// OpenVPN -- An application to securely tunnel IP networks // over a single port, with support for SSL/TLS-based // session authentication and key exchange, // packet encryption, packet authentication, and // packet compression. // // Copyright (C) 2012-2020 OpenVPN Inc. // // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License Version 3 // as published by the Free Software Foundation. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU Affero General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License // along with this program in the COPYING file. // If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. // An artificial TunBuilder object, used to log the tun builder settings, // but doesn't actually configure anything. #ifndef OPENVPN_TUN_BUILDER_CAPTURE_H #define OPENVPN_TUN_BUILDER_CAPTURE_H #include <string> #include <sstream> #include <vector> #include <openvpn/common/exception.hpp> #include <openvpn/common/rc.hpp> #include <openvpn/common/size.hpp> #include <openvpn/common/hostport.hpp> #include <openvpn/common/to_string.hpp> #include <openvpn/common/jsonlib.hpp> #include <openvpn/tun/builder/base.hpp> #include <openvpn/client/rgopt.hpp> #include <openvpn/addr/ip.hpp> #include <openvpn/addr/route.hpp> #include <openvpn/http/urlparse.hpp> #include <openvpn/tun/layer.hpp> #ifdef HAVE_JSON #include <openvpn/common/jsonhelper.hpp> #endif namespace openvpn { class TunBuilderCapture : public TunBuilderBase, public RC<thread_unsafe_refcount> { public: typedef RCPtr<TunBuilderCapture> Ptr; // builder data classes class RemoteAddress { public: std::string address; bool ipv6 = false; std::string to_string() const { std::string ret = address; if (ipv6) ret += " [IPv6]"; return ret; } bool defined() const { return !address.empty(); } void validate(const std::string& title) const { IP::Addr(address, title, ipv6 ? IP::Addr::V6 : IP::Addr::V4); } #ifdef HAVE_JSON Json::Value to_json() const { Json::Value root(Json::objectValue); root["address"] = Json::Value(address); root["ipv6"] = Json::Value(ipv6); return root; } void from_json(const Json::Value& root, const std::string& title) { if (!json::is_dict(root, title)) return; json::to_string(root, address, "address", title); json::to_bool(root, ipv6, "ipv6", title); } #endif }; class RerouteGW { public: bool ipv4 = false; bool ipv6 = false; unsigned int flags = 0; std::string to_string() const { std::ostringstream os; const RedirectGatewayFlags rgf(flags); os << "IPv4=" << ipv4 << " IPv6=" << ipv6 << " flags=" << rgf.to_string(); return os.str(); } void validate(const std::string& title) const { // nothing to validate } #ifdef HAVE_JSON Json::Value to_json() const { Json::Value root(Json::objectValue); root["ipv4"] = Json::Value(ipv4); root["ipv6"] = Json::Value(ipv6); root["flags"] = Json::Value((Json::UInt)flags); return root; } void from_json(const Json::Value& root, const std::string& title) { json::assert_dict(root, title); json::to_bool(root, ipv4, "ipv4", title); json::to_bool(root, ipv6, "ipv6", title); json::to_uint(root, flags, "flags", title); } #endif }; class RouteBase { public: std::string address; int prefix_length = 0; int metric = -1; // optional std::string gateway; // optional bool ipv6 = false; bool net30 = false; std::string to_string() const { std::ostringstream os; os << address << '/' << prefix_length; if (!gateway.empty()) os << " -> " << gateway; if (metric >= 0) os << " [METRIC=" << metric << ']'; if (ipv6) os << " [IPv6]"; if (net30) os << " [net30]"; return os.str(); } #ifdef HAVE_JSON Json::Value to_json() const { Json::Value root(Json::objectValue); root["address"] = Json::Value(address); root["prefix_length"] = Json::Value(prefix_length); root["metric"] = Json::Value(metric); root["gateway"] = Json::Value(gateway); root["ipv6"] = Json::Value(ipv6); root["net30"] = Json::Value(net30); return root; } void from_json(const Json::Value& root, const