HuangJiPC / public / static / three / examples / js / loaders / MMDLoader.js
@zhangdeliang zhangdeliang on 21 Jun 50 KB update
( function () {

 * Dependencies
 *  - mmd-parser
 *  - THREE.TGALoader
 *  - OutlineEffect
 * MMDLoader creates Three.js Objects from MMD resources as
 * PMD, PMX, VMD, and VPD files.
 * PMD/PMX is a model data format, VMD is a motion data format
 * VPD is a posing data format used in MMD(Miku Miku Dance).
 * MMD official site
 *  -
 * PMD, VMD format (in Japanese)
 *  -
 * PMX format
 *  -
 *  - light motion in vmd support.
 *  - SDEF support.
 *  - uv/material/bone morphing support.
 *  - more precise grant skinning support.
 *  - shadow support.

 * @param {THREE.LoadingManager} manager

	class MMDLoader extends THREE.Loader {

		constructor( manager ) {

			super( manager );
			this.loader = new THREE.FileLoader( this.manager );
			this.parser = null; // lazy generation

			this.meshBuilder = new MeshBuilder( this.manager );
			this.animationBuilder = new AnimationBuilder();

   * @param {string} animationPath
   * @return {MMDLoader}

		setAnimationPath( animationPath ) {

			this.animationPath = animationPath;
			return this;

		} // Load MMD assets as Three.js Object

   * Loads Model file (.pmd or .pmx) as a THREE.SkinnedMesh.
   * @param {string} url - url to Model(.pmd or .pmx) file
   * @param {function} onLoad
   * @param {function} onProgress
   * @param {function} onError

		load( url, onLoad, onProgress, onError ) {

			const builder = this.meshBuilder.setCrossOrigin( this.crossOrigin ); // resource path

			let resourcePath;

			if ( this.resourcePath !== '' ) {

				resourcePath = this.resourcePath;

			} else if ( this.path !== '' ) {

				resourcePath = this.path;

			} else {

				resourcePath = THREE.LoaderUtils.extractUrlBase( url );


			const modelExtension = this._extractExtension( url ).toLowerCase(); // Should I detect by seeing header?

			if ( modelExtension !== 'pmd' && modelExtension !== 'pmx' ) {

				if ( onError ) onError( new Error( 'THREE.MMDLoader: Unknown model file extension .' + modelExtension + '.' ) );


			this[ modelExtension === 'pmd' ? 'loadPMD' : 'loadPMX' ]( url, function ( data ) {

				onLoad( data, resourcePath, onProgress, onError ) );

			}, onProgress, onError );

   * Loads Motion file(s) (.vmd) as a THREE.AnimationClip.
   * If two or more files are specified, they'll be merged.
   * @param {string|Array<string>} url - url(s) to animation(.vmd) file(s)
   * @param {SkinnedMesh|THREE.Camera} object - tracks will be fitting to this object
   * @param {function} onLoad
   * @param {function} onProgress
   * @param {function} onError

		loadAnimation( url, object, onLoad, onProgress, onError ) {

			const builder = this.animationBuilder;
			this.loadVMD( url, function ( vmd ) {

				onLoad( object.isCamera ? builder.buildCameraAnimation( vmd ) : vmd, object ) );

			}, onProgress, onError );

   * Loads mode file and motion file(s) as an object containing
   * a THREE.SkinnedMesh and a THREE.AnimationClip.
   * Tracks of THREE.AnimationClip are fitting to the model.
   * @param {string} modelUrl - url to Model(.pmd or .pmx) file
   * @param {string|Array{string}} vmdUrl - url(s) to animation(.vmd) file
   * @param {function} onLoad
   * @param {function} onProgress
   * @param {function} onError

		loadWithAnimation( modelUrl, vmdUrl, onLoad, onProgress, onError ) {

			const scope = this;
			this.load( modelUrl, function ( mesh ) {

				scope.loadAnimation( vmdUrl, mesh, function ( animation ) {

					onLoad( {
						mesh: mesh,
						animation: animation
					} );

				}, onProgress, onError );

			}, onProgress, onError );

		} // Load MMD assets as Object data parsed by MMDParser

   * Loads .pmd file as an Object.
   * @param {string} url - url to .pmd file
   * @param {function} onLoad
   * @param {function} onProgress
   * @param {function} onError

		loadPMD( url, onLoad, onProgress, onError ) {

			const parser = this._getParser();

			this.loader.setMimeType( undefined ).setPath( this.path ).setResponseType( 'arraybuffer' ).setRequestHeader( this.requestHeader ).setWithCredentials( this.withCredentials ).load( url, function ( buffer ) {

				onLoad( parser.parsePmd( buffer, true ) );

			}, onProgress, onError );

   * Loads .pmx file as an Object.
   * @param {string} url - url to .pmx file
   * @param {function} onLoad
   * @param {function} onProgress
   * @param {function} onError

		loadPMX( url, onLoad, onProgress, onError ) {

			const parser = this._getParser();

			this.loader.setMimeType( undefined ).setPath( this.path ).setResponseType( 'arraybuffer' ).setRequestHeader( this.requestHeader ).setWithCredentials( this.withCredentials ).load( url, function ( buffer ) {

				onLoad( parser.parsePmx( buffer, true ) );

			}, onProgress, onError );

   * Loads .vmd file as an Object. If two or more files are specified
   * they'll be merged.
   * @param {string|Array<string>} url - url(s) to .vmd file(s)
   * @param {function} onLoad
   * @param {function} onProgress
   * @param {function} onError

		loadVMD( url, onLoad, onProgress, onError ) {

			const urls = Array.isArray( url ) ? url : [ url ];
			const vmds = [];
			const vmdNum = urls.length;

			const parser = this._getParser();

			this.loader.setMimeType( undefined ).setPath( this.animationPath ).setResponseType( 'arraybuffer' ).setRequestHeader( this.requestHeader ).setWithCredentials( this.withCredentials );

			for ( let i = 0, il = urls.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

				this.loader.load( urls[ i ], function ( buffer ) {

					vmds.push( parser.parseVmd( buffer, true ) );
					if ( vmds.length === vmdNum ) onLoad( parser.mergeVmds( vmds ) );

				}, onProgress, onError );


