HuangJiPC / public / static / three / examples / js / loaders / VRMLLoader.js
@zhangdeliang zhangdeliang on 21 Jun 72 KB update
( function () {

	class VRMLLoader extends THREE.Loader {

		constructor( manager ) {

			super( manager ); // dependency check

			if ( typeof chevrotain === 'undefined' ) {

				// eslint-disable-line no-undef
				throw Error( 'THREE.VRMLLoader: External library chevrotain.min.js required.' );



		load( url, onLoad, onProgress, onError ) {

			const scope = this;
			const path = scope.path === '' ? THREE.LoaderUtils.extractUrlBase( url ) : scope.path;
			const loader = new THREE.FileLoader( scope.manager );
			loader.setPath( scope.path );
			loader.setRequestHeader( scope.requestHeader );
			loader.setWithCredentials( scope.withCredentials );
			loader.load( url, function ( text ) {

				try {

					onLoad( scope.parse( text, path ) );

				} catch ( e ) {

					if ( onError ) {

						onError( e );

					} else {

						console.error( e );


					scope.manager.itemError( url );


			}, onProgress, onError );


		parse( data, path ) {

			const nodeMap = {};

			function generateVRMLTree( data ) {

				// create lexer, parser and visitor
				const tokenData = createTokens();
				const lexer = new VRMLLexer( tokenData.tokens );
				const parser = new VRMLParser( tokenData.tokenVocabulary );
				const visitor = createVisitor( parser.getBaseCstVisitorConstructor() ); // lexing

				const lexingResult = lexer.lex( data );
				parser.input = lexingResult.tokens; // parsing

				const cstOutput = parser.vrml();

				if ( parser.errors.length > 0 ) {

					console.error( parser.errors );
					throw Error( 'THREE.VRMLLoader: Parsing errors detected.' );

				} // actions

				const ast = visitor.visit( cstOutput );
				return ast;


			function createTokens() {

				const createToken = chevrotain.createToken; // eslint-disable-line no-undef
				// from

				const RouteIdentifier = createToken( {
					name: 'RouteIdentifier',
					pattern: /[^\x30-\x39\0-\x20\x22\x27\x23\x2b\x2c\x2d\x2e\x5b\x5d\x5c\x7b\x7d][^\0-\x20\x22\x27\x23\x2b\x2c\x2d\x2e\x5b\x5d\x5c\x7b\x7d]*[\.][^\x30-\x39\0-\x20\x22\x27\x23\x2b\x2c\x2d\x2e\x5b\x5d\x5c\x7b\x7d][^\0-\x20\x22\x27\x23\x2b\x2c\x2d\x2e\x5b\x5d\x5c\x7b\x7d]*/
				} );
				const Identifier = createToken( {
					name: 'Identifier',
					pattern: /[^\x30-\x39\0-\x20\x22\x27\x23\x2b\x2c\x2d\x2e\x5b\x5d\x5c\x7b\x7d][^\0-\x20\x22\x27\x23\x2b\x2c\x2d\x2e\x5b\x5d\x5c\x7b\x7d]*/,
					longer_alt: RouteIdentifier
				} ); // from

				const nodeTypes = [ 'Anchor', 'Billboard', 'Collision', 'Group', 'Transform', // grouping nodes
					'Inline', 'LOD', 'Switch', // special groups
					'AudioClip', 'DirectionalLight', 'PointLight', 'Script', 'Shape', 'Sound', 'SpotLight', 'WorldInfo', // common nodes
					'CylinderSensor', 'PlaneSensor', 'ProximitySensor', 'SphereSensor', 'TimeSensor', 'TouchSensor', 'VisibilitySensor', // sensors
					'Box', 'Cone', 'Cylinder', 'ElevationGrid', 'Extrusion', 'IndexedFaceSet', 'IndexedLineSet', 'PointSet', 'Sphere', // geometries
					'Color', 'Coordinate', 'Normal', 'TextureCoordinate', // geometric properties
					'Appearance', 'FontStyle', 'ImageTexture', 'Material', 'MovieTexture', 'PixelTexture', 'TextureTransform', // appearance
					'ColorInterpolator', 'CoordinateInterpolator', 'NormalInterpolator', 'OrientationInterpolator', 'PositionInterpolator', 'ScalarInterpolator', // interpolators
					'Background', 'Fog', 'NavigationInfo', 'Viewpoint', // bindable nodes
					'Text' // Text must be placed at the end of the regex so there are no matches for TextureTransform and TextureCoordinate
				]; //

				const Version = createToken( {
					name: 'Version',
					pattern: /#VRML.*/,
					longer_alt: Identifier
				} );
				const NodeName = createToken( {
					name: 'NodeName',
					pattern: new RegExp( nodeTypes.join( '|' ) ),
					longer_alt: Identifier
				} );
				const DEF = createToken( {
					name: 'DEF',
					pattern: /DEF/,
					longer_alt: Identifier
				} );
				const USE = createToken( {
					name: 'USE',
					pattern: /USE/,
					longer_alt: Identifier
				} );
				const ROUTE = createToken( {
					name: 'ROUTE',
					pattern: /ROUTE/,
					longer_alt: Identifier
				} );
				const TO = createToken( {
					name: 'TO',
					pattern: /TO/,
					longer_alt: Identifier
				} ); //

				const StringLiteral = createToken( {
					name: 'StringLiteral',
					pattern: /"(?:[^\\"\n\r]|\\[bfnrtv"\\/]|\\u[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F])*"/
				} );
				const HexLiteral = createToken( {
					name: 'HexLiteral',
					pattern: /0[xX][0-9a-fA-F]+/
				} );
				const NumberLiteral = createToken( {
					name: 'NumberLiteral',
					pattern: /[-+]?[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+([eE][-+]?[0-9]+)?/
				} );
				const TrueLiteral = createToken( {
					name: 'TrueLiteral',
					pattern: /TRUE/
				} );
				const FalseLiteral = createToken( {
					name: 'FalseLiteral',
					pattern: /FALSE/
				} );
				const NullLiteral = createToken( {
					name: 'NullLiteral',
					pattern: /NULL/
				} );
				const LSquare = createToken( {
					name: 'LSquare',
					pattern: /\[/
				} );
				const RSquare = createToken( {
					name: 'RSquare',
					pattern: /]/
				} );
				const LCurly = createToken( {
					name: 'LCurly',
					pattern: /{/
				} );
				const RCurly = createToken( {
					name: 'RCurly',
					pattern: /}/
				} );
				const Comment = createToken( {
					name: 'Comment',
					pattern: /#.*/,
					group: chevrotain.Lexer.SKIPPED // eslint-disable-line no-undef

				} ); // commas, blanks, tabs, newlines and carriage returns are whitespace characters wherever they appear outside of string fields

				const WhiteSpace = createToken( {
					name: 'WhiteSpace',
					pattern: /[ ,\s]/,
					group: chevrotain.Lexer.SKIPPED // eslint-disable-line no-undef

				} );
				const tokens = [ WhiteSpace, // keywords appear before the Identifier
					NodeName, DEF, USE, ROUTE, TO, TrueLiteral, FalseLiteral, NullLiteral, // the Identifier must appear after the keywords because all keywords are valid identifiers
					Version, Identifier, RouteIdentifier, StringLiteral, HexLiteral, NumberLiteral, LSquare, RSquare, LCurly, RCurly, Comment ];
				const tokenVocabulary = {};

				for ( let i = 0, l = tokens.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

					const token = tokens[ i ];
					tokenVocabulary[ ] = token;


				return {
					tokens: tokens,
					tokenVocabulary: tokenVocabulary


			function createVisitor( BaseVRMLVisitor ) {

				// the visitor is created dynmaically based on the given base class
				class VRMLToASTVisitor extends BaseVRMLVisitor {

					constructor() {



					vrml( ctx ) {

						const data = {
							version: this.visit( ctx.version ),
							nodes: [],
							routes: []

						for ( let i = 0, l = ctx.node.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

							const node = ctx.node[ i ];
							data.nodes.push( this.visit( node ) );


						if ( ctx.route ) {

							for ( let i = 0, l = ctx.route.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

								const route = ctx.route[ i ];
								data.routes.push( this.visit( route ) );



						return data;


					version( ctx ) {

						return ctx.Version[ 0 ].image;


					node( ctx ) {

						const data = {
							name: ctx.NodeName[ 0 ].image,
							fields: []

						if ( ctx.field ) {

							for ( let i = 0, l = ctx.field.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

								const field = ctx.field[ i ];
								data.fields.push( this.visit( field ) );


						} // DEF

						if ( ctx.def ) {

							data.DEF = this.visit( ctx.def[ 0 ] );


						return data;


					field( ctx ) {

						const data = {
							name: ctx.Identifier[ 0 ].image,
							type: null,
							values: null
						let result; // SFValue

						if ( ctx.singleFieldValue ) {

							result = this.visit( ctx.singleFieldValue[ 0 ] );

