XinYang_IOS / Pods / PgyUpdate / PgySDK / sdk / PgyUpdate.framework / Headers / PgyUpdateManager.h
@zhangfeng zhangfeng on 7 Dec 2023 1 KB 1.8.0
//  PgyUpdateManager.h
//  Pods
//  Created by Scott Lei on 15/9/16.

#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>

@interface PgyUpdateManager : NSObject

+ (PgyUpdateManager *)sharedPgyManager;

 *  Start update manager.
 *  @param appId App ID,you will find it in the website.
- (void)startManagerWithAppId:(NSString *)appId;

 *  Check is there new version that developer uploaded. 
 *  If a new version has been uploaded, user will be prompted to download new version after this 
 *  method was called.
- (void)checkUpdate;

 *  Check is there new version with customized delegate method.
 *  @param delegate Delegate of checkupdate.
 *  @param updateMethodWithDictionary When checkUpdateWithDelegete was called, this delegate method 
 *  will be called, the dicitonary which coantains version information will be passed to this method also.
 *  If there isn't new version ,the dictionary will be null.
- (void)checkUpdateWithDelegete:(id)delegate selector:(SEL)updateMethodWithDictionary;