   * Loads .vpd file as an Object.
   * @param {string} url - url to .vpd file
   * @param {boolean} isUnicode
   * @param {function} onLoad
   * @param {function} onProgress
   * @param {function} onError

		loadVPD( url, isUnicode, onLoad, onProgress, onError ) {

			const parser = this._getParser();

			this.loader.setMimeType( isUnicode ? undefined : 'text/plain; charset=shift_jis' ).setPath( this.animationPath ).setResponseType( 'text' ).setRequestHeader( this.requestHeader ).setWithCredentials( this.withCredentials ).load( url, function ( text ) {

				onLoad( parser.parseVpd( text, true ) );

			}, onProgress, onError );

		} // private methods

		_extractExtension( url ) {

			const index = url.lastIndexOf( '.' );
			return index < 0 ? '' : url.slice( index + 1 );


		_getParser() {

			if ( this.parser === null ) {

				if ( typeof MMDParser === 'undefined' ) {

					throw new Error( 'THREE.MMDLoader: Import MMDParser' );


				this.parser = new MMDParser.Parser(); // eslint-disable-line no-undef


			return this.parser;


	} // Utilities

	 * base64 encoded defalut toon textures toon00.bmp - toon10.bmp.
	 * We don't need to request external toon image files.

	const NON_ALPHA_CHANNEL_FORMATS = [ THREE.RGB_S3TC_DXT1_Format, THREE.RGB_PVRTC_4BPPV1_Format, THREE.RGB_PVRTC_2BPPV1_Format, THREE.RGB_ETC1_Format, THREE.RGB_ETC2_Format ]; // Builders. They build Three.js object from Object data parsed by MMDParser.

 * @param {THREE.LoadingManager} manager

	class MeshBuilder {

		constructor( manager ) {

			this.crossOrigin = 'anonymous';
			this.geometryBuilder = new GeometryBuilder();
			this.materialBuilder = new MaterialBuilder( manager );

   * @param {string} crossOrigin
   * @return {MeshBuilder}

		setCrossOrigin( crossOrigin ) {

			this.crossOrigin = crossOrigin;
			return this;

   * @param {Object} data - parsed PMD/PMX data
   * @param {string} resourcePath
   * @param {function} onProgress
   * @param {function} onError
   * @return {SkinnedMesh}

		build( data, resourcePath, onProgress, onError ) {

			const geometry = data );
			const material = this.materialBuilder.setCrossOrigin( this.crossOrigin ).setResourcePath( resourcePath ).build( data, geometry, onProgress, onError );
			const mesh = new THREE.SkinnedMesh( geometry, material );
			const skeleton = new THREE.Skeleton( initBones( mesh ) );
			mesh.bind( skeleton ); // console.log( mesh ); // for console debug

			return mesh;


	} // TODO: Try to remove this function

	function initBones( mesh ) {

		const geometry = mesh.geometry;
		const bones = [];

		if ( geometry && geometry.bones !== undefined ) {

			// first, create array of 'Bone' objects from geometry data
			for ( let i = 0, il = geometry.bones.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

				const gbone = geometry.bones[ i ]; // create new 'Bone' object

				const bone = new THREE.Bone();
				bones.push( bone ); // apply values =;
				bone.position.fromArray( gbone.pos );
				bone.quaternion.fromArray( gbone.rotq );
				if ( gbone.scl !== undefined ) bone.scale.fromArray( gbone.scl );

			} // second, create bone hierarchy

			for ( let i = 0, il = geometry.bones.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

				const gbone = geometry.bones[ i ];

				if ( gbone.parent !== - 1 && gbone.parent !== null && bones[ gbone.parent ] !== undefined ) {

					// subsequent bones in the hierarchy
					bones[ gbone.parent ].add( bones[ i ] );

				} else {

					// topmost bone, immediate child of the skinned mesh
					mesh.add( bones[ i ] );



		} // now the bones are part of the scene graph and children of the skinned mesh.
		// let's update the corresponding matrices

		mesh.updateMatrixWorld( true );
		return bones;

	} //

	class GeometryBuilder {

   * @param {Object} data - parsed PMD/PMX data
   * @return {BufferGeometry}
		build( data ) {

			// for geometry
			const positions = [];
			const uvs = [];
			const normals = [];
			const indices = [];
			const groups = [];
			const bones = [];
			const skinIndices = [];
			const skinWeights = [];
			const morphTargets = [];
			const morphPositions = [];
			const iks = [];
			const grants = [];
			const rigidBodies = [];
			const constraints = []; // for work

			let offset = 0;
			const boneTypeTable = {}; // positions, normals, uvs, skinIndices, skinWeights

			for ( let i = 0; i < data.metadata.vertexCount; i ++ ) {

				const v = data.vertices[ i ];

				for ( let j = 0, jl = v.position.length; j < jl; j ++ ) {

					positions.push( v.position[ j ] );


				for ( let j = 0, jl = v.normal.length; j < jl; j ++ ) {

					normals.push( v.normal[ j ] );


				for ( let j = 0, jl = v.uv.length; j < jl; j ++ ) {

					uvs.push( v.uv[ j ] );


				for ( let j = 0; j < 4; j ++ ) {

					skinIndices.push( v.skinIndices.length - 1 >= j ? v.skinIndices[ j ] : 0.0 );


				for ( let j = 0; j < 4; j ++ ) {

					skinWeights.push( v.skinWeights.length - 1 >= j ? v.skinWeights[ j ] : 0.0 );


			} // indices

			for ( let i = 0; i < data.metadata.faceCount; i ++ ) {

				const face = data.faces[ i ];

				for ( let j = 0, jl = face.indices.length; j < jl; j ++ ) {

					indices.push( face.indices[ j ] );


			} // groups

			for ( let i = 0; i < data.metadata.materialCount; i ++ ) {

				const material = data.materials[ i ];
				groups.push( {
					offset: offset * 3,
					count: material.faceCount * 3
				} );
				offset += material.faceCount;

			} // bones

			for ( let i = 0; i < data.metadata.rigidBodyCount; i ++ ) {

				const body = data.rigidBodies[ i ];
				let value = boneTypeTable[ body.boneIndex ]; // keeps greater number if already value is set without any special reasons

				value = value === undefined ? body.type : Math.max( body.type, value );
				boneTypeTable[ body.boneIndex ] = value;


			for ( let i = 0; i < data.metadata.boneCount; i ++ ) {

				const boneData = data.bones[ i ];
				const bone = {
					index: i,
					transformationClass: boneData.transformationClass,
					parent: boneData.parentIndex,
					pos: boneData.position.slice( 0, 3 ),
					rotq: [ 0, 0, 0, 1 ],
					scl: [ 1, 1, 1 ],
					rigidBodyType: boneTypeTable[ i ] !== undefined ? boneTypeTable[ i ] : - 1

				if ( bone.parent !== - 1 ) {

					bone.pos[ 0 ] -= data.bones[ bone.parent ].position[ 0 ];
					bone.pos[ 1 ] -= data.bones[ bone.parent ].position[ 1 ];
					bone.pos[ 2 ] -= data.bones[ bone.parent ].position[ 2 ];


				bones.push( bone );

