XinYang_IOS / Pods / MBProgressHUD / MBProgressHUD.h
@zhangfeng zhangfeng on 7 Dec 2023 17 KB 1.8.0
//  MBProgressHUD.h
//  Version 0.9.2
//  Created by Matej Bukovinski on 2.4.09.

// This code is distributed under the terms and conditions of the MIT license. 

// Copyright (c) 2009-2015 Matej Bukovinski
// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy
// of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
// in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
// to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
// copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
// furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
// all copies or substantial portions of the Software.

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>
#import <CoreGraphics/CoreGraphics.h>

@protocol MBProgressHUDDelegate;

typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, MBProgressHUDMode) {
	/** Progress is shown using an UIActivityIndicatorView. This is the default. */
	/** Progress is shown using a round, pie-chart like, progress view. */
	/** Progress is shown using a horizontal progress bar */
	/** Progress is shown using a ring-shaped progress view. */
	/** Shows a custom view */
	/** Shows only labels */

typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, MBProgressHUDAnimation) {
	/** Opacity animation */
	/** Opacity + scale animation */
	MBProgressHUDAnimationZoomOut = MBProgressHUDAnimationZoom,

#if __has_feature(objc_instancetype)
	#define MB_INSTANCETYPE instancetype

#ifndef MB_STRONG
#if __has_feature(objc_arc)
	#define MB_STRONG strong
	#define MB_STRONG retain

#ifndef MB_WEAK
#if __has_feature(objc_arc_weak)
	#define MB_WEAK weak
#elif __has_feature(objc_arc)
	#define MB_WEAK unsafe_unretained
	#define MB_WEAK assign

typedef void (^MBProgressHUDCompletionBlock)();

 * Displays a simple HUD window containing a progress indicator and two optional labels for short messages.
 * This is a simple drop-in class for displaying a progress HUD view similar to Apple's private UIProgressHUD class.
 * The MBProgressHUD window spans over the entire space given to it by the initWithFrame constructor and catches all
 * user input on this region, thereby preventing the user operations on components below the view. The HUD itself is
 * drawn centered as a rounded semi-transparent view which resizes depending on the user specified content.
 * This view supports four modes of operation:
 *  - MBProgressHUDModeIndeterminate - shows a UIActivityIndicatorView
 *  - MBProgressHUDModeDeterminate - shows a custom round progress indicator
 *  - MBProgressHUDModeAnnularDeterminate - shows a custom annular progress indicator
 *  - MBProgressHUDModeCustomView - shows an arbitrary, user specified view (see `customView`)
 * All three modes can have optional labels assigned:
 *  - If the labelText property is set and non-empty then a label containing the provided content is placed below the
 *    indicator view.
 *  - If also the detailsLabelText property is set then another label is placed below the first label.
@interface MBProgressHUD : UIView

 * Creates a new HUD, adds it to provided view and shows it. The counterpart to this method is hideHUDForView:animated:.
 * @note This method sets `removeFromSuperViewOnHide`. The HUD will automatically be removed from the view hierarchy when hidden.
 * @param view The view that the HUD will be added to
 * @param animated If set to YES the HUD will appear using the current animationType. If set to NO the HUD will not use
 * animations while appearing.
 * @return A reference to the created HUD.
 * @see hideHUDForView:animated:
 * @see animationType
+ (MB_INSTANCETYPE)showHUDAddedTo:(UIView *)view animated:(BOOL)animated;

 * Finds the top-most HUD subview and hides it. The counterpart to this method is showHUDAddedTo:animated:.
 * @note This method sets `removeFromSuperViewOnHide`. The HUD will automatically be removed from the view hierarchy when hidden.
 * @param view The view that is going to be searched for a HUD subview.
 * @param animated If set to YES the HUD will disappear using the current animationType. If set to NO the HUD will not use
 * animations while disappearing.
 * @return YES if a HUD was found and removed, NO otherwise.
 * @see showHUDAddedTo:animated:
 * @see animationType
+ (BOOL)hideHUDForView:(UIView *)view animated:(BOOL)animated;

 * Finds all the HUD subviews and hides them. 
 * @note This method sets `removeFromSuperViewOnHide`. The HUDs will automatically be removed from the view hierarchy when hidden.
 * @param view The view that is going to be searched for HUD subviews.
 * @param animated If set to YES the HUDs will disappear using the current animationType. If set to NO the HUDs will not use
 * animations while disappearing.
 * @return the number of HUDs found and removed.
 * @see hideHUDForView:animated:
 * @see animationType
+ (NSUInteger)hideAllHUDsForView:(UIView *)view animated:(BOOL)animated;

 * Finds the top-most HUD subview and returns it. 
 * @param view The view that is going to be searched.
 * @return A reference to the last HUD subview discovered.
+ (MB_INSTANCETYPE)HUDForView:(UIView *)view;

 * Finds all HUD subviews and returns them.
 * @param view The view that is going to be searched.
 * @return All found HUD views (array of MBProgressHUD objects).
+ (NSArray *)allHUDsForView:(UIView *)view;

