HuangJiPC / public / static / three / examples / jsm / libs / dat.gui.module.js
@zhangdeliang zhangdeliang on 21 Jun 83 KB update
 * dat-gui JavaScript Controller Library
 * Copyright 2011 Data Arts Team, Google Creative Lab
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at

function ___$insertStyle( css ) {

	if ( ! css ) {


	if ( typeof window === 'undefined' ) {



	var style = document.createElement( 'style' );

	style.setAttribute( 'type', 'text/css' );
	style.innerHTML = css;
	document.head.appendChild( style );

	return css;


function colorToString( color, forceCSSHex ) {

	var colorFormat = color.__state.conversionName.toString();
	var r = Math.round( color.r );
	var g = Math.round( color.g );
	var b = Math.round( color.b );
	var a = color.a;
	var h = Math.round( color.h );
	var s = color.s.toFixed( 1 );
	var v = color.v.toFixed( 1 );
	if ( forceCSSHex || colorFormat === 'THREE_CHAR_HEX' || colorFormat === 'SIX_CHAR_HEX' ) {

		var str = color.hex.toString( 16 );
		while ( str.length < 6 ) {

			str = '0' + str;

		return '#' + str;

	} else if ( colorFormat === 'CSS_RGB' ) {

		return 'rgb(' + r + ',' + g + ',' + b + ')';

	} else if ( colorFormat === 'CSS_RGBA' ) {

		return 'rgba(' + r + ',' + g + ',' + b + ',' + a + ')';

	} else if ( colorFormat === 'HEX' ) {

		return '0x' + color.hex.toString( 16 );

	} else if ( colorFormat === 'RGB_ARRAY' ) {

		return '[' + r + ',' + g + ',' + b + ']';

	} else if ( colorFormat === 'RGBA_ARRAY' ) {

		return '[' + r + ',' + g + ',' + b + ',' + a + ']';

	} else if ( colorFormat === 'RGB_OBJ' ) {

		return '{r:' + r + ',g:' + g + ',b:' + b + '}';

	} else if ( colorFormat === 'RGBA_OBJ' ) {

		return '{r:' + r + ',g:' + g + ',b:' + b + ',a:' + a + '}';

	} else if ( colorFormat === 'HSV_OBJ' ) {

		return '{h:' + h + ',s:' + s + ',v:' + v + '}';

	} else if ( colorFormat === 'HSVA_OBJ' ) {

		return '{h:' + h + ',s:' + s + ',v:' + v + ',a:' + a + '}';

	return 'unknown format';


var ARR_EACH = Array.prototype.forEach;
var ARR_SLICE = Array.prototype.slice;
var Common = {
	BREAK: {},
	extend: function extend( target ) {

		this.each( arguments, 1 ), function ( obj ) {

			var keys = this.isObject( obj ) ? Object.keys( obj ) : [];
			keys.forEach( function ( key ) {

				if ( ! this.isUndefined( obj[ key ] ) ) {

					target[ key ] = obj[ key ];


			}.bind( this ) );

		}, this );
		return target;

	defaults: function defaults( target ) {

		this.each( arguments, 1 ), function ( obj ) {

			var keys = this.isObject( obj ) ? Object.keys( obj ) : [];
			keys.forEach( function ( key ) {

				if ( this.isUndefined( target[ key ] ) ) {

					target[ key ] = obj[ key ];


			}.bind( this ) );

		}, this );
		return target;

	compose: function compose() {

		var toCall = arguments );
		return function () {

			var args = arguments );
			for ( var i = toCall.length - 1; i >= 0; i -- ) {

				args = [ toCall[ i ].apply( this, args ) ];

			return args[ 0 ];


	each: function each( obj, itr, scope ) {

		if ( ! obj ) {


		if ( ARR_EACH && obj.forEach && obj.forEach === ARR_EACH ) {

			obj.forEach( itr, scope );

		} else if ( obj.length === obj.length + 0 ) {

			var key = void 0;
			var l = void 0;
			for ( key = 0, l = obj.length; key < l; key ++ ) {

				if ( key in obj && scope, obj[ key ], key ) === this.BREAK ) {




		} else {

			for ( var _key in obj ) {

				if ( scope, obj[ _key ], _key ) === this.BREAK ) {





	defer: function defer( fnc ) {

		setTimeout( fnc, 0 );

	debounce: function debounce( func, threshold, callImmediately ) {

		var timeout = void 0;
		return function () {

			var obj = this;
			var args = arguments;
			function delayed() {

				timeout = null;
				if ( ! callImmediately ) func.apply( obj, args );

			var callNow = callImmediately || ! timeout;
			clearTimeout( timeout );
			timeout = setTimeout( delayed, threshold );
			if ( callNow ) {

				func.apply( obj, args );



	toArray: function toArray( obj ) {

		if ( obj.toArray ) return obj.toArray();
		return obj );

	isUndefined: function isUndefined( obj ) {

		return obj === undefined;

	isNull: function isNull( obj ) {

		return obj === null;

	isNaN: function ( _isNaN ) {

		function isNaN() {

			return _isNaN.apply( this, arguments );

		isNaN.toString = function () {

			return _isNaN.toString();

		return isNaN;

	}( function ( obj ) {

		return isNaN( obj );

	} ),
	isArray: Array.isArray || function ( obj ) {

		return obj.constructor === Array;

	isObject: function isObject( obj ) {

		return obj === Object( obj );

	isNumber: function isNumber( obj ) {

		return obj === obj + 0;

	isString: function isString( obj ) {

		return obj === obj + '';

	isBoolean: function isBoolean( obj ) {

		return obj === false || obj === true;

	isFunction: function isFunction( obj ) {

		return obj ) === '[object Function]';


		litmus: Common.isString,
		conversions: {
				read: function read( original ) {

					var test = original.match( /^#([A-F0-9])([A-F0-9])([A-F0-9])$/i );
					if ( test === null ) {

						return false;

					return {
						space: 'HEX',
						hex: parseInt( '0x' + test[ 1 ].toString() + test[ 1 ].toString() + test[ 2 ].toString() + test[ 2 ].toString() + test[ 3 ].toString() + test[ 3 ].toString(), 0 )

				write: colorToString
				read: function read( original ) {

					var test = original.match( /^#([A-F0-9]{6})$/i );
					if ( test === null ) {

						return false;

					return {
						space: 'HEX',
						hex: parseInt( '0x' + test[ 1 ].toString(), 0 )

				write: colorToString
			CSS_RGB: {
				read: function read( original ) {

					var test = original.match( /^rgb\(\s*(.+)\s*,\s*(.+)\s*,\s*(.+)\s*\)/ );
					if ( test === null ) {

						return false;

					return {
						space: 'RGB',
						r: parseFloat( test[ 1 ] ),
						g: parseFloat( test[ 2 ] ),
						b: parseFloat( test[ 3 ] )

				write: colorToString
			CSS_RGBA: {
				read: function read( original ) {

					var test = original.match( /^rgba\(\s*(.+)\s*,\s*(.+)\s*,\s*(.+)\s*,\s*(.+)\s*\)/ );
					if ( test === null ) {

						return false;

					return {
						space: 'RGB',
						r: parseFloat( test[ 1 ] ),
						g: parseFloat( test[ 2 ] ),
						b: parseFloat( test[ 3 ] ),
						a: parseFloat( test[ 4 ] )

				write: colorToString
		litmus: Common.isNumber,
		conversions: {
			HEX: {
				read: function read( original ) {

					return {
						space: 'HEX',
						hex: original,
						conversionName: 'HEX'

				write: function write( color ) {

					return color.hex;

		litmus: Common.isArray,
		conversions: {
				read: function read( original ) {

					if ( original.length !== 3 ) {

						return false;

					return {
						space: 'RGB',
						r: original[ 0 ],
						g: original[ 1 ],
						b: original[ 2 ]

				write: function write( color ) {

					return [ color.r, color.g, color.b ];

				read: function read( original ) {

					if ( original.length !== 4 ) return false;
					return {
						space: 'RGB',
						r: original[ 0 ],
						g: original[ 1 ],
						b: original[ 2 ],
						a: original[ 3 ]

				write: function write( color ) {

					return [ color.r, color.g, color.b, color.a ];

		litmus: Common.isObject,
		conversions: {
			RGBA_OBJ: {
				read: function read( original ) {

					if ( Common.isNumber( original.r ) && Common.isNumber( original.g ) && Common.isNumber( original.b ) && Common.isNumber( original.a ) ) {

						return {
							space: 'RGB',
							r: original.r,
							g: original.g,
							b: original.b,
							a: original.a

					return false;

				write: function write( color ) {

					return {
						r: color.r,
						g: color.g,
						b: color.b,
						a: color.a

			RGB_OBJ: {
				read: function read( original ) {

					if ( Common.isNumber( original.r ) && Common.isNumber( original.g ) && Common.isNumber( original.b ) ) {

						return {
							space: 'RGB',
							r: original.r,
							g: original.g,
							b: original.b

					return false;

				write: function write( color ) {

					return {
						r: color.r,
						g: color.g,
						b: color.b

			HSVA_OBJ: {
				read: function read( original ) {

					if ( Common.isNumber( original.h ) && Common.isNumber( original.s ) && Common.isNumber( original.v ) && Common.isNumber( original.a ) ) {

						return {
							space: 'HSV',
							h: original.h,
							s: original.s,
							v: original.v,
							a: original.a

					return false;

				write: function write( color ) {

					return {
						h: color.h,
						s: color.s,
						v: color.v,
						a: color.a

			HSV_OBJ: {
				read: function read( original ) {

					if ( Common.isNumber( original.h ) && Common.isNumber( original.s ) && Common.isNumber( original.v ) ) {

						return {
							space: 'HSV',
							h: original.h,
							s: original.s,
							v: original.v

					return false;

				write: function write( color ) {

					return {
						h: color.h,
						s: color.s,
						v: color.v

	} ];
var result = void 0;
var toReturn = void 0;
var interpret = function interpret() {

	toReturn = false;
	var original = arguments.length > 1 ? Common.toArray( arguments ) : arguments[ 0 ];
	Common.each( INTERPRETATIONS, function ( family ) {

		if ( family.litmus( original ) ) {

			Common.each( family.conversions, function ( conversion, conversionName ) {

				result = original );
				if ( toReturn === false && result !== false ) {

					toReturn = result;
					result.conversionName = conversionName;
					result.conversion = conversion;
					return Common.BREAK;


			} );
			return Common.BREAK;