			} // iks
			// TODO: remove duplicated codes between PMD and PMX

			if ( data.metadata.format === 'pmd' ) {

				for ( let i = 0; i < data.metadata.ikCount; i ++ ) {

					const ik = data.iks[ i ];
					const param = {
						effector: ik.effector,
						iteration: ik.iteration,
						maxAngle: ik.maxAngle * 4,
						links: []

					for ( let j = 0, jl = ik.links.length; j < jl; j ++ ) {

						const link = {};
						link.index = ik.links[ j ].index;
						link.enabled = true;

						if ( data.bones[ link.index ].name.indexOf( 'ひざ' ) >= 0 ) {

							link.limitation = new THREE.Vector3( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 );


						param.links.push( link );


					iks.push( param );


			} else {

				for ( let i = 0; i < data.metadata.boneCount; i ++ ) {

					const ik = data.bones[ i ].ik;
					if ( ik === undefined ) continue;
					const param = {
						target: i,
						effector: ik.effector,
						iteration: ik.iteration,
						maxAngle: ik.maxAngle,
						links: []

					for ( let j = 0, jl = ik.links.length; j < jl; j ++ ) {

						const link = {};
						link.index = ik.links[ j ].index;
						link.enabled = true;

						if ( ik.links[ j ].angleLimitation === 1 ) {

							// Revert if rotationMin/Max doesn't work well
							// link.limitation = new THREE.Vector3( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
							const rotationMin = ik.links[ j ].lowerLimitationAngle;
							const rotationMax = ik.links[ j ].upperLimitationAngle; // Convert Left to Right coordinate by myself because
							// MMDParser doesn't convert. It's a MMDParser's bug

							const tmp1 = - rotationMax[ 0 ];
							const tmp2 = - rotationMax[ 1 ];
							rotationMax[ 0 ] = - rotationMin[ 0 ];
							rotationMax[ 1 ] = - rotationMin[ 1 ];
							rotationMin[ 0 ] = tmp1;
							rotationMin[ 1 ] = tmp2;
							link.rotationMin = new THREE.Vector3().fromArray( rotationMin );
							link.rotationMax = new THREE.Vector3().fromArray( rotationMax );


						param.links.push( link );


					iks.push( param ); // Save the reference even from bone data for efficiently
					// simulating PMX animation system

					bones[ i ].ik = param;


			} // grants

			if ( data.metadata.format === 'pmx' ) {

				// bone index -> grant entry map
				const grantEntryMap = {};

				for ( let i = 0; i < data.metadata.boneCount; i ++ ) {

					const boneData = data.bones[ i ];
					const grant = boneData.grant;
					if ( grant === undefined ) continue;
					const param = {
						index: i,
						parentIndex: grant.parentIndex,
						ratio: grant.ratio,
						isLocal: grant.isLocal,
						affectRotation: grant.affectRotation,
						affectPosition: grant.affectPosition,
						transformationClass: boneData.transformationClass
					grantEntryMap[ i ] = {
						parent: null,
						children: [],
						param: param,
						visited: false


				const rootEntry = {
					parent: null,
					children: [],
					param: null,
					visited: false
				}; // Build a tree representing grant hierarchy

				for ( const boneIndex in grantEntryMap ) {

					const grantEntry = grantEntryMap[ boneIndex ];
					const parentGrantEntry = grantEntryMap[ grantEntry.parentIndex ] || rootEntry;
					grantEntry.parent = parentGrantEntry;
					parentGrantEntry.children.push( grantEntry );

				} // Sort grant parameters from parents to children because
				// grant uses parent's transform that parent's grant is already applied
				// so grant should be applied in order from parents to children

				function traverse( entry ) {

					if ( entry.param ) {

						grants.push( entry.param ); // Save the reference even from bone data for efficiently
						// simulating PMX animation system

						bones[ entry.param.index ].grant = entry.param;


					entry.visited = true;

					for ( let i = 0, il = entry.children.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

						const child = entry.children[ i ]; // Cut off a loop if exists. (Is a grant loop invalid?)

						if ( ! child.visited ) traverse( child );



				traverse( rootEntry );

			} // morph

			function updateAttributes( attribute, morph, ratio ) {

				for ( let i = 0; i < morph.elementCount; i ++ ) {

					const element = morph.elements[ i ];
					let index;

					if ( data.metadata.format === 'pmd' ) {

						index = data.morphs[ 0 ].elements[ element.index ].index;

					} else {

						index = element.index;


					attribute.array[ index * 3 + 0 ] += element.position[ 0 ] * ratio;
					attribute.array[ index * 3 + 1 ] += element.position[ 1 ] * ratio;
					attribute.array[ index * 3 + 2 ] += element.position[ 2 ] * ratio;



			for ( let i = 0; i < data.metadata.morphCount; i ++ ) {

				const morph = data.morphs[ i ];
				const params = {
				const attribute = new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute( data.metadata.vertexCount * 3, 3 ); =;

				for ( let j = 0; j < data.metadata.vertexCount * 3; j ++ ) {

					attribute.array[ j ] = positions[ j ];


				if ( data.metadata.format === 'pmd' ) {

					if ( i !== 0 ) {

						updateAttributes( attribute, morph, 1.0 );


				} else {

					if ( morph.type === 0 ) {

						// group
						for ( let j = 0; j < morph.elementCount; j ++ ) {

							const morph2 = data.morphs[ morph.elements[ j ].index ];
							const ratio = morph.elements[ j ].ratio;

							if ( morph2.type === 1 ) {

								updateAttributes( attribute, morph2, ratio );

							} else { // TODO: implement


					} else if ( morph.type === 1 ) {

						// vertex
						updateAttributes( attribute, morph, 1.0 );