						} // MFValue

						if ( ctx.multiFieldValue ) {

							result = this.visit( ctx.multiFieldValue[ 0 ] );


						data.type = result.type;
						data.values = result.values;
						return data;


					def( ctx ) {

						return ( ctx.Identifier || ctx.NodeName )[ 0 ].image;


					use( ctx ) {

						return {
							USE: ( ctx.Identifier || ctx.NodeName )[ 0 ].image


					singleFieldValue( ctx ) {

						return processField( this, ctx );


					multiFieldValue( ctx ) {

						return processField( this, ctx );


					route( ctx ) {

						const data = {
							FROM: ctx.RouteIdentifier[ 0 ].image,
							TO: ctx.RouteIdentifier[ 1 ].image
						return data;



				function processField( scope, ctx ) {

					const field = {
						type: null,
						values: []

					if ( ctx.node ) {

						field.type = 'node';

						for ( let i = 0, l = ctx.node.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

							const node = ctx.node[ i ];
							field.values.push( scope.visit( node ) );



					if ( ctx.use ) {

						field.type = 'use';

						for ( let i = 0, l = ctx.use.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

							const use = ctx.use[ i ];
							field.values.push( scope.visit( use ) );



					if ( ctx.StringLiteral ) {

						field.type = 'string';

						for ( let i = 0, l = ctx.StringLiteral.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

							const stringLiteral = ctx.StringLiteral[ i ];
							field.values.push( stringLiteral.image.replace( /'|"/g, '' ) );



					if ( ctx.NumberLiteral ) {

						field.type = 'number';

						for ( let i = 0, l = ctx.NumberLiteral.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

							const numberLiteral = ctx.NumberLiteral[ i ];
							field.values.push( parseFloat( numberLiteral.image ) );



					if ( ctx.HexLiteral ) {

						field.type = 'hex';

						for ( let i = 0, l = ctx.HexLiteral.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

							const hexLiteral = ctx.HexLiteral[ i ];
							field.values.push( hexLiteral.image );



					if ( ctx.TrueLiteral ) {

						field.type = 'boolean';

						for ( let i = 0, l = ctx.TrueLiteral.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

							const trueLiteral = ctx.TrueLiteral[ i ];
							if ( trueLiteral.image === 'TRUE' ) field.values.push( true );



					if ( ctx.FalseLiteral ) {

						field.type = 'boolean';

						for ( let i = 0, l = ctx.FalseLiteral.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

							const falseLiteral = ctx.FalseLiteral[ i ];
							if ( falseLiteral.image === 'FALSE' ) field.values.push( false );



					if ( ctx.NullLiteral ) {

						field.type = 'null';
						ctx.NullLiteral.forEach( function () {

							field.values.push( null );

						} );


					return field;


				return new VRMLToASTVisitor();


			function parseTree( tree ) {

				// console.log( JSON.stringify( tree, null, 2 ) );
				const nodes = tree.nodes;
				const scene = new THREE.Scene(); // first iteration: build nodemap based on DEF statements

				for ( let i = 0, l = nodes.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

					const node = nodes[ i ];
					buildNodeMap( node );

				} // second iteration: build nodes

				for ( let i = 0, l = nodes.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

					const node = nodes[ i ];
					const object = getNode( node );
					if ( object instanceof THREE.Object3D ) scene.add( object );
					if ( === 'WorldInfo' ) scene.userData.worldInfo = object;


				return scene;


			function buildNodeMap( node ) {

				if ( node.DEF ) {

					nodeMap[ node.DEF ] = node;


				const fields = node.fields;

				for ( let i = 0, l = fields.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

					const field = fields[ i ];

					if ( field.type === 'node' ) {

						const fieldValues = field.values;

						for ( let j = 0, jl = fieldValues.length; j < jl; j ++ ) {

							buildNodeMap( fieldValues[ j ] );





			function getNode( node ) {

				// handle case where a node refers to a different one
				if ( node.USE ) {

					return resolveUSE( node.USE );


				if ( !== undefined ) return; = buildNode( node );

			} // node builder

			function buildNode( node ) {

				const nodeName =;
				let build;

				switch ( nodeName ) {

					case 'Group':
					case 'Transform':
					case 'Collision':
						build = buildGroupingNode( node );

					case 'Background':
						build = buildBackgroundNode( node );

					case 'Shape':
						build = buildShapeNode( node );

					case 'Appearance':
						build = buildAppearanceNode( node );

					case 'Material':
						build = buildMaterialNode( node );

					case 'ImageTexture':
						build = buildImageTextureNode( node );

					case 'PixelTexture':
						build = buildPixelTextureNode( node );

					case 'TextureTransform':
						build = buildTextureTransformNode( node );

					case 'IndexedFaceSet':
						build = buildIndexedFaceSetNode( node );

					case 'IndexedLineSet':
						build = buildIndexedLineSetNode( node );

					case 'PointSet':
						build = buildPointSetNode( node );

					case 'Box':
						build = buildBoxNode( node );

					case 'Cone':
						build = buildConeNode( node );

					case 'Cylinder':
						build = buildCylinderNode( node );

					case 'Sphere':
						build = buildSphereNode( node );

					case 'ElevationGrid':
						build = buildElevationGridNode( node );

					case 'Extrusion':
						build = buildExtrusionNode( node );

					case 'Color':
					case 'Coordinate':
					case 'Normal':
					case 'TextureCoordinate':
						build = buildGeometricNode( node );

					case 'WorldInfo':
						build = buildWorldInfoNode( node );

					case 'Anchor':
					case 'Billboard':
					case 'Inline':
					case 'LOD':
					case 'Switch':
					case 'AudioClip':
					case 'DirectionalLight':
					case 'PointLight':
					case 'Script':
					case 'Sound':
					case 'SpotLight':
					case 'CylinderSensor':
					case 'PlaneSensor':
					case 'ProximitySensor':
					case 'SphereSensor':
					case 'TimeSensor':
					case 'TouchSensor':
					case 'VisibilitySensor':
					case 'Text':
					case 'FontStyle':
					case 'MovieTexture':
					case 'ColorInterpolator':
					case 'CoordinateInterpolator':
					case 'NormalInterpolator':
					case 'OrientationInterpolator':
					case 'PositionInterpolator':
					case 'ScalarInterpolator':
					case 'Fog':
					case 'NavigationInfo':
					case 'Viewpoint':
						// node not supported yet

						console.warn( 'THREE.VRMLLoader: Unknown node:', nodeName );


				if ( build !== undefined && node.DEF !== undefined && build.hasOwnProperty( 'name' ) === true ) { = node.DEF;


				return build;


			function buildGroupingNode( node ) {

				const object = new THREE.Group(); //

				const fields = node.fields;

				for ( let i = 0, l = fields.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

					const field = fields[ i ];
					const fieldName =;
					const fieldValues = field.values;

					switch ( fieldName ) {

						case 'bboxCenter':
							// field not supported

						case 'bboxSize':
							// field not supported

						case 'center':
							// field not supported

						case 'children':
							parseFieldChildren( fieldValues, object );

						case 'collide':
							// field not supported

						case 'rotation':
							const axis = new THREE.Vector3( fieldValues[ 0 ], fieldValues[ 1 ], fieldValues[ 2 ] );
							const angle = fieldValues[ 3 ];
							object.quaternion.setFromAxisAngle( axis, angle );

						case 'scale':
							object.scale.set( fieldValues[ 0 ], fieldValues[ 1 ], fieldValues[ 2 ] );

						case 'scaleOrientation':
							// field not supported

						case 'translation':
							object.position.set( fieldValues[ 0 ], fieldValues[ 1 ], fieldValues[ 2 ] );

						case 'proxy':
							// field not supported

							console.warn( 'THREE.VRMLLoader: Unknown field:', fieldName );



				return object;


			function buildBackgroundNode( node ) {

				const group = new THREE.Group();
				let groundAngle, groundColor;
				let skyAngle, skyColor;
				const fields = node.fields;

				for ( let i = 0, l = fields.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

					const field = fields[ i ];
					const fieldName =;
					const fieldValues = field.values;

					switch ( fieldName ) {

						case 'groundAngle':
							groundAngle = fieldValues;

						case 'groundColor':
							groundColor = fieldValues;

						case 'backUrl':
							// field not supported

						case 'bottomUrl':
							// field not supported

						case 'frontUrl':
							// field not supported

						case 'leftUrl':
							// field not supported

						case 'rightUrl':
							// field not supported

						case 'topUrl':
							// field not supported

						case 'skyAngle':
							skyAngle = fieldValues;

						case 'skyColor':
							skyColor = fieldValues;

							console.warn( 'THREE.VRMLLoader: Unknown field:', fieldName );



				const radius = 10000; // sky

				if ( skyColor ) {

					const skyGeometry = new THREE.SphereGeometry( radius, 32, 16 );
					const skyMaterial = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( {
						fog: false,
						side: THREE.BackSide,
						depthWrite: false,
						depthTest: false
					} );

					if ( skyColor.length > 3 ) {

						paintFaces( skyGeometry, radius, skyAngle, toColorArray( skyColor ), true );
						skyMaterial.vertexColors = true;

