XinYang_SanWei+RongYun / public / static / Cesium / Workers / PolylinePipeline-f937854b.js
@raoxianxuan raoxianxuan on 21 Dec 2021 23 KB gis
 * Cesium -
 * Copyright 2011-2020 Cesium Contributors
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
 * Columbus View (Pat. Pend.)
 * Portions licensed separately.
 * See for full licensing details.
define(['exports', './when-8d13db60', './Check-70bec281', './Math-61ede240', './Cartographic-f2a06374', './Cartesian2-16a61632', './BoundingSphere-d018a565', './IntersectionTests-813bb943', './Plane-aa6c3ce5', './EllipsoidRhumbLine-87f26cac', './EllipsoidGeodesic-9ef071e0'], function (exports, when, Check, _Math, Cartographic, Cartesian2, BoundingSphere, IntersectionTests, Plane, EllipsoidRhumbLine, EllipsoidGeodesic) { 'use strict';

         * @private
        var PolylinePipeline = {};

        PolylinePipeline.numberOfPoints = function(p0, p1, minDistance) {
            var distance = Cartographic.Cartesian3.distance(p0, p1);
            return Math.ceil(distance / minDistance);

        PolylinePipeline.numberOfPointsRhumbLine = function(p0, p1, granularity) {
            var radiansDistanceSquared = Math.pow((p0.longitude - p1.longitude), 2) + Math.pow((p0.latitude - p1.latitude), 2);
            return Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(radiansDistanceSquared / (granularity * granularity)));

        var cartoScratch = new Cartographic.Cartographic();
        PolylinePipeline.extractHeights = function(positions, ellipsoid) {
            var length = positions.length;
            var heights = new Array(length);
            for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
                var p = positions[i];
                heights[i] = ellipsoid.cartesianToCartographic(p, cartoScratch).height;
            return heights;

        var wrapLongitudeInversMatrix = new BoundingSphere.Matrix4();
        var wrapLongitudeOrigin = new Cartographic.Cartesian3();
        var wrapLongitudeXZNormal = new Cartographic.Cartesian3();
        var wrapLongitudeXZPlane = new Plane.Plane(Cartographic.Cartesian3.UNIT_X, 0.0);
        var wrapLongitudeYZNormal = new Cartographic.Cartesian3();
        var wrapLongitudeYZPlane = new Plane.Plane(Cartographic.Cartesian3.UNIT_X, 0.0);
        var wrapLongitudeIntersection = new Cartographic.Cartesian3();
        var wrapLongitudeOffset = new Cartographic.Cartesian3();

        var subdivideHeightsScratchArray = [];

        function subdivideHeights(numPoints, h0, h1) {
            var heights = subdivideHeightsScratchArray;
            heights.length = numPoints;

            var i;
            if (h0 === h1) {
                for (i = 0; i < numPoints; i++) {
                    heights[i] = h0;
                return heights;

            var dHeight = h1 - h0;
            var heightPerVertex = dHeight / numPoints;

            for (i = 0; i < numPoints; i++) {
                var h = h0 + i*heightPerVertex;
                heights[i] = h;

            return heights;

        function subdivideHeightsBySin(numPoints, hMax) {
            var heights = subdivideHeightsScratchArray;
            heights.length = numPoints;

            for (var i = 0; i < numPoints; i++) {
                heights[i] = hMax * Math.sin(Math.PI * i/numPoints);

            return heights;

        var carto1 = new Cartographic.Cartographic();
        var carto2 = new Cartographic.Cartographic();
        var cartesian = new Cartographic.Cartesian3();
        var scaleFirst = new Cartographic.Cartesian3();
        var scaleLast = new Cartographic.Cartesian3();
        var ellipsoidGeodesic = new EllipsoidGeodesic.EllipsoidGeodesic();
        var ellipsoidRhumb = new EllipsoidRhumbLine.EllipsoidRhumbLine();