std::string& title) { json::assert_dict(root, title); json::to_string(root, address, "address", title); json::to_int(root, prefix_length, "prefix_length", title); json::to_int(root, metric, "metric", title); json::to_string(root, gateway, "gateway", title); json::to_bool(root, ipv6, "ipv6", title); json::to_bool(root, net30, "net30", title); } #endif protected: void validate_(const std::string& title, const bool require_canonical) const { const IP::Addr::Version ver = ipv6 ? IP::Addr::V6 : IP::Addr::V4; const IP::Route route = IP::route_from_string_prefix(address, prefix_length, title, ver); if (require_canonical && !route.is_canonical()) OPENVPN_THROW_EXCEPTION(title << " : not a canonical route: " << route); if (!gateway.empty()) IP::Addr(gateway, title + ".gateway", ver); if (net30 && route.prefix_len != 30) OPENVPN_THROW_EXCEPTION(title << " : not a net30 route: " << route); } }; class RouteAddress : public RouteBase // may be non-canonical { public: void validate(const std::string& title) const { validate_(title, false); } }; class Route : public RouteBase // must be canonical { public: void validate(const std::string& title) const { validate_(title, true); } }; class DNSServer { public: std::string address; bool ipv6 = false; std::string to_string() const { std::string ret = address; if (ipv6) ret += " [IPv6]"; return ret; } void validate(const std::string& title) const { IP::Addr(address, title, ipv6 ? IP::Addr::V6 : IP::Addr::V4); } #ifdef HAVE_JSON Json::Value to_json() const { Json::Value root(Json::objectValue); root["address"] = Json::Value(address); root["ipv6"] = Json::Value(ipv6); return root; } void from_json(const Json::Value& root, const std::string& title) { json::assert_dict(root, title); json::to_string(root, address, "address", title); json::to_bool(root, ipv6, "ipv6", title); } #endif }; class SearchDomain { public: std::string domain; std::string to_string() const { return domain; } void validate(const std::string& title) const { HostPort::validate_host(domain, title); } #ifdef HAVE_JSON Json::Value to_json() const { Json::Value root(Json::objectValue); root["domain"] = Json::Value(domain); return root; } void from_json(const Json::Value& root, const std::string& title) { json::assert_dict(root, title); json::to_string(root, domain, "domain", title); } #endif }; class ProxyBypass { public: std::string bypass_host; std::string to_string() const { return bypass_host; } bool defined() const { return !bypass_host.empty(); } void validate(const std::string& title) const { if (defined()) HostPort::validate_host(bypass_host, title); } #ifdef HAVE_JSON Json::Value to_json() const { Json::Value root(Json::objectValue); root["bypass_host"] = Json::Value(bypass_host); return root; } void from_json(const Json::Value& root, const std::string& title) { json::assert_dict(root, title); json::to_string(root, bypass_host, "bypass_host", title); } #endif }; class ProxyAutoConfigURL { public: std::string url; std::string to_string() const { return url; } bool defined() const { return !url.empty(); } void validate(const std::string& title) const { try { if (defined()) (URL::Parse(url)); } catch (const std::exception& e) { OPENVPN_THROW_EXCEPTION(title << " : error parsing ProxyAutoConfigURL: " << e.what()); } } #ifdef HAVE_JSON Json::Value to_json() const { Json::Value root(Json::objectValue); root["url"] = Json::Value(url); return root; } void from_json(const Json::Value& root, const std::string& title) { if (!json::is_dict(root, title)) return; json::to_string(root, url, "url", title); } #endif }; class ProxyHostPort { public: std::string host; int port = 0; std::string to_string() const { std::ostringstream os; os << host << ' ' << port; return os.str(); } bool defined() const { return !host.empty(); } void validate(const std::string& title) const { if (defined()) { HostPort::validate_host(host, title); HostPort::validate_port(port, title); } } #ifdef HAVE_JSON Json::Value to_json() const { Json::Value root(Json::objectValue); root["host"] = Json::Value(host); root["port"] = Json::Value(port); return root; } void from_json(const Json::Value& root, const std::string& title) { if (!json::is_dict(root, title)) return; json::to_string(root, host, "host", title); json::to_int(root, port, "port", title); } #endif }; class WINSServer { public: std::string address; std::string to_string() const { std::string ret = address; return ret; } void validate(const std::string& title) const { IP::Addr(address, title, IP::Addr::V4); } #ifdef HAVE_JSON Json::Value to_json() const { Json::Value root(Json::objectValue); root["address"] = Json::Value(address); return root; } void from_json(const Json::Value& root, const std::string& title) { json::assert_dict(root, title); json::to_string(root, address, "address", title); } #endif }; virtual bool tun_builder_set_remote_address(const std::string& address, bool ipv6) override { remote_address.address = address; remote_address.ipv6 = ipv6; return true; } virtual bool tun_builder_add_address(const std::string& address, int prefix_length, const std::string& gateway, bool ipv6, bool net30) override { RouteAddress r; r.address = address; r.prefix_length = prefix_length; r.gateway = gateway; r.ipv6 = ipv6; r.net30 = net30; if (ipv6) tunnel_address_index_ipv6 = (int)tunnel_addresses.size(); else tunnel_address_index_ipv4 = (int)tunnel_addresses.size(); tunnel_addresses.push_back(r); return true; } virtual bool tun_builder_reroute_gw(bool ipv4, bool ipv6, unsigned int flags) override { reroute_gw.ipv4 = ipv4; reroute_gw.ipv6 = ipv6; reroute_gw.flags = flags; return true; } virtual bool tun_builder_set_route_metric_default(int metric) override { route_metric_default = metric; return true; } virtual bool tun_builder_add_route(const std::string& address, int prefix_length, int metric, bool ipv6) override { Route r; r.address = address; r.prefix_length = prefix_length; r.metric = metric; r.ipv6 = ipv6; add_routes.push_back(r); return true; } virtual bool tun_builder_exclude_route(const std::string& address, int prefix_length, int metric, bool ipv6) override { Route r; r.address = address; r.prefix_length = prefix_length; r.metric = metric; r.ipv6 = ipv6; exclude_routes.push_back(r); return true; } virtual bool tun_builder_add_dns_server(const std::string& address, bool ipv6) override { DNSServer dns; dns.address = address; dns.ipv6 = ipv6; dns_servers.push_back(dns); return true; } virtual bool tun_builder_add_search_domain(const std::string& domain) override { SearchDomain dom; dom.domain = domain; search_domains.push_back(dom); return true; } virtual bool tun_builder_set_adapter_domain_suffix(const std::string& name) override { adapter_domain_suffix = name; return true; } virtual bool tun_builder_set_layer(int layer) override { this->layer = Layer::from_value(layer); return true; } virtual bool tun_builder_set_mtu(int mtu) override { this->mtu = mtu; return true; } virtual bool tun_builder_set_session_name(const std::string& name) override { session_name = name; return true; } virtual bool tun_builder_add_proxy_bypass(const std::string& bypass_host) override { ProxyBypass b; b.bypass_host = bypass_host; proxy_bypass.push_back(b); return true; } virtual bool tun_builder_set_proxy_auto_config_url(const std::string& url) override { proxy_auto_config_url.url = url; return true; } virtual bool tun_builder_set_proxy_http(const std::string& host, int port) override { http_proxy.host = host; http_proxy.port = port; return true; } virtual bool tun_builder_set_proxy_https(const std::string& host, int port) override { https_proxy.host = host; https_proxy.port = port; return true; } virtual bool tun_builder_add_wins_server(const std::string& address) override { WINSServer wins; wins.address = address; wins_servers.push_back(wins); return true; } virtual bool tun_builder_set_block_ipv6(bool value) override { block_ipv6 = value; return true; } void reset_tunnel_addresses() { tunnel_addresses.clear(); tunnel_address_index_ipv4 = -1; tunnel_address_index_ipv6 = -1; } void reset_dns_servers() { dns_servers.clear(); } const RouteAddress* vpn_ipv4() const { if (tunnel_address_index_ipv4 >= 0) return &tunnel_addresses[tunnel_address_index_ipv4]; else return nullptr; } const RouteAddress* vpn_ipv6() const { if (tunnel_address_index_ipv6 >= 0) return &tunnel_addresses[tunnel_address_index_ipv6]; else return nullptr; } const RouteAddress* vpn_ip(const IP::Addr::Version v) const { switch (v) { case IP::Addr::V4: return vpn_ipv4(); case IP::Addr::V6: return vpn_ipv6(); default: return nullptr; } } void validate() const { validate_layer("root"); validate_mtu("root"); remote_address.validate("remote_address"); validate_list(tunnel_addresses, "tunnel_addresses"); validate_tunnel_address_indices("root"); reroute_gw.validate("reroute_gw"); validate_list(add_routes, "add_routes"); validate_list(exclude_routes, "exclude_routes"); validate_list(dns_servers, "dns_servers"); validate_list(search_domains, "search_domains"); validate_list(proxy_bypass, "proxy_bypass"); proxy_auto_config_url.validate("proxy_auto_config_url"); http_proxy.validate("http_proxy"); https_proxy.validate("https_proxy"); } std::string to_string() const { std::ostringstream os; os << "Session Name: " << session_name << std::endl; os << "Layer: " << layer.str() << std::endl; if (mtu) os << "MTU: " << mtu << std::endl; os << "Remote Address: " << remote_address.to_string() << std::endl; render_list(os, "Tunnel Addresses", tunnel_addresses); os << "Reroute Gateway: " << reroute_gw.to_string() << std::endl; os << "Block IPv6: " << (block_ipv6 ? "yes" : "no") << std::endl; if (route_metric_default >= 0) os << "Route Metric Default: " << route_metric_default << std::endl; render_list(os, "Add Routes", add_routes); render_list(os, "Exclude Routes", exclude_routes); render_list(os, "DNS Servers", dns_servers); render_list(os, "Search Domains", search_domains); if (!adapter_domain_suffix.empty()) os << "Adapter Domain Suffix: " << adapter_domain_suffix << std::endl; if (!proxy_bypass.empty()) render_list(os, "Proxy Bypass", proxy_bypass); if (proxy_auto_config_url.defined()) os << "Proxy Auto Config URL: " << proxy_auto_config_url.to_string() << std::endl; if (http_proxy.defined()) os << "HTTP Proxy: " << http_proxy.to_string() << std::endl; if (https_proxy.defined()) os << "HTTPS Proxy: " << https_proxy.to_string() << std::endl; if (!wins_servers.empty()) render_list(os, "WINS Servers", wins_servers); return os.str(); } #ifdef HAVE_JSON Json::Value to_json() const { Json::Value root(Json::objectValue); root["session_name"] = Json::Value(session_name); root["mtu"] = Json::Value(mtu); root["layer"] = Json::Value(layer.value()); if (remote_address.defined()) root["remote_address"] = remote_address.to_json(); json::from_vector(root, tunnel_addresses, "tunnel_addresses"); root["tunnel_address_index_ipv4"] = Json::Value(tunnel_address_index_ipv4); root["tunnel_address_index_ipv6"] = Json::Value(tunnel_address_index_ipv6); root["reroute_gw"] = reroute_gw.to_json(); root["block_ipv6"] = Json::Value(block_ipv6); root["route_metric_default"] = Json::Value(route_metric_default); json::from_vector(root, add_routes, "add_routes"); json::from_vector(root, exclude_routes, "exclude_routes"); json::from_vector(root, dns_servers, "dns_servers"); json::from_vector(root, wins_servers, "wins_servers"); json::from_vector(root, search_domains, "search_domains"); root["adapter_domain_suffix"] = Json::Value(adapter_domain_suffix); json::from_vector(root, proxy_bypass, "proxy_bypass"); if (proxy_auto_config_url.defined()) root["proxy_auto_config_url"] = proxy_auto_config_url.to_json(); if (http_proxy.defined()) root["http_proxy"] = http_proxy.to_json(); if (https_proxy.defined()) root["https_proxy"] = https_proxy.to_json(); return root; } static TunBuilderCapture::Ptr from_json(const Json::Value& root) { const std::string title = "root"; TunBuilderCapture::Ptr tbc(new TunBuilderCapture); json::assert_dict(root, title); json::to_string(root, tbc->session_name, "session_name", title); tbc->layer = Layer::from_value(json::get_int(root, "layer", title)); json::to_int(root, tbc->mtu, "mtu", title); tbc->remote_address.from_json(root["remote_address"], "remote_address"); json::to_vector(root, tbc->tunnel_addresses, "tunnel_addresses", title); json::to_int(root, tbc->tunnel_address_index_ipv4, "tunnel_address_index_ipv4", title); json::to_int(root, tbc->tunnel_address_index_ipv6, "tunnel_address_index_ipv6", title); tbc->reroute_gw.from_json(root["reroute_gw"], "reroute_gw"); json::to_bool(root, tbc->block_ipv6, "block_ipv6", title); json::to_int(root, tbc->route_metric_default, "route_metric_default", title); json::to_vector(root, tbc->add_routes, "add_routes", title); json::to_vector(root, tbc->exclude_routes, "exclude_routes", title); json::to_vector(root, tbc->dns_servers, "dns_servers", title); json::to_vector(root, tbc->wins_servers, "wins_servers", title); json::to_vector(root, tbc->search_domains, "search_domains", title); json::to_string(root, tbc->adapter_domain_suffix, "adapter_domain_suffix", title); json::to_vector(root, tbc->proxy_bypass, "proxy_bypass", title); tbc->proxy_auto_config_url.from_json(root["proxy_auto_config_url"], "proxy_auto_config_url"); tbc->http_proxy.from_json(root["http_proxy"], "http_proxy"); tbc->https_proxy.from_json(root["https_proxy"], "https_proxy"); return tbc; } #endif // HAVE_JSON // builder data std::string session_name; int mtu = 0; Layer layer{Layer::OSI_LAYER_3}; // OSI layer RemoteAddress remote_address; // real address of server std::vector<RouteAddress> tunnel_addresses; // local tunnel addresses int tunnel_address_index_ipv4 = -1; // index into tunnel_addresses for IPv4 entry (or -1 if undef) int tunnel_address_index_ipv6 = -1; // index into tunnel_addresses for IPv6 entry (or -1 if undef) RerouteGW reroute_gw; // redirect-gateway info bool block_ipv6 = false; // block IPv6 traffic while VPN is active int route_metric_default = -1; // route-metric directive std::vector<Route> add_routes; // routes that should be added to tunnel std::vector<Route> exclude_routes; // routes that should be excluded from tunnel std::vector<DNSServer> dns_servers; // VPN DNS servers std::vector<SearchDomain> search_domains; // domain suffixes whose DNS requests should be tunnel-routed std::string adapter_domain_suffix; // domain suffix on tun/tap adapter (currently Windows only) std::vector<ProxyBypass> proxy_bypass; // hosts that should bypass proxy ProxyAutoConfigURL proxy_auto_config_url; ProxyHostPort http_proxy; ProxyHostPort https_proxy; std::vector<WINSServer> wins_servers; // Windows WINS servers private: template <typename LIST> static void render_list(std::ostream& os, const std::string& title, const LIST& list) { os << title << ':' << std::endl; for (auto &e : list) os << " " << e.to_string() << std::endl; } template <typename LIST> static void validate_list(const LIST& list, const std::string& title) { int i = 0; for (auto &e : list) { e.validate(title + '[' + openvpn::to_string(i) + ']'); ++i; } } bool validate_tunnel_index(const int index) const { if (index == -1) return true; return index >= 0 && static_cast<unsigned int>(index) <= tunnel_addresses.size(); } void validate_tunnel_address_indices(const std::string& title) const { if (!validate_tunnel_index(tunnel_address_index_ipv4)) OPENVPN_THROW_EXCEPTION(title << ".tunnel_address_index_ipv4 : IPv4 tunnel address index out of range: " << tunnel_address_index_ipv4); if (!validate_tunnel_index(tunnel_address_index_ipv6)) OPENVPN_THROW_EXCEPTION(title << ".tunnel_address_index_ipv6 : IPv6 tunnel address index out of range: " << tunnel_address_index_ipv6); const RouteAddress* r4 = vpn_ipv4(); if (r4 && r4->ipv6) OPENVPN_THROW_EXCEPTION(title << ".tunnel_address_index_ipv4 : IPv4 tunnel address index points to wrong address type: " << r4->to_string()); const RouteAddress* r6 = vpn_ipv6(); if (r6 && !r6->ipv6) OPENVPN_THROW_EXCEPTION(title << ".tunnel_address_index_ipv6 : IPv6 tunnel address index points to wrong address type: " << r6->to_string()); } void validate_mtu(const std::string& title) const { if (mtu < 0 || mtu > 65536) OPENVPN_THROW_EXCEPTION(title << ".mtu : MTU out of range: " << mtu); } void validate_layer(const std::string& title) const { if (!layer.defined()) OPENVPN_THROW_EXCEPTION(title << ": layer undefined"); } }; } #endif