					} else {

						skyMaterial.color.setRGB( skyColor[ 0 ], skyColor[ 1 ], skyColor[ 2 ] );


					const sky = new THREE.Mesh( skyGeometry, skyMaterial );
					group.add( sky );

				} // ground

				if ( groundColor ) {

					if ( groundColor.length > 0 ) {

						const groundGeometry = new THREE.SphereGeometry( radius, 32, 16, 0, 2 * Math.PI, 0.5 * Math.PI, 1.5 * Math.PI );
						const groundMaterial = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( {
							fog: false,
							side: THREE.BackSide,
							vertexColors: true,
							depthWrite: false,
							depthTest: false
						} );
						paintFaces( groundGeometry, radius, groundAngle, toColorArray( groundColor ), false );
						const ground = new THREE.Mesh( groundGeometry, groundMaterial );
						group.add( ground );


				} // render background group first

				group.renderOrder = - Infinity;
				return group;


			function buildShapeNode( node ) {

				const fields = node.fields; // if the appearance field is NULL or unspecified, lighting is off and the unlit object color is (0, 0, 0)

				let material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( {
					color: 0x000000
				} );
				let geometry;

				for ( let i = 0, l = fields.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

					const field = fields[ i ];
					const fieldName =;
					const fieldValues = field.values;

					switch ( fieldName ) {

						case 'appearance':
							if ( fieldValues[ 0 ] !== null ) {

								material = getNode( fieldValues[ 0 ] );



						case 'geometry':
							if ( fieldValues[ 0 ] !== null ) {

								geometry = getNode( fieldValues[ 0 ] );



							console.warn( 'THREE.VRMLLoader: Unknown field:', fieldName );


				} // build 3D object

				let object;

				if ( geometry && geometry.attributes.position ) {

					const type = geometry._type;

					if ( type === 'points' ) {

						// points
						const pointsMaterial = new THREE.PointsMaterial( {
							color: 0xffffff
						} );

						if ( geometry.attributes.color !== undefined ) {

							pointsMaterial.vertexColors = true;

						} else {

							// if the color field is NULL and there is a material defined for the appearance affecting this PointSet, then use the emissiveColor of the material to draw the points
							if ( material.isMeshPhongMaterial ) {

								pointsMaterial.color.copy( material.emissive );



						object = new THREE.Points( geometry, pointsMaterial );

					} else if ( type === 'line' ) {

						// lines
						const lineMaterial = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial( {
							color: 0xffffff
						} );

						if ( geometry.attributes.color !== undefined ) {

							lineMaterial.vertexColors = true;

						} else {

							// if the color field is NULL and there is a material defined for the appearance affecting this IndexedLineSet, then use the emissiveColor of the material to draw the lines
							if ( material.isMeshPhongMaterial ) {

								lineMaterial.color.copy( material.emissive );



						object = new THREE.LineSegments( geometry, lineMaterial );

					} else {

						// consider meshes
						// check "solid" hint (it's placed in the geometry but affects the material)
						if ( geometry._solid !== undefined ) {

							material.side = geometry._solid ? THREE.FrontSide : THREE.DoubleSide;

						} // check for vertex colors

						if ( geometry.attributes.color !== undefined ) {

							material.vertexColors = true;


						object = new THREE.Mesh( geometry, material );


				} else {

					object = new THREE.Object3D(); // if the geometry field is NULL or no vertices are defined the object is not drawn

					object.visible = false;


				return object;


			function buildAppearanceNode( node ) {

				let material = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial();
				let transformData;
				const fields = node.fields;

				for ( let i = 0, l = fields.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

					const field = fields[ i ];
					const fieldName =;
					const fieldValues = field.values;

					switch ( fieldName ) {

						case 'material':
							if ( fieldValues[ 0 ] !== null ) {

								const materialData = getNode( fieldValues[ 0 ] );
								if ( materialData.diffuseColor ) material.color.copy( materialData.diffuseColor );
								if ( materialData.emissiveColor ) material.emissive.copy( materialData.emissiveColor );
								if ( materialData.shininess ) material.shininess = materialData.shininess;
								if ( materialData.specularColor ) material.specular.copy( materialData.specularColor );
								if ( materialData.transparency ) material.opacity = 1 - materialData.transparency;
								if ( materialData.transparency > 0 ) material.transparent = true;

							} else {

								// if the material field is NULL or unspecified, lighting is off and the unlit object color is (0, 0, 0)
								material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( {
									color: 0x000000
								} );



						case 'texture':
							const textureNode = fieldValues[ 0 ];

							if ( textureNode !== null ) {

								if ( === 'ImageTexture' || === 'PixelTexture' ) {
 = getNode( textureNode );

								} else { // MovieTexture not supported yet



						case 'textureTransform':
							if ( fieldValues[ 0 ] !== null ) {

								transformData = getNode( fieldValues[ 0 ] );



							console.warn( 'THREE.VRMLLoader: Unknown field:', fieldName );


				} // only apply texture transform data if a texture was defined

				if ( ) {

					// respect VRML lighting model
					if ( ) {

						switch ( ) {

								material.opacity = 1; // ignore transparency


							case TEXTURE_TYPE.RGB:
								material.color.set( 0xffffff ); // ignore material color


							case TEXTURE_TYPE.RGBA:
								material.color.set( 0xffffff ); // ignore material color

								material.opacity = 1; // ignore transparency





					} // apply texture transform

					if ( transformData ) { ); = transformData.rotation; transformData.scale ); transformData.translation );



				return material;


			function buildMaterialNode( node ) {

				const materialData = {};
				const fields = node.fields;

				for ( let i = 0, l = fields.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

					const field = fields[ i ];
					const fieldName =;
					const fieldValues = field.values;

					switch ( fieldName ) {

						case 'ambientIntensity':
							// field not supported

						case 'diffuseColor':
							materialData.diffuseColor = new THREE.Color( fieldValues[ 0 ], fieldValues[ 1 ], fieldValues[ 2 ] );

						case 'emissiveColor':
							materialData.emissiveColor = new THREE.Color( fieldValues[ 0 ], fieldValues[ 1 ], fieldValues[ 2 ] );

						case 'shininess':
							materialData.shininess = fieldValues[ 0 ];

						case 'specularColor':
							materialData.emissiveColor = new THREE.Color( fieldValues[ 0 ], fieldValues[ 1 ], fieldValues[ 2 ] );

						case 'transparency':
							materialData.transparency = fieldValues[ 0 ];

							console.warn( 'THREE.VRMLLoader: Unknown field:', fieldName );



				return materialData;


			function parseHexColor( hex, textureType, color ) {

				let value;

				switch ( textureType ) {

						// Intensity texture: A one-component image specifies one-byte hexadecimal or integer values representing the intensity of the image
						value = parseInt( hex );
						color.r = value;
						color.g = value;
						color.b = value;
						color.a = 1;

						// Intensity+Alpha texture: A two-component image specifies the intensity in the first (high) byte and the alpha opacity in the second (low) byte.
						value = parseInt( '0x' + hex.substring( 2, 4 ) );
						color.r = value;
						color.g = value;
						color.b = value;
						color.a = parseInt( '0x' + hex.substring( 4, 6 ) );

						// RGB texture: Pixels in a three-component image specify the red component in the first (high) byte, followed by the green and blue components
						color.r = parseInt( '0x' + hex.substring( 2, 4 ) );
						color.g = parseInt( '0x' + hex.substring( 4, 6 ) );
						color.b = parseInt( '0x' + hex.substring( 6, 8 ) );
						color.a = 1;

