( function () { class HTMLMesh extends THREE.Mesh { constructor( dom ) { const texture = new HTMLTexture( dom ); const geometry = new THREE.PlaneGeometry( texture.image.width * 0.001, texture.image.height * 0.001 ); const material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { map: texture, toneMapped: false, transparent: true } ); super( geometry, material ); function onEvent( event ) { material.map.dispatchDOMEvent( event ); } this.addEventListener( 'mousedown', onEvent ); this.addEventListener( 'mousemove', onEvent ); this.addEventListener( 'mouseup', onEvent ); this.addEventListener( 'click', onEvent ); this.dispose = function () { geometry.dispose(); material.dispose(); material.map.dispose(); this.removeEventListener( 'mousedown', onEvent ); this.removeEventListener( 'mousemove', onEvent ); this.removeEventListener( 'mouseup', onEvent ); this.removeEventListener( 'click', onEvent ); }; } } class HTMLTexture extends THREE.CanvasTexture { constructor( dom ) { super( html2canvas( dom ) ); this.dom = dom; this.anisotropy = 16; this.encoding = THREE.sRGBEncoding; this.minFilter = THREE.LinearFilter; this.magFilter = THREE.LinearFilter; // Create an observer on the DOM, and run html2canvas update in the next loop const observer = new MutationObserver( () => { if ( ! this.scheduleUpdate ) { // ideally should use xr.requestAnimationFrame, here setTimeout to avoid passing the renderer this.scheduleUpdate = setTimeout( () => this.update(), 16 ); } } ); const config = { attributes: true, childList: true, subtree: true, characterData: true }; observer.observe( dom, config ); this.observer = observer; } dispatchDOMEvent( event ) { if ( event.data ) { htmlevent( this.dom, event.type, event.data.x, event.data.y ); } } update() { this.image = html2canvas( this.dom ); this.needsUpdate = true; this.scheduleUpdate = null; } dispose() { if ( this.observer ) { this.observer.disconnect(); } this.scheduleUpdate = clearTimeout( this.scheduleUpdate ); super.dispose(); } } // const canvases = new WeakMap(); function html2canvas( element ) { const range = document.createRange(); const color = new THREE.Color(); function Clipper( context ) { const clips = []; let isClipping = false; function doClip() { if ( isClipping ) { isClipping = false; context.restore(); } if ( clips.length === 0 ) return; let minX = - Infinity, minY = - Infinity; let maxX = Infinity, maxY = Infinity; for ( let i = 0; i < clips.length; i ++ ) { const clip = clips[ i ]; minX = Math.max( minX, clip.x ); minY = Math.max( minY, clip.y ); maxX = Math.min( maxX, clip.x + clip.width ); maxY = Math.min( maxY, clip.y + clip.height ); } context.save(); context.beginPath(); context.rect( minX, minY, maxX - minX, maxY - minY ); context.clip(); isClipping = true; } return { add: function ( clip ) { clips.push( clip ); doClip(); }, remove: function () { clips.pop(); doClip(); } }; } function drawText( style, x, y, string ) { if ( string !== '' ) { if ( style.textTransform === 'uppercase' ) { string = string.toUpperCase(); } context.font = style.fontWeight + ' ' + style.fontSize + ' ' + style.fontFamily; context.textBaseline = 'top'; context.fillStyle = style.color; context.fillText( string, x, y + parseFloat( style.fontSize ) * 0.1 ); } } function buildRectPath( x, y, w, h, r ) { if ( w < 2 * r ) r = w / 2; if ( h < 2 * r ) r = h / 2; context.beginPath(); context.moveTo( x + r, y ); context.arcTo( x + w, y, x + w, y + h, r ); context.arcTo( x + w, y + h, x, y + h, r ); context.arcTo( x, y + h, x, y, r ); context.arcTo( x, y, x + w, y, r ); context.closePath(); } function drawBorder( style, which, x, y, width, height ) { const borderWidth = style[ which + 'Width' ]; const borderStyle = style[ which + 'Style' ]; const borderColor = style[ which + 'Color' ]; if ( borderWidth !