import * as Nodes from '../Nodes.js'; import { FileLoader, Loader } from 'three'; class NodeLoader extends Loader { constructor( manager ) { super( manager ); this.textures = {}; } load( url, onLoad, onProgress, onError ) { const loader = new FileLoader( this.manager ); loader.setPath( this.path ); loader.setRequestHeader( this.requestHeader ); loader.setWithCredentials( this.withCredentials ); loader.load( url, ( text ) => { try { onLoad( this.parse( JSON.parse( text ) ) ); } catch ( e ) { if ( onError ) { onError( e ); } else { console.error( e ); } this.manager.itemError( url ); } }, onProgress, onError ); } parseNodes( json ) { const nodes = {}; if ( json !== undefined ) { for ( const nodeJSON of json ) { const { uuid, type } = nodeJSON; nodes[ uuid ] = Nodes.fromType( type ); nodes[ uuid ].uuid = uuid; } const meta = { nodes, textures: this.textures }; for ( const nodeJSON of json ) { nodeJSON.meta = meta; const node = nodes[ nodeJSON.uuid ]; node.deserialize( nodeJSON ); delete nodeJSON.meta; } } return nodes; } parse( json ) { const node = Nodes.fromType( json.type ); node.uuid = json.uuid; const nodes = this.parseNodes( json.inputNodes ); const meta = { nodes, textures: this.textures }; json.meta = meta; node.deserialize( json ); delete json.meta; return node; } setTextures( value ) { this.textures = value; return this; } } export default NodeLoader;