						// RGBA texture: Four-component images specify the alpha opacity byte after red/green/blue
						color.r = parseInt( '0x' + hex.substring( 2, 4 ) );
						color.g = parseInt( '0x' + hex.substring( 4, 6 ) );
						color.b = parseInt( '0x' + hex.substring( 6, 8 ) );
						color.a = parseInt( '0x' + hex.substring( 8, 10 ) );




			function getTextureType( num_components ) {

				let type;

				switch ( num_components ) {

					case 1:

					case 2:

					case 3:
						type = TEXTURE_TYPE.RGB;

					case 4:
						type = TEXTURE_TYPE.RGBA;



				return type;


			function buildPixelTextureNode( node ) {

				let texture;
				let wrapS = THREE.RepeatWrapping;
				let wrapT = THREE.RepeatWrapping;
				const fields = node.fields;

				for ( let i = 0, l = fields.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

					const field = fields[ i ];
					const fieldName =;
					const fieldValues = field.values;

					switch ( fieldName ) {

						case 'image':
							const width = fieldValues[ 0 ];
							const height = fieldValues[ 1 ];
							const num_components = fieldValues[ 2 ];
							const textureType = getTextureType( num_components );
							const data = new Uint8Array( 4 * width * height );
							const color = {
								r: 0,
								g: 0,
								b: 0,
								a: 0

							for ( let j = 3, k = 0, jl = fieldValues.length; j < jl; j ++, k ++ ) {

								parseHexColor( fieldValues[ j ], textureType, color );
								const stride = k * 4;
								data[ stride + 0 ] = color.r;
								data[ stride + 1 ] = color.g;
								data[ stride + 2 ] = color.b;
								data[ stride + 3 ] = color.a;


							texture = new THREE.DataTexture( data, width, height );
							texture.needsUpdate = true;
							texture.__type = textureType; // needed for material modifications


						case 'repeatS':
							if ( fieldValues[ 0 ] === false ) wrapS = THREE.ClampToEdgeWrapping;

						case 'repeatT':
							if ( fieldValues[ 0 ] === false ) wrapT = THREE.ClampToEdgeWrapping;

							console.warn( 'THREE.VRMLLoader: Unknown field:', fieldName );



				if ( texture ) {

					texture.wrapS = wrapS;
					texture.wrapT = wrapT;


				return texture;


			function buildImageTextureNode( node ) {

				let texture;
				let wrapS = THREE.RepeatWrapping;
				let wrapT = THREE.RepeatWrapping;
				const fields = node.fields;

				for ( let i = 0, l = fields.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

					const field = fields[ i ];
					const fieldName =;
					const fieldValues = field.values;

					switch ( fieldName ) {

						case 'url':
							const url = fieldValues[ 0 ];
							if ( url ) texture = textureLoader.load( url );

						case 'repeatS':
							if ( fieldValues[ 0 ] === false ) wrapS = THREE.ClampToEdgeWrapping;

						case 'repeatT':
							if ( fieldValues[ 0 ] === false ) wrapT = THREE.ClampToEdgeWrapping;

							console.warn( 'THREE.VRMLLoader: Unknown field:', fieldName );



				if ( texture ) {

					texture.wrapS = wrapS;
					texture.wrapT = wrapT;


				return texture;


			function buildTextureTransformNode( node ) {

				const transformData = {
					center: new THREE.Vector2(),
					rotation: new THREE.Vector2(),
					scale: new THREE.Vector2(),
					translation: new THREE.Vector2()
				const fields = node.fields;

				for ( let i = 0, l = fields.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

					const field = fields[ i ];
					const fieldName =;
					const fieldValues = field.values;

					switch ( fieldName ) {

						case 'center': fieldValues[ 0 ], fieldValues[ 1 ] );

						case 'rotation':
							transformData.rotation = fieldValues[ 0 ];

						case 'scale':
							transformData.scale.set( fieldValues[ 0 ], fieldValues[ 1 ] );

						case 'translation':
							transformData.translation.set( fieldValues[ 0 ], fieldValues[ 1 ] );

							console.warn( 'THREE.VRMLLoader: Unknown field:', fieldName );



				return transformData;


			function buildGeometricNode( node ) {

				return node.fields[ 0 ].values;


			function buildWorldInfoNode( node ) {

				const worldInfo = {};
				const fields = node.fields;

				for ( let i = 0, l = fields.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

					const field = fields[ i ];
					const fieldName =;
					const fieldValues = field.values;

					switch ( fieldName ) {

						case 'title':
							worldInfo.title = fieldValues[ 0 ];

						case 'info': = fieldValues;

							console.warn( 'THREE.VRMLLoader: Unknown field:', fieldName );



				return worldInfo;


			function buildIndexedFaceSetNode( node ) {

				let color, coord, normal, texCoord;
				let ccw = true,
					solid = true,
					creaseAngle = 0;
				let colorIndex, coordIndex, normalIndex, texCoordIndex;
				let colorPerVertex = true,
					normalPerVertex = true;
				const fields = node.fields;

				for ( let i = 0, l = fields.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

					const field = fields[ i ];
					const fieldName =;
					const fieldValues = field.values;

					switch ( fieldName ) {

						case 'color':
							const colorNode = fieldValues[ 0 ];

							if ( colorNode !== null ) {

								color = getNode( colorNode );



						case 'coord':
							const coordNode = fieldValues[ 0 ];

							if ( coordNode !== null ) {

								coord = getNode( coordNode );



						case 'normal':
							const normalNode = fieldValues[ 0 ];

							if ( normalNode !== null ) {

								normal = getNode( normalNode );



						case 'texCoord':
							const texCoordNode = fieldValues[ 0 ];

							if ( texCoordNode !== null ) {

								texCoord = getNode( texCoordNode );



						case 'ccw':
							ccw = fieldValues[ 0 ];

						case 'colorIndex':
							colorIndex = fieldValues;

						case 'colorPerVertex':
							colorPerVertex = fieldValues[ 0 ];

						case 'convex':
							// field not supported

						case 'coordIndex':
							coordIndex = fieldValues;

						case 'creaseAngle':
							creaseAngle = fieldValues[ 0 ];

						case 'normalIndex':
							normalIndex = fieldValues;

						case 'normalPerVertex':
							normalPerVertex = fieldValues[ 0 ];

						case 'solid':
							solid = fieldValues[ 0 ];

						case 'texCoordIndex':
							texCoordIndex = fieldValues;

							console.warn( 'THREE.VRMLLoader: Unknown field:', fieldName );



				if ( coordIndex === undefined ) {

					console.warn( 'THREE.VRMLLoader: Missing coordIndex.' );
					return new THREE.BufferGeometry(); // handle VRML files with incomplete geometry definition


				const triangulatedCoordIndex = triangulateFaceIndex( coordIndex, ccw );
				let colorAttribute;
				let normalAttribute;
				let uvAttribute;

				if ( color ) {

					if ( colorPerVertex === true ) {

						if ( colorIndex && colorIndex.length > 0 ) {

							// if the colorIndex field is not empty, then it is used to choose colors for each vertex of the IndexedFaceSet.
							const triangulatedColorIndex = triangulateFaceIndex( colorIndex, ccw );
							colorAttribute = computeAttributeFromIndexedData( triangulatedCoordIndex, triangulatedColorIndex, color, 3 );

						} else {

							// if the colorIndex field is empty, then the coordIndex field is used to choose colors from the THREE.Color node
							colorAttribute = toNonIndexedAttribute( triangulatedCoordIndex, new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute( color, 3 ) );


					} else {

						if ( colorIndex && colorIndex.length > 0 ) {

							// if the colorIndex field is not empty, then they are used to choose one color for each face of the IndexedFaceSet
							const flattenFaceColors = flattenData( color, colorIndex );
							const triangulatedFaceColors = triangulateFaceData( flattenFaceColors, coordIndex );
							colorAttribute = computeAttributeFromFaceData( triangulatedCoordIndex, triangulatedFaceColors );

						} else {

							// if the colorIndex field is empty, then the color are applied to each face of the IndexedFaceSet in order
							const triangulatedFaceColors = triangulateFaceData( color, coordIndex );
							colorAttribute = computeAttributeFromFaceData( triangulatedCoordIndex, triangulatedFaceColors );




				if ( normal ) {

					if ( normalPerVertex === true ) {

						// consider vertex normals
						if ( normalIndex && normalIndex.length > 0 ) {

							// if the normalIndex field is not empty, then it is used to choose normals for each vertex of the IndexedFaceSet.
							const triangulatedNormalIndex = triangulateFaceIndex( normalIndex, ccw );
							normalAttribute = computeAttributeFromIndexedData( triangulatedCoordIndex, triangulatedNormalIndex, normal, 3 );

						} else {

							// if the normalIndex field is empty, then the coordIndex field is used to choose normals from the Normal node
							normalAttribute = toNonIndexedAttribute( triangulatedCoordIndex, new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute( normal, 3 ) );


					} else {

						// consider face normals
						if ( normalIndex && normalIndex.length > 0 ) {

							// if the normalIndex field is not empty, then they are used to choose one normal for each face of the IndexedFaceSet
							const flattenFaceNormals = flattenData( normal, normalIndex );
							const triangulatedFaceNormals = triangulateFaceData( flattenFaceNormals, coordIndex );
							normalAttribute = computeAttributeFromFaceData( triangulatedCoordIndex, triangulatedFaceNormals );

						} else {

							// if the normalIndex field is empty, then the normals are applied to each face of the IndexedFaceSet in order
							const triangulatedFaceNormals = triangulateFaceData( normal, coordIndex );
							normalAttribute = computeAttributeFromFaceData( triangulatedCoordIndex, triangulatedFaceNormals );



				} else {

					// if the normal field is NULL, then the loader should automatically generate normals, using creaseAngle to determine if and how normals are smoothed across shared vertices
					normalAttribute = computeNormalAttribute( triangulatedCoordIndex, coord, creaseAngle );


				if ( texCoord ) {

					// texture coordinates are always defined on vertex level
					if ( texCoordIndex && texCoordIndex.length > 0 ) {