 * A convenience constructor that initializes the HUD with the window's bounds. Calls the designated constructor with
 * window.bounds as the parameter.
 * @param window The window instance that will provide the bounds for the HUD. Should be the same instance as
 * the HUD's superview (i.e., the window that the HUD will be added to).
- (id)initWithWindow:(UIWindow *)window;

 * A convenience constructor that initializes the HUD with the view's bounds. Calls the designated constructor with
 * view.bounds as the parameter
 * @param view The view instance that will provide the bounds for the HUD. Should be the same instance as
 * the HUD's superview (i.e., the view that the HUD will be added to).
- (id)initWithView:(UIView *)view;

 * Display the HUD. You need to make sure that the main thread completes its run loop soon after this method call so
 * the user interface can be updated. Call this method when your task is already set-up to be executed in a new thread
 * (e.g., when using something like NSOperation or calling an asynchronous call like NSURLRequest).
 * @param animated If set to YES the HUD will appear using the current animationType. If set to NO the HUD will not use
 * animations while appearing.
 * @see animationType
- (void)show:(BOOL)animated;

 * Hide the HUD. This still calls the hudWasHidden: delegate. This is the counterpart of the show: method. Use it to
 * hide the HUD when your task completes.
 * @param animated If set to YES the HUD will disappear using the current animationType. If set to NO the HUD will not use
 * animations while disappearing.
 * @see animationType
- (void)hide:(BOOL)animated;

 * Hide the HUD after a delay. This still calls the hudWasHidden: delegate. This is the counterpart of the show: method. Use it to
 * hide the HUD when your task completes.
 * @param animated If set to YES the HUD will disappear using the current animationType. If set to NO the HUD will not use
 * animations while disappearing.
 * @param delay Delay in seconds until the HUD is hidden.
 * @see animationType
- (void)hide:(BOOL)animated afterDelay:(NSTimeInterval)delay;

 * Shows the HUD while a background task is executing in a new thread, then hides the HUD.
 * This method also takes care of autorelease pools so your method does not have to be concerned with setting up a
 * pool.
 * @param method The method to be executed while the HUD is shown. This method will be executed in a new thread.
 * @param target The object that the target method belongs to.
 * @param object An optional object to be passed to the method.
 * @param animated If set to YES the HUD will (dis)appear using the current animationType. If set to NO the HUD will not use
 * animations while (dis)appearing.
- (void)showWhileExecuting:(SEL)method onTarget:(id)target withObject:(id)object animated:(BOOL)animated;


 * Shows the HUD while a block is executing on a background queue, then hides the HUD.
 * @see showAnimated:whileExecutingBlock:onQueue:completionBlock:
- (void)showAnimated:(BOOL)animated whileExecutingBlock:(dispatch_block_t)block;

 * Shows the HUD while a block is executing on a background queue, then hides the HUD.
 * @see showAnimated:whileExecutingBlock:onQueue:completionBlock:
- (void)showAnimated:(BOOL)animated whileExecutingBlock:(dispatch_block_t)block completionBlock:(MBProgressHUDCompletionBlock)completion;

 * Shows the HUD while a block is executing on the specified dispatch queue, then hides the HUD.
 * @see showAnimated:whileExecutingBlock:onQueue:completionBlock:
- (void)showAnimated:(BOOL)animated whileExecutingBlock:(dispatch_block_t)block onQueue:(dispatch_queue_t)queue;

 * Shows the HUD while a block is executing on the specified dispatch queue, executes completion block on the main queue, and then hides the HUD.
 * @param animated If set to YES the HUD will (dis)appear using the current animationType. If set to NO the HUD will
 * not use animations while (dis)appearing.
 * @param block The block to be executed while the HUD is shown.
 * @param queue The dispatch queue on which the block should be executed.
 * @param completion The block to be executed on completion.
 * @see completionBlock
- (void)showAnimated:(BOOL)animated whileExecutingBlock:(dispatch_block_t)block onQueue:(dispatch_queue_t)queue

 * A block that gets called after the HUD was completely hidden.
@property (copy) MBProgressHUDCompletionBlock completionBlock;


 * MBProgressHUD operation mode. The default is MBProgressHUDModeIndeterminate.
 * @see MBProgressHUDMode
@property (assign) MBProgressHUDMode mode;

 * The animation type that should be used when the HUD is shown and hidden. 
 * @see MBProgressHUDAnimation
@property (assign) MBProgressHUDAnimation animationType;

 * The UIView (e.g., a UIImageView) to be shown when the HUD is in MBProgressHUDModeCustomView.
 * For best results use a 37 by 37 pixel view (so the bounds match the built in indicator bounds). 
@property (MB_STRONG) UIView *customView;

 * The HUD delegate object. 
 * @see MBProgressHUDDelegate
@property (MB_WEAK) id<MBProgressHUDDelegate> delegate;

 * An optional short message to be displayed below the activity indicator. The HUD is automatically resized to fit
 * the entire text. If the text is too long it will get clipped by displaying "..." at the end. If left unchanged or
 * set to @"", then no message is displayed.
@property (copy) NSString *labelText;

