktype_d[0] == Encoder.SHORT_TYPE
- || blocktype_d[1] == Encoder.SHORT_TYPE)
- type = Encoder.SHORT_TYPE;
- mr = masking_MS_ratio[gr_out][chn - 2];
- } else {
- ppe = percep_entropy;
- ppePos = 0;
- type = blocktype_d[chn];
- mr = masking_ratio[gr_out][chn];
- }
- if (type == Encoder.SHORT_TYPE)
- ppe[ppePos + chn] = pecalc_s(mr, gfc.masking_lower);
- else
- ppe[ppePos + chn] = pecalc_l(mr, gfc.masking_lower);
- if (gfp.analysis)
- gfc.pinfo.pe[gr_out][chn] = ppe[ppePos + chn];
- }
- return 0;
- }
- function vbrpsy_compute_fft_l(gfp, buffer, bufPos, chn, gr_out, fftenergy, wsamp_l, wsamp_lPos) {
- var gfc = gfp.internal_flags;
- if (chn < 2) {
- fft.fft_long(gfc, wsamp_l[wsamp_lPos], chn, buffer, bufPos);
- } else if (chn == 2) {
- /* FFT data for mid and side channel is derived from L & R */
- for (var j = Encoder.BLKSIZE - 1; j >= 0; --j) {
- var l = wsamp_l[wsamp_lPos + 0][j];
- var r = wsamp_l[wsamp_lPos + 1][j];
- wsamp_l[wsamp_lPos + 0][j] = (l + r) * Util.SQRT2 * 0.5;
- wsamp_l[wsamp_lPos + 1][j] = (l - r) * Util.SQRT2 * 0.5;
- }
- }
- /*********************************************************************
- * compute energies
- *********************************************************************/
- fftenergy[0] = NON_LINEAR_SCALE_ENERGY(wsamp_l[wsamp_lPos + 0][0]);
- fftenergy[0] *= fftenergy[0];
- for (var j = Encoder.BLKSIZE / 2 - 1; j >= 0; --j) {
- var re = wsamp_l[wsamp_lPos + 0][Encoder.BLKSIZE / 2 - j];
- var im = wsamp_l[wsamp_lPos + 0][Encoder.BLKSIZE / 2 + j];
- fftenergy[Encoder.BLKSIZE / 2 - j] = NON_LINEAR_SCALE_ENERGY((re
- * re + im * im) * 0.5);
- }
- /* total energy */
- {
- var totalenergy = 0.0;
- for (var j = 11; j < Encoder.HBLKSIZE; j++)
- totalenergy += fftenergy[j];
- gfc.tot_ener[chn] = totalenergy;
- }
- if (gfp.analysis) {
- for (var j = 0; j < Encoder.HBLKSIZE; j++) {
- gfc.pinfo.energy[gr_out][chn][j] = gfc.pinfo.energy_save[chn][j];
- gfc.pinfo.energy_save[chn][j] = fftenergy[j];
- }
- gfc.pinfo.pe[gr_out][chn] = gfc.pe[chn];
- }
- }
- function vbrpsy_compute_fft_s(gfp, buffer, bufPos, chn, sblock, fftenergy_s, wsamp_s, wsamp_sPos) {
- var gfc = gfp.internal_flags;
- if (sblock == 0 && chn < 2) {
- fft.fft_short(gfc, wsamp_s[wsamp_sPos], chn, buffer, bufPos);
- }
- if (chn == 2) {
- /* FFT data for mid and side channel is derived from L & R */
- for (var j = Encoder.BLKSIZE_s - 1; j >= 0; --j) {
- var l = wsamp_s[wsamp_sPos + 0][sblock][j];
- var r = wsamp_s[wsamp_sPos + 1][sblock][j];
- wsamp_s[wsamp_sPos + 0][sblock][j] = (l + r) * Util.SQRT2 * 0.5;
- wsamp_s[wsamp_sPos + 1][sblock][j] = (l - r) * Util.SQRT2 * 0.5;
- }
- }
- /*********************************************************************
- * compute energies
- *********************************************************************/
- fftenergy_s[sblock][0] = wsamp_s[wsamp_sPos + 0][sblock][0];
- fftenergy_s[sblock][0] *= fftenergy_s[sblock][0];
- for (var j = Encoder.BLKSIZE_s / 2 - 1; j >= 0; --j) {
- var re = wsamp_s[wsamp_sPos + 0][sblock][Encoder.BLKSIZE_s / 2 - j];
- var im = wsamp_s[wsamp_sPos + 0][sblock][Encoder.BLKSIZE_s / 2 + j];
- fftenergy_s[sblock][Encoder.BLKSIZE_s / 2 - j] = NON_LINEAR_SCALE_ENERGY((re
- * re + im * im) * 0.5);
- }
- }
- /**
- * compute loudness approximation (used for ATH auto-level adjustment)
- */
- function vbrpsy_compute_loudness_approximation_l(gfp, gr_out, chn, fftenergy) {
- var gfc = gfp.internal_flags;
- if (gfp.athaa_loudapprox == 2 && chn < 2) {
- // no loudness for mid/side ch
- gfc.loudness_sq[gr_out][chn] = gfc.loudness_sq_save[chn];
- gfc.loudness_sq_save[chn] = psycho_loudness_approx(fftenergy, gfc);
- }
- }
- var fircoef_ = [-8.65163e-18 * 2,
- -0.00851586 * 2, -6.74764e-18 * 2, 0.0209036 * 2,
- -3.36639e-17 * 2, -0.0438162 * 2, -1.54175e-17 * 2,
- 0.0931738 * 2, -5.52212e-17 * 2, -0.313819 * 2];
- /**
- * Apply HPF of fs/4 to the input signal. This is used for attack detection
- * / handling.
- */
- function vbrpsy_attack_detection(gfp, buffer, bufPos, gr_out, masking_ratio, masking_MS_ratio, energy, sub_short_factor, ns_attacks, uselongblock) {
- var ns_hpfsmpl = new_float_n([2, 576]);
- var gfc = gfp.internal_flags;
- var n_chn_out = gfc.channels_out;
- /* chn=2 and 3 = Mid and Side channels */
- var n_chn_psy = (gfp.mode == MPEGMode.JOINT_STEREO) ? 4 : n_chn_out;
- /* Don't copy the input buffer into a temporary buffer */
- /* unroll the loop 2 times */
- for (var chn = 0; chn < n_chn_out; chn++) {
- /* apply high pass filter of fs/4 */
- firbuf = buffer[chn];
- var firbufPos = bufPos + 576 - 350 - NSFIRLEN + 192;
- for (var i = 0; i < 576; i++) {
- var sum1, sum2;
- sum1 = firbuf[firbufPos + i + 10];
- sum2 = 0.0;
- for (var j = 0; j < ((NSFIRLEN - 1) / 2) - 1; j += 2) {
- sum1 += fircoef_[j]
- * (firbuf[firbufPos + i + j] + firbuf[firbufPos + i
- + NSFIRLEN - j]);
- sum2 += fircoef_[j + 1]
- * (firbuf[firbufPos + i + j + 1] + firbuf[firbufPos
- + i + NSFIRLEN - j - 1]);
- }
- ns_hpfsmpl[chn][i] = sum1 + sum2;
- }
- masking_ratio[gr_out][chn].en.assign(gfc.en[chn]);
- masking_ratio[gr_out][chn].thm.assign(gfc.thm[chn]);
- if (n_chn_psy > 2) {
- /* MS maskings */
- /* percep_MS_entropy [chn-2] = gfc . pe [chn]; */
- masking_MS_ratio[gr_out][chn].en.assign(gfc.en[chn + 2]);
- masking_MS_ratio[gr_out][chn].thm.assign(gfc.thm[chn + 2]);
- }
- }
- for (var chn = 0; chn < n_chn_psy; chn++) {
- var attack_intensity = new_float(12);
- var en_subshort = new_float(12);
- var en_short = [0, 0, 0, 0];
- var pf = ns_hpfsmpl[chn & 1];
- var pfPos = 0;
- var attackThreshold = (chn == 3) ? gfc.nsPsy.attackthre_s
- : gfc.nsPsy.attackthre;
- var ns_uselongblock = 1;
- if (chn == 2) {
- for (var i = 0, j = 576; j > 0; ++i, --j) {
- var l = ns_hpfsmpl[0][i];
- var r = ns_hpfsmpl[1][i];
- ns_hpfsmpl[0][i] = l + r;
- ns_hpfsmpl[1][i] = l - r;
- }
- }
- /***************************************************************
- * determine the block type (window type)
- ***************************************************************/
- /* calculate energies of each sub-shortblocks */
- for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
- en_subshort[i] = gfc.nsPsy.last_en_subshort[chn][i + 6];
- attack_intensity[i] = en_subshort[i]
- / gfc.nsPsy.last_en_subshort[chn][i + 4];
- en_short[0] += en_subshort[i];
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < 9; i++) {
- var pfe = pfPos + 576 / 9;
- var p = 1.;
- for (; pfPos < pfe; pfPos++)
- if (p < Math.abs(pf[pfPos]))
- p = Math.abs(pf[pfPos]);
- gfc.nsPsy.last_en_subshort[chn][i] = en_subshort[i + 3] = p;
- en_short[1 + i / 3] += p;
- if (p > en_subshort[i + 3 - 2]) {
- p = p / en_subshort[i + 3 - 2];
- } else if (en_subshort[i + 3 - 2] > p * 10.0) {
- p = en_subshort[i + 3 - 2] / (p * 10.0);
- } else {
- p = 0.0;
- }
- attack_intensity[i + 3] = p;
- }
- /* pulse like signal detection for fatboy.wav and so on */
- for (var i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
- var enn = en_subshort[i * 3 + 3]
- + en_subshort[i * 3 + 4] + en_subshort[i * 3 + 5];
- var factor = 1.;
- if (en_subshort[i * 3 + 5] * 6 < enn) {
- factor *= 0.5;
- if (en_subshort[i * 3 + 4] * 6 < enn) {
- factor *= 0.5;
- }
- }
- sub_short_factor[chn][i] = factor;
- }
- if (gfp.analysis) {
- var x = attack_intensity[0];
- for (var i = 1; i < 12; i++) {
- if (x < attack_intensity[i]) {
- x = attack_intensity[i];
- }
- }
- gfc.pinfo.ers[gr_out][chn] = gfc.pinfo.ers_save[chn];
- gfc.pinfo.ers_save[chn] = x;
- }
- /* compare energies between sub-shortblocks */
- for (var i = 0; i < 12; i++) {
- if (0 == ns_attacks[chn][i / 3]
- && attack_intensity[i] > attackThreshold) {
- ns_attacks[chn][i / 3] = (i % 3) + 1;
- }
- }
- /*
- * should have energy change between short blocks, in order to avoid
- * periodic signals
- */
- /* Good samples to show the effect are Trumpet test songs */
- /*
- * GB: tuned (1) to avoid too many short blocks for test sample
- */
- /*
- * RH: tuned (2) to let enough short blocks through for test sample
- * FSOL and SNAPS
- */
- for (var i = 1; i < 4; i++) {
- var u = en_short[i - 1];
- var v = en_short[i];
- var m = Math.max(u, v);
- if (m < 40000) { /* (2) */
- if (u < 1.7 * v && v < 1.7 * u) { /* (1) */
- if (i == 1 && ns_attacks[chn][0] <= ns_attacks[chn][i]) {
- ns_attacks[chn][0] = 0;
- }
- ns_attacks[chn][i] = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- if (ns_attacks[chn][0] <= gfc.nsPsy.lastAttacks[chn]) {
- ns_attacks[chn][0] = 0;
- }
- if (gfc.nsPsy.lastAttacks[chn] == 3
- || (ns_attacks[chn][0] + ns_attacks[chn][1]
- + ns_attacks[chn][2] + ns_attacks[chn][3]) != 0) {
- ns_uselongblock = 0;
- if (ns_attacks[chn][1] != 0 && ns_attacks[chn][0] != 0) {
- ns_attacks[chn][1] = 0;
- }
- if (ns_attacks[chn][2] != 0 && ns_attacks[chn][1] != 0) {
- ns_attacks[chn][2] = 0;
- }
- if (ns_attacks[chn][3] != 0 && ns_attacks[chn][2] != 0) {
- ns_attacks[chn][3] = 0;
- }
- }
- if (chn < 2) {
- uselongblock[chn] = ns_uselongblock;
- } else {
- if (ns_uselongblock == 0) {
- uselongblock[0] = uselongblock[1] = 0;
- }
- }
- /*
- * there is a one granule delay. Copy maskings computed last call
- * into masking_ratio to return to calling program.
- */
- energy[chn] = gfc.tot_ener[chn];
- }
- }
- function vbrpsy_skip_masking_s(gfc, chn, sblock) {
- if (sblock == 0) {
- for (var b = 0; b < gfc.npart_s; b++) {
- gfc.nb_s2[chn][b] = gfc.nb_s1[chn][b];
- gfc.nb_s1[chn][b] = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- function vbrpsy_skip_masking_l(gfc, chn) {
- for (var b = 0; b < gfc.npart_l; b++) {
- gfc.nb_2[chn][b] = gfc.nb_1[chn][b];
- gfc.nb_1[chn][b] = 0;
- }
- }
- function psyvbr_calc_mask_index_s(gfc, max, avg, mask_idx) {
- var last_tab_entry = tab.length - 1;
- var b = 0;
- var a = avg[b] + avg[b + 1];
- if (a > 0.0) {
- var m = max[b];
- if (m < max[b + 1])
- m = max[b + 1];
- a = 20.0 * (m * 2.0 - a)
- / (a * (gfc.numlines_s[b] + gfc.numlines_s[b + 1] - 1));
- var k = 0 | a;
- if (k > last_tab_entry)
- k = last_tab_entry;
- mask_idx[b] = k;
- } else {
- mask_idx[b] = 0;
- }
- for (b = 1; b < gfc.npart_s - 1; b++) {
- a = avg[b - 1] + avg[b] + avg[b + 1];
- if (a > 0.0) {
- var m = max[b - 1];
- if (m < max[b])
- m = max[b];
- if (m < max[b + 1])
- m = max[b + 1];
- a = 20.0
- * (m * 3.0 - a)
- / (a * (gfc.numlines_s[b - 1] + gfc.numlines_s[b]
- + gfc.numlines_s[b + 1] - 1));
- var k = 0 | a;
- if (k > last_tab_entry)
- k = last_tab_entry;
- mask_idx[b] = k;
- } else {
- mask_idx[b] = 0;
- }
- }
- a = avg[b - 1] + avg[b];
- if (a > 0.0) {
- var m = max[b - 1];
- if (m < max[b])
- m = max[b];
- a = 20.0 * (m * 2.0 - a)
- / (a * (gfc.numlines_s[b - 1] + gfc.numlines_s[b] - 1));
- var k = 0 | a;
- if (k > last_tab_entry)
- k = last_tab_entry;
- mask_idx[b] = k;
- } else {
- mask_idx[b] = 0;
- }
- }
- function vbrpsy_compute_masking_s(gfp, fftenergy_s, eb, thr, chn, sblock) {
- var gfc = gfp.internal_flags;
- var max = new float[Encoder.CBANDS], avg = new_float(Encoder.CBANDS);
- var i, j, b;
- var mask_idx_s = new int[Encoder.CBANDS];
- for (b = j = 0; b < gfc.npart_s; ++b) {
- var ebb = 0, m = 0;
- var n = gfc.numlines_s[b];
- for (i = 0; i < n; ++i, ++j) {
- var el = fftenergy_s[sblock][j];
- ebb += el;
- if (m < el)
- m = el;
- }
- eb[b] = ebb;
- max[b] = m;
- avg[b] = ebb / n;
- }
- for (; b < Encoder.CBANDS; ++b) {
- max[b] = 0;
- avg[b] = 0;
- }
- psyvbr_calc_mask_index_s(gfc, max, avg, mask_idx_s);
- for (j = b = 0; b < gfc.npart_s; b++) {
- var kk = gfc.s3ind_s[b][0];
- var last = gfc.s3ind_s[b][1];
- var dd, dd_n;
- var x, ecb, avg_mask;
- dd = mask_idx_s[kk];
- dd_n = 1;
- ecb = gfc.s3_ss[j] * eb[kk] * tab[mask_idx_s[kk]];
- ++j;
- ++kk;
- while (kk <= last) {
- dd += mask_idx_s[kk];
- dd_n += 1;
- x = gfc.s3_ss[j] * eb[kk] * tab[mask_idx_s[kk]];
- ecb = vbrpsy_mask_add(ecb, x, kk - b);
- ++j;
- ++kk;
- }
- dd = (1 + 2 * dd) / (2 * dd_n);
- avg_mask = tab[dd] * 0.5;
- ecb *= avg_mask;
- thr[b] = ecb;
- gfc.nb_s2[chn][b] = gfc.nb_s1[chn][b];
- gfc.nb_s1[chn][b] = ecb;
- {
- /*
- * if THR exceeds EB, the quantization routines will take the
- * difference from other bands. in case of strong tonal samples
- * (tonaltest.wav) this leads to heavy distortions. that's why
- * we limit THR here.