						// if the texCoordIndex field is not empty, then it is used to choose texture coordinates for each vertex of the IndexedFaceSet.
						const triangulatedTexCoordIndex = triangulateFaceIndex( texCoordIndex, ccw );
						uvAttribute = computeAttributeFromIndexedData( triangulatedCoordIndex, triangulatedTexCoordIndex, texCoord, 2 );

					} else {

						// if the texCoordIndex field is empty, then the coordIndex array is used to choose texture coordinates from the TextureCoordinate node
						uvAttribute = toNonIndexedAttribute( triangulatedCoordIndex, new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute( texCoord, 2 ) );



				const geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry();
				const positionAttribute = toNonIndexedAttribute( triangulatedCoordIndex, new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute( coord, 3 ) );
				geometry.setAttribute( 'position', positionAttribute );
				geometry.setAttribute( 'normal', normalAttribute ); // optional attributes

				if ( colorAttribute ) geometry.setAttribute( 'color', colorAttribute );
				if ( uvAttribute ) geometry.setAttribute( 'uv', uvAttribute ); // "solid" influences the material so let's store it for later use

				geometry._solid = solid;
				geometry._type = 'mesh';
				return geometry;


			function buildIndexedLineSetNode( node ) {

				let color, coord;
				let colorIndex, coordIndex;
				let colorPerVertex = true;
				const fields = node.fields;

				for ( let i = 0, l = fields.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

					const field = fields[ i ];
					const fieldName =;
					const fieldValues = field.values;

					switch ( fieldName ) {

						case 'color':
							const colorNode = fieldValues[ 0 ];

							if ( colorNode !== null ) {

								color = getNode( colorNode );



						case 'coord':
							const coordNode = fieldValues[ 0 ];

							if ( coordNode !== null ) {

								coord = getNode( coordNode );



						case 'colorIndex':
							colorIndex = fieldValues;

						case 'colorPerVertex':
							colorPerVertex = fieldValues[ 0 ];

						case 'coordIndex':
							coordIndex = fieldValues;

							console.warn( 'THREE.VRMLLoader: Unknown field:', fieldName );


				} // build lines

				let colorAttribute;
				const expandedLineIndex = expandLineIndex( coordIndex ); // create an index for three.js's linesegment primitive

				if ( color ) {

					if ( colorPerVertex === true ) {

						if ( colorIndex.length > 0 ) {

							// if the colorIndex field is not empty, then one color is used for each polyline of the IndexedLineSet.
							const expandedColorIndex = expandLineIndex( colorIndex ); // compute colors for each line segment (rendering primitve)

							colorAttribute = computeAttributeFromIndexedData( expandedLineIndex, expandedColorIndex, color, 3 ); // compute data on vertex level

						} else {

							// if the colorIndex field is empty, then the colors are applied to each polyline of the IndexedLineSet in order.
							colorAttribute = toNonIndexedAttribute( expandedLineIndex, new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute( color, 3 ) );


					} else {

						if ( colorIndex.length > 0 ) {

							// if the colorIndex field is not empty, then colors are applied to each vertex of the IndexedLineSet
							const flattenLineColors = flattenData( color, colorIndex ); // compute colors for each VRML primitve

							const expandedLineColors = expandLineData( flattenLineColors, coordIndex ); // compute colors for each line segment (rendering primitve)

							colorAttribute = computeAttributeFromLineData( expandedLineIndex, expandedLineColors ); // compute data on vertex level

						} else {

							// if the colorIndex field is empty, then the coordIndex field is used to choose colors from the THREE.Color node
							const expandedLineColors = expandLineData( color, coordIndex ); // compute colors for each line segment (rendering primitve)

							colorAttribute = computeAttributeFromLineData( expandedLineIndex, expandedLineColors ); // compute data on vertex level



				} //

				const geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry();
				const positionAttribute = toNonIndexedAttribute( expandedLineIndex, new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute( coord, 3 ) );
				geometry.setAttribute( 'position', positionAttribute );
				if ( colorAttribute ) geometry.setAttribute( 'color', colorAttribute );
				geometry._type = 'line';
				return geometry;


			function buildPointSetNode( node ) {

				let color, coord;
				const fields = node.fields;

				for ( let i = 0, l = fields.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

					const field = fields[ i ];
					const fieldName =;
					const fieldValues = field.values;

					switch ( fieldName ) {

						case 'color':
							const colorNode = fieldValues[ 0 ];

							if ( colorNode !== null ) {

								color = getNode( colorNode );



						case 'coord':
							const coordNode = fieldValues[ 0 ];

							if ( coordNode !== null ) {

								coord = getNode( coordNode );



							console.warn( 'THREE.VRMLLoader: Unknown field:', fieldName );



				const geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry();
				geometry.setAttribute( 'position', new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute( coord, 3 ) );
				if ( color ) geometry.setAttribute( 'color', new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute( color, 3 ) );
				geometry._type = 'points';
				return geometry;


			function buildBoxNode( node ) {

				const size = new THREE.Vector3( 2, 2, 2 );
				const fields = node.fields;

				for ( let i = 0, l = fields.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

					const field = fields[ i ];
					const fieldName =;
					const fieldValues = field.values;

					switch ( fieldName ) {

						case 'size':
							size.x = fieldValues[ 0 ];
							size.y = fieldValues[ 1 ];
							size.z = fieldValues[ 2 ];

							console.warn( 'THREE.VRMLLoader: Unknown field:', fieldName );



				const geometry = new THREE.BoxGeometry( size.x, size.y, size.z );
				return geometry;


			function buildConeNode( node ) {

				let radius = 1,
					height = 2,
					openEnded = false;
				const fields = node.fields;

				for ( let i = 0, l = fields.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

					const field = fields[ i ];
					const fieldName =;
					const fieldValues = field.values;

					switch ( fieldName ) {

						case 'bottom':
							openEnded = ! fieldValues[ 0 ];

						case 'bottomRadius':
							radius = fieldValues[ 0 ];

						case 'height':
							height = fieldValues[ 0 ];

						case 'side':
							// field not supported

							console.warn( 'THREE.VRMLLoader: Unknown field:', fieldName );



				const geometry = new THREE.ConeGeometry( radius, height, 16, 1, openEnded );
				return geometry;


			function buildCylinderNode( node ) {

				let radius = 1,
					height = 2;
				const fields = node.fields;

				for ( let i = 0, l = fields.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

					const field = fields[ i ];
					const fieldName =;
					const fieldValues = field.values;

					switch ( fieldName ) {

						case 'bottom':
							// field not supported

						case 'radius':
							radius = fieldValues[ 0 ];

						case 'height':
							height = fieldValues[ 0 ];

						case 'side':
							// field not supported

						case 'top':
							// field not supported

							console.warn( 'THREE.VRMLLoader: Unknown field:', fieldName );



				const geometry = new THREE.CylinderGeometry( radius, radius, height, 16, 1 );
				return geometry;


			function buildSphereNode( node ) {

				let radius = 1;
				const fields = node.fields;

				for ( let i = 0, l = fields.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

					const field = fields[ i ];
					const fieldName =;
					const fieldValues = field.values;

					switch ( fieldName ) {

						case 'radius':
							radius = fieldValues[ 0 ];

							console.warn( 'THREE.VRMLLoader: Unknown field:', fieldName );



				const geometry = new THREE.SphereGeometry( radius, 16, 16 );
				return geometry;


			function buildElevationGridNode( node ) {

				let color;
				let normal;
				let texCoord;
				let height;
				let colorPerVertex = true;
				let normalPerVertex = true;
				let solid = true;
				let ccw = true;
				let creaseAngle = 0;
				let xDimension = 2;
				let zDimension = 2;
				let xSpacing = 1;
				let zSpacing = 1;
				const fields = node.fields;

				for ( let i = 0, l = fields.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

					const field = fields[ i ];
					const fieldName =;
					const fieldValues = field.values;

					switch ( fieldName ) {

						case 'color':
							const colorNode = fieldValues[ 0 ];

							if ( colorNode !== null ) {

								color = getNode( colorNode );



						case 'normal':
							const normalNode = fieldValues[ 0 ];

							if ( normalNode !== null ) {

								normal = getNode( normalNode );



						case 'texCoord':
							const texCoordNode = fieldValues[ 0 ];

							if ( texCoordNode !== null ) {

								texCoord = getNode( texCoordNode );



						case 'height':
							height = fieldValues;

						case 'ccw':
							ccw = fieldValues[ 0 ];

						case 'colorPerVertex':
							colorPerVertex = fieldValues[ 0 ];

						case 'creaseAngle':
							creaseAngle = fieldValues[ 0 ];

						case 'normalPerVertex':
							normalPerVertex = fieldValues[ 0 ];

						case 'solid':
							solid = fieldValues[ 0 ];

						case 'xDimension':
							xDimension = fieldValues[ 0 ];

						case 'xSpacing':
							xSpacing = fieldValues[ 0 ];

						case 'zDimension':
							zDimension = fieldValues[ 0 ];

						case 'zSpacing':
							zSpacing = fieldValues[ 0 ];

							console.warn( 'THREE.VRMLLoader: Unknown field:', fieldName );