					} else if ( morph.type === 2 ) { // bone
						// TODO: implement
					} else if ( morph.type === 3 ) { // uv
						// TODO: implement
					} else if ( morph.type === 4 ) { // additional uv1
						// TODO: implement
					} else if ( morph.type === 5 ) { // additional uv2
						// TODO: implement
					} else if ( morph.type === 6 ) { // additional uv3
						// TODO: implement
					} else if ( morph.type === 7 ) { // additional uv4
						// TODO: implement
					} else if ( morph.type === 8 ) { // material
						// TODO: implement


				morphTargets.push( params );
				morphPositions.push( attribute );

			} // rigid bodies from rigidBodies field.

			for ( let i = 0; i < data.metadata.rigidBodyCount; i ++ ) {

				const rigidBody = data.rigidBodies[ i ];
				const params = {};

				for ( const key in rigidBody ) {

					params[ key ] = rigidBody[ key ];

      	 * RigidBody position parameter in PMX seems global position
      	 * while the one in PMD seems offset from corresponding bone.
      	 * So unify being offset.

				if ( data.metadata.format === 'pmx' ) {

					if ( params.boneIndex !== - 1 ) {

						const bone = data.bones[ params.boneIndex ];
						params.position[ 0 ] -= bone.position[ 0 ];
						params.position[ 1 ] -= bone.position[ 1 ];
						params.position[ 2 ] -= bone.position[ 2 ];



				rigidBodies.push( params );

			} // constraints from constraints field.

			for ( let i = 0; i < data.metadata.constraintCount; i ++ ) {

				const constraint = data.constraints[ i ];
				const params = {};

				for ( const key in constraint ) {

					params[ key ] = constraint[ key ];


				const bodyA = rigidBodies[ params.rigidBodyIndex1 ];
				const bodyB = rigidBodies[ params.rigidBodyIndex2 ]; // Refer to

				if ( bodyA.type !== 0 && bodyB.type === 2 ) {

					if ( bodyA.boneIndex !== - 1 && bodyB.boneIndex !== - 1 && data.bones[ bodyB.boneIndex ].parentIndex === bodyA.boneIndex ) {

						bodyB.type = 1;



				constraints.push( params );

			} // build THREE.BufferGeometry.

			const geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry();
			geometry.setAttribute( 'position', new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute( positions, 3 ) );
			geometry.setAttribute( 'normal', new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute( normals, 3 ) );
			geometry.setAttribute( 'uv', new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute( uvs, 2 ) );
			geometry.setAttribute( 'skinIndex', new THREE.Uint16BufferAttribute( skinIndices, 4 ) );
			geometry.setAttribute( 'skinWeight', new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute( skinWeights, 4 ) );
			geometry.setIndex( indices );

			for ( let i = 0, il = groups.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

				geometry.addGroup( groups[ i ].offset, groups[ i ].count, i );


			geometry.bones = bones;
			geometry.morphTargets = morphTargets;
			geometry.morphAttributes.position = morphPositions;
			geometry.morphTargetsRelative = false;
			geometry.userData.MMD = {
				bones: bones,
				iks: iks,
				grants: grants,
				rigidBodies: rigidBodies,
				constraints: constraints,
				format: data.metadata.format
			return geometry;


	} //

 * @param {THREE.LoadingManager} manager

	class MaterialBuilder {

		constructor( manager ) {

			this.manager = manager;
			this.textureLoader = new THREE.TextureLoader( this.manager );
			this.tgaLoader = null; // lazy generation

			this.crossOrigin = 'anonymous';
			this.resourcePath = undefined;

   * @param {string} crossOrigin
   * @return {MaterialBuilder}

		setCrossOrigin( crossOrigin ) {

			this.crossOrigin = crossOrigin;
			return this;

   * @param {string} resourcePath
   * @return {MaterialBuilder}

		setResourcePath( resourcePath ) {

			this.resourcePath = resourcePath;
			return this;

   * @param {Object} data - parsed PMD/PMX data
   * @param {BufferGeometry} geometry - some properties are dependend on geometry
   * @param {function} onProgress
   * @param {function} onError
   * @return {Array<MMDToonMaterial>}

		build( data, geometry
			/*, onProgress, onError */
		) {

			const materials = [];
			const textures = {};
			this.textureLoader.setCrossOrigin( this.crossOrigin ); // materials

			for ( let i = 0; i < data.metadata.materialCount; i ++ ) {

				const material = data.materials[ i ];
				const params = {
					userData: {
						MMD: {}
				if ( !== undefined ) =;
      	 * THREE.Color
      	 * MMD         MMDToonMaterial
      	 * ambient  -  emissive * a
      	 *               (a = 1.0 without map texture or 0.2 with map texture)
      	 * MMDToonMaterial doesn't have ambient. Set it to emissive instead.
      	 * It'll be too bright if material has map texture so using coef 0.2.

				params.diffuse = new THREE.Color().fromArray( material.diffuse );
				params.opacity = material.diffuse[ 3 ];
				params.specular = new THREE.Color().fromArray( material.specular );
				params.shininess = material.shininess;
				params.emissive = new THREE.Color().fromArray( material.ambient );
				params.transparent = params.opacity !== 1.0; //

				params.fog = true; // blend

				params.blending = THREE.CustomBlending;
				params.blendSrc = THREE.SrcAlphaFactor;
				params.blendDst = THREE.OneMinusSrcAlphaFactor;
				params.blendSrcAlpha = THREE.SrcAlphaFactor;
				params.blendDstAlpha = THREE.DstAlphaFactor; // side

				if ( data.metadata.format === 'pmx' && ( material.flag & 0x1 ) === 1 ) {

					params.side = THREE.DoubleSide;

				} else {

					params.side = params.opacity === 1.0 ? THREE.FrontSide : THREE.DoubleSide;


				if ( data.metadata.format === 'pmd' ) {

					// map, envMap
					if ( material.fileName ) {

						const fileName = material.fileName;
						const fileNames = fileName.split( '*' ); // fileNames[ 0 ]: mapFileName
						// fileNames[ 1 ]: envMapFileName( optional ) = this._loadTexture( fileNames[ 0 ], textures );

						if ( fileNames.length > 1 ) {

							const extension = fileNames[ 1 ].slice( - 4 ).toLowerCase();
							params.envMap = this._loadTexture( fileNames[ 1 ], textures );
							params.combine = extension === '.sph' ? THREE.MultiplyOperation : THREE.AddOperation;


