HuangJiPC / public / static / three / examples / jsm / animation / TimelinerController.js
@zhangdeliang zhangdeliang on 21 Jun 5 KB update
 * Controller class for the Timeliner GUI.
 * Timeliner GUI library (required to use this class):
 * 		../libs/timeliner_gui.min.js
 * Source code:
 * (fork's origin)
 * @author tschw

import {
} from "../../../build/three.module.js";

var TimelinerController = function TimelinerController( scene, trackInfo, onUpdate ) {

	this._scene = scene;
	this._trackInfo = trackInfo;

	this._onUpdate = onUpdate;

	this._mixer = new AnimationMixer( scene );
	this._clip = null;
	this._action = null;

	this._tracks = {};
	this._propRefs = {};
	this._channelNames = [];


TimelinerController.prototype = {

	constructor: TimelinerController,

	init: function () {

		var tracks = [],
			trackInfo = this._trackInfo;

		for ( var i = 0, n = trackInfo.length; i !== n; ++ i ) {

			var spec = trackInfo[ i ];

			tracks.push( this._addTrack( spec.type, spec.propertyPath, spec.initialValue, spec.interpolation ) );


		this._clip = new AnimationClip( 'editclip', 0, tracks );
		this._action = this._mixer.clipAction( this._clip ).play();


	setDisplayTime: function ( time ) {

		this._action.time = time;
		this._mixer.update( 0 );



	setDuration: function ( duration ) {

		this._clip.duration = duration;


	getChannelNames: function () {

		return this._channelNames;


	getChannelKeyTimes: function ( channelName ) {

		return this._tracks[ channelName ].times;


	setKeyframe: function ( channelName, time ) {

		var track = this._tracks[ channelName ],
			times = track.times,
			index = Timeliner.binarySearch( times, time ),
			values = track.values,
			stride = track.getValueSize(),
			offset = index * stride;

		if ( index < 0 ) {

			// insert new keyframe

			index = ~ index;
			offset = index * stride;

			var nTimes = times.length + 1,
				nValues = values.length + stride;

			for ( var i = nTimes - 1; i !== index; -- i ) {

				times[ i ] = times[ i - 1 ];


			for ( var i = nValues - 1, e = offset + stride - 1; i !== e; -- i ) {

				values[ i ] = values[ i - stride ];



		times[ index ] = time;
		this._propRefs[ channelName ].getValue( values, offset );


	delKeyframe: function ( channelName, time ) {

		var track = this._tracks[ channelName ],
			times = track.times,
			index = Timeliner.binarySearch( times, time );

		// we disallow to remove the keyframe when it is the last one we have,
		// since the animation system is designed to always produce a defined
		// state

		if ( times.length > 1 && index >= 0 ) {

			var nTimes = times.length - 1,
				values = track.values,
				stride = track.getValueSize(),
				nValues = values.length - stride;

			// note: no track.getValueSize when array sizes are out of sync

			for ( var i = index; i !== nTimes; ++ i ) {

				times[ i ] = times[ i + 1 ];



			for ( var offset = index * stride; offset !== nValues; ++ offset ) {

				values[ offset ] = values[ offset + stride ];


			values.length = nValues;



	moveKeyframe: function ( channelName, time, delta, moveRemaining ) {

		var track = this._tracks[ channelName ],
			times = track.times,
			index = Timeliner.binarySearch( times, time );

		if ( index >= 0 ) {

			var endAt = moveRemaining ? times.length : index + 1,
				needsSort = times[ index - 1 ] <= time ||
					! moveRemaining && time >= times[ index + 1 ];

			while ( index !== endAt ) times[ index ++ ] += delta;

			if ( needsSort ) this._sort( track );



	serialize: function () {

		var result = {
				duration: this._clip.duration,
				channels: {}

			names = this._channelNames,
			tracks = this._tracks,

			channels = result.channels;

		for ( var i = 0, n = names.length; i !== n; ++ i ) {

			var name = names[ i ],
				track = tracks[ name ];

			channels[ name ] = {

				times: track.times,
				values: track.values



		return result;


	deserialize: function ( structs ) {

		var names = this._channelNames,
			tracks = this._tracks,

			channels = structs.channels;

		this.setDuration( structs.duration );

		for ( var i = 0, n = names.length; i !== n; ++ i ) {

			var name = names[ i ],
				track = tracks[ name ],
				data = channels[ name ];

			this._setArray( track.times, data.times );
			this._setArray( track.values, data.values );


		// update display
		this.setDisplayTime( this._mixer.time );


	_sort: function ( track ) {

		var times = track.times, order = AnimationUtils.getKeyframeOrder( times );

		this._setArray( times, AnimationUtils.sortedArray( times, 1, order ) );

		var values = track.values,
			stride = track.getValueSize();

		this._setArray( values, AnimationUtils.sortedArray( values, stride, order ) );


	_setArray: function ( dst, src ) {

		dst.length = 0;
		dst.push.apply( dst, src );


	_addTrack: function ( type, prop, initialValue, interpolation ) {

		var track = new type( prop, [ 0 ], initialValue, interpolation );

		// data must be in JS arrays so it can be resized
		track.times = track.times );
		track.values = track.values );

		this._channelNames.push( prop );
		this._tracks[ prop ] = track;

		// for recording the state:
		this._propRefs[ prop ] =
				new PropertyBinding( this._scene, prop );

		return track;



export { TimelinerController };