	} );
	return toReturn;


var tmpComponent = void 0;
var ColorMath = {
	hsv_to_rgb: function hsv_to_rgb( h, s, v ) {

		var hi = Math.floor( h / 60 ) % 6;
		var f = h / 60 - Math.floor( h / 60 );
		var p = v * ( 1.0 - s );
		var q = v * ( 1.0 - f * s );
		var t = v * ( 1.0 - ( 1.0 - f ) * s );
		var c = [[ v, t, p ], [ q, v, p ], [ p, v, t ], [ p, q, v ], [ t, p, v ], [ v, p, q ]][ hi ];
		return {
			r: c[ 0 ] * 255,
			g: c[ 1 ] * 255,
			b: c[ 2 ] * 255

	rgb_to_hsv: function rgb_to_hsv( r, g, b ) {

		var min = Math.min( r, g, b );
		var max = Math.max( r, g, b );
		var delta = max - min;
		var h = void 0;
		var s = void 0;
		if ( max !== 0 ) {

			s = delta / max;

		} else {

			return {
				h: NaN,
				s: 0,
				v: 0

		if ( r === max ) {

			h = ( g - b ) / delta;

		} else if ( g === max ) {

			h = 2 + ( b - r ) / delta;

		} else {

			h = 4 + ( r - g ) / delta;

		h /= 6;
		if ( h < 0 ) {

			h += 1;

		return {
			h: h * 360,
			s: s,
			v: max / 255

	rgb_to_hex: function rgb_to_hex( r, g, b ) {

		var hex = this.hex_with_component( 0, 2, r );
		hex = this.hex_with_component( hex, 1, g );
		hex = this.hex_with_component( hex, 0, b );
		return hex;

	component_from_hex: function component_from_hex( hex, componentIndex ) {

		return hex >> componentIndex * 8 & 0xFF;

	hex_with_component: function hex_with_component( hex, componentIndex, value ) {

		return value << ( tmpComponent = componentIndex * 8 ) | hex & ~ ( 0xFF << tmpComponent );


var _typeof = typeof Symbol === "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator === "symbol" ? function ( obj ) {

	return typeof obj;

} : function ( obj ) {

	return obj && typeof Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === Symbol && obj !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj;


var classCallCheck = function ( instance, Constructor ) {

	if ( ! ( instance instanceof Constructor ) ) {

		throw new TypeError( "Cannot call a class as a function" );



var createClass = function () {

	function defineProperties( target, props ) {

		for ( var i = 0; i < props.length; i ++ ) {

			var descriptor = props[ i ];
			descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false;
			descriptor.configurable = true;
			if ( "value" in descriptor ) descriptor.writable = true;
			Object.defineProperty( target, descriptor.key, descriptor );



	return function ( Constructor, protoProps, staticProps ) {

		if ( protoProps ) defineProperties( Constructor.prototype, protoProps );
		if ( staticProps ) defineProperties( Constructor, staticProps );
		return Constructor;



var get = function get( object, property, receiver ) {

	if ( object === null ) object = Function.prototype;
	var desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor( object, property );

	if ( desc === undefined ) {

		var parent = Object.getPrototypeOf( object );

		if ( parent === null ) {

			return undefined;

		} else {

			return get( parent, property, receiver );


	} else if ( "value" in desc ) {

		return desc.value;

	} else {

		var getter = desc.get;

		if ( getter === undefined ) {

			return undefined;


		return receiver );



var inherits = function ( subClass, superClass ) {

	if ( typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null ) {

		throw new TypeError( "Super expression must either be null or a function, not " + typeof superClass );


	subClass.prototype = Object.create( superClass && superClass.prototype, {
		constructor: {
			value: subClass,
			enumerable: false,
			writable: true,
			configurable: true
	} );
	if ( superClass ) Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf( subClass, superClass ) : subClass.__proto__ = superClass;


var possibleConstructorReturn = function ( self, call ) {

	if ( ! self ) {

		throw new ReferenceError( "this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called" );


	return call && ( typeof call === "object" || typeof call === "function" ) ? call : self;


var Color = function () {

	function Color() {

		classCallCheck( this, Color );
		this.__state = interpret.apply( this, arguments );
		if ( this.__state === false ) {

			throw new Error( 'Failed to interpret color arguments' );

		this.__state.a = this.__state.a || 1;

	createClass( Color, [ {
		key: 'toString',
		value: function toString() {

			return colorToString( this );

	}, {
		key: 'toHexString',
		value: function toHexString() {

			return colorToString( this, true );

	}, {
		key: 'toOriginal',
		value: function toOriginal() {

			return this.__state.conversion.write( this );

	} ] );
	return Color;

function defineRGBComponent( target, component, componentHexIndex ) {

	Object.defineProperty( target, component, {
		get: function get$$1() {

			if ( === 'RGB' ) {

				return this.__state[ component ];

			Color.recalculateRGB( this, component, componentHexIndex );
			return this.__state[ component ];

		set: function set$$1( v ) {

			if ( !== 'RGB' ) {

				Color.recalculateRGB( this, component, componentHexIndex ); = 'RGB';

			this.__state[ component ] = v;

	} );

function defineHSVComponent( target, component ) {

	Object.defineProperty( target, component, {
		get: function get$$1() {

			if ( === 'HSV' ) {

				return this.__state[ component ];

			Color.recalculateHSV( this );
			return this.__state[ component ];

		set: function set$$1( v ) {

			if ( !== 'HSV' ) {

				Color.recalculateHSV( this ); = 'HSV';

			this.__state[ component ] = v;

	} );

Color.recalculateRGB = function ( color, component, componentHexIndex ) {

	if ( === 'HEX' ) {

		color.__state[ component ] = ColorMath.component_from_hex( color.__state.hex, componentHexIndex );

	} else if ( === 'HSV' ) {

		Common.extend( color.__state, ColorMath.hsv_to_rgb( color.__state.h, color.__state.s, color.__state.v ) );

	} else {

		throw new Error( 'Corrupted color state' );


Color.recalculateHSV = function ( color ) {

	var result = ColorMath.rgb_to_hsv( color.r, color.g, color.b );
	Common.extend( color.__state, {
		s: result.s,
		v: result.v
	} );
	if ( ! Common.isNaN( result.h ) ) {

		color.__state.h = result.h;

	} else if ( Common.isUndefined( color.__state.h ) ) {

		color.__state.h = 0;


Color.COMPONENTS = [ 'r', 'g', 'b', 'h', 's', 'v', 'hex', 'a' ];
defineRGBComponent( Color.prototype, 'r', 2 );
defineRGBComponent( Color.prototype, 'g', 1 );
defineRGBComponent( Color.prototype, 'b', 0 );
defineHSVComponent( Color.prototype, 'h' );
defineHSVComponent( Color.prototype, 's' );
defineHSVComponent( Color.prototype, 'v' );
Object.defineProperty( Color.prototype, 'a', {
	get: function get$$1() {

		return this.__state.a;

	set: function set$$1( v ) {

		this.__state.a = v;

} );
Object.defineProperty( Color.prototype, 'hex', {
	get: function get$$1() {

		if ( ! !== 'HEX' ) {

			this.__state.hex = ColorMath.rgb_to_hex( this.r, this.g, this.b );

		return this.__state.hex;

	set: function set$$1( v ) { = 'HEX';
		this.__state.hex = v;

} );

var Controller = function () {

	function Controller( object, property ) {

		classCallCheck( this, Controller );
		this.initialValue = object[ property ];
		this.domElement = document.createElement( 'div' );
		this.object = object; = property;
		this.__onChange = undefined;
		this.__onFinishChange = undefined;

	createClass( Controller, [ {
		key: 'onChange',
		value: function onChange( fnc ) {

			this.__onChange = fnc;
			return this;

	}, {
		key: 'onFinishChange',
		value: function onFinishChange( fnc ) {

			this.__onFinishChange = fnc;
			return this;

	}, {
		key: 'setValue',
		value: function setValue( newValue ) {

			this.object[ ] = newValue;
			if ( this.__onChange ) { this, newValue );

			return this;

	}, {
		key: 'getValue',
		value: function getValue() {

			return this.object[ ];

	}, {
		key: 'updateDisplay',
		value: function updateDisplay() {

			return this;

	}, {
		key: 'isModified',
		value: function isModified() {

			return this.initialValue !== this.getValue();

	} ] );
	return Controller;


var EVENT_MAP = {
	HTMLEvents: [ 'change' ],
	MouseEvents: [ 'click', 'mousemove', 'mousedown', 'mouseup', 'mouseover' ],
	KeyboardEvents: [ 'keydown' ]
var EVENT_MAP_INV = {};
Common.each( EVENT_MAP, function ( v, k ) {

	Common.each( v, function ( e ) {

		EVENT_MAP_INV[ e ] = k;

	} );

} );
var CSS_VALUE_PIXELS = /(\d+(\.\d+)?)px/;
function cssValueToPixels( val ) {

	if ( val === '0' || Common.isUndefined( val ) ) {

		return 0;

	var match = val.match( CSS_VALUE_PIXELS );
	if ( ! Common.isNull( match ) ) {

		return parseFloat( match[ 1 ] );

	return 0;

var dom = {
	makeSelectable: function makeSelectable( elem, selectable ) {

		if ( elem === undefined || === undefined ) return;
		elem.onselectstart = selectable ? function () {

			return false;

		} : function () {}; = selectable ? 'auto' : 'none'; = selectable ? 'auto' : 'none';
		elem.unselectable = selectable ? 'on' : 'off';

	makeFullscreen: function makeFullscreen( elem, hor, vert ) {

		var vertical = vert;
		var horizontal = hor;
		if ( Common.isUndefined( horizontal ) ) {

			horizontal = true;

		if ( Common.isUndefined( vertical ) ) {

			vertical = true;

		} = 'absolute';
		if ( horizontal ) { = 0; = 0;

		if ( vertical ) { = 0; = 0;


	fakeEvent: function fakeEvent( elem, eventType, pars, aux ) {

		var params = pars || {};
		var className = EVENT_MAP_INV[ eventType ];
		if ( ! className ) {

			throw new Error( 'Event type ' + eventType + ' not supported.' );

		var evt = document.createEvent( className );
		switch ( className ) {

			case 'MouseEvents':

				var clientX = params.x || params.clientX || 0;
				var clientY = params.y || params.clientY || 0;
				evt.initMouseEvent( eventType, params.bubbles || false, params.cancelable || true, window, params.clickCount || 1, 0,
					false, false, false, false, 0, null );

			case 'KeyboardEvents':

				var init = evt.initKeyboardEvent || evt.initKeyEvent;
				Common.defaults( params, {
					cancelable: true,
					ctrlKey: false,
					altKey: false,
					shiftKey: false,
					metaKey: false,
					keyCode: undefined,
					charCode: undefined
				} );
				init( eventType, params.bubbles || false, params.cancelable, window, params.ctrlKey, params.altKey, params.shiftKey, params.metaKey, params.keyCode, params.charCode );


				evt.initEvent( eventType, params.bubbles || false, params.cancelable || true );