- */
- x = max[b];
- x *= gfc.minval_s[b];
- x *= avg_mask;
- if (thr[b] > x) {
- thr[b] = x;
- }
- }
- if (gfc.masking_lower > 1) {
- thr[b] *= gfc.masking_lower;
- }
- if (thr[b] > eb[b]) {
- thr[b] = eb[b];
- }
- if (gfc.masking_lower < 1) {
- thr[b] *= gfc.masking_lower;
- }
- }
- for (; b < Encoder.CBANDS; ++b) {
- eb[b] = 0;
- thr[b] = 0;
- }
- }
- function vbrpsy_compute_masking_l(gfc, fftenergy, eb_l, thr, chn) {
- var max = new_float(Encoder.CBANDS), avg = new_float(Encoder.CBANDS);
- var mask_idx_l = new_int(Encoder.CBANDS + 2);
- var b;
- /*********************************************************************
- * Calculate the energy and the tonality of each partition.
- *********************************************************************/
- calc_energy(gfc, fftenergy, eb_l, max, avg);
- calc_mask_index_l(gfc, max, avg, mask_idx_l);
- /*********************************************************************
- * convolve the partitioned energy and unpredictability with the
- * spreading function, s3_l[b][k]
- ********************************************************************/
- var k = 0;
- for (b = 0; b < gfc.npart_l; b++) {
- var x, ecb, avg_mask, t;
- /* convolve the partitioned energy with the spreading function */
- var kk = gfc.s3ind[b][0];
- var last = gfc.s3ind[b][1];
- var dd = 0, dd_n = 0;
- dd = mask_idx_l[kk];
- dd_n += 1;
- ecb = gfc.s3_ll[k] * eb_l[kk] * tab[mask_idx_l[kk]];
- ++k;
- ++kk;
- while (kk <= last) {
- dd += mask_idx_l[kk];
- dd_n += 1;
- x = gfc.s3_ll[k] * eb_l[kk] * tab[mask_idx_l[kk]];
- t = vbrpsy_mask_add(ecb, x, kk - b);
- ecb = t;
- ++k;
- ++kk;
- }
- dd = (1 + 2 * dd) / (2 * dd_n);
- avg_mask = tab[dd] * 0.5;
- ecb *= avg_mask;
- /**** long block pre-echo control ****/
- /**
- * <PRE>
- * dont use long block pre-echo control if previous granule was
- * a short block. This is to avoid the situation:
- * frame0: quiet (very low masking)
- * frame1: surge (triggers short blocks)
- * frame2: regular frame. looks like pre-echo when compared to
- * frame0, but all pre-echo was in frame1.
- * </PRE>
- */
- /*
- * chn=0,1 L and R channels chn=2,3 S and M channels.
- */
- if (gfc.blocktype_old[chn & 0x01] == Encoder.SHORT_TYPE) {
- var ecb_limit = rpelev * gfc.nb_1[chn][b];
- if (ecb_limit > 0) {
- thr[b] = Math.min(ecb, ecb_limit);
- } else {
- /**
- * <PRE>
- * Robert 071209:
- * Because we don't calculate long block psy when we know a granule
- * should be of short blocks, we don't have any clue how the granule
- * before would have looked like as a long block. So we have to guess
- * a little bit for this END_TYPE block.
- * Most of the time we get away with this sloppyness. (fingers crossed :)
- * The speed increase is worth it.
- * </PRE>
- */
- thr[b] = Math.min(ecb, eb_l[b] * NS_PREECHO_ATT2);
- }
- } else {
- var ecb_limit_2 = rpelev2 * gfc.nb_2[chn][b];
- var ecb_limit_1 = rpelev * gfc.nb_1[chn][b];
- var ecb_limit;
- if (ecb_limit_2 <= 0) {
- ecb_limit_2 = ecb;
- }
- if (ecb_limit_1 <= 0) {
- ecb_limit_1 = ecb;
- }
- if (gfc.blocktype_old[chn & 0x01] == Encoder.NORM_TYPE) {
- ecb_limit = Math.min(ecb_limit_1, ecb_limit_2);
- } else {
- ecb_limit = ecb_limit_1;
- }
- thr[b] = Math.min(ecb, ecb_limit);
- }
- gfc.nb_2[chn][b] = gfc.nb_1[chn][b];
- gfc.nb_1[chn][b] = ecb;
- {
- /*
- * if THR exceeds EB, the quantization routines will take the
- * difference from other bands. in case of strong tonal samples
- * (tonaltest.wav) this leads to heavy distortions. that's why
- * we limit THR here.
- */
- x = max[b];
- x *= gfc.minval_l[b];
- x *= avg_mask;
- if (thr[b] > x) {
- thr[b] = x;
- }
- }
- if (gfc.masking_lower > 1) {
- thr[b] *= gfc.masking_lower;
- }
- if (thr[b] > eb_l[b]) {
- thr[b] = eb_l[b];
- }
- if (gfc.masking_lower < 1) {
- thr[b] *= gfc.masking_lower;
- }
- }
- for (; b < Encoder.CBANDS; ++b) {
- eb_l[b] = 0;
- thr[b] = 0;
- }
- }
- function vbrpsy_compute_block_type(gfp, uselongblock) {
- var gfc = gfp.internal_flags;
- if (gfp.short_blocks == ShortBlock.short_block_coupled
- /* force both channels to use the same block type */
- /* this is necessary if the frame is to be encoded in ms_stereo. */
- /* But even without ms_stereo, FhG does this */
- && !(uselongblock[0] != 0 && uselongblock[1] != 0))
- uselongblock[0] = uselongblock[1] = 0;
- for (var chn = 0; chn < gfc.channels_out; chn++) {
- /* disable short blocks */
- if (gfp.short_blocks == ShortBlock.short_block_dispensed) {
- uselongblock[chn] = 1;
- }
- if (gfp.short_blocks == ShortBlock.short_block_forced) {
- uselongblock[chn] = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- function vbrpsy_apply_block_type(gfp, uselongblock, blocktype_d) {
- var gfc = gfp.internal_flags;
- /*
- * update the blocktype of the previous granule, since it depends on
- * what happend in this granule
- */
- for (var chn = 0; chn < gfc.channels_out; chn++) {
- var blocktype = Encoder.NORM_TYPE;
- /* disable short blocks */
- if (uselongblock[chn] != 0) {
- /* no attack : use long blocks */
- if (gfc.blocktype_old[chn] == Encoder.SHORT_TYPE)
- blocktype = Encoder.STOP_TYPE;
- } else {
- /* attack : use short blocks */
- blocktype = Encoder.SHORT_TYPE;
- if (gfc.blocktype_old[chn] == Encoder.NORM_TYPE) {
- gfc.blocktype_old[chn] = Encoder.START_TYPE;
- }
- if (gfc.blocktype_old[chn] == Encoder.STOP_TYPE)
- gfc.blocktype_old[chn] = Encoder.SHORT_TYPE;
- }
- blocktype_d[chn] = gfc.blocktype_old[chn];
- // value returned to calling program
- gfc.blocktype_old[chn] = blocktype;
- // save for next call to l3psy_anal
- }
- }
- /**
- * compute M/S thresholds from Johnston & Ferreira 1992 ICASSP paper
- */
- function vbrpsy_compute_MS_thresholds(eb, thr, cb_mld, ath_cb, athadjust, msfix, n) {
- var msfix2 = msfix * 2;
- var athlower = msfix > 0 ? Math.pow(10, athadjust) : 1;
- var rside, rmid;
- for (var b = 0; b < n; ++b) {
- var ebM = eb[2][b];
- var ebS = eb[3][b];
- var thmL = thr[0][b];
- var thmR = thr[1][b];
- var thmM = thr[2][b];
- var thmS = thr[3][b];
- /* use this fix if L & R masking differs by 2db or less */
- if (thmL <= 1.58 * thmR && thmR <= 1.58 * thmL) {
- var mld_m = cb_mld[b] * ebS;
- var mld_s = cb_mld[b] * ebM;
- rmid = Math.max(thmM, Math.min(thmS, mld_m));
- rside = Math.max(thmS, Math.min(thmM, mld_s));
- } else {
- rmid = thmM;
- rside = thmS;
- }
- if (msfix > 0) {
- /***************************************************************/
- /* Adjust M/S maskings if user set "msfix" */
- /***************************************************************/
- /* Naoki Shibata 2000 */
- var thmLR, thmMS;
- var ath = ath_cb[b] * athlower;
- thmLR = Math.min(Math.max(thmL, ath), Math.max(thmR, ath));
- thmM = Math.max(rmid, ath);
- thmS = Math.max(rside, ath);
- thmMS = thmM + thmS;
- if (thmMS > 0 && (thmLR * msfix2) < thmMS) {
- var f = thmLR * msfix2 / thmMS;
- thmM *= f;
- thmS *= f;
- }
- rmid = Math.min(thmM, rmid);
- rside = Math.min(thmS, rside);
- }
- if (rmid > ebM) {
- rmid = ebM;
- }
- if (rside > ebS) {
- rside = ebS;
- }
- thr[2][b] = rmid;
- thr[3][b] = rside;
- }
- }
- this.L3psycho_anal_vbr = function (gfp, buffer, bufPos, gr_out, masking_ratio, masking_MS_ratio, percep_entropy, percep_MS_entropy, energy, blocktype_d) {
- var gfc = gfp.internal_flags;
- /* fft and energy calculation */
- var wsamp_l;
- var wsamp_s;
- var fftenergy = new_float(Encoder.HBLKSIZE);
- var fftenergy_s = new_float_n([3, Encoder.HBLKSIZE_s]);
- var wsamp_L = new_float_n([2, Encoder.BLKSIZE]);
- var wsamp_S = new_float_n([2, 3, Encoder.BLKSIZE_s]);
- var eb = new_float_n([4, Encoder.CBANDS]), thr = new_float_n([4, Encoder.CBANDS]);
- var sub_short_factor = new_float_n([4, 3]);
- var pcfact = 0.6;
- /* block type */
- var ns_attacks = [[0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0, 0],
- [0, 0, 0, 0]];
- var uselongblock = new_int(2);
- /* usual variables like loop indices, etc.. */
- /* chn=2 and 3 = Mid and Side channels */
- var n_chn_psy = (gfp.mode == MPEGMode.JOINT_STEREO) ? 4
- : gfc.channels_out;
- vbrpsy_attack_detection(gfp, buffer, bufPos, gr_out, masking_ratio,
- masking_MS_ratio, energy, sub_short_factor, ns_attacks,
- uselongblock);
- vbrpsy_compute_block_type(gfp, uselongblock);
- {
- for (var chn = 0; chn < n_chn_psy; chn++) {
- var ch01 = chn & 0x01;
- wsamp_l = wsamp_L;
- vbrpsy_compute_fft_l(gfp, buffer, bufPos, chn, gr_out,
- fftenergy, wsamp_l, ch01);
- vbrpsy_compute_loudness_approximation_l(gfp, gr_out, chn,
- fftenergy);
- if (uselongblock[ch01] != 0) {
- vbrpsy_compute_masking_l(gfc, fftenergy, eb[chn], thr[chn],
- chn);
- } else {
- vbrpsy_skip_masking_l(gfc, chn);
- }
- }
- if ((uselongblock[0] + uselongblock[1]) == 2) {
- /* M/S channel */
- if (gfp.mode == MPEGMode.JOINT_STEREO) {
- vbrpsy_compute_MS_thresholds(eb, thr, gfc.mld_cb_l,
- gfc.ATH.cb_l, gfp.ATHlower * gfc.ATH.adjust,
- gfp.msfix, gfc.npart_l);
- }
- }
- /* TODO: apply adaptive ATH masking here ?? */
- for (var chn = 0; chn < n_chn_psy; chn++) {
- var ch01 = chn & 0x01;
- if (uselongblock[ch01] != 0) {
- convert_partition2scalefac_l(gfc, eb[chn], thr[chn], chn);
- }
- }
- }
- {
- for (var sblock = 0; sblock < 3; sblock++) {
- for (var chn = 0; chn < n_chn_psy; ++chn) {
- var ch01 = chn & 0x01;
- if (uselongblock[ch01] != 0) {
- vbrpsy_skip_masking_s(gfc, chn, sblock);
- } else {
- /* compute masking thresholds for short blocks */
- wsamp_s = wsamp_S;
- vbrpsy_compute_fft_s(gfp, buffer, bufPos, chn, sblock,
- fftenergy_s, wsamp_s, ch01);
- vbrpsy_compute_masking_s(gfp, fftenergy_s, eb[chn],
- thr[chn], chn, sblock);
- }
- }
- if ((uselongblock[0] + uselongblock[1]) == 0) {
- /* M/S channel */
- if (gfp.mode == MPEGMode.JOINT_STEREO) {
- vbrpsy_compute_MS_thresholds(eb, thr, gfc.mld_cb_s,
- gfc.ATH.cb_s, gfp.ATHlower * gfc.ATH.adjust,
- gfp.msfix, gfc.npart_s);
- }
- /* L/R channel */
- }
- /* TODO: apply adaptive ATH masking here ?? */
- for (var chn = 0; chn < n_chn_psy; ++chn) {
- var ch01 = chn & 0x01;
- if (0 == uselongblock[ch01]) {
- convert_partition2scalefac_s(gfc, eb[chn], thr[chn],
- chn, sblock);
- }
- }
- }
- /**** short block pre-echo control ****/
- for (var chn = 0; chn < n_chn_psy; chn++) {
- var ch01 = chn & 0x01;
- if (uselongblock[ch01] != 0) {
- continue;
- }
- for (var sb = 0; sb < Encoder.SBMAX_s; sb++) {
- var new_thmm = new_float(3);
- for (var sblock = 0; sblock < 3; sblock++) {
- var thmm = gfc.thm[chn].s[sb][sblock];
- thmm *= NS_PREECHO_ATT0;
- if (ns_attacks[chn][sblock] >= 2
- || ns_attacks[chn][sblock + 1] == 1) {
- var idx = (sblock != 0) ? sblock - 1 : 2;
- var p = NS_INTERP(gfc.thm[chn].s[sb][idx], thmm,
- NS_PREECHO_ATT1 * pcfact);
- thmm = Math.min(thmm, p);
- } else if (ns_attacks[chn][sblock] == 1) {
- var idx = (sblock != 0) ? sblock - 1 : 2;
- var p = NS_INTERP(gfc.thm[chn].s[sb][idx], thmm,
- NS_PREECHO_ATT2 * pcfact);
- thmm = Math.min(thmm, p);
- } else if ((sblock != 0 && ns_attacks[chn][sblock - 1] == 3)
- || (sblock == 0 && gfc.nsPsy.lastAttacks[chn] == 3)) {
- var idx = (sblock != 2) ? sblock + 1 : 0;
- var p = NS_INTERP(gfc.thm[chn].s[sb][idx], thmm,
- NS_PREECHO_ATT2 * pcfact);
- thmm = Math.min(thmm, p);
- }
- /* pulse like signal detection for fatboy.wav and so on */