        //Returns subdivided line scaled to ellipsoid surface starting at p1 and ending at p2.
        //Result includes p1, but not include p2.  This function is called for a sequence of line segments,
        //and this prevents duplication of end point.
        function generateCartesianArc(p0, p1, minDistance, ellipsoid, h0, h1, array, offset, hMax) {
            var first = ellipsoid.scaleToGeodeticSurface(p0, scaleFirst);
            var last = ellipsoid.scaleToGeodeticSurface(p1, scaleLast);
            var numPoints = PolylinePipeline.numberOfPoints(p0, p1, minDistance);
            var start = ellipsoid.cartesianToCartographic(first, carto1);
            var end = ellipsoid.cartesianToCartographic(last, carto2);
            var heights = subdivideHeights(numPoints, h0, h1);
            if(hMax >0.0){
                heights = subdivideHeightsBySin(numPoints, hMax);

            ellipsoidGeodesic.setEndPoints(start, end);
            var surfaceDistanceBetweenPoints = ellipsoidGeodesic.surfaceDistance / numPoints;

            var index = offset;
            start.height = h0;
            var cart = ellipsoid.cartographicToCartesian(start, cartesian);
            Cartographic.Cartesian3.pack(cart, array, index);
            index += 3;

            for (var i = 1; i < numPoints; i++) {
                var carto = ellipsoidGeodesic.interpolateUsingSurfaceDistance(i * surfaceDistanceBetweenPoints, carto2);
                carto.height = heights[i];
                cart = ellipsoid.cartographicToCartesian(carto, cartesian);
                Cartographic.Cartesian3.pack(cart, array, index);
                index += 3;

            return index;

        //Returns subdivided line scaled to ellipsoid surface starting at p1 and ending at p2.
        //Result includes p1, but not include p2.  This function is called for a sequence of line segments,
        //and this prevents duplication of end point.
        function generateCartesianRhumbArc(p0, p1, granularity, ellipsoid, h0, h1, array, offset) {
            var first = ellipsoid.scaleToGeodeticSurface(p0, scaleFirst);
            var last = ellipsoid.scaleToGeodeticSurface(p1, scaleLast);
            var start = ellipsoid.cartesianToCartographic(first, carto1);
            var end = ellipsoid.cartesianToCartographic(last, carto2);

            var numPoints = PolylinePipeline.numberOfPointsRhumbLine(start, end, granularity);
            var heights = subdivideHeights(numPoints, h0, h1);

            if (!ellipsoidRhumb.ellipsoid.equals(ellipsoid)) {
                ellipsoidRhumb = new EllipsoidRhumbLine.EllipsoidRhumbLine(undefined, undefined, ellipsoid);
            ellipsoidRhumb.setEndPoints(start, end);
            var surfaceDistanceBetweenPoints = ellipsoidRhumb.surfaceDistance / numPoints;

            var index = offset;
            start.height = h0;
            var cart = ellipsoid.cartographicToCartesian(start, cartesian);
            Cartographic.Cartesian3.pack(cart, array, index);
            index += 3;

            for (var i = 1; i < numPoints; i++) {
                var carto = ellipsoidRhumb.interpolateUsingSurfaceDistance(i * surfaceDistanceBetweenPoints, carto2);
                carto.height = heights[i];
                cart = ellipsoid.cartographicToCartesian(carto, cartesian);
                Cartographic.Cartesian3.pack(cart, array, index);
                index += 3;

            return index;

         * Breaks a {@link Polyline} into segments such that it does not cross the &plusmn;180 degree meridian of an ellipsoid.
         * @param {Cartesian3[]} positions The polyline's Cartesian positions.
         * @param {Matrix4} [modelMatrix=Matrix4.IDENTITY] The polyline's model matrix. Assumed to be an affine
         * transformation matrix, where the upper left 3x3 elements are a rotation matrix, and
         * the upper three elements in the fourth column are the translation.  The bottom row is assumed to be [0, 0, 0, 1].
         * The matrix is not verified to be in the proper form.
         * @returns {Object} An object with a <code>positions</code> property that is an array of positions and a
         * <code>segments</code> property.
         * @example
         * var polylines = new Cesium.PolylineCollection();
         * var polyline = polylines.add(...);
         * var positions = polyline.positions;
         * var modelMatrix = polylines.modelMatrix;
         * var segments = Cesium.PolylinePipeline.wrapLongitude(positions, modelMatrix);
         * @see PolygonPipeline.wrapLongitude
         * @see Polyline
         * @see PolylineCollection
        PolylinePipeline.wrapLongitude = function(positions, modelMatrix) {
            var cartesians = [];
            var segments = [];

