// OpenVPN -- An application to securely tunnel IP networks // over a single port, with support for SSL/TLS-based // session authentication and key exchange, // packet encryption, packet authentication, and // packet compression. // // Copyright (C) 2012-2020 OpenVPN Inc. // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License Version 3 // as published by the Free Software Foundation. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program in the COPYING file. // If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. // TCP transport object specialized for client. #ifndef OPENVPN_TRANSPORT_CLIENT_TCPCLI_H #define OPENVPN_TRANSPORT_CLIENT_TCPCLI_H #include <sstream> #include <openvpn/io/io.hpp> #include <openvpn/transport/tcplink.hpp> #ifdef OPENVPN_TLS_LINK #include <openvpn/transport/tlslink.hpp> #endif #include <openvpn/transport/client/transbase.hpp> #include <openvpn/transport/socket_protect.hpp> #include <openvpn/client/remotelist.hpp> namespace openvpn { namespace TCPTransport { class ClientConfig : public TransportClientFactory { public: typedef RCPtr<ClientConfig> Ptr; RemoteList::Ptr remote_list; size_t free_list_max_size; Frame::Ptr frame; SessionStats::Ptr stats; SocketProtect* socket_protect; #ifdef OPENVPN_TLS_LINK bool use_tls = false; std::string tls_ca; #endif #ifdef OPENVPN_GREMLIN Gremlin::Config::Ptr gremlin_config; #endif static Ptr new_obj() { return new ClientConfig; } virtual TransportClient::Ptr new_transport_client_obj(openvpn_io::io_context& io_context, TransportClientParent* parent); private: ClientConfig() : free_list_max_size(8), socket_protect(nullptr) {} }; class Client : public TransportClient, AsyncResolvableTCP { typedef RCPtr<Client> Ptr; typedef Link<openvpn_io::ip::tcp, Client*, false> LinkImpl; #ifdef OPENVPN_TLS_LINK typedef TLSLink<openvpn_io::ip::tcp, Client*, false> LinkImplTLS; #endif friend class ClientConfig; // calls constructor friend LinkImpl::Base; // calls tcp_read_handler public: void transport_start() override { if (!impl) { halt = false; stop_requeueing = false; if (config->remote_list->endpoint_available(&server_host, &server_port, &server_protocol)) { start_connect_(); } else { parent->transport_pre_resolve(); async_resolve_name(server_host, server_port); } } } bool transport_send_const(const Buffer& buf) override { return send_const(buf); } bool transport_send(BufferAllocated& buf) override { return send(buf); } bool transport_send_queue_empty() override { if (impl) return impl->send_queue_empty(); else return false; } bool transport_has_send_queue() override { return true; } unsigned int transport_send_queue_size() override { if (impl) return impl->send_queue_size(); else return 0; } void reset_align_adjust(const size_t align_adjust) override { if (impl) impl->reset_align_adjust(align_adjust); } void server_endpoint_info(std::string& host, std::string& port, std::string& proto, std::string& ip_addr) const override { host = server_host; port = server_port; const IP::Addr addr = server_endpoint_addr(); proto = server_protocol.str(); ip_addr = addr.to_string(); } IP::Addr server_endpoint_addr() const override { return IP::Addr::from_asio(server_endpoint.address()); } Protocol transport_protocol() const override { return server_protocol; } void stop() override { stop_(); } ~Client() override { stop_(); } private: Client(openvpn_io::io_context& io_context_arg, ClientConfig* config_arg, TransportClientParent* parent_arg) : AsyncResolvableTCP(io_context_arg), io_context(io_context_arg), socket(io_context_arg), config(config_arg), parent(parent_arg), resolver(io_context_arg), halt(false), stop_requeueing(false) { } void transport_reparent(TransportClientParent* parent_arg) override { parent = parent_arg; } void transport_stop_requeueing() override { stop_requeueing = true; } bool send_const(const Buffer& cbuf) { if (impl) { BufferAllocated buf(cbuf, 0); return impl->send(buf); } else return false; } bool send(BufferAllocated& buf) { if (impl) return impl->send(buf); else return false; } void tcp_eof_handler() // called by LinkImpl::Base { config->stats->error(Error::NETWORK_EOF_ERROR); tcp_error_handler("NETWORK_EOF_ERROR"); } bool tcp_read_handler(BufferAllocated& buf) // called by LinkImpl::Base { parent->transport_recv(buf); return !stop_requeueing; } void tcp_write_queue_needs_send() // called by LinkImpl::Base { parent->transport_needs_send(); } void tcp_error_handler(const char *error) // called by LinkImpl::Base { std::ostringstream os; os << "Transport error on '" << server_host << ": " << error; stop(); parent->transport_error(Error::TRANSPORT_ERROR, os.str()); } void stop_() { if (!halt) { halt = true; if (impl) impl->stop(); socket.close(); resolver.cancel(); async_resolve_cancel(); } } // do DNS resolve void resolve_callback(const openvpn_io::error_code& error, openvpn_io::ip::tcp::resolver::results_type results) override { if (!halt) { if (!error) { // save resolved endpoint list in remote_list config->remote_list->set_endpoint_range(results); start_connect_(); } else { std::ostringstream os; os << "DNS resolve error on '" << server_host << "' for " << server_protocol.str() << " session: " << error.message(); config->stats->error(Error::RESOLVE_ERROR); stop(); parent->transport_error(Error::UNDEF, os.str()); } } } // do TCP connect void start_connect_() { config->remote_list->get_endpoint(server_endpoint); OPENVPN_LOG("Contacting " << server_endpoint << " via " << server_protocol.str()); parent->transport_wait(); socket.open(server_endpoint.protocol()); if (config->socket_protect) { if (!config->socket_protect->socket_protect(socket.native_handle(), server_endpoint_addr())) { config->stats->error(Error::SOCKET_PROTECT_ERROR); stop(); parent->transport_error(Error::UNDEF, "socket_protect error (" + std::string(server_protocol.str()) + ")"); return; } } socket.set_option(openvpn_io::ip::tcp::no_delay(true)); socket.async_connect(server_endpoint, [self=Ptr(this)](const openvpn_io::error_code& error) { OPENVPN_ASYNC_HANDLER; self->start_impl_(error); }); } // start I/O on TCP socket void start_impl_(const openvpn_io::error_code& error) { if (!halt) { if (!error) { #ifdef OPENVPN_TLS_LINK if (config->use_tls) { int flags = SSLConst::LOG_VERIFY_STATUS|SSLConst::ENABLE_CLIENT_SNI; SSLLib::SSLAPI::Config::Ptr ssl_conf; ssl_conf.reset(new SSLLib::SSLAPI::Config()); ssl_conf->set_mode(Mode(Mode::CLIENT)); ssl_conf->set_local_cert_enabled(false); ssl_conf->set_frame(config->frame); ssl_conf->set_rng(new SSLLib::RandomAPI(false)); if (!config->tls_ca.empty()) { ssl_conf->load_ca(config->tls_ca, true); } else { flags |= SSLConst::NO_VERIFY_PEER; } ssl_conf->set_flags(flags); ssl_factory = ssl_conf->new_factory(); impl.reset(new LinkImplTLS(this, io_context, socket, 0, config->free_list_max_size, config->frame, config->stats, ssl_factory)); } else #endif impl.reset(new LinkImpl(this, socket, 0, // send_queue_max_size is unlimited because we regulate size in cliproto.hpp config->free_list_max_size, (*config->frame)[Frame::READ_LINK_TCP], config->stats)); #ifdef OPENVPN_GREMLIN impl->gremlin_config(config->gremlin_config); #endif impl->start(); if (!parent->transport_is_openvpn_protocol()) impl->set_raw_mode(true); parent->transport_connecting(); } else { std::ostringstream os; os << server_protocol.str() << " connect error on '" << server_host << ':' << server_port << "' (" << server_endpoint << "): " << error.message(); config->stats->error(Error::TCP_CONNECT_ERROR); stop(); parent->transport_error(Error::UNDEF, os.str()); } } } std::string server_host; std::string server_port; Protocol server_protocol; openvpn_io::io_context& io_context; openvpn_io::ip::tcp::socket socket; ClientConfig::Ptr config; TransportClientParent* parent; LinkBase::Ptr impl; openvpn_io::ip::tcp::resolver resolver; LinkImpl::Base::protocol::endpoint server_endpoint; bool halt; bool stop_requeueing; #ifdef OPENVPN_TLS_LINK SSLFactoryAPI::Ptr ssl_factory; #endif }; inline TransportClient::Ptr ClientConfig::new_transport_client_obj(openvpn_io::io_context& io_context, TransportClientParent* parent) { return TransportClient::Ptr(new Client(io_context, this, parent)); } } } // namespace openvpn #endif