		Common.defaults( evt, aux );
		elem.dispatchEvent( evt );

	bind: function bind( elem, event, func, newBool ) {

		var bool = newBool || false;
		if ( elem.addEventListener ) {

			elem.addEventListener( event, func, bool );

		} else if ( elem.attachEvent ) {

			elem.attachEvent( 'on' + event, func );

		return dom;

	unbind: function unbind( elem, event, func, newBool ) {

		var bool = newBool || false;
		if ( elem.removeEventListener ) {

			elem.removeEventListener( event, func, bool );

		} else if ( elem.detachEvent ) {

			elem.detachEvent( 'on' + event, func );

		return dom;

	addClass: function addClass( elem, className ) {

		if ( elem.className === undefined ) {

			elem.className = className;

		} else if ( elem.className !== className ) {

			var classes = elem.className.split( / +/ );
			if ( classes.indexOf( className ) === - 1 ) {

				classes.push( className );
				elem.className = classes.join( ' ' ).replace( /^\s+/, '' ).replace( /\s+$/, '' );


		return dom;

	removeClass: function removeClass( elem, className ) {

		if ( className ) {

			if ( elem.className === className ) {

				elem.removeAttribute( 'class' );

			} else {

				var classes = elem.className.split( / +/ );
				var index = classes.indexOf( className );
				if ( index !== - 1 ) {

					classes.splice( index, 1 );
					elem.className = classes.join( ' ' );



		} else {

			elem.className = undefined;

		return dom;

	hasClass: function hasClass( elem, className ) {

		return new RegExp( '(?:^|\\s+)' + className + '(?:\\s+|$)' ).test( elem.className ) || false;

	getWidth: function getWidth( elem ) {

		var style = getComputedStyle( elem );
		return cssValueToPixels( style[ 'border-left-width' ] ) + cssValueToPixels( style[ 'border-right-width' ] ) + cssValueToPixels( style[ 'padding-left' ] ) + cssValueToPixels( style[ 'padding-right' ] ) + cssValueToPixels( style.width );

	getHeight: function getHeight( elem ) {

		var style = getComputedStyle( elem );
		return cssValueToPixels( style[ 'border-top-width' ] ) + cssValueToPixels( style[ 'border-bottom-width' ] ) + cssValueToPixels( style[ 'padding-top' ] ) + cssValueToPixels( style[ 'padding-bottom' ] ) + cssValueToPixels( style.height );

	getOffset: function getOffset( el ) {

		var elem = el;
		var offset = { left: 0, top: 0 };
		if ( elem.offsetParent ) {

			do {

				offset.left += elem.offsetLeft; += elem.offsetTop;
				elem = elem.offsetParent;

			} while ( elem );

		return offset;

	isActive: function isActive( elem ) {

		return elem === document.activeElement && ( elem.type || elem.href );


var BooleanController = function ( _Controller ) {

	inherits( BooleanController, _Controller );
	function BooleanController( object, property ) {

		classCallCheck( this, BooleanController );
		var _this2 = possibleConstructorReturn( this, ( BooleanController.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf( BooleanController ) ).call( this, object, property ) );
		var _this = _this2;
		_this2.__prev = _this2.getValue();
		_this2.__checkbox = document.createElement( 'input' );
		_this2.__checkbox.setAttribute( 'type', 'checkbox' );
		function onChange() {

			_this.setValue( ! _this.__prev );

		dom.bind( _this2.__checkbox, 'change', onChange, false );
		_this2.domElement.appendChild( _this2.__checkbox );
		return _this2;

	createClass( BooleanController, [ {
		key: 'setValue',
		value: function setValue( v ) {

			var toReturn = get( BooleanController.prototype.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf( BooleanController.prototype ), 'setValue', this ).call( this, v );
			if ( this.__onFinishChange ) { this, this.getValue() );

			this.__prev = this.getValue();
			return toReturn;

	}, {
		key: 'updateDisplay',
		value: function updateDisplay() {

			if ( this.getValue() === true ) {

				this.__checkbox.setAttribute( 'checked', 'checked' );
				this.__checkbox.checked = true;
				this.__prev = true;

			} else {

				this.__checkbox.checked = false;
				this.__prev = false;

			return get( BooleanController.prototype.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf( BooleanController.prototype ), 'updateDisplay', this ).call( this );

	} ] );
	return BooleanController;

}( Controller );

var OptionController = function ( _Controller ) {

	inherits( OptionController, _Controller );
	function OptionController( object, property, opts ) {

		classCallCheck( this, OptionController );
		var _this2 = possibleConstructorReturn( this, ( OptionController.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf( OptionController ) ).call( this, object, property ) );
		var options = opts;
		var _this = _this2;
		_this2.__select = document.createElement( 'select' );
		if ( Common.isArray( options ) ) {

			var map = {};
			Common.each( options, function ( element ) {

				map[ element ] = element;

			} );
			options = map;

		Common.each( options, function ( value, key ) {

			var opt = document.createElement( 'option' );
			opt.innerHTML = key;
			opt.setAttribute( 'value', value );
			_this.__select.appendChild( opt );

		} );
		dom.bind( _this2.__select, 'change', function () {

			var desiredValue = this.options[ this.selectedIndex ].value;
			_this.setValue( desiredValue );

		} );
		_this2.domElement.appendChild( _this2.__select );
		return _this2;

	createClass( OptionController, [ {
		key: 'setValue',
		value: function setValue( v ) {

			var toReturn = get( OptionController.prototype.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf( OptionController.prototype ), 'setValue', this ).call( this, v );
			if ( this.__onFinishChange ) { this, this.getValue() );

			return toReturn;

	}, {
		key: 'updateDisplay',
		value: function updateDisplay() {

			if ( dom.isActive( this.__select ) ) return this;
			this.__select.value = this.getValue();
			return get( OptionController.prototype.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf( OptionController.prototype ), 'updateDisplay', this ).call( this );

	} ] );
	return OptionController;

}( Controller );

var StringController = function ( _Controller ) {

	inherits( StringController, _Controller );
	function StringController( object, property ) {

		classCallCheck( this, StringController );
		var _this2 = possibleConstructorReturn( this, ( StringController.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf( StringController ) ).call( this, object, property ) );
		var _this = _this2;
		function onChange() {

			_this.setValue( _this.__input.value );

		function onBlur() {

			if ( _this.__onFinishChange ) { _this, _this.getValue() );


		_this2.__input = document.createElement( 'input' );
		_this2.__input.setAttribute( 'type', 'text' );
		dom.bind( _this2.__input, 'keyup', onChange );
		dom.bind( _this2.__input, 'change', onChange );
		dom.bind( _this2.__input, 'blur', onBlur );
		dom.bind( _this2.__input, 'keydown', function ( e ) {

			if ( e.keyCode === 13 ) {



		} );
		_this2.domElement.appendChild( _this2.__input );
		return _this2;

	createClass( StringController, [ {
		key: 'updateDisplay',
		value: function updateDisplay() {

			if ( ! dom.isActive( this.__input ) ) {

				this.__input.value = this.getValue();

			return get( StringController.prototype.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf( StringController.prototype ), 'updateDisplay', this ).call( this );

	} ] );
	return StringController;

}( Controller );

function numDecimals( x ) {

	var _x = x.toString();
	if ( _x.indexOf( '.' ) > - 1 ) {

		return _x.length - _x.indexOf( '.' ) - 1;

	return 0;

var NumberController = function ( _Controller ) {

	inherits( NumberController, _Controller );
	function NumberController( object, property, params ) {

		classCallCheck( this, NumberController );
		var _this = possibleConstructorReturn( this, ( NumberController.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf( NumberController ) ).call( this, object, property ) );
		var _params = params || {};
		_this.__min = _params.min;
		_this.__max = _params.max;
		_this.__step = _params.step;
		if ( Common.isUndefined( _this.__step ) ) {

			if ( _this.initialValue === 0 ) {

				_this.__impliedStep = 1;

			} else {

				_this.__impliedStep = Math.pow( 10, Math.floor( Math.log( Math.abs( _this.initialValue ) ) / Math.LN10 ) ) / 10;


		} else {

			_this.__impliedStep = _this.__step;

		_this.__precision = numDecimals( _this.__impliedStep );
		return _this;

	createClass( NumberController, [ {
		key: 'setValue',
		value: function setValue( v ) {

			var _v = v;
			if ( this.__min !== undefined && _v < this.__min ) {

				_v = this.__min;

			} else if ( this.__max !== undefined && _v > this.__max ) {

				_v = this.__max;

			if ( this.__step !== undefined && _v % this.__step !== 0 ) {

				_v = Math.round( _v / this.__step ) * this.__step;

			return get( NumberController.prototype.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf( NumberController.prototype ), 'setValue', this ).call( this, _v );

	}, {
		key: 'min',
		value: function min( minValue ) {

			this.__min = minValue;
			return this;

	}, {
		key: 'max',
		value: function max( maxValue ) {

			this.__max = maxValue;
			return this;

	}, {
		key: 'step',
		value: function step( stepValue ) {

			this.__step = stepValue;
			this.__impliedStep = stepValue;
			this.__precision = numDecimals( stepValue );
			return this;

	} ] );
	return NumberController;

}( Controller );

function roundToDecimal( value, decimals ) {

	var tenTo = Math.pow( 10, decimals );
	return Math.round( value * tenTo ) / tenTo;

var NumberControllerBox = function ( _NumberController ) {

	inherits( NumberControllerBox, _NumberController );
	function NumberControllerBox( object, property, params ) {

		classCallCheck( this, NumberControllerBox );
		var _this2 = possibleConstructorReturn( this, ( NumberControllerBox.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf( NumberControllerBox ) ).call( this, object, property, params ) );
		_this2.__truncationSuspended = false;
		var _this = _this2;
		var prevY = void 0;
		function onChange() {

			var attempted = parseFloat( _this.__input.value );
			if ( ! Common.isNaN( attempted ) ) {

				_this.setValue( attempted );


		function onFinish() {

			if ( _this.__onFinishChange ) { _this, _this.getValue() );


		function onBlur() {


		function onMouseDrag( e ) {

			var diff = prevY - e.clientY;
			_this.setValue( _this.getValue() + diff * _this.__impliedStep );
			prevY = e.clientY;

		function onMouseUp() {

			dom.unbind( window, 'mousemove', onMouseDrag );
			dom.unbind( window, 'mouseup', onMouseUp );

		function onMouseDown( e ) {

			dom.bind( window, 'mousemove', onMouseDrag );
			dom.bind( window, 'mouseup', onMouseUp );
			prevY = e.clientY;

