/** * @author Prashant Sharma / spidersharma03 * @author Ben Houston / bhouston, https://clara.io * * To avoid cube map seams, I create an extra pixel around each face. This way when the cube map is * sampled by an application later(with a little care by sampling the centre of the texel), the extra 1 border * of pixels makes sure that there is no seams artifacts present. This works perfectly for cubeUV format as * well where the 6 faces can be arranged in any manner whatsoever. * Code in the beginning of fragment shader's main function does this job for a given resolution. * Run Scene_PMREM_Test.html in the examples directory to see the sampling from the cube lods generated * by this class. */ import { DoubleSide, GammaEncoding, LinearEncoding, LinearFilter, LinearToneMapping, Mesh, NearestFilter, NoBlending, OrthographicCamera, PlaneBufferGeometry, Scene, ShaderMaterial, WebGLRenderTargetCube, sRGBEncoding } from "../../../build/three.module.js"; var PMREMGenerator = ( function () { var shader = getShader(); var camera = new OrthographicCamera( - 1, 1, 1, - 1, 0.0, 1000 ); var scene = new Scene(); var planeMesh = new Mesh( new PlaneBufferGeometry( 2, 2, 0 ), shader ); planeMesh.material.side = DoubleSide; scene.add( planeMesh ); scene.add( camera ); var PMREMGenerator = function ( sourceTexture, samplesPerLevel, resolution ) { this.sourceTexture = sourceTexture; this.resolution = ( resolution !== undefined ) ? resolution : 256; // NODE: 256 is currently hard coded in the glsl code for performance reasons this.samplesPerLevel = ( samplesPerLevel !== undefined ) ? samplesPerLevel : 32; var monotonicEncoding = ( this.sourceTexture.encoding === LinearEncoding ) || ( this.sourceTexture.encoding === GammaEncoding ) || ( this.sourceTexture.encoding === sRGBEncoding ); this.sourceTexture.minFilter = ( monotonicEncoding ) ? LinearFilter : NearestFilter; this.sourceTexture.magFilter = ( monotonicEncoding ) ? LinearFilter : NearestFilter; this.sourceTexture.generateMipmaps = this.sourceTexture.generateMipmaps && monotonicEncoding; this.cubeLods = []; var size = this.resolution; var params = { format: this.sourceTexture.format, magFilter: this.sourceTexture.magFilter, minFilter: this.sourceTexture.minFilter, type: this.sourceTexture.type, generateMipmaps: this.sourceTexture.generateMipmaps, anisotropy: this.sourceTexture.anisotropy, encoding: this.sourceTexture.encoding }; // how many LODs fit in the given CubeUV Texture. this.numLods = Math.log( size ) / Math.log( 2 ) - 2; // IE11 doesn't support Math.log2 for ( var i = 0; i < this.numLods; i ++ ) { var renderTarget = new WebGLRenderTargetCube( size, size, params ); renderTarget.texture.name = "PMREMGenerator.cube" + i; this.cubeLods.push( renderTarget ); size = Math.max( 16, size / 2 ); } }; PMREMGenerator.prototype = { constructor: PMREMGenerator, /* * Prashant Sharma / spidersharma03: More thought and work is needed here. * Right now it's a kind of a hack to use the previously convolved map to convolve the current one. * I tried to use the original map to convolve all the lods, but for many textures(specially the high frequency) * even a high number of samples(1024) dosen't lead to satisfactory results. * By using the previous convolved maps, a lower number of samples