<template> <div id="supermap3D" style="height: 100%"> <div id="cesiumContainer" style="height: 100%"></div> <!--漫游工具条--> <!-- <div class="bottomTools"> <el-row type="flex" justify="center"> <div class="iconDiv"> <i class="el-icon-s-home iconDivs" @click="homeClick()" theme="filled" title="主界面" /> <i class="el-icon-back iconDivs" @click="preStaMY()" theme="filled" title="上一站" /> <i class="el-icon-right iconDivs" @click="nextStaMY()" theme="filled" title="下一站" /> <i class="el-icon-s-promotion iconDivs" @click="beginMY()" theme="filled" title="开始" /> <<i :class="playstopIcon" @click="holdMY()" theme="filled" :title="playstopTitle" /> <i class="el-icon-switch-button iconDivs" @click="endMY()" theme="filled" title="停止" /> <i class="el-icon-full-screen iconDivs" @click="fullClick" title="全屏" /> </div> </el-row> </div> --> <div class="tools-content" v-show="manyouContrl"> <div class="top-content1"> <img src="./../../../public/static/img/shouye.png" alt="" title="首页" @click="homeClick()" /> <img src="./../../../public/static/img/manyou.png" alt="" title="漫游" @click="beginMY()" /> <img src="./../../../public/static/img/zanting.png" v-if="AnimateState" alt="" title="暂停" @click="holdMY()" /> <img src="./../../../public/static/img/jixu.png" v-if="!AnimateState" alt="" title="继续" @click="holdMY()" /> <img src="./../../../public/static/img/jieshu.png" alt="" title="结束" @click="endMY()" /> <img src="./../../../public/static/img/quanping.png" alt="" title="全屏" @click="fullClick()" /> </div> </div> <!--泵站属性框--> <template v-if="MonitorStationBZ.length"> <div class="panelstyleqita" v-show="bgMarkStationBZ" v-for="(item, index) in MonitorStationBZ" :key="'bengzmosnorStskds' + index" :id="item.id" > <div class="close" @click="clearPopup($event)">x</div> <div class="content"> <div class="item"> <div class="l">名称:</div> <div class="r">{{ item.id }}</div> </div> </div> </div> </template> <!--泵站属性框--> <template v-if="MonitorStationBZ.length"> <div class="panelstyleqita" v-show="bgMarkStationBZ" v-for="(item, index) in MonitorStationBZ" :key="'bengmonisrStation' + index" :id="item.id" > <div class="close" @click="clearPopup($event)">x</div> <div class="content"> <div class="item"> <div class="l">名称 :</div> <div class="r">{{ item.id }}</div> </div> </div> </div> </template> <!--问题二属性框--> <!-- <template v-if="MonitorStationZZ.length"> <div class="panelstyleqita" v-show="bgMarkStationZZ" v-for="(item, index) in MonitorStationZZ" :key="'zhazhansmonitorStation' + index" :id="item.id" > <div class="close" @click="clearPopup($event)">x</div> <div class="content"> <div class="item"> <div class="l">名称:</div> <div class="r">{{ item.id }}</div> </div> <div class="item"> <div class="l">描述:</div> <div class="r">{{ item.ms }}</div> </div> </div> </div> </template> --> <template v-if="MonitorStationZZ.length"> <div class="panelstyle" v-show="bgMarkStationZZ" v-for="(item, index) in MonitorStationZZ" :key="'zhazhansmonitorStation' + index" :id="item.id" > <div class="close" @click="clearPopup($event)"> <span class="RenYuanTitle">人员信息</span> x </div> <div class="content"> <div class="TongHuaLeft"> <div class="item"> <div class="l">人员姓名 :</div> <div class="r">{{ peoplename }}</div> </div> <div class="item"> <div class="l">所属河道 :</div> <div class="r">{{ suoshuhedao }}</div> </div> <div class="item"> <div class="l">问题描述 :</div> <div class="r">{{ wentimiaoshu }}</div> </div> <div class="item"> <div class="l">问题分类 :</div> <div class="r">{{ wentifenlei }}</div> </div> <div class="item"> <div class="l">任务进度 :</div> <div class="r">{{ renwujinzhan }}</div> </div> <div class="item"> <div class="l">事件时间 :</div> <div class="r">2021-12-24</div> </div> </div> <div class="TongHuaRight"> <el-carousel height="220px"> <el-carousel-item v-for="(item,index) in imgData" :key="index"> <img :src="item.img" class="RenYuanImg" alt="" /> </el-carousel-item> </el-carousel> </div> <div class="call" @click="callPerson">点击通话</div> </div> </div> </template> <!--人员属性框--> <template v-if="MonitorStationRY.length"> <div class="panelstyle" v-show="bgMarkStationZZ" v-for="(item, index) in MonitorStationRY" :key="'renyuanmdstoration' + index" :id="item.id" > <div class="close" @click="clearPopup($event)"> <span class="RenYuanTitle">人员信息</span> x </div> <div class="content"> <div class="TongHuaLeft"> <div class="item"> <div class="l">人员姓名 :</div> <div class="r">{{ peoplename }}</div> </div> <div class="item"> <div class="l">所属河道 :</div> <div class="r">{{ suoshuhedao }}</div> </div> <div class="item"> <div class="l">问题描述 :</div> <div class="r">{{ wentimiaoshu }}</div> </div> <div class="item"> <div class="l">问题分类 :</div> <div class="r">{{ wentifenlei }}</div> </div> <div class="item"> <div class="l">任务进度 :</div> <div class="r">{{ renwujinzhan }}</div> </div> <div class="item"> <div class="l">事件时间 :</div> <div class="r">2021-12-24</div> </div> </div> <div class="TongHuaRight"> <el-carousel height="220px"> <el-carousel-item v-for="(item,index) in imgData" :key="index"> <img :src="item.img" class="RenYuanImg" alt="" /> </el-carousel-item> </el-carousel> </div> <div class="call" @click="callPerson">点击通话</div> </div> </div> </template> <!--站点属性框--> <template v-if="MonitorStation.length"> <div class="panelstyleqita" v-show="bgMarkStation" v-for="(item, index) in MonitorStation" :key="'stationmsdtorStaon' + index" :id="item.stCode" > <div class="page-panel mapPanel"> <a-icon type="close" class="close-icon" @click="clearPopup($event)" /> <div class="panel-head"> <div class="title">{{ siteInfo.siteName }}</div> </div> <div class="panel-body"> <a-carousel class="mapPanel-carousel" :dots="false"> <div class="panel-list-box" v-if="siteInfo.realTimeData.length"> <div class="panel-list-item" v-for="item in siteInfo.realTimeData" :key="item.field" > <div class="label">{{ item.title }}</div> <div class="value">{{ item.value }}</div> </div> </div> </a-carousel> </div> </div> </div> </template> <!--视频属性框--> <!-- <template v-if="MonitorStationSPD.length"> <div class="panelstylesp" v-show="bgMarkStationSPD" v-for="(item, index) in MonitorStationSPD" :key="'spdmonitorStation' + index" :id="item.id" > <div class="close" style="position: absolute; right: 10px; z-index: 99" @click="clearPopup($event)" > x </div> <div class="content" v-if="bgMarkStationSPDXinsheng"> <VideoPlayer src="" style="width: 400px" type="application/x-mpegURL" /> </div> </div> </template> --> <!--闸站属性框--> <!-- <template v-if="MonitorStationZZ.length"> <div class="panelstyle" v-show="bgMarkStationZZ" v-for="(item, index) in MonitorStationZZ" :key="'zhazhanmonitorStation' + index" :id="item.id" > <div class="close" @click="clearPopup($event)">x</div> <div class="content"> <div class="item"> <div class="l">名称 :</div> <div class="r">{{ item.id }}</div> </div> <div class="item"> <div class="l">总过流量 :</div> <div class="r">{{ item.zgll }}</div> </div> <div class="item"> <div class="l">闸上水位:</div> <div class="r">{{ item.zssw }}</div> </div> <div class="item"> <div class="l">闸下水位:</div> <div class="r">{{ item.zxsw }}</div> </div> <div class="item"> <div class="l">闸站状态:</div> <div class="r">{{ item.zzzt }}</div> </div> <div class="item"> <div class="l">开闸孔数:</div> <div class="r">{{ item.kzks }}</div> </div> <div class="cnt-list"> <div class="item00" v-for="(_item, _index) in item.list" :key="_index" > <img v-if="!