HuangJiPC / public / static / three / examples / js / loaders / SVGLoader.js
@zhangdeliang zhangdeliang on 21 Jun 64 KB update
( function () {

	class SVGLoader extends THREE.Loader {

		constructor( manager ) {

			super( manager ); // Default dots per inch

			this.defaultDPI = 90; // Accepted units: 'mm', 'cm', 'in', 'pt', 'pc', 'px'

			this.defaultUnit = 'px';


		load( url, onLoad, onProgress, onError ) {

			const scope = this;
			const loader = new THREE.FileLoader( scope.manager );
			loader.setPath( scope.path );
			loader.setRequestHeader( scope.requestHeader );
			loader.setWithCredentials( scope.withCredentials );
			loader.load( url, function ( text ) {

				try {

					onLoad( scope.parse( text ) );

				} catch ( e ) {

					if ( onError ) {

						onError( e );

					} else {

						console.error( e );


					scope.manager.itemError( url );


			}, onProgress, onError );


		parse( text ) {

			const scope = this;

			function parseNode( node, style ) {

				if ( node.nodeType !== 1 ) return;
				const transform = getNodeTransform( node );
				let isDefsNode = false;
				let path = null;

				switch ( node.nodeName ) {

					case 'svg':
						style = parseStyle( node, style );

					case 'style':
						parseCSSStylesheet( node );

					case 'g':
						style = parseStyle( node, style );

					case 'path':
						style = parseStyle( node, style );
						if ( node.hasAttribute( 'd' ) ) path = parsePathNode( node );

					case 'rect':
						style = parseStyle( node, style );
						path = parseRectNode( node );

					case 'polygon':
						style = parseStyle( node, style );
						path = parsePolygonNode( node );

					case 'polyline':
						style = parseStyle( node, style );
						path = parsePolylineNode( node );

					case 'circle':
						style = parseStyle( node, style );
						path = parseCircleNode( node );

					case 'ellipse':
						style = parseStyle( node, style );
						path = parseEllipseNode( node );

					case 'line':
						style = parseStyle( node, style );
						path = parseLineNode( node );

					case 'defs':
						isDefsNode = true;

					case 'use':
						style = parseStyle( node, style );
						const href = node.getAttributeNS( '', 'href' ) || '';
						const usedNodeId = href.substring( 1 );
						const usedNode = node.viewportElement.getElementById( usedNodeId );

						if ( usedNode ) {

							parseNode( usedNode, style );

						} else {

							console.warn( 'SVGLoader: \'use node\' references non-existent node id: ' + usedNodeId );



					default: // console.log( node );


				if ( path ) {

					if ( style.fill !== undefined && style.fill !== 'none' ) {

						path.color.setStyle( style.fill );


					transformPath( path, currentTransform );
					paths.push( path );
					path.userData = {
						node: node,
						style: style


				const childNodes = node.childNodes;

				for ( let i = 0; i < childNodes.length; i ++ ) {

					const node = childNodes[ i ];

					if ( isDefsNode && node.nodeName !== 'style' && node.nodeName !== 'defs' ) {

						// Ignore everything in defs except CSS style definitions
						// and nested defs, because it is OK by the standard to have
						// <style/> there.


					parseNode( node, style );


				if ( transform ) {


					if ( transformStack.length > 0 ) {

						currentTransform.copy( transformStack[ transformStack.length - 1 ] );

					} else {





			function parsePathNode( node ) {

				const path = new THREE.ShapePath();
				const point = new THREE.Vector2();
				const control = new THREE.Vector2();
				const firstPoint = new THREE.Vector2();
				let isFirstPoint = true;
				let doSetFirstPoint = false;
				const d = node.getAttribute( 'd' ); // console.log( d );

				const commands = d.match( /[a-df-z][^a-df-z]*/ig );

				for ( let i = 0, l = commands.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

					const command = commands[ i ];
					const type = command.charAt( 0 );
					const data = command.slice( 1 ).trim();

					if ( isFirstPoint === true ) {

						doSetFirstPoint = true;
						isFirstPoint = false;


					let numbers;

					switch ( type ) {

						case 'M':
							numbers = parseFloats( data );

							for ( let j = 0, jl = numbers.length; j < jl; j += 2 ) {

								point.x = numbers[ j + 0 ];
								point.y = numbers[ j + 1 ];
								control.x = point.x;
								control.y = point.y;

								if ( j === 0 ) {

									path.moveTo( point.x, point.y );

								} else {

									path.lineTo( point.x, point.y );


								if ( j === 0 ) firstPoint.copy( point );



						case 'H':
							numbers = parseFloats( data );

							for ( let j = 0, jl = numbers.length; j < jl; j ++ ) {

								point.x = numbers[ j ];
								control.x = point.x;
								control.y = point.y;
								path.lineTo( point.x, point.y );
								if ( j === 0 && doSetFirstPoint === true ) firstPoint.copy( point );



						case 'V':
							numbers = parseFloats( data );

							for ( let j = 0, jl = numbers.length; j < jl; j ++ ) {

								point.y = numbers[ j ];
								control.x = point.x;
								control.y = point.y;
								path.lineTo( point.x, point.y );
								if ( j === 0 && doSetFirstPoint === true ) firstPoint.copy( point );



						case 'L':
							numbers = parseFloats( data );

							for ( let j = 0, jl = numbers.length; j < jl; j += 2 ) {

								point.x = numbers[ j + 0 ];
								point.y = numbers[ j + 1 ];
								control.x = point.x;
								control.y = point.y;
								path.lineTo( point.x, point.y );
								if ( j === 0 && doSetFirstPoint === true ) firstPoint.copy( point );



						case 'C':
							numbers = parseFloats( data );

							for ( let j = 0, jl = numbers.length; j < jl; j += 6 ) {

								path.bezierCurveTo( numbers[ j + 0 ], numbers[ j + 1 ], numbers[ j + 2 ], numbers[ j + 3 ], numbers[ j + 4 ], numbers[ j + 5 ] );
								control.x = numbers[ j + 2 ];
								control.y = numbers[ j + 3 ];
								point.x = numbers[ j + 4 ];
								point.y = numbers[ j + 5 ];
								if ( j === 0 && doSetFirstPoint === true ) firstPoint.copy( point );



						case 'S':
							numbers = parseFloats( data );

							for ( let j = 0, jl = numbers.length; j < jl; j += 4 ) {

								path.bezierCurveTo( getReflection( point.x, control.x ), getReflection( point.y, control.y ), numbers[ j + 0 ], numbers[ j + 1 ], numbers[ j + 2 ], numbers[ j + 3 ] );
								control.x = numbers[ j + 0 ];
								control.y = numbers[ j + 1 ];
								point.x = numbers[ j + 2 ];
								point.y = numbers[ j + 3 ];
								if ( j === 0 && doSetFirstPoint === true ) firstPoint.copy( point );



						case 'Q':
							numbers = parseFloats( data );

							for ( let j = 0, jl = numbers.length; j < jl; j += 4 ) {

								path.quadraticCurveTo( numbers[ j + 0 ], numbers[ j + 1 ], numbers[ j + 2 ], numbers[ j + 3 ] );
								control.x = numbers[ j + 0 ];
								control.y = numbers[ j + 1 ];
								point.x = numbers[ j + 2 ];
								point.y = numbers[ j + 3 ];
								if ( j === 0 && doSetFirstPoint === true ) firstPoint.copy( point );



						case 'T':
							numbers = parseFloats( data );

							for ( let j = 0, jl = numbers.length; j < jl; j += 2 ) {

								const rx = getReflection( point.x, control.x );
								const ry = getReflection( point.y, control.y );
								path.quadraticCurveTo( rx, ry, numbers[ j + 0 ], numbers[ j + 1 ] );
								control.x = rx;
								control.y = ry;
								point.x = numbers[ j + 0 ];
								point.y = numbers[ j + 1 ];
								if ( j === 0 && doSetFirstPoint === true ) firstPoint.copy( point );



						case 'A':
							numbers = parseFloats( data, [ 3, 4 ], 7 );

							for ( let j = 0, jl = numbers.length; j < jl; j += 7 ) {

								// skip command if start point == end point
								if ( numbers[ j + 5 ] == point.x && numbers[ j + 6 ] == point.y ) continue;
								const start = point.clone();
								point.x = numbers[ j + 5 ];
								point.y = numbers[ j + 6 ];
								control.x = point.x;
								control.y = point.y;
								parseArcCommand( path, numbers[ j ], numbers[ j + 1 ], numbers[ j + 2 ], numbers[ j + 3 ], numbers[ j + 4 ], start, point );
								if ( j === 0 && doSetFirstPoint === true ) firstPoint.copy( point );



						case 'm':
							numbers = parseFloats( data );

							for ( let j = 0, jl = numbers.length; j < jl; j += 2 ) {

								point.x += numbers[ j + 0 ];
								point.y += numbers[ j + 1 ];
								control.x = point.x;
								control.y = point.y;

								if ( j === 0 ) {

									path.moveTo( point.x, point.y );

