HuangJiPC / public / static / three / examples / js / misc / ProgressiveLightMap.js
@zhangdeliang zhangdeliang on 21 Jun 10 KB update
( function () {

 * Progressive Light Map Accumulator, by [zalo](
 * To use, simply construct a `ProgressiveLightMap` object,
 * `plmap.addObjectsToLightMap(object)` an array of semi-static
 * objects and lights to the class once, and then call
 * `plmap.update(camera)` every frame to begin accumulating
 * lighting samples.
 * This should begin accumulating lightmaps which apply to
 * your objects, so you can start jittering lighting to achieve
 * the texture-space effect you're looking for.
 * @param {WebGLRenderer} renderer A WebGL Rendering Context
 * @param {number} res The side-long dimension of you total lightmap

	class ProgressiveLightMap {

		constructor( renderer, res = 1024 ) {

			this.renderer = renderer;
			this.res = res;
			this.lightMapContainers = [];
			this.compiled = false;
			this.scene = new THREE.Scene();
			this.scene.background = null;
			this.tinyTarget = new THREE.WebGLRenderTarget( 1, 1 );
			this.buffer1Active = false;
			this.firstUpdate = true;
			this.warned = false; // Create the Progressive LightMap Texture

			const format = /(Android|iPad|iPhone|iPod)/g.test( navigator.userAgent ) ? THREE.HalfFloatType : THREE.FloatType;
			this.progressiveLightMap1 = new THREE.WebGLRenderTarget( this.res, this.res, {
				type: format
			} );
			this.progressiveLightMap2 = new THREE.WebGLRenderTarget( this.res, this.res, {
				type: format
			} ); // Inject some spicy new logic into a standard phong material

			this.uvMat = new THREE.MeshPhongMaterial();
			this.uvMat.uniforms = {};

			this.uvMat.onBeforeCompile = shader => {

				// Vertex Shader: Set Vertex Positions to the Unwrapped UV Positions
				shader.vertexShader = '#define USE_LIGHTMAP\n' + shader.vertexShader.slice( 0, - 1 ) + '	gl_Position = vec4((uv2 - 0.5) * 2.0, 1.0, 1.0); }'; // Fragment Shader: Set Pixels to average in the Previous frame's Shadows

				const bodyStart = shader.fragmentShader.indexOf( 'void main() {' );
				shader.fragmentShader = 'varying vec2 vUv2;\n' + shader.fragmentShader.slice( 0, bodyStart ) + '	uniform sampler2D previousShadowMap;\n	uniform float averagingWindow;\n' + shader.fragmentShader.slice( bodyStart - 1, - 1 ) + `\nvec3 texelOld = texture2D(previousShadowMap, vUv2).rgb;
				gl_FragColor.rgb = mix(texelOld, gl_FragColor.rgb, 1.0/averagingWindow);
			}`; // Set the Previous Frame's Texture Buffer and Averaging Window

				shader.uniforms.previousShadowMap = {
					value: this.progressiveLightMap1.texture
				shader.uniforms.averagingWindow = {
					value: 100
				this.uvMat.uniforms = shader.uniforms; // Set the new Shader to this

				this.uvMat.userData.shader = shader;
				this.compiled = true;


   * Sets these objects' materials' lightmaps and modifies their uv2's.
   * @param {Object3D} objects An array of objects and lights to set up your lightmap.

		addObjectsToLightMap( objects ) {

			// Prepare list of UV bounding boxes for packing later...
			this.uv_boxes = [];
			const padding = 3 / this.res;

			for ( let ob = 0; ob < objects.length; ob ++ ) {

				const object = objects[ ob ]; // If this object is a light, simply add it to the internal scene

				if ( object.isLight ) {

					this.scene.attach( object );


				if ( ! object.geometry.hasAttribute( 'uv' ) ) {

					console.warn( 'All lightmap objects need UVs!' );


				if ( this.blurringPlane == null ) {

					this._initializeBlurPlane( this.res, this.progressiveLightMap1 );