		_this2.__input = document.createElement( 'input' );
		_this2.__input.setAttribute( 'type', 'text' );
		dom.bind( _this2.__input, 'change', onChange );
		dom.bind( _this2.__input, 'blur', onBlur );
		dom.bind( _this2.__input, 'mousedown', onMouseDown );
		dom.bind( _this2.__input, 'keydown', function ( e ) {

			if ( e.keyCode === 13 ) {

				_this.__truncationSuspended = true;
				_this.__truncationSuspended = false;


		} );
		_this2.domElement.appendChild( _this2.__input );
		return _this2;

	createClass( NumberControllerBox, [ {
		key: 'updateDisplay',
		value: function updateDisplay() {

			this.__input.value = this.__truncationSuspended ? this.getValue() : roundToDecimal( this.getValue(), this.__precision );
			return get( NumberControllerBox.prototype.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf( NumberControllerBox.prototype ), 'updateDisplay', this ).call( this );

	} ] );
	return NumberControllerBox;

}( NumberController );

function map( v, i1, i2, o1, o2 ) {

	return o1 + ( o2 - o1 ) * ( ( v - i1 ) / ( i2 - i1 ) );

var NumberControllerSlider = function ( _NumberController ) {

	inherits( NumberControllerSlider, _NumberController );
	function NumberControllerSlider( object, property, min, max, step ) {

		classCallCheck( this, NumberControllerSlider );
		var _this2 = possibleConstructorReturn( this, ( NumberControllerSlider.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf( NumberControllerSlider ) ).call( this, object, property, { min: min, max: max, step: step } ) );
		var _this = _this2;
		_this2.__background = document.createElement( 'div' );
		_this2.__foreground = document.createElement( 'div' );
		dom.bind( _this2.__background, 'mousedown', onMouseDown );
		dom.bind( _this2.__background, 'touchstart', onTouchStart );
		dom.addClass( _this2.__background, 'slider' );
		dom.addClass( _this2.__foreground, 'slider-fg' );
		function onMouseDown( e ) {

			dom.bind( window, 'mousemove', onMouseDrag );
			dom.bind( window, 'mouseup', onMouseUp );
			onMouseDrag( e );

		function onMouseDrag( e ) {

			var bgRect = _this.__background.getBoundingClientRect();
			_this.setValue( map( e.clientX, bgRect.left, bgRect.right, _this.__min, _this.__max ) );
			return false;

		function onMouseUp() {

			dom.unbind( window, 'mousemove', onMouseDrag );
			dom.unbind( window, 'mouseup', onMouseUp );
			if ( _this.__onFinishChange ) { _this, _this.getValue() );


		function onTouchStart( e ) {

			if ( e.touches.length !== 1 ) {


			dom.bind( window, 'touchmove', onTouchMove );
			dom.bind( window, 'touchend', onTouchEnd );
			onTouchMove( e );

		function onTouchMove( e ) {

			var clientX = e.touches[ 0 ].clientX;
			var bgRect = _this.__background.getBoundingClientRect();
			_this.setValue( map( clientX, bgRect.left, bgRect.right, _this.__min, _this.__max ) );

		function onTouchEnd() {

			dom.unbind( window, 'touchmove', onTouchMove );
			dom.unbind( window, 'touchend', onTouchEnd );
			if ( _this.__onFinishChange ) { _this, _this.getValue() );


		_this2.__background.appendChild( _this2.__foreground );
		_this2.domElement.appendChild( _this2.__background );
		return _this2;

	createClass( NumberControllerSlider, [ {
		key: 'updateDisplay',
		value: function updateDisplay() {

			var pct = ( this.getValue() - this.__min ) / ( this.__max - this.__min ); = pct * 100 + '%';
			return get( NumberControllerSlider.prototype.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf( NumberControllerSlider.prototype ), 'updateDisplay', this ).call( this );

	} ] );
	return NumberControllerSlider;

}( NumberController );

var FunctionController = function ( _Controller ) {

	inherits( FunctionController, _Controller );
	function FunctionController( object, property, text ) {

		classCallCheck( this, FunctionController );
		var _this2 = possibleConstructorReturn( this, ( FunctionController.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf( FunctionController ) ).call( this, object, property ) );
		var _this = _this2;
		_this2.__button = document.createElement( 'div' );
		_this2.__button.innerHTML = text === undefined ? 'Fire' : text;
		dom.bind( _this2.__button, 'click', function ( e ) {

			return false;

		} );
		dom.addClass( _this2.__button, 'button' );
		_this2.domElement.appendChild( _this2.__button );
		return _this2;

	createClass( FunctionController, [ {
		key: 'fire',
		value: function fire() {

			if ( this.__onChange ) { this );

			this.getValue().call( this.object );
			if ( this.__onFinishChange ) { this, this.getValue() );


	} ] );
	return FunctionController;

}( Controller );

var ColorController = function ( _Controller ) {

	inherits( ColorController, _Controller );
	function ColorController( object, property ) {

		classCallCheck( this, ColorController );
		var _this2 = possibleConstructorReturn( this, ( ColorController.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf( ColorController ) ).call( this, object, property ) );
		_this2.__color = new Color( _this2.getValue() );
		_this2.__temp = new Color( 0 );
		var _this = _this2;
		_this2.domElement = document.createElement( 'div' );
		dom.makeSelectable( _this2.domElement, false );
		_this2.__selector = document.createElement( 'div' );
		_this2.__selector.className = 'selector';
		_this2.__saturation_field = document.createElement( 'div' );
		_this2.__saturation_field.className = 'saturation-field';
		_this2.__field_knob = document.createElement( 'div' );
		_this2.__field_knob.className = 'field-knob';
		_this2.__field_knob_border = '2px solid ';
		_this2.__hue_knob = document.createElement( 'div' );
		_this2.__hue_knob.className = 'hue-knob';
		_this2.__hue_field = document.createElement( 'div' );
		_this2.__hue_field.className = 'hue-field';
		_this2.__input = document.createElement( 'input' );
		_this2.__input.type = 'text';
		_this2.__input_textShadow = '0 1px 1px ';
		dom.bind( _this2.__input, 'keydown', function ( e ) {

			if ( e.keyCode === 13 ) { this );


		} );
		dom.bind( _this2.__input, 'blur', onBlur );
		dom.bind( _this2.__selector, 'mousedown', function () {

			dom.addClass( this, 'drag' ).bind( window, 'mouseup', function () {

				dom.removeClass( _this.__selector, 'drag' );

			} );

		} );
		dom.bind( _this2.__selector, 'touchstart', function () {

			dom.addClass( this, 'drag' ).bind( window, 'touchend', function () {

				dom.removeClass( _this.__selector, 'drag' );

			} );

		} );
		var valueField = document.createElement( 'div' );
		Common.extend(, {
			width: '122px',
			height: '102px',
			padding: '3px',
			backgroundColor: '#222',
			boxShadow: '0px 1px 3px rgba(0,0,0,0.3)'
		} );
		Common.extend(, {
			position: 'absolute',
			width: '12px',
			height: '12px',
			border: _this2.__field_knob_border + ( _this2.__color.v < 0.5 ? '#fff' : '#000' ),
			boxShadow: '0px 1px 3px rgba(0,0,0,0.5)',
			borderRadius: '12px',
			zIndex: 1
		} );
		Common.extend(, {
			position: 'absolute',
			width: '15px',
			height: '2px',
			borderRight: '4px solid #fff',
			zIndex: 1
		} );
		Common.extend(, {
			width: '100px',
			height: '100px',
			border: '1px solid #555',
			marginRight: '3px',
			display: 'inline-block',
			cursor: 'pointer'
		} );
		Common.extend(, {
			width: '100%',
			height: '100%',
			background: 'none'
		} );
		linearGradient( valueField, 'top', 'rgba(0,0,0,0)', '#000' );
		Common.extend(, {
			width: '15px',
			height: '100px',
			border: '1px solid #555',
			cursor: 'ns-resize',
			position: 'absolute',
			top: '3px',
			right: '3px'
		} );
		hueGradient( _this2.__hue_field );
		Common.extend(, {
			outline: 'none',
			textAlign: 'center',
			color: '#fff',
			border: 0,
			fontWeight: 'bold',
			textShadow: _this2.__input_textShadow + 'rgba(0,0,0,0.7)'
		} );
		dom.bind( _this2.__saturation_field, 'mousedown', fieldDown );
		dom.bind( _this2.__saturation_field, 'touchstart', fieldDown );
		dom.bind( _this2.__field_knob, 'mousedown', fieldDown );
		dom.bind( _this2.__field_knob, 'touchstart', fieldDown );
		dom.bind( _this2.__hue_field, 'mousedown', fieldDownH );
		dom.bind( _this2.__hue_field, 'touchstart', fieldDownH );
		function fieldDown( e ) {

			setSV( e );
			dom.bind( window, 'mousemove', setSV );
			dom.bind( window, 'touchmove', setSV );
			dom.bind( window, 'mouseup', fieldUpSV );
			dom.bind( window, 'touchend', fieldUpSV );

		function fieldDownH( e ) {

			setH( e );
			dom.bind( window, 'mousemove', setH );
			dom.bind( window, 'touchmove', setH );
			dom.bind( window, 'mouseup', fieldUpH );
			dom.bind( window, 'touchend', fieldUpH );

		function fieldUpSV() {

			dom.unbind( window, 'mousemove', setSV );
			dom.unbind( window, 'touchmove', setSV );
			dom.unbind( window, 'mouseup', fieldUpSV );
			dom.unbind( window, 'touchend', fieldUpSV );

		function fieldUpH() {

			dom.unbind( window, 'mousemove', setH );
			dom.unbind( window, 'touchmove', setH );
			dom.unbind( window, 'mouseup', fieldUpH );
			dom.unbind( window, 'touchend', fieldUpH );

		function onBlur() {

			var i = interpret( this.value );
			if ( i !== false ) {

				_this.__color.__state = i;
				_this.setValue( _this.__color.toOriginal() );

			} else {

				this.value = _this.__color.toString();


		function onFinish() {

			if ( _this.__onFinishChange ) { _this, _this.__color.toOriginal() );