								} else {

									path.lineTo( point.x, point.y );


								if ( j === 0 ) firstPoint.copy( point );



						case 'h':
							numbers = parseFloats( data );

							for ( let j = 0, jl = numbers.length; j < jl; j ++ ) {

								point.x += numbers[ j ];
								control.x = point.x;
								control.y = point.y;
								path.lineTo( point.x, point.y );
								if ( j === 0 && doSetFirstPoint === true ) firstPoint.copy( point );



						case 'v':
							numbers = parseFloats( data );

							for ( let j = 0, jl = numbers.length; j < jl; j ++ ) {

								point.y += numbers[ j ];
								control.x = point.x;
								control.y = point.y;
								path.lineTo( point.x, point.y );
								if ( j === 0 && doSetFirstPoint === true ) firstPoint.copy( point );



						case 'l':
							numbers = parseFloats( data );

							for ( let j = 0, jl = numbers.length; j < jl; j += 2 ) {

								point.x += numbers[ j + 0 ];
								point.y += numbers[ j + 1 ];
								control.x = point.x;
								control.y = point.y;
								path.lineTo( point.x, point.y );
								if ( j === 0 && doSetFirstPoint === true ) firstPoint.copy( point );



						case 'c':
							numbers = parseFloats( data );

							for ( let j = 0, jl = numbers.length; j < jl; j += 6 ) {

								path.bezierCurveTo( point.x + numbers[ j + 0 ], point.y + numbers[ j + 1 ], point.x + numbers[ j + 2 ], point.y + numbers[ j + 3 ], point.x + numbers[ j + 4 ], point.y + numbers[ j + 5 ] );
								control.x = point.x + numbers[ j + 2 ];
								control.y = point.y + numbers[ j + 3 ];
								point.x += numbers[ j + 4 ];
								point.y += numbers[ j + 5 ];
								if ( j === 0 && doSetFirstPoint === true ) firstPoint.copy( point );



						case 's':
							numbers = parseFloats( data );

							for ( let j = 0, jl = numbers.length; j < jl; j += 4 ) {

								path.bezierCurveTo( getReflection( point.x, control.x ), getReflection( point.y, control.y ), point.x + numbers[ j + 0 ], point.y + numbers[ j + 1 ], point.x + numbers[ j + 2 ], point.y + numbers[ j + 3 ] );
								control.x = point.x + numbers[ j + 0 ];
								control.y = point.y + numbers[ j + 1 ];
								point.x += numbers[ j + 2 ];
								point.y += numbers[ j + 3 ];
								if ( j === 0 && doSetFirstPoint === true ) firstPoint.copy( point );



						case 'q':
							numbers = parseFloats( data );

							for ( let j = 0, jl = numbers.length; j < jl; j += 4 ) {

								path.quadraticCurveTo( point.x + numbers[ j + 0 ], point.y + numbers[ j + 1 ], point.x + numbers[ j + 2 ], point.y + numbers[ j + 3 ] );
								control.x = point.x + numbers[ j + 0 ];
								control.y = point.y + numbers[ j + 1 ];
								point.x += numbers[ j + 2 ];
								point.y += numbers[ j + 3 ];
								if ( j === 0 && doSetFirstPoint === true ) firstPoint.copy( point );



						case 't':
							numbers = parseFloats( data );

							for ( let j = 0, jl = numbers.length; j < jl; j += 2 ) {

								const rx = getReflection( point.x, control.x );
								const ry = getReflection( point.y, control.y );
								path.quadraticCurveTo( rx, ry, point.x + numbers[ j + 0 ], point.y + numbers[ j + 1 ] );
								control.x = rx;
								control.y = ry;
								point.x = point.x + numbers[ j + 0 ];
								point.y = point.y + numbers[ j + 1 ];
								if ( j === 0 && doSetFirstPoint === true ) firstPoint.copy( point );



						case 'a':
							numbers = parseFloats( data, [ 3, 4 ], 7 );

							for ( let j = 0, jl = numbers.length; j < jl; j += 7 ) {

								// skip command if no displacement
								if ( numbers[ j + 5 ] == 0 && numbers[ j + 6 ] == 0 ) continue;
								const start = point.clone();
								point.x += numbers[ j + 5 ];
								point.y += numbers[ j + 6 ];
								control.x = point.x;
								control.y = point.y;
								parseArcCommand( path, numbers[ j ], numbers[ j + 1 ], numbers[ j + 2 ], numbers[ j + 3 ], numbers[ j + 4 ], start, point );
								if ( j === 0 && doSetFirstPoint === true ) firstPoint.copy( point );



						case 'Z':
						case 'z':
							path.currentPath.autoClose = true;

							if ( path.currentPath.curves.length > 0 ) {

								// Reset point to beginning of THREE.Path
								point.copy( firstPoint );
								path.currentPath.currentPoint.copy( point );
								isFirstPoint = true;



							console.warn( command );

					} // console.log( type, parseFloats( data ), parseFloats( data ).length  )

					doSetFirstPoint = false;


				return path;


			function parseCSSStylesheet( node ) {

				if ( ! node.sheet || ! node.sheet.cssRules || ! node.sheet.cssRules.length ) return;

				for ( let i = 0; i < node.sheet.cssRules.length; i ++ ) {

					const stylesheet = node.sheet.cssRules[ i ];
					if ( stylesheet.type !== 1 ) continue;
					const selectorList = stylesheet.selectorText.split( /,/gm ).filter( Boolean ).map( i => i.trim() );

					for ( let j = 0; j < selectorList.length; j ++ ) {

						// Remove empty rules
						const definitions = Object.fromEntries( Object.entries( ).filter( ( [ , v ] ) => v !== '' ) );
						stylesheets[ selectorList[ j ] ] = Object.assign( stylesheets[ selectorList[ j ] ] || {}, definitions );



     * Appendix: Endpoint to center arc conversion
     * From
     * rx ry x-axis-rotation large-arc-flag sweep-flag x y
     * To
     * aX, aY, xRadius, yRadius, aStartAngle, aEndAngle, aClockwise, aRotation

			function parseArcCommand( path, rx, ry, x_axis_rotation, large_arc_flag, sweep_flag, start, end ) {

				if ( rx == 0 || ry == 0 ) {

					// draw a line if either of the radii == 0
					path.lineTo( end.x, end.y );


				x_axis_rotation = x_axis_rotation * Math.PI / 180; // Ensure radii are positive

				rx = Math.abs( rx );
				ry = Math.abs( ry ); // Compute (x1', y1')

				const dx2 = ( start.x - end.x ) / 2.0;
				const dy2 = ( start.y - end.y ) / 2.0;
				const x1p = Math.cos( x_axis_rotation ) * dx2 + Math.sin( x_axis_rotation ) * dy2;
				const y1p = - Math.sin( x_axis_rotation ) * dx2 + Math.cos( x_axis_rotation ) * dy2; // Compute (cx', cy')

				let rxs = rx * rx;
				let rys = ry * ry;
				const x1ps = x1p * x1p;
				const y1ps = y1p * y1p; // Ensure radii are large enough

				const cr = x1ps / rxs + y1ps / rys;

				if ( cr > 1 ) {

					// scale up rx,ry equally so cr == 1
					const s = Math.sqrt( cr );
					rx = s * rx;
					ry = s * ry;
					rxs = rx * rx;
					rys = ry * ry;


				const dq = rxs * y1ps + rys * x1ps;
				const pq = ( rxs * rys - dq ) / dq;
				let q = Math.sqrt( Math.max( 0, pq ) );
				if ( large_arc_flag === sweep_flag ) q = - q;
				const cxp = q * rx * y1p / ry;
				const cyp = - q * ry * x1p / rx; // Step 3: Compute (cx, cy) from (cx', cy')

				const cx = Math.cos( x_axis_rotation ) * cxp - Math.sin( x_axis_rotation ) * cyp + ( start.x + end.x ) / 2;
				const cy = Math.sin( x_axis_rotation ) * cxp + Math.cos( x_axis_rotation ) * cyp + ( start.y + end.y ) / 2; // Step 4: Compute θ1 and Δθ

				const theta = svgAngle( 1, 0, ( x1p - cxp ) / rx, ( y1p - cyp ) / ry );
				const delta = svgAngle( ( x1p - cxp ) / rx, ( y1p - cyp ) / ry, ( - x1p - cxp ) / rx, ( - y1p - cyp ) / ry ) % ( Math.PI * 2 );
				path.currentPath.absellipse( cx, cy, rx, ry, theta, theta + delta, sweep_flag === 0, x_axis_rotation );


			function svgAngle( ux, uy, vx, vy ) {

				const dot = ux * vx + uy * vy;
				const len = Math.sqrt( ux * ux + uy * uy ) * Math.sqrt( vx * vx + vy * vy );
				let ang = Math.acos( Math.max( - 1, Math.min( 1, dot / len ) ) ); // floating point precision, slightly over values appear

				if ( ux * vy - uy * vx < 0 ) ang = - ang;
				return ang;

