XinYang_IOS / build / Debug-iphoneos / OpenVPNAdapter / OpenVPNAdapter.framework / Headers / OpenVPNAdapterImpl.h
@zhangfeng zhangfeng on 7 Dec 2023 6 KB 1.9.0
//  OpenVPNAdapter.h
//  OpenVPN Adapter
//  Created by Sergey Abramchuk on 11.02.17.

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>


typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, OpenVPNAdapterEvent);

@class NEPacketTunnelFlow;
@class NEPacketTunnelNetworkSettings;

@protocol OpenVPNAdapterPacketFlow;

@class OpenVPNAdapter;
@class OpenVPNConfiguration;
@class OpenVPNConnectionInfo;
@class OpenVPNCredentials;
@class OpenVPNInterfaceStats;
@class OpenVPNConfigurationEvaluation;
@class OpenVPNTransportStats;
@class OpenVPNSessionToken;

@protocol OpenVPNAdapterDelegate <NSObject>

 This method is called once the network settings to be used have been established.
 The receiver should call the completion handler once these settings have been set, returning a NEPacketTunnelFlow object for
 the TUN interface, or nil if an error occurred.
 @param openVPNAdapter The OpenVPNAdapter instance requesting this information.
 @param networkSettings The NEPacketTunnelNetworkSettings to be used for the tunnel. Provides nil to clear out the network settings.
 @param completionHandler The completion handler to be called with a NEPacketTunnelFlow object, or nil if an error occurred or the network settings were cleared out.
- (void)openVPNAdapter:(OpenVPNAdapter *)openVPNAdapter
configureTunnelWithNetworkSettings:(nullable NEPacketTunnelNetworkSettings *)networkSettings
                 completionHandler:(void (^)(NSError * _Nullable error))completionHandler

 Informs the receiver that an OpenVPN error has occurred.
 Some errors are fatal and should trigger the diconnection of the tunnel, check for fatal errors with the
 @param openVPNAdapter The OpenVPNAdapter instance which encountered the error.
 @param error The error which has occurred.
- (void)openVPNAdapter:(OpenVPNAdapter *)openVPNAdapter handleError:(NSError *)error;

 Informs the receiver that an OpenVPN event has occurred.

 @param openVPNAdapter The OpenVPNAdapter instance which encountered the event.
 @param event The event which has occurred.
 @param message An accompanying message, may be nil.
- (void)openVPNAdapter:(OpenVPNAdapter *)openVPNAdapter
               message:(nullable NSString *)message 


 Informs the receiver that an OpenVPN message has been logged.
 @param openVPNAdapter The OpenVPNAdapter instance which encountered the log message.
 @param logMessage The log message.
- (void)openVPNAdapter:(OpenVPNAdapter *)openVPNAdapter handleLogMessage:(NSString *)logMessage;

 Informs the receiver that a clock tick has occurred.
 Clock ticks can be configured with an OpenVPNConfiguration object.
 @param openVPNAdapter The OpenVPNAdapter instance which encountered the clock tick.
- (void)openVPNAdapterDidReceiveClockTick:(OpenVPNAdapter *)openVPNAdapter;


@interface OpenVPNAdapter : NSObject

 The OpenVPN core copyright message.
@property (nonatomic, class, readonly) NSString *copyright;

 The OpenVPN platform.
@property (nonatomic, class, readonly) NSString *platform;

 The object that acts as the delegate of the adapter.
@property (nonatomic, weak) id<OpenVPNAdapterDelegate> delegate;

 The session name, nil unless the tunnel is connected.
@property (nonatomic, nullable, readonly) NSString *sessionName;

 The connection information, nil unless the tunnel is connected.
@property (nonatomic, nullable, readonly) OpenVPNConnectionInfo *connectionInformation;

 The interface statistics.
@property (nonatomic, readonly) OpenVPNInterfaceStats *interfaceStatistics;

 The session token, nil unless the tunnel is connected.
@property (nonatomic, nullable, readonly) OpenVPNSessionToken *sessionToken;

 The transport statistics.
@property (nonatomic, readonly) OpenVPNTransportStats *transportStatistics;

 Evaluate the given configuration object and determine needed credentials.

 @param configuration The configuration object.
 @param error If there is an error applying the configuration, upon return contains an error object that describes the problem.
 @return An object describing the configuration which has been evaluated.
+ (nullable OpenVPNConfigurationEvaluation *)evaluateConfiguration:(OpenVPNConfiguration *)configuration
                                                             error:(NSError **)error

 Applies the given configuration object.
 Call this method prior to connecting, this method has no effect after calling connect.

 @param configuration The configuration object.
 @param error If there is an error applying the configuration, upon return contains an error object that describes the problem.
 @return An object describing the configuration which has been applied.
- (nullable OpenVPNConfigurationEvaluation *)applyConfiguration:(OpenVPNConfiguration *)configuration
                                             error:(NSError **)error

 Provides credentials to the receiver.

 @param credentials The credentials object.
 @param error If there is an error providing the credentials, upon return contains an error object that describes the problem.
 @return Returns YES if this method was successful, otherwise NO.
- (BOOL)provideCredentials:(OpenVPNCredentials *)credentials error:(NSError **)error NS_SWIFT_NAME(provide(credentials:));

 Starts the tunnel.
 @param packetFlow The object implementing OpenVPNAdapterPacketFlow protocol.
- (void)connectUsingPacketFlow:(id<OpenVPNAdapterPacketFlow>)packetFlow NS_SWIFT_NAME(connect(using:));

 Pauses the tunnel.

 @param reason The reason for pausing the tunnel.
- (void)pauseWithReason:(NSString *)reason NS_SWIFT_NAME(pause(withReason:));

 Resumes the connection.
- (void)resume;

 Reconnects after a given time period, perhaps due to an interface change.

 @param timeInterval The time interval to wait before reconnecting.
- (void)reconnectAfterTimeInterval:(NSTimeInterval)timeInterval NS_SWIFT_NAME(reconnect(afterTimeInterval:));

 Disconnect from the tunnel.
- (void)disconnect;
