huludao / src / main / resources / mapper / EventsManage / PatrolProblemDao.xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE mapper PUBLIC "-// Mapper 3.0//EN" "">

<mapper namespace="">
	<!-- 可根据自己的需求,是否要使用 -->
    <resultMap type="" id="patrolProblemMap">
            <result property="patrolProblemNo" column="Patrol_Problem_No"/>
            <result property="problemType" column="Problem_Type"/>
            <result property="problemState" column="Problem_State"/>
            <result property="problemStateStr" column="Problem_State_Str"/>
            <result property="problemAddress" column="Problem_Address"/>
            <result property="problemTime" column="Problem_Time"/>
            <result property="problemDescription" column="Problem_Description"/>
            <result property="problemPicsNo" column="Problem_Pics_No"/>
            <result property="problemProcessNo" column="Problem_Process_No"/>
            <result property="patrolNo" column="Patrol_No"/>
	<!-- 通用查询结果列 -->
	<sql id="Base_Column_List">
	<!-- 获取列表 -->
	<select id="queryList" resultType="">
		select <include refid="Base_Column_List" /> 
		from patrol_problem
            <when test="sidx != null and sidx.trim() != ''">
                order by ${sidx} ${order}
                order by Patrol_Problem_No desc

	<select id="selectAllProblemList" resultType="">
		select p.Patrol_Problem_No,
		b.Complain_Type_Name complainTypeName
		from patrol_problem p
		inner join complain_type_basis b
		on p.Problem_Type = b.Complain_Type_No

	<select id="queryListByPatrolNo" resultType="">
		select <include refid="Base_Column_List" />
		b.Complain_Type_Name complainTypeName,
		s.River_Name riverName,
		o.user_name userName,
		o.phone_num phone_num
		from patrol_problem p
		inner join complain_type_basis b
		on p.Problem_Type = b.Complain_Type_No
		inner join river_patrol t
		on t.Patrol_No = p.Patrol_No
		inner join river_info_basis s
		on s.River_No = t.River_No
		inner join huludao_main.sys_user_info o
		on o.User_No = t.River_Chief_No
		where 1=1
		<if test="patrolNo != null and patrolNo != ''">
			and p.Patrol_No = #{patrolNo,jdbcType=VARCHAR}
		<if test="patrolProblemNo != null and patrolProblemNo != ''">
			and p.Patrol_Problem_No = #{patrolProblemNo,jdbcType=VARCHAR}

	<select id="queryProblemByPatrolNo" resultType="java.lang.Integer" parameterType="java.lang.String">
	select count(p.Patrol_Problem_No)
	from patrol_problem p
	inner join river_patrol r
	on p.Patrol_No = r.Patrol_No
	where r.Patrol_No = #{patrolNo,jdbcType=VARCHAR}

	<select id="queryFinishedByPatrolNo" resultType="java.lang.Integer" parameterType="java.lang.String">
	select count(p.Problem_State)
	from patrol_problem p
	inner join river_patrol r
	on p.Patrol_No = r.Patrol_No
	where r.Patrol_No = #{patrolNo,jdbcType=VARCHAR}
	and p.Problem_State = 2

	<select id="queryProblemListByUserNo" resultType="">
		select <include refid="Base_Column_List" />
		b.Complain_Type_Name complainTypeName,
		s.River_Name riverName
		from patrol_problem p
		inner join complain_type_basis b
		on p.Problem_Type = b.Complain_Type_No
		inner join river_patrol t
		on t.Patrol_No = p.Patrol_No
		inner join river_info_basis s
		on s.River_No = t.River_No
		inner join process_problem e
		on e.Process_No = p.Problem_Process_No
		where 1=1
		<if test="problemState != null">
			and p.Problem_State = #{problemState,jdbcType=INTEGER}
		<if test="processNextUserNo != null and processNextUserNo != ''">
			and e.Process_Next_Org in (select Org_No from huludao_main.sys_user_org where User_No = '${processNextUserNo}')
		limit 1

	<select id="queryProblemListByUserNoToBeProcessed" resultType="" parameterType="java.util.List">
		select distinct <include refid="Base_Column_List" />
		b.Complain_Type_Name complainTypeName,
		s.River_Name riverName,
		e.Process_Next_Org processNextOrg,
		e.User_Org userOrg,
		s.River_No riverNo
		from patrol_problem p
		inner join complain_type_basis b
		on p.Problem_Type = b.Complain_Type_No
		inner join river_patrol t
		on t.Patrol_No = p.Patrol_No
		inner join river_info_basis s
		on s.River_No = t.River_No
		inner join process_problem e
		on e.Process_No = p.Problem_Process_No
		where 1=1
		and p.Problem_State != 2
		and p.Problem_Process_No in <foreach collection="processPicsList" index="index" item="item" open="("
											  separator="," close=")">