		_this2.__saturation_field.appendChild( valueField );
		_this2.__selector.appendChild( _this2.__field_knob );
		_this2.__selector.appendChild( _this2.__saturation_field );
		_this2.__selector.appendChild( _this2.__hue_field );
		_this2.__hue_field.appendChild( _this2.__hue_knob );
		_this2.domElement.appendChild( _this2.__input );
		_this2.domElement.appendChild( _this2.__selector );
		function setSV( e ) {

			if ( e.type.indexOf( 'touch' ) === - 1 ) {


			var fieldRect = _this.__saturation_field.getBoundingClientRect();
			var _ref = e.touches && e.touches[ 0 ] || e,
				clientX = _ref.clientX,
				clientY = _ref.clientY;
			var s = ( clientX - fieldRect.left ) / ( fieldRect.right - fieldRect.left );
			var v = 1 - ( clientY - ) / ( fieldRect.bottom - );
			if ( v > 1 ) {

				v = 1;

			} else if ( v < 0 ) {

				v = 0;

			if ( s > 1 ) {

				s = 1;

			} else if ( s < 0 ) {

				s = 0;

			_this.__color.v = v;
			_this.__color.s = s;
			_this.setValue( _this.__color.toOriginal() );
			return false;

		function setH( e ) {

			if ( e.type.indexOf( 'touch' ) === - 1 ) {


			var fieldRect = _this.__hue_field.getBoundingClientRect();
			var _ref2 = e.touches && e.touches[ 0 ] || e,
				clientY = _ref2.clientY;
			var h = 1 - ( clientY - ) / ( fieldRect.bottom - );
			if ( h > 1 ) {

				h = 1;

			} else if ( h < 0 ) {

				h = 0;

			_this.__color.h = h * 360;
			_this.setValue( _this.__color.toOriginal() );
			return false;

		return _this2;

	createClass( ColorController, [ {
		key: 'updateDisplay',
		value: function updateDisplay() {

			var i = interpret( this.getValue() );
			if ( i !== false ) {

				var mismatch = false;
				Common.each( Color.COMPONENTS, function ( component ) {

					if ( ! Common.isUndefined( i[ component ] ) && ! Common.isUndefined( this.__color.__state[ component ] ) && i[ component ] !== this.__color.__state[ component ] ) {

						mismatch = true;
						return {};


				}, this );
				if ( mismatch ) {

					Common.extend( this.__color.__state, i );


			Common.extend( this.__temp.__state, this.__color.__state );
			this.__temp.a = 1;
			var flip = this.__color.v < 0.5 || this.__color.s > 0.5 ? 255 : 0;
			var _flip = 255 - flip;
			Common.extend(, {
				marginLeft: 100 * this.__color.s - 7 + 'px',
				marginTop: 100 * ( 1 - this.__color.v ) - 7 + 'px',
				backgroundColor: this.__temp.toHexString(),
				border: this.__field_knob_border + 'rgb(' + flip + ',' + flip + ',' + flip + ')'
			} ); = ( 1 - this.__color.h / 360 ) * 100 + 'px';
			this.__temp.s = 1;
			this.__temp.v = 1;
			linearGradient( this.__saturation_field, 'left', '#fff', this.__temp.toHexString() );
			this.__input.value = this.__color.toString();
			Common.extend(, {
				backgroundColor: this.__color.toHexString(),
				color: 'rgb(' + flip + ',' + flip + ',' + flip + ')',
				textShadow: this.__input_textShadow + 'rgba(' + _flip + ',' + _flip + ',' + _flip + ',.7)'
			} );

	} ] );
	return ColorController;

}( Controller );
var vendors = [ '-moz-', '-o-', '-webkit-', '-ms-', '' ];
function linearGradient( elem, x, a, b ) { = '';
	Common.each( vendors, function ( vendor ) { += 'background: ' + vendor + 'linear-gradient(' + x + ', ' + a + ' 0%, ' + b + ' 100%); ';

	} );

function hueGradient( elem ) { = ''; += 'background: -moz-linear-gradient(top,  #ff0000 0%, #ff00ff 17%, #0000ff 34%, #00ffff 50%, #00ff00 67%, #ffff00 84%, #ff0000 100%);'; += 'background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top,  #ff0000 0%,#ff00ff 17%,#0000ff 34%,#00ffff 50%,#00ff00 67%,#ffff00 84%,#ff0000 100%);'; += 'background: -o-linear-gradient(top,  #ff0000 0%,#ff00ff 17%,#0000ff 34%,#00ffff 50%,#00ff00 67%,#ffff00 84%,#ff0000 100%);'; += 'background: -ms-linear-gradient(top,  #ff0000 0%,#ff00ff 17%,#0000ff 34%,#00ffff 50%,#00ff00 67%,#ffff00 84%,#ff0000 100%);'; += 'background: linear-gradient(top,  #ff0000 0%,#ff00ff 17%,#0000ff 34%,#00ffff 50%,#00ff00 67%,#ffff00 84%,#ff0000 100%);';


var css = {
	load: function load( url, indoc ) {

		var doc = indoc || document;
		var link = doc.createElement( 'link' );
		link.type = 'text/css';
		link.rel = 'stylesheet';
		link.href = url;
		doc.getElementsByTagName( 'head' )[ 0 ].appendChild( link );

	inject: function inject( cssContent, indoc ) {

		var doc = indoc || document;
		var injected = document.createElement( 'style' );
		injected.type = 'text/css';
		injected.innerHTML = cssContent;
		var head = doc.getElementsByTagName( 'head' )[ 0 ];
		try {

			head.appendChild( injected );

		} catch ( e ) {


var saveDialogContents = "<div id=\"dg-save\" class=\"dg dialogue\">\n\n  Here's the new load parameter for your <code>GUI</code>'s constructor:\n\n  <textarea id=\"dg-new-constructor\"></textarea>\n\n  <div id=\"dg-save-locally\">\n\n    <input id=\"dg-local-storage\" type=\"checkbox\"/> Automatically save\n    values to <code>localStorage</code> on exit.\n\n    <div id=\"dg-local-explain\">The values saved to <code>localStorage</code> will\n      override those passed to <code>dat.GUI</code>'s constructor. This makes it\n      easier to work incrementally, but <code>localStorage</code> is fragile,\n      and your friends may not see the same values you do.\n\n    </div>\n\n  </div>\n\n</div>";

var ControllerFactory = function ControllerFactory( object, property ) {

	var initialValue = object[ property ];
	if ( Common.isArray( arguments[ 2 ] ) || Common.isObject( arguments[ 2 ] ) ) {

		return new OptionController( object, property, arguments[ 2 ] );

	if ( Common.isNumber( initialValue ) ) {

		if ( Common.isNumber( arguments[ 2 ] ) && Common.isNumber( arguments[ 3 ] ) ) {

			if ( Common.isNumber( arguments[ 4 ] ) ) {

				return new NumberControllerSlider( object, property, arguments[ 2 ], arguments[ 3 ], arguments[ 4 ] );

			return new NumberControllerSlider( object, property, arguments[ 2 ], arguments[ 3 ] );

		if ( Common.isNumber( arguments[ 4 ] ) ) {

			return new NumberControllerBox( object, property, { min: arguments[ 2 ], max: arguments[ 3 ], step: arguments[ 4 ] } );

		return new NumberControllerBox( object, property, { min: arguments[ 2 ], max: arguments[ 3 ] } );

	if ( Common.isString( initialValue ) ) {

		return new StringController( object, property );

	if ( Common.isFunction( initialValue ) ) {

		return new FunctionController( object, property, '' );

	if ( Common.isBoolean( initialValue ) ) {

		return new BooleanController( object, property );

	return null;


function requestAnimationFrame( callback ) {

	setTimeout( callback, 1000 / 60 );

var requestAnimationFrame$1 = window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.oRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame || requestAnimationFrame;

var CenteredDiv = function () {

	function CenteredDiv() {

		classCallCheck( this, CenteredDiv );
		this.backgroundElement = document.createElement( 'div' );
		Common.extend(, {
			backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0.8)',
			top: 0,
			left: 0,
			display: 'none',
			zIndex: '1000',
			opacity: 0,
			WebkitTransition: 'opacity 0.2s linear',
			transition: 'opacity 0.2s linear'
		} );
		dom.makeFullscreen( this.backgroundElement ); = 'fixed';
		this.domElement = document.createElement( 'div' );
		Common.extend(, {
			position: 'fixed',
			display: 'none',
			zIndex: '1001',
			opacity: 0,
			WebkitTransition: '-webkit-transform 0.2s ease-out, opacity 0.2s linear',
			transition: 'transform 0.2s ease-out, opacity 0.2s linear'
		} );
		document.body.appendChild( this.backgroundElement );
		document.body.appendChild( this.domElement );
		var _this = this;
		dom.bind( this.backgroundElement, 'click', function () {


		} );

	createClass( CenteredDiv, [ {
		key: 'show',
		value: function show() {

			var _this = this; = 'block'; = 'block'; = 0; = 'scale(1.1)';
			Common.defer( function () { = 1; = 1; = 'scale(1)';

			} );

	}, {
		key: 'hide',
		value: function hide() {

			var _this = this;
			var hide = function hide() { = 'none'; = 'none';
				dom.unbind( _this.domElement, 'webkitTransitionEnd', hide );
				dom.unbind( _this.domElement, 'transitionend', hide );
				dom.unbind( _this.domElement, 'oTransitionEnd', hide );

			dom.bind( this.domElement, 'webkitTransitionEnd', hide );
			dom.bind( this.domElement, 'transitionend', hide );
			dom.bind( this.domElement, 'oTransitionEnd', hide ); = 0; = 0; = 'scale(1.1)';

	}, {
		key: 'layout',
		value: function layout() { = window.innerWidth / 2 - dom.getWidth( this.domElement ) / 2 + 'px'; = window.innerHeight / 2 - dom.getHeight( this.domElement ) / 2 + 'px';