					} // gradientMap

					const toonFileName = material.toonIndex === - 1 ? 'toon00.bmp' : data.toonTextures[ material.toonIndex ].fileName;
					params.gradientMap = this._loadTexture( toonFileName, textures, {
						isToonTexture: true,
						isDefaultToonTexture: this._isDefaultToonTexture( toonFileName )
					} ); // parameters for OutlineEffect

					params.userData.outlineParameters = {
						thickness: material.edgeFlag === 1 ? 0.003 : 0.0,
						color: [ 0, 0, 0 ],
						alpha: 1.0,
						visible: material.edgeFlag === 1

				} else {

					// map
					if ( material.textureIndex !== - 1 ) { = this._loadTexture( data.textures[ material.textureIndex ], textures ); // Since PMX spec don't have standard to list map files except color map and env map,
						// we need to save file name for further mapping, like matching normal map file names after model loaded.
						// ref:

						params.userData.MMD.mapFileName = data.textures[ material.textureIndex ];

					} // envMap TODO: support m.envFlag === 3

					if ( material.envTextureIndex !== - 1 && ( material.envFlag === 1 || material.envFlag == 2 ) ) {

						params.matcap = this._loadTexture( data.textures[ material.envTextureIndex ], textures ); // Same as color map above, keep file name in userData for further usage.

						params.userData.MMD.matcapFileName = data.textures[ material.envTextureIndex ];
						params.matcapCombine = material.envFlag === 1 ? THREE.MultiplyOperation : THREE.AddOperation;

					} // gradientMap

					let toonFileName, isDefaultToon;

					if ( material.toonIndex === - 1 || material.toonFlag !== 0 ) {

						toonFileName = 'toon' + ( '0' + ( material.toonIndex + 1 ) ).slice( - 2 ) + '.bmp';
						isDefaultToon = true;

					} else {

						toonFileName = data.textures[ material.toonIndex ];
						isDefaultToon = false;


					params.gradientMap = this._loadTexture( toonFileName, textures, {
						isToonTexture: true,
						isDefaultToonTexture: isDefaultToon
					} ); // parameters for OutlineEffect

					params.userData.outlineParameters = {
						thickness: material.edgeSize / 300,
						// TODO: better calculation?
						color: material.edgeColor.slice( 0, 3 ),
						alpha: material.edgeColor[ 3 ],
						visible: ( material.flag & 0x10 ) !== 0 && material.edgeSize > 0.0


				if ( !== undefined ) {

					if ( ! params.transparent ) {

						this._checkImageTransparency(, geometry, i );


					params.emissive.multiplyScalar( 0.2 );


				materials.push( new MMDToonMaterial( params ) );


			if ( data.metadata.format === 'pmx' ) {

				// set transparent true if alpha morph is defined.
				function checkAlphaMorph( elements, materials ) {

					for ( let i = 0, il = elements.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

						const element = elements[ i ];
						if ( element.index === - 1 ) continue;
						const material = materials[ element.index ];

						if ( material.opacity !== element.diffuse[ 3 ] ) {

							material.transparent = true;




				for ( let i = 0, il = data.morphs.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

					const morph = data.morphs[ i ];
					const elements = morph.elements;

					if ( morph.type === 0 ) {

						for ( let j = 0, jl = elements.length; j < jl; j ++ ) {

							const morph2 = data.morphs[ elements[ j ].index ];
							if ( morph2.type !== 8 ) continue;
							checkAlphaMorph( morph2.elements, materials );


					} else if ( morph.type === 8 ) {

						checkAlphaMorph( elements, materials );




			return materials;

		} // private methods

		_getTGALoader() {

			if ( this.tgaLoader === null ) {

				if ( THREE.TGALoader === undefined ) {

					throw new Error( 'THREE.MMDLoader: Import THREE.TGALoader' );


				this.tgaLoader = new THREE.TGALoader( this.manager );


			return this.tgaLoader;


		_isDefaultToonTexture( name ) {

			if ( name.length !== 10 ) return false;
			return /toon(10|0[0-9])\.bmp/.test( name );


		_loadTexture( filePath, textures, params, onProgress, onError ) {

			params = params || {};
			const scope = this;
			let fullPath;

			if ( params.isDefaultToonTexture === true ) {

				let index;

				try {

					index = parseInt( filePath.match( /toon([0-9]{2})\.bmp$/ )[ 1 ] );

				} catch ( e ) {

					console.warn( 'THREE.MMDLoader: ' + filePath + ' seems like a ' + 'not right default texture path. Using toon00.bmp instead.' );
					index = 0;


				fullPath = DEFAULT_TOON_TEXTURES[ index ];

			} else {

				fullPath = this.resourcePath + filePath;


			if ( textures[ fullPath ] !== undefined ) return textures[ fullPath ];
			let loader = this.manager.getHandler( fullPath );

			if ( loader === null ) {

				loader = filePath.slice( - 4 ).toLowerCase() === '.tga' ? this._getTGALoader() : this.textureLoader;


			const texture = loader.load( fullPath, function ( t ) {

				// MMD toon texture is Axis-Y oriented
				// but Three.js gradient map is Axis-X oriented.
				// So here replaces the toon texture image with the rotated one.
				if ( params.isToonTexture === true ) {

					t.image = scope._getRotatedImage( t.image );
					t.magFilter = THREE.NearestFilter;
					t.minFilter = THREE.NearestFilter;


				t.flipY = false;
				t.wrapS = THREE.RepeatWrapping;
				t.wrapT = THREE.RepeatWrapping;

				for ( let i = 0; i < texture.readyCallbacks.length; i ++ ) {

					texture.readyCallbacks[ i ]( texture );


				delete texture.readyCallbacks;

			}, onProgress, onError );
			texture.readyCallbacks = [];
			textures[ fullPath ] = texture;
			return texture;


		_getRotatedImage( image ) {

			const canvas = document.createElement( 'canvas' );
			const context = canvas.getContext( '2d' );
			const width = image.width;
			const height = image.height;
			canvas.width = width;
			canvas.height = height;
			context.clearRect( 0, 0, width, height );
			context.translate( width / 2.0, height / 2.0 );
			context.rotate( 0.5 * Math.PI ); // 90.0 * Math.PI / 180.0

			context.translate( - width / 2.0, - height / 2.0 );
			context.drawImage( image, 0, 0 );
			return context.getImageData( 0, 0, width, height );

		} // Check if the partial image area used by the texture is transparent.