	<select id="queryProblemListByUserNoProcessed" resultType="">
		select distinct <include refid="Base_Column_List" />
		b.Complain_Type_Name complainTypeName,
		s.River_Name riverName,
		e.Process_Next_Org processNextOrg,
		e.User_Org userOrg,
		s.River_No riverNo
		from patrol_problem p
		inner join complain_type_basis b
		on p.Problem_Type = b.Complain_Type_No
		inner join river_patrol t
		on t.Patrol_No = p.Patrol_No
		inner join river_info_basis s
		on s.River_No = t.River_No
		inner join process_problem e
		on e.Process_No = p.Problem_Process_No
		where 1=1
		and e.User_No = '${userNo}'
		and p.Problem_State = 1
		Group by p.Problem_Process_No,

	<select id="queryProblemListByUserNoClosed" resultType="">
		select distinct <include refid="Base_Column_List" />
		b.Complain_Type_Name complainTypeName,
		s.River_Name riverName,
		e.Process_Next_Org processNextOrg,
		e.User_Org userOrg,
		s.River_No riverNo,
		from patrol_problem p
		inner join complain_type_basis b
		on p.Problem_Type = b.Complain_Type_No
		inner join river_patrol t
		on t.Patrol_No = p.Patrol_No
		inner join river_info_basis s
		on s.River_No = t.River_No
		inner join process_problem e
		on e.Process_No = p.Problem_Process_No
		where 1=1
		and p.Problem_State = 2
		<if test="userNo != null and userNo != ''">
			and e.Process_Next_Org in (select Org_No from huludao_main.sys_user_org where User_No = '${userNo}')
		order by e.Process_Time desc

	<select id="problemStatisticalInfo" parameterType="Map" resultType="">
		select a.Complain_Type_No code,a.Complain_Type_Name name ,count(b.Problem_Type) num
		from complain_type_basis a LEFT JOIN patrol_problem b on a.Complain_Type_No = b.Problem_Type
		where (
		exists (select rb.River_No
		from river_info_basis rb, administrative_division ad where rb.Division_No = ad.Division_No and rb.River_No = b.River_No
		and exists (
		select f.Division_No from login_info c,river_chief d, river_info_basis e ,administrative_division f
		where c.userNo = d.Chief_User_No and d.River_No = e.River_No and e.Division_No = f.Division_No
		and f.Parent_Division_No = ad.Parent_Division_No and  c.sId = #{sid}
		or b.River_No is null)
		AND (b.Problem_Time BETWEEN #{st} and #{et} OR b.River_No is null)
		GROUP BY a.Complain_Type_No,a.Complain_Type_Name

	<select id="problemTotal" parameterType="Map" resultType="int">
		select count(b.Problem_Type)
		from complain_type_basis a LEFT JOIN patrol_problem b on a.Complain_Type_No = b.Problem_Type
		where (
		exists (select rb.River_No
		from river_info_basis rb, administrative_division ad where rb.Division_No = ad.Division_No and rb.River_No = b.River_No
		and exists (
		select f.Division_No from login_info c,river_chief d, river_info_basis e ,administrative_division f
		where c.userNo = d.Chief_User_No and d.River_No = e.River_No and e.Division_No = f.Division_No
		and f.Parent_Division_No = ad.Parent_Division_No and  c.sId = #{sid}
		or b.River_No is null)
		AND b.Problem_Time BETWEEN #{st} and #{et}

	<select id="problemStatisticalSubordinate" parameterType="Map" resultType="">
		select a.Complain_Type_No code,a.Complain_Type_Name name ,count(b.Problem_Type) num
		from complain_type_basis a LEFT JOIN patrol_problem b on a.Complain_Type_No = b.Problem_Type
		where (
		exists (select rb.River_No
		from river_info_basis rb, administrative_division ad where rb.Division_No = ad.Division_No and rb.River_No = b.River_No
		and exists (
		select f.Division_No from login_info c,river_chief d, river_info_basis e ,administrative_division f
		where c.userNo = d.Chief_User_No and d.River_No = e.River_No and e.Division_No = f.Division_No
		and f.Division_No = ad.Parent_Division_No and  c.sId = #{sid}
		or b.River_No is null
		AND (b.Problem_Time BETWEEN #{st} and #{et} or b.River_No is null)
		GROUP BY a.Complain_Type_No,a.Complain_Type_Name