    * According to
    * rounded corner should be rendered to elliptical arc, but bezier curve does the job well enough

			function parseRectNode( node ) {

				const x = parseFloatWithUnits( node.getAttribute( 'x' ) || 0 );
				const y = parseFloatWithUnits( node.getAttribute( 'y' ) || 0 );
				const rx = parseFloatWithUnits( node.getAttribute( 'rx' ) || node.getAttribute( 'ry' ) || 0 );
				const ry = parseFloatWithUnits( node.getAttribute( 'ry' ) || node.getAttribute( 'rx' ) || 0 );
				const w = parseFloatWithUnits( node.getAttribute( 'width' ) );
				const h = parseFloatWithUnits( node.getAttribute( 'height' ) ); // Ellipse arc to Bezier approximation Coefficient (Inversed). See:

				const bci = 1 - 0.551915024494;
				const path = new THREE.ShapePath(); // top left

				path.moveTo( x + rx, y ); // top right

				path.lineTo( x + w - rx, y );

				if ( rx !== 0 || ry !== 0 ) {

					path.bezierCurveTo( x + w - rx * bci, y, x + w, y + ry * bci, x + w, y + ry );

				} // bottom right

				path.lineTo( x + w, y + h - ry );

				if ( rx !== 0 || ry !== 0 ) {

					path.bezierCurveTo( x + w, y + h - ry * bci, x + w - rx * bci, y + h, x + w - rx, y + h );

				} // bottom left

				path.lineTo( x + rx, y + h );

				if ( rx !== 0 || ry !== 0 ) {

					path.bezierCurveTo( x + rx * bci, y + h, x, y + h - ry * bci, x, y + h - ry );

				} // back to top left

				path.lineTo( x, y + ry );

				if ( rx !== 0 || ry !== 0 ) {

					path.bezierCurveTo( x, y + ry * bci, x + rx * bci, y, x + rx, y );


				return path;


			function parsePolygonNode( node ) {

				function iterator( match, a, b ) {

					const x = parseFloatWithUnits( a );
					const y = parseFloatWithUnits( b );

					if ( index === 0 ) {

						path.moveTo( x, y );

					} else {

						path.lineTo( x, y );


					index ++;


				const regex = /(-?[\d\.?]+)[,|\s](-?[\d\.?]+)/g;
				const path = new THREE.ShapePath();
				let index = 0;
				node.getAttribute( 'points' ).replace( regex, iterator );
				path.currentPath.autoClose = true;
				return path;


			function parsePolylineNode( node ) {

				function iterator( match, a, b ) {

					const x = parseFloatWithUnits( a );
					const y = parseFloatWithUnits( b );

					if ( index === 0 ) {

						path.moveTo( x, y );

					} else {

						path.lineTo( x, y );


					index ++;


				const regex = /(-?[\d\.?]+)[,|\s](-?[\d\.?]+)/g;
				const path = new THREE.ShapePath();
				let index = 0;
				node.getAttribute( 'points' ).replace( regex, iterator );
				path.currentPath.autoClose = false;
				return path;


			function parseCircleNode( node ) {

				const x = parseFloatWithUnits( node.getAttribute( 'cx' ) || 0 );
				const y = parseFloatWithUnits( node.getAttribute( 'cy' ) || 0 );
				const r = parseFloatWithUnits( node.getAttribute( 'r' ) || 0 );
				const subpath = new THREE.Path();
				subpath.absarc( x, y, r, 0, Math.PI * 2 );
				const path = new THREE.ShapePath();
				path.subPaths.push( subpath );
				return path;


			function parseEllipseNode( node ) {

				const x = parseFloatWithUnits( node.getAttribute( 'cx' ) || 0 );
				const y = parseFloatWithUnits( node.getAttribute( 'cy' ) || 0 );
				const rx = parseFloatWithUnits( node.getAttribute( 'rx' ) || 0 );
				const ry = parseFloatWithUnits( node.getAttribute( 'ry' ) || 0 );
				const subpath = new THREE.Path();
				subpath.absellipse( x, y, rx, ry, 0, Math.PI * 2 );
				const path = new THREE.ShapePath();
				path.subPaths.push( subpath );
				return path;


			function parseLineNode( node ) {

				const x1 = parseFloatWithUnits( node.getAttribute( 'x1' ) || 0 );
				const y1 = parseFloatWithUnits( node.getAttribute( 'y1' ) || 0 );
				const x2 = parseFloatWithUnits( node.getAttribute( 'x2' ) || 0 );
				const y2 = parseFloatWithUnits( node.getAttribute( 'y2' ) || 0 );
				const path = new THREE.ShapePath();
				path.moveTo( x1, y1 );
				path.lineTo( x2, y2 );
				path.currentPath.autoClose = false;
				return path;

			} //

			function parseStyle( node, style ) {

				style = Object.assign( {}, style ); // clone style

				let stylesheetStyles = {};

				if ( node.hasAttribute( 'class' ) ) {

					const classSelectors = node.getAttribute( 'class' ).split( /\s/ ).filter( Boolean ).map( i => i.trim() );

					for ( let i = 0; i < classSelectors.length; i ++ ) {

						stylesheetStyles = Object.assign( stylesheetStyles, stylesheets[ '.' + classSelectors[ i ] ] );



				if ( node.hasAttribute( 'id' ) ) {

					stylesheetStyles = Object.assign( stylesheetStyles, stylesheets[ '#' + node.getAttribute( 'id' ) ] );


				function addStyle( svgName, jsName, adjustFunction ) {

					if ( adjustFunction === undefined ) adjustFunction = function copy( v ) {

						if ( v.startsWith( 'url' ) ) console.warn( 'SVGLoader: url access in attributes is not implemented.' );
						return v;


					if ( node.hasAttribute( svgName ) ) style[ jsName ] = adjustFunction( node.getAttribute( svgName ) );
					if ( stylesheetStyles[ svgName ] ) style[ jsName ] = adjustFunction( stylesheetStyles[ svgName ] );
					if ( &&[ svgName ] !== '' ) style[ jsName ] = adjustFunction([ svgName ] );


				function clamp( v ) {

					return Math.max( 0, Math.min( 1, parseFloatWithUnits( v ) ) );


				function positive( v ) {

					return Math.max( 0, parseFloatWithUnits( v ) );


				addStyle( 'fill', 'fill' );
				addStyle( 'fill-opacity', 'fillOpacity', clamp );
				addStyle( 'fill-rule', 'fillRule' );
				addStyle( 'opacity', 'opacity', clamp );
				addStyle( 'stroke', 'stroke' );
				addStyle( 'stroke-opacity', 'strokeOpacity', clamp );
				addStyle( 'stroke-width', 'strokeWidth', positive );
				addStyle( 'stroke-linejoin', 'strokeLineJoin' );
				addStyle( 'stroke-linecap', 'strokeLineCap' );
				addStyle( 'stroke-miterlimit', 'strokeMiterLimit', positive );
				addStyle( 'visibility', 'visibility' );
				return style;

			} //

			function getReflection( a, b ) {

				return a - ( b - a );

			} // from (MIT License)

			function parseFloats( input, flags, stride ) {

				if ( typeof input !== 'string' ) {

					throw new TypeError( 'Invalid input: ' + typeof input );

				} // Character groups

				const RE = {
					SEPARATOR: /[ \t\r\n\,.\-+]/,
					WHITESPACE: /[ \t\r\n]/,
					DIGIT: /[\d]/,
					SIGN: /[-+]/,
					POINT: /\./,
					COMMA: /,/,
					EXP: /e/i,
					FLAGS: /[01]/
				}; // States

				const SEP = 0;
				const INT = 1;
				const FLOAT = 2;
				const EXP = 3;
				let state = SEP;
				let seenComma = true;
				let number = '',
					exponent = '';
				const result = [];

				function throwSyntaxError( current, i, partial ) {

					const error = new SyntaxError( 'Unexpected character "' + current + '" at index ' + i + '.' );
					error.partial = partial;
					throw error;


				function newNumber() {

					if ( number !== '' ) {

						if ( exponent === '' ) result.push( Number( number ) ); else result.push( Number( number ) * Math.pow( 10, Number( exponent ) ) );


					number = '';
					exponent = '';


				let current;
				const length = input.length;

				for ( let i = 0; i < length; i ++ ) {

					current = input[ i ]; // check for flags

					if ( Array.isArray( flags ) && flags.includes( result.length % stride ) && RE.FLAGS.test( current ) ) {

						state = INT;
						number = current;