	} ] );
	return CenteredDiv;


var styleSheet = ___$insertStyle( ".dg ul{list-style:none;margin:0;padding:0;width:100%;clear:both}{position:fixed;top:0;left:0;right:0;height:0;z-index:0}.dg:not(.ac) .main{overflow:hidden}.dg.main{-webkit-transition:opacity .1s linear;-o-transition:opacity .1s linear;-moz-transition:opacity .1s linear;transition:opacity .1s linear}.dg.main.taller-than-window{overflow-y:auto}.dg.main.taller-than-window .close-button{opacity:1;margin-top:-1px;border-top:1px solid #2c2c2c}.dg.main ul.closed .close-button{opacity:1 !important}.dg.main:hover .close-button,.dg.main .close-button.drag{opacity:1}.dg.main .close-button{-webkit-transition:opacity .1s linear;-o-transition:opacity .1s linear;-moz-transition:opacity .1s linear;transition:opacity .1s linear;border:0;line-height:19px;height:20px;cursor:pointer;text-align:center;background-color:#000}.dg.main .close-button.close-top{position:relative}.dg.main .close-button.close-bottom{position:absolute}.dg.main .close-button:hover{background-color:#111}.dg.a{float:right;margin-right:15px;overflow-y:visible}.dg.a.has-save>ul.close-top{margin-top:0}.dg.a.has-save>ul.close-bottom{margin-top:27px}.dg.a.has-save>ul.closed{margin-top:0}.dg.a .save-row{top:0;z-index:1002}.dg.a .save-row.close-top{position:relative}.dg.a .save-row.close-bottom{position:fixed}.dg li{-webkit-transition:height .1s ease-out;-o-transition:height .1s ease-out;-moz-transition:height .1s ease-out;transition:height .1s ease-out;-webkit-transition:overflow .1s linear;-o-transition:overflow .1s linear;-moz-transition:overflow .1s linear;transition:overflow .1s linear}.dg li:not(.folder){cursor:auto;height:27px;line-height:27px;padding:0 4px 0 5px}.dg li.folder{padding:0;border-left:4px solid rgba(0,0,0,0)}.dg li.title{cursor:pointer;margin-left:-4px}.dg .closed li:not(.title),.dg .closed ul li,.dg .closed ul li>*{height:0;overflow:hidden;border:0}.dg .cr{clear:both;padding-left:3px;height:27px;overflow:hidden}.dg .property-name{cursor:default;float:left;clear:left;width:40%;overflow:hidden;text-overflow:ellipsis}.dg .c{float:left;width:60%;position:relative}.dg .c input[type=text]{border:0;margin-top:4px;padding:3px;width:100%;float:right}.dg .has-slider input[type=text]{width:30%;margin-left:0}.dg .slider{float:left;width:66%;margin-left:-5px;margin-right:0;height:19px;margin-top:4px}.dg .slider-fg{height:100%}.dg .c input[type=checkbox]{margin-top:7px}.dg .c select{margin-top:5px}.dg .cr.function,.dg .cr.function .property-name,.dg .cr.function *,.dg .cr.boolean,.dg .cr.boolean *{cursor:pointer}.dg .cr.color{overflow:visible}.dg .selector{display:none;position:absolute;margin-left:-9px;margin-top:23px;z-index:10}.dg .c:hover .selector,.dg .selector.drag{display:block}.dg{padding:0}.dg .button{display:inline-block;padding:0px 6px}.dg.dialogue{background-color:#222;width:460px;padding:15px;font-size:13px;line-height:15px}#dg-new-constructor{padding:10px;color:#222;font-family:Monaco, monospace;font-size:10px;border:0;resize:none;box-shadow:inset 1px 1px 1px #888;word-wrap:break-word;margin:12px 0;display:block;width:440px;overflow-y:scroll;height:100px;position:relative}#dg-local-explain{display:none;font-size:11px;line-height:17px;border-radius:3px;background-color:#333;padding:8px;margin-top:10px}#dg-local-explain code{font-size:10px}#dat-gui-save-locally{display:none}.dg{color:#eee;font:11px 'Lucida Grande', sans-serif;text-shadow:0 -1px 0 #111}.dg.main::-webkit-scrollbar{width:5px;background:#1a1a1a}.dg.main::-webkit-scrollbar-corner{height:0;display:none}.dg.main::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb{border-radius:5px;background:#676767}.dg li:not(.folder){background:#1a1a1a;border-bottom:1px solid #2c2c2c}.dg{line-height:25px;background:#dad5cb;border:0}.dg select{margin-left:5px;width:108px}.dg .button{margin-left:5px;margin-top:1px;border-radius:2px;font-size:9px;line-height:7px;padding:4px 4px 5px 4px;background:#c5bdad;color:#fff;text-shadow:0 1px 0 #b0a58f;box-shadow:0 -1px 0 #b0a58f;cursor:pointer}.dg .button.gears{background:#c5bdad url() 2px 1px no-repeat;height:7px;width:8px}.dg .button:hover{background-color:#bab19e;box-shadow:0 -1px 0 #b0a58f}.dg li.folder{border-bottom:0}.dg li.title{padding-left:16px;background:#000 url() 6px 10px no-repeat;cursor:pointer;border-bottom:1px solid rgba(255,255,255,0.2)}.dg .closed li.title{background-image:url()}.dg .cr.boolean{border-left:3px solid #806787}.dg .cr.color{border-left:3px solid}.dg .cr.function{border-left:3px solid #e61d5f}.dg .cr.number{border-left:3px solid #2FA1D6}.dg .cr.number input[type=text]{color:#2FA1D6}.dg .cr.string{border-left:3px solid #1ed36f}.dg .cr.string input[type=text]{color:#1ed36f}.dg .cr.function:hover,.dg .cr.boolean:hover{background:#111}.dg .c input[type=text]{background:#303030;outline:none}.dg .c input[type=text]:hover{background:#3c3c3c}.dg .c input[type=text]:focus{background:#494949;color:#fff}.dg .c .slider{background:#303030;cursor:ew-resize}.dg .c .slider-fg{background:#2FA1D6;max-width:100%}.dg .c .slider:hover{background:#3c3c3c}.dg .c .slider:hover .slider-fg{background:#44abda}\n" );

css.inject( styleSheet );
var CSS_NAMESPACE = 'dg';
var HIDE_KEY_CODE = 72;
var SUPPORTS_LOCAL_STORAGE = function () {

	try {

		return !! window.localStorage;

	} catch ( e ) {

		return false;


var SAVE_DIALOGUE = void 0;
var autoPlaceVirgin = true;
var autoPlaceContainer = void 0;
var hide = false;
var hideableGuis = [];
var GUI = function GUI( pars ) {

	var _this = this;
	var params = pars || {};
	this.domElement = document.createElement( 'div' );
	this.__ul = document.createElement( 'ul' );
	this.domElement.appendChild( this.__ul );
	dom.addClass( this.domElement, CSS_NAMESPACE );
	this.__folders = {};
	this.__controllers = [];
	this.__rememberedObjects = [];
	this.__rememberedObjectIndecesToControllers = [];
	this.__listening = [];
	params = Common.defaults( params, {
		closeOnTop: false,
		autoPlace: true,
	} );
	params = Common.defaults( params, {
		resizable: params.autoPlace,
		hideable: params.autoPlace
	} );
	if ( ! Common.isUndefined( params.load ) ) {

		if ( params.preset ) {

			params.load.preset = params.preset;


	} else {

		params.load = { preset: DEFAULT_DEFAULT_PRESET_NAME };

	if ( Common.isUndefined( params.parent ) && params.hideable ) {

		hideableGuis.push( this );

	params.resizable = Common.isUndefined( params.parent ) && params.resizable;
	if ( params.autoPlace && Common.isUndefined( params.scrollable ) ) {

		params.scrollable = true;

	var useLocalStorage = SUPPORTS_LOCAL_STORAGE && localStorage.getItem( getLocalStorageHash( this, 'isLocal' ) ) === 'true';
	var saveToLocalStorage = void 0;
	var titleRow = void 0;
	Object.defineProperties( this,
			parent: {
				get: function get$$1() {

					return params.parent;

			scrollable: {
				get: function get$$1() {

					return params.scrollable;

			autoPlace: {
				get: function get$$1() {

					return params.autoPlace;

			closeOnTop: {
				get: function get$$1() {

					return params.closeOnTop;

			preset: {
				get: function get$$1() {

					if ( _this.parent ) {

						return _this.getRoot().preset;

					return params.load.preset;

				set: function set$$1( v ) {

					if ( _this.parent ) {

						_this.getRoot().preset = v;

					} else {

						params.load.preset = v;

					setPresetSelectIndex( this );

			width: {
				get: function get$$1() {

					return params.width;

				set: function set$$1( v ) {

					params.width = v;
					setWidth( _this, v );

			name: {
				get: function get$$1() {


				set: function set$$1( v ) { = v;
					if ( titleRow ) {

						titleRow.innerHTML =;


			closed: {
				get: function get$$1() {

					return params.closed;

				set: function set$$1( v ) {

					params.closed = v;
					if ( params.closed ) {

						dom.addClass( _this.__ul, GUI.CLASS_CLOSED );

					} else {

						dom.removeClass( _this.__ul, GUI.CLASS_CLOSED );

					if ( _this.__closeButton ) {

						_this.__closeButton.innerHTML = v ? GUI.TEXT_OPEN : GUI.TEXT_CLOSED;


			load: {
				get: function get$$1() {

					return params.load;

			useLocalStorage: {
				get: function get$$1() {

					return useLocalStorage;

				set: function set$$1( bool ) {


						useLocalStorage = bool;
						if ( bool ) {

							dom.bind( window, 'unload', saveToLocalStorage );

						} else {

							dom.unbind( window, 'unload', saveToLocalStorage );

						localStorage.setItem( getLocalStorageHash( _this, 'isLocal' ), bool );


		} );
	if ( Common.isUndefined( params.parent ) ) {

		this.closed = params.closed || false;
		dom.addClass( this.domElement, GUI.CLASS_MAIN );
		dom.makeSelectable( this.domElement, false );

			if ( useLocalStorage ) {

				_this.useLocalStorage = true;
				var savedGui = localStorage.getItem( getLocalStorageHash( this, 'gui' ) );
				if ( savedGui ) {

					params.load = JSON.parse( savedGui );



		this.__closeButton = document.createElement( 'div' );
		this.__closeButton.innerHTML = GUI.TEXT_CLOSED;
		dom.addClass( this.__closeButton, GUI.CLASS_CLOSE_BUTTON );
		if ( params.closeOnTop ) {

			dom.addClass( this.__closeButton, GUI.CLASS_CLOSE_TOP );
			this.domElement.insertBefore( this.__closeButton, this.domElement.childNodes[ 0 ] );

		} else {

			dom.addClass( this.__closeButton, GUI.CLASS_CLOSE_BOTTOM );
			this.domElement.appendChild( this.__closeButton );

		dom.bind( this.__closeButton, 'click', function () {

			_this.closed = ! _this.closed;

		} );

	} else {

		if ( params.closed === undefined ) {

			params.closed = true;

		var titleRowName = document.createTextNode( );
		dom.addClass( titleRowName, 'controller-name' );
		titleRow = addRow( _this, titleRowName );
		var onClickTitle = function onClickTitle( e ) {