            if (when.defined(positions) && positions.length > 0) {
                modelMatrix = when.defaultValue(modelMatrix, BoundingSphere.Matrix4.IDENTITY);
                var inverseModelMatrix = BoundingSphere.Matrix4.inverseTransformation(modelMatrix, wrapLongitudeInversMatrix);

                var origin = BoundingSphere.Matrix4.multiplyByPoint(inverseModelMatrix, Cartographic.Cartesian3.ZERO, wrapLongitudeOrigin);
                var xzNormal = Cartographic.Cartesian3.normalize(BoundingSphere.Matrix4.multiplyByPointAsVector(inverseModelMatrix, Cartographic.Cartesian3.UNIT_Y, wrapLongitudeXZNormal), wrapLongitudeXZNormal);
                var xzPlane = Plane.Plane.fromPointNormal(origin, xzNormal, wrapLongitudeXZPlane);
                var yzNormal = Cartographic.Cartesian3.normalize(BoundingSphere.Matrix4.multiplyByPointAsVector(inverseModelMatrix, Cartographic.Cartesian3.UNIT_X, wrapLongitudeYZNormal), wrapLongitudeYZNormal);
                var yzPlane = Plane.Plane.fromPointNormal(origin, yzNormal, wrapLongitudeYZPlane);

                var count = 1;
                var prev = cartesians[0];

                var length = positions.length;
                for (var i = 1; i < length; ++i) {
                    var cur = positions[i];

                    // intersects the IDL if either endpoint is on the negative side of the yz-plane
                    if (Plane.Plane.getPointDistance(yzPlane, prev) < 0.0 || Plane.Plane.getPointDistance(yzPlane, cur) < 0.0) {
                        // and intersects the xz-plane
                        var intersection = IntersectionTests.IntersectionTests.lineSegmentPlane(prev, cur, xzPlane, wrapLongitudeIntersection);
                        if (when.defined(intersection)) {
                            // move point on the xz-plane slightly away from the plane
                            var offset = Cartographic.Cartesian3.multiplyByScalar(xzNormal, 5.0e-9, wrapLongitudeOffset);
                            if (Plane.Plane.getPointDistance(xzPlane, prev) < 0.0) {
                                Cartographic.Cartesian3.negate(offset, offset);

                            cartesians.push(Cartographic.Cartesian3.add(intersection, offset, new Cartographic.Cartesian3()));
                            segments.push(count + 1);

                            Cartographic.Cartesian3.negate(offset, offset);
                            cartesians.push(Cartographic.Cartesian3.add(intersection, offset, new Cartographic.Cartesian3()));
                            count = 1;


                    prev = cur;


            return {
                positions : cartesians,
                lengths : segments

         * Subdivides polyline and raises all points to the specified height.  Returns an array of numbers to represent the positions.
         * @param {Object} options Object with the following properties:
         * @param {Cartesian3[]} options.positions The array of type {Cartesian3} representing positions.
         * @param {Number|Number[]} [options.height=0.0] A number or array of numbers representing the heights of each position.
         * @param {Number} [options.granularity = CesiumMath.RADIANS_PER_DEGREE] The distance, in radians, between each latitude and longitude. Determines the number of positions in the buffer.
         * @param {Ellipsoid} [options.ellipsoid=Ellipsoid.WGS84] The ellipsoid on which the positions lie.
         * @returns {Number[]} A new array of positions of type {Number} that have been subdivided and raised to the surface of the ellipsoid.
         * @example
         * var positions = Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegreesArray([
         *   -105.0, 40.0,
         *   -100.0, 38.0,
         *   -105.0, 35.0,
         *   -100.0, 32.0
         * ]);
         * var surfacePositions = Cesium.PolylinePipeline.generateArc({
         *   positons: positions
         * });
        PolylinePipeline.generateArc = function(options) {
            if (!when.defined(options)) {
                options = {};
            var positions = options.positions;
            //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
            if (!when.defined(positions)) {
                throw new Check.DeveloperError('options.positions is required.');

            var length = positions.length;
            var ellipsoid = when.defaultValue(options.ellipsoid, Cartesian2.Ellipsoid.WGS84);
            var height = when.defaultValue(options.height, 0);
            var hasHeightArray = Array.isArray(height);