				} // vertex data

				const vertices = [];
				const normals = [];
				const colors = [];
				const uvs = [];

				for ( let i = 0; i < zDimension; i ++ ) {

					for ( let j = 0; j < xDimension; j ++ ) {

						// compute a row major index
						const index = i * xDimension + j; // vertices

						const x = xSpacing * i;
						const y = height[ index ];
						const z = zSpacing * j;
						vertices.push( x, y, z ); // colors

						if ( color && colorPerVertex === true ) {

							const r = color[ index * 3 + 0 ];
							const g = color[ index * 3 + 1 ];
							const b = color[ index * 3 + 2 ];
							colors.push( r, g, b );

						} // normals

						if ( normal && normalPerVertex === true ) {

							const xn = normal[ index * 3 + 0 ];
							const yn = normal[ index * 3 + 1 ];
							const zn = normal[ index * 3 + 2 ];
							normals.push( xn, yn, zn );

						} // uvs

						if ( texCoord ) {

							const s = texCoord[ index * 2 + 0 ];
							const t = texCoord[ index * 2 + 1 ];
							uvs.push( s, t );

						} else {

							uvs.push( i / ( xDimension - 1 ), j / ( zDimension - 1 ) );



				} // indices

				const indices = [];

				for ( let i = 0; i < xDimension - 1; i ++ ) {

					for ( let j = 0; j < zDimension - 1; j ++ ) {

						// from
						const a = i + j * xDimension;
						const b = i + ( j + 1 ) * xDimension;
						const c = i + 1 + ( j + 1 ) * xDimension;
						const d = i + 1 + j * xDimension; // faces

						if ( ccw === true ) {

							indices.push( a, c, b );
							indices.push( c, a, d );

						} else {

							indices.push( a, b, c );
							indices.push( c, d, a );



				} //

				const positionAttribute = toNonIndexedAttribute( indices, new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute( vertices, 3 ) );
				const uvAttribute = toNonIndexedAttribute( indices, new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute( uvs, 2 ) );
				let colorAttribute;
				let normalAttribute; // color attribute

				if ( color ) {

					if ( colorPerVertex === false ) {

						for ( let i = 0; i < xDimension - 1; i ++ ) {

							for ( let j = 0; j < zDimension - 1; j ++ ) {

								const index = i + j * ( xDimension - 1 );
								const r = color[ index * 3 + 0 ];
								const g = color[ index * 3 + 1 ];
								const b = color[ index * 3 + 2 ]; // one color per quad

								colors.push( r, g, b );
								colors.push( r, g, b );
								colors.push( r, g, b );
								colors.push( r, g, b );
								colors.push( r, g, b );
								colors.push( r, g, b );



						colorAttribute = new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute( colors, 3 );

					} else {

						colorAttribute = toNonIndexedAttribute( indices, new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute( colors, 3 ) );


				} // normal attribute

				if ( normal ) {

					if ( normalPerVertex === false ) {

						for ( let i = 0; i < xDimension - 1; i ++ ) {

							for ( let j = 0; j < zDimension - 1; j ++ ) {

								const index = i + j * ( xDimension - 1 );
								const xn = normal[ index * 3 + 0 ];
								const yn = normal[ index * 3 + 1 ];
								const zn = normal[ index * 3 + 2 ]; // one normal per quad

								normals.push( xn, yn, zn );
								normals.push( xn, yn, zn );
								normals.push( xn, yn, zn );
								normals.push( xn, yn, zn );
								normals.push( xn, yn, zn );
								normals.push( xn, yn, zn );



						normalAttribute = new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute( normals, 3 );

					} else {

						normalAttribute = toNonIndexedAttribute( indices, new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute( normals, 3 ) );


				} else {

					normalAttribute = computeNormalAttribute( indices, vertices, creaseAngle );

				} // build geometry

				const geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry();
				geometry.setAttribute( 'position', positionAttribute );
				geometry.setAttribute( 'normal', normalAttribute );
				geometry.setAttribute( 'uv', uvAttribute );
				if ( colorAttribute ) geometry.setAttribute( 'color', colorAttribute ); // "solid" influences the material so let's store it for later use

				geometry._solid = solid;
				geometry._type = 'mesh';
				return geometry;


			function buildExtrusionNode( node ) {

				let crossSection = [ 1, 1, 1, - 1, - 1, - 1, - 1, 1, 1, 1 ];
				let spine = [ 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0 ];
				let scale;
				let orientation;
				let beginCap = true;
				let ccw = true;
				let creaseAngle = 0;
				let endCap = true;
				let solid = true;
				const fields = node.fields;

				for ( let i = 0, l = fields.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

					const field = fields[ i ];
					const fieldName =;
					const fieldValues = field.values;

					switch ( fieldName ) {

						case 'beginCap':
							beginCap = fieldValues[ 0 ];

						case 'ccw':
							ccw = fieldValues[ 0 ];

						case 'convex':
							// field not supported

						case 'creaseAngle':
							creaseAngle = fieldValues[ 0 ];

						case 'crossSection':
							crossSection = fieldValues;

						case 'endCap':
							endCap = fieldValues[ 0 ];

						case 'orientation':
							orientation = fieldValues;

						case 'scale':
							scale = fieldValues;

						case 'solid':
							solid = fieldValues[ 0 ];

						case 'spine':
							spine = fieldValues; // only extrusion along the Y-axis are supported so far


							console.warn( 'THREE.VRMLLoader: Unknown field:', fieldName );



				const crossSectionClosed = crossSection[ 0 ] === crossSection[ crossSection.length - 2 ] && crossSection[ 1 ] === crossSection[ crossSection.length - 1 ]; // vertices

				const vertices = [];
				const spineVector = new THREE.Vector3();
				const scaling = new THREE.Vector3();
				const axis = new THREE.Vector3();
				const vertex = new THREE.Vector3();
				const quaternion = new THREE.Quaternion();

				for ( let i = 0, j = 0, o = 0, il = spine.length; i < il; i += 3, j += 2, o += 4 ) {

					spineVector.fromArray( spine, i );
					scaling.x = scale ? scale[ j + 0 ] : 1;
					scaling.y = 1;
					scaling.z = scale ? scale[ j + 1 ] : 1;
					axis.x = orientation ? orientation[ o + 0 ] : 0;
					axis.y = orientation ? orientation[ o + 1 ] : 0;
					axis.z = orientation ? orientation[ o + 2 ] : 1;
					const angle = orientation ? orientation[ o + 3 ] : 0;

					for ( let k = 0, kl = crossSection.length; k < kl; k += 2 ) {

						vertex.x = crossSection[ k + 0 ];
						vertex.y = 0;
						vertex.z = crossSection[ k + 1 ]; // scale

						vertex.multiply( scaling ); // rotate

						quaternion.setFromAxisAngle( axis, angle );
						vertex.applyQuaternion( quaternion ); // translate

						vertex.add( spineVector );
						vertices.push( vertex.x, vertex.y, vertex.z );


				} // indices

				const indices = [];
				const spineCount = spine.length / 3;
				const crossSectionCount = crossSection.length / 2;

				for ( let i = 0; i < spineCount - 1; i ++ ) {

					for ( let j = 0; j < crossSectionCount - 1; j ++ ) {

						const a = j + i * crossSectionCount;
						let b = j + 1 + i * crossSectionCount;
						const c = j + ( i + 1 ) * crossSectionCount;
						let d = j + 1 + ( i + 1 ) * crossSectionCount;

						if ( j === crossSectionCount - 2 && crossSectionClosed === true ) {

							b = i * crossSectionCount;
							d = ( i + 1 ) * crossSectionCount;


						if ( ccw === true ) {

							indices.push( a, b, c );
							indices.push( c, b, d );

						} else {

							indices.push( a, c, b );
							indices.push( c, d, b );



				} // triangulate cap

				if ( beginCap === true || endCap === true ) {

					const contour = [];

					for ( let i = 0, l = crossSection.length; i < l; i += 2 ) {

						contour.push( new THREE.Vector2( crossSection[ i ], crossSection[ i + 1 ] ) );


					const faces = THREE.ShapeUtils.triangulateShape( contour, [] );
					const capIndices = [];

					for ( let i = 0, l = faces.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

						const face = faces[ i ];
						capIndices.push( face[ 0 ], face[ 1 ], face[ 2 ] );

					} // begin cap

					if ( beginCap === true ) {

						for ( let i = 0, l = capIndices.length; i < l; i += 3 ) {

							if ( ccw === true ) {

								indices.push( capIndices[ i + 0 ], capIndices[ i + 1 ], capIndices[ i + 2 ] );

							} else {

								indices.push( capIndices[ i + 0 ], capIndices[ i + 2 ], capIndices[ i + 1 ] );