					} // parse until next number

					if ( state === SEP ) {

						// eat whitespace
						if ( RE.WHITESPACE.test( current ) ) {


						} // start new number

						if ( RE.DIGIT.test( current ) || RE.SIGN.test( current ) ) {

							state = INT;
							number = current;


						if ( RE.POINT.test( current ) ) {

							state = FLOAT;
							number = current;

						} // throw on double commas (e.g. "1, , 2")

						if ( RE.COMMA.test( current ) ) {

							if ( seenComma ) {

								throwSyntaxError( current, i, result );


							seenComma = true;


					} // parse integer part

					if ( state === INT ) {

						if ( RE.DIGIT.test( current ) ) {

							number += current;


						if ( RE.POINT.test( current ) ) {

							number += current;
							state = FLOAT;


						if ( RE.EXP.test( current ) ) {

							state = EXP;

						} // throw on double signs ("-+1"), but not on sign as separator ("-1-2")

						if ( RE.SIGN.test( current ) && number.length === 1 && RE.SIGN.test( number[ 0 ] ) ) {

							throwSyntaxError( current, i, result );


					} // parse decimal part

					if ( state === FLOAT ) {

						if ( RE.DIGIT.test( current ) ) {

							number += current;


						if ( RE.EXP.test( current ) ) {

							state = EXP;

						} // throw on double decimal points (e.g. "1..2")

						if ( RE.POINT.test( current ) && number[ number.length - 1 ] === '.' ) {

							throwSyntaxError( current, i, result );


					} // parse exponent part

					if ( state === EXP ) {

						if ( RE.DIGIT.test( current ) ) {

							exponent += current;


						if ( RE.SIGN.test( current ) ) {

							if ( exponent === '' ) {

								exponent += current;


							if ( exponent.length === 1 && RE.SIGN.test( exponent ) ) {

								throwSyntaxError( current, i, result );



					} // end of number

					if ( RE.WHITESPACE.test( current ) ) {

						state = SEP;
						seenComma = false;

					} else if ( RE.COMMA.test( current ) ) {

						state = SEP;
						seenComma = true;

					} else if ( RE.SIGN.test( current ) ) {

						state = INT;
						number = current;

					} else if ( RE.POINT.test( current ) ) {

						state = FLOAT;
						number = current;

					} else {

						throwSyntaxError( current, i, result );


				} // add the last number found (if any)

				return result;

			} // Units

			const units = [ 'mm', 'cm', 'in', 'pt', 'pc', 'px' ]; // Conversion: [ fromUnit ][ toUnit ] (-1 means dpi dependent)

			const unitConversion = {
				'mm': {
					'mm': 1,
					'cm': 0.1,
					'in': 1 / 25.4,
					'pt': 72 / 25.4,
					'pc': 6 / 25.4,
					'px': - 1
				'cm': {
					'mm': 10,
					'cm': 1,
					'in': 1 / 2.54,
					'pt': 72 / 2.54,
					'pc': 6 / 2.54,
					'px': - 1
				'in': {
					'mm': 25.4,
					'cm': 2.54,
					'in': 1,
					'pt': 72,
					'pc': 6,
					'px': - 1
				'pt': {
					'mm': 25.4 / 72,
					'cm': 2.54 / 72,
					'in': 1 / 72,
					'pt': 1,
					'pc': 6 / 72,
					'px': - 1
				'pc': {
					'mm': 25.4 / 6,
					'cm': 2.54 / 6,
					'in': 1 / 6,
					'pt': 72 / 6,
					'pc': 1,
					'px': - 1
				'px': {
					'px': 1

			function parseFloatWithUnits( string ) {

				let theUnit = 'px';

				if ( typeof string === 'string' || string instanceof String ) {

					for ( let i = 0, n = units.length; i < n; i ++ ) {

						const u = units[ i ];

						if ( string.endsWith( u ) ) {

							theUnit = u;
							string = string.substring( 0, string.length - u.length );




				let scale = undefined;

				if ( theUnit === 'px' && scope.defaultUnit !== 'px' ) {

					// Conversion scale from  pixels to inches, then to default units
					scale = unitConversion[ 'in' ][ scope.defaultUnit ] / scope.defaultDPI;

				} else {

					scale = unitConversion[ theUnit ][ scope.defaultUnit ];

					if ( scale < 0 ) {

						// Conversion scale to pixels
						scale = unitConversion[ theUnit ][ 'in' ] * scope.defaultDPI;



				return scale * parseFloat( string );

			} // Transforms

			function getNodeTransform( node ) {

				if ( ! ( node.hasAttribute( 'transform' ) || node.nodeName === 'use' && ( node.hasAttribute( 'x' ) || node.hasAttribute( 'y' ) ) ) ) {

					return null;


				const transform = parseNodeTransform( node );

				if ( transformStack.length > 0 ) {

					transform.premultiply( transformStack[ transformStack.length - 1 ] );


				currentTransform.copy( transform );
				transformStack.push( transform );
				return transform;


			function parseNodeTransform( node ) {

				const transform = new THREE.Matrix3();
				const currentTransform = tempTransform0;

				if ( node.nodeName === 'use' && ( node.hasAttribute( 'x' ) || node.hasAttribute( 'y' ) ) ) {

					const tx = parseFloatWithUnits( node.getAttribute( 'x' ) );
					const ty = parseFloatWithUnits( node.getAttribute( 'y' ) );
					transform.translate( tx, ty );


				if ( node.hasAttribute( 'transform' ) ) {

					const transformsTexts = node.getAttribute( 'transform' ).split( ')' );

					for ( let tIndex = transformsTexts.length - 1; tIndex >= 0; tIndex -- ) {

						const transformText = transformsTexts[ tIndex ].trim();
						if ( transformText === '' ) continue;
						const openParPos = transformText.indexOf( '(' );
						const closeParPos = transformText.length;

						if ( openParPos > 0 && openParPos < closeParPos ) {

							const transformType = transformText.slice( 0, openParPos );
							const array = parseFloats( transformText.slice( openParPos + 1 ) );

							switch ( transformType ) {

								case 'translate':
									if ( array.length >= 1 ) {

										const tx = array[ 0 ];
										let ty = 0;

										if ( array.length >= 2 ) {

											ty = array[ 1 ];


										currentTransform.translate( tx, ty );



								case 'rotate':
									if ( array.length >= 1 ) {

										let angle = 0;
										let cx = 0;
										let cy = 0; // Angle

										angle = - array[ 0 ] * Math.PI / 180;

										if ( array.length >= 3 ) {

											// Center x, y
											cx = array[ 1 ];
											cy = array[ 2 ];

										} // Rotate around center (cx, cy)

										tempTransform1.identity().translate( - cx, - cy );
										tempTransform2.identity().rotate( angle );
										tempTransform3.multiplyMatrices( tempTransform2, tempTransform1 );
										tempTransform1.identity().translate( cx, cy );
										currentTransform.multiplyMatrices( tempTransform1, tempTransform3 );



								case 'scale':
									if ( array.length >= 1 ) {

										const scaleX = array[ 0 ];
										let scaleY = scaleX;

										if ( array.length >= 2 ) {

											scaleY = array[ 1 ];


										currentTransform.scale( scaleX, scaleY );



								case 'skewX':
									if ( array.length === 1 ) {

										currentTransform.set( 1, Math.tan( array[ 0 ] * Math.PI / 180 ), 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1 );



								case 'skewY':
									if ( array.length === 1 ) {

										currentTransform.set( 1, 0, 0, Math.tan( array[ 0 ] * Math.PI / 180 ), 1, 0, 0, 0, 1 );



								case 'matrix':
									if ( array.length === 6 ) {

										currentTransform.set( array[ 0 ], array[ 2 ], array[ 4 ], array[ 1 ], array[ 3 ], array[ 5 ], 0, 0, 1 );





						transform.premultiply( currentTransform );



				return transform;


			function transformPath( path, m ) {

				function transfVec2( v2 ) {

					tempV3.set( v2.x, v2.y, 1 ).applyMatrix3( m );
					v2.set( tempV3.x, tempV3.y );


				const isRotated = isTransformRotated( m );
				const subPaths = path.subPaths;

				for ( let i = 0, n = subPaths.length; i < n; i ++ ) {

					const subPath = subPaths[ i ];
					const curves = subPath.curves;

					for ( let j = 0; j < curves.length; j ++ ) {

						const curve = curves[ j ];

						if ( curve.isLineCurve ) {

							transfVec2( curve.v1 );
							transfVec2( curve.v2 );

						} else if ( curve.isCubicBezierCurve ) {

							transfVec2( curve.v0 );
							transfVec2( curve.v1 );
							transfVec2( curve.v2 );
							transfVec2( curve.v3 );