				} // Apply the lightmap to the object

				object.material.lightMap = this.progressiveLightMap2.texture;
				object.material.dithering = true;
				object.castShadow = true;
				object.receiveShadow = true;
				object.renderOrder = 1000 + ob; // Prepare UV boxes for potpack
				// TODO: Size these by object surface area

				this.uv_boxes.push( {
					w: 1 + padding * 2,
					h: 1 + padding * 2,
					index: ob
				} );
				this.lightMapContainers.push( {
					basicMat: object.material,
					object: object
				} );
				this.compiled = false;

			} // Pack the objects' lightmap UVs into the same global space

			const dimensions = potpack( this.uv_boxes );
			this.uv_boxes.forEach( box => {

				const uv2 = objects[ box.index ].geometry.getAttribute( 'uv' ).clone();

				for ( let i = 0; i < uv2.array.length; i += uv2.itemSize ) {

					uv2.array[ i ] = ( uv2.array[ i ] + box.x + padding ) / dimensions.w;
					uv2.array[ i + 1 ] = ( uv2.array[ i + 1 ] + box.y + padding ) / dimensions.h;


				objects[ box.index ].geometry.setAttribute( 'uv2', uv2 );
				objects[ box.index ].geometry.getAttribute( 'uv2' ).needsUpdate = true;

			} );

   * This function renders each mesh one at a time into their respective surface maps
   * @param {Camera} camera Standard Rendering Camera
   * @param {number} blendWindow When >1, samples will accumulate over time.
   * @param {boolean} blurEdges  Whether to fix UV Edges via blurring

		update( camera, blendWindow = 100, blurEdges = true ) {

			if ( this.blurringPlane == null ) {


			} // Store the original Render Target

			const oldTarget = this.renderer.getRenderTarget(); // The blurring plane applies blur to the seams of the lightmap

			this.blurringPlane.visible = blurEdges; // Steal the Object3D from the real world to our special dimension

			for ( let l = 0; l < this.lightMapContainers.length; l ++ ) {

				this.lightMapContainers[ l ].object.oldScene = this.lightMapContainers[ l ].object.parent;
				this.scene.attach( this.lightMapContainers[ l ].object );

			} // Render once normally to initialize everything

			if ( this.firstUpdate ) {

				this.renderer.setRenderTarget( this.tinyTarget ); // Tiny for Speed

				this.renderer.render( this.scene, camera );
				this.firstUpdate = false;

			} // Set each object's material to the UV Unwrapped Surface Mapping Version

			for ( let l = 0; l < this.lightMapContainers.length; l ++ ) {

				this.uvMat.uniforms.averagingWindow = {
					value: blendWindow
				this.lightMapContainers[ l ].object.material = this.uvMat;
				this.lightMapContainers[ l ].object.oldFrustumCulled = this.lightMapContainers[ l ].object.frustumCulled;
				this.lightMapContainers[ l ].object.frustumCulled = false;

			} // Ping-pong two surface buffers for reading/writing

			const activeMap = this.buffer1Active ? this.progressiveLightMap1 : this.progressiveLightMap2;
			const inactiveMap = this.buffer1Active ? this.progressiveLightMap2 : this.progressiveLightMap1; // Render the object's surface maps

			this.renderer.setRenderTarget( activeMap );
			this.uvMat.uniforms.previousShadowMap = {
				value: inactiveMap.texture
			this.blurringPlane.material.uniforms.previousShadowMap = {
				value: inactiveMap.texture
			this.buffer1Active = ! this.buffer1Active;
			this.renderer.render( this.scene, camera ); // Restore the object's Real-time Material and add it back to the original world

			for ( let l = 0; l < this.lightMapContainers.length; l ++ ) {

				this.lightMapContainers[ l ].object.frustumCulled = this.lightMapContainers[ l ].object.oldFrustumCulled;
				this.lightMapContainers[ l ].object.material = this.lightMapContainers[ l ].basicMat;
				this.lightMapContainers[ l ].object.oldScene.attach( this.lightMapContainers[ l ].object );

			} // Restore the original Render Target

			this.renderer.setRenderTarget( oldTarget );