- thmm *= sub_short_factor[chn][sblock];
- new_thmm[sblock] = thmm;
- }
- for (var sblock = 0; sblock < 3; sblock++) {
- gfc.thm[chn].s[sb][sblock] = new_thmm[sblock];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- for (var chn = 0; chn < n_chn_psy; chn++) {
- gfc.nsPsy.lastAttacks[chn] = ns_attacks[chn][2];
- }
- /***************************************************************
- * determine final block type
- ***************************************************************/
- vbrpsy_apply_block_type(gfp, uselongblock, blocktype_d);
- /*********************************************************************
- * compute the value of PE to return ... no delay and advance
- *********************************************************************/
- for (var chn = 0; chn < n_chn_psy; chn++) {
- var ppe;
- var ppePos;
- var type;
- var mr;
- if (chn > 1) {
- ppe = percep_MS_entropy;
- ppePos = -2;
- type = Encoder.NORM_TYPE;
- if (blocktype_d[0] == Encoder.SHORT_TYPE
- || blocktype_d[1] == Encoder.SHORT_TYPE)
- type = Encoder.SHORT_TYPE;
- mr = masking_MS_ratio[gr_out][chn - 2];
- } else {
- ppe = percep_entropy;
- ppePos = 0;
- type = blocktype_d[chn];
- mr = masking_ratio[gr_out][chn];
- }
- if (type == Encoder.SHORT_TYPE) {
- ppe[ppePos + chn] = pecalc_s(mr, gfc.masking_lower);
- } else {
- ppe[ppePos + chn] = pecalc_l(mr, gfc.masking_lower);
- }
- if (gfp.analysis) {
- gfc.pinfo.pe[gr_out][chn] = ppe[ppePos + chn];
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- function s3_func_x(bark, hf_slope) {
- var tempx = bark, tempy;
- if (tempx >= 0) {
- tempy = -tempx * 27;
- } else {
- tempy = tempx * hf_slope;
- }
- if (tempy <= -72.0) {
- return 0;
- }
- return Math.exp(tempy * LN_TO_LOG10);
- }
- function norm_s3_func_x(hf_slope) {
- var lim_a = 0, lim_b = 0;
- {
- var x = 0, l, h;
- for (x = 0; s3_func_x(x, hf_slope) > 1e-20; x -= 1)
- ;
- l = x;
- h = 0;
- while (Math.abs(h - l) > 1e-12) {
- x = (h + l) / 2;
- if (s3_func_x(x, hf_slope) > 0) {
- h = x;
- } else {
- l = x;
- }
- }
- lim_a = l;
- }
- {
- var x = 0, l, h;
- for (x = 0; s3_func_x(x, hf_slope) > 1e-20; x += 1)
- ;
- l = 0;
- h = x;
- while (Math.abs(h - l) > 1e-12) {
- x = (h + l) / 2;
- if (s3_func_x(x, hf_slope) > 0) {
- l = x;
- } else {
- h = x;
- }
- }
- lim_b = h;
- }
- {
- var sum = 0;
- var m = 1000;
- var i;
- for (i = 0; i <= m; ++i) {
- var x = lim_a + i * (lim_b - lim_a) / m;
- var y = s3_func_x(x, hf_slope);
- sum += y;
- }
- {
- var norm = (m + 1) / (sum * (lim_b - lim_a));
- /* printf( "norm = %lf\n",norm); */
- return norm;
- }
- }
- }
- /**
- * The spreading function. Values returned in units of energy
- */
- function s3_func(bark) {
- var tempx, x, tempy, temp;
- tempx = bark;
- if (tempx >= 0)
- tempx *= 3;
- else
- tempx *= 1.5;
- if (tempx >= 0.5 && tempx <= 2.5) {
- temp = tempx - 0.5;
- x = 8.0 * (temp * temp - 2.0 * temp);
- } else
- x = 0.0;
- tempx += 0.474;
- tempy = 15.811389 + 7.5 * tempx - 17.5
- * Math.sqrt(1.0 + tempx * tempx);
- if (tempy <= -60.0)
- return 0.0;
- tempx = Math.exp((x + tempy) * LN_TO_LOG10);
- /**
- * <PRE>
- * Normalization. The spreading function should be normalized so that:
- * +inf
- * /
- * | s3 [ bark ] d(bark) = 1
- * /
- * -inf
- * </PRE>
- */
- tempx /= .6609193;
- return tempx;
- }
- /**
- * see for example "Zwicker: Psychoakustik, 1982; ISBN 3-540-11401-7
- */
- function freq2bark(freq) {
- /* input: freq in hz output: barks */
- if (freq < 0)
- freq = 0;
- freq = freq * 0.001;
- return 13.0 * Math.atan(.76 * freq) + 3.5
- * Math.atan(freq * freq / (7.5 * 7.5));
- }
- function init_numline(numlines, bo, bm, bval, bval_width, mld, bo_w, sfreq, blksize, scalepos, deltafreq, sbmax) {
- var b_frq = new_float(Encoder.CBANDS + 1);
- var sample_freq_frac = sfreq / (sbmax > 15 ? 2 * 576 : 2 * 192);
- var partition = new_int(Encoder.HBLKSIZE);
- var i;
- sfreq /= blksize;
- var j = 0;
- var ni = 0;
- /* compute numlines, the number of spectral lines in each partition band */
- /* each partition band should be about DELBARK wide. */
- for (i = 0; i < Encoder.CBANDS; i++) {
- var bark1;
- var j2;
- bark1 = freq2bark(sfreq * j);
- b_frq[i] = sfreq * j;
- for (j2 = j; freq2bark(sfreq * j2) - bark1 < DELBARK
- && j2 <= blksize / 2; j2++)
- ;
- numlines[i] = j2 - j;
- ni = i + 1;
- while (j < j2) {
- partition[j++] = i;
- }
- if (j > blksize / 2) {
- j = blksize / 2;
- ++i;
- break;
- }
- }
- b_frq[i] = sfreq * j;
- for (var sfb = 0; sfb < sbmax; sfb++) {
- var i1, i2, start, end;
- var arg;
- start = scalepos[sfb];
- end = scalepos[sfb + 1];
- i1 = 0 | Math.floor(.5 + deltafreq * (start - .5));
- if (i1 < 0)
- i1 = 0;
- i2 = 0 | Math.floor(.5 + deltafreq * (end - .5));
- if (i2 > blksize / 2)
- i2 = blksize / 2;
- bm[sfb] = (partition[i1] + partition[i2]) / 2;
- bo[sfb] = partition[i2];
- var f_tmp = sample_freq_frac * end;
- /*
- * calculate how much of this band belongs to current scalefactor
- * band
- */
- bo_w[sfb] = (f_tmp - b_frq[bo[sfb]])
- / (b_frq[bo[sfb] + 1] - b_frq[bo[sfb]]);
- if (bo_w[sfb] < 0) {
- bo_w[sfb] = 0;
- } else {
- if (bo_w[sfb] > 1) {
- bo_w[sfb] = 1;
- }
- }
- /* setup stereo demasking thresholds */
- /* formula reverse enginerred from plot in paper */
- arg = freq2bark(sfreq * scalepos[sfb] * deltafreq);
- arg = ( Math.min(arg, 15.5) / 15.5);
- mld[sfb] = Math.pow(10.0,
- 1.25 * (1 - Math.cos(Math.PI * arg)) - 2.5);
- }
- /* compute bark values of each critical band */
- j = 0;
- for (var k = 0; k < ni; k++) {
- var w = numlines[k];
- var bark1, bark2;
- bark1 = freq2bark(sfreq * (j));
- bark2 = freq2bark(sfreq * (j + w - 1));
- bval[k] = .5 * (bark1 + bark2);
- bark1 = freq2bark(sfreq * (j - .5));
- bark2 = freq2bark(sfreq * (j + w - .5));
- bval_width[k] = bark2 - bark1;
- j += w;
- }
- return ni;
- }
- function init_s3_values(s3ind, npart, bval, bval_width, norm, use_old_s3) {
- var s3 = new_float_n([Encoder.CBANDS, Encoder.CBANDS]);
- /*
- * The s3 array is not linear in the bark scale.
- *
- * bval[x] should be used to get the bark value.
- */
- var j;
- var numberOfNoneZero = 0;
- /**
- * <PRE>
- * s[i][j], the value of the spreading function,
- * centered at band j (masker), for band i (maskee)
- *
- * i.e.: sum over j to spread into signal barkval=i
- * NOTE: i and j are used opposite as in the ISO docs
- * </PRE>
- */
- if (use_old_s3) {
- for (var i = 0; i < npart; i++) {
- for (j = 0; j < npart; j++) {
- var v = s3_func(bval[i] - bval[j]) * bval_width[j];
- s3[i][j] = v * norm[i];
- }
- }
- } else {
- for (j = 0; j < npart; j++) {
- var hf_slope = 15 + Math.min(21 / bval[j], 12);
- var s3_x_norm = norm_s3_func_x(hf_slope);
- for (var i = 0; i < npart; i++) {
- var v = s3_x_norm
- * s3_func_x(bval[i] - bval[j], hf_slope)
- * bval_width[j];
- s3[i][j] = v * norm[i];
- }
- }
- }
- for (var i = 0; i < npart; i++) {
- for (j = 0; j < npart; j++) {
- if (s3[i][j] > 0.0)
- break;
- }
- s3ind[i][0] = j;
- for (j = npart - 1; j > 0; j--) {
- if (s3[i][j] > 0.0)
- break;
- }
- s3ind[i][1] = j;
- numberOfNoneZero += (s3ind[i][1] - s3ind[i][0] + 1);
- }
- var p = new_float(numberOfNoneZero);
- var k = 0;
- for (var i = 0; i < npart; i++)
- for (j = s3ind[i][0]; j <= s3ind[i][1]; j++)
- p[k++] = s3[i][j];
- return p;
- }
- function stereo_demask(f) {
- /* setup stereo demasking thresholds */
- /* formula reverse enginerred from plot in paper */
- var arg = freq2bark(f);
- arg = (Math.min(arg, 15.5) / 15.5);
- return Math.pow(10.0,
- 1.25 * (1 - Math.cos(Math.PI * arg)) - 2.5);
- }
- /**
- * NOTE: the bitrate reduction from the inter-channel masking effect is low
- * compared to the chance of getting annyoing artefacts. L3psycho_anal_vbr
- * does not use this feature. (Robert 071216)
- */
- this.psymodel_init = function (gfp) {
- var gfc = gfp.internal_flags;
- var i;
- var useOldS3 = true;
- var bvl_a = 13, bvl_b = 24;
- var snr_l_a = 0, snr_l_b = 0;
- var snr_s_a = -8.25, snr_s_b = -4.5;
- var bval = new_float(Encoder.CBANDS);
- var bval_width = new_float(Encoder.CBANDS);
- var norm = new_float(Encoder.CBANDS);
- var sfreq = gfp.out_samplerate;
- switch (gfp.experimentalZ) {
- default:
- case 0:
- useOldS3 = true;
- break;
- case 1:
- useOldS3 = (gfp.VBR == VbrMode.vbr_mtrh || gfp.VBR == VbrMode.vbr_mt) ? false
- : true;
- break;
- case 2:
- useOldS3 = false;
- break;
- case 3:
- bvl_a = 8;
- snr_l_a = -1.75;
- snr_l_b = -0.0125;
- snr_s_a = -8.25;
- snr_s_b = -2.25;
- break;
- }
- gfc.ms_ener_ratio_old = .25;
- gfc.blocktype_old[0] = gfc.blocktype_old[1] = Encoder.NORM_TYPE;
- // the vbr header is long blocks
- for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
- for (var j = 0; j < Encoder.CBANDS; ++j) {
- gfc.nb_1[i][j] = 1e20;
- gfc.nb_2[i][j] = 1e20;
- gfc.nb_s1[i][j] = gfc.nb_s2[i][j] = 1.0;
- }
- for (var sb = 0; sb < Encoder.SBMAX_l; sb++) {
- gfc.en[i].l[sb] = 1e20;
- gfc.thm[i].l[sb] = 1e20;
- }
- for (var j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
- for (var sb = 0; sb < Encoder.SBMAX_s; sb++) {
- gfc.en[i].s[sb][j] = 1e20;
- gfc.thm[i].s[sb][j] = 1e20;
- }
- gfc.nsPsy.lastAttacks[i] = 0;
- }
- for (var j = 0; j < 9; j++)
- gfc.nsPsy.last_en_subshort[i][j] = 10.;
- }
- /* init. for loudness approx. -jd 2001 mar 27 */
- gfc.loudness_sq_save[0] = gfc.loudness_sq_save[1] = 0.0;
- /*************************************************************************
- * now compute the psychoacoustic model specific constants
- ************************************************************************/
- /* compute numlines, bo, bm, bval, bval_width, mld */
- gfc.npart_l = init_numline(gfc.numlines_l, gfc.bo_l, gfc.bm_l, bval,
- bval_width, gfc.mld_l, gfc.PSY.bo_l_weight, sfreq,
- Encoder.BLKSIZE, gfc.scalefac_band.l, Encoder.BLKSIZE
- / (2.0 * 576), Encoder.SBMAX_l);
- /* compute the spreading function */
- for (i = 0; i < gfc.npart_l; i++) {
- var snr = snr_l_a;
- if (bval[i] >= bvl_a) {
- snr = snr_l_b * (bval[i] - bvl_a) / (bvl_b - bvl_a) + snr_l_a
- * (bvl_b - bval[i]) / (bvl_b - bvl_a);
- }
- norm[i] = Math.pow(10.0, snr / 10.0);
- if (gfc.numlines_l[i] > 0) {
- gfc.rnumlines_l[i] = 1.0 / gfc.numlines_l[i];
- } else {
- gfc.rnumlines_l[i] = 0;
- }
- }
- gfc.s3_ll = init_s3_values(gfc.s3ind, gfc.npart_l, bval, bval_width,
- norm, useOldS3);
- /* compute long block specific values, ATH and MINVAL */
- var j = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < gfc.npart_l; i++) {
- var x;
- /* ATH */
- x = Float.MAX_VALUE;
- for (var k = 0; k < gfc.numlines_l[i]; k++, j++) {
- var freq = sfreq * j / (1000.0 * Encoder.BLKSIZE);
- var level;
- /*
- * ATH below 100 Hz constant, not further climbing
- */
- level = this.ATHformula(freq * 1000, gfp) - 20;
- // scale to FFT units; returned value is in dB
- level = Math.pow(10., 0.1 * level);
- // convert from dB . energy
- level *= gfc.numlines_l[i];
- if (x > level)
- x = level;
- }
- gfc.ATH.cb_l[i] = x;
- /*
- * MINVAL. For low freq, the strength of the masking is limited by
- * minval this is an ISO MPEG1 thing, dont know if it is really
- * needed
- */
- /*
- * FIXME: it does work to reduce low-freq problems in S53-Wind-Sax
- * and lead-voice samples, but introduces some 3 kbps bit bloat too.