== '0px' && borderStyle !== 'none' && borderColor !== 'transparent' && borderColor !== 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)' ) { context.strokeStyle = borderColor; context.lineWidth = parseFloat( borderWidth ); context.beginPath(); context.moveTo( x, y ); context.lineTo( x + width, y + height ); context.stroke(); } } function drawElement( element, style ) { let x = 0, y = 0, width = 0, height = 0; if ( element.nodeType === Node.TEXT_NODE ) { // text range.selectNode( element ); const rect = range.getBoundingClientRect(); x = rect.left - offset.left - 0.5; y = rect.top - offset.top - 0.5; width = rect.width; height = rect.height; drawText( style, x, y, element.nodeValue.trim() ); } else if ( element.nodeType === Node.COMMENT_NODE ) { return; } else if ( element instanceof HTMLCanvasElement ) { // Canvas element if ( element.style.display === 'none' ) return; context.save(); const dpr = window.devicePixelRatio; context.scale( 1 / dpr, 1 / dpr ); context.drawImage( element, 0, 0 ); context.restore(); } else { if ( element.style.display === 'none' ) return; const rect = element.getBoundingClientRect(); x = rect.left - offset.left - 0.5; y = rect.top - offset.top - 0.5; width = rect.width; height = rect.height; style = window.getComputedStyle( element ); // Get the border of the element used for fill and border buildRectPath( x, y, width, height, parseFloat( style.borderRadius ) ); const backgroundColor = style.backgroundColor; if ( backgroundColor !== 'transparent' && backgroundColor !== 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)' ) { context.fillStyle = backgroundColor; context.fill(); } // If all the borders match then stroke the round rectangle const borders = [ 'borderTop', 'borderLeft', 'borderBottom', 'borderRight' ]; let match = true; let prevBorder = null; for ( const border of borders ) { if ( prevBorder !== null ) { match = style[ border + 'Width' ] === style[ prevBorder + 'Width' ] && style[ border + 'Color' ] === style[ prevBorder + 'Color' ] && style[ border + 'Style' ] === style[ prevBorder + 'Style' ]; } if ( match === false ) break; prevBorder = border; } if ( match === true ) { // They all match so stroke the rectangle from before allows for border-radius const width = parseFloat( style.borderTopWidth ); if ( style.borderTopWidth !== '0px' && style.borderTopStyle !== 'none' && style.borderTopColor !== 'transparent' && style.borderTopColor !== 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)' ) { context.strokeStyle = style.borderTopColor; context.lineWidth = width; context.stroke(); } } else { // Otherwise draw individual borders drawBorder( style, 'borderTop', x, y, width, 0 ); drawBorder( style, 'borderLeft', x, y, 0, height ); drawBorder( style, 'borderBottom', x, y + height, width, 0 ); drawBorder( style, 'borderRight', x + width, y, 0, height ); } if ( element instanceof HTMLInputElement ) { let accentColor = style.accentColor; if ( accentColor === undefined || accentColor === 'auto' ) accentColor = style.color; color.set( accentColor ); const luminance = Math.sqrt( 0.299 * color.r ** 2 + 0.587 * color.g ** 2 + 0.114 * color.b ** 2 ); const accentTextColor = luminance < 0.5 ? 