are generally sufficient(right now 32, which * gives okay results unless we see the reflection very carefully, or zoom in too much), however the math * goes wrong as the distribution function tries to sample a larger area than what it should be. So I simply scaled * the roughness by 0.9(totally empirical) to try to visually match the original result. * The condition "if(i <5)" is also an attemt to make the result match the original result. * This method requires the most amount of thinking I guess. Here is a paper which we could try to implement in future:: * https://developer.nvidia.com/gpugems/GPUGems3/gpugems3_ch20.html */ update: function ( renderer ) { // Texture should only be flipped for CubeTexture, not for // a Texture created via WebGLRenderTargetCube. var tFlip = ( this.sourceTexture.isCubeTexture ) ? - 1 : 1; shader.defines[ 'SAMPLES_PER_LEVEL' ] = this.samplesPerLevel; shader.uniforms[ 'faceIndex' ].value = 0; shader.uniforms[ 'envMap' ].value = this.sourceTexture; shader.envMap = this.sourceTexture; shader.needsUpdate = true; var gammaInput = renderer.gammaInput; var gammaOutput = renderer.gammaOutput; var toneMapping = renderer.toneMapping; var toneMappingExposure = renderer.toneMappingExposure; var currentRenderTarget = renderer.getRenderTarget(); renderer.toneMapping = LinearToneMapping; renderer.toneMappingExposure = 1.0; renderer.gammaInput = false; renderer.gammaOutput = false; for ( var i = 0; i < this.numLods; i ++ ) { var r = i / ( this.numLods - 1 ); shader.uniforms[ 'roughness' ].value = r * 0.9; // see comment above, pragmatic choice // Only apply the tFlip for the first LOD shader.uniforms[ 'tFlip' ].value = ( i == 0 ) ? tFlip : 1; var size = this.cubeLods[ i ].width; shader.uniforms[ 'mapSize' ].value = size; this.renderToCubeMapTarget( renderer, this.cubeLods[ i ] ); if ( i < 5 ) shader.uniforms[ 'envMap' ].value = this.cubeLods[ i ].texture; } renderer.setRenderTarget( currentRenderTarget ); renderer.toneMapping = toneMapping; renderer.toneMappingExposure = toneMappingExposure; renderer.gammaInput = gammaInput; renderer.gammaOutput = gammaOutput; }, renderToCubeMapTarget: function ( renderer, renderTarget ) { for ( var i = 0; i < 6; i ++ ) { this.renderToCubeMapTargetFace( renderer, renderTarget, i ); } }, renderToCubeMapTargetFace: function ( renderer, renderTarget, faceIndex ) { shader.uniforms[ 'faceIndex' ].value = faceIndex; renderer.setRenderTarget( renderTarget, faceIndex ); renderer.clear(); renderer.render( scene, camera ); }, dispose: function () { for ( var i = 0, l = this.cubeLods.length; i < l; i ++ ) { this.cubeLods[ i ].dispose(); } shader.dispose(); }, }; function getShader() { var shaderMaterial = new ShaderMaterial( { defines: { "SAMPLES_PER_LEVEL": 20, }, uniforms: { "faceIndex": { value: 0 }, "roughness": { value: 0.5 }, "mapSize": { value: 0.5 }, "envMap": { value: null }, "tFlip": { value: - 1 }, }, vertexShader: "varying vec2 vUv;\n\ void main() {\n\ vUv = uv;\n\ gl_Position = projectionMatrix * modelViewMatrix * vec4( position, 1.0 );\n\ }", fragmentShader: "#include <common>\n\ varying vec2 vUv;\n\ uniform int faceIndex;\n\ uniform float roughness;\n\ uniform samplerCube envMap;\n\ uniform float mapSize;\n\ uniform float tFlip;\n\ \n\ float