		_checkImageTransparency( map, geometry, groupIndex ) {

			map.readyCallbacks.push( function ( texture ) {

				// Is there any efficient ways?
				function createImageData( image ) {

					const canvas = document.createElement( 'canvas' );
					canvas.width = image.width;
					canvas.height = image.height;
					const context = canvas.getContext( '2d' );
					context.drawImage( image, 0, 0 );
					return context.getImageData( 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height );


				function detectImageTransparency( image, uvs, indices ) {

					const width = image.width;
					const height = image.height;
					const data =;
					const threshold = 253;
					if ( data.length / ( width * height ) !== 4 ) return false;

					for ( let i = 0; i < indices.length; i += 3 ) {

						const centerUV = {
							x: 0.0,
							y: 0.0

						for ( let j = 0; j < 3; j ++ ) {

							const index = indices[ i * 3 + j ];
							const uv = {
								x: uvs[ index * 2 + 0 ],
								y: uvs[ index * 2 + 1 ]
							if ( getAlphaByUv( image, uv ) < threshold ) return true;
							centerUV.x += uv.x;
							centerUV.y += uv.y;


						centerUV.x /= 3;
						centerUV.y /= 3;
						if ( getAlphaByUv( image, centerUV ) < threshold ) return true;


					return false;

      	 * This method expects
      	 *   texture.flipY = false
      	 *   texture.wrapS = THREE.RepeatWrapping
      	 *   texture.wrapT = THREE.RepeatWrapping
      	 * TODO: more precise

				function getAlphaByUv( image, uv ) {

					const width = image.width;
					const height = image.height;
					let x = Math.round( uv.x * width ) % width;
					let y = Math.round( uv.y * height ) % height;
					if ( x < 0 ) x += width;
					if ( y < 0 ) y += height;
					const index = y * width + x;
					return[ index * 4 + 3 ];


				if ( texture.isCompressedTexture === true ) {

					if ( NON_ALPHA_CHANNEL_FORMATS.includes( texture.format ) ) {

						map.transparent = false;

					} else {

						// any other way to check transparency of CompressedTexture?
						map.transparent = true;




				const imageData = !== undefined ? texture.image : createImageData( texture.image );
				const group = geometry.groups[ groupIndex ];

				if ( detectImageTransparency( imageData, geometry.attributes.uv.array, geometry.index.array.slice( group.start, group.start + group.count ) ) ) {

					map.transparent = true;


			} );


	} //

	class AnimationBuilder {

   * @param {Object} vmd - parsed VMD data
   * @param {SkinnedMesh} mesh - tracks will be fitting to mesh
   * @return {AnimationClip}
		build( vmd, mesh ) {

			// combine skeletal and morph animations
			const tracks = this.buildSkeletalAnimation( vmd, mesh ).tracks;
			const tracks2 = this.buildMorphAnimation( vmd, mesh ).tracks;

			for ( let i = 0, il = tracks2.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

				tracks.push( tracks2[ i ] );


			return new THREE.AnimationClip( '', - 1, tracks );

   * @param {Object} vmd - parsed VMD data
   * @param {SkinnedMesh} mesh - tracks will be fitting to mesh
   * @return {AnimationClip}

		buildSkeletalAnimation( vmd, mesh ) {

			function pushInterpolation( array, interpolation, index ) {

				array.push( interpolation[ index + 0 ] / 127 ); // x1

				array.push( interpolation[ index + 8 ] / 127 ); // x2

				array.push( interpolation[ index + 4 ] / 127 ); // y1

				array.push( interpolation[ index + 12 ] / 127 ); // y2


			const tracks = [];
			const motions = {};
			const bones = mesh.skeleton.bones;
			const boneNameDictionary = {};

			for ( let i = 0, il = bones.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

				boneNameDictionary[ bones[ i ].name ] = true;


			for ( let i = 0; i < vmd.metadata.motionCount; i ++ ) {

				const motion = vmd.motions[ i ];
				const boneName = motion.boneName;
				if ( boneNameDictionary[ boneName ] === undefined ) continue;
				motions[ boneName ] = motions[ boneName ] || [];
				motions[ boneName ].push( motion );


			for ( const key in motions ) {

				const array = motions[ key ];
				array.sort( function ( a, b ) {

					return a.frameNum - b.frameNum;

				} );
				const times = [];
				const positions = [];
				const rotations = [];
				const pInterpolations = [];
				const rInterpolations = [];
				const basePosition = mesh.skeleton.getBoneByName( key ).position.toArray();

				for ( let i = 0, il = array.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

					const time = array[ i ].frameNum / 30;
					const position = array[ i ].position;
					const rotation = array[ i ].rotation;
					const interpolation = array[ i ].interpolation;
					times.push( time );

					for ( let j = 0; j < 3; j ++ ) positions.push( basePosition[ j ] + position[ j ] );

					for ( let j = 0; j < 4; j ++ ) rotations.push( rotation[ j ] );

					for ( let j = 0; j < 3; j ++ ) pushInterpolation( pInterpolations, interpolation, j );

					pushInterpolation( rInterpolations, interpolation, 3 );


				const targetName = '.bones[' + key + ']';
				tracks.push( this._createTrack( targetName + '.position', THREE.VectorKeyframeTrack, times, positions, pInterpolations ) );
				tracks.push( this._createTrack( targetName + '.quaternion', THREE.QuaternionKeyframeTrack, times, rotations, rInterpolations ) );


			return new THREE.AnimationClip( '', - 1, tracks );

   * @param {Object} vmd - parsed VMD data
   * @param {SkinnedMesh} mesh - tracks will be fitting to mesh
   * @return {AnimationClip}

		buildMorphAnimation( vmd, mesh ) {

			const tracks = [];
			const morphs = {};
			const morphTargetDictionary = mesh.morphTargetDictionary;

			for ( let i = 0; i < vmd.metadata.morphCount; i ++ ) {

				const morph = vmd.morphs[ i ];
				const morphName = morph.morphName;
				if ( morphTargetDictionary[ morphName ] === undefined ) continue;
				morphs[ morphName ] = morphs[ morphName ] || [];
				morphs[ morphName ].push( morph );


			for ( const key in morphs ) {

				const array = morphs[ key ];
				array.sort( function ( a, b ) {

					return a.frameNum - b.frameNum;