_item.status" src="./../../assets/images/img_11.png" alt="" /> <img v-else src="./../../assets/images/img_12.png" alt="" /> <div class="name">{{ _item.name }}闸孔</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </template> --> <!--存放点属性框--> <!-- <template v-if="MonitorStationCFD.length"> <div class="panelstyle" v-show="bgMarkStationCFD" v-for="(item, index) in MonitorStationCFD" :key="'cfdmonitorStation' + index" :id="item.id" > <div class="close" @click="clearPopup($event)">x</div> <div class="content"> <div class="item"> <div class="l">存放点名称 :</div> <div class="r">{{ item.id }}</div> </div> <div class="item"> <div class="l">存放地址 :</div> <div class="r">{{ item.address }}</div> </div> <div class="item"> <div class="l">描述 :</div> <div class="r">{{ item.miaoshu }}</div> </div> <div class="item"> <div class="l">经度 :</div> <div class="r">{{ item.lon }}</div> </div> <div class="item"> <div class="l">纬度 :</div> <div class="r">{{ item.lat }}</div> </div> <div class="item"> <div class="l">物资清单 :</div> <div class="r">{{ item.wzqd }}</div> </div> </div> </div> </template> --> <!-- 倾斜摄影透明度 --> <!-- <div id="toolbar" class="param-container tool-bar"> <div id="qxsyopacity" style="width: 227px;right: 30px;margin-top: -272px;margin-left: 1700px;z-index: 999999999999;position: relative;"> <label style="color:#FFFFFF ">图层透明:</label> <input type="range" style="width: 65%" min="0" max="1" step="0.02" title="调整地上图层透明度" data-bind="value: overGroundAlpha, valueUpdate: 'input'"> </div> </div> --> <!-- 右侧菜单 --> <!-- <div class="right-menu"> <div class="item" v-for="(item, index) in menuList" :key="index" :class="{ active: menuActive === index }" @click="changeTuceng(index)" > {{ item }} </div> </div> --> <!--无人机视频 通顺河沿堤.mp4--> <!-- src="" --> <!-- src="/static/通顺河沿堤.mp4"--> <!-- <div class="videoPop" v-show="videoPanelShow"> <div class="video"> <video controls="controls" src="" id="videoEvent" ></video> </div> <div class="fs"></div> <div class="close"></div> <div class="resizer" style=" width: 10px; height: 10px; position: absolute; bottom: 0px; z-index: 9999; right: 0px; cursor: sw-resize; " ></div> <div class="resizer" style=" width: 10px; height: 10px; position: absolute; bottom: 0px; z-index: 9999; right: 0px; cursor: se-resize; " ></div> </div> --> </div> </template> <script> let handler = null; export default { name: "supermap3D", data() { return { imgData: [ { img: require("./../../../static/img/1.png"), }, { img: require("./../../../static/img/2.png"), }, ], currentMark:"", peoplename: "石付军", suoshuhedao: "浉河", wentimiaoshu: "浉河虹桥附近", wentifenlei: "河道垃圾清理", renwujinzhan: "待审核", shijianshijian: "2021-10-27", //原经开三维飞行相关参数 manyouContrl: true, isFullscreen: false, videoPanelShow: false, //播放视频面板显隐 isEndRoam: false, AnimateState: false, //当前漫游状态 video: null, //播放视频标签 videoPanelShow: false, //播放视频面板显隐 dataliststation: [], ispanelCFBZ: false, ispanelWT1: false, ispanelCFZZ: false, ispanelWZD: false, ispanelSPD: false, ispanelLNHBZ: false, bgMarkStationRY: false, //人员 MonitorStationRY: [], bgMarkStationCFD: false, //存放点 MonitorStationCFD: [], MonitorStationBZ: [], bgMarkStationBZ: false, //泵站 MonitorStationZZ: [], bgMarkStationZZ: false, //闸站 MonitorStationSPD: [], bgMarkStationSPD: false, //视频点 bgMarkStationSPDXinsheng: false, //视频点视频流 playerOptions: { //摄像头 muted: false, overNative: true, autoplay: true, controls: true, techOrder: ["html5"], sourceOrder: true, width: "800px", language: "zh", html5: { hls: { withCredentials: false } }, sources: [ { withCredentials: false, type: "application/x-mpegURL", src: "", }, ], poster: "", }, //自有参数 layerchecklist: [ "雨水管", "污水管", "合流管", "雨水井", "污水井", "合流井", ], menuList: [ "在线监测", "视频监控", "沿岸巡检", "淹水模拟", "管道开挖", "清除", ], menuActive: 0, previousHeight: null, smidarrayysg: [], smidarraywsg: [], smidarrayysj: [], smidarraywsj: [], newid: "", Layer: "", Elevation: "", showArrow: false, //是否显示左右切换箭头 showArrow1: false, //是否显示左右切换箭头 //基础数据 basicData: null, MonitorStation: [], bgMarkStation: false, pipeBjArray: {}, //管线相关 lineInfo: { refresh: 1, basicData: null, siteName: "", realTimeData: [], showArrow: false, //是否显示左右切换箭头 }, //站点相关 siteInfo: { siteName: "", realTimeData: [], }, }; }, watch: { "lineInfo.refresh"() { if (this.lineInfo.realTimeData.length) { this.lineInfo.showArrow = true; } else { this.lineInfo.showArrow = false; } }, }, mounted: function () { //加载天地图 // let imgTDT = new Cesium.WebMapTileServiceImageryProvider({ // url: "http://t0.tianditu.com/img_w/wmts?service=wmts&tk=5095c97223409ac114493d71ecb9cd87&request=GetTile&version=1.0.0&LAYER=img&tileMatrixSet=w&TileMatrix={TileMatrix}&TileRow={TileRow}&TileCol={TileCol}&style=default&format=tiles", // layer: "img", // style: "default", // format: "tiles", // tileMatrixSetID: "w", // credit: new Cesium.Credit("天地图全球影像服务"), // subdomains: ["t0", "t1", "t2", "t3", "t4", "t5", "t6", "t7"], // maximumLevel: 18, // show: false, // }); //初始化viewer部件 var viewer = new Cesium.Viewer("cesiumContainer", { // imageryProvider: imgTDT, navigation: false, animation: false, // 隐藏动画控件 baseLayerPicker: false, // 隐藏图层选择控件 fullscreenButton: false, // 隐藏全屏按钮 vrButton: false, // 隐藏VR按钮,默认false geocoder: false, // 隐藏地名查找控件 homeButton: false, // 隐藏Home按钮 navigationHelpButton: false, // 隐藏帮助按钮 infoBox: false, //是否显示信息框 fullscreenButton: false, //是否显示全屏按钮 animation: false, //是否创建动画小器件,左下角仪表 timeline: false, //是否显示时间轴 selectionIndicator: false, //关闭点击绿色框 scene3DOnly: true, // 每个几何实例将只在3D中呈现,以节省GPU内存 }); //隐藏logo viewer.scene._creditContainer.style.display = "none"; var globe = viewer.scene.globe; globe.globeAlpha = 0.5; var scene = viewer.scene; scene.skyAtmosphere.show = false; scene.skyBox.show = false; viewer.scene.undergroundMode = true; //设置开启地下场景 viewer.scene.screenSpaceCameraController.minimumZoomDistance = -1000; //设置相机最小缩放距离,距离地表-1000米 viewer.scene.terrainProvider.isCreateSkirt = false; //监听滑动条变化,改变alpha的值,设置地表透明度 var viewModel = { globeAlpha: 0.5, }; Cesium.knockout.track(viewModel); //关闭深度检测 viewer.scene.globe.depthTestAgainstTerrain = false; window.earth = viewer; //加载人员轨迹接口 // type:(1 河道 /2 管网 /"" 所有 ) var params = { "data": { "type": "" } } this.$http.post(this.nozzle.recordSelectAllPoints, params).then(res => { if (res.data.code == 200) { this.MonitorStationRY=[] var celllist=res.data.data for(var i=0;i<celllist.length;i++) { var cell= celllist[i].point var cellthis={ id: "张武", type: "人员", stCode: "037606866240467", lon: 114.083925956929, lat: 32.0963300318205, }; cellthis.id= celllist[i].userName cellthis.stCode= celllist[i].userName cellthis.lon=cell[cell.length-1].P cellthis.lat=cell[cell.length-1].O //人员 this.MonitorStationRY.push(cellthis) } console.log("this.MonitorStationRY",this.MonitorStationRY) //根据轨迹数据进行刷新路线 this.addPointPeople(this.MonitorStationRY) } }); // window.provider_imgLayer = new Cesium.TileMapServiceImageryProvider({ // // url:'/imgUrl/矩形区域(2)/tiles', // // url:'/imgUrl/tdtTMS/xinyangimg1/tiles', // url: '/imgUrl/xinyangimg', // fileExtension: 'png', // }) // window.imglayer = window.earth.imageryLayers.addImageryProvider(window.provider_imgLayer) //高德影像 window.provider_imgLayer = new Cesium.TileMapServiceImageryProvider({ // url: '/imgUrl/xinyangimg', url: "http://webst02.is.autonavi.com/appmaptile?style=6&x={x}&y={y}&z={z}", //url:"{x}&y={y}&z={z}", fileExtension: "png", }); window.imglayer = window.earth.imageryLayers.addImageryProvider( window.provider_imgLayer ); //调节亮度 window.imglayer.brightness = 2.0; /* window.arcgislayer.contrast = 1.5; window.arcgislayer.saturation = 1.0; */ // video控件是原生获取的dom /* this.video = document.getElementById("videoEvent"); this.videoPlayPause(); */ //设置隐形飞机及路线 this.TravelCave(); //设置隐形飞机漫游指定路径 //加载图标 this.addMarks(); //展示属性 var infoboxContainer = document.getElementById("bubble"); viewer.customInfobox = infoboxContainer; //加载超图SM3格式三维模型的osgb var scene = viewer.scene; //加载倾斜摄影 this.addOSGBtileset(); //鼠标点击事件 this.mouseMapClick(); }, beforeDestroy() { if (handler) { handler.removeInputAction(Cesium.ScreenSpaceEventType.LEFT_DOWN); //移除事件 } handler = undefined; }, methods: { //点击tree闪烁并弹出属性 showAndHightPoint(data) { console.log("点击了人员:", data); //this.currentMark="系统管理员" this.peoplename = data.userName; var keyid = "系统管理员"; //var keyid = data.userName; var lon = 114.0805319404991; var lat = 32.10399069614823; for(var k=0;k<this.MonitorStationRY.length;k++) { if(this.MonitorStationRY[k].id==keyid) { lon=this.MonitorStationRY[k].lon lat=this.MonitorStationRY[k].lat console.log(111111111111,lon) console.log(2222222222222,lat) break; } } document.getElementById( keyid ).style.display = "block"; window.earth.scene.preRender.addEventListener(() => { var position = new Cesium.Cartographic( parseFloat(lon), parseFloat(lat), 0 ); this.fixDomPosition(keyid, position); }); // document.getElementById(keyid).style.display = "block"; // window.earth.scene.preRender.addEventListener(() => { // var position = new Cesium.Cartographic(lon, lat, 0); // console.log("lon",lon) // console.log("lat",lat) // console.log("keyid",keyid) // this.fixDomPosition(keyid, position); // }); }, clearPopup(event) { var clickDom = event.currentTarget; var willshow = clickDom.parentNode; willshow.style.display = "none"; this.bgMarkStation = false; this.siteInfo.realTimeData = []; }, createTooltip(frameDiv) { var tooltip = function (frameDiv) { var div = document.createElement("DIV"); div.className = "twipsy right"; var arrow = document.createElement("DIV"); arrow.className = "twipsy-arrow"; div.appendChild(arrow); var title = document.createElement("DIV"); title.className = "twipsy-inner"; div.appendChild(title); this._div = div; this._title = title; this.message = ""; // add to frame div and display coordinates frameDiv.appendChild(div); var that = this; div.onmousemove = function (evt) { that.showAt({ x: evt.clientX, y: evt.clientY }, that.message); }; }; tooltip.prototype.setVisible = function (visible) { this._div.style.display = visible ? "block" : "none"; }; tooltip.prototype.showAt = function (position, message) { if (position && message) { this.setVisible(true); this._title.innerHTML = message; this._div.style.left = position.x + 10 + "px"; this._div.style.top = position.y - this._div.clientHeight / 2 + "px"; this.message = message; } }; return new tooltip(frameDiv); }, //绘制开挖区域 excavation(overGroundLayer) { var viewer = window.earth; var handlerPolygon = new Cesium.DrawHandler( viewer, Cesium.DrawMode.Polygon ); handlerPolygon.activeEvt.addEventListener((isActive) => { if (isActive == true) { viewer.enableCursorStyle = false; viewer._element.style.cursor = ""; $("body").removeClass("drawCur").addClass("drawCur"); } else { viewer.enableCursorStyle = true; $("body").removeClass("drawCur"); } }); //handlerPolygon.movingEvt.addEventListener(function (windowPosition) { }); var tooltip = this.createTooltip(viewer._element); handlerPolygon.movingEvt.addEventListener((windowPosition) => { if (windowPosition.x < 200 && windowPosition.y < 150) { tooltip.setVisible(false); return; } if (handlerPolygon.isDrawing) { tooltip.showAt(windowPosition, "<p>右键单击结束绘制,进行开挖</p>"); } else { tooltip.showAt(windowPosition, "<p>点击绘制开挖区域第一个点</p>"); } }); handlerPolygon.drawEvt.addEventListener((result) => { tooltip.setVisible(false); handlerPolygon.polygon.show = false; handlerPolygon.polyline.show = false; var polygon = result.object; var positions = polygon.positions; var flatPoints = []; for (var i = 0, j = positions.length; i < j; i++) { //获取经纬度和高度 var position = positions[i]; var cartographic = Cesium.Cartographic.fromCartesian(position); var lon = Cesium.Math.toDegrees(cartographic.longitude); var lat = Cesium.Math.toDegrees(cartographic.latitude); var height = cartographic.height; flatPoints.push(lon); flatPoints.push(lat); flatPoints.push(height); } overGroundLayer.addExcavationRegion({ //设置倾斜开挖参数 position: flatPoints, name: "excavation_" + Math.random(), }); handlerPolygon.deactivate(); }); handlerPolygon.activate(); }, //点击“开始”按钮,则开始淹没分析 beginFlood(layer) { this.clearFlood(); console.log("beginFlodd"); /* currentHeight = 0; int = this.setInterval("flood()", 100); maxValue = parseInt(document.getElementById("maxHeight").value); minValue = parseInt(document.getElementById("minHeight").value); */ this.currentHeight = 0; this.maxValue = 65; this.floodInterval = setInterval(() => { this.flood(layer); }, 100); }, clearFlood() { console.log("clearFlood"); if (this.floodInterval) { clearInterval(this.floodInterval); this.floodInterval = null; } }, clearFloodByBtn(layer) { if (this.floodInterval) { clearInterval(this.floodInterval); } var hyp = new Cesium.HypsometricSetting(); hyp.MaxVisibleValue = -1000; layer.hypsometricSetting = { hypsometricSetting: hyp, analysisMode: Cesium.HypsometricSettingEnum.AnalysisRegionMode.ARM_ALL, }; }, flood(layer) { console.log("flooding"); if (this.currentHeight > this.maxValue) { this.clearFlood(); return; } /* var layer = window.earth.scene.layers.find("Config"); */ var hyp = new Cesium.HypsometricSetting(); //创建分层设色对象 设置最大/最小可见高度 颜色表 显示模式 透明度及线宽 var colorTable = new Cesium.ColorTable(); hyp.MaxVisibleValue = this.currentHeight; hyp.MinVisibleValue = 0; // var value = $("#colorTable").find("option:selected")[0].value; //setColorTable(colorTable, 1); colorTable.insert(71, new Cesium.Color(0, 39 / 255, 148 / 255)); colorTable.insert(0, new Cesium.Color(149 / 255, 232 / 255, 249 / 255)); hyp.ColorTable = colorTable; hyp.DisplayMode = Cesium.HypsometricSettingEnum.DisplayMode.FACE; hyp.Opacity = 0.5; hyp.LineInterval = 10.0; //设置图层分层设色属性 layer.hypsometricSetting = { hypsometricSetting: hyp, analysisMode: Cesium.HypsometricSettingEnum.AnalysisRegionMode.ARM_ALL, }; this.currentHeight += 0.1; console.log(this.currentHeight); }, changeTuceng(index) { //this.removeAllpopup() this.menuActive = index; console.log(index); //在线监测 if (index == 0) { this.manyouContrl = false; this.endMY(); this.removeEntityByType("视频点"); this.addEntityByType("泵站"); this.addEntityByType("闸站"); } //视频监控 else if (index == 1) { this.manyouContrl = false; this.endMY(); this.removeEntityByType("泵站"); this.removeEntityByType("闸站"); this.addEntityByType("视频点"); } //沿岸巡检 else if (index == 2) { this.addEntityByType("泵站"); this.addEntityByType("闸站"); this.addEntityByType("视频点"); this.manyouContrl = true; this.homeClick(); } //淹水模拟 else if (index == 3) { //开始淹没分析 console.log(this.osgblayer); this.beginFlood(this.osgblayer); } //管道开挖 else if (index == 4) { this.excavation(this.osgblayer); } //清除所有 else if (index == 5) { this.clearFloodByBtn(this.osgblayer); //移除开挖的坑 this.osgblayer.removeAllExcavationRegion(); } }, refreshLayerlist(newlayerlist) { this.layerchecklist = newlayerlist; console.log(this.layerchecklist); }, //装载河流管流向 loadhsarrow() { var features = hsgxJson.features; // window.primitivexiaqufenqu = []; console.log(features); for (var m = 0; m < features.length; m++) { var bianjieDataShiHe = features[m].geometry.coordinates; var cell; var result = []; var resultH = []; for (var i = 0; i < bianjieDataShiHe.length; i++) { cell = bianjieDataShiHe[i]; result.push(cell[0]); result.push(cell[1]); result.push(3); resultH.push(cell[0]); resultH.push(cell[1]); resultH.push(4); } console.log(result); window.earth.entities.add({ type: "heliuarrow", show: true, clampToS3M: true, polyline: { positions: Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegreesArrayHeights(result), width: 7, followSurface: false, material: new Cesium.PolylineArrowMaterialProperty( Cesium.Color.YELLOW ), show: true, }, }); window.earth.entities.add({ // 尾迹线 type: "heliuarrow", show: true, clampToS3M: true, polyline: { positions: Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegreesArrayHeights(resultH), width: 4, // 线的宽度,像素为单位 material: new Cesium.PolylineTrailMaterialProperty({ // 尾迹线材质 // color: new Cesium.Color(218,165,32, 1), color: Cesium.Color.YELLOW, trailLength: 0.1, outlineWidth: 0.5, period: 5.0, }), }, }); } }, //装载雨水路线 loadysarrow() { var features = ysgxJson.features; // window.primitivexiaqufenqu = []; console.log(features); for (var m = 0; m < features.length; m++) { var bianjieDataShiHe = features[m].geometry.coordinates; var cell; var result = []; var resultH = []; for (var i = 0; i < bianjieDataShiHe.length; i++) { cell = bianjieDataShiHe[i]; result.push(cell[0]); result.push(cell[1]); result.push(3); resultH.push(cell[0]); resultH.push(cell[1]); resultH.push(4); } console.log(result); window.earth.entities.add({ type: "yushuiarrow", show: true, clampToS3M: true, polyline: { positions: Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegreesArrayHeights(result), width: 7, followSurface: false, material: new Cesium.PolylineArrowMaterialProperty( Cesium.Color.BLUE ), show: true, }, }); window.earth.entities.add({ // 尾迹线 type: "yushuiarrow", show: true, clampToS3M: true, polyline: { positions: Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegreesArrayHeights(resultH), width: 4, // 线的宽度,像素为单位 material: new Cesium.PolylineTrailMaterialProperty({ // 尾迹线材质 /* color: new Cesium.Color(25,25,112, 1), */ color: Cesium.Color.BLUE, trailLength: 0.1, outlineWidth: 0.5, period: 5.0, }), }, }); } }, //装载污水路线 loadwsarrow() { var features = wsgxJson.features; // window.primitivexiaqufenqu = []; console.log(features); for (var m = 0; m < features.length; m++) { var bianjieDataShiHe = features[m].geometry.coordinates; var cell; var result = []; var resultH = []; for (var i = 0; i < bianjieDataShiHe.length; i++) { cell = bianjieDataShiHe[i]; result.push(cell[0]); result.push(cell[1]); result.push(1.7); resultH.push(cell[0]); resultH.push(cell[1]); resultH.push(4); } console.log(result); window.earth.entities.add({ type: "wushuiarrow", show: true, clampToS3M: true, polyline: { positions: Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegreesArrayHeights(result), width: 7, followSurface: false, material: new Cesium.PolylineArrowMaterialProperty( Cesium.Color.RED ), show: true, }, }); window.earth.entities.add({ // 尾迹线 type: "wushuiarrow", show: true, clampToS3M: true, polyline: { positions: Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegreesArrayHeights(resultH), width: 4, // 线的宽度,像素为单位 material: new Cesium.PolylineTrailMaterialProperty({ // 尾迹线材质 /* color: new Cesium.Color(139,0,0, 1), */ color: Cesium.Color.RED, trailLength: 0.1, outlineWidth: 0.5, period: 5.0, }), }, }); } }, //获取站点/报警管线数据实时数据 async getSiteSiteManBySerial(stCode, type, info) { let _data = { stCode: stCode, }; let arr = []; let result = await this.$api.getSiteSiteManBySerial(_data); if (result && result.st) { let res = await this.$api.getSiteHead({ siteNo: stCode }); if (res.code == 200) { arr = res.data; arr.forEach((item) => { for (let key in result) { if (item.field === key) { this.$set(item, "value", result[key]); } } }); if (type === "line") { this.lineInfo.refresh = Math.random(); this.lineInfo.realTimeData = arr; } else { this.siteInfo.realTimeData = arr; } } } else { /* this.$emit("realTimeData", [], type, siteName, true); */ } if (type === "line") document.getElementById("bubble").style.display = "block"; else if (type === "site") info.style.display = "block"; }, //根据sql查询--全量污水井赋值红色 async doSqlQueryWSJRed(sqlStr) { console.log(sqlStr); var sqlParameter = { datasetNames: ["jkqline3D6:污水井84"], getFeatureMode: "SQL", maxFeatures: 10000, queryParameter: { attributeFilter: sqlStr, }, }; let res = await this.$api.featureResults(sqlParameter); if (res && res.features) { var smidarray = []; for (var i = 0; i < res.features.length; i++) { smidarray.push(res.features[i].ID); } //根据图层和smid赋值 var layer3 = window.earth.scene.layers.find("污水井84@jkqline3D6"); console.log(layer3); console.log(smidarray); //根据图层和smid赋值 layer3.selectColorType = 1.0; layer3.setObjsColor(smidarray, Cesium.Color.RED); } }, //根据sql查询--全量污水井赋值蓝色 async doSqlQueryYSJBlue(sqlStr) { var sqlParameter = { datasetNames: ["jkqline3D6:雨水井84"], getFeatureMode: "SQL", maxFeatures: 10000, queryParameter: { attributeFilter: sqlStr, }, }; let res = await this.$api.featureResults(sqlParameter); console.log(res); if (res.features) { console.log(res); var smidarray = []; for (var i = 0; i < res.features.length; i++) { smidarray.push(res.features[i].ID); } //根据图层和smid赋值 var layer2 = window.earth.scene.layers.find("雨水井84@jkqline3D6"); layer2.selectColorType = 1.0; layer2.setObjsColor(smidarray, Cesium.Color.BLUE); } }, //根据sql查询 async doSqlQueryWSJ(sqlStr) { var sqlParameter = { datasetNames: ["jkqline3D6:污水井84"], getFeatureMode: "SQL", maxFeatures: 10000, queryParameter: { attributeFilter: sqlStr, }, }; let res = await this.$api.featureResults(sqlParameter); console.log(res); if (res.features) { console.log(res); this.smidarraywsj = []; for (var i = 0; i < res.features.length; i++) { this.smidarraywsj.push(res.features[i].ID); } //根据图层和smid赋值 var layer3 = window.earth.scene.layers.find("污水井84@jkqline3D6"); //根据图层和smid赋值 layer3.selectColorType = 1.0; layer3.setObjsColor(this.smidarraywsj, Cesium.Color.YELLOW); } }, //根据sql查询 async doSqlQueryYSJ(sqlStr) { var sqlParameter = { datasetNames: ["jkqline3D6:雨水井84"], getFeatureMode: "SQL", maxFeatures: 10000, queryParameter: { attributeFilter: sqlStr, }, }; let res = await this.$api.featureResults(sqlParameter); if (res && res.features) { this.smidarrayysj = []; for (var i = 0; i < res.features.length; i++) { this.smidarrayysj.push(res.features[i].ID); } //根据图层和smid赋值 var layer2 = window.earth.scene.layers.find("雨水井84@jkqline3D6"); layer2.selectColorType = 1.0; layer2.setObjsColor(this.smidarrayysj, Cesium.Color.YELLOW); } }, // 鼠标点击图层事件 mouseMapClick() { const canvas = window.earth.scene.canvas; let startMousePosition; let mousePosition; const _that = this; handler = new Cesium.ScreenSpaceEventHandler(canvas); handler.setInputAction((movement) => { const earthPosition = window.earth.camera.pickEllipsoid( movement.position, window.earth.scene.globe.ellipsoid ); if (Cesium.defined(earthPosition)) { // console.log(window.earth.entities.getById('SH1')); const pickedFeature = window.earth.scene.pick(movement.position); /* const cartesian = window.earth.camera.pickEllipsoid(movement.position, window.earth.scene.globe.ellipsoid); // Cartesian3对象 var ellipsoid = window.earth.scene.globe.ellipsoid; */ var cartographic = Cesium.Cartographic.fromCartesian( earthPosition, window.earth.scene.globe.ellipsoid, new Cesium.Cartographic() ); var lat = Cesium.Math.toDegrees(cartographic.latitude); var lng = Cesium.Math.toDegrees(cartographic.longitude); var height = window.earth.camera.positionCartographic.height; if (pickedFeature == undefined) return; if (pickedFeature) { console.log(pickedFeature); //预处理站点位 if ( pickedFeature.id && pickedFeature.id._id && pickedFeature.id.type ) { let _data = { id: pickedFeature.id._id, type: pickedFeature.id.type, }; //_that.