- * TODO: Further refinement of the shape of this hack.
- */
- x = -20 + bval[i] * 20 / 10;
- if (x > 6) {
- x = 100;
- }
- if (x < -15) {
- x = -15;
- }
- x -= 8.;
- gfc.minval_l[i] = (Math.pow(10.0, x / 10.) * gfc.numlines_l[i]);
- }
- /************************************************************************
- * do the same things for short blocks
- ************************************************************************/
- gfc.npart_s = init_numline(gfc.numlines_s, gfc.bo_s, gfc.bm_s, bval,
- bval_width, gfc.mld_s, gfc.PSY.bo_s_weight, sfreq,
- Encoder.BLKSIZE_s, gfc.scalefac_band.s, Encoder.BLKSIZE_s
- / (2.0 * 192), Encoder.SBMAX_s);
- /* SNR formula. short block is normalized by SNR. is it still right ? */
- j = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < gfc.npart_s; i++) {
- var x;
- var snr = snr_s_a;
- if (bval[i] >= bvl_a) {
- snr = snr_s_b * (bval[i] - bvl_a) / (bvl_b - bvl_a) + snr_s_a
- * (bvl_b - bval[i]) / (bvl_b - bvl_a);
- }
- norm[i] = Math.pow(10.0, snr / 10.0);
- /* ATH */
- x = Float.MAX_VALUE;
- for (var k = 0; k < gfc.numlines_s[i]; k++, j++) {
- var freq = sfreq * j / (1000.0 * Encoder.BLKSIZE_s);
- var level;
- /* freq = Min(.1,freq); */
- /*
- * ATH below 100 Hz constant, not
- * further climbing
- */
- level = this.ATHformula(freq * 1000, gfp) - 20;
- // scale to FFT units; returned value is in dB
- level = Math.pow(10., 0.1 * level);
- // convert from dB . energy
- level *= gfc.numlines_s[i];
- if (x > level)
- x = level;
- }
- gfc.ATH.cb_s[i] = x;
- /*
- * MINVAL. For low freq, the strength of the masking is limited by
- * minval this is an ISO MPEG1 thing, dont know if it is really
- * needed
- */
- x = (-7.0 + bval[i] * 7.0 / 12.0);
- if (bval[i] > 12) {
- x *= 1 + Math.log(1 + x) * 3.1;
- }
- if (bval[i] < 12) {
- x *= 1 + Math.log(1 - x) * 2.3;
- }
- if (x < -15) {
- x = -15;
- }
- x -= 8;
- gfc.minval_s[i] = Math.pow(10.0, x / 10)
- * gfc.numlines_s[i];
- }
- gfc.s3_ss = init_s3_values(gfc.s3ind_s, gfc.npart_s, bval, bval_width,
- norm, useOldS3);
- init_mask_add_max_values();
- fft.init_fft(gfc);
- /* setup temporal masking */
- gfc.decay = Math.exp(-1.0 * LOG10
- / (temporalmask_sustain_sec * sfreq / 192.0));
- {
- var msfix;
- msfix = NS_MSFIX;
- if ((gfp.exp_nspsytune & 2) != 0)
- msfix = 1.0;
- if (Math.abs(gfp.msfix) > 0.0)
- msfix = gfp.msfix;
- gfp.msfix = msfix;
- /*
- * spread only from npart_l bands. Normally, we use the spreading
- * function to convolve from npart_l down to npart_l bands
- */
- for (var b = 0; b < gfc.npart_l; b++)
- if (gfc.s3ind[b][1] > gfc.npart_l - 1)
- gfc.s3ind[b][1] = gfc.npart_l - 1;
- }
- /*
- * prepare for ATH auto adjustment: we want to decrease the ATH by 12 dB
- * per second
- */
- var frame_duration = (576. * gfc.mode_gr / sfreq);
- gfc.ATH.decay = Math.pow(10., -12. / 10. * frame_duration);
- gfc.ATH.adjust = 0.01;
- /* minimum, for leading low loudness */
- gfc.ATH.adjustLimit = 1.0;
- /* on lead, allow adjust up to maximum */
- if (gfp.ATHtype != -1) {
- /* compute equal loudness weights (eql_w) */
- var freq;
- var freq_inc = gfp.out_samplerate
- / (Encoder.BLKSIZE);
- var eql_balance = 0.0;
- freq = 0.0;
- for (i = 0; i < Encoder.BLKSIZE / 2; ++i) {
- /* convert ATH dB to relative power (not dB) */
- /* to determine eql_w */
- freq += freq_inc;
- gfc.ATH.eql_w[i] = 1. / Math.pow(10, this.ATHformula(freq, gfp) / 10);
- eql_balance += gfc.ATH.eql_w[i];
- }
- eql_balance = 1.0 / eql_balance;
- for (i = Encoder.BLKSIZE / 2; --i >= 0;) { /* scale weights */
- gfc.ATH.eql_w[i] *= eql_balance;
- }
- }
- {
- for (var b = j = 0; b < gfc.npart_s; ++b) {
- for (i = 0; i < gfc.numlines_s[b]; ++i) {
- ++j;
- }
- }
- for (var b = j = 0; b < gfc.npart_l; ++b) {
- for (i = 0; i < gfc.numlines_l[b]; ++i) {
- ++j;
- }
- }
- }
- j = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < gfc.npart_l; i++) {
- var freq = sfreq * (j + gfc.numlines_l[i] / 2) / (1.0 * Encoder.BLKSIZE);
- gfc.mld_cb_l[i] = stereo_demask(freq);
- j += gfc.numlines_l[i];
- }
- for (; i < Encoder.CBANDS; ++i) {
- gfc.mld_cb_l[i] = 1;
- }
- j = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < gfc.npart_s; i++) {
- var freq = sfreq * (j + gfc.numlines_s[i] / 2) / (1.0 * Encoder.BLKSIZE_s);
- gfc.mld_cb_s[i] = stereo_demask(freq);
- j += gfc.numlines_s[i];
- }
- for (; i < Encoder.CBANDS; ++i) {
- gfc.mld_cb_s[i] = 1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /**
- * Those ATH formulas are returning their minimum value for input = -1
- */
- function ATHformula_GB(f, value) {
- /**
- * <PRE>
- * from Painter & Spanias
- * modified by Gabriel Bouvigne to better fit the reality
- * ath = 3.640 * pow(f,-0.8)
- * - 6.800 * exp(-0.6*pow(f-3.4,2.0))
- * + 6.000 * exp(-0.15*pow(f-8.7,2.0))
- * + 0.6* 0.001 * pow(f,4.0);
- *
- *
- * In the past LAME was using the Painter &Spanias formula.
- * But we had some recurrent problems with HF content.
- * We measured real ATH values, and found the older formula
- * to be inaccurate in the higher part. So we made this new
- * formula and this solved most of HF problematic test cases.
- * The tradeoff is that in VBR mode it increases a lot the
- * bitrate.
- * </PRE>
- */
- /*
- * This curve can be adjusted according to the VBR scale: it adjusts
- * from something close to Painter & Spanias on V9 up to Bouvigne's
- * formula for V0. This way the VBR bitrate is more balanced according
- * to the -V value.
- */
- // the following Hack allows to ask for the lowest value
- if (f < -.3)
- f = 3410;
- // convert to khz
- f /= 1000;
- f = Math.max(0.1, f);
- var ath = 3.640 * Math.pow(f, -0.8) - 6.800
- * Math.exp(-0.6 * Math.pow(f - 3.4, 2.0)) + 6.000
- * Math.exp(-0.15 * Math.pow(f - 8.7, 2.0))
- + (0.6 + 0.04 * value) * 0.001 * Math.pow(f, 4.0);
- return ath;
- }
- this.ATHformula = function (f, gfp) {
- var ath;
- switch (gfp.ATHtype) {
- case 0:
- ath = ATHformula_GB(f, 9);
- break;
- case 1:
- // over sensitive, should probably be removed
- ath = ATHformula_GB(f, -1);
- break;
- case 2:
- ath = ATHformula_GB(f, 0);
- break;
- case 3:
- // modification of GB formula by Roel
- ath = ATHformula_GB(f, 1) + 6;
- break;
- case 4:
- ath = ATHformula_GB(f, gfp.ATHcurve);
- break;
- default:
- ath = ATHformula_GB(f, 0);
- break;
- }
- return ath;
- }
- }
- function Lame() {
- var self = this;
- var LAME_MAXALBUMART = (128 * 1024);
- Lame.V9 = 410;
- Lame.V8 = 420;
- Lame.V7 = 430;
- Lame.V6 = 440;
- Lame.V5 = 450;
- Lame.V4 = 460;
- Lame.V3 = 470;
- Lame.V2 = 480;
- Lame.V1 = 490;
- Lame.V0 = 500;
- /* still there for compatibility */
- Lame.R3MIX = 1000;
- Lame.STANDARD = 1001;
- Lame.EXTREME = 1002;
- Lame.INSANE = 1003;
- Lame.STANDARD_FAST = 1004;
- Lame.EXTREME_FAST = 1005;
- Lame.MEDIUM = 1006;
- Lame.MEDIUM_FAST = 1007;
- /**
- * maximum size of mp3buffer needed if you encode at most 1152 samples for
- * each call to lame_encode_buffer. see lame_encode_buffer() below
- * (LAME_MAXMP3BUFFER is now obsolete)
- */
- var ga;
- var bs;
- var p;
- var qupvt;
- var qu;
- var psy = new PsyModel();
- var vbr;
- var ver;
- var id3;
- var mpglib;
- this.enc = new Encoder();
- this.setModules = function (_ga, _bs, _p, _qupvt, _qu, _vbr, _ver, _id3, _mpglib) {
- ga = _ga;
- bs = _bs;
- p = _p;
- qupvt = _qupvt;
- qu = _qu;
- vbr = _vbr;
- ver = _ver;
- id3 = _id3;
- mpglib = _mpglib;
- this.enc.setModules(bs, psy, qupvt, vbr);
- }
- /**
- * PSY Model related stuff
- */
- function PSY() {
- /**
- * The dbQ stuff.
- */
- this.mask_adjust = 0.;
- /**
- * The dbQ stuff.
- */
- this.mask_adjust_short = 0.;
- /* at transition from one scalefactor band to next */
- /**
- * Band weight long scalefactor bands.
- */
- this.bo_l_weight = new_float(Encoder.SBMAX_l);
- /**
- * Band weight short scalefactor bands.
- */
- this.bo_s_weight = new_float(Encoder.SBMAX_s);
- }
- function LowPassHighPass() {
- this.lowerlimit = 0.;
- }
- function BandPass(bitrate, lPass) {
- this.lowpass = lPass;
- }
- var LAME_ID = 0xFFF88E3B;
- function lame_init_old(gfp) {
- var gfc;
- gfp.class_id = LAME_ID;
- gfc = gfp.internal_flags = new LameInternalFlags();
- /* Global flags. set defaults here for non-zero values */
- /* see lame.h for description */
- /*
- * set integer values to -1 to mean that LAME will compute the best
- * value, UNLESS the calling program as set it (and the value is no
- * longer -1)
- */
- gfp.mode = MPEGMode.NOT_SET;
- gfp.original = 1;
- gfp.in_samplerate = 44100;
- gfp.num_channels = 2;
- gfp.num_samples = -1;
- gfp.bWriteVbrTag = true;
- gfp.quality = -1;
- gfp.short_blocks = null;
- gfc.subblock_gain = -1;
- gfp.lowpassfreq = 0;
- gfp.highpassfreq = 0;
- gfp.lowpasswidth = -1;
- gfp.highpasswidth = -1;
- gfp.VBR = VbrMode.vbr_off;
- gfp.VBR_q = 4;
- gfp.ATHcurve = -1;
- gfp.VBR_mean_bitrate_kbps = 128;
- gfp.VBR_min_bitrate_kbps = 0;
- gfp.VBR_max_bitrate_kbps = 0;
- gfp.VBR_hard_min = 0;
- gfc.VBR_min_bitrate = 1;
- /* not 0 ????? */
- gfc.VBR_max_bitrate = 13;
- /* not 14 ????? */
- gfp.quant_comp = -1;
- gfp.quant_comp_short = -1;
- gfp.msfix = -1;
- gfc.resample_ratio = 1;
- gfc.OldValue[0] = 180;
- gfc.OldValue[1] = 180;
- gfc.CurrentStep[0] = 4;
- gfc.CurrentStep[1] = 4;
- gfc.masking_lower = 1;
- gfc.nsPsy.attackthre = -1;
- gfc.nsPsy.attackthre_s = -1;
- gfp.scale = -1;
- gfp.athaa_type = -1;
- gfp.ATHtype = -1;
- /* default = -1 = set in lame_init_params */
- gfp.athaa_loudapprox = -1;
- /* 1 = flat loudness approx. (total energy) */
- /* 2 = equal loudness curve */
- gfp.athaa_sensitivity = 0.0;
- /* no offset */
- gfp.useTemporal = null;
- gfp.interChRatio = -1;
- /*
- * The reason for int mf_samples_to_encode = ENCDELAY + POSTDELAY;
- * ENCDELAY = internal encoder delay. And then we have to add
- * POSTDELAY=288 because of the 50% MDCT overlap. A 576 MDCT granule
- * decodes to 1152 samples. To synthesize the 576 samples centered under
- * this granule we need the previous granule for the first 288 samples
- * (no problem), and the next granule for the next 288 samples (not
- * possible if this is last granule). So we need to pad with 288 samples
- * to make sure we can encode the 576 samples we are interested in.
