- import { ref, computed } from 'vue'
- export default function useTable(proxy, opts, fields) {
- const treeData = ref([])
- const loading = ref(false)
- const tableData = computed(() => {
- const list = getFlatData(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(treeData.value)))
- return list.filter(item => item[fields])
- })
- const getFlatData = (data) => {
- let list = []
- for (const item of data) {
- const children = item.children
- delete item.children
- list.push(item)
- if(children){
- list = list.concat(getFlatData(children))
- }
- }
- return list
- }
- const getTreeDataCurRow = (data, row, treeDataCurRow) => {
- if(!row?.nodeCode || row.nodeCode === '0') {
- treeDataCurRow.value = { children: data }
- return
- }
- for (const item of data) {
- if(row.nodeCode === item.nodeCode){
- treeDataCurRow.value = item
- break
- }
- if(item.children){
- getTreeDataCurRow(item.children, row, treeDataCurRow)
- }
- }
- }
- const getTreeCurRow = (data, row) => {
- let treeDataCurRow = { value: {} }
- getTreeDataCurRow(data, row, treeDataCurRow)
- return treeDataCurRow.value
- }
- const setMergeData = (data) => {
- let length1 = 0
- let length2 = 0
- for (const item1 of data) {
- const children1 = item1.children || []
- const sum = getSum(children1)
- length1 += sum
- for (const item2 of children1) {
- const children2 = item2.children || []
- length2 += children2.length
- for (const item3 of children2) {
- item3.length1 = length1
- item3.sum1 = sum
- item3.length2 = length2
- item3.sum2 = children2.length
- }
- }
- }
- }
- const getSum = (data) => {
- let sum = 0
- for (const item of data) {
- const children = item.children || []
- for (const it of children) {
- sum++
- if(it.children) {
- getSum(it.children)
- }
- }
- }
- return sum
- }
- const handlePreview = (file) => {
- if(opts.type === 'view') return
- // window.open(file.url, '_blank')
- proxy.$modal
- .confirm(`下载此文件: ${file.name}?`)
- .then(() => {
- window.open(file.url)
- })
- }
- const uploadSuccess = (file, row) => {
- const treeDataCurRow = getTreeCurRow(treeData.value, row)
- treeDataCurRow.fileSaveRequestList.push(file)
- }
- const removeFile = (file, row) => {
- proxy.$modal
- .confirm("是否确认删除?")
- .then(() => {
- const treeDataCurRow = getTreeCurRow(treeData.value, row)
- const index = treeDataCurRow.fileSaveRequestList.findIndex(it => it.url === file.url)
- treeDataCurRow.fileSaveRequestList.splice(index, 1)
- })
- }
- return {
- treeData,
- loading,
- tableData,
- getTreeCurRow,
- setMergeData,
- getSum,
- handlePreview,
- uploadSuccess,
- removeFile
- }
- }