$store.dispatch("siteInfo/set", _data); if ( pickedFeature.id.type == "水质仪" || pickedFeature.id.type == "问题点" || pickedFeature.id.type == "人员" ) { //测试点击对应dom让其展示并跟着地球转动 var cartographic = Cesium.Cartographic.fromCartesian( earthPosition, window.earth.scene.globe.ellipsoid, new Cesium.Cartographic() ); var lat = Cesium.Math.toDegrees(cartographic.latitude); var lng = Cesium.Math.toDegrees(cartographic.longitude); var height = window.earth.camera.positionCartographic.height; if (pickedFeature == undefined) return; if (pickedFeature) { console.log(pickedFeature); //预处理站点位 if ( pickedFeature.id && pickedFeature.id._id && pickedFeature.id.type ) { let _data = { id: pickedFeature.id._id, type: pickedFeature.id.type, }; //_that.$store.dispatch("siteInfo/set", _data); if ( pickedFeature.id.type == "水质仪" || pickedFeature.id.type == "问题点" || pickedFeature.id.type == "人员" ) { //测试点击对应dom让其展示并跟着地球转动 if ( typeof pickedFeature.primitive._actualPosition != "undefined" ) { // this.removeAllpopup() let info = document.getElementById(pickedFeature.id.id); info.style.display = "block"; let c = new Cesium.Cartesian2( movement.position.x, movement.position.y ); var topcut = 300; var leftcut = 190; console.log(pickedFeature); if (pickedFeature.id.type == "问题点") { document.getElementById( pickedFeature.id.id ).style.display = "block"; window.earth.scene.preRender.addEventListener(() => { var position = new Cesium.Cartographic( pickedFeature.id.lon, pickedFeature.id.lat, -6 ); this.fixDomPosition(pickedFeature.id.id, position); }); } else if (pickedFeature.id.type == "人员") { this.peoplename = pickedFeature.id.id document.getElementById( pickedFeature.id.id ).style.display = "block"; window.earth.scene.preRender.addEventListener(() => { var position = new Cesium.Cartographic( pickedFeature.id.lon, pickedFeature.id.lat, 0 ); this.fixDomPosition(pickedFeature.id.id, position); }); } else if (pickedFeature.id.type == "水质仪") { var domid = pickedFeature.id.id; document.getElementById(domid).display = "block"; window.earth.scene.preRender.addEventListener(() => { var position = new Cesium.Cartographic( pickedFeature.id.lon, pickedFeature.id.lat, 0 ); this.fixDomPosition(pickedFeature.id.id, position); }); } } } else { //_that.$store.dispatch("siteInfo/set", _data); } } } } else { } } else { //_that.$store.dispatch("siteInfo/set", _data); } } else { } } }, Cesium.ScreenSpaceEventType.LEFT_DOWN); }, //根据sql查询 async doSqlQuery(sqlStr, name, pick) { console.log(name); var nameres = name.replace(/\s*/g, ""); var datasetName = nameres.split("@"); var sqlParameter = { datasetNames: [datasetName[1] + ":" + datasetName[0]], getFeatureMode: "SQL", maxFeatures: 10000, queryParameter: { attributeFilter: sqlStr, }, }; //用李喆发的数据源shp请求 //雨水管线1200@xyline3D3 // var postUrl = "" //postUrl = "http://localhost:8090/iserver/services/data-pipeline2-bimPipe22/rest/data/featureResults.rjson?returnContent=true"; //postUrl = "/supermapapi/iserver/services/data-pipeline2-bimPipe22/rest/data/featureResults.rjson?returnContent=true" let res = await this.$api.featureResults(sqlParameter); console.log(res); if (res && res.features) { var feature = res.features[0]; var result = []; for (var i = 0; i < feature.fieldNames.length; i++) { result[feature.fieldNames[i]] = feature.fieldValues[i]; } /* console.log(result) */ var dombubble = document.getElementById("bubble"); /* this.$http .post(postUrl, sqlParameter) .then((response) => { console.log(response) var dombubble = document.getElementById("bubble") if (response.data.features && response.data.features[0]) { var feature = response.data.features[0] var result = [] for (var i = 0; i < feature.fieldNames.length; i++) { result[feature.fieldNames[i]] = feature.fieldValues[i] } console.log(result) */ //管线 var data = {}; data = result; //筛选data为空的不显示 var lastresult = {}; for (let key in data) { if (data[key] != "" && key.indexOf("UNIQUEID") < 0) { lastresult[key] = data[key]; } } console.log(lastresult); // this.lineInfo.showArrow=true this.lineInfo.basicData = lastresult; dombubble.style.display = "block"; //设置让点击后的pick对象跟着地球点跑 window.earth.scene.postRender.addEventListener(() => { var canvasHeight = window.earth.scene.canvas.height; var windowPosition = new Cesium.Cartesian2(); Cesium.SceneTransforms.wgs84ToWindowCoordinates( window.earth.scene, pick, windowPosition ); dombubble.style.bottom = canvasHeight - windowPosition.y + "px"; dombubble.style.left = windowPosition.x + "px"; dombubble.style.visibility = "visible"; }); } else { dombubble.style.display = "none"; } /* }) */ }, //获取高 getHeight() { if (window.earth) { var scene = window.earth.scene; var ellipsoid = scene.globe.ellipsoid; var height = ellipsoid.cartesianToCartographic( window.earth.camera.position ).height; return height; } }, cameraChange() { window.earth.camera.changed.addEventListener(() => { //先判断有无勾选雨水,勾选才有高度显示判断 //判断雨水json let currentHeight = this.getHeight(); if (this.previousHeight) { if (this.previousHeight > 200 && currentHeight < 200) { console.log(111111111111111111); //循环删除多个实体lable var viewer = window.earth; var entitys = viewer.entities._entities._array; for (var i = 0; i < entitys.length; i++) { if ( entitys[i].type && (entitys[i].type == "wushuiarrow" || entitys[i].type == "yushuiarrow" || entitys[i].type == "heliuarrow") ) { entitys[i].show = false; } } } else if (this.previousHeight < 200 && currentHeight > 200) { console.log(2222222222222222); //循环删除多个实体lable var viewer = window.earth; var entitys = viewer.entities._entities._array; for (var i = 0; i < entitys.length; i++) { if ( entitys[i].type && this.layerchecklist.indexOf("污水管") > -1 && entitys[i].type == "wushuiarrow" ) { entitys[i].show = true; } if ( entitys[i].type && this.layerchecklist.indexOf("雨水管") > -1 && entitys[i].type == "yushuiarrow" ) { entitys[i].show = true; } if ( entitys[i].type && this.layerchecklist.indexOf("合流管") > -1 && entitys[i].type == "heliuarrow" ) { entitys[i].show = true; } } } else { } this.previousHeight = currentHeight; } else { this.previousHeight = currentHeight; } /* if (currentHeight < 1000) { //循环删除多个实体lable var viewer = window.earth; var entitys = viewer.entities._entities._array; for (var i = 0; i < entitys.length; i++) { if (entitys[i].type && (entitys[i].type=="wushuiarrow"||entitys[i].type=="yushuiarrow"||entitys[i].type=="heliuarrow")) { entitys[i].show = false; } } } else { //循环删除多个实体lable var viewer = window.earth; var entitys = viewer.entities._entities._array; for (var i = 0; i < entitys.length; i++) { if (entitys[i].type && (entitys[i].type=="wushuiarrow"||entitys[i].type=="yushuiarrow"||entitys[i].type=="heliuarrow")) { entitys[i].show = true; } } } */ }); }, // 添加图标事件 addMarks() { this.dataliststation = [ { id: "三里店和与浉河南路相交处", type: "水质仪", stCode: "0376000092", lon: 114.077271, lat: 32.107239, }, { id: "浉河南路(界河污水主管接入后,倒虹吸前)", type: "水质仪", stCode: "0376000042", lon: 114.0815319404991, lat: 32.10199069614823, }, { id: "问题1", type: "问题点", ms: "此处有水面垃圾", stCode: "00111", lon: 114.085094085325, lat: 32.0977182205015, }, { id: "问题2", type: "问题点", ms: "此处有水面垃圾", stCode: "002", lon: 114.0864063271, lat: 32.0967950080981, }, { id: "张小明", type: "人员", stCode: "03760000467", lon: 114.0805319404991, lat: 32.10399069614823, }, { id: "李大明", type: "人员", stCode: "03760043240467", lon: 114.088882400043, lat: 32.0979350015851, }, { id: "张飞", type: "人员", stCode: "037565467", lon: 114.089826231813, lat: 32.0993981365747, }, { id: "胜五", type: "人员", stCode: "0376232340467", lon: 114.079546279199, lat: 32.1017924678198, }, { id: "张武", type: "人员", stCode: "037606866240467", lon: 114.083925956929, lat: 32.0963300318205, }, { id: "测试", type: "人员", stCode: "032327640467", lon: 114.08635768121, lat: 32.1066741381651, }, ]; //加载点位数据 //泵站点位 this.MonitorStationBZ = this.dataliststation.filter(function (item) { return item.type == "水质仪"; }); this.addPoint(this.MonitorStationBZ); //闸站 this.MonitorStationZZ = this.dataliststation.filter(function (item) { return item.type == "问题点"; }); this.addPoint(this.MonitorStationZZ); console.log("this.MonitorStationBZ", this.MonitorStationBZ); console.log("this.MonitorStationZZ", this.MonitorStationZZ); // //人员 // this.MonitorStationRY = this.dataliststation.filter(function (item) { // return item.type == "人员"; // }); // this.addPoint(this.MonitorStationRY); }, //添加点 addPoint(data) { //闪烁 var x = 1; var flog = true; // console.log(data); var scaledata = 1.0; let imgUrl = require("./../../../public/static/img/hdszy_zc.png"); let placesj = new Cesium.Cartesian2(0, -60); var positionHeight = 15; var isshow = true; for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { switch (data[i].type) { case "水质仪": imgUrl = require("./../../../public/static/img/hdszy_zc.png"); break; case "问题点": imgUrl = require("./../../../public/static/img/camera_green.png"); break; case "人员": imgUrl = require("./../../../public/static/img/people.png"); positionHeight = 0; scaledata = 0.4; break; } window.earth.entities.add({ name: data[i].id, id: data[i].id, lon: data[i].lon, lat: data[i].lat, num: data[i].id, stCode: data[i].stCode, type: data[i].type, show: isshow, position: Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees( data[i].lon, data[i].lat, positionHeight ), billboard: { image: imgUrl, scale: scaledata, // HorizontalOrigin: HorizontalOrigin.LEFT, // //垂直位置 // verticalOrigin: VerticalOrigin.UP, pixelOffset: new Cesium.Cartesian2(0, -40), //heightReference:Cesium.CLAMP_TO_GROUND //闪烁 show: new Cesium.CallbackProperty(function () { if(this.currentMark=="张小明") { if (flog) { x = x - 0.05; if (x <= 0) { flog = false; } } else { x = x + 0.05; if (x >= 1) { flog = true; } } return x >= 0.5; } }, false), }, label: { text: data[i].id, // font: '14pt monospace', //font: 'Avenir, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif', font: "18px sans-serif", //style: LabelStyle.FILL_AND_OUTLINE, fillColor: Cesium.Color.WHITE, outlineWidth: 2, HorizontalOrigin: Cesium.HorizontalOrigin.LEFT, //垂直位置 verticalOrigin: Cesium.VerticalOrigin.BUTTON, //中心位置 pixelOffset: placesj, // heightReference:Cesium.CLAMP_TO_GROUND }, }); } }, //添加人 addPointPeople(data) { let imgUrl = require("./../../../public/static/img/people.png"); let positionHeight = 0; let scaledata = 0.4; var isshow = true; let placesj = new Cesium.Cartesian2(0, -60); for (let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { window.earth.entities.add({ name: data[i].id, id: data[i].id, lon: parseFloat(data[i].lon), lat: parseFloat(data[i].lat), num: data[i].id, stCode: data[i].stCode, type: data[i].type, show: isshow, position: Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees( parseFloat(data[i].lon), parseFloat(data[i].lat), positionHeight ), billboard: { image: imgUrl, scale: scaledata, // HorizontalOrigin: HorizontalOrigin.LEFT, // //垂直位置 // verticalOrigin: VerticalOrigin.UP, pixelOffset: new Cesium.Cartesian2(0, -40), //heightReference:Cesium.CLAMP_TO_GROUND //闪烁 // show: new Cesium.CallbackProperty(function () { // if(this.currentMark=="张小明") // { // if (flog) { // x = x - 0.05; // if (x <= 0) { // flog = false; // } // } else { // x = x + 0.05; // if (x >= 1) { // flog = true; 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var latarr = [ 32.0955439108, 32.0956102636279, 32.0956420811552, 32.0956972372304, 32.0957732456452, 32.0958313509353, 32.0958961703995, 32.0959646428073, 32.0960193913297, 32.0960848141479, 32.0961527850088, 32.0961988123009, 32.0962695200168, 32.0963064886343, 32.0964261570576, 32.0965305774399, 32.0966130044973, 32.0966857359645, 32.0967631996461, 32.0968071541257, 32.0968684139987, 32.0969048271719, 32.0969862922884, 32.0970946158659, 32.0972330138566, ]; for (let kk = 0; kk < lonarr.length; kk++) { /* var result = gcoord.transform( [lonarr[kk], latarr[kk]], // 经纬度坐标 gcoord.GCJ02, // 当前坐标系 gcoord.WGS84 // 目标坐标系 ); */ routeCor.push(lonarr[kk]); routeCor.push(latarr[kk]); routeCor.push(-4); } routeCor.push(114.085719349506); routeCor.push(32.0971357752289); routeCor.push(2); routeCor.push(114.085588643839); routeCor.push(32.0972612917984); routeCor.push(2); routeCor.push(114.085491647299); routeCor.push(32.097355446692); routeCor.push(2); routeCor.push(114.085318017236); routeCor.push(32.0975266208165); routeCor.push(2); routeCor.push(114.085180056944); routeCor.push(32.0976642995766); routeCor.push(2); routeCor.push(114.085119280774); routeCor.push(32.0977270301215); routeCor.push(2); var lonarr1 = [ 114.085255976288, 114.085102694904, 114.085014961749, 114.084923781515, 114.084786423886, 114.084692750713, 114.08460844511, 114.084534852399, 114.084479672299, 114.084400450906, 114.084291694824, 114.084214065142, 114.084115479127, 114.084036679425, 114.083948853824, 114.083828529212, //114.083762618346, 114.083670496717, 114.083564187366, 114.083480203343, // 114.083397555403, 114.083285951538, 114.083209751656, 114.083146979527, // 114.083040248719, 114.082968458143, 114.082938537003, 114.08288101482, // 114.082811049091, 114.082774340772, 114.082727661101, 114.082680332365, // 114.082648783926, 114.082594160631, 114.082546284847, 114.082503652205, // 114.082434591266, 114.082384186164, 114.082308046589, 114.082250405793, // 114.082192903706, 114.08211938981, 114.082049117193, 114.081992119443, // 114.081940938433, 114.081879304096, 114.081824030884, 114.081748689648, // 114.081686859164, 114.081597965895, 114.081531735095, 114.081470914758, // 114.081400118209, 114.081330735072, 114.081271630674, 114.081224359781, // 114.081150981215, 114.08107153615, 114.081034048701, 114.080977739837, // 114.080925212461, 114.080852506325, 114.080752521335, 114.080700156844, // 114.080629328236, 114.080532400489, 114.080459584228, 114.080399009685, // 114.080335825006, 114.080242918602, 114.080179816621, 114.080181204924, // 114.080089587943, 114.08004499385, 114.079971133277, 114.079850230649, // 114.079784782032, 114.079729723803, 114.079660313457, 114.079583992338, // 114.079527995873, 114.079459435964, 114.079408140909, 114.079333362151, // 114.079230455162, 114.079146661184, ]; var latarr1 = [ 32.0978345684551, 32.0979785122343, 