 * An optional details message displayed below the labelText message. This message is displayed only if the labelText
 * property is also set and is different from an empty string (@""). The details text can span multiple lines. 
@property (copy) NSString *detailsLabelText;

 * The opacity of the HUD window. Defaults to 0.8 (80% opacity). 
@property (assign) float opacity;

 * The color of the HUD window. Defaults to black. If this property is set, color is set using
 * this UIColor and the opacity property is not used.  using retain because performing copy on
 * UIColor base colors (like [UIColor greenColor]) cause problems with the copyZone.
@property (MB_STRONG) UIColor *color;

 * The x-axis offset of the HUD relative to the centre of the superview. 
@property (assign) float xOffset;

 * The y-axis offset of the HUD relative to the centre of the superview. 
@property (assign) float yOffset;

 * The amount of space between the HUD edge and the HUD elements (labels, indicators or custom views). 
 * Defaults to 20.0
@property (assign) float margin;

 * The corner radius for the HUD
 * Defaults to 10.0
@property (assign) float cornerRadius;

 * Cover the HUD background view with a radial gradient. 
@property (assign) BOOL dimBackground;

 * Grace period is the time (in seconds) that the invoked method may be run without 
 * showing the HUD. If the task finishes before the grace time runs out, the HUD will
 * not be shown at all. 
 * This may be used to prevent HUD display for very short tasks.
 * Defaults to 0 (no grace time).
 * Grace time functionality is only supported when the task status is known!
 * @see taskInProgress
@property (assign) float graceTime;

 * The minimum time (in seconds) that the HUD is shown. 
 * This avoids the problem of the HUD being shown and than instantly hidden.
 * Defaults to 0 (no minimum show time).
@property (assign) float minShowTime;

 * Indicates that the executed operation is in progress. Needed for correct graceTime operation.
 * If you don't set a graceTime (different than 0.0) this does nothing.
 * This property is automatically set when using showWhileExecuting:onTarget:withObject:animated:.
 * When threading is done outside of the HUD (i.e., when the show: and hide: methods are used directly),
 * you need to set this property when your task starts and completes in order to have normal graceTime 
 * functionality.
@property (assign) BOOL taskInProgress;

 * Removes the HUD from its parent view when hidden. 
 * Defaults to NO. 
@property (assign) BOOL removeFromSuperViewOnHide;

 * Font to be used for the main label. Set this property if the default is not adequate. 
@property (MB_STRONG) UIFont* labelFont;

 * Color to be used for the main label. Set this property if the default is not adequate.
@property (MB_STRONG) UIColor* labelColor;

 * Font to be used for the details label. Set this property if the default is not adequate.
@property (MB_STRONG) UIFont* detailsLabelFont;

 * Color to be used for the details label. Set this property if the default is not adequate.
@property (MB_STRONG) UIColor* detailsLabelColor;

 * The color of the activity indicator. Defaults to [UIColor whiteColor]
 * Does nothing on pre iOS 5.
@property (MB_STRONG) UIColor *activityIndicatorColor;

 * The progress of the progress indicator, from 0.0 to 1.0. Defaults to 0.0. 
@property (assign) float progress;

 * The minimum size of the HUD bezel. Defaults to CGSizeZero (no minimum size).
@property (assign) CGSize minSize;

 * The actual size of the HUD bezel.
 * You can use this to limit touch handling on the bezel area only.
 * @see
@property (atomic, assign, readonly) CGSize size;

 * Force the HUD dimensions to be equal if possible. 
@property (assign, getter = isSquare) BOOL square;


@protocol MBProgressHUDDelegate <NSObject>


 * Called after the HUD was fully hidden from the screen. 
- (void)hudWasHidden:(MBProgressHUD *)hud;


 * A progress view for showing definite progress by filling up a circle (pie chart).
@interface MBRoundProgressView : UIView 

 * Progress (0.0 to 1.0)
@property (nonatomic, assign) float progress;

 * Indicator progress color.
 * Defaults to white [UIColor whiteColor]
@property (nonatomic, MB_STRONG) UIColor *progressTintColor;

 * Indicator background (non-progress) color.
 * Defaults to translucent white (alpha 0.1)
@property (nonatomic, MB_STRONG) UIColor *backgroundTintColor;

 * Display mode - NO = round or YES = annular. Defaults to round.
@property (nonatomic, assign, getter = isAnnular) BOOL annular;


 * A flat bar progress view. 
@interface MBBarProgressView : UIView

 * Progress (0.0 to 1.0)
@property (nonatomic, assign) float progress;

 * Bar border line color.
 * Defaults to white [UIColor whiteColor].
@property (nonatomic, MB_STRONG) UIColor *lineColor;

 * Bar background color.
 * Defaults to clear [UIColor clearColor];
@property (nonatomic, MB_STRONG) UIColor *progressRemainingColor;

 * Bar progress color.
 * Defaults to white [UIColor whiteColor].
@property (nonatomic, MB_STRONG) UIColor *progressColor;