- */
- gfc.mf_samples_to_encode = Encoder.ENCDELAY + Encoder.POSTDELAY;
- gfp.encoder_padding = 0;
- gfc.mf_size = Encoder.ENCDELAY - Encoder.MDCTDELAY;
- /*
- * we pad input with this many 0's
- */
- gfp.findReplayGain = false;
- gfp.decode_on_the_fly = false;
- gfc.decode_on_the_fly = false;
- gfc.findReplayGain = false;
- gfc.findPeakSample = false;
- gfc.RadioGain = 0;
- gfc.AudiophileGain = 0;
- gfc.noclipGainChange = 0;
- gfc.noclipScale = -1.0;
- gfp.preset = 0;
- gfp.write_id3tag_automatic = true;
- return 0;
- }
- this.lame_init = function () {
- var gfp = new LameGlobalFlags();
- var ret = lame_init_old(gfp);
- if (ret != 0) {
- return null;
- }
- gfp.lame_allocated_gfp = 1;
- return gfp;
- }
- function filter_coef(x) {
- if (x > 1.0)
- return 0.0;
- if (x <= 0.0)
- return 1.0;
- return Math.cos(Math.PI / 2 * x);
- }
- this.nearestBitrateFullIndex = function (bitrate) {
- /* borrowed from DM abr presets */
- var full_bitrate_table = [8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64, 80,
- 96, 112, 128, 160, 192, 224, 256, 320];
- var lower_range = 0, lower_range_kbps = 0, upper_range = 0, upper_range_kbps = 0;
- /* We assume specified bitrate will be 320kbps */
- upper_range_kbps = full_bitrate_table[16];
- upper_range = 16;
- lower_range_kbps = full_bitrate_table[16];
- lower_range = 16;
- /*
- * Determine which significant bitrates the value specified falls
- * between, if loop ends without breaking then we were correct above
- * that the value was 320
- */
- for (var b = 0; b < 16; b++) {
- if ((Math.max(bitrate, full_bitrate_table[b + 1])) != bitrate) {
- upper_range_kbps = full_bitrate_table[b + 1];
- upper_range = b + 1;
- lower_range_kbps = full_bitrate_table[b];
- lower_range = (b);
- break;
- /* We found upper range */
- }
- }
- /* Determine which range the value specified is closer to */
- if ((upper_range_kbps - bitrate) > (bitrate - lower_range_kbps)) {
- return lower_range;
- }
- return upper_range;
- }
- function optimum_samplefreq(lowpassfreq, input_samplefreq) {
- /*
- * Rules:
- *
- * - if possible, sfb21 should NOT be used
- */
- var suggested_samplefreq = 44100;
- if (input_samplefreq >= 48000)
- suggested_samplefreq = 48000;
- else if (input_samplefreq >= 44100)
- suggested_samplefreq = 44100;
- else if (input_samplefreq >= 32000)
- suggested_samplefreq = 32000;
- else if (input_samplefreq >= 24000)
- suggested_samplefreq = 24000;
- else if (input_samplefreq >= 22050)
- suggested_samplefreq = 22050;
- else if (input_samplefreq >= 16000)
- suggested_samplefreq = 16000;
- else if (input_samplefreq >= 12000)
- suggested_samplefreq = 12000;
- else if (input_samplefreq >= 11025)
- suggested_samplefreq = 11025;
- else if (input_samplefreq >= 8000)
- suggested_samplefreq = 8000;
- if (lowpassfreq == -1)
- return suggested_samplefreq;
- if (lowpassfreq <= 15960)
- suggested_samplefreq = 44100;
- if (lowpassfreq <= 15250)
- suggested_samplefreq = 32000;
- if (lowpassfreq <= 11220)
- suggested_samplefreq = 24000;
- if (lowpassfreq <= 9970)
- suggested_samplefreq = 22050;
- if (lowpassfreq <= 7230)
- suggested_samplefreq = 16000;
- if (lowpassfreq <= 5420)
- suggested_samplefreq = 12000;
- if (lowpassfreq <= 4510)
- suggested_samplefreq = 11025;
- if (lowpassfreq <= 3970)
- suggested_samplefreq = 8000;
- if (input_samplefreq < suggested_samplefreq) {
- /*
- * choose a valid MPEG sample frequency above the input sample
- * frequency to avoid SFB21/12 bitrate bloat rh 061115
- */
- if (input_samplefreq > 44100) {
- return 48000;
- }
- if (input_samplefreq > 32000) {
- return 44100;
- }
- if (input_samplefreq > 24000) {
- return 32000;
- }
- if (input_samplefreq > 22050) {
- return 24000;
- }
- if (input_samplefreq > 16000) {
- return 22050;
- }
- if (input_samplefreq > 12000) {
- return 16000;
- }
- if (input_samplefreq > 11025) {
- return 12000;
- }
- if (input_samplefreq > 8000) {
- return 11025;
- }
- return 8000;
- }
- return suggested_samplefreq;
- }
- /**
- * convert samp freq in Hz to index
- */
- function SmpFrqIndex(sample_freq, gpf) {
- switch (sample_freq) {
- case 44100:
- gpf.version = 1;
- return 0;
- case 48000:
- gpf.version = 1;
- return 1;
- case 32000:
- gpf.version = 1;
- return 2;
- case 22050:
- gpf.version = 0;
- return 0;
- case 24000:
- gpf.version = 0;
- return 1;
- case 16000:
- gpf.version = 0;
- return 2;
- case 11025:
- gpf.version = 0;
- return 0;
- case 12000:
- gpf.version = 0;
- return 1;
- case 8000:
- gpf.version = 0;
- return 2;
- default:
- gpf.version = 0;
- return -1;
- }
- }
- /**
- * @param bRate
- * legal rates from 8 to 320
- */
- function FindNearestBitrate(bRate, version, samplerate) {
- /* MPEG-1 or MPEG-2 LSF */
- if (samplerate < 16000)
- version = 2;
- var bitrate = Tables.bitrate_table[version][1];
- for (var i = 2; i <= 14; i++) {
- if (Tables.bitrate_table[version][i] > 0) {
- if (Math.abs(Tables.bitrate_table[version][i] - bRate) < Math
- .abs(bitrate - bRate))
- bitrate = Tables.bitrate_table[version][i];
- }
- }
- return bitrate;
- }
- /**
- * @param bRate
- * legal rates from 32 to 448 kbps
- * @param version
- * MPEG-1 or MPEG-2/2.5 LSF
- */
- function BitrateIndex(bRate, version, samplerate) {
- /* convert bitrate in kbps to index */
- if (samplerate < 16000)
- version = 2;
- for (var i = 0; i <= 14; i++) {
- if (Tables.bitrate_table[version][i] > 0) {
- if (Tables.bitrate_table[version][i] == bRate) {
- return i;
- }
- }
- }
- return -1;
- }
- function optimum_bandwidth(lh, bitrate) {
- /**
- * <PRE>
- * Input:
- * bitrate total bitrate in kbps
- *
- * Output:
- * lowerlimit: best lowpass frequency limit for input filter in Hz
- * upperlimit: best highpass frequency limit for input filter in Hz
- * </PRE>
- */
- var freq_map = [new BandPass(8, 2000),
- new BandPass(16, 3700), new BandPass(24, 3900),
- new BandPass(32, 5500), new BandPass(40, 7000),
- new BandPass(48, 7500), new BandPass(56, 10000),
- new BandPass(64, 11000), new BandPass(80, 13500),
- new BandPass(96, 15100), new BandPass(112, 15600),
- new BandPass(128, 17000), new BandPass(160, 17500),
- new BandPass(192, 18600), new BandPass(224, 19400),
- new BandPass(256, 19700), new BandPass(320, 20500)];
- var table_index = self.nearestBitrateFullIndex(bitrate);
- lh.lowerlimit = freq_map[table_index].lowpass;
- }
- function lame_init_params_ppflt(gfp) {
- var gfc = gfp.internal_flags;
- /***************************************************************/
- /* compute info needed for polyphase filter (filter type==0, default) */
- /***************************************************************/
- var lowpass_band = 32;
- var highpass_band = -1;
- if (gfc.lowpass1 > 0) {
- var minband = 999;
- for (var band = 0; band <= 31; band++) {
- var freq = (band / 31.0);
- /* this band and above will be zeroed: */
- if (freq >= gfc.lowpass2) {
- lowpass_band = Math.min(lowpass_band, band);
- }
- if (gfc.lowpass1 < freq && freq < gfc.lowpass2) {
- minband = Math.min(minband, band);
- }
- }
- /*
- * compute the *actual* transition band implemented by the polyphase
- * filter
- */
- if (minband == 999) {
- gfc.lowpass1 = (lowpass_band - .75) / 31.0;
- } else {
- gfc.lowpass1 = (minband - .75) / 31.0;
- }
- gfc.lowpass2 = lowpass_band / 31.0;
- }
- /*
- * make sure highpass filter is within 90% of what the effective
- * highpass frequency will be
- */
- if (gfc.highpass2 > 0) {
- if (gfc.highpass2 < .9 * (.75 / 31.0)) {
- gfc.highpass1 = 0;
- gfc.highpass2 = 0;
- System.err.println("Warning: highpass filter disabled. "
- + "highpass frequency too small\n");
- }
- }
- if (gfc.highpass2 > 0) {
- var maxband = -1;
- for (var band = 0; band <= 31; band++) {
- var freq = band / 31.0;
- /* this band and below will be zereod */
- if (freq <= gfc.highpass1) {
- highpass_band = Math.max(highpass_band, band);
- }
- if (gfc.highpass1 < freq && freq < gfc.highpass2) {
- maxband = Math.max(maxband, band);
- }
- }
- /*
- * compute the *actual* transition band implemented by the polyphase
- * filter
- */
- gfc.highpass1 = highpass_band / 31.0;
- if (maxband == -1) {
- gfc.highpass2 = (highpass_band + .75) / 31.0;
- } else {
- gfc.highpass2 = (maxband + .75) / 31.0;
- }
- }
- for (var band = 0; band < 32; band++) {
- var fc1, fc2;
- var freq = band / 31.0;
- if (gfc.highpass2 > gfc.highpass1) {
- fc1 = filter_coef((gfc.highpass2 - freq)
- / (gfc.highpass2 - gfc.highpass1 + 1e-20));
- } else {
- fc1 = 1.0;
- }
- if (gfc.lowpass2 > gfc.lowpass1) {
- fc2 = filter_coef((freq - gfc.lowpass1)
- / (gfc.lowpass2 - gfc.lowpass1 + 1e-20));
- } else {
- fc2 = 1.0;
- }
- gfc.amp_filter[band] = (fc1 * fc2);
- }
- }
- function lame_init_qval(gfp) {
- var gfc = gfp.internal_flags;
- switch (gfp.quality) {
- default:
- case 9: /* no psymodel, no noise shaping */
- gfc.psymodel = 0;
- gfc.noise_shaping = 0;
- gfc.noise_shaping_amp = 0;
- gfc.noise_shaping_stop = 0;
- gfc.use_best_huffman = 0;
- gfc.full_outer_loop = 0;
- break;
- case 8:
- gfp.quality = 7;
- case 7:
- /*
- * use psymodel (for short block and m/s switching), but no noise
- * shapping
- */
- gfc.psymodel = 1;
- gfc.noise_shaping = 0;
- gfc.noise_shaping_amp = 0;
- gfc.noise_shaping_stop = 0;
- gfc.use_best_huffman = 0;
- gfc.full_outer_loop = 0;
- break;
- case 6:
- gfc.psymodel = 1;
- if (gfc.noise_shaping == 0)
- gfc.noise_shaping = 1;
- gfc.noise_shaping_amp = 0;
- gfc.noise_shaping_stop = 0;
- if (gfc.subblock_gain == -1)
- gfc.subblock_gain = 1;
- gfc.use_best_huffman = 0;
- gfc.full_outer_loop = 0;
- break;
- case 5:
- gfc.psymodel = 1;
- if (gfc.noise_shaping == 0)
- gfc.noise_shaping = 1;
- gfc.noise_shaping_amp = 0;
- gfc.noise_shaping_stop = 0;
- if (gfc.subblock_gain == -1)
- gfc.subblock_gain = 1;
- gfc.use_best_huffman = 0;
- gfc.full_outer_loop = 0;
- break;
- case 4:
- gfc.psymodel = 1;
- if (gfc.noise_shaping == 0)
- gfc.noise_shaping = 1;
- gfc.noise_shaping_amp = 0;
- gfc.noise_shaping_stop = 0;
- if (gfc.subblock_gain == -1)
- gfc.subblock_gain = 1;
- gfc.use_best_huffman = 1;
- gfc.full_outer_loop = 0;
- break;
- case 3:
- gfc.psymodel = 1;
- if (gfc.noise_shaping == 0)
- gfc.noise_shaping = 1;
- gfc.noise_shaping_amp = 1;
- gfc.noise_shaping_stop = 1;
- if (gfc.subblock_gain == -1)
- gfc.subblock_gain = 1;
- gfc.use_best_huffman = 1;
- gfc.full_outer_loop = 0;
- break;
- case 2:
- gfc.psymodel = 1;
- if (gfc.noise_shaping == 0)
- gfc.noise_shaping = 1;
- if (gfc.substep_shaping == 0)
- gfc.substep_shaping = 2;
- gfc.noise_shaping_amp = 1;
- gfc.noise_shaping_stop = 1;
- if (gfc.subblock_gain == -1)
- gfc.subblock_gain = 1;
- gfc.use_best_huffman = 1;
- /* inner loop */
- gfc.full_outer_loop = 0;
- break;
- case 1:
- gfc.psymodel = 1;
- if (gfc.noise_shaping == 0)
- gfc.noise_shaping = 1;
- if (gfc.substep_shaping == 0)
- gfc.substep_shaping = 2;
- gfc.noise_shaping_amp = 2;
- gfc.noise_shaping_stop = 1;
- if (gfc.subblock_gain == -1)
- gfc.subblock_gain = 1;
- gfc.use_best_huffman = 1;
- gfc.full_outer_loop = 0;
- break;
- case 0:
- gfc.psymodel = 1;
- if (gfc.noise_shaping == 0)
- gfc.noise_shaping = 1;
- if (gfc.substep_shaping == 0)
- gfc.substep_shaping = 2;
- gfc.noise_shaping_amp = 2;
- gfc.noise_shaping_stop = 1;
- if (gfc.subblock_gain == -1)
- gfc.subblock_gain = 1;
- gfc.use_best_huffman = 1;
- /*
- * type 2 disabled because of it slowness, in favor of full outer
- * loop search
- */
- gfc.full_outer_loop = 0;
- /*
- * full outer loop search disabled because of audible distortions it
- * may generate rh 060629
- */
- break;
- }
- }
- function lame_init_bitstream(gfp) {
- var gfc = gfp.internal_flags;
- gfp.frameNum = 0;
- if (gfp.write_id3tag_automatic) {
- id3.id3tag_write_v2(gfp);
- }
- /* initialize histogram data optionally used by frontend */
- gfc.bitrate_stereoMode_Hist = new_int_n([16, 4 + 1]);
- gfc.bitrate_blockType_Hist = new_int_n([16, 4 + 1 + 1]);
- gfc.PeakSample = 0.0;
- /* Write initial VBR Header to bitstream and init VBR data */
- if (gfp.bWriteVbrTag)
- vbr.InitVbrTag(gfp);
- }
- /********************************************************************
- * initialize internal params based on data in gf (globalflags struct filled
- * in by calling program)
- *
- *
- * We first have some complex code to determine bitrate, output samplerate
- * and mode. It is complicated by the fact that we allow the user to set
- * some or all of these parameters, and need to determine best possible
- * values for the rest of them:
- *