            if (length < 1) {
                return [];
            } else if (length === 1) {
                var p = ellipsoid.scaleToGeodeticSurface(positions[0], scaleFirst);
                height = hasHeightArray ? height[0] : height;
                if (height !== 0) {
                    var n = ellipsoid.geodeticSurfaceNormal(p, cartesian);
                    Cartographic.Cartesian3.multiplyByScalar(n, height, n);
                    Cartographic.Cartesian3.add(p, n, p);

                return [p.x, p.y, p.z];

            var minDistance = options.minDistance;
            if (!when.defined(minDistance)) {
                var granularity = when.defaultValue(options.granularity, _Math.CesiumMath.RADIANS_PER_DEGREE);
                minDistance = _Math.CesiumMath.chordLength(granularity, ellipsoid.maximumRadius);

            var numPoints = 0;
            var i;

            for (i = 0; i < length -1; i++) {
                numPoints += PolylinePipeline.numberOfPoints(positions[i], positions[i+1], minDistance);

            var hMax = options.hMax;

            var arrayLength = (numPoints + 1) * 3;
            var newPositions = new Array(arrayLength);
            var offset = 0;

            for (i = 0; i < length - 1; i++) {
                var p0 = positions[i];
                var p1 = positions[i + 1];

                var h0 = hasHeightArray ? height[i] : height;
                var h1 = hasHeightArray ? height[i + 1] : height;

                offset = generateCartesianArc(p0, p1, minDistance, ellipsoid, h0, h1, newPositions, offset, hMax);

            subdivideHeightsScratchArray.length = 0;

            var lastPoint = positions[length - 1];
            var carto = ellipsoid.cartesianToCartographic(lastPoint, carto1);
            carto.height = hasHeightArray ? height[length - 1] : height;
            var cart = ellipsoid.cartographicToCartesian(carto, cartesian);
            Cartographic.Cartesian3.pack(cart, newPositions, arrayLength - 3);

            return newPositions;

        var scratchCartographic0 = new Cartographic.Cartographic();
        var scratchCartographic1 = new Cartographic.Cartographic();

         * Subdivides polyline and raises all points to the specified height using Rhumb lines.  Returns an array of numbers to represent the positions.
         * @param {Object} options Object with the following properties:
         * @param {Cartesian3[]} options.positions The array of type {Cartesian3} representing positions.
         * @param {Number|Number[]} [options.height=0.0] A number or array of numbers representing the heights of each position.
         * @param {Number} [options.granularity = CesiumMath.RADIANS_PER_DEGREE] The distance, in radians, between each latitude and longitude. Determines the number of positions in the buffer.
         * @param {Ellipsoid} [options.ellipsoid=Ellipsoid.WGS84] The ellipsoid on which the positions lie.
         * @returns {Number[]} A new array of positions of type {Number} that have been subdivided and raised to the surface of the ellipsoid.
         * @example
         * var positions = Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegreesArray([
         *   -105.0, 40.0,
         *   -100.0, 38.0,
         *   -105.0, 35.0,
         *   -100.0, 32.0
         * ]);
         * var surfacePositions = Cesium.PolylinePipeline.generateRhumbArc({
         *   positons: positions
         * });
        PolylinePipeline.generateRhumbArc = function(options) {
            if (!when.defined(options)) {
                options = {};
            var positions = options.positions;
            //>>includeStart('debug', pragmas.debug);
            if (!when.defined(positions)) {
                throw new Check.DeveloperError('options.positions is required.');

            var length = positions.length;
            var ellipsoid = when.defaultValue(options.ellipsoid, Cartesian2.Ellipsoid.WGS84);
            var height = when.defaultValue(options.height, 0);
            var hasHeightArray = Array.isArray(height);

            if (length < 1) {
                return [];
            } else if (length === 1) {
                var p = ellipsoid.scaleToGeodeticSurface(positions[0], scaleFirst);
                height = hasHeightArray ? height[0] : height;
                if (height !== 0) {
                    var n = ellipsoid.geodeticSurfaceNormal(p, cartesian);
                    Cartographic.Cartesian3.multiplyByScalar(n, height, n);
                    Cartographic.Cartesian3.add(p, n, p);

                return [p.x, p.y, p.z];

            var granularity = when.defaultValue(options.granularity, _Math.CesiumMath.RADIANS_PER_DEGREE);

            var numPoints = 0;
            var i;