					} // end cap

					if ( endCap === true ) {

						const indexOffset = crossSectionCount * ( spineCount - 1 ); // references to the first vertex of the last cross section

						for ( let i = 0, l = capIndices.length; i < l; i += 3 ) {

							if ( ccw === true ) {

								indices.push( indexOffset + capIndices[ i + 0 ], indexOffset + capIndices[ i + 2 ], indexOffset + capIndices[ i + 1 ] );

							} else {

								indices.push( indexOffset + capIndices[ i + 0 ], indexOffset + capIndices[ i + 1 ], indexOffset + capIndices[ i + 2 ] );





				const positionAttribute = toNonIndexedAttribute( indices, new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute( vertices, 3 ) );
				const normalAttribute = computeNormalAttribute( indices, vertices, creaseAngle );
				const geometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry();
				geometry.setAttribute( 'position', positionAttribute );
				geometry.setAttribute( 'normal', normalAttribute ); // no uvs yet
				// "solid" influences the material so let's store it for later use

				geometry._solid = solid;
				geometry._type = 'mesh';
				return geometry;

			} // helper functions

			function resolveUSE( identifier ) {

				const node = nodeMap[ identifier ];
				const build = getNode( node ); // because the same 3D objects can have different transformations, it's necessary to clone them.
				// materials can be influenced by the geometry (e.g. vertex normals). cloning is necessary to avoid
				// any side effects

				return build.isObject3D || build.isMaterial ? build.clone() : build;


			function parseFieldChildren( children, owner ) {

				for ( let i = 0, l = children.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

					const object = getNode( children[ i ] );
					if ( object instanceof THREE.Object3D ) owner.add( object );



			function triangulateFaceIndex( index, ccw ) {

				const indices = []; // since face defintions can have more than three vertices, it's necessary to
				// perform a simple triangulation

				let start = 0;

				for ( let i = 0, l = index.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

					const i1 = index[ start ];
					const i2 = index[ i + ( ccw ? 1 : 2 ) ];
					const i3 = index[ i + ( ccw ? 2 : 1 ) ];
					indices.push( i1, i2, i3 ); // an index of -1 indicates that the current face has ended and the next one begins

					if ( index[ i + 3 ] === - 1 || i + 3 >= l ) {

						i += 3;
						start = i + 1;



				return indices;


			function triangulateFaceData( data, index ) {

				const triangulatedData = [];
				let start = 0;

				for ( let i = 0, l = index.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

					const stride = start * 3;
					const x = data[ stride ];
					const y = data[ stride + 1 ];
					const z = data[ stride + 2 ];
					triangulatedData.push( x, y, z ); // an index of -1 indicates that the current face has ended and the next one begins

					if ( index[ i + 3 ] === - 1 || i + 3 >= l ) {

						i += 3;
						start ++;



				return triangulatedData;


			function flattenData( data, index ) {

				const flattenData = [];

				for ( let i = 0, l = index.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

					const i1 = index[ i ];
					const stride = i1 * 3;
					const x = data[ stride ];
					const y = data[ stride + 1 ];
					const z = data[ stride + 2 ];
					flattenData.push( x, y, z );


				return flattenData;


			function expandLineIndex( index ) {

				const indices = [];

				for ( let i = 0, l = index.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

					const i1 = index[ i ];
					const i2 = index[ i + 1 ];
					indices.push( i1, i2 ); // an index of -1 indicates that the current line has ended and the next one begins

					if ( index[ i + 2 ] === - 1 || i + 2 >= l ) {

						i += 2;



				return indices;


			function expandLineData( data, index ) {

				const triangulatedData = [];
				let start = 0;

				for ( let i = 0, l = index.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

					const stride = start * 3;
					const x = data[ stride ];
					const y = data[ stride + 1 ];
					const z = data[ stride + 2 ];
					triangulatedData.push( x, y, z ); // an index of -1 indicates that the current line has ended and the next one begins

					if ( index[ i + 2 ] === - 1 || i + 2 >= l ) {

						i += 2;
						start ++;



				return triangulatedData;


			const vA = new THREE.Vector3();
			const vB = new THREE.Vector3();
			const vC = new THREE.Vector3();
			const uvA = new THREE.Vector2();
			const uvB = new THREE.Vector2();
			const uvC = new THREE.Vector2();

			function computeAttributeFromIndexedData( coordIndex, index, data, itemSize ) {

				const array = []; // we use the coordIndex.length as delimiter since normalIndex must contain at least as many indices

				for ( let i = 0, l = coordIndex.length; i < l; i += 3 ) {

					const a = index[ i ];
					const b = index[ i + 1 ];
					const c = index[ i + 2 ];

					if ( itemSize === 2 ) {

						uvA.fromArray( data, a * itemSize );
						uvB.fromArray( data, b * itemSize );
						uvC.fromArray( data, c * itemSize );
						array.push( uvA.x, uvA.y );
						array.push( uvB.x, uvB.y );
						array.push( uvC.x, uvC.y );

					} else {

						vA.fromArray( data, a * itemSize );
						vB.fromArray( data, b * itemSize );
						vC.fromArray( data, c * itemSize );
						array.push( vA.x, vA.y, vA.z );
						array.push( vB.x, vB.y, vB.z );
						array.push( vC.x, vC.y, vC.z );



				return new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute( array, itemSize );


			function computeAttributeFromFaceData( index, faceData ) {

				const array = [];

				for ( let i = 0, j = 0, l = index.length; i < l; i += 3, j ++ ) {

					vA.fromArray( faceData, j * 3 );
					array.push( vA.x, vA.y, vA.z );
					array.push( vA.x, vA.y, vA.z );
					array.push( vA.x, vA.y, vA.z );


				return new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute( array, 3 );


			function computeAttributeFromLineData( index, lineData ) {

				const array = [];

				for ( let i = 0, j = 0, l = index.length; i < l; i += 2, j ++ ) {

					vA.fromArray( lineData, j * 3 );
					array.push( vA.x, vA.y, vA.z );
					array.push( vA.x, vA.y, vA.z );


				return new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute( array, 3 );


			function toNonIndexedAttribute( indices, attribute ) {

				const array = attribute.array;
				const itemSize = attribute.itemSize;
				const array2 = new array.constructor( indices.length * itemSize );
				let index = 0,
					index2 = 0;

				for ( let i = 0, l = indices.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

					index = indices[ i ] * itemSize;

					for ( let j = 0; j < itemSize; j ++ ) {

						array2[ index2 ++ ] = array[ index ++ ];



				return new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute( array2, itemSize );


			const ab = new THREE.Vector3();
			const cb = new THREE.Vector3();

			function computeNormalAttribute( index, coord, creaseAngle ) {

				const faces = [];
				const vertexNormals = {}; // prepare face and raw vertex normals

				for ( let i = 0, l = index.length; i < l; i += 3 ) {

					const a = index[ i ];
					const b = index[ i + 1 ];
					const c = index[ i + 2 ];
					const face = new Face( a, b, c );
					vA.fromArray( coord, a * 3 );
					vB.fromArray( coord, b * 3 );
					vC.fromArray( coord, c * 3 );
					cb.subVectors( vC, vB );
					ab.subVectors( vA, vB );
					cb.cross( ab );
					face.normal.copy( cb );
					if ( vertexNormals[ a ] === undefined ) vertexNormals[ a ] = [];
					if ( vertexNormals[ b ] === undefined ) vertexNormals[ b ] = [];
					if ( vertexNormals[ c ] === undefined ) vertexNormals[ c ] = [];
					vertexNormals[ a ].push( face.normal );
					vertexNormals[ b ].push( face.normal );
					vertexNormals[ c ].push( face.normal );
					faces.push( face );

				} // compute vertex normals and build final geometry

				const normals = [];

				for ( let i = 0, l = faces.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

					const face = faces[ i ];
					const nA = weightedNormal( vertexNormals[ face.a ], face.normal, creaseAngle );
					const nB = weightedNormal( vertexNormals[ face.b ], face.normal, creaseAngle );
					const nC = weightedNormal( vertexNormals[ face.c ], face.normal, creaseAngle );
					vA.fromArray( coord, face.a * 3 );
					vB.fromArray( coord, face.b * 3 );
					vC.fromArray( coord, face.c * 3 );
					normals.push( nA.x, nA.y, nA.z );
					normals.push( nB.x, nB.y, nB.z );
					normals.push( nC.x, nC.y, nC.z );


				return new THREE.Float32BufferAttribute( normals, 3 );


			function weightedNormal( normals, vector, creaseAngle ) {

				const normal = new THREE.Vector3();

				if ( creaseAngle === 0 ) {

					normal.copy( vector );

				} else {

					for ( let i = 0, l = normals.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

						if ( normals[ i ].angleTo( vector ) < creaseAngle ) {

							normal.add( normals[ i ] );




				return normal.normalize();


			function toColorArray( colors ) {

				const array = [];

				for ( let i = 0, l = colors.length; i < l; i += 3 ) {

					array.push( new THREE.Color( colors[ i ], colors[ i + 1 ], colors[ i + 2 ] ) );


				return array;