				} );
				const times = [];
				const values = [];

				for ( let i = 0, il = array.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

					times.push( array[ i ].frameNum / 30 );
					values.push( array[ i ].weight );


				tracks.push( new THREE.NumberKeyframeTrack( '.morphTargetInfluences[' + morphTargetDictionary[ key ] + ']', times, values ) );


			return new THREE.AnimationClip( '', - 1, tracks );

   * @param {Object} vmd - parsed VMD data
   * @return {AnimationClip}

		buildCameraAnimation( vmd ) {

			function pushVector3( array, vec ) {

				array.push( vec.x );
				array.push( vec.y );
				array.push( vec.z );


			function pushQuaternion( array, q ) {

				array.push( q.x );
				array.push( q.y );
				array.push( q.z );
				array.push( q.w );


			function pushInterpolation( array, interpolation, index ) {

				array.push( interpolation[ index * 4 + 0 ] / 127 ); // x1

				array.push( interpolation[ index * 4 + 1 ] / 127 ); // x2

				array.push( interpolation[ index * 4 + 2 ] / 127 ); // y1

				array.push( interpolation[ index * 4 + 3 ] / 127 ); // y2


			const cameras = vmd.cameras === undefined ? [] : vmd.cameras.slice();
			cameras.sort( function ( a, b ) {

				return a.frameNum - b.frameNum;

			} );
			const times = [];
			const centers = [];
			const quaternions = [];
			const positions = [];
			const fovs = [];
			const cInterpolations = [];
			const qInterpolations = [];
			const pInterpolations = [];
			const fInterpolations = [];
			const quaternion = new THREE.Quaternion();
			const euler = new THREE.Euler();
			const position = new THREE.Vector3();
			const center = new THREE.Vector3();

			for ( let i = 0, il = cameras.length; i < il; i ++ ) {

				const motion = cameras[ i ];
				const time = motion.frameNum / 30;
				const pos = motion.position;
				const rot = motion.rotation;
				const distance = motion.distance;
				const fov = motion.fov;
				const interpolation = motion.interpolation;
				times.push( time );
				position.set( 0, 0, - distance );
				center.set( pos[ 0 ], pos[ 1 ], pos[ 2 ] );
				euler.set( - rot[ 0 ], - rot[ 1 ], - rot[ 2 ] );
				quaternion.setFromEuler( euler );
				position.add( center );
				position.applyQuaternion( quaternion );
				pushVector3( centers, center );
				pushQuaternion( quaternions, quaternion );
				pushVector3( positions, position );
				fovs.push( fov );

				for ( let j = 0; j < 3; j ++ ) {

					pushInterpolation( cInterpolations, interpolation, j );


				pushInterpolation( qInterpolations, interpolation, 3 ); // use the same parameter for x, y, z axis.

				for ( let j = 0; j < 3; j ++ ) {

					pushInterpolation( pInterpolations, interpolation, 4 );


				pushInterpolation( fInterpolations, interpolation, 5 );


			const tracks = []; // I expect an object whose name 'target' exists under THREE.Camera

			tracks.push( this._createTrack( 'target.position', THREE.VectorKeyframeTrack, times, centers, cInterpolations ) );
			tracks.push( this._createTrack( '.quaternion', THREE.QuaternionKeyframeTrack, times, quaternions, qInterpolations ) );
			tracks.push( this._createTrack( '.position', THREE.VectorKeyframeTrack, times, positions, pInterpolations ) );
			tracks.push( this._createTrack( '.fov', THREE.NumberKeyframeTrack, times, fovs, fInterpolations ) );
			return new THREE.AnimationClip( '', - 1, tracks );

		} // private method

		_createTrack( node, typedKeyframeTrack, times, values, interpolations ) {

    	 * optimizes here not to let KeyframeTrackPrototype optimize
    	 * because KeyframeTrackPrototype optimizes times and values but
    	 * doesn't optimize interpolations.
			if ( times.length > 2 ) {

				times = times.slice();
				values = values.slice();
				interpolations = interpolations.slice();
				const stride = values.length / times.length;
				const interpolateStride = interpolations.length / times.length;
				let index = 1;

				for ( let aheadIndex = 2, endIndex = times.length; aheadIndex < endIndex; aheadIndex ++ ) {

					for ( let i = 0; i < stride; i ++ ) {

						if ( values[ index * stride + i ] !== values[ ( index - 1 ) * stride + i ] || values[ index * stride + i ] !== values[ aheadIndex * stride + i ] ) {

							index ++;



					if ( aheadIndex > index ) {

						times[ index ] = times[ aheadIndex ];

						for ( let i = 0; i < stride; i ++ ) {

							values[ index * stride + i ] = values[ aheadIndex * stride + i ];


						for ( let i = 0; i < interpolateStride; i ++ ) {

							interpolations[ index * interpolateStride + i ] = interpolations[ aheadIndex * interpolateStride + i ];




				times.length = index + 1;
				values.length = ( index + 1 ) * stride;
				interpolations.length = ( index + 1 ) * interpolateStride;


			const track = new typedKeyframeTrack( node, times, values );

			track.createInterpolant = function InterpolantFactoryMethodCubicBezier( result ) {

				return new CubicBezierInterpolation( this.times, this.values, this.getValueSize(), result, new Float32Array( interpolations ) );


			return track;


	} // interpolation

	class CubicBezierInterpolation extends THREE.Interpolant {

		constructor( parameterPositions, sampleValues, sampleSize, resultBuffer, params ) {

			super( parameterPositions, sampleValues, sampleSize, resultBuffer );
			this.interpolationParams = params;


		interpolate_( i1, t0, t, t1 ) {

			const result = this.resultBuffer;
			const values = this.sampleValues;
			const stride = this.valueSize;
			const params = this.interpolationParams;
			const offset1 = i1 * stride;
			const offset0 = offset1 - stride; // No interpolation if next key frame is in one frame in 30fps.
			// This is from MMD animation spec.
			// '1.5' is for precision loss. times are Float32 in Three.js Animation system.

			const weight1 = t1 - t0 < 1 / 30 * 1.5 ? 0.0 : ( t - t0 ) / ( t1 - t0 );

			if ( stride === 4 ) {

				// THREE.Quaternion
				const x1 = params[ i1 * 4 + 0 ];
				const x2 = params[ i1 * 4 + 1 ];
				const y1 = params[ i1 * 4 + 2 ];
				const y2 = params[ i1 * 4 + 3 ];

				const ratio = this._calculate( x1, x2, y1, y2, weight1 );

				THREE.Quaternion.slerpFlat( result, 0, values, offset0, values, offset1, ratio );