            var c0 = ellipsoid.cartesianToCartographic(positions[0], scratchCartographic0);
            var c1;
            for (i = 0; i < length - 1; i++) {
                c1 = ellipsoid.cartesianToCartographic(positions[i + 1], scratchCartographic1);
                numPoints += PolylinePipeline.numberOfPointsRhumbLine(c0, c1, granularity);
                c0 = Cartographic.Cartographic.clone(c1, scratchCartographic0);

            var arrayLength = (numPoints + 1) * 3;
            var newPositions = new Array(arrayLength);
            var offset = 0;

            for (i = 0; i < length - 1; i++) {
                var p0 = positions[i];
                var p1 = positions[i + 1];

                var h0 = hasHeightArray ? height[i] : height;
                var h1 = hasHeightArray ? height[i + 1] : height;

                offset = generateCartesianRhumbArc(p0, p1, granularity, ellipsoid, h0, h1, newPositions, offset);

            subdivideHeightsScratchArray.length = 0;

            var lastPoint = positions[length - 1];
            var carto = ellipsoid.cartesianToCartographic(lastPoint, carto1);
            carto.height = hasHeightArray ? height[length - 1] : height;
            var cart = ellipsoid.cartographicToCartesian(carto, cartesian);
            Cartographic.Cartesian3.pack(cart, newPositions, arrayLength - 3);

            return newPositions;

         * Subdivides polyline and raises all points to the specified height. Returns an array of new {Cartesian3} positions.
         * @param {Object} options Object with the following properties:
         * @param {Cartesian3[]} options.positions The array of type {Cartesian3} representing positions.
         * @param {Number|Number[]} [options.height=0.0] A number or array of numbers representing the heights of each position.
         * @param {Number} [options.granularity = CesiumMath.RADIANS_PER_DEGREE] The distance, in radians, between each latitude and longitude. Determines the number of positions in the buffer.
         * @param {Ellipsoid} [options.ellipsoid=Ellipsoid.WGS84] The ellipsoid on which the positions lie.
         * @returns {Cartesian3[]} A new array of cartesian3 positions that have been subdivided and raised to the surface of the ellipsoid.
         * @example
         * var positions = Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegreesArray([
         *   -105.0, 40.0,
         *   -100.0, 38.0,
         *   -105.0, 35.0,
         *   -100.0, 32.0
         * ]);
         * var surfacePositions = Cesium.PolylinePipeline.generateCartesianArc({
         *   positons: positions
         * });
        PolylinePipeline.generateCartesianArc = function(options) {
            var numberArray = PolylinePipeline.generateArc(options);
            var size = numberArray.length/3;
            var newPositions = new Array(size);
            for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) {
                newPositions[i] = Cartographic.Cartesian3.unpack(numberArray, i*3);
            return newPositions;

         * Subdivides polyline and raises all points to the specified height using Rhumb Lines. Returns an array of new {Cartesian3} positions.
         * @param {Object} options Object with the following properties:
         * @param {Cartesian3[]} options.positions The array of type {Cartesian3} representing positions.
         * @param {Number|Number[]} [options.height=0.0] A number or array of numbers representing the heights of each position.
         * @param {Number} [options.granularity = CesiumMath.RADIANS_PER_DEGREE] The distance, in radians, between each latitude and longitude. Determines the number of positions in the buffer.
         * @param {Ellipsoid} [options.ellipsoid=Ellipsoid.WGS84] The ellipsoid on which the positions lie.
         * @returns {Cartesian3[]} A new array of cartesian3 positions that have been subdivided and raised to the surface of the ellipsoid.
         * @example
         * var positions = Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegreesArray([
         *   -105.0, 40.0,
         *   -100.0, 38.0,
         *   -105.0, 35.0,
         *   -100.0, 32.0
         * ]);
         * var surfacePositions = Cesium.PolylinePipeline.generateCartesianRhumbArc({
         *   positons: positions
         * });
        PolylinePipeline.generateCartesianRhumbArc = function(options) {
            var numberArray = PolylinePipeline.generateRhumbArc(options);
            var size = numberArray.length/3;
            var newPositions = new Array(size);
            for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) {
                newPositions[i] = Cartographic.Cartesian3.unpack(numberArray, i*3);
            return newPositions;

    exports.PolylinePipeline = PolylinePipeline;