		/** DEBUG
   * Draw the lightmap in the main scene.  Call this after adding the objects to it.
   * @param {boolean} visible Whether the debug plane should be visible
   * @param {Vector3} position Where the debug plane should be drawn

		showDebugLightmap( visible, position = undefined ) {

			if ( this.lightMapContainers.length == 0 ) {

				if ( ! this.warned ) {

					console.warn( 'Call this after adding the objects!' );
					this.warned = true;




			if ( this.labelMesh == null ) {

				this.labelMaterial = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( {
					map: this.progressiveLightMap1.texture,
					side: THREE.DoubleSide
				} );
				this.labelPlane = new THREE.PlaneGeometry( 100, 100 );
				this.labelMesh = new THREE.Mesh( this.labelPlane, this.labelMaterial );
				this.labelMesh.position.y = 250;
				this.lightMapContainers[ 0 ].object.parent.add( this.labelMesh );


			if ( position != undefined ) {

				this.labelMesh.position.copy( position );


			this.labelMesh.visible = visible;

   * INTERNAL Creates the Blurring Plane
   * @param {number} res The square resolution of this object's lightMap.
   * @param {WebGLRenderTexture} lightMap The lightmap to initialize the plane with.

		_initializeBlurPlane( res, lightMap = null ) {

			const blurMaterial = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial();
			blurMaterial.uniforms = {
				previousShadowMap: {
					value: null
				pixelOffset: {
					value: 1.0 / res
				polygonOffset: true,
				polygonOffsetFactor: - 1,
				polygonOffsetUnits: 3.0

			blurMaterial.onBeforeCompile = shader => {

				// Vertex Shader: Set Vertex Positions to the Unwrapped UV Positions
				shader.vertexShader = '#define USE_UV\n' + shader.vertexShader.slice( 0, - 1 ) + '	gl_Position = vec4((uv - 0.5) * 2.0, 1.0, 1.0); }'; // Fragment Shader: Set Pixels to 9-tap box blur the current frame's Shadows

				const bodyStart = shader.fragmentShader.indexOf( 'void main() {' );
				shader.fragmentShader = '#define USE_UV\n' + shader.fragmentShader.slice( 0, bodyStart ) + '	uniform sampler2D previousShadowMap;\n	uniform float pixelOffset;\n' + shader.fragmentShader.slice( bodyStart - 1, - 1 ) + `	gl_FragColor.rgb = (
									texture2D(previousShadowMap, vUv + vec2( pixelOffset,  0.0        )).rgb +
									texture2D(previousShadowMap, vUv + vec2( 0.0        ,  pixelOffset)).rgb +
									texture2D(previousShadowMap, vUv + vec2( 0.0        , -pixelOffset)).rgb +
									texture2D(previousShadowMap, vUv + vec2(-pixelOffset,  0.0        )).rgb +
									texture2D(previousShadowMap, vUv + vec2( pixelOffset,  pixelOffset)).rgb +
									texture2D(previousShadowMap, vUv + vec2(-pixelOffset,  pixelOffset)).rgb +
									texture2D(previousShadowMap, vUv + vec2( pixelOffset, -pixelOffset)).rgb +
									texture2D(previousShadowMap, vUv + vec2(-pixelOffset, -pixelOffset)).rgb)/8.0;
				}`; // Set the LightMap Accumulation Buffer

				shader.uniforms.previousShadowMap = {
					value: lightMap.texture
				shader.uniforms.pixelOffset = {
					value: 0.5 / res
				blurMaterial.uniforms = shader.uniforms; // Set the new Shader to this

				blurMaterial.userData.shader = shader;
				this.compiled = true;


			this.blurringPlane = new THREE.Mesh( new THREE.PlaneGeometry( 1, 1 ), blurMaterial ); = 'Blurring Plane';
			this.blurringPlane.frustumCulled = false;
			this.blurringPlane.renderOrder = 0;
			this.blurringPlane.material.depthWrite = false;
			this.scene.add( this.blurringPlane );



	THREE.ProgressiveLightMap = ProgressiveLightMap;

} )();