	<select id="problemTotalSubordinate" parameterType="Map" resultType="int">
		select count(b.Problem_Type)
		from complain_type_basis a LEFT JOIN patrol_problem b on a.Complain_Type_No = b.Problem_Type
		where (
		exists (select rb.River_No
		from river_info_basis rb, administrative_division ad where rb.Division_No = ad.Division_No and rb.River_No = b.River_No
		and exists (
		select f.Division_No from login_info c,river_chief d, river_info_basis e ,administrative_division f
		where c.userNo = d.Chief_User_No and d.River_No = e.River_No and e.Division_No = f.Division_No
		and f.Division_No = ad.Parent_Division_No and  c.sId = #{sid}
		or b.River_No is null
		AND (b.Problem_Time BETWEEN #{st} and #{et} or b.River_No is null)

	<select id="InspectEvent" parameterType="Map" resultType="">
		select a.River_No code,a.River_Name name,count(b.Patrol_Problem_No) num
		from river_info_basis a inner JOIN administrative_division ad on a.Division_No = ad.Division_No
		LEFT JOIN patrol_problem b on a.River_No = b.River_No
		<if test="problemState != null">
			AND b.Problem_State =#{problemState}
		exists (select d.Chief_Grade from login_info c,river_chief d,river_info_basis e,administrative_division f
				where  c.userNo = d.Chief_User_No and d.River_No = e.River_No and e.Division_No = f.Division_No
		  		and f.Parent_Division_No = ad.Parent_Division_No  and c.sId = #{sid})
		and (b.Problem_Time BETWEEN #{st} and #{et} or b.River_No is null)
		GROUP BY  a.River_No ,a.River_Name
		ORDER BY a.River_No
		<if test="startPage != null and pageSize != null">
			limit #{startPage},#{pageSize}

	<select id="InspectEventSubordinate" parameterType="Map" resultType="">
		select ad.Division_No code,ad.Division_Name name,count(b.Patrol_Problem_No) num
		from river_info_basis a inner JOIN administrative_division ad on a.Division_No = ad.Division_No
		LEFT JOIN patrol_problem b on a.River_No = b.River_No
		<if test="problemState != null">
			AND b.Problem_State =#{problemState}
		exists (select d.Chief_Grade from login_info c,river_chief d,river_info_basis e,administrative_division f
		where  c.userNo = d.Chief_User_No and d.River_No = e.River_No and e.Division_No = f.Division_No
		and f.Division_No = ad.Parent_Division_No  and c.sId = #{sid})
		and (b.Problem_Time BETWEEN #{st} and #{et} or b.River_No is null)
		GROUP BY  ad.Division_No,ad.Division_Name
		ORDER BY ad.Division_No
		<if test="startPage != null and pageSize != null">
			limit #{startPage},#{pageSize}

	<select id="queryListByRiver" parameterType="Map" resultType="">
		SELECT a.Patrol_Problem_No patrolProblemNo,a.Problem_Process_No problemProcessNo,a.Problem_Time problemTime,a.Problem_Address problemAddress,a.Problem_State problemState,a.Problem_State_Str problemStateStr,b.Complain_Type_Name complainTypeName
		FROM patrol_problem a,complain_type_basis b
		WHERE a.Problem_Type = b.Complain_Type_No
		<if test="st != null and et != null">
			and a.Problem_Time BETWEEN #{st} and #{et}
		AND a.River_No = #{riverNo}

	<select id="problemTotalOfArea" parameterType="Map" resultType="">
		select b.River_No code,b.River_Name name,d.user_name userName,count(e.Patrol_Problem_No) num
		from administrative_division a inner join river_info_basis b on a.Division_No = b.Division_No
		left join river_chief c on b.River_No = c.River_No
		left join huludao_main.sys_user_info d on c.Chief_User_No = d.User_no
		left join patrol_problem e on b.River_No = e.River_No
		<if test="problemState != null">
			AND e.Problem_State =#{problemState}
		where (e.Problem_Time BETWEEN #{st} and #{et} or e.River_No is null)
		AND a.Division_No = #{divisionNo}
		GROUP BY b.River_No,b.River_Name,d.user_name
		ORDER by b.River_No