- * 1. set some CPU related flags 2. check if we are mono.mono, stereo.mono
- * or stereo.stereo 3. compute bitrate and output samplerate: user may have
- * set compression ratio user may have set a bitrate user may have set a
- * output samplerate 4. set some options which depend on output samplerate
- * 5. compute the actual compression ratio 6. set mode based on compression
- * ratio
- *
- * The remaining code is much simpler - it just sets options based on the
- * mode & compression ratio:
- *
- * set allow_diff_short based on mode select lowpass filter based on
- * compression ratio & mode set the bitrate index, and min/max bitrates for
- * VBR modes disable VBR tag if it is not appropriate initialize the
- * bitstream initialize scalefac_band data set sideinfo_len (based on
- * channels, CRC, out_samplerate) write an id3v2 tag into the bitstream
- * write VBR tag into the bitstream set mpeg1/2 flag estimate the number of
- * frames (based on a lot of data)
- *
- * now we set more flags: nspsytune: see code VBR modes see code CBR/ABR see
- * code
- *
- * Finally, we set the algorithm flags based on the gfp.quality value
- * lame_init_qval(gfp);
- *
- ********************************************************************/
- this.lame_init_params = function (gfp) {
- var gfc = gfp.internal_flags;
- gfc.Class_ID = 0;
- if (gfc.ATH == null)
- gfc.ATH = new ATH();
- if (gfc.PSY == null)
- gfc.PSY = new PSY();
- if (gfc.rgdata == null)
- gfc.rgdata = new ReplayGain();
- gfc.channels_in = gfp.num_channels;
- if (gfc.channels_in == 1)
- gfp.mode = MPEGMode.MONO;
- gfc.channels_out = (gfp.mode == MPEGMode.MONO) ? 1 : 2;
- gfc.mode_ext = Encoder.MPG_MD_MS_LR;
- if (gfp.mode == MPEGMode.MONO)
- gfp.force_ms = false;
- /*
- * don't allow forced mid/side stereo for mono output
- */
- if (gfp.VBR == VbrMode.vbr_off && gfp.VBR_mean_bitrate_kbps != 128
- && gfp.brate == 0)
- gfp.brate = gfp.VBR_mean_bitrate_kbps;
- if (gfp.VBR == VbrMode.vbr_off || gfp.VBR == VbrMode.vbr_mtrh
- || gfp.VBR == VbrMode.vbr_mt) {
- /* these modes can handle free format condition */
- } else {
- gfp.free_format = false;
- /* mode can't be mixed with free format */
- }
- if (gfp.VBR == VbrMode.vbr_off && gfp.brate == 0) {
- /* no bitrate or compression ratio specified, use 11.025 */
- if (BitStream.EQ(gfp.compression_ratio, 0))
- gfp.compression_ratio = 11.025;
- /*
- * rate to compress a CD down to exactly 128000 bps
- */
- }
- /* find bitrate if user specify a compression ratio */
- if (gfp.VBR == VbrMode.vbr_off && gfp.compression_ratio > 0) {
- if (gfp.out_samplerate == 0)
- gfp.out_samplerate = map2MP3Frequency((int)(0.97 * gfp.in_samplerate));
- /*
- * round up with a margin of 3 %
- */
- /*
- * choose a bitrate for the output samplerate which achieves
- * specified compression ratio
- */
- gfp.brate = 0 | (gfp.out_samplerate * 16 * gfc.channels_out / (1.e3 * gfp.compression_ratio));
- /* we need the version for the bitrate table look up */
- gfc.samplerate_index = SmpFrqIndex(gfp.out_samplerate, gfp);
- if (!gfp.free_format) /*
- * for non Free Format find the nearest allowed
- * bitrate
- */
- gfp.brate = FindNearestBitrate(gfp.brate, gfp.version,
- gfp.out_samplerate);
- }
- if (gfp.out_samplerate != 0) {
- if (gfp.out_samplerate < 16000) {
- gfp.VBR_mean_bitrate_kbps = Math.max(gfp.VBR_mean_bitrate_kbps,
- 8);
- gfp.VBR_mean_bitrate_kbps = Math.min(gfp.VBR_mean_bitrate_kbps,
- 64);
- } else if (gfp.out_samplerate < 32000) {
- gfp.VBR_mean_bitrate_kbps = Math.max(gfp.VBR_mean_bitrate_kbps,
- 8);
- gfp.VBR_mean_bitrate_kbps = Math.min(gfp.VBR_mean_bitrate_kbps,
- 160);
- } else {
- gfp.VBR_mean_bitrate_kbps = Math.max(gfp.VBR_mean_bitrate_kbps,
- 32);
- gfp.VBR_mean_bitrate_kbps = Math.min(gfp.VBR_mean_bitrate_kbps,
- 320);
- }
- }
- /****************************************************************/
- /* if a filter has not been enabled, see if we should add one: */
- /****************************************************************/
- if (gfp.lowpassfreq == 0) {
- var lowpass = 16000.;
- switch (gfp.VBR) {
- case VbrMode.vbr_off:
- {
- var lh = new LowPassHighPass();
- optimum_bandwidth(lh, gfp.brate);
- lowpass = lh.lowerlimit;
- break;
- }
- case VbrMode.vbr_abr:
- {
- var lh = new LowPassHighPass();
- optimum_bandwidth(lh, gfp.VBR_mean_bitrate_kbps);
- lowpass = lh.lowerlimit;
- break;
- }
- case VbrMode.vbr_rh:
- {
- var x = [19500, 19000, 18600, 18000, 17500, 16000,
- 15600, 14900, 12500, 10000, 3950];
- if (0 <= gfp.VBR_q && gfp.VBR_q <= 9) {
- var a = x[gfp.VBR_q], b = x[gfp.VBR_q + 1], m = gfp.VBR_q_frac;
- lowpass = linear_int(a, b, m);
- } else {
- lowpass = 19500;
- }
- break;
- }
- default:
- {
- var x = [19500, 19000, 18500, 18000, 17500, 16500,
- 15500, 14500, 12500, 9500, 3950];
- if (0 <= gfp.VBR_q && gfp.VBR_q <= 9) {
- var a = x[gfp.VBR_q], b = x[gfp.VBR_q + 1], m = gfp.VBR_q_frac;
- lowpass = linear_int(a, b, m);
- } else {
- lowpass = 19500;
- }
- }
- }
- if (gfp.mode == MPEGMode.MONO
- && (gfp.VBR == VbrMode.vbr_off || gfp.VBR == VbrMode.vbr_abr))
- lowpass *= 1.5;
- gfp.lowpassfreq = lowpass | 0;
- }
- if (gfp.out_samplerate == 0) {
- if (2 * gfp.lowpassfreq > gfp.in_samplerate) {
- gfp.lowpassfreq = gfp.in_samplerate / 2;
- }
- gfp.out_samplerate = optimum_samplefreq(gfp.lowpassfreq | 0,
- gfp.in_samplerate);
- }
- gfp.lowpassfreq = Math.min(20500, gfp.lowpassfreq);
- gfp.lowpassfreq = Math.min(gfp.out_samplerate / 2, gfp.lowpassfreq);
- if (gfp.VBR == VbrMode.vbr_off) {
- gfp.compression_ratio = gfp.out_samplerate * 16 * gfc.channels_out
- / (1.e3 * gfp.brate);
- }
- if (gfp.VBR == VbrMode.vbr_abr) {
- gfp.compression_ratio = gfp.out_samplerate * 16 * gfc.channels_out
- / (1.e3 * gfp.VBR_mean_bitrate_kbps);
- }
- /*
- * do not compute ReplayGain values and do not find the peak sample if
- * we can't store them
- */
- if (!gfp.bWriteVbrTag) {
- gfp.findReplayGain = false;
- gfp.decode_on_the_fly = false;
- gfc.findPeakSample = false;
- }
- gfc.findReplayGain = gfp.findReplayGain;
- gfc.decode_on_the_fly = gfp.decode_on_the_fly;
- if (gfc.decode_on_the_fly)
- gfc.findPeakSample = true;
- if (gfc.findReplayGain) {
- if (ga.InitGainAnalysis(gfc.rgdata, gfp.out_samplerate) == GainAnalysis.INIT_GAIN_ANALYSIS_ERROR) {
- gfp.internal_flags = null;
- return -6;
- }
- }
- if (gfc.decode_on_the_fly && !gfp.decode_only) {
- if (gfc.hip != null) {
- mpglib.hip_decode_exit(gfc.hip);
- }
- gfc.hip = mpglib.hip_decode_init();
- }
- gfc.mode_gr = gfp.out_samplerate <= 24000 ? 1 : 2;
- /*
- * Number of granules per frame
- */
- gfp.framesize = 576 * gfc.mode_gr;
- gfp.encoder_delay = Encoder.ENCDELAY;
- gfc.resample_ratio = gfp.in_samplerate / gfp.out_samplerate;
- /**
- * <PRE>
- * sample freq bitrate compression ratio
- * [kHz] [kbps/channel] for 16 bit input
- * 44.1 56 12.6
- * 44.1 64 11.025
- * 44.1 80 8.82
- * 22.05 24 14.7
- * 22.05 32 11.025
- * 22.05 40 8.82
- * 16 16 16.0
- * 16 24 10.667
- * </PRE>
- */
- /**
- * <PRE>
- * For VBR, take a guess at the compression_ratio.
- * For example:
- *
- * VBR_q compression like
- * - 4.4 320 kbps/44 kHz
- * 0...1 5.5 256 kbps/44 kHz
- * 2 7.3 192 kbps/44 kHz
- * 4 8.8 160 kbps/44 kHz
- * 6 11 128 kbps/44 kHz
- * 9 14.7 96 kbps
- *
- * for lower bitrates, downsample with --resample
- * </PRE>
- */
- switch (gfp.VBR) {
- case VbrMode.vbr_mt:
- case VbrMode.vbr_rh:
- case VbrMode.vbr_mtrh:
- {
- /* numbers are a bit strange, but they determine the lowpass value */
- var cmp = [5.7, 6.5, 7.3, 8.2, 10, 11.9, 13, 14,
- 15, 16.5];
- gfp.compression_ratio = cmp[gfp.VBR_q];
- }
- break;
- case VbrMode.vbr_abr:
- gfp.compression_ratio = gfp.out_samplerate * 16 * gfc.channels_out
- / (1.e3 * gfp.VBR_mean_bitrate_kbps);
- break;
- default:
- gfp.compression_ratio = gfp.out_samplerate * 16 * gfc.channels_out
- / (1.e3 * gfp.brate);
- break;
- }
- /*
- * mode = -1 (not set by user) or mode = MONO (because of only 1 input
- * channel). If mode has not been set, then select J-STEREO
- */
- if (gfp.mode == MPEGMode.NOT_SET) {
- gfp.mode = MPEGMode.JOINT_STEREO;
- }
- /* apply user driven high pass filter */
- if (gfp.highpassfreq > 0) {
- gfc.highpass1 = 2. * gfp.highpassfreq;
- if (gfp.highpasswidth >= 0)
- gfc.highpass2 = 2. * (gfp.highpassfreq + gfp.highpasswidth);
- else
- /* 0% above on default */
- gfc.highpass2 = (1 + 0.00) * 2. * gfp.highpassfreq;
- gfc.highpass1 /= gfp.out_samplerate;
- gfc.highpass2 /= gfp.out_samplerate;
- } else {
- gfc.highpass1 = 0;
- gfc.highpass2 = 0;
- }
- /* apply user driven low pass filter */
- if (gfp.lowpassfreq > 0) {
- gfc.lowpass2 = 2. * gfp.lowpassfreq;
- if (gfp.lowpasswidth >= 0) {
- gfc.lowpass1 = 2. * (gfp.lowpassfreq - gfp.lowpasswidth);
- if (gfc.lowpass1 < 0) /* has to be >= 0 */
- gfc.lowpass1 = 0;
- } else { /* 0% below on default */
- gfc.lowpass1 = (1 - 0.00) * 2. * gfp.lowpassfreq;
- }
- gfc.lowpass1 /= gfp.out_samplerate;
- gfc.lowpass2 /= gfp.out_samplerate;
- } else {
- gfc.lowpass1 = 0;
- gfc.lowpass2 = 0;
- }
- /**********************************************************************/
- /* compute info needed for polyphase filter (filter type==0, default) */
- /**********************************************************************/
- lame_init_params_ppflt(gfp);
- /*******************************************************
- * samplerate and bitrate index
- *******************************************************/
- gfc.samplerate_index = SmpFrqIndex(gfp.out_samplerate, gfp);
- if (gfc.samplerate_index < 0) {
- gfp.internal_flags = null;
- return -1;
- }
- if (gfp.VBR == VbrMode.vbr_off) {
- if (gfp.free_format) {
- gfc.bitrate_index = 0;
- } else {
- gfp.brate = FindNearestBitrate(gfp.brate, gfp.version,
- gfp.out_samplerate);
- gfc.bitrate_index = BitrateIndex(gfp.brate, gfp.version,
- gfp.out_samplerate);
- if (gfc.bitrate_index <= 0) {
- gfp.internal_flags = null;
- return -1;
- }
- }
- } else {
- gfc.bitrate_index = 1;
- }
- /* for CBR, we will write an "info" tag. */
- if (gfp.analysis)
- gfp.bWriteVbrTag = false;
- /* some file options not allowed if output is: not specified or stdout */
- if (gfc.pinfo != null)
- gfp.bWriteVbrTag = false;
- /* disable Xing VBR tag */
- bs.init_bit_stream_w(gfc);
- var j = gfc.samplerate_index + (3 * gfp.version) + 6
- * (gfp.out_samplerate < 16000 ? 1 : 0);
- for (var i = 0; i < Encoder.SBMAX_l + 1; i++)
- gfc.scalefac_band.l[i] = qupvt.sfBandIndex[j].l[i];
- for (var i = 0; i < Encoder.PSFB21 + 1; i++) {
- var size = (gfc.scalefac_band.l[22] - gfc.scalefac_band.l[21])
- / Encoder.PSFB21;
- var start = gfc.scalefac_band.l[21] + i * size;
- gfc.scalefac_band.psfb21[i] = start;
- }
- gfc.scalefac_band.psfb21[Encoder.PSFB21] = 576;
- for (var i = 0; i < Encoder.SBMAX_s + 1; i++)
- gfc.scalefac_band.s[i] = qupvt.sfBandIndex[j].s[i];
- for (var i = 0; i < Encoder.PSFB12 + 1; i++) {
- var size = (gfc.scalefac_band.s[13] - gfc.scalefac_band.s[12])
- / Encoder.PSFB12;
- var start = gfc.scalefac_band.s[12] + i * size;
- gfc.scalefac_band.psfb12[i] = start;
- }
- gfc.scalefac_band.psfb12[Encoder.PSFB12] = 192;
- /* determine the mean bitrate for main data */
- if (gfp.version == 1) /* MPEG 1 */
- gfc.sideinfo_len = (gfc.channels_out == 1) ? 4 + 17 : 4 + 32;
- else
- /* MPEG 2 */
- gfc.sideinfo_len = (gfc.channels_out == 1) ? 4 + 9 : 4 + 17;
- if (gfp.error_protection)
- gfc.sideinfo_len += 2;
- lame_init_bitstream(gfp);
- gfc.Class_ID = LAME_ID;
- {
- var k;
- for (k = 0; k < 19; k++)
- gfc.nsPsy.pefirbuf[k] = 700 * gfc.mode_gr * gfc.channels_out;
- if (gfp.ATHtype == -1)
- gfp.ATHtype = 4;
- }
- switch (gfp.VBR) {
- case VbrMode.vbr_mt:
- gfp.VBR = VbrMode.vbr_mtrh;
- case VbrMode.vbr_mtrh:
- {
- if (gfp.useTemporal == null) {
- gfp.useTemporal = false;
- /* off by default for this VBR mode */
- }
- p.apply_preset(gfp, 500 - (gfp.VBR_q * 10), 0);
- /**
- * <PRE>
- * The newer VBR code supports only a limited
- * subset of quality levels:
- * 9-5=5 are the same, uses x^3/4 quantization
- * 4-0=0 are the same 5 plus best huffman divide code
- * </PRE>
- */
- if (gfp.quality < 0)
- gfp.quality = LAME_DEFAULT_QUALITY;
- if (gfp.quality < 5)
- gfp.quality = 0;
- if (gfp.quality > 5)
- gfp.quality = 5;
- gfc.PSY.mask_adjust = gfp.maskingadjust;
- gfc.PSY.mask_adjust_short = gfp.maskingadjust_short;
- /*
- * sfb21 extra only with MPEG-1 at higher sampling rates
- */
- if (gfp.experimentalY)
- gfc.sfb21_extra = false;
- else
- gfc.sfb21_extra = (gfp.out_samplerate > 44000);