						} else if ( curve.isQuadraticBezierCurve ) {

							transfVec2( curve.v0 );
							transfVec2( curve.v1 );
							transfVec2( curve.v2 );

						} else if ( curve.isEllipseCurve ) {

							if ( isRotated ) {

								console.warn( 'SVGLoader: Elliptic arc or ellipse rotation or skewing is not implemented.' );


							tempV2.set( curve.aX, curve.aY );
							transfVec2( tempV2 );
							curve.aX = tempV2.x;
							curve.aY = tempV2.y;
							curve.xRadius *= getTransformScaleX( m );
							curve.yRadius *= getTransformScaleY( m );





			function isTransformRotated( m ) {

				return m.elements[ 1 ] !== 0 || m.elements[ 3 ] !== 0;


			function getTransformScaleX( m ) {

				const te = m.elements;
				return Math.sqrt( te[ 0 ] * te[ 0 ] + te[ 1 ] * te[ 1 ] );


			function getTransformScaleY( m ) {

				const te = m.elements;
				return Math.sqrt( te[ 3 ] * te[ 3 ] + te[ 4 ] * te[ 4 ] );

			} //

			const paths = [];
			const stylesheets = {};
			const transformStack = [];
			const tempTransform0 = new THREE.Matrix3();
			const tempTransform1 = new THREE.Matrix3();
			const tempTransform2 = new THREE.Matrix3();
			const tempTransform3 = new THREE.Matrix3();
			const tempV2 = new THREE.Vector2();
			const tempV3 = new THREE.Vector3();
			const currentTransform = new THREE.Matrix3();
			const xml = new DOMParser().parseFromString( text, 'image/svg+xml' ); // application/xml

			parseNode( xml.documentElement, {
				fill: '#000',
				fillOpacity: 1,
				strokeOpacity: 1,
				strokeWidth: 1,
				strokeLineJoin: 'miter',
				strokeLineCap: 'butt',
				strokeMiterLimit: 4
			} );
			const data = {
				paths: paths,
				xml: xml.documentElement
			}; // console.log( paths );

			return data;


		static createShapes( shapePath ) {

			// Param shapePath: a shapepath as returned by the parse function of this class
			// Returns THREE.Shape object
			const BIGNUMBER = 999999999;
			const IntersectionLocationType = {
				ORIGIN: 0,
				BETWEEN: 2,
				LEFT: 3,
				RIGHT: 4,
				BEHIND: 5,
				BEYOND: 6
			const classifyResult = {
				loc: IntersectionLocationType.ORIGIN,
				t: 0

			function findEdgeIntersection( a0, a1, b0, b1 ) {

				const x1 = a0.x;
				const x2 = a1.x;
				const x3 = b0.x;
				const x4 = b1.x;
				const y1 = a0.y;
				const y2 = a1.y;
				const y3 = b0.y;
				const y4 = b1.y;
				const nom1 = ( x4 - x3 ) * ( y1 - y3 ) - ( y4 - y3 ) * ( x1 - x3 );
				const nom2 = ( x2 - x1 ) * ( y1 - y3 ) - ( y2 - y1 ) * ( x1 - x3 );
				const denom = ( y4 - y3 ) * ( x2 - x1 ) - ( x4 - x3 ) * ( y2 - y1 );
				const t1 = nom1 / denom;
				const t2 = nom2 / denom;

				if ( denom === 0 && nom1 !== 0 || t1 <= 0 || t1 >= 1 || t2 < 0 || t2 > 1 ) {

					//1. lines are parallel or edges don't intersect
					return null;

				} else if ( nom1 === 0 && denom === 0 ) {

					//2. lines are colinear
					//check if endpoints of edge2 (b0-b1) lies on edge1 (a0-a1)
					for ( let i = 0; i < 2; i ++ ) {

						classifyPoint( i === 0 ? b0 : b1, a0, a1 ); //find position of this endpoints relatively to edge1

						if ( classifyResult.loc == IntersectionLocationType.ORIGIN ) {

							const point = i === 0 ? b0 : b1;
							return {
								x: point.x,
								y: point.y,
								t: classifyResult.t

						} else if ( classifyResult.loc == IntersectionLocationType.BETWEEN ) {

							const x = + ( x1 + classifyResult.t * ( x2 - x1 ) ).toPrecision( 10 );
							const y = + ( y1 + classifyResult.t * ( y2 - y1 ) ).toPrecision( 10 );
							return {
								x: x,
								y: y,
								t: classifyResult.t



					return null;

				} else {

					//3. edges intersect
					for ( let i = 0; i < 2; i ++ ) {

						classifyPoint( i === 0 ? b0 : b1, a0, a1 );

						if ( classifyResult.loc == IntersectionLocationType.ORIGIN ) {

							const point = i === 0 ? b0 : b1;
							return {
								x: point.x,
								y: point.y,
								t: classifyResult.t



					const x = + ( x1 + t1 * ( x2 - x1 ) ).toPrecision( 10 );
					const y = + ( y1 + t1 * ( y2 - y1 ) ).toPrecision( 10 );
					return {
						x: x,
						y: y,
						t: t1



			function classifyPoint( p, edgeStart, edgeEnd ) {

				const ax = edgeEnd.x - edgeStart.x;
				const ay = edgeEnd.y - edgeStart.y;
				const bx = p.x - edgeStart.x;
				const by = p.y - edgeStart.y;
				const sa = ax * by - bx * ay;

				if ( p.x === edgeStart.x && p.y === edgeStart.y ) {

					classifyResult.loc = IntersectionLocationType.ORIGIN;
					classifyResult.t = 0;


				if ( p.x === edgeEnd.x && p.y === edgeEnd.y ) {

					classifyResult.loc = IntersectionLocationType.DESTINATION;
					classifyResult.t = 1;


				if ( sa < - Number.EPSILON ) {

					classifyResult.loc = IntersectionLocationType.LEFT;


				if ( sa > Number.EPSILON ) {

					classifyResult.loc = IntersectionLocationType.RIGHT;


				if ( ax * bx < 0 || ay * by < 0 ) {

					classifyResult.loc = IntersectionLocationType.BEHIND;


				if ( Math.sqrt( ax * ax + ay * ay ) < Math.sqrt( bx * bx + by * by ) ) {

					classifyResult.loc = IntersectionLocationType.BEYOND;


				let t;

				if ( ax !== 0 ) {

					t = bx / ax;

				} else {

					t = by / ay;


				classifyResult.loc = IntersectionLocationType.BETWEEN;
				classifyResult.t = t;


			function getIntersections( path1, path2 ) {

				const intersectionsRaw = [];
				const intersections = [];

				for ( let index = 1; index < path1.length; index ++ ) {

					const path1EdgeStart = path1[ index - 1 ];
					const path1EdgeEnd = path1[ index ];

					for ( let index2 = 1; index2 < path2.length; index2 ++ ) {

						const path2EdgeStart = path2[ index2 - 1 ];
						const path2EdgeEnd = path2[ index2 ];
						const intersection = findEdgeIntersection( path1EdgeStart, path1EdgeEnd, path2EdgeStart, path2EdgeEnd );

						if ( intersection !== null && intersectionsRaw.find( i => i.t <= intersection.t + Number.EPSILON && i.t >= intersection.t - Number.EPSILON ) === undefined ) {

							intersectionsRaw.push( intersection );
							intersections.push( new THREE.Vector2( intersection.x, intersection.y ) );




				return intersections;


			function getScanlineIntersections( scanline, boundingBox, paths ) {

				const center = new THREE.Vector2();
				boundingBox.getCenter( center );
				const allIntersections = [];
				paths.forEach( path => {

					// check if the center of the bounding box is in the bounding box of the paths.
					// this is a pruning method to limit the search of intersections in paths that can't envelop of the current path.
					// if a path envelops another path. The center of that oter path, has to be inside the bounding box of the enveloping path.
					if ( path.boundingBox.containsPoint( center ) ) {

						const intersections = getIntersections( scanline, path.points );
						intersections.forEach( p => {

							allIntersections.push( {
								identifier: path.identifier,
								isCW: path.isCW,
								point: p
							} );

						} );


				} );
				allIntersections.sort( ( i1, i2 ) => {

					return i1.point.x - i2.point.x;

				} );
				return allIntersections;


			function isHoleTo( simplePath, allPaths, scanlineMinX, scanlineMaxX, _fillRule ) {

				if ( _fillRule === null || _fillRule === undefined || _fillRule === '' ) {

					_fillRule = 'nonzero';


				const centerBoundingBox = new THREE.Vector2();
				simplePath.boundingBox.getCenter( centerBoundingBox );
				const scanline = [ new THREE.Vector2( scanlineMinX, centerBoundingBox.y ), new THREE.Vector2( scanlineMaxX, centerBoundingBox.y ) ];
				const scanlineIntersections = getScanlineIntersections( scanline, simplePath.boundingBox, allPaths );
				scanlineIntersections.sort( ( i1, i2 ) => {

					return i1.point.x - i2.point.x;