'white' : '#111111'; if ( element.type === 'radio' ) { buildRectPath( x, y, width, height, height ); context.fillStyle = 'white'; context.strokeStyle = accentColor; context.lineWidth = 1; context.fill(); context.stroke(); if ( element.checked ) { buildRectPath( x + 2, y + 2, width - 4, height - 4, height ); context.fillStyle = accentColor; context.strokeStyle = accentTextColor; context.lineWidth = 2; context.fill(); context.stroke(); } } if ( element.type === 'checkbox' ) { buildRectPath( x, y, width, height, 2 ); context.fillStyle = element.checked ? accentColor : 'white'; context.strokeStyle = element.checked ? accentTextColor : accentColor; context.lineWidth = 1; context.stroke(); context.fill(); if ( element.checked ) { const currentTextAlign = context.textAlign; context.textAlign = 'center'; const properties = { color: accentTextColor, fontFamily: style.fontFamily, fontSize: height + 'px', fontWeight: 'bold' }; drawText( properties, x + width / 2, y, '✔' ); context.textAlign = currentTextAlign; } } if ( element.type === 'range' ) { const [ min, max, value ] = [ 'min', 'max', 'value' ].map( property => parseFloat( element[ property ] ) ); const position = ( value - min ) / ( max - min ) * ( width - height ); buildRectPath( x, y + height / 4, width, height / 2, height / 4 ); context.fillStyle = accentTextColor; context.strokeStyle = accentColor; context.lineWidth = 1; context.fill(); context.stroke(); buildRectPath( x, y + height / 4, position + height / 2, height / 2, height / 4 ); context.fillStyle = accentColor; context.fill(); buildRectPath( x + position, y, height, height, height / 2 ); context.fillStyle = accentColor; context.fill(); } if ( element.type === 'color' || element.type === 'text' || element.type === 'number' ) { clipper.add( { x: x, y: y, width: width, height: height } ); drawText( style, x + parseInt( style.paddingLeft ), y + parseInt( style.paddingTop ), element.value ); clipper.remove(); } } } /* // debug context.strokeStyle = '#' + Math.random().toString( 16 ).slice( - 3 ); context.strokeRect( x - 0.5, y - 0.5, width + 1, height + 1 ); */ const isClipping = style.overflow === 'auto' || style.overflow === 'hidden'; if ( isClipping ) clipper.add( { x: x, y: y, width: width, height: height } ); for ( let i = 0; i < element.childNodes.length; i ++ ) { drawElement( element.childNodes[ i ], style ); } if ( isClipping ) clipper.remove(); } const offset = element.getBoundingClientRect(); let canvas; if ( canvases.has( element ) ) { canvas = canvases.get( element ); } else { canvas = document.createElement( 'canvas' ); canvas.width = offset.width; canvas.height = offset.height; } const context = canvas.getContext( '2d' /*, { alpha: false }*/ ); const clipper = new Clipper( context ); // console.time( 'drawElement' ); drawElement( element ); // console.timeEnd( 'drawElement' ); return canvas; } function htmlevent( element, event, x, y ) { const mouseEventInit = { clientX: x * element.offsetWidth + element.offsetLeft, clientY: y * element.offsetHeight + element.offsetTop, view: element.ownerDocument.defaultView }; window.dispatchEvent( new MouseEvent( event, mouseEventInit ) ); const rect = element.getBoundingClientRect(); x = x * rect.width + rect.left; y = y * rect.height + rect.top; function traverse( element ) { if ( element.nodeType !== Node.TEXT_NODE && element.nodeType !== Node.COMMENT_NODE ) { const rect = element.getBoundingClientRect(); if ( x > rect.left && x < rect.right && y > rect.top && y < rect.bottom ) { element.dispatchEvent( new MouseEvent( event, mouseEventInit ) ); if ( element instanceof HTMLInputElement && element.type === 'range' && ( event === 'mousedown' || event === 'click' ) ) { const [ min, max ] = [ 'min', 'max' ].map( property => parseFloat( element[ property ] ) ); const width = rect.width; const offsetX = x - rect.x; const proportion = offsetX / width; element.value = min + ( max - min ) * proportion; element.dispatchEvent( new InputEvent( 'input', { bubbles: true } ) ); } } for ( let i = 0; i < element.childNodes.length; i ++ ) { traverse( element.childNodes[ i ] ); } } } traverse( element ); } THREE.HTMLMesh = HTMLMesh; } )();