			_this.closed = ! _this.closed;
			return false;

		dom.addClass( this.__ul, GUI.CLASS_CLOSED );
		dom.addClass( titleRow, 'title' );
		dom.bind( titleRow, 'click', onClickTitle );
		if ( ! params.closed ) {

			this.closed = false;


	if ( params.autoPlace ) {

		if ( Common.isUndefined( params.parent ) ) {

			if ( autoPlaceVirgin ) {

				autoPlaceContainer = document.createElement( 'div' );
				dom.addClass( autoPlaceContainer, CSS_NAMESPACE );
				dom.addClass( autoPlaceContainer, GUI.CLASS_AUTO_PLACE_CONTAINER );
				document.body.appendChild( autoPlaceContainer );
				autoPlaceVirgin = false;

			autoPlaceContainer.appendChild( this.domElement );
			dom.addClass( this.domElement, GUI.CLASS_AUTO_PLACE );

		if ( ! this.parent ) {

			setWidth( _this, params.width );


	this.__resizeHandler = function () {


	dom.bind( window, 'resize', this.__resizeHandler );
	dom.bind( this.__ul, 'webkitTransitionEnd', this.__resizeHandler );
	dom.bind( this.__ul, 'transitionend', this.__resizeHandler );
	dom.bind( this.__ul, 'oTransitionEnd', this.__resizeHandler );
	if ( params.resizable ) {

		addResizeHandle( this );

	saveToLocalStorage = function saveToLocalStorage() {

		if ( SUPPORTS_LOCAL_STORAGE && localStorage.getItem( getLocalStorageHash( _this, 'isLocal' ) ) === 'true' ) {

			localStorage.setItem( getLocalStorageHash( _this, 'gui' ), JSON.stringify( _this.getSaveObject() ) );


	this.saveToLocalStorageIfPossible = saveToLocalStorage;
	function resetWidth() {

		var root = _this.getRoot();
		root.width += 1;
		Common.defer( function () {

			root.width -= 1;

		} );

	if ( ! params.parent ) {



GUI.toggleHide = function () {

	hide = ! hide;
	Common.each( hideableGuis, function ( gui ) { = hide ? 'none' : '';

	} );

GUI.CLASS_MAIN = 'main';
GUI.CLASS_TOO_TALL = 'taller-than-window';
GUI.CLASS_CLOSED = 'closed';
GUI.CLASS_CLOSE_BUTTON = 'close-button';
GUI.CLASS_CLOSE_TOP = 'close-top';
GUI.CLASS_CLOSE_BOTTOM = 'close-bottom';
GUI.CLASS_DRAG = 'drag';
GUI.TEXT_CLOSED = 'Close Controls';
GUI.TEXT_OPEN = 'Open Controls';
GUI._keydownHandler = function ( e ) {

	if ( document.activeElement.type !== 'text' && ( e.which === HIDE_KEY_CODE || e.keyCode === HIDE_KEY_CODE ) ) {



dom.bind( window, 'keydown', GUI._keydownHandler, false );
Common.extend( GUI.prototype,
		add: function add( object, property ) {

			return _add( this, object, property, {
				factoryArgs: arguments, 2 )
			} );

		addColor: function addColor( object, property ) {

			return _add( this, object, property, {
				color: true
			} );

		remove: function remove( controller ) {

			this.__ul.removeChild( controller.__li );
			this.__controllers.splice( this.__controllers.indexOf( controller ), 1 );
			var _this = this;
			Common.defer( function () {


			} );

		destroy: function destroy() {

			if ( this.parent ) {

				throw new Error( 'Only the root GUI should be removed with .destroy(). ' + 'For subfolders, use gui.removeFolder(folder) instead.' );

			if ( this.autoPlace ) {

				autoPlaceContainer.removeChild( this.domElement );

			var _this = this;
			Common.each( this.__folders, function ( subfolder ) {

				_this.removeFolder( subfolder );

			} );
			dom.unbind( window, 'keydown', GUI._keydownHandler, false );
			removeListeners( this );

		addFolder: function addFolder( name ) {

			if ( this.__folders[ name ] !== undefined ) {

				throw new Error( 'You already have a folder in this GUI by the' + ' name "' + name + '"' );

			var newGuiParams = { name: name, parent: this };
			newGuiParams.autoPlace = this.autoPlace;
			if ( this.load &&
    this.load.folders &&
    this.load.folders[ name ] ) {

				newGuiParams.closed = this.load.folders[ name ].closed;
				newGuiParams.load = this.load.folders[ name ];

			var gui = new GUI( newGuiParams );
			this.__folders[ name ] = gui;
			var li = addRow( this, gui.domElement );
			dom.addClass( li, 'folder' );
			return gui;

		removeFolder: function removeFolder( folder ) {

			this.__ul.removeChild( folder.domElement.parentElement );
			delete this.__folders[ ];
			if ( this.load &&
    this.load.folders &&
    this.load.folders[ ] ) {

				delete this.load.folders[ ];

			removeListeners( folder );
			var _this = this;
			Common.each( folder.__folders, function ( subfolder ) {

				folder.removeFolder( subfolder );

			} );
			Common.defer( function () {


			} );

		open: function open() {

			this.closed = false;

		close: function close() {

			this.closed = true;

		hide: function hide() { = 'none';

		show: function show() { = '';

		onResize: function onResize() {

			var root = this.getRoot();
			if ( root.scrollable ) {

				var top = dom.getOffset( root.__ul ).top;
				var h = 0;
				Common.each( root.__ul.childNodes, function ( node ) {

					if ( ! ( root.autoPlace && node === root.__save_row ) ) {

						h += dom.getHeight( node );


				} );
				if ( window.innerHeight - top - CLOSE_BUTTON_HEIGHT < h ) {

					dom.addClass( root.domElement, GUI.CLASS_TOO_TALL ); = window.innerHeight - top - CLOSE_BUTTON_HEIGHT + 'px';

				} else {

					dom.removeClass( root.domElement, GUI.CLASS_TOO_TALL ); = 'auto';


			if ( root.__resize_handle ) {

				Common.defer( function () { = root.__ul.offsetHeight + 'px';

				} );

			if ( root.__closeButton ) { = root.width + 'px';


		onResizeDebounced: Common.debounce( function () {


		}, 50 ),
		remember: function remember() {

			if ( Common.isUndefined( SAVE_DIALOGUE ) ) {

				SAVE_DIALOGUE = new CenteredDiv();
				SAVE_DIALOGUE.domElement.innerHTML = saveDialogContents;

			if ( this.parent ) {

				throw new Error( 'You can only call remember on a top level GUI.' );

			var _this = this;
			Common.each( arguments ), function ( object ) {

				if ( _this.__rememberedObjects.length === 0 ) {

					addSaveMenu( _this );

				if ( _this.__rememberedObjects.indexOf( object ) === - 1 ) {

					_this.__rememberedObjects.push( object );


			} );
			if ( this.autoPlace ) {

				setWidth( this, this.width );


		getRoot: function getRoot() {

			var gui = this;
			while ( gui.parent ) {

				gui = gui.parent;

			return gui;

		getSaveObject: function getSaveObject() {

			var toReturn = this.load;
			toReturn.closed = this.closed;
			if ( this.__rememberedObjects.length > 0 ) {

				toReturn.preset = this.preset;
				if ( ! toReturn.remembered ) {

					toReturn.remembered = {};

				toReturn.remembered[ this.preset ] = getCurrentPreset( this );

			toReturn.folders = {};
			Common.each( this.__folders, function ( element, key ) {

				toReturn.folders[ key ] = element.getSaveObject();

			} );
			return toReturn;

		save: function save() {

			if ( ! this.load.remembered ) {

				this.load.remembered = {};

			this.load.remembered[ this.preset ] = getCurrentPreset( this );
			markPresetModified( this, false );

		saveAs: function saveAs( presetName ) {

			if ( ! this.load.remembered ) {

				this.load.remembered = {};
				this.load.remembered[ DEFAULT_DEFAULT_PRESET_NAME ] = getCurrentPreset( this, true );

			this.load.remembered[ presetName ] = getCurrentPreset( this );
			this.preset = presetName;
			addPresetOption( this, presetName, true );

		revert: function revert( gui ) {

			Common.each( this.__controllers, function ( controller ) {

				if ( ! this.getRoot().load.remembered ) {

					controller.setValue( controller.initialValue );

				} else {

					recallSavedValue( gui || this.getRoot(), controller );

				if ( controller.__onFinishChange ) { controller, controller.getValue() );


			}, this );
			Common.each( this.__folders, function ( folder ) {

				folder.revert( folder );

			} );
			if ( ! gui ) {

				markPresetModified( this.getRoot(), false );


		listen: function listen( controller ) {

			var init = this.__listening.length === 0;
			this.__listening.push( controller );
			if ( init ) {

				updateDisplays( this.__listening );


		updateDisplay: function updateDisplay() {

			Common.each( this.__controllers, function ( controller ) {


			} );
			Common.each( this.__folders, function ( folder ) {


			} );

	} );
function addRow( gui, newDom, liBefore ) {

	var li = document.createElement( 'li' );
	if ( newDom ) {

		li.appendChild( newDom );

	if ( liBefore ) {

		gui.__ul.insertBefore( li, liBefore );

	} else {

		gui.__ul.appendChild( li );

	return li;

function removeListeners( gui ) {

	dom.unbind( window, 'resize', gui.__resizeHandler );
	if ( gui.saveToLocalStorageIfPossible ) {

		dom.unbind( window, 'unload', gui.saveToLocalStorageIfPossible );


function markPresetModified( gui, modified ) {

	var opt = gui.__preset_select[ gui.__preset_select.selectedIndex ];
	if ( modified ) {

		opt.innerHTML = opt.value + '*';

	} else {

		opt.innerHTML = opt.value;


function augmentController( gui, li, controller ) {

	controller.__li = li;
	controller.__gui = gui;
	Common.extend( controller, {
		options: function options( _options ) {

			if ( arguments.length > 1 ) {

				var nextSibling = controller.__li.nextElementSibling;
				return _add( gui, controller.object,, {
					before: nextSibling,
					factoryArgs: [ Common.toArray( arguments ) ]
				} );

			if ( Common.isArray( _options ) || Common.isObject( _options ) ) {

				var _nextSibling = controller.__li.nextElementSibling;
				return _add( gui, controller.object,, {
					before: _nextSibling,
					factoryArgs: [ _options ]
				} );


		name: function name( _name ) {

			controller.__li.firstElementChild.firstElementChild.innerHTML = _name;
			return controller;

		listen: function listen() {

			controller.__gui.listen( controller );
			return controller;

		remove: function remove() {

			controller.__gui.remove( controller );
			return controller;

	} );
	if ( controller instanceof NumberControllerSlider ) {

		var box = new NumberControllerBox( controller.object,, { min: controller.__min, max: controller.__max, step: controller.__step } );
		Common.each( [ 'updateDisplay', 'onChange', 'onFinishChange', 'step', 'min', 'max' ], function ( method ) {

			var pc = controller[ method ];
			var pb = box[ method ];
			controller[ method ] = box[ method ] = function () {

				var args = arguments );
				pb.apply( box, args );
				return pc.apply( controller, args );