				} );
				const baseIntersections = [];
				const otherIntersections = [];
				scanlineIntersections.forEach( i => {

					if ( i.identifier === simplePath.identifier ) {

						baseIntersections.push( i );

					} else {

						otherIntersections.push( i );


				} );
				const firstXOfPath = baseIntersections[ 0 ].point.x; // build up the path hierarchy

				const stack = [];
				let i = 0;

				while ( i < otherIntersections.length && otherIntersections[ i ].point.x < firstXOfPath ) {

					if ( stack.length > 0 && stack[ stack.length - 1 ] === otherIntersections[ i ].identifier ) {


					} else {

						stack.push( otherIntersections[ i ].identifier );


					i ++;


				stack.push( simplePath.identifier );

				if ( _fillRule === 'evenodd' ) {

					const isHole = stack.length % 2 === 0 ? true : false;
					const isHoleFor = stack[ stack.length - 2 ];
					return {
						identifier: simplePath.identifier,
						isHole: isHole,
						for: isHoleFor

				} else if ( _fillRule === 'nonzero' ) {

					// check if path is a hole by counting the amount of paths with alternating rotations it has to cross.
					let isHole = true;
					let isHoleFor = null;
					let lastCWValue = null;

					for ( let i = 0; i < stack.length; i ++ ) {

						const identifier = stack[ i ];

						if ( isHole ) {

							lastCWValue = allPaths[ identifier ].isCW;
							isHole = false;
							isHoleFor = identifier;

						} else if ( lastCWValue !== allPaths[ identifier ].isCW ) {

							lastCWValue = allPaths[ identifier ].isCW;
							isHole = true;



					return {
						identifier: simplePath.identifier,
						isHole: isHole,
						for: isHoleFor

				} else {

					console.warn( 'fill-rule: "' + _fillRule + '" is currently not implemented.' );


			} // check for self intersecting paths
			// TODO
			// check intersecting paths
			// TODO
			// prepare paths for hole detection

			let identifier = 0;
			let scanlineMinX = BIGNUMBER;
			let scanlineMaxX = - BIGNUMBER;
			let simplePaths = p => {

				const points = p.getPoints();
				let maxY = - BIGNUMBER;
				let minY = BIGNUMBER;
				let maxX = - BIGNUMBER;
				let minX = BIGNUMBER; //points.forEach(p => p.y *= -1);

				for ( let i = 0; i < points.length; i ++ ) {

					const p = points[ i ];

					if ( p.y > maxY ) {

						maxY = p.y;


					if ( p.y < minY ) {

						minY = p.y;


					if ( p.x > maxX ) {

						maxX = p.x;


					if ( p.x < minX ) {

						minX = p.x;


				} //

				if ( scanlineMaxX <= maxX ) {

					scanlineMaxX = maxX + 1;


				if ( scanlineMinX >= minX ) {

					scanlineMinX = minX - 1;


				return {
					curves: p.curves,
					points: points,
					isCW: THREE.ShapeUtils.isClockWise( points ),
					identifier: identifier ++,
					boundingBox: new THREE.Box2( new THREE.Vector2( minX, minY ), new THREE.Vector2( maxX, maxY ) )

			} );
			simplePaths = simplePaths.filter( sp => sp.points.length > 1 ); // check if path is solid or a hole

			const isAHole = p => isHoleTo( p, simplePaths, scanlineMinX, scanlineMaxX, shapePath.userData?.style.fillRule ) );
			const shapesToReturn = [];
			simplePaths.forEach( p => {

				const amIAHole = isAHole[ p.identifier ];

				if ( ! amIAHole.isHole ) {

					const shape = new THREE.Shape();
					shape.curves = p.curves;
					const holes = isAHole.filter( h => h.isHole && h.for === p.identifier );
					holes.forEach( h => {

						const hole = simplePaths[ h.identifier ];
						const path = new THREE.Path();
						path.curves = hole.curves;
						shape.holes.push( path );

					} );
					shapesToReturn.push( shape );


			} );
			return shapesToReturn;


		static getStrokeStyle( width, color, lineJoin, lineCap, miterLimit ) {

			// Param width: Stroke width
			// Param color: As returned by THREE.Color.getStyle()
			// Param lineJoin: One of "round", "bevel", "miter" or "miter-limit"
			// Param lineCap: One of "round", "square" or "butt"
			// Param miterLimit: Maximum join length, in multiples of the "width" parameter (join is truncated if it exceeds that distance)
			// Returns style object
			width = width !== undefined ? width : 1;
			color = color !== undefined ? color : '#000';
			lineJoin = lineJoin !== undefined ? lineJoin : 'miter';
			lineCap = lineCap !== undefined ? lineCap : 'butt';
			miterLimit = miterLimit !== undefined ? miterLimit : 4;
			return {
				strokeColor: color,
				strokeWidth: width,
				strokeLineJoin: lineJoin,
				strokeLineCap: lineCap,
				strokeMiterLimit: miterLimit


		static pointsToStroke( points, style, arcDivisions, minDistance ) {

			// Generates a stroke with some witdh around the given path.
			// The path can be open or closed (last point equals to first point)
			// Param points: Array of Vector2D (the path). Minimum 2 points.
			// Param style: Object with SVG properties as returned by SVGLoader.getStrokeStyle(), or SVGLoader.parse() in the object
			// Params arcDivisions: Arc divisions for round joins and endcaps. (Optional)
			// Param minDistance: Points closer to this distance will be merged. (Optional)
			// Returns THREE.BufferGeometry with stroke triangles (In plane z = 0). UV coordinates are generated ('u' along path. 'v' across it, from left to right)
			const vertices = [];
			const normals = [];
			const uvs = [];

			if ( SVGLoader.pointsToStrokeWithBuffers( points, style, arcDivisions, minDistance, vertices, normals, uvs ) === 0 ) {

				return null;


			const geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry();
			geometry.setAttribute( 'position', new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute( vertices, 3 ) );
			geometry.setAttribute( 'normal', new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute( normals, 3 ) );
			geometry.setAttribute( 'uv', new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute( uvs, 2 ) );
			return geometry;


		static pointsToStrokeWithBuffers( points, style, arcDivisions, minDistance, vertices, normals, uvs, vertexOffset ) {

			// This function can be called to update existing arrays or buffers.
			// Accepts same parameters as pointsToStroke, plus the buffers and optional offset.
			// Param vertexOffset: Offset vertices to start writing in the buffers (3 elements/vertex for vertices and normals, and 2 elements/vertex for uvs)
			// Returns number of written vertices / normals / uvs pairs
			// if 'vertices' parameter is undefined no triangles will be generated, but the returned vertices count will still be valid (useful to preallocate the buffers)
			// 'normals' and 'uvs' buffers are optional
			const tempV2_1 = new THREE.Vector2();
			const tempV2_2 = new THREE.Vector2();
			const tempV2_3 = new THREE.Vector2();
			const tempV2_4 = new THREE.Vector2();
			const tempV2_5 = new THREE.Vector2();
			const tempV2_6 = new THREE.Vector2();
			const tempV2_7 = new THREE.Vector2();
			const lastPointL = new THREE.Vector2();
			const lastPointR = new THREE.Vector2();
			const point0L = new THREE.Vector2();
			const point0R = new THREE.Vector2();
			const currentPointL = new THREE.Vector2();
			const currentPointR = new THREE.Vector2();
			const nextPointL = new THREE.Vector2();
			const nextPointR = new THREE.Vector2();
			const innerPoint = new THREE.Vector2();
			const outerPoint = new THREE.Vector2();
			arcDivisions = arcDivisions !== undefined ? arcDivisions : 12;
			minDistance = minDistance !== undefined ? minDistance : 0.001;
			vertexOffset = vertexOffset !== undefined ? vertexOffset : 0; // First ensure there are no duplicated points

			points = removeDuplicatedPoints( points );
			const numPoints = points.length;
			if ( numPoints < 2 ) return 0;
			const isClosed = points[ 0 ].equals( points[ numPoints - 1 ] );
			let currentPoint;
			let previousPoint = points[ 0 ];
			let nextPoint;
			const strokeWidth2 = style.strokeWidth / 2;
			const deltaU = 1 / ( numPoints - 1 );
			let u0 = 0,
			let innerSideModified;
			let joinIsOnLeftSide;
			let isMiter;
			let initialJoinIsOnLeftSide = false;
			let numVertices = 0;
			let currentCoordinate = vertexOffset * 3;
			let currentCoordinateUV = vertexOffset * 2; // Get initial left and right stroke points

			getNormal( points[ 0 ], points[ 1 ], tempV2_1 ).multiplyScalar( strokeWidth2 );
			lastPointL.copy( points[ 0 ] ).sub( tempV2_1 );
			lastPointR.copy( points[ 0 ] ).add( tempV2_1 );
			point0L.copy( lastPointL );
			point0R.copy( lastPointR );

			for ( let iPoint = 1; iPoint < numPoints; iPoint ++ ) {

				currentPoint = points[ iPoint ]; // Get next point

				if ( iPoint === numPoints - 1 ) {

					if ( isClosed ) {

						// Skip duplicated initial point
						nextPoint = points[ 1 ];