- gfc.iteration_loop = new VBRNewIterationLoop(qu);
- break;
- }
- case VbrMode.vbr_rh:
- {
- p.apply_preset(gfp, 500 - (gfp.VBR_q * 10), 0);
- gfc.PSY.mask_adjust = gfp.maskingadjust;
- gfc.PSY.mask_adjust_short = gfp.maskingadjust_short;
- /*
- * sfb21 extra only with MPEG-1 at higher sampling rates
- */
- if (gfp.experimentalY)
- gfc.sfb21_extra = false;
- else
- gfc.sfb21_extra = (gfp.out_samplerate > 44000);
- /*
- * VBR needs at least the output of GPSYCHO, so we have to garantee
- * that by setting a minimum quality level, actually level 6 does
- * it. down to level 6
- */
- if (gfp.quality > 6)
- gfp.quality = 6;
- if (gfp.quality < 0)
- gfp.quality = LAME_DEFAULT_QUALITY;
- gfc.iteration_loop = new VBROldIterationLoop(qu);
- break;
- }
- default: /* cbr/abr */
- {
- var vbrmode;
- /*
- * no sfb21 extra with CBR code
- */
- gfc.sfb21_extra = false;
- if (gfp.quality < 0)
- gfp.quality = LAME_DEFAULT_QUALITY;
- vbrmode = gfp.VBR;
- if (vbrmode == VbrMode.vbr_off)
- gfp.VBR_mean_bitrate_kbps = gfp.brate;
- /* second, set parameters depending on bitrate */
- p.apply_preset(gfp, gfp.VBR_mean_bitrate_kbps, 0);
- gfp.VBR = vbrmode;
- gfc.PSY.mask_adjust = gfp.maskingadjust;
- gfc.PSY.mask_adjust_short = gfp.maskingadjust_short;
- if (vbrmode == VbrMode.vbr_off) {
- gfc.iteration_loop = new CBRNewIterationLoop(qu);
- } else {
- gfc.iteration_loop = new ABRIterationLoop(qu);
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- /* initialize default values common for all modes */
- if (gfp.VBR != VbrMode.vbr_off) { /* choose a min/max bitrate for VBR */
- /* if the user didn't specify VBR_max_bitrate: */
- gfc.VBR_min_bitrate = 1;
- /*
- * default: allow 8 kbps (MPEG-2) or 32 kbps (MPEG-1)
- */
- gfc.VBR_max_bitrate = 14;
- /*
- * default: allow 160 kbps (MPEG-2) or 320 kbps (MPEG-1)
- */
- if (gfp.out_samplerate < 16000)
- gfc.VBR_max_bitrate = 8;
- /* default: allow 64 kbps (MPEG-2.5) */
- if (gfp.VBR_min_bitrate_kbps != 0) {
- gfp.VBR_min_bitrate_kbps = FindNearestBitrate(
- gfp.VBR_min_bitrate_kbps, gfp.version,
- gfp.out_samplerate);
- gfc.VBR_min_bitrate = BitrateIndex(gfp.VBR_min_bitrate_kbps,
- gfp.version, gfp.out_samplerate);
- if (gfc.VBR_min_bitrate < 0)
- return -1;
- }
- if (gfp.VBR_max_bitrate_kbps != 0) {
- gfp.VBR_max_bitrate_kbps = FindNearestBitrate(
- gfp.VBR_max_bitrate_kbps, gfp.version,
- gfp.out_samplerate);
- gfc.VBR_max_bitrate = BitrateIndex(gfp.VBR_max_bitrate_kbps,
- gfp.version, gfp.out_samplerate);
- if (gfc.VBR_max_bitrate < 0)
- return -1;
- }
- gfp.VBR_min_bitrate_kbps = Tables.bitrate_table[gfp.version][gfc.VBR_min_bitrate];
- gfp.VBR_max_bitrate_kbps = Tables.bitrate_table[gfp.version][gfc.VBR_max_bitrate];
- gfp.VBR_mean_bitrate_kbps = Math.min(
- Tables.bitrate_table[gfp.version][gfc.VBR_max_bitrate],
- gfp.VBR_mean_bitrate_kbps);
- gfp.VBR_mean_bitrate_kbps = Math.max(
- Tables.bitrate_table[gfp.version][gfc.VBR_min_bitrate],
- gfp.VBR_mean_bitrate_kbps);
- }
- /* just another daily changing developer switch */
- if (gfp.tune) {
- gfc.PSY.mask_adjust += gfp.tune_value_a;
- gfc.PSY.mask_adjust_short += gfp.tune_value_a;
- }
- /* initialize internal qval settings */
- lame_init_qval(gfp);
- /*
- * automatic ATH adjustment on
- */
- if (gfp.athaa_type < 0)
- gfc.ATH.useAdjust = 3;
- else
- gfc.ATH.useAdjust = gfp.athaa_type;
- /* initialize internal adaptive ATH settings -jd */
- gfc.ATH.aaSensitivityP = Math.pow(10.0, gfp.athaa_sensitivity
- / -10.0);
- if (gfp.short_blocks == null) {
- gfp.short_blocks = ShortBlock.short_block_allowed;
- }
- /*
- * Note Jan/2003: Many hardware decoders cannot handle short blocks in
- * regular stereo mode unless they are coupled (same type in both
- * channels) it is a rare event (1 frame per min. or so) that LAME would
- * use uncoupled short blocks, so lets turn them off until we decide how
- * to handle this. No other encoders allow uncoupled short blocks, even
- * though it is in the standard.
- */
- /*
- * rh 20040217: coupling makes no sense for mono and dual-mono streams
- */
- if (gfp.short_blocks == ShortBlock.short_block_allowed
- && (gfp.mode == MPEGMode.JOINT_STEREO || gfp.mode == MPEGMode.STEREO)) {
- gfp.short_blocks = ShortBlock.short_block_coupled;
- }
- if (gfp.quant_comp < 0)
- gfp.quant_comp = 1;
- if (gfp.quant_comp_short < 0)
- gfp.quant_comp_short = 0;
- if (gfp.msfix < 0)
- gfp.msfix = 0;
- /* select psychoacoustic model */
- gfp.exp_nspsytune = gfp.exp_nspsytune | 1;
- if (gfp.internal_flags.nsPsy.attackthre < 0)
- gfp.internal_flags.nsPsy.attackthre = PsyModel.NSATTACKTHRE;
- if (gfp.internal_flags.nsPsy.attackthre_s < 0)
- gfp.internal_flags.nsPsy.attackthre_s = PsyModel.NSATTACKTHRE_S;
- if (gfp.scale < 0)
- gfp.scale = 1;
- if (gfp.ATHtype < 0)
- gfp.ATHtype = 4;
- if (gfp.ATHcurve < 0)
- gfp.ATHcurve = 4;
- if (gfp.athaa_loudapprox < 0)
- gfp.athaa_loudapprox = 2;
- if (gfp.interChRatio < 0)
- gfp.interChRatio = 0;
- if (gfp.useTemporal == null)
- gfp.useTemporal = true;
- /* on by default */
- /*
- * padding method as described in
- * "MPEG-Layer3 / Bitstream Syntax and Decoding" by Martin Sieler, Ralph
- * Sperschneider
- *
- * note: there is no padding for the very first frame
- *
- * Robert Hegemann 2000-06-22
- */
- gfc.slot_lag = gfc.frac_SpF = 0;
- if (gfp.VBR == VbrMode.vbr_off)
- gfc.slot_lag = gfc.frac_SpF = (((gfp.version + 1) * 72000 * gfp.brate) % gfp.out_samplerate) | 0;
- qupvt.iteration_init(gfp);
- psy.psymodel_init(gfp);
- return 0;
- }
- function update_inbuffer_size(gfc, nsamples) {
- if (gfc.in_buffer_0 == null || gfc.in_buffer_nsamples < nsamples) {
- gfc.in_buffer_0 = new_float(nsamples);
- gfc.in_buffer_1 = new_float(nsamples);
- gfc.in_buffer_nsamples = nsamples;
- }
- }
- this.lame_encode_flush = function (gfp, mp3buffer, mp3bufferPos, mp3buffer_size) {
- var gfc = gfp.internal_flags;
- var buffer = new_short_n([2, 1152]);
- var imp3 = 0, mp3count, mp3buffer_size_remaining;
- /*
- * we always add POSTDELAY=288 padding to make sure granule with real
- * data can be complety decoded (because of 50% overlap with next
- * granule
- */
- var end_padding;
- var frames_left;
- var samples_to_encode = gfc.mf_samples_to_encode - Encoder.POSTDELAY;
- var mf_needed = calcNeeded(gfp);
- /* Was flush already called? */
- if (gfc.mf_samples_to_encode < 1) {
- return 0;
- }
- mp3count = 0;
- if (gfp.in_samplerate != gfp.out_samplerate) {
- /*
- * delay due to resampling; needs to be fixed, if resampling code
- * gets changed
- */
- samples_to_encode += 16. * gfp.out_samplerate / gfp.in_samplerate;
- }
- end_padding = gfp.framesize - (samples_to_encode % gfp.framesize);
- if (end_padding < 576)
- end_padding += gfp.framesize;
- gfp.encoder_padding = end_padding;
- frames_left = (samples_to_encode + end_padding) / gfp.framesize;
- /*
- * send in a frame of 0 padding until all internal sample buffers are
- * flushed
- */
- while (frames_left > 0 && imp3 >= 0) {
- var bunch = mf_needed - gfc.mf_size;
- var frame_num = gfp.frameNum;
- bunch *= gfp.in_samplerate;
- bunch /= gfp.out_samplerate;
- if (bunch > 1152)
- bunch = 1152;
- if (bunch < 1)
- bunch = 1;
- mp3buffer_size_remaining = mp3buffer_size - mp3count;
- /* if user specifed buffer size = 0, dont check size */
- if (mp3buffer_size == 0)
- mp3buffer_size_remaining = 0;
- imp3 = this.lame_encode_buffer(gfp, buffer[0], buffer[1], bunch,
- mp3buffer, mp3bufferPos, mp3buffer_size_remaining);
- mp3bufferPos += imp3;
- mp3count += imp3;
- frames_left -= (frame_num != gfp.frameNum) ? 1 : 0;
- }
- /*
- * Set gfc.mf_samples_to_encode to 0, so we may detect and break loops
- * calling it more than once in a row.
- */
- gfc.mf_samples_to_encode = 0;
- if (imp3 < 0) {
- /* some type of fatal error */
- return imp3;
- }
- mp3buffer_size_remaining = mp3buffer_size - mp3count;
- /* if user specifed buffer size = 0, dont check size */
- if (mp3buffer_size == 0)
- mp3buffer_size_remaining = 0;
- /* mp3 related stuff. bit buffer might still contain some mp3 data */
- bs.flush_bitstream(gfp);
- imp3 = bs.copy_buffer(gfc, mp3buffer, mp3bufferPos,
- mp3buffer_size_remaining, 1);
- if (imp3 < 0) {
- /* some type of fatal error */
- return imp3;
- }
- mp3bufferPos += imp3;
- mp3count += imp3;
- mp3buffer_size_remaining = mp3buffer_size - mp3count;
- /* if user specifed buffer size = 0, dont check size */
- if (mp3buffer_size == 0)
- mp3buffer_size_remaining = 0;
- if (gfp.write_id3tag_automatic) {
- /* write a id3 tag to the bitstream */
- id3.id3tag_write_v1(gfp);
- imp3 = bs.copy_buffer(gfc, mp3buffer, mp3bufferPos,
- mp3buffer_size_remaining, 0);
- if (imp3 < 0) {
- return imp3;
- }
- mp3count += imp3;
- }
- return mp3count;
- };
- this.lame_encode_buffer = function (gfp, buffer_l, buffer_r, nsamples, mp3buf, mp3bufPos, mp3buf_size) {
- var gfc = gfp.internal_flags;
- var in_buffer = [null, null];
- if (gfc.Class_ID != LAME_ID)
- return -3;
- if (nsamples == 0)
- return 0;
- update_inbuffer_size(gfc, nsamples);
- in_buffer[0] = gfc.in_buffer_0;
- in_buffer[1] = gfc.in_buffer_1;
- /* make a copy of input buffer, changing type to sample_t */
- for (var i = 0; i < nsamples; i++) {
- in_buffer[0][i] = buffer_l[i];
- if (gfc.channels_in > 1)
- in_buffer[1][i] = buffer_r[i];
- }
- return lame_encode_buffer_sample(gfp, in_buffer[0], in_buffer[1],
- nsamples, mp3buf, mp3bufPos, mp3buf_size);
- }
- function calcNeeded(gfp) {
- var mf_needed = Encoder.BLKSIZE + gfp.framesize - Encoder.FFTOFFSET;
- /*
- * amount needed for FFT
- */
- mf_needed = Math.max(mf_needed, 512 + gfp.framesize - 32);
- return mf_needed;
- }
- function lame_encode_buffer_sample(gfp, buffer_l, buffer_r, nsamples, mp3buf, mp3bufPos, mp3buf_size) {
- var gfc = gfp.internal_flags;
- var mp3size = 0, ret, i, ch, mf_needed;
- var mp3out;
- var mfbuf = [null, null];
- var in_buffer = [null, null];
- if (gfc.Class_ID != LAME_ID)
- return -3;
- if (nsamples == 0)
- return 0;
- /* copy out any tags that may have been written into bitstream */
- mp3out = bs.copy_buffer(gfc, mp3buf, mp3bufPos, mp3buf_size, 0);
- if (mp3out < 0)
- return mp3out;
- /* not enough buffer space */
- mp3bufPos += mp3out;
- mp3size += mp3out;
- in_buffer[0] = buffer_l;
- in_buffer[1] = buffer_r;
- /* Apply user defined re-scaling */
- /* user selected scaling of the samples */
- if (BitStream.NEQ(gfp.scale, 0) && BitStream.NEQ(gfp.scale, 1.0)) {
- for (i = 0; i < nsamples; ++i) {
- in_buffer[0][i] *= gfp.scale;
- if (gfc.channels_out == 2)
- in_buffer[1][i] *= gfp.scale;
- }
- }
- /* user selected scaling of the channel 0 (left) samples */
- if (BitStream.NEQ(gfp.scale_left, 0)
- && BitStream.NEQ(gfp.scale_left, 1.0)) {
- for (i = 0; i < nsamples; ++i) {
- in_buffer[0][i] *= gfp.scale_left;
- }
- }
- /* user selected scaling of the channel 1 (right) samples */
- if (BitStream.NEQ(gfp.scale_right, 0)
- && BitStream.NEQ(gfp.scale_right, 1.0)) {
- for (i = 0; i < nsamples; ++i) {
- in_buffer[1][i] *= gfp.scale_right;
- }
- }
- /* Downsample to Mono if 2 channels in and 1 channel out */
- if (gfp.num_channels == 2 && gfc.channels_out == 1) {
- for (i = 0; i < nsamples; ++i) {
- in_buffer[0][i] = 0.5 * ( in_buffer[0][i] + in_buffer[1][i]);
- in_buffer[1][i] = 0.0;
- }
- }
- mf_needed = calcNeeded(gfp);
- mfbuf[0] = gfc.mfbuf[0];
- mfbuf[1] = gfc.mfbuf[1];
- var in_bufferPos = 0;
- while (nsamples > 0) {
- var in_buffer_ptr = [null, null];
- var n_in = 0;
- /* number of input samples processed with fill_buffer */
- var n_out = 0;
- /* number of samples output with fill_buffer */
- /* n_in <> n_out if we are resampling */
- in_buffer_ptr[0] = in_buffer[0];
- in_buffer_ptr[1] = in_buffer[1];
- /* copy in new samples into mfbuf, with resampling */
- var inOut = new InOut();
- fill_buffer(gfp, mfbuf, in_buffer_ptr, in_bufferPos, nsamples,
- inOut);
- n_in = inOut.n_in;
- n_out = inOut.n_out;
- /* compute ReplayGain of resampled input if requested */
- if (gfc.findReplayGain && !gfc.decode_on_the_fly)
- if (ga.AnalyzeSamples(gfc.rgdata, mfbuf[0], gfc.mf_size,
- mfbuf[1], gfc.mf_size, n_out, gfc.channels_out) == GainAnalysis.GAIN_ANALYSIS_ERROR)
- return -6;
- /* update in_buffer counters */
- nsamples -= n_in;
- in_bufferPos += n_in;
- if (gfc.channels_out == 2)
- ;// in_bufferPos += n_in;
- /* update mfbuf[] counters */
- gfc.mf_size += n_out;
- /*
- * lame_encode_flush may have set gfc.mf_sample_to_encode to 0 so we
- * have to reinitialize it here when that happened.