32.0980605423124, 32.0981493367731, 32.0982863273092, 32.0983793459651, 32.0984714366192, 32.0985561170528, 32.0986145838852, 32.0987069863075, 32.0988312425012, 32.0989236314715, 32.0990387312133, 32.0991307915664, 32.0992359345577, 32.0993792349995, //32.0994578651062, 32.0995630877418, 32.0996859900723, 32.0997828704268, // 32.0998817346794, 32.1000085537278, 32.100095185876, 32.1001652907905, // 32.1002875662747, 32.1003736480043, 32.1004113295985, 32.1004861755372, // 32.1005750063695, 32.1006252253616, 32.1006890091389, 32.1007584586724, // 32.1008019054174, 32.1008821656155, 32.1009512477213, 32.1010090678594, // 32.1011080872234, 32.1011858150934, 32.1012975869943, 32.1013840172796, // 32.1014718984045, 32.1015816187692, 32.1016894782681, 32.1017769762188, // 32.1018535972501, 32.1019493609947, 32.1020317658604, 32.1021482886804, // 32.1022408675649, 32.1023756080394, 32.1024777230103, 32.1025734534491, // 32.10268282509, 32.102787689644, 32.1028755374286, 32.1029506991419, // 32.1030639197819, 32.1031839026546, 32.1032421167879, 32.10333213833, // 32.1034137656734, 32.1035220905637, 32.1036792532342, 32.1037542274605, // 32.103833226122, 32.1039417395034, 32.1040295715129, 32.1041000089462, // 32.1041721958583, 32.1042804199954, 32.1043520409667, 32.1043507388764, // 32.1044545582256, 32.104506639531, 32.1045937278367, 32.1047320829662, // 32.104803349756, 32.1048685928752, 32.1049456548293, 32.1050357306808, // 32.1050977032556, 32.1051800454596, 32.1052386907462, 32.1053237777052, // 32.1054423308271, 32.1055366473754, ]; for (let kk = 0; kk < lonarr1.length; kk++) { routeCor.push(lonarr1[kk]); routeCor.push(latarr1[kk]); routeCor.push(-4); } //求全管线漫游路径routeCor const Lines = Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegreesArrayHeights(routeCor); //加载飞行模型参数 const options = { //time: 117, time: routeCor.length/3, // time: this.video.duration, Lines: Lines, isPathShow: true, }; this.options = options; this.entity = undefined; //this.url = options.modeluri; this.time = options.time; this.start = undefined; this.stop = undefined; this.Lines = options.Lines; this.isPathShow = options.isPathShow; this.property = this.ComputeRoamingLineProperty( options.Lines, options.time, options.start ); }, /** *漫游的暂停和继续 * * @param {*} state bool类型 false为暂停,ture为继续 * @memberof Roaming */ //漫游 ComputeRoamingLineProperty(Lines, time) { const property = new Cesium.SampledPositionProperty(); const lineLength = Lines.length; const tempTime = time - (time % lineLength); const increment = tempTime / lineLength; //const increment = time / lineLength; const start = Cesium.JulianDate.now(); this.start = start; const stop = Cesium.JulianDate.addSeconds( start, tempTime, new Cesium.JulianDate() ); //const stop = Cesium.JulianDate.addSeconds(start, time, new Cesium.JulianDate()); this.stop = stop; window.earth.clock.startTime = start.clone(); window.earth.clock.stopTime = stop.clone(); window.earth.clock.currentTime = start.clone(); // window.earth.clock.clockRange = Cesium.ClockRange.LOOP_STOP; // Loop at the end循环 window.earth.clock.clockRange = Cesium.ClockRange.CLAMPED; //到达终止时间后自动停止 window.earth.clock.multiplier = 0.3; for (let i = 0; i < lineLength; i++) { const time = Cesium.JulianDate.addSeconds( start, i * increment, new Cesium.JulianDate() ); const position = Lines[i]; property.addSample(time, position); } return property; }, /** * * * @param {*} position computeRoamingLineProperty计算的属性 * @param {*} start 开始时间节点 * @param {*} stop 结束时间节点 * @param {*} isPathShow path路径是否显示 * @memberof Roaming */ InitRoaming(position, start, stop, isPathShow) { this.finishedArray=[] //杨工新方法 //定制已走过的橙色线 if(this.redLine) { //改为空的坐标 this.redLine.polyline.positions=new Cesium.CallbackProperty((time, result)=> { //endLongitude = startLongitude + 0.001 * Cesium.JulianDate.secondsDifference(time, startTime); return Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegreesArrayHeights([114.08776071508423, 32.09554632853193, -4.0000002853217715, 114.08775831828851, 32.09554847106537, -4.000000519596626], Cesium.Ellipsoid.WGS84, result); }, false) } else { this.redLine = window.earth.entities.add({ type:"redline", polyline : { // This callback updates positions each frame. // positions : new Cesium.CallbackProperty(function(time, result) { // //endLongitude = startLongitude + 0.001 * Cesium.JulianDate.secondsDifference(time, startTime); // return Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegreesArrayHeights([], Cesium.Ellipsoid.WGS84, result); // }, false), width : 10, material : Cesium.Color.RED } }); } //this.position = position; this.entity = window.earth.entities.add({ availability: new Cesium.TimeIntervalCollection([ new Cesium.TimeInterval({ start: start, stop: stop, }), ]), // 位置 position: position, // 计算朝向 //设置视野距离 viewFrom: new Cesium.Cartesian3(-25.0, -25.0, 25.0), orientation: new Cesium.VelocityOrientationProperty(position), model: { //uri: "/gltfUrl/gongren.gltf", uri: "/gltfUrl/gltf/gongren.gltf", // minimumPixelSize:6400, // maximumSize:128, // maximumScale:200, //uri: "/gltfUrl/00256_Daud008.fbx.glb", scale: 0.001, }, /* billboard: { image: "./../../assets/images/manyoumark.png", // HorizontalOrigin: HorizontalOrigin.LEFT, // //垂直位置 // verticalOrigin: VerticalOrigin.UP, pixelOffset: new Cesium.Cartesian2(0, -10), heightReference: Cesium.HeightReference.RELATIVE_TO_GROUND, //地形之上 }, */ path: { resolution: 1, material: new Cesium.PolylineGlowMaterialProperty({ glowPower: 0.1, color: Cesium.Color.GREEN.withAlpha(0.5), }), width: 10, show: true, }, }); //追随视角 window.earth.trackedEntity = this.entity; window.earth.clock.onTick.addEventListener((clock) => { this.OneSeeFunc(position); }); }, //世界坐标系转经纬度 Cartesian3_to_WGS84(point) { var cartesian33 = new Cesium.Cartesian3(point.x, point.y, point.z); var cartographic = Cesium.Cartographic.fromCartesian(cartesian33); var lat = Cesium.Math.toDegrees(cartographic.latitude); var lng = Cesium.Math.toDegrees(cartographic.longitude); var alt = cartographic.height; return {lng: lng, lat: lat, alt: alt}; }, //第一视角漫游方法 OneSeeFunc(position) { // console.log("进来了onsese") let judgeTime = Cesium.JulianDate.compare( window.earth.clock.currentTime, window.earth.clock.stopTime ); console.log(judgeTime); if (judgeTime < 0) { //设置第一视角 let hpRoll = new Cesium.HeadingPitchRoll(); const hpRange = new Cesium.HeadingPitchRange(); this.center = new Cesium.Cartesian3(); this.center = position.getValue( window.earth.clock.currentTime, this.center ); //先转为经纬度 var lonlatcell=this.Cartesian3_to_WGS84(this.center) if(this.isEndRoam == false) { this.finishedArray.push(lonlatcell.lng) this.finishedArray.push(lonlatcell.lat) this.finishedArray.push(lonlatcell.alt) } console.log("this.finishedArray",this.finishedArray) console.log("this.redLine",this.redLine) this.redLine.polyline.positions=new Cesium.CallbackProperty((time, result)=> { //endLongitude = startLongitude + 0.001 * Cesium.JulianDate.secondsDifference(time, startTime); return Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegreesArrayHeights(this.finishedArray, Cesium.Ellipsoid.WGS84, result); }, false) this.redLine.polyline.width = 10 this.redLine.polyline.material = Cesium.Color.RED //根据center去绘制已走过的entities坐标 //console.log("this.center", this.center) // console.log(center); // console.log(this.entity); // if ( // this.center !