					} else nextPoint = undefined;

				} else {

					nextPoint = points[ iPoint + 1 ];

				} // Normal of previous segment in tempV2_1

				const normal1 = tempV2_1;
				getNormal( previousPoint, currentPoint, normal1 );
				tempV2_3.copy( normal1 ).multiplyScalar( strokeWidth2 );
				currentPointL.copy( currentPoint ).sub( tempV2_3 );
				currentPointR.copy( currentPoint ).add( tempV2_3 );
				u1 = u0 + deltaU;
				innerSideModified = false;

				if ( nextPoint !== undefined ) {

					// Normal of next segment in tempV2_2
					getNormal( currentPoint, nextPoint, tempV2_2 );
					tempV2_3.copy( tempV2_2 ).multiplyScalar( strokeWidth2 );
					nextPointL.copy( currentPoint ).sub( tempV2_3 );
					nextPointR.copy( currentPoint ).add( tempV2_3 );
					joinIsOnLeftSide = true;
					tempV2_3.subVectors( nextPoint, previousPoint );

					if ( tempV2_3 ) < 0 ) {

						joinIsOnLeftSide = false;


					if ( iPoint === 1 ) initialJoinIsOnLeftSide = joinIsOnLeftSide;
					tempV2_3.subVectors( nextPoint, currentPoint );
					const dot = Math.abs( tempV2_3 ) ); // If path is straight, don't create join

					if ( dot > Number.EPSILON ) {

						// Compute inner and outer segment intersections
						const miterSide = strokeWidth2 / dot;
						tempV2_3.multiplyScalar( - miterSide );
						tempV2_4.subVectors( currentPoint, previousPoint );
						tempV2_5.copy( tempV2_4 ).setLength( miterSide ).add( tempV2_3 );
						innerPoint.copy( tempV2_5 ).negate();
						const miterLength2 = tempV2_5.length();
						const segmentLengthPrev = tempV2_4.length();
						tempV2_4.divideScalar( segmentLengthPrev );
						tempV2_6.subVectors( nextPoint, currentPoint );
						const segmentLengthNext = tempV2_6.length();
						tempV2_6.divideScalar( segmentLengthNext ); // Check that previous and next segments doesn't overlap with the innerPoint of intersection

						if ( innerPoint ) < segmentLengthPrev && innerPoint ) < segmentLengthNext ) {

							innerSideModified = true;


						outerPoint.copy( tempV2_5 ).add( currentPoint );
						innerPoint.add( currentPoint );
						isMiter = false;

						if ( innerSideModified ) {

							if ( joinIsOnLeftSide ) {

								nextPointR.copy( innerPoint );
								currentPointR.copy( innerPoint );

							} else {

								nextPointL.copy( innerPoint );
								currentPointL.copy( innerPoint );


						} else {

							// The segment triangles are generated here if there was overlapping


						switch ( style.strokeLineJoin ) {

							case 'bevel':
								makeSegmentWithBevelJoin( joinIsOnLeftSide, innerSideModified, u1 );

							case 'round':
								// Segment triangles
								createSegmentTrianglesWithMiddleSection( joinIsOnLeftSide, innerSideModified ); // Join triangles

								if ( joinIsOnLeftSide ) {

									makeCircularSector( currentPoint, currentPointL, nextPointL, u1, 0 );

								} else {

									makeCircularSector( currentPoint, nextPointR, currentPointR, u1, 1 );



							case 'miter':
							case 'miter-clip':
								const miterFraction = strokeWidth2 * style.strokeMiterLimit / miterLength2;

								if ( miterFraction < 1 ) {

									// The join miter length exceeds the miter limit
									if ( style.strokeLineJoin !== 'miter-clip' ) {

										makeSegmentWithBevelJoin( joinIsOnLeftSide, innerSideModified, u1 );

									} else {

										// Segment triangles
										createSegmentTrianglesWithMiddleSection( joinIsOnLeftSide, innerSideModified ); // Miter-clip join triangles

										if ( joinIsOnLeftSide ) {

											tempV2_6.subVectors( outerPoint, currentPointL ).multiplyScalar( miterFraction ).add( currentPointL );
											tempV2_7.subVectors( outerPoint, nextPointL ).multiplyScalar( miterFraction ).add( nextPointL );
											addVertex( currentPointL, u1, 0 );
											addVertex( tempV2_6, u1, 0 );
											addVertex( currentPoint, u1, 0.5 );
											addVertex( currentPoint, u1, 0.5 );
											addVertex( tempV2_6, u1, 0 );
											addVertex( tempV2_7, u1, 0 );
											addVertex( currentPoint, u1, 0.5 );
											addVertex( tempV2_7, u1, 0 );
											addVertex( nextPointL, u1, 0 );

										} else {

											tempV2_6.subVectors( outerPoint, currentPointR ).multiplyScalar( miterFraction ).add( currentPointR );
											tempV2_7.subVectors( outerPoint, nextPointR ).multiplyScalar( miterFraction ).add( nextPointR );
											addVertex( currentPointR, u1, 1 );
											addVertex( tempV2_6, u1, 1 );
											addVertex( currentPoint, u1, 0.5 );
											addVertex( currentPoint, u1, 0.5 );
											addVertex( tempV2_6, u1, 1 );
											addVertex( tempV2_7, u1, 1 );
											addVertex( currentPoint, u1, 0.5 );
											addVertex( tempV2_7, u1, 1 );
											addVertex( nextPointR, u1, 1 );



								} else {

									// Miter join segment triangles
									if ( innerSideModified ) {

										// Optimized segment + join triangles
										if ( joinIsOnLeftSide ) {

											addVertex( lastPointR, u0, 1 );
											addVertex( lastPointL, u0, 0 );
											addVertex( outerPoint, u1, 0 );
											addVertex( lastPointR, u0, 1 );
											addVertex( outerPoint, u1, 0 );
											addVertex( innerPoint, u1, 1 );

										} else {

											addVertex( lastPointR, u0, 1 );
											addVertex( lastPointL, u0, 0 );
											addVertex( outerPoint, u1, 1 );
											addVertex( lastPointL, u0, 0 );
											addVertex( innerPoint, u1, 0 );
											addVertex( outerPoint, u1, 1 );


										if ( joinIsOnLeftSide ) {

											nextPointL.copy( outerPoint );

										} else {

											nextPointR.copy( outerPoint );


									} else {

										// Add extra miter join triangles
										if ( joinIsOnLeftSide ) {

											addVertex( currentPointL, u1, 0 );
											addVertex( outerPoint, u1, 0 );
											addVertex( currentPoint, u1, 0.5 );
											addVertex( currentPoint, u1, 0.5 );
											addVertex( outerPoint, u1, 0 );
											addVertex( nextPointL, u1, 0 );

										} else {

											addVertex( currentPointR, u1, 1 );
											addVertex( outerPoint, u1, 1 );
											addVertex( currentPoint, u1, 0.5 );
											addVertex( currentPoint, u1, 0.5 );
											addVertex( outerPoint, u1, 1 );
											addVertex( nextPointR, u1, 1 );



									isMiter = true;




					} else {

						// The segment triangles are generated here when two consecutive points are collinear


				} else {

					// The segment triangles are generated here if it is the ending segment


				if ( ! isClosed && iPoint === numPoints - 1 ) {

					// Start line endcap
					addCapGeometry( points[ 0 ], point0L, point0R, joinIsOnLeftSide, true, u0 );

				} // Increment loop variables

				u0 = u1;
				previousPoint = currentPoint;
				lastPointL.copy( nextPointL );
				lastPointR.copy( nextPointR );


			if ( ! isClosed ) {

				// Ending line endcap
				addCapGeometry( currentPoint, currentPointL, currentPointR, joinIsOnLeftSide, false, u1 );

			} else if ( innerSideModified && vertices ) {

				// Modify path first segment vertices to adjust to the segments inner and outer intersections
				let lastOuter = outerPoint;
				let lastInner = innerPoint;

				if ( initialJoinIsOnLeftSide !== joinIsOnLeftSide ) {

					lastOuter = innerPoint;
					lastInner = outerPoint;


				if ( joinIsOnLeftSide ) {

					if ( isMiter || initialJoinIsOnLeftSide ) {

						lastInner.toArray( vertices, 0 * 3 );
						lastInner.toArray( vertices, 3 * 3 );

						if ( isMiter ) {

							lastOuter.toArray( vertices, 1 * 3 );