			} else if ( stride === 3 ) {

				// THREE.Vector3
				for ( let i = 0; i !== stride; ++ i ) {

					const x1 = params[ i1 * 12 + i * 4 + 0 ];
					const x2 = params[ i1 * 12 + i * 4 + 1 ];
					const y1 = params[ i1 * 12 + i * 4 + 2 ];
					const y2 = params[ i1 * 12 + i * 4 + 3 ];

					const ratio = this._calculate( x1, x2, y1, y2, weight1 );

					result[ i ] = values[ offset0 + i ] * ( 1 - ratio ) + values[ offset1 + i ] * ratio;


			} else {

				// Number
				const x1 = params[ i1 * 4 + 0 ];
				const x2 = params[ i1 * 4 + 1 ];
				const y1 = params[ i1 * 4 + 2 ];
				const y2 = params[ i1 * 4 + 3 ];

				const ratio = this._calculate( x1, x2, y1, y2, weight1 );

				result[ 0 ] = values[ offset0 ] * ( 1 - ratio ) + values[ offset1 ] * ratio;


			return result;


		_calculate( x1, x2, y1, y2, x ) {

    	 * Cubic Bezier curves
    	 * B(t) = ( 1 - t ) ^ 3 * P0
    	 *      + 3 * ( 1 - t ) ^ 2 * t * P1
    	 *      + 3 * ( 1 - t ) * t^2 * P2
    	 *      + t ^ 3 * P3
    	 *      ( 0 <= t <= 1 )
    	 * MMD uses Cubic Bezier curves for bone and camera animation interpolation.
    	 *    x = ( 1 - t ) ^ 3 * x0
    	 *      + 3 * ( 1 - t ) ^ 2 * t * x1
    	 *      + 3 * ( 1 - t ) * t^2 * x2
    	 *      + t ^ 3 * x3
    	 *    y = ( 1 - t ) ^ 3 * y0
    	 *      + 3 * ( 1 - t ) ^ 2 * t * y1
    	 *      + 3 * ( 1 - t ) * t^2 * y2
    	 *      + t ^ 3 * y3
    	 *      ( x0 = 0, y0 = 0 )
    	 *      ( x3 = 1, y3 = 1 )
    	 *      ( 0 <= t, x1, x2, y1, y2 <= 1 )
    	 * Here solves this equation with Bisection method,
    	 * gets t, and then calculate y.
    	 * f(t) = 3 * ( 1 - t ) ^ 2 * t * x1
    	 *      + 3 * ( 1 - t ) * t^2 * x2
    	 *      + t ^ 3 - x = 0
    	 * (Another option: Newton's method
			let c = 0.5;
			let t = c;
			let s = 1.0 - t;
			const loop = 15;
			const eps = 1e-5;
			const math = Math;
			let sst3, stt3, ttt;

			for ( let i = 0; i < loop; i ++ ) {

				sst3 = 3.0 * s * s * t;
				stt3 = 3.0 * s * t * t;
				ttt = t * t * t;
				const ft = sst3 * x1 + stt3 * x2 + ttt - x;
				if ( math.abs( ft ) < eps ) break;
				c /= 2.0;
				t += ft < 0 ? c : - c;
				s = 1.0 - t;


			return sst3 * y1 + stt3 * y2 + ttt;



	class MMDToonMaterial extends THREE.ShaderMaterial {

		constructor( parameters ) {

			this.isMMDToonMaterial = true;
			this._matcapCombine = THREE.AddOperation;
			this.emissiveIntensity = 1.0;
			this.normalMapType = THREE.TangentSpaceNormalMap;
			this.combine = THREE.MultiplyOperation;
			this.wireframeLinecap = 'round';
			this.wireframeLinejoin = 'round';
			this.flatShading = false;
			this.lights = true;
			this.vertexShader = THREE.MMDToonShader.vertexShader;
			this.fragmentShader = THREE.MMDToonShader.fragmentShader;
			this.defines = Object.assign( {}, THREE.MMDToonShader.defines );
			Object.defineProperty( this, 'matcapCombine', {
				get: function () {

					return this._matcapCombine;

				set: function ( value ) {

					this._matcapCombine = value;

					switch ( value ) {

						case THREE.MultiplyOperation:
							this.defines.MATCAP_BLENDING_MULTIPLY = true;
							delete this.defines.MATCAP_BLENDING_ADD;

						case THREE.AddOperation:
							this.defines.MATCAP_BLENDING_ADD = true;
							delete this.defines.MATCAP_BLENDING_MULTIPLY;


			} );
			this.uniforms = THREE.UniformsUtils.clone( THREE.MMDToonShader.uniforms ); // merged from MeshToon/Phong/MatcapMaterial

			const exposePropertyNames = [ 'specular', 'opacity', 'diffuse', 'map', 'matcap', 'gradientMap', 'lightMap', 'lightMapIntensity', 'aoMap', 'aoMapIntensity', 'emissive', 'emissiveMap', 'bumpMap', 'bumpScale', 'normalMap', 'normalScale', 'displacemantBias', 'displacemantMap', 'displacemantScale', 'specularMap', 'alphaMap', 'envMap', 'reflectivity', 'refractionRatio' ];

			for ( const propertyName of exposePropertyNames ) {

				Object.defineProperty( this, propertyName, {
					get: function () {

						return this.uniforms[ propertyName ].value;

					set: function ( value ) {

						this.uniforms[ propertyName ].value = value;

				} );

			} // Special path for shininess to handle zero shininess properly

			this._shininess = 30;
			Object.defineProperty( this, 'shininess', {
				get: function () {

					return this._shininess;

				set: function ( value ) {

					this._shininess = value;
					this.uniforms.shininess.value = Math.max( this._shininess, 1e-4 ); // To prevent pow( 0.0, 0.0 )

			} );
			Object.defineProperty( this, 'color', Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor( this, 'diffuse' ) );
			this.setValues( parameters );


		copy( source ) {

			super.copy( source );
			this.matcapCombine = source.matcapCombine;
			this.emissiveIntensity = source.emissiveIntensity;
			this.normalMapType = source.normalMapType;
			this.combine = source.combine;
			this.wireframeLinecap = source.wireframeLinecap;
			this.wireframeLinejoin = source.wireframeLinejoin;
			this.flatShading = source.flatShading;
			return this;



	THREE.MMDLoader = MMDLoader;

} )();