		} );
		dom.addClass( li, 'has-slider' );
		controller.domElement.insertBefore( box.domElement, controller.domElement.firstElementChild );

	} else if ( controller instanceof NumberControllerBox ) {

		var r = function r( returned ) {

			if ( Common.isNumber( controller.__min ) && Common.isNumber( controller.__max ) ) {

				var oldName = controller.__li.firstElementChild.firstElementChild.innerHTML;
				var wasListening = controller.__gui.__listening.indexOf( controller ) > - 1;
				var newController = _add( gui, controller.object,, {
					before: controller.__li.nextElementSibling,
					factoryArgs: [ controller.__min, controller.__max, controller.__step ]
				} ); oldName );
				if ( wasListening ) newController.listen();
				return newController;

			return returned;

		controller.min = Common.compose( r, controller.min );
		controller.max = Common.compose( r, controller.max );

	} else if ( controller instanceof BooleanController ) {

		dom.bind( li, 'click', function () {

			dom.fakeEvent( controller.__checkbox, 'click' );

		} );
		dom.bind( controller.__checkbox, 'click', function ( e ) {


		} );

	} else if ( controller instanceof FunctionController ) {

		dom.bind( li, 'click', function () {

			dom.fakeEvent( controller.__button, 'click' );

		} );
		dom.bind( li, 'mouseover', function () {

			dom.addClass( controller.__button, 'hover' );

		} );
		dom.bind( li, 'mouseout', function () {

			dom.removeClass( controller.__button, 'hover' );

		} );

	} else if ( controller instanceof ColorController ) {

		dom.addClass( li, 'color' );
		controller.updateDisplay = Common.compose( function ( val ) { = controller.__color.toString();
			return val;

		}, controller.updateDisplay );

	controller.setValue = Common.compose( function ( val ) {

		if ( gui.getRoot().__preset_select && controller.isModified() ) {

			markPresetModified( gui.getRoot(), true );

		return val;

	}, controller.setValue );

function recallSavedValue( gui, controller ) {

	var root = gui.getRoot();
	var matchedIndex = root.__rememberedObjects.indexOf( controller.object );
	if ( matchedIndex !== - 1 ) {

		var controllerMap = root.__rememberedObjectIndecesToControllers[ matchedIndex ];
		if ( controllerMap === undefined ) {

			controllerMap = {};
			root.__rememberedObjectIndecesToControllers[ matchedIndex ] = controllerMap;

		controllerMap[ ] = controller;
		if ( root.load && root.load.remembered ) {

			var presetMap = root.load.remembered;
			var preset = void 0;
			if ( presetMap[ gui.preset ] ) {

				preset = presetMap[ gui.preset ];

			} else if ( presetMap[ DEFAULT_DEFAULT_PRESET_NAME ] ) {

				preset = presetMap[ DEFAULT_DEFAULT_PRESET_NAME ];

			} else {


			if ( preset[ matchedIndex ] && preset[ matchedIndex ][ ] !== undefined ) {

				var value = preset[ matchedIndex ][ ];
				controller.initialValue = value;
				controller.setValue( value );




function _add( gui, object, property, params ) {

	if ( object[ property ] === undefined ) {

		throw new Error( 'Object "' + object + '" has no property "' + property + '"' );

	var controller = void 0;
	if ( params.color ) {

		controller = new ColorController( object, property );

	} else {

		var factoryArgs = [ object, property ].concat( params.factoryArgs );
		controller = ControllerFactory.apply( gui, factoryArgs );

	if ( params.before instanceof Controller ) {

		params.before = params.before.__li;

	recallSavedValue( gui, controller );
	dom.addClass( controller.domElement, 'c' );
	var name = document.createElement( 'span' );
	dom.addClass( name, 'property-name' );
	name.innerHTML =;
	var container = document.createElement( 'div' );
	container.appendChild( name );
	container.appendChild( controller.domElement );
	var li = addRow( gui, container, params.before );
	dom.addClass( li, GUI.CLASS_CONTROLLER_ROW );
	if ( controller instanceof ColorController ) {

		dom.addClass( li, 'color' );

	} else {

		dom.addClass( li, _typeof( controller.getValue() ) );

	augmentController( gui, li, controller );
	gui.__controllers.push( controller );
	return controller;

function getLocalStorageHash( gui, key ) {

	return document.location.href + '.' + key;

function addPresetOption( gui, name, setSelected ) {

	var opt = document.createElement( 'option' );
	opt.innerHTML = name;
	opt.value = name;
	gui.__preset_select.appendChild( opt );
	if ( setSelected ) {

		gui.__preset_select.selectedIndex = gui.__preset_select.length - 1;


function showHideExplain( gui, explain ) { = gui.useLocalStorage ? 'block' : 'none';

function addSaveMenu( gui ) {

	var div = gui.__save_row = document.createElement( 'li' );
	dom.addClass( gui.domElement, 'has-save' );
	gui.__ul.insertBefore( div, gui.__ul.firstChild );
	dom.addClass( div, 'save-row' );
	var gears = document.createElement( 'span' );
	gears.innerHTML = '&nbsp;';
	dom.addClass( gears, 'button gears' );
	var button = document.createElement( 'span' );
	button.innerHTML = 'Save';
	dom.addClass( button, 'button' );
	dom.addClass( button, 'save' );
	var button2 = document.createElement( 'span' );
	button2.innerHTML = 'New';
	dom.addClass( button2, 'button' );
	dom.addClass( button2, 'save-as' );
	var button3 = document.createElement( 'span' );
	button3.innerHTML = 'Revert';
	dom.addClass( button3, 'button' );
	dom.addClass( button3, 'revert' );
	var select = gui.__preset_select = document.createElement( 'select' );
	if ( gui.load && gui.load.remembered ) {

		Common.each( gui.load.remembered, function ( value, key ) {

			addPresetOption( gui, key, key === gui.preset );

		} );

	} else {

		addPresetOption( gui, DEFAULT_DEFAULT_PRESET_NAME, false );

	dom.bind( select, 'change', function () {

		for ( var index = 0; index < gui.__preset_select.length; index ++ ) {

			gui.__preset_select[ index ].innerHTML = gui.__preset_select[ index ].value;

		gui.preset = this.value;

	} );
	div.appendChild( select );
	div.appendChild( gears );
	div.appendChild( button );
	div.appendChild( button2 );
	div.appendChild( button3 );

		var explain = document.getElementById( 'dg-local-explain' );
		var localStorageCheckBox = document.getElementById( 'dg-local-storage' );
		var saveLocally = document.getElementById( 'dg-save-locally' ); = 'block';
		if ( localStorage.getItem( getLocalStorageHash( gui, 'isLocal' ) ) === 'true' ) {

			localStorageCheckBox.setAttribute( 'checked', 'checked' );

		showHideExplain( gui, explain );
		dom.bind( localStorageCheckBox, 'change', function () {

			gui.useLocalStorage = ! gui.useLocalStorage;
			showHideExplain( gui, explain );

		} );

	var newConstructorTextArea = document.getElementById( 'dg-new-constructor' );
	dom.bind( newConstructorTextArea, 'keydown', function ( e ) {

		if ( e.metaKey && ( e.which === 67 || e.keyCode === 67 ) ) {



	} );
	dom.bind( gears, 'click', function () {

		newConstructorTextArea.innerHTML = JSON.stringify( gui.getSaveObject(), undefined, 2 );;

	} );
	dom.bind( button, 'click', function () {;

	} );
	dom.bind( button2, 'click', function () {

		var presetName = prompt( 'Enter a new preset name.' );
		if ( presetName ) {

			gui.saveAs( presetName );


	} );
	dom.bind( button3, 'click', function () {


	} );

function addResizeHandle( gui ) {

	var pmouseX = void 0;
	gui.__resize_handle = document.createElement( 'div' );
	Common.extend(, {
		width: '6px',
		marginLeft: '-3px',
		height: '200px',
		cursor: 'ew-resize',
		position: 'absolute'
	} );
	function drag( e ) {

		gui.width += pmouseX - e.clientX;
		pmouseX = e.clientX;
		return false;

	function dragStop() {

		dom.removeClass( gui.__closeButton, GUI.CLASS_DRAG );
		dom.unbind( window, 'mousemove', drag );
		dom.unbind( window, 'mouseup', dragStop );

	function dragStart( e ) {

		pmouseX = e.clientX;
		dom.addClass( gui.__closeButton, GUI.CLASS_DRAG );
		dom.bind( window, 'mousemove', drag );
		dom.bind( window, 'mouseup', dragStop );
		return false;

	dom.bind( gui.__resize_handle, 'mousedown', dragStart );
	dom.bind( gui.__closeButton, 'mousedown', dragStart );
	gui.domElement.insertBefore( gui.__resize_handle, gui.domElement.firstElementChild );

function setWidth( gui, w ) { = w + 'px';
	if ( gui.__save_row && gui.autoPlace ) { = w + 'px';

	if ( gui.__closeButton ) { = w + 'px';


function getCurrentPreset( gui, useInitialValues ) {

	var toReturn = {};
	Common.each( gui.__rememberedObjects, function ( val, index ) {

		var savedValues = {};
		var controllerMap = gui.__rememberedObjectIndecesToControllers[ index ];
		Common.each( controllerMap, function ( controller, property ) {

			savedValues[ property ] = useInitialValues ? controller.initialValue : controller.getValue();

		} );
		toReturn[ index ] = savedValues;

	} );
	return toReturn;

function setPresetSelectIndex( gui ) {

	for ( var index = 0; index < gui.__preset_select.length; index ++ ) {

		if ( gui.__preset_select[ index ].value === gui.preset ) {

			gui.__preset_select.selectedIndex = index;



function updateDisplays( controllerArray ) {

	if ( controllerArray.length !== 0 ) {

		requestAnimationFrame$ window, function () {

			updateDisplays( controllerArray );

		} );

	Common.each( controllerArray, function ( c ) {


	} );


var color = {
	Color: Color,
	math: ColorMath,
	interpret: interpret
var controllers = {
	Controller: Controller,
	BooleanController: BooleanController,
	OptionController: OptionController,
	StringController: StringController,
	NumberController: NumberController,
	NumberControllerBox: NumberControllerBox,
	NumberControllerSlider: NumberControllerSlider,
	FunctionController: FunctionController,
	ColorController: ColorController
var dom$1 = { dom: dom };
var gui = { GUI: GUI };
var GUI$1 = GUI;
var index = {
	color: color,
	controllers: controllers,
	dom: dom$1,
	gui: gui,

export { color, controllers, dom$1 as dom, gui, GUI$1 as GUI };
export default index;