- */
- if (gfc.mf_samples_to_encode < 1) {
- gfc.mf_samples_to_encode = Encoder.ENCDELAY + Encoder.POSTDELAY;
- }
- gfc.mf_samples_to_encode += n_out;
- if (gfc.mf_size >= mf_needed) {
- /* encode the frame. */
- /* mp3buf = pointer to current location in buffer */
- /* mp3buf_size = size of original mp3 output buffer */
- /* = 0 if we should not worry about the */
- /* buffer size because calling program is */
- /* to lazy to compute it */
- /* mp3size = size of data written to buffer so far */
- /* mp3buf_size-mp3size = amount of space avalable */
- var buf_size = mp3buf_size - mp3size;
- if (mp3buf_size == 0)
- buf_size = 0;
- ret = lame_encode_frame(gfp, mfbuf[0], mfbuf[1], mp3buf,
- mp3bufPos, buf_size);
- if (ret < 0)
- return ret;
- mp3bufPos += ret;
- mp3size += ret;
- /* shift out old samples */
- gfc.mf_size -= gfp.framesize;
- gfc.mf_samples_to_encode -= gfp.framesize;
- for (ch = 0; ch < gfc.channels_out; ch++)
- for (i = 0; i < gfc.mf_size; i++)
- mfbuf[ch][i] = mfbuf[ch][i + gfp.framesize];
- }
- }
- return mp3size;
- }
- function lame_encode_frame(gfp, inbuf_l, inbuf_r, mp3buf, mp3bufPos, mp3buf_size) {
- var ret = self.enc.lame_encode_mp3_frame(gfp, inbuf_l, inbuf_r, mp3buf,
- mp3bufPos, mp3buf_size);
- gfp.frameNum++;
- return ret;
- }
- function InOut() {
- this.n_in = 0;
- this.n_out = 0;
- }
- function NumUsed() {
- this.num_used = 0;
- }
- /**
- * Greatest common divisor.
- * <p>
- * Joint work of Euclid and M. Hendry
- */
- function gcd(i, j) {
- return j != 0 ? gcd(j, i % j) : i;
- }
- /**
- * Resampling via FIR filter, blackman window.
- */
- function blackman(x, fcn, l) {
- /*
- * S.D. Stearns and R.A. David, Prentice-Hall, 1992
- */
- var wcn = (Math.PI * fcn);
- x /= l;
- if (x < 0)
- x = 0;
- if (x > 1)
- x = 1;
- var x2 = x - .5;
- var bkwn = 0.42 - 0.5 * Math.cos(2 * x * Math.PI) + 0.08 * Math.cos(4 * x * Math.PI);
- if (Math.abs(x2) < 1e-9)
- return (wcn / Math.PI);
- else
- return (bkwn * Math.sin(l * wcn * x2) / (Math.PI * l * x2));
- }
- function fill_buffer_resample(gfp, outbuf, outbufPos, desired_len, inbuf, in_bufferPos, len, num_used, ch) {
- var gfc = gfp.internal_flags;
- var i, j = 0, k;
- /* number of convolution functions to pre-compute */
- var bpc = gfp.out_samplerate
- / gcd(gfp.out_samplerate, gfp.in_samplerate);
- if (bpc > LameInternalFlags.BPC)
- bpc = LameInternalFlags.BPC;
- var intratio = (Math.abs(gfc.resample_ratio
- - Math.floor(.5 + gfc.resample_ratio)) < .0001) ? 1 : 0;
- var fcn = 1.00 / gfc.resample_ratio;
- if (fcn > 1.00)
- fcn = 1.00;
- var filter_l = 31;
- if (0 == filter_l % 2)
- --filter_l;
- /* must be odd */
- filter_l += intratio;
- /* unless resample_ratio=int, it must be even */
- var BLACKSIZE = filter_l + 1;
- /* size of data needed for FIR */
- if (gfc.fill_buffer_resample_init == 0) {
- gfc.inbuf_old[0] = new_float(BLACKSIZE);
- gfc.inbuf_old[1] = new_float(BLACKSIZE);
- for (i = 0; i <= 2 * bpc; ++i)
- gfc.blackfilt[i] = new_float(BLACKSIZE);
- gfc.itime[0] = 0;
- gfc.itime[1] = 0;
- /* precompute blackman filter coefficients */
- for (j = 0; j <= 2 * bpc; j++) {
- var sum = 0.;
- var offset = (j - bpc) / (2. * bpc);
- for (i = 0; i <= filter_l; i++)
- sum += gfc.blackfilt[j][i] = blackman(i - offset, fcn,
- filter_l);
- for (i = 0; i <= filter_l; i++)
- gfc.blackfilt[j][i] /= sum;
- }
- gfc.fill_buffer_resample_init = 1;
- }
- var inbuf_old = gfc.inbuf_old[ch];
- /* time of j'th element in inbuf = itime + j/ifreq; */
- /* time of k'th element in outbuf = j/ofreq */
- for (k = 0; k < desired_len; k++) {
- var time0;
- var joff;
- time0 = k * gfc.resample_ratio;
- /* time of k'th output sample */
- j = 0 | Math.floor(time0 - gfc.itime[ch]);
- /* check if we need more input data */
- if ((filter_l + j - filter_l / 2) >= len)
- break;
- /* blackman filter. by default, window centered at j+.5(filter_l%2) */
- /* but we want a window centered at time0. */
- var offset = (time0 - gfc.itime[ch] - (j + .5 * (filter_l % 2)));
- /* find the closest precomputed window for this offset: */
- joff = 0 | Math.floor((offset * 2 * bpc) + bpc + .5);
- var xvalue = 0.;
- for (i = 0; i <= filter_l; ++i) {
- /* force integer index */
- var j2 = 0 | (i + j - filter_l / 2);
- var y;
- y = (j2 < 0) ? inbuf_old[BLACKSIZE + j2] : inbuf[in_bufferPos
- + j2];
- xvalue += y * gfc.blackfilt[joff][i];
- }
- outbuf[outbufPos + k] = xvalue;
- }
- /* k = number of samples added to outbuf */
- /* last k sample used data from [j-filter_l/2,j+filter_l-filter_l/2] */
- /* how many samples of input data were used: */
- num_used.num_used = Math.min(len, filter_l + j - filter_l / 2);
- /*
- * adjust our input time counter. Incriment by the number of samples
- * used, then normalize so that next output sample is at time 0, next
- * input buffer is at time itime[ch]
- */
- gfc.itime[ch] += num_used.num_used - k * gfc.resample_ratio;
- /* save the last BLACKSIZE samples into the inbuf_old buffer */
- if (num_used.num_used >= BLACKSIZE) {
- for (i = 0; i < BLACKSIZE; i++)
- inbuf_old[i] = inbuf[in_bufferPos + num_used.num_used + i
- } else {
- /* shift in num_used.num_used samples into inbuf_old */
- var n_shift = BLACKSIZE - num_used.num_used;
- /*
- * number of samples to
- * shift
- */
- /*
- * shift n_shift samples by num_used.num_used, to make room for the
- * num_used new samples
- */
- for (i = 0; i < n_shift; ++i)
- inbuf_old[i] = inbuf_old[i + num_used.num_used];
- /* shift in the num_used.num_used samples */
- for (j = 0; i < BLACKSIZE; ++i, ++j)
- inbuf_old[i] = inbuf[in_bufferPos + j];
- }
- return k;
- /* return the number samples created at the new samplerate */
- }
- function fill_buffer(gfp, mfbuf, in_buffer, in_bufferPos, nsamples, io) {
- var gfc = gfp.internal_flags;
- /* copy in new samples into mfbuf, with resampling if necessary */
- if ((gfc.resample_ratio < .9999) || (gfc.resample_ratio > 1.0001)) {
- for (var ch = 0; ch < gfc.channels_out; ch++) {
- var numUsed = new NumUsed();
- io.n_out = fill_buffer_resample(gfp, mfbuf[ch], gfc.mf_size,
- gfp.framesize, in_buffer[ch], in_bufferPos, nsamples,
- numUsed, ch);
- io.n_in = numUsed.num_used;
- }
- } else {
- io.n_out = Math.min(gfp.framesize, nsamples);
- io.n_in = io.n_out;
- for (var i = 0; i < io.n_out; ++i) {
- mfbuf[0][gfc.mf_size + i] = in_buffer[0][in_bufferPos + i];
- if (gfc.channels_out == 2)
- mfbuf[1][gfc.mf_size + i] = in_buffer[1][in_bufferPos + i];
- }
- }
- }
- }
- function GetAudio() {
- var parse;
- var mpg;
- this.setModules = function (parse2, mpg2) {
- parse = parse2;
- mpg = mpg2;
- }
- }
- function Parse() {
- var ver;
- var id3;
- var pre;
- this.setModules = function (ver2, id32, pre2) {
- ver = ver2;
- id3 = id32;
- pre = pre2;
- }
- }
- function MPGLib() {
- }
- function ID3Tag() {
- var bits;
- var ver;
- this.setModules = function (_bits, _ver) {
- bits = _bits;
- ver = _ver;
- }
- }
- function Mp3Encoder(channels, samplerate, kbps) {
- if (arguments.length != 3) {
- console.error('WARN: Mp3Encoder(channels, samplerate, kbps) not specified');
- channels = 1;
- samplerate = 44100;
- kbps = 128;
- }
- var lame = new Lame();
- var gaud = new GetAudio();
- var ga = new GainAnalysis();
- var bs = new BitStream();
- var p = new Presets();
- var qupvt = new QuantizePVT();
- var qu = new Quantize();
- var vbr = new VBRTag();
- var ver = new Version();
- var id3 = new ID3Tag();
- var rv = new Reservoir();
- var tak = new Takehiro();
- var parse = new Parse();
- var mpg = new MPGLib();
- lame.setModules(ga, bs, p, qupvt, qu, vbr, ver, id3, mpg);
- bs.setModules(ga, mpg, ver, vbr);
- id3.setModules(bs, ver);
- p.setModules(lame);
- qu.setModules(bs, rv, qupvt, tak);
- qupvt.setModules(tak, rv, lame.enc.psy);
- rv.setModules(bs);
- tak.setModules(qupvt);
- vbr.setModules(lame, bs, ver);
- gaud.setModules(parse, mpg);
- parse.setModules(ver, id3, p);
- var gfp = lame.lame_init();
- gfp.num_channels = channels;
- gfp.in_samplerate = samplerate;
- gfp.brate = kbps;
- gfp.mode = MPEGMode.STEREO;
- gfp.quality = 3;
- gfp.bWriteVbrTag = false;
- gfp.disable_reservoir = true;
- gfp.write_id3tag_automatic = false;
- var retcode = lame.lame_init_params(gfp);
- var maxSamples = 1152;
- var mp3buf_size = 0 | (1.25 * maxSamples + 7200);
- var mp3buf = new_byte(mp3buf_size);
- this.encodeBuffer = function (left, right) {
- if (channels == 1) {
- right = left;
- }
- if (left.length > maxSamples) {
- maxSamples = left.length;
- mp3buf_size = 0 | (1.25 * maxSamples + 7200);
- mp3buf = new_byte(mp3buf_size);
- }
- var _sz = lame.lame_encode_buffer(gfp, left, right, left.length, mp3buf, 0, mp3buf_size);
- return new Int8Array(mp3buf.subarray(0, _sz));
- };
- this.flush = function () {
- var _sz = lame.lame_encode_flush(gfp, mp3buf, 0, mp3buf_size);
- return new Int8Array(mp3buf.subarray(0, _sz));
- };
- }
- function WavHeader() {
- this.dataOffset = 0;
- this.dataLen = 0;
- this.channels = 0;
- this.sampleRate = 0;
- }
- function fourccToInt(fourcc) {
- return fourcc.charCodeAt(0) << 24 | fourcc.charCodeAt(1) << 16 | fourcc.charCodeAt(2) << 8 | fourcc.charCodeAt(3);
- }
- WavHeader.RIFF = fourccToInt("RIFF");
- WavHeader.WAVE = fourccToInt("WAVE");
- WavHeader.fmt_ = fourccToInt("fmt ");
- WavHeader.data = fourccToInt("data");
- WavHeader.readHeader = function (dataView) {
- var w = new WavHeader();
- var header = dataView.getUint32(0, false);
- if (WavHeader.RIFF != header) {
- return;
- }
- var fileLen = dataView.getUint32(4, true);
- if (WavHeader.WAVE != dataView.getUint32(8, false)) {
- return;
- }
- if (WavHeader.fmt_ != dataView.getUint32(12, false)) {
- return;
- }
- var fmtLen = dataView.getUint32(16, true);
- var pos = 16 + 4;
- switch (fmtLen) {
- case 16:
- case 18:
- w.channels = dataView.getUint16(pos + 2, true);
- w.sampleRate = dataView.getUint32(pos + 4, true);
- break;
- default:
- throw 'extended fmt chunk not implemented';
- }
- pos += fmtLen;
- var data = WavHeader.data;
- var len = 0;
- while (data != header) {
- header = dataView.getUint32(pos, false);
- len = dataView.getUint32(pos + 4, true);
- if (data == header) {
- break;
- }
- pos += (len + 8);
- }
- w.dataLen = len;
- w.dataOffset = pos + 8;
- return w;
- };
- L3Side.SFBMAX = (Encoder.SBMAX_s * 3);
- //testFullLength();
- lamejs.Mp3Encoder = Mp3Encoder;
- lamejs.WavHeader = WavHeader;
- }
- //fs=require('fs');
- lamejs();