== undefined && // this.entity && // this.isEndRoam == false // ) { // //console.log('进来了进来了进来了'); // const xx = new Cesium.VelocityOrientationProperty(position); // const aa = xx.getValue(window.earth.clock.currentTime); // hpRoll = HeadingPitchRoll.fromQuaternion(aa); // /*hpRange.heading = hpRoll.heading - Math.PI / 2; // hpRange.pitch = -Math.PI / 2; // hpRange.range = 2000; */ // hpRange.heading = 5.486668339977669; // hpRange.pitch = -0.3000302138834965; // hpRange.range = 150; // //window.earth.camera.lookAt(this.center, hpRange); // } //中途点击了停止漫游 if (this.isEndRoam == true) { this.EndRoaming(); } //漫游完毕停止漫游并归位视角 /* if (judgeTime > -3) { setTimeout(() => { // console.log('见来了进来了进来了'); if (this.isEndRoam == false) { this.homeClick(); } this.EndRoaming(); }, 3100); } */ //自动到了指定位置,停止播放,弹出pop框 //长丰泵站 //this.AnimateState // if (judgeTime > -100 && judgeTime < -96 && this.ispanelCFBZ == false) { if (judgeTime > -29 && judgeTime < -25 && this.ispanelCFBZ == false) { this.holdMY(); // console.log("开始展示长丰泵站"); document.getElementById("问题2").style.display = "block"; window.earth.scene.preRender.addEventListener(() => { var position = new Cesium.Cartographic( 114.0864063271, 32.0967950080981, -5 ); this.fixDomPosition("问题2", position); }); this.ispanelCFBZ = true; setTimeout(() => { this.holdMY(); // console.log("停止展示长丰泵站,继续动画"); document.getElementById("问题2").style.display = "none"; }, 4000); } // if (judgeTime > -90 && judgeTime < -86 && this.ispanelWT1 == false) { if (judgeTime > -17 && judgeTime < -13 && this.ispanelWT1 == false) { this.holdMY(); // console.log("开始展示长丰泵站"); document.getElementById("问题1").style.display = "block"; window.earth.scene.preRender.addEventListener(() => { var position = new Cesium.Cartographic( 114.085094085325, 32.0977182205015, 1.5 ); this.fixDomPosition("问题1", position); }); this.ispanelWT1 = true; setTimeout(() => { this.holdMY(); // console.log("停止展示长丰泵站,继续动画"); document.getElementById("问题1").style.display = "none"; }, 4000); } //长丰闸站 // if ( // judgeTime > -76 && // judgeTime < -73 && // this.ispanelCFZZ == false // ) { // console.log("开始展示长丰闸站"); // document.getElementById("长丰闸站").style.display = "block"; // this.ispanelCFZZ = true; // setTimeout(() => { // console.log("停止展示长丰闸站,继续动画"); // document.getElementById("长丰闸站").style.display = // "none"; // }, 3000); // } } }, //三维笛卡尔坐标转屏幕坐标 transPosition(position) { return Cesium.SceneTransforms.wgs84ToWindowCoordinates( window.earth.scene, position ); }, //让dom跟着指定的经纬度位置跑 fixDomPosition(domId, position) { var dom = document.getElementById(domId); var cartesian = Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees( position.longitude, position.latitude, position.height ); var winPosi = this.transPosition(cartesian); if (winPosi !== undefined && winPosi !== null) { //dom.style.display="" dom.style.left = winPosi.x + "px"; dom.style.top = winPosi.y + "px"; } }, PauseOrContinue(state) { if (window.earth.clock) window.earth.clock.shouldAnimate = state; }, /** *改变飞行的速度 * * @param {*} value 整数类型 * @memberof Roaming */ ChangeRoamingSpeed(value) { window.earth.clock.multiplier = value; }, /** * *取消漫游 * @memberof Roaming */ EndRoaming() { // console.log(JulianDate.compare(window.earth.clock.currentTime, window.earth.clock.stopTime)); this.finishedArray=[] if(this.redLine) window.earth.entities.remove(this.redLine) this.isEndRoam = true; if (this.entity !== undefined) { window.earth.entities.remove(this.entity); } /* this.$parent.Show(true); */ }, //开始漫游暂停等 beginMY() { this.ispanelWT1 = false; this.ispanelCFBZ = false; this.ispanelCFZZ = false; this.endMY(); //控制视频播放 // video控件是原生获取的dom this.videoPanelShow = true; //控制地图上无人机飞行 this.isEndRoam = false; // this.PauseOrContinue(true); /* this.playstopIcon = 'el-icon-video-pause iconDivs'; this.playstopTitle = '暂停'; */ let lontion = { //lon: 114.33572318755, lon: 114.087763419737, //lat: 30.5642200607852 - 0.018, //lat: 30.5642200607852, lat: 32.0955439108, // alt: 150, alt: 50, heading: 5.486668339977669, //pitch: -45.0, pitch: -0.3000302138834965, roll: 6.283185307179586, }; window.earth.camera.flyTo({ destination: Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegrees( lontion.lon, lontion.lat, lontion.alt ), orientation: { heading: Cesium.Math.toRadians(lontion.heading), // east, default value is 0.0 (north) pitch: Cesium.Math.toRadians(lontion.pitch), // default value (looking down) roll: lontion.roll, }, maximumHeight: 20, duration: 1, }); setTimeout(() => { this.property = this.ComputeRoamingLineProperty( this.options.Lines, this.options.time, this.options.start ); this.PauseOrContinue(true); //this.flyToScene(); this.AnimateState = true; this.InitRoaming(this.property, this.start, this.stop, this.isPathShow); }, 1000); }, holdMY() { //控制视频播放 // video控件是原生获取的dom // let video = document.getElementById('videoEvent'); if (this.AnimateState == false) { //video播放 // video.play(); //地图事件 /* this.$parent.Show(false); this.SiteShow = false; */ this.AnimateState = true; this.playstopIcon = "el-icon-video-pause iconDivs"; this.playstopTitle = "暂停"; } else { //video暂停 // video.pause(); //地图事件 //控制地图 this.AnimateState = false; //document.getElementsByClassName("iconDiv")[0].children[2].type = this.playstopIcon = " el-icon-video-play iconDivs"; this.playstopTitle = "继续"; } this.PauseOrContinue(this.AnimateState); }, // continueMY() { // this.PauseOrContinue(true); // }, endMY() { this.isEndRoam = true this.finishedArray=[] if(this.redLine) window.earth.entities.remove(this.redLine) // this.redLine.polyline.positions=null // this.redLine.polyline.positions=new Cesium.CallbackProperty((time, result)=> { // //endLongitude = startLongitude + 0.001 * Cesium.JulianDate.secondsDifference(time, startTime); // return Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegreesArrayHeights([114.08776071508423, 32.09554632853193, -4.0000002853217715, 114.08775831828851, 32.09554847106537, -4.000000519596626], Cesium.Ellipsoid.WGS84, result); // }, false) // this.redLine = window.earth.entities.add({ // polyline : { // // This callback updates positions each frame. // // positions : new Cesium.CallbackProperty(function(time, result) { // // //endLongitude = startLongitude + 0.001 * Cesium.JulianDate.secondsDifference(time, startTime); // // return Cesium.Cartesian3.fromDegreesArrayHeights([], Cesium.Ellipsoid.WGS84, result); // // }, false), // width : 15, // material : Cesium.Color.RED // } // }); //this.removeAllpopup() //变量隐藏 /* //展示实时泵站面板 this.isStationShow = true; */ // //关闭视频 window.earth.clock.currentTime = 0; /* this.video.currentTime = 0; this.video.pause(); this.videoPanelShow = false; */ // console.log(window.earth.scene.camera); // console.log("endendendendend"); this.EndRoaming(); }, //点击通话 callPerson() { /* this.$emit("callPerson"); */ console.log("点击了通话请求"); this.$emit("showcall", "15824808463"); }, }, }; </script> <style lang="less" scoped> .tools-content { position: absolute; left: 267px; right: 0; top: 60px; transform: translateY(-60px); transition: all 0.2s ease-in-out; &.show { transform: translateY(0); } .top-content1 { display: flex; height: 60px; justify-content: center; align-items: center; /* background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5); */ img { width: 38px; margin-right: 20px; cursor: pointer; } .divider { width: 2px; 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