GGXRoughnessToBlinnExponent( const in float ggxRoughness ) {\n\ float a = ggxRoughness + 0.0001;\n\ a *= a;\n\ return ( 2.0 / a - 2.0 );\n\ }\n\ vec3 ImportanceSamplePhong(vec2 uv, mat3 vecSpace, float specPow) {\n\ float phi = uv.y * 2.0 * PI;\n\ float cosTheta = pow(1.0 - uv.x, 1.0 / (specPow + 1.0));\n\ float sinTheta = sqrt(1.0 - cosTheta * cosTheta);\n\ vec3 sampleDir = vec3(cos(phi) * sinTheta, sin(phi) * sinTheta, cosTheta);\n\ return vecSpace * sampleDir;\n\ }\n\ vec3 ImportanceSampleGGX( vec2 uv, mat3 vecSpace, float Roughness )\n\ {\n\ float a = Roughness * Roughness;\n\ float Phi = 2.0 * PI * uv.x;\n\ float CosTheta = sqrt( (1.0 - uv.y) / ( 1.0 + (a*a - 1.0) * uv.y ) );\n\ float SinTheta = sqrt( 1.0 - CosTheta * CosTheta );\n\ return vecSpace * vec3(SinTheta * cos( Phi ), SinTheta * sin( Phi ), CosTheta);\n\ }\n\ mat3 matrixFromVector(vec3 n) {\n\ float a = 1.0 / (1.0 + n.z);\n\ float b = -n.x * n.y * a;\n\ vec3 b1 = vec3(1.0 - n.x * n.x * a, b, -n.x);\n\ vec3 b2 = vec3(b, 1.0 - n.y * n.y * a, -n.y);\n\ return mat3(b1, b2, n);\n\ }\n\ \n\ vec4 testColorMap(float Roughness) {\n\ vec4 color;\n\ if(faceIndex == 0)\n\ color = vec4(1.0,0.0,0.0,1.0);\n\ else if(faceIndex == 1)\n\ color = vec4(0.0,1.0,0.0,1.0);\n\ else if(faceIndex == 2)\n\ color = vec4(0.0,0.0,1.0,1.0);\n\ else if(faceIndex == 3)\n\ color = vec4(1.0,1.0,0.0,1.0);\n\ else if(faceIndex == 4)\n\ color = vec4(0.0,1.0,1.0,1.0);\n\ else\n\ color = vec4(1.0,0.0,1.0,1.0);\n\ color *= ( 1.0 - Roughness );\n\ return color;\n\ }\n\ void main() {\n\ vec3 sampleDirection;\n\ vec2 uv = vUv*2.0 - 1.0;\n\ float offset = -1.0/mapSize;\n\ const float a = -1.0;\n\ const float b = 1.0;\n\ float c = -1.0 + offset;\n\ float d = 1.0 - offset;\n\ float bminusa = b - a;\n\ uv.x = (uv.x - a)/bminusa * d - (uv.x - b)/bminusa * c;\n\ uv.y = (uv.y - a)/bminusa * d - (uv.y - b)/bminusa * c;\n\ if (faceIndex==0) {\n\ sampleDirection = vec3(1.0, -uv.y, -uv.x);\n\ } else if (faceIndex==1) {\n\ sampleDirection = vec3(-1.0, -uv.y, uv.x);\n\ } else if (faceIndex==2) {\n\ sampleDirection = vec3(uv.x, 1.0, uv.y);\n\ } else if (faceIndex==3) {\n\ sampleDirection = vec3(uv.x, -1.0, -uv.y);\n\ } else if (faceIndex==4) {\n\ sampleDirection = vec3(uv.x, -uv.y, 1.0);\n\ } else {\n\ sampleDirection = vec3(-uv.x, -uv.y, -1.0);\n\ }\n\ vec3 correctedDirection = vec3( tFlip * sampleDirection.x, sampleDirection.yz );\n\ mat3 vecSpace = matrixFromVector( normalize( correctedDirection ) );\n\ vec3 rgbColor = vec3(0.0);\n\ const int NumSamples = SAMPLES_PER_LEVEL;\n\ vec3 vect;\n\ float weight = 0.0;\n\ for( int i = 0; i < NumSamples; i ++ ) {\n\ float sini = sin(float(i));\n\ float cosi = cos(float(i));\n\ float r = rand(vec2(sini, cosi));\n\ vect = ImportanceSampleGGX(vec2(float(i) / float(NumSamples), r), vecSpace, roughness);\n\ float dotProd = dot(vect, normalize(sampleDirection));\n\ weight += dotProd;\n\ vec3 color = envMapTexelToLinear(textureCube(envMap, vect)).rgb;\n\ rgbColor.rgb += color;\n\ }\n\ rgbColor /= float(NumSamples);\n\ //rgbColor = testColorMap( roughness ).rgb;\n\ gl_FragColor = linearToOutputTexel( vec4( rgbColor, 1.0 ) );\n\ }", blending: NoBlending } ); shaderMaterial.type = 'PMREMGenerator'; return shaderMaterial; } return PMREMGenerator; } )(); export { PMREMGenerator };