     * Vertically paints the faces interpolating between the
     * specified colors at the specified angels. This is used for the Background
     * node, but could be applied to other nodes with multiple faces as well.
     * When used with the Background node, default is directionIsDown is true if
     * interpolating the skyColor down from the Zenith. When interpolationg up from
     * the Nadir i.e. interpolating the groundColor, the directionIsDown is false.
     * The first angle is never specified, it is the Zenith (0 rad). Angles are specified
     * in radians. The geometry is thought a sphere, but could be anything. The color interpolation
     * is linear along the Y axis in any case.
     * You must specify one more color than you have angles at the beginning of the colors array.
     * This is the color of the Zenith (the top of the shape).
     * @param {BufferGeometry} geometry
     * @param {number} radius
     * @param {array} angles
     * @param {array} colors
     * @param {boolean} topDown - Whether to work top down or bottom up.

			function paintFaces( geometry, radius, angles, colors, topDown ) {

				// compute threshold values
				const thresholds = [];
				const startAngle = topDown === true ? 0 : Math.PI;

				for ( let i = 0, l = colors.length; i < l; i ++ ) {

					let angle = i === 0 ? 0 : angles[ i - 1 ];
					angle = topDown === true ? angle : startAngle - angle;
					const point = new THREE.Vector3();
					point.setFromSphericalCoords( radius, angle, 0 );
					thresholds.push( point );

				} // generate vertex colors

				const indices = geometry.index;
				const positionAttribute = geometry.attributes.position;
				const colorAttribute = new THREE.BufferAttribute( new Float32Array( geometry.attributes.position.count * 3 ), 3 );
				const position = new THREE.Vector3();
				const color = new THREE.Color();

				for ( let i = 0; i < indices.count; i ++ ) {

					const index = indices.getX( i );
					position.fromBufferAttribute( positionAttribute, index );
					let thresholdIndexA, thresholdIndexB;
					let t = 1;

					for ( let j = 1; j < thresholds.length; j ++ ) {

						thresholdIndexA = j - 1;
						thresholdIndexB = j;
						const thresholdA = thresholds[ thresholdIndexA ];
						const thresholdB = thresholds[ thresholdIndexB ];

						if ( topDown === true ) {

							// interpolation for sky color
							if ( position.y <= thresholdA.y && position.y > thresholdB.y ) {

								t = Math.abs( thresholdA.y - position.y ) / Math.abs( thresholdA.y - thresholdB.y );


						} else {

							// interpolation for ground color
							if ( position.y >= thresholdA.y && position.y < thresholdB.y ) {

								t = Math.abs( thresholdA.y - position.y ) / Math.abs( thresholdA.y - thresholdB.y );




					const colorA = colors[ thresholdIndexA ];
					const colorB = colors[ thresholdIndexB ];
					color.copy( colorA ).lerp( colorB, t );
					colorAttribute.setXYZ( index, color.r, color.g, color.b );


				geometry.setAttribute( 'color', colorAttribute );

			} //

			const textureLoader = new THREE.TextureLoader( this.manager );
			textureLoader.setPath( this.resourcePath || path ).setCrossOrigin( this.crossOrigin ); // check version (only 2.0 is supported)

			if ( data.indexOf( '#VRML V2.0' ) === - 1 ) {

				throw Error( 'THREE.VRMLLexer: Version of VRML asset not supported.' );

			} // create JSON representing the tree structure of the VRML asset

			const tree = generateVRMLTree( data ); // parse the tree structure to a three.js scene

			const scene = parseTree( tree );
			return scene;



	class VRMLLexer {

		constructor( tokens ) {

			this.lexer = new chevrotain.Lexer( tokens ); // eslint-disable-line no-undef


		lex( inputText ) {

			const lexingResult = this.lexer.tokenize( inputText );

			if ( lexingResult.errors.length > 0 ) {

				console.error( lexingResult.errors );
				throw Error( 'THREE.VRMLLexer: Lexing errors detected.' );


			return lexingResult;



	const CstParser = chevrotain.CstParser; // eslint-disable-line no-undef

	class VRMLParser extends CstParser {

		constructor( tokenVocabulary ) {

			super( tokenVocabulary );
			const $ = this;
			const Version = tokenVocabulary[ 'Version' ];
			const LCurly = tokenVocabulary[ 'LCurly' ];
			const RCurly = tokenVocabulary[ 'RCurly' ];
			const LSquare = tokenVocabulary[ 'LSquare' ];
			const RSquare = tokenVocabulary[ 'RSquare' ];
			const Identifier = tokenVocabulary[ 'Identifier' ];
			const RouteIdentifier = tokenVocabulary[ 'RouteIdentifier' ];
			const StringLiteral = tokenVocabulary[ 'StringLiteral' ];
			const HexLiteral = tokenVocabulary[ 'HexLiteral' ];
			const NumberLiteral = tokenVocabulary[ 'NumberLiteral' ];
			const TrueLiteral = tokenVocabulary[ 'TrueLiteral' ];
			const FalseLiteral = tokenVocabulary[ 'FalseLiteral' ];
			const NullLiteral = tokenVocabulary[ 'NullLiteral' ];
			const DEF = tokenVocabulary[ 'DEF' ];
			const USE = tokenVocabulary[ 'USE' ];
			const ROUTE = tokenVocabulary[ 'ROUTE' ];
			const TO = tokenVocabulary[ 'TO' ];
			const NodeName = tokenVocabulary[ 'NodeName' ];
			$.RULE( 'vrml', function () {

				$.SUBRULE( $.version );
				$.AT_LEAST_ONE( function () {

					$.SUBRULE( $.node );

				} );
				$.MANY( function () {

					$.SUBRULE( $.route );

				} );

			} );
			$.RULE( 'version', function () {

				$.CONSUME( Version );

			} );
			$.RULE( 'node', function () {

				$.OPTION( function () {

					$.SUBRULE( $.def );

				} );
				$.CONSUME( NodeName );
				$.CONSUME( LCurly );
				$.MANY( function () {

					$.SUBRULE( $.field );

				} );
				$.CONSUME( RCurly );

			} );
			$.RULE( 'field', function () {

				$.CONSUME( Identifier );
				$.OR2( [ {
					ALT: function () {

						$.SUBRULE( $.singleFieldValue );

				}, {
					ALT: function () {

						$.SUBRULE( $.multiFieldValue );

				} ] );

			} );
			$.RULE( 'def', function () {

				$.CONSUME( DEF );
				$.OR( [ {
					ALT: function () {

						$.CONSUME( Identifier );

				}, {
					ALT: function () {

						$.CONSUME( NodeName );

				} ] );

			} );
			$.RULE( 'use', function () {

				$.CONSUME( USE );
				$.OR( [ {
					ALT: function () {

						$.CONSUME( Identifier );

				}, {
					ALT: function () {

						$.CONSUME( NodeName );

				} ] );

			} );
			$.RULE( 'singleFieldValue', function () {

				$.AT_LEAST_ONE( function () {

					$.OR( [ {
						ALT: function () {

							$.SUBRULE( $.node );

					}, {
						ALT: function () {

							$.SUBRULE( $.use );

					}, {
						ALT: function () {

							$.CONSUME( StringLiteral );

					}, {
						ALT: function () {

							$.CONSUME( HexLiteral );

					}, {
						ALT: function () {

							$.CONSUME( NumberLiteral );

					}, {
						ALT: function () {

							$.CONSUME( TrueLiteral );

					}, {
						ALT: function () {

							$.CONSUME( FalseLiteral );

					}, {
						ALT: function () {

							$.CONSUME( NullLiteral );

					} ] );

				} );

			} );
			$.RULE( 'multiFieldValue', function () {

				$.CONSUME( LSquare );
				$.MANY( function () {

					$.OR( [ {
						ALT: function () {

							$.SUBRULE( $.node );

					}, {
						ALT: function () {

							$.SUBRULE( $.use );

					}, {
						ALT: function () {

							$.CONSUME( StringLiteral );

					}, {
						ALT: function () {

							$.CONSUME( HexLiteral );

					}, {
						ALT: function () {

							$.CONSUME( NumberLiteral );

					}, {
						ALT: function () {

							$.CONSUME( NullLiteral );

					} ] );

				} );
				$.CONSUME( RSquare );

			} );
			$.RULE( 'route', function () {

				$.CONSUME( RouteIdentifier );
				$.CONSUME( TO );
				$.CONSUME2( RouteIdentifier );

			} );



	class Face {

		constructor( a, b, c ) {

			this.a = a;
			this.b = b;
			this.c = c;
			this.normal = new THREE.Vector3();



	const TEXTURE_TYPE = {
		RGB: 3,
		RGBA: 4

	THREE.VRMLLoader = VRMLLoader;

} )();