				} else {

					if ( isMiter || ! initialJoinIsOnLeftSide ) {

						lastInner.toArray( vertices, 1 * 3 );
						lastInner.toArray( vertices, 3 * 3 );

						if ( isMiter ) {

							lastOuter.toArray( vertices, 0 * 3 );





			return numVertices; // -- End of algorithm
			// -- Functions

			function getNormal( p1, p2, result ) {

				result.subVectors( p2, p1 );
				return result.set( - result.y, result.x ).normalize();


			function addVertex( position, u, v ) {

				if ( vertices ) {

					vertices[ currentCoordinate ] = position.x;
					vertices[ currentCoordinate + 1 ] = position.y;
					vertices[ currentCoordinate + 2 ] = 0;

					if ( normals ) {

						normals[ currentCoordinate ] = 0;
						normals[ currentCoordinate + 1 ] = 0;
						normals[ currentCoordinate + 2 ] = 1;


					currentCoordinate += 3;

					if ( uvs ) {

						uvs[ currentCoordinateUV ] = u;
						uvs[ currentCoordinateUV + 1 ] = v;
						currentCoordinateUV += 2;



				numVertices += 3;


			function makeCircularSector( center, p1, p2, u, v ) {

				// param p1, p2: Points in the circle arc.
				// p1 and p2 are in clockwise direction.
				tempV2_1.copy( p1 ).sub( center ).normalize();
				tempV2_2.copy( p2 ).sub( center ).normalize();
				let angle = Math.PI;
				const dot = tempV2_2 );
				if ( Math.abs( dot ) < 1 ) angle = Math.abs( Math.acos( dot ) );
				angle /= arcDivisions;
				tempV2_3.copy( p1 );

				for ( let i = 0, il = arcDivisions - 1; i < il; i ++ ) {

					tempV2_4.copy( tempV2_3 ).rotateAround( center, angle );
					addVertex( tempV2_3, u, v );
					addVertex( tempV2_4, u, v );
					addVertex( center, u, 0.5 );
					tempV2_3.copy( tempV2_4 );


				addVertex( tempV2_4, u, v );
				addVertex( p2, u, v );
				addVertex( center, u, 0.5 );


			function makeSegmentTriangles() {

				addVertex( lastPointR, u0, 1 );
				addVertex( lastPointL, u0, 0 );
				addVertex( currentPointL, u1, 0 );
				addVertex( lastPointR, u0, 1 );
				addVertex( currentPointL, u1, 1 );
				addVertex( currentPointR, u1, 0 );


			function makeSegmentWithBevelJoin( joinIsOnLeftSide, innerSideModified, u ) {

				if ( innerSideModified ) {

					// Optimized segment + bevel triangles
					if ( joinIsOnLeftSide ) {

						// THREE.Path segments triangles
						addVertex( lastPointR, u0, 1 );
						addVertex( lastPointL, u0, 0 );
						addVertex( currentPointL, u1, 0 );
						addVertex( lastPointR, u0, 1 );
						addVertex( currentPointL, u1, 0 );
						addVertex( innerPoint, u1, 1 ); // Bevel join triangle

						addVertex( currentPointL, u, 0 );
						addVertex( nextPointL, u, 0 );
						addVertex( innerPoint, u, 0.5 );

					} else {

						// THREE.Path segments triangles
						addVertex( lastPointR, u0, 1 );
						addVertex( lastPointL, u0, 0 );
						addVertex( currentPointR, u1, 1 );
						addVertex( lastPointL, u0, 0 );
						addVertex( innerPoint, u1, 0 );
						addVertex( currentPointR, u1, 1 ); // Bevel join triangle

						addVertex( currentPointR, u, 1 );
						addVertex( nextPointR, u, 0 );
						addVertex( innerPoint, u, 0.5 );


				} else {

					// Bevel join triangle. The segment triangles are done in the main loop
					if ( joinIsOnLeftSide ) {

						addVertex( currentPointL, u, 0 );
						addVertex( nextPointL, u, 0 );
						addVertex( currentPoint, u, 0.5 );

					} else {

						addVertex( currentPointR, u, 1 );
						addVertex( nextPointR, u, 0 );
						addVertex( currentPoint, u, 0.5 );




			function createSegmentTrianglesWithMiddleSection( joinIsOnLeftSide, innerSideModified ) {

				if ( innerSideModified ) {

					if ( joinIsOnLeftSide ) {

						addVertex( lastPointR, u0, 1 );
						addVertex( lastPointL, u0, 0 );
						addVertex( currentPointL, u1, 0 );
						addVertex( lastPointR, u0, 1 );
						addVertex( currentPointL, u1, 0 );
						addVertex( innerPoint, u1, 1 );
						addVertex( currentPointL, u0, 0 );
						addVertex( currentPoint, u1, 0.5 );
						addVertex( innerPoint, u1, 1 );
						addVertex( currentPoint, u1, 0.5 );
						addVertex( nextPointL, u0, 0 );
						addVertex( innerPoint, u1, 1 );

					} else {

						addVertex( lastPointR, u0, 1 );
						addVertex( lastPointL, u0, 0 );
						addVertex( currentPointR, u1, 1 );
						addVertex( lastPointL, u0, 0 );
						addVertex( innerPoint, u1, 0 );
						addVertex( currentPointR, u1, 1 );
						addVertex( currentPointR, u0, 1 );
						addVertex( innerPoint, u1, 0 );
						addVertex( currentPoint, u1, 0.5 );
						addVertex( currentPoint, u1, 0.5 );
						addVertex( innerPoint, u1, 0 );
						addVertex( nextPointR, u0, 1 );




			function addCapGeometry( center, p1, p2, joinIsOnLeftSide, start, u ) {

				// param center: End point of the path
				// param p1, p2: Left and right cap points
				switch ( style.strokeLineCap ) {

					case 'round':
						if ( start ) {

							makeCircularSector( center, p2, p1, u, 0.5 );

						} else {

							makeCircularSector( center, p1, p2, u, 0.5 );



					case 'square':
						if ( start ) {

							tempV2_1.subVectors( p1, center );
							tempV2_2.set( tempV2_1.y, - tempV2_1.x );
							tempV2_3.addVectors( tempV2_1, tempV2_2 ).add( center );
							tempV2_4.subVectors( tempV2_2, tempV2_1 ).add( center ); // Modify already existing vertices

							if ( joinIsOnLeftSide ) {

								tempV2_3.toArray( vertices, 1 * 3 );
								tempV2_4.toArray( vertices, 0 * 3 );
								tempV2_4.toArray( vertices, 3 * 3 );

							} else {

								tempV2_3.toArray( vertices, 1 * 3 );
								tempV2_3.toArray( vertices, 3 * 3 );
								tempV2_4.toArray( vertices, 0 * 3 );


						} else {

							tempV2_1.subVectors( p2, center );
							tempV2_2.set( tempV2_1.y, - tempV2_1.x );
							tempV2_3.addVectors( tempV2_1, tempV2_2 ).add( center );
							tempV2_4.subVectors( tempV2_2, tempV2_1 ).add( center );
							const vl = vertices.length; // Modify already existing vertices

							if ( joinIsOnLeftSide ) {

								tempV2_3.toArray( vertices, vl - 1 * 3 );
								tempV2_4.toArray( vertices, vl - 2 * 3 );
								tempV2_4.toArray( vertices, vl - 4 * 3 );

							} else {

								tempV2_3.toArray( vertices, vl - 2 * 3 );
								tempV2_4.toArray( vertices, vl - 1 * 3 );
								tempV2_4.toArray( vertices, vl - 4 * 3 );




					case 'butt':
						// Nothing to do here



			function removeDuplicatedPoints( points ) {

				// Creates a new array if necessary with duplicated points removed.
				// This does not remove duplicated initial and ending points of a closed path.
				let dupPoints = false;

				for ( let i = 1, n = points.length - 1; i < n; i ++ ) {

					if ( points[ i ].distanceTo( points[ i + 1 ] ) < minDistance ) {

						dupPoints = true;



				if ( ! dupPoints ) return points;
				const newPoints = [];
				newPoints.push( points[ 0 ] );

				for ( let i = 1, n = points.length - 1; i < n; i ++ ) {

					if ( points[ i ].distanceTo( points[ i + 1 ] ) >= minDistance ) {

						newPoints.push( points[ i ] );



				newPoints.push( points[ points.length - 1 ] );
				return newPoints;




	THREE